Mandelbrot Set

歌曲 Mandelbrot Set
歌手 Jonathan Coulton
专辑 JoCo Looks Back


[00:05.410] Pathological monsters! cried the terrified mathematician
[00:12.430] Every one of them is a splinter in my eye
[00:18.360] I hate the Peano Space and the Koch Curve
[00:21.210] I fear the Cantor Ternary Set
[00:24.430] The Sierpinski Gasket makes me want to cry
[00:30.550] And a million miles away a butterfly flapped its wings
[00:36.790] On a cold November day a man named Benoit Mandelbrot was born
[00:54.850] His disdain for pure mathematics and his unique geometrical insights
[01:00.410] Left him well equipped to face those demons down
[01:06.330] He saw that infinite complexity could be described by simple rules
[01:14.720] He used his giant brain and he turned the game around
[01:20.790] And he looked below the storm and saw a vision in his head
[01:26.890] A bulbous pointy form
[01:29.200] He picked his pencil up and he wrote his secret down
[01:39.260] Just Take a point called Z in the complex plane
[01:49.430] And Z3 is Z2 squared plus C and so on
[01:52.720] If the series of Z's will always stay
[01:55.550] Close to Z and never trend away
[01:58.580] That point is in the Mandelbrot Set
[02:01.100] Mandelbrot Set you're a Rorschach Test on fire
[02:04.890] You're a day-glo pterodactyl
[02:07.620] You're a heart-shaped box of springs and wire
[02:10.620] You're one bad-ass fucking fractal
[02:13.470] And you're just in time to save the day
[02:16.720] Sweeping all our fears away
[02:19.730] You can change the world in a tiny way
[02:29.030] Mandelbrot's in heaven, at least he will be when he's dead
[02:34.420] Right now he's still alive and teaching math at Yale
[02:40.600] He gave us order out of chaos, he gave us hope where there was none
[02:46.300] And his geometry succeeds where others fail
[02:52.720] If you ever lose your way, a butterfly will flap its wings
[02:58.390] From a million miles away, a little miracle will come to take you home
[03:07.690] Just take a point called Z in the complex plane
[03:19.820] If the series of Z's will always stay
[03:22.450] Close to Z and never trend away
[03:25.550] That point is in the Mandelbrot Set
[03:28.050] Mandelbrot Set you're a Rorschach Test on fire
[03:31.760] You're a day-glo pterodactyl
[03:34.650] You're a heart-shaped box of springs and wire
[03:37.420] You're one bad-ass fucking fractal
[03:40.600] And you're just in time to save the day
[03:43.640] Sweeping all our fears away
[03:46.700] You can change the world in a tiny way
[03:52.400] And you're just in time to save the day
[03:55.720] Sweeping all our fears away
[03:58.820] You can change the world in a tiny way
[04:01.640] Go on change the world in a tiny way
[04:04.340] Come on change the world in a tiny way


