House Of Dreams

House Of Dreams 歌词

歌曲 House Of Dreams
歌手 Bliss N Eso
专辑 Circus In The Sky
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[00:18.40] Yeah, yo.
[00:20.53] Every letter is love and every word's an oasis
[00:23.11] Tryna' reach new heights like a bird in a spaceship
[00:25.66] And you're damn right, we've been working the late shift
[00:28.48] Tryna' see how far, on planet earth we can take this
[00:30.99] This is poetry in motion, the mystery of why
[00:33.50] Every motor is in motion and it's visually divine
[00:36.12] On a roll like Timmy, and they're stuck in bad traffic
[00:38.83] So when I rock it the bottom looks like Buckingham palace.
[00:41.27] I feel fucking fantastic, a viking with the rhyme
[00:44.06] That lightning in the sky mixed with Tyson in his prime
[00:46.76] I tell it how it is and they got nothing to say
[00:49.08] I tell the haters I love them, just to fuck with their brain
[00:51.81] Duck, I'm insane, my flows like a swordfish
[00:54.65] This is 100 percent, straight up uncut raw shit
[00:56.99] I can't be bamboozle, that's faker than a dollar sign
[00:59.90] Beat me in their dreams and they wake up and apologize
[01:02.66] Non-believers, tryna' piss in my boots
[01:04.89] Don't they know they'll have to fly just to fit in my shoes
[01:07.36] Got the world in my palm and the feet on the dash
[01:10.00] So let them bitch, 'n' wish I wasn't the reason they rapped
[01:12.56] Shit, I'm tryna' write a song with insight
[01:15.52] So look past the mask, there's diamonds on the inside
[01:18.31] We're unplugged, and blessing you with magic
[01:20.61] Our drifter's in the air but the question's can you catch it
[01:22.09] It is love that can set you free
[01:26.94] Watching the sun setting on the sea
[01:31.50] And you can lift me above the highest mountain peak
[01:36.92] And now I see, right from my balcony
[01:41.33] Welcome to my house of dreams
[01:46.04] Kind of comic how a kid from DC would Marvel at his superheroes
[01:49.32] Draining his Walkman battery juice to zero
[01:52.04] A teen with a dream, and since the whole start I've
[01:54.64] Been like Quentin plotting from the video archives
[01:57.34] So I direct my film like Jack Sparrows' compass
[01:59.96] Cut sick, shooting like a black barrel gunship.
[02:02.66] Just like when the rain and thunder hits the planet
[02:05.01] Dreamt once in the clouds now the mother-ship has landed
[02:07.54] Goddammit spectacular, lock it up and load
[02:09.89] With that flip of the tongue, hit of the drum, rock and fucking roll
[02:12.79] I spark an idea ignited from my balls
[02:15.51] Add it to the 99 bottles of lightning on my wall
[02:18.04] In a boat of hope on an ocean where the shark lives
[02:20.74] Spitting fireflies to paint my poems in the darkness
[02:23.33] Connectivity is in my stare, shit, electricity is in the air
[02:28.20] So throw your islands in the sky if you feel the vibe
