Shelter From The Storm

歌曲 Shelter From The Storm
歌手 Bob Dylan
专辑 Music & Photos


[00:10.26] Twas in another lifetime,
[00:12.62] One of toil and blood
[00:14.62] When blackness was a virtue the road
[00:17.13] Was full of mud
[00:19.27] I came in from the wilderness,
[00:21.37] A creature void of form
[00:23.57] Come in, she said
[00:24.70] I'll give ya shelter from the storm
[00:36.55] And if I pass this way again,
[00:38.36] You can rest assured
[00:40.66] I'll always do my best for her,
[00:42.67] On that I give my word
[00:44.98] In a world of steel-eyed death,
[00:47.24] And men who are fighting to be warm
[00:49.33] Come in, she said
[00:51.43] I'll give ya shelter from the storm
[00:58.42] Not a word was spoke between us,
[01:00.57] There was little risk involved
[01:03.48] Everything up to that point
[01:05.05] Had been left unresolved
[01:07.72] Try imagining a place
[01:09.46] Where it's always safe and warm
[01:11.46] Come in, she said
[01:13.26] I'll give ya shelter from the storm
[01:25.39] I was burned out from exhaustion,
[01:28.00] Buried in the hail
[01:30.41] Poisoned in the bushes an' blown out
[01:32.70] On the trail
[01:34.66] Hunted like a crocodile,
[01:36.36] Ravaged in the corn
[01:38.83] Come in, she said
[01:40.11] I'll give ya shelter from the storm
[01:51.61] Suddenly I turned around and
[01:53.24] She was standin' there
[01:55.50] With silver bracelets on her wrists
[01:57.51] And flowers in her hair
[01:59.81] She walked up to me so gracefully
[02:02.11] And took my crown of thorns
[02:04.31] Come in, she said
[02:05.44] I'll give ya shelter from the storm
[02:16.87] Now there's a wall between us,
[02:18.77] Somethin' there's been lost
[02:21.17] I took too much for granted,
[02:23.12] I got my signals crossed
[02:25.47] Just to think that it all began
[02:27.43] On an uneventful morn
[02:29.83] Come in, she said
[02:31.99] I'll give ya shelter from the storm
[02:42.14] Well, the deputy walks on hard nails
[02:43.98] And the preacher rides a mount
[02:46.66] But nothing really matters much,
[02:48.67] It's doom alone that counts
[02:50.87] And the one-eyed undertaker,
[02:52.92] He blows a futile horn
[02:55.16] Come in, she said
[02:56.24] I'll give ya shelter from the storm
[03:07.99] I've heard newborn babies wailin'
[03:09.98] Like a mournin' dove
[03:12.29] And old men with broken teeth stranded
[03:14.81] Without love
[03:16.46] Do I understand your question, man,
[03:18.50] Is it hopeless and forlorn
[03:20.76] Come in, she said
[03:22.15] I'll give ya shelter from the storm
[03:33.25] In a little hilltop village,
[03:35.19] They gambled for my clothes
[03:37.69] I bargained for salvation
[03:39.54] And she gave me a lethal dose
[03:41.95] I offered up my innocence
[03:44.17] I got repaid with scorn
[03:46.12] Come in, she said
[03:47.71] I'll give ya shelter from the storm
[03:58.71] Well, I'm livin' in a foreign country
[04:00.71] But I'm bound to cross the line
[04:03.17] Beauty walks a razor's edge,
[04:05.06] Someday I'll make it mine
[04:07.14] If I could only turn back the clock to
[04:09.71] When God and her were born
[04:11.34] Come in, she said
[04:12.67] I'll give ya shelter from the storm


