歌曲 200612
歌手 英语听力
专辑 大学英语六级听力真题


[00:52.16] 11.
[00:54.87] W: I need to find a dentist;
[00:56.11] you said you know Dr.Smith well,do you recommend her?
[01:00.29] M: Well, I had to see her a few times,
[01:03.40] but what impressed me most were the magazines in her waiting room.
[01:07.48] Q: What does the woman imply?
[01:24.10] 2.
[01:26.64] W: I'm afraid I can't show you t he apartment at the moment,
[01:29.79] because the tenant is still living in it.
[01:32.34] It's really a lovely place, with a big kitchen and a sunny window,
[01:36.31] for only two hundred dollars a month.
[01:39.02] M: Sounds good, but we really can't rent an apartment without seeing it first.
[01:44.29] Q: What do we learn from the conversation?
[02:01.86] 3.
[02:04.64] M: So, that's what's been keeping you so busy recently!
[02:07.84] W: Yes, Ive been tied up with my studies.
[02:10.54] You know Im panning to go to the United States this coming summer,
[02:14.50] but Im a bit nervous about my English.
[02:17.93] Q: What is the woman busy doing?
[02:34.47] 14.
[02:36.11] W: How did you feel when you found out you had high blood pressure?
[02:40.83] M: Shocked! The problem for me was that there were no symptoms;
[02:44.80] it seemed to have sneaked up on me.
[02:47.55] Q: What does the man mean?
[03:04.43] 15.
[03:07.47] W: So, you're just back from a trip to India. What were you doing there?
[03:11.89] M: The trip was intended to bring to the world's attention the fact
[03:15.44] that AIDS is not just an Afican disease;
[03:18.60] it's also endangering other countries, notably, India and Thailand.
[03:23.62] Q: What was the purpose of the man's trip to India?
[03:43.04] 16.
[03:44.50] M: It's quite clear form my visit, this is a full size, comprehensive university.
[03:50.02] So why is it still called a college?
[03:52.63] W: The College of William and Mary is the second oldest institution of higher learning in this country.
[03:59.24] We have nurtured great minds like Thomas Jefferson and weare proud of our name.
[04:04.81] Q: What do we learm from this conversation about the College of William and Mary?
[04:24.01] 17.
[04:27.46] M: Have the parts we need for the photo copying machine arrived yet?
[04:31.44] W: I ordered them last week, but something is holding them up.
[04:35.10] Q: What does the woman say about the parts needed for the photo copying machine?
[04:54.45] 18.
[04:57.03] W: The cafeteria provided many kinds of dished for us today. Did you notice that?
[05:02.15] M: Yes, kind of rare, isn'tit?
[05:04.92] Q: What does the man imply?
[05:24.79] Conversation One
[05:27.91] W: Hello, Patrick, is that you?
[05:30.62] M: Yeah Jane, what can I do for you?
[05:33.72] W: I was calling about the apple tree that you were trimming yesterday.
[05:37.44] M: That was hard work!
[05:38.68] W: I'm sure it was. It sure looked difficult.
[05:41.33] M: Yeah, I'm glad it's finished.
[05:43.48] Hauling the branches to the front for garbage pick up I was no fun either.
[05:48.91] W: Well, I don't think you're quite finished yet,
[05:51.84] some of the larger branches fell overinto my yard,
[05:54.17] and I think you should come and get them.
[05:56.77] M: Listen Jane, I don't see why I should do that.
[05:59.94] You eat all the apples that fall in your yard and you' ve never complained about that before.
[06:05.72] W: Well, its easier to pick up apples then to drag tree branches all the way to the curb.
[06:10.02] My kids pick up the apples, and the branches are just too big for them to drag.
[06:14.49] M: Well, I guess youll just have to do it yourself Jane.
[06:17.60] W: Patrick. I wish vou would reconsider. We've alwavs gotten along fairly well.
[06:21.81] but I think you 're out of line here. The branches are your responsibility.
[06:26.29] M: Sorry Jane, I disagree!
[06:28.34] You take the benefits of the apple tree, but refuse to deal with the bad side of it!
[06:33.99] Besides, it won't take you any time to get the branches out front!
[06:38.20] W: Get the branches off my property or I'll have to sue you.
[06:41.31] M: Yeah? For what?!