[00:05.410] nǐ zhè shén jīng zhì dì è mó! kǒng bù de shù xué jiā sī hǎn,
[00:12.430] gè gè dōu shì wǒ de yǎn zhōng dīng ròu zhōng cì
[00:18.360] wǒ zēng hèn pí yà nuò kōng jiān hé kē hè qū xiàn
[00:21.210] wǒ jù pà kāng tuō ěr sān fēn diǎn jí
[00:24.430] ér xiè ěr bīn sī jī diàn piàn gèng ràng wǒ yù kū wú lèi
[00:30.550] wàn lǐ zhī wài, yì zhī hú dié shān dòng le tā de chì bǎng
[00:36.790] ér zài hán lěng de shí yī yuè de mǒu yì tiān, yí gè jiào màn dé bó de hái zi gū gū zhuì dì
[00:54.850] tā duì chún cuì shù xué de miè shì hé tā dú tè de jǐ hé dòng chá lì
[01:00.410] ràng tā dé yǐ yǒng gǎn dì zhí miàn nèi xiē è mó
[01:06.330] tā shēn zhì wú qióng fù zá de yī qiè dōu kě yǐ yī yǐ guàn zhī
[01:14.720] tā yùn yòng tā wěi dà de dà nǎo, jiù kě yǐ xiàng kāi le wài guà yì bān tōng shā quán jú
[01:20.790] tā cháo fēng bào zhī zhōng zhāng wàng, què wàng jiàn tā zì jǐ nǎo hǎi zhōng de huàn yǐng
[01:26.890] yí gè hún shēn cháng cì de qiú xíng wù
[01:29.200] tā ná qǐ le qiān bǐ, jì lù xià le tā de jīng rén mì mì
[01:39.260] zhǐ xū zài fù píng miàn shàng qǔ yí gè Z diǎn
[01:42.510] Let Z1 be Z squared plus C lìng Z1 děng yú Z de píng fāng zài jiā shang C
[01:47.050] And Z2 is Z1 squared plus C zài lìng Z2 děng yú Z1 de píng fāng zài jiā shang C
[01:49.430] zài lìng Z3 děng yú Z2 de píng fāng zài jiā shang C, yǐ cǐ lèi tuī
[01:52.720] rú guǒ Z xì liè néng gòu chí xù cún zài
[01:55.550] nà me tā jiù kě yǐ wú xiàn jiē jìn yú Z ér bù piān lí
[01:58.580] zhè jiù shì màn dé bó luó jí hé de yào diǎn suǒ zài
[02:01.100] màn dé bó luó jí hé a, nǐ shì bái rè huà de luó xià cè yàn
[02:04.890] nǐ shì hún shēn tú le yíng guāng qī de yì lóng
[02:07.620] nǐ shì bèi tán huáng gāng sī chán rào de xīn xíng de xiá zi
[02:10.620] nǐ shì gè yào rén mìng de fēn xíng
[02:13.470] nǐ zhèng gāi zhēn xī dāng xià
[02:16.720] bù zài hài pà
[02:19.730] nǐ kě yǐ cóng xiǎo chù gǎi biàn zhè shì jiè
[02:29.030] màn dé bó luó zài tiān táng shǒu hù zhe nǐ, ō zhì shǎo tā sǐ shí huì de
[02:34.420] xiàn zài ma tā hái jiàn zài, zhèng zài yē lǔ jiāo shū yù rén
[02:40.600] tā zài hùn luàn zhōng jǐ yǔ wǒ men zhì xù, zài jué wàng zhōng jǐ yǔ wǒ men xī wàng
[02:46.300] dāng bié de dōu luò kōng shí, zhì shǎo tā de jǐ hé xué yī jiù diān pū bù pò
[02:52.720] nǐ yào shì yǒu zhāo yī rì mí shī le fāng xiàng, huì yǒu hú dié zài wàn lǐ zhī wài
[02:58.390] huī dòng chì bǎng, jiù huì yǒu xiǎo qí jī fā shēng zài nǐ shēn shàng
[03:07.690] zhǐ xū zài fù píng miàn shàng qǔ yí gè Z diǎn
[03:10.810] Let Z1 be Z squared plus C lìng Z1 děng yú Z de píng fāng zài jiā shang C
[03:13.660] And Z2 is Z1 squared plus C zài lìng Z2 děng yú Z1 de píng fāng jiā shang C
[03:16.640] And Z3 is Z2 squared plus C and so on zài lìng Z3 děng yú Z2 de píng fāng jiā shang C, yǐ cǐ lèi tuī
[03:19.820] ruò Z xíng kě yǐ wú xiàn yán xù
[03:22.450] nà me tā jiù kě yǐ wú xiàn jiē jìn yú Z ér bù piān lí
[03:25.550] zhè jiù shì màn dé bó luó jí hé de jīng suǐ
[03:28.050] màn dé bó luó jí hé shì bái rè huà de luó xià cè yàn
[03:31.760] shì shuā mǎn le yíng guāng qī de yì lóng
[03:34.650] shì bèi tán huáng gāng sī chán rào de xīn xíng xiá zi
[03:37.420] nǐ shì gè yào rén mìng de fēn xíng
[03:40.600] nǐ zhèng shì shí hòu yào zhēn xī dāng xià
[03:43.640] bú yào zài yǒu yī sī de wèi jù
[03:46.700] nǐ kě yǐ xiān cóng xì jié chù gǎi biàn shì jiè
[03:52.400] nǐ zhèng dāng zhēn xī dāng xià
[03:55.720] chè dǐ gào bié nǐ de kǒng jù
[03:58.820] nǐ kě yǐ jìng qiāo qiāo dì gǎi biàn zhè shì jiè
[04:01.640] jì xù qù gǎi biàn zhè shì jiè ba
[04:04.340] lái yì qǐ bù dòng shēng sè dì gǎi zào zhè shì jiè ba