[00:10.26] nà shi lìng yī duàn rén shēng shí guāng,
[00:12.62] láo kǔ hé xuè hàn de huí yì.
[00:14.62] chǒu è chéng wéi měi dé,
[00:17.13] dào lù mǎn shì ní nìng.
[00:19.27] wǒ cóng huāng yě zhōng zǒu lái,
[00:21.37] shēn xīn jù pí.
[00:23.57] " jìn lái ba," tā shuō dào,
[00:24.70] " zhè lǐ jiù shì nǐ de bì fēng gǎng."
[00:36.55] jiǎ rú wǒ néng chóng xīn lái guò,
[00:38.36] nǐ dà kě fàng xīn,
[00:40.66] wǒ jué bú huì gū fù tā,
[00:42.67] zhè shì wǒ de chéng nuò,
[00:44.98] zài zhè gè mìng rú cǎo jiè
[00:47.24] jī hán jiāo pò de shì dào.
[00:49.33] " jìn lái ba," tā shuō dào,
[00:51.43] " zhè lǐ jiù shì nǐ de bì fēng gǎng."
[00:58.42] wǒ men liǎng rén xiāng duì wú yán,
[01:00.57] wú xiǎn kě mào,
[01:03.48] zài cǐ zhī qián,
[01:05.05] yī qiè dōu shì xuán ér wèi jué,
[01:07.72] shì xiǎng yǒu nà me yí gè dì fāng,
[01:09.46] cháng nián wēn nuǎn ān yì.
[01:11.46] " jìn lái ba," tā shuō dào,
[01:13.26] " zhè lǐ jiù shì nǐ de bì fēng gǎng."
[01:25.39] wǒ yǐ jīng jīng pí lì jìn,
[01:28.00] rèn yóu bīng báo yǎn mái,
[01:30.41] guàn mù cóng zhōng àn cáng dú cì,
[01:32.70] yáng cháng dào shàng kuáng fēng hū xiào,
[01:34.66] xiàng tiáo bèi wéi liè de è yú,
[01:36.36] zài yù mǐ dì lǐ zāo shòu bào xíng.
[01:38.83] " jìn lái ba," tā shuō dào,
[01:40.11] " zhè lǐ jiù shì nǐ de bì fēng gǎng."
[01:51.61] dāng wǒ mò rán huí shǒu,
[01:53.24] yuán lái tā jiù zhàn zài nà li,
[01:55.50] wàn xì yín zhuó,
[01:57.51] tóu chā xiān huā .
[01:59.81] tā màn bù zǒu lái,
[02:02.11] zhāi xià wǒ de jīng jí wáng guān.
[02:04.31] " jìn lái ba," tā shuō dào,
[02:05.44] " zhè lǐ jiù shì nǐ de bì fēng gǎng."
[02:16.87] rú jīn wǒ men zhī jiān xīn qiáng gāo sǒng,
[02:18.77] yǒu xiē dōng xī yǐ jīng xiāo shī bú jiàn,
[02:21.17] cóng qián de wǒ zài yī wèi suǒ qǔ zhōng,
[02:23.12] mí luàn le xīn zhì.
[02:25.47] xiǎng qǐ nà gè zǎo yǐ bèi yí wàng de qīng chén,
[02:27.43] gù shì kāi shǐ de shí kè.
[02:29.83] " jìn lái ba," tā shuō dào,
[02:31.99] " zhè lǐ jiù shì nǐ de bì fēng gǎng."
[02:42.14] zhì ān guān bù lǚ jiān nán,
[02:43.98] chuán jiào shì sì chù bēn bō,
[02:46.66] rán ér yī qiè dōu shì tú láo,
[02:48.67] huǐ miè rì zhōng huì jiàng lín,
[02:50.87] dú yǎn de shǒu mù rén,
[02:52.92] chuī xiǎng le āi gē.
[02:55.16] " jìn lái ba," tā shuō dào,
[02:56.24] " zhè lǐ jiù shì nǐ de bì fēng gǎng."
[03:07.99] wǒ tīng jiàn le chū shēng yīng ér de kū qì,
[03:09.98] wǎn rú āi míng de bái gē,
[03:12.29] fēng zhú cán nián de lǎo rén men,
[03:14.81] zài méi yǒu ài de shēng huó lǐ gē qiǎn,
[03:16.46] péng yǒu a,
[03:18.50] nǐ suǒ wèn de wèn tí shì fǒu guān hū jué wàng yǔ gū dú?
[03:20.76] " jìn lái ba," tā shuō dào,
[03:22.15] " zhè lǐ jiù shì nǐ de bì fēng gǎng."
[03:33.25] shān dǐng de yī zuò xiǎo cūn zhuāng lǐ,
[03:35.19] wǒ de yī fú bèi tā men dàng zuò dǔ zhù,
[03:37.69] wǒ kě qiú dé dào jiù shú,
[03:39.54] tā men què gěi wǒ guàn xià jù dú ,
[03:41.95] wǒ xiàn shàng le wǒ de chún zhēn,
[03:44.17] tā men què bào zhī yǐ cháo fěng.
[03:46.12] " jìn lái ba," tā shuō dào,
[03:47.71] " zhè lǐ jiù shì nǐ de bì fēng gǎng."
[03:58.71] suī rán shēn chǔ yì guó tā xiāng,
[04:00.71] dàn wǒ zhōng jiāng kuà guò biān jiè,
[04:03.17] jiā rén yóu zǒu yú dāo fēng zhī shàng,
[04:05.06] zǒng yǒu yì tiān wǒ huì de qí fāng xīn.
[04:07.14] zhǐ qiú néng ràng guāng yīn dào liú,
[04:09.71] huí dào shàng dì hé tā dàn shēng de nà yī kè.
[04:11.34] " jìn lái ba," tā shuō dào,
[04:12.67] " zhè lǐ jiù shì nǐ de bì fēng gǎng."