[06:42.78] You're taking those law classes too seriously!
[06:46.10] I've gotta go, I have to pick up my son.
[06:48.74] W: Youll be hearing from me.
[06:49.50] M: Yeah, yeah. See you in court Jane.
[06:52.48] Questions 19-22 are based on the questions you have just heard.
[06:58.62] 19. What did the man do yesterday?
[07:17.35] 20. What did the woman ask the man to do?
[07:36.87] 21. What did the woman threaten to do?
[07:55.83] 22. What was the man's reaction to the woman' s threat?
[08:14.92] Conversation Two
[08:17.57] M: Did you hear about the air crash that occurred in South America recently?
[08:21.97] It was quite a tragic accident!
[08:24.13] W: No, I didn't see anything in the news about it. What happened?
[08:28.51] M: A foreign airliner was attempting to land at night in a mountainous area in Argentina and flew into a hill!
[08:36.19] W: That sounds really terrible! Did anyone survive?
[08:39.12] M: No, everyone aboard, including the crew, was killed instantly.
[08:44.13] W: What were the circumstances? Were they bad weather, a fire, or engine failure?
[08:49.07] M: Apparently, there were some low clouds in the area,
[08:52.31] but mostly it was just miscommunication between the pilots and the traffic controllers.
[08:58.24] W: Weren't they both speaking in English, the official international aviation language?
[09:02.71] M: Yes they were, but the transmit ion from poor quality radios was slightly distorted
[09:08.67] and the accents of the Spanish speaking controllers was so strong
[09:12.77] that the pilots that the pilots misunderstood a vital instruction.
[09:16.20] W: How could a misunderstanding like that cause such a serious accident?
[09:20.21] M: The pilots were told to descend to 2-2,000 feet.
[09:24.43] The instruction actually meant 22,000 feet,
[09:28.95] but they thought they heard descend 2,000 feet.
[09:32.86] That's a huge difference,and it should have been confirmed, but it was not.
[09:37.52] Unfortunately, the terrain of the mountains in Norweija ascends to 2,000 feet.
[09:43.36] W: So the pilots did descend to the wrong altitude then,
[09:46.89] because they were followingthe air controllers instructions.
[09:49.92] M: Sadly enough, yes they did. It was a really bad mistake.
[09:53.93] Many people died as aresult of the simply understanding.
[09:57.60] W: Wow, that's a powerful lesson on how important it can be to accurately communicate to each other.
[10:04.44] Questions: 23-25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
[10:10.67] 23. What was the cause of the tragedy?
[10:30.65] 24. How high are the mountains in Norweija?
[10:49.29] 25. What lesson could be drawn from the accident?
[11:39.15] Passage one
[11:41.52] Edgar Poe, an American writer, was born in 1809.
[11:46.35] His parents were actors.
[11:48.34] Edgar wasa baby when his father left the family.
[11:52.35] He was two years old when his mother died.
[11:55.36] He was taken into the home of a wealthy business man named John Allen.
[12:00.42] He then received his real name, Edgar Allen Poe.
[12:04.78] As a young man, Poe attended the Universityof Virginia.
[12:08.75] He was a good student, but he liked to drink alcohol and play card games for money.
[12:13.23] As an unskilled game player, he often lost money.
[12:18.50] Since he couldn't pay off his gambling money,
[12:21.09] he left university and began working for magazines.
[12:24.63] He worked hard, yet he was not well paid, or well known.
[12:29.11] At the age of 27, he gotmarried.
[12:32.31] For a time it seemed that Poe would find happiness,
[12:35.87] but his wife was sick formost of their marriage, and died in 1847.
[12:41.66] Through all his crises,
[12:43.71] Poe produced many stories and poems which appeared in different publications,
[12:48.90] yet he didn't become famous until 1845, when his poem, The Raven, was published.
[12:55.69] There is a question,however, about Poe's importance in American Literature.
[13:01.31] Some critics say that Poewas one of America's best writers,
[13:04.93] and even influenced many French writers, but others disagree.
[13:10.79] They say that Poe' s work is diffi cult to understand
[13:13.78] and most of his writing describes many unpleasant situations and events.
[13:19.78] Edgar Allen Poe died in 1849 when he was 40 years old.
