歌曲 200306
歌手 英语听力
专辑 大学英语六级听力真题


[00:01.53] Section A
[00:03.27] Question 1
[00:05.77] W: Raise your head a little bit and hold the saddle and smile a little.
[00:10.13] You look wonderful posing like that. Shall I press the shutter?
[00:14.61] M: Wait a minute. Let me put on a cowboy hat.
[00:18.65] What are the speakers doing?
[00:24.52] Question 2
[00:27.00] M: I'm still waiting for my sister to come back and type the application letter for me.
[00:32.51] W: Why bother her. I'll show you how to use the computer. It's quite easy.
[00:37.40] What does the woman mean?
[00:43.30] Question 3
[00:46.61] M: Hey, where did you find the journal? I need it, too.
[00:51.13] W: Right here on the shelf. Don t worry, John.
[00:54.34] I'll take it out on my card for both of us.
[00:57.38] What does the woman mean?
[01:03.04] Question 4
[01:05.84] M: Thank you for your helpful assistance.
[01:08.74] Otherwise, I'd surely have missed it.The place is so out of the way.
[01:14.36] W: It was a pleasure meeting you. Good bye!
[01:17.72] Why did the man thank the woman?
[01:24.08] Question 5
[01:26.64] W: We are informed that the eleven thirty train is late again.
[01:30.66] M: Why did the railway company even bother to print a schedule?
[01:35.25] What do we learn from the conversation?
[01:42.12] Question 6
[01:45.04] M: Maybe I ought to subscribe to the Engineering Quarterly.
[01:48.75] It contains a lot of useful information.
[01:51.97] W: Why not read it in the library and save some money?
[01:55.59] What is the woman s advice to the man?
[02:02.48] Question 7
[02:05.49] M: I've been waiting all week for this concert.
[02:08.13] The performance is said to be excellent and with a student's discount,
[02:12.72] the tickets will be really cheap.
[02:15.40] W: Ah-huh. I'm afraid I left my Student ID card in the dorm.
[02:20.30] What does the woman imply?
[02:26.25] Question 8
[02:29.11] M: Mr.Smith,our history professor,announced we would be doing two papersand three exams this semester.
[02:36.17] I wonder how I m going to pull through when two other courses have similar requirements.
[02:41.07] W: Well, can't you drop one course and pick it up next semester?
[02:46.35] What does the woman suggest the man do?
[02:54.02] Question 9
[02:56.42] W: Renting a Conference Room at the hotel will cost us too much.
[03:00.74] We are already running in the red.
[03:03.03] M: How about using our dining room for the meeting?
[03:06.39] What's worrying the woman?
[03:13.23] Question 10
[03:15.45] W: Jerry, can you pick me up after work today? I left my car at the garage.
[03:21.31] M: I'm afraid I can't. I have scheduled an appointment with a client at dinner time.
[03:27.26] What is the man going to do?
[03:34.56] Setion B
[03:36.23] Passage One
[03:38.53] A few months ago, millions of people in London heard alarms all over the town.
[03:43.96] Emergency services, the Fire Departments, the Police, hospitals,
[03:48.94] and ambulances stood by, ready to go into action.
[03:53.06] In railway underground stations, people read notices and maps ,
[03:57.89] which told them where to go and what to do in the emergency.
[04:02.13] This was Exercise Flood Call, to prepare people for a flood emergency.
[04:07.27] London wasn't flooded yet, but it is possible that it would be.
[04:12.75] In 1236 and in 1663, London was badly flooded.
[04:18.46] In 1928, people living in Westminster, the heart of London, drowned in floods.
[04:24.95] And in 1953, one hundred people, living on the eastern edge of the London suburbs were killed,
[04:31.19] again, in the floods.
[04:33.42] At last, Greater London Counciltook actions to prevent this disaster from happening again.
[04:39.77] Though a flood wall ias built in the 1960s,
[04:42.73] Londoners still must be prepared for the possible disaster.
[04:46.66] If it happens, 50 underground stations will be under water.
[04:51.10] Electricity, gas and phone services will be out of action.
[04:55.91] Roads will be drowned.
[04:57.25] It will be impossible to cross any of the bridges between north and south London.
[05:02.15] Imagine: London will be like the famous Italian city, Venice.
[05:06.88] But this Exercise Flood Call didn't cause panic among Londoners.