[02:31.07] Hip Hop is still alive every time we fly
[02:33.52] When I find a line like a rope I can use it
[02:36.29] To lift me out the sea of disposable music
[02:39.00] But you can't touch my soul cause that dog shit smells
[02:41.48] I wanna be taken away like a cosmic spell
[02:43.78] So no need to show me the money of bomb? hit sales
[02:46.20] Cause this song gives me the quan just like Rodd Tidwell and so
[02:49.73] {Rod Tidwell movie excerpt} Just let me enjoy this for a minute
[02:53.56] It is love that can set you free
[02:58.56] Watching the sun setting on the sea
[03:03.31] And you can lift me above the highest mountain peak
[03:08.53] And now I see, right from my balcony
[03:13.03] Welcome to my house of dreams
[03:14.56] It is love that can set you free
[03:18.99] Watching the sun setting on the sea
[03:24.00] And you can lift me above the highest mountain peak
[03:29.95] And now I see, right from my balcony
[01:41.50] Welcome to my house of dreams
[00:20.53] 歌词里的一字一句都充满了爱 带你进入心灵的绿洲
[00:23.11] 我就像飞船中的鸟儿一样 试图达到新的高度
[00:25.66] 算你猜对了 我们习惯了每个夜晚的辛苦创作
[00:28.48] 就想知道在这个地球上 我们的音乐到底能走多远
[00:30.99] 这是充满活力的诗歌 难以解开的谜题
[00:33.50] 可以预见的是 每个发动机都已准备就绪
[00:36.12] 一路前行风雨无阻 而他们都已被远远堵在后面
[00:38.83] 当我站在舞台 白金汉宫仿佛都在我脚下
[00:41.27] 这感觉太美妙了 我就像一个凶猛的说唱家
[00:44.06] 空中雷鸣般的闪电 似乎暗示着我的统治力犹如巅峰期的拳王泰森
[00:46.76] 我诠释了说唱的真谛 而他们连个屁也放不出
[00:49.08] 告诉那些喷子说我爱他们 这不过是跟他们愚蠢的大脑开个玩笑
[00:51.81] 都退下吧 我就是这么疯狂 flow如剑鱼一般锋利
[00:54.65] 这就是百分之百粗暴未删减的狠货
[00:56.99] 谁也迷惑不了我 那就像钞票的标志一样虚假
[00:59.90] 在睡梦里意淫能击败我 醒来之后却又只能跪舔
[01:02.66] 那些质疑我们的人 想搞臭我们的名声
[01:04.89] 难道他们不知道只有飞上天空 才能勉强追寻我的脚步吗
[01:07.36] 感觉这世界都在我掌控之中 当我脚翘在仪表盘上
[01:10.00] 所以就让他们逼逼吧 我的成功又不是他们失败的理由
[01:12.56] 我想通过大脑的内力写一首歌
[01:15.52] 请看透这层面具 真正的宝藏在伪装之下
[01:18.31] 我们敞开胸怀 这魔性将助你一臂之力
[01:20.61] 我们的精神就在空气中漂浮 就看你能不能把握住
[01:22.09] 只有爱的力量能让你获得自由
[01:26.94] 看那金色的阳光洒在海面上
[01:31.50] 而你能助我飞越高山之巅
[01:36.92] 从阳台远望 让我明白了一切
[01:41.33] 欢迎来到我的梦想之屋
[01:41.50] 欢迎来到我的梦想之屋
[01:46.04] 谁能想到一个来自华盛顿的孩子 会和心中的偶像走上同一条道路
[01:49.32] 会如此痴迷于嘻哈 用尽每个随身听的电池
[01:52.04] 一个怀揣梦想的少年 从梦开始的那天
[01:54.64] 我就像昆汀一样设计着宏图伟业
[01:57.34] 所以我导演自己的人生 就像杰克船长的罗盘
[01:59.96] 歌词犀利就像武装直升机上的机枪扫射
[02:02.66] 仿佛闪电和暴雨 击打着这片大地
[02:05.01] 曾经梦在云端 而如今母舰终于着陆
[02:07.54] 如此壮观 迸发出巨大的能量
[02:09.89] 劲爆鼓点和舌尖上的技巧 就能让你高潮迭起
[02:12.79] 心中的欲望触发了这百分之一的灵感
[02:15.51] 再加上我们百分之99的不屑努力
[02:18.04] 驾驶希望之船 航行在鲨鱼出没的大洋
[02:20.74] 这词句就像萤火虫 在黑暗中绘出了我的诗篇
[02:23.33] 我的目光如炬 电量已经充满了空气
[02:28.20] 所以你如果已被触动 请给予我们停泊的港湾
[02:31.07] 嘻哈永存 只要我们还在翱翔
[02:33.52] 找到正确的航线 就像找到了绳索继续攀登
[02:36.29] 助我在音乐的沼泽中脱泥而出
[02:39.00] 庸俗的歌词根本无法抵达我的灵魂
[02:41.48] 我想远离这里 寻觅一片创作的净土
[02:43.78] 所以我才不需要音乐商业化带来的销量和金钱
[02:46.20] 因为这首歌已经让我获得了财富与尊重
[02:49.73] 就让我沉醉其中
[02:53.56] 只有爱的力量能让你获得自由
[02:58.56] 看那金色的阳光洒在海面上
[03:03.31] 而你能助我飞越高山之巅
[03:08.53] 从阳台远望 让我明白了一切
[03:13.03] 欢迎来到我的梦想之屋
[03:14.56] 只有爱的力量能让你获得自由
[03:18.99] 看那金色的阳光洒在海面上
[03:24.00] 而你能助我飞越高山之巅
[03:29.95] 从阳台远望 让我明白了一切
House Of Dreams 歌词
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