[13:26.10] It is said that he was found dead after days of heavy drinking.
[13:32.20] Questions 26-29 are based on the passage you have just heard.
[13:37.57] 26. What happened to Edgar Allen Poe' 's family, when he was only two years old?
[13:58.48] 27. Why did Edgar Allen Poe leave the University of Virginia?
[14:19.62] 28. What do some critics say about Edgar Allen Poe?
[14:40.94] 29. How did Edgar Allen Poe's life come to an end?
[15:00.03] Passage Two
[15:03.64] More than fifty years ago, the United Nations declared that literacy is a basic human right.
[15:09.88] It's very important for improving the lives of individuals,
[15:14.39] however, it is estimated that 880 million adults around the world are illiterate,
[15:20.87] that is, they are unable to read or write.
[15:24.17] A majority of them are women.
[15:27.22] Over 100 million school age children around the world do not attend school.
[15:32.70] Many others complete school of fail to finish their studies without learning to read or write.
[15:39.72] Many countries depend on the efforts of people who offer their time to help illiterate individuals.
[15:46.49] For example, John Mogger became concerned about the problem of illiteracy three years ago,
[15:52.57] so hestarted teaching five prisoners in Brazil.
[15:56.55] In his teaching, he developed a system with these prisoners.
[16:01.17] He says his way of teaching can help anyone learn how to read andwrite with about thirty hours of study.
[16:08.73] To learn his system,
[16:10.38] people must first know how to write letters of the alphabet and learn which sounds they represent.
[16:17.23] The system divides letters into three groups.
[16:21.06] The first group of letter can be written between two lines.
[16:25.06] The second can be written between two lines but part of the letter is above the top line.
[16:30.78] The third group has letters that are partly written below the lower line.
[16:36.53] John Mogger taught his students to write simply words from the letters,
[16:41.14] in this way, his students learned more than seven hundred words.
[16:45.55] Many of them can now write to family members.
[16:48.54] They also can read newspapers and magazines.
[16:53.43] Questions 30-32 are based on the Passage you have just heard.
[16:58.80] 30. According to the speaker, which group of people makes up the majority of theilliterate population?
[17:21.27] 31. What is the most important feature of John Moggers method of teaching thealphabet?
[17:42.29] 32. What does John Mogger say about his teaching method?
[18:03.57] Passage Three
[18:06.43] Farmers usually use plows to prepare their fields for planting crops.
[18:10.89] Plows cut into the ground, and lift up weeds, and other unwanted plants.
[18:16.19] However, plowing is blamed for causing severe damage to top soil by removing the plants
[18:23.16] that protect soil from being blown or washed away.
[18:27.02] Many farmers in South Asia are now trying a process called Low Till Farming.
[18:33.88] Low Till Farming limits the use of plows.
[18:37.84] In this method of farming seeds and fertilizer are put into the soil
[18:43.12] through small cuts made in the surface of the ground.
[18:45.87] Low Till Agriculture leaves much or all the soil and remains of plants on the ground.
[18:54.38] They serve as a natural fertilizer and help support the roots of future crops.
[18:59.86] They take in rain and allow it to flow into the soil instead of running off.
[19:06.26] It has been proved that Low Till Farming increases harvests and reduces water use,
[19:12.82] and this method reduced the need for chemical products because there are fewer unwanted plants.
[19:20.17] Scientists say Low Till Farming is becoming popular in South Asia,
[19:25.25] which is facing a sever water shortage.
[19:28.29] They say the area will become depended on imported food
[19:32.67] unless wateris saved through methods like Low Till Farming.
[19:37.71] Currently, more than 150 million people in South Asia depend on local rice and wheat crops.
[19:45.28] Farmers grow rice during wet weather.
[19:48.50] During the dry season they grow wheat in the same fields.
[19:52.37] Farmers are using the Low Till method to plant wheat after harvesting rice.
[19:58.31] Scientists say Low Till Agriculture is one of the best examples in the worlds
[20:04.20] of technologies working for both people, and the environment.
[20:10.08] Questions 33-35 are based on the passage you have just heard.
[20:16.01] 33. What is the main problem cause by the usual way of plowing?
[20:36.96] 34. What does the speaker say about Low Till Farming?
[20:57.03] 35. Where is Low Till Farming becoming popular?