[05:11.47] Most people knew it was just a warning.
[05:14.06] One lady said,
[05:15.31] "Its a flood warning, isn t it? The water doesn t look high to me."
[05:20.28] Questions 11 to 13 are based on the passage you have just heard.
[05:26.40] Question 11: What happened in London a few months ago?
[05:35.94] Question 12: What measure was taken against floods in London in the 1960s?
[05:47.13] Question 13: What can we learnt from the lady s comment?
[06:07.15] Passage Two
[06:10.56] America's national symbol, the bald eagle, almost went extinct twenty years ago,
[06:16.68] but it did made a comeback.
[06:19.37] In fact, the U.S. Fish and Wild Life Service is considering the possibility
[06:24.65] of taking it off the Endangered Species List.
[06:28.25] Once,more than fifty hundred pairs of bald eagles nested across the country,
[06:34.23] but by 1960 that number had fallen below four hundred.
[06:39.22] The chief killer was the widely used DDT.
[06:43.76] Fish, soaked up DDT, died, and were washed up on shores,
[06:49.34] where bald eagles feasted on them.
[06:52.45] DDT prevented eagle egg shells from thickening.
[06:56.62] The shells became so thin that they shattered before the babies hatched.
[07:01.24] Fortunately, in 1972,a law was passed to ban DDT,
[07:07.31] which saved the bald eagle from total wipeout.
[07:11.42] And since then wild life biologists had reintroduced bald eagles from Canada to America.
[07:18.70] The result was that last year U.S. bird watchers
[07:22.70] counted eleven thousand six hundred and ten bald eagles in the country.
[07:28.59] If it were dropped from the Endangered Species List,
[07:32.39] the bald eagle would still be a threatened species.
[07:36.35] That means the bird would continue to get the same protection.
[07:40.55] No hunting allowed, and no disturbing of nests.
[07:44.78] But bald eagles still face tough times.
[07:48.80] The destruction ctheir natural homes could be the next DDT causing eagle numbers to drop quickly.
[07:57.97] Questions 14 to 16 are based on the passage you have just heard.
[08:03.58] Question 14: What was the main harmful effect of the pests killer DDT on baldeagles?
[08:15.41] Question 15: What measure did the wild life biologist take to increase the number of bald eagles?
[08:28.38] Question 16: According to the speaker, what is the possible danger facing baldeagles?
[08:39.83] Passage Three
[08:42.71] If the earth gets hotter in the new century,
[08:45.34] what will harm animals and the plants which animals depend on for survival?
[08:50.07] The question offers another way of looking at the "Greenhouse Effect".
[08:54.91] People have talked about the general problem of "Global Warming" for some time.
[09:00.73] But they were usually worried about things like whether to buy a home on the coast.
[09:05.19] Biologists and other scientists turn their attention to plants
[09:09.51] and animals at an important meeting that took place last October.
[09:13.51] They reviewed evidence that plants and animals are sensitive to climate.
[09:18.24] Since the Ice Age ended ten thousand years ago
[09:21.81] and warmer temperatures returned to the northern latitudes,
[09:25.33] many species have migrated north.
[09:28.36] If the predictions about the Greenhouse are correct,
[09:31.75] temperatures will rise by the same amount in the next one hundred years
[09:35.41] as they did in the past ten thousand.
[09:38.67] Will animals and plants beable to adapt that quickly to change in the environment?
[09:43.75] Many won't.
[09:45.46] Certain species will probably become very rare.
[09:49.11] Experts say plants under climate stress will be very open to disease and fire.
[09:55.25] Forest fires may become more common.
[09:58.51] That,in turn, may harm animals that depend on the trees for food or shelter.
[10:04.11] Any preserves we set up to protect endangered species may become useless
[10:09.93] as the species are forced to migrate along with their natural homes.
[10:14.20] Change is a part of life, but rapid change, says scientist George Woodwell, is the enemy of life.
[10:22.19] Questions 17 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard.
[10:28.47] Question 17: What is the concern of ordinary people about the "GreenhouseEffect"?
[10:39.04] Question 18: What has happened since the end of the ICE AGE?
[10:50.06] Question 19: What will be a possible threat to plants in the future?
[11:00.23] Question 20: According to the passage, what will probably happen to the endangered species?