
歌曲 2013年12月大学英语四级听力真题
歌手 英语听力
专辑 大学英语四级听力真题


[01:16.82] In this section,you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations.
[01:23.74] At the end of each conversation ,one or more questions will be asked about what was said.
[01:30.87] Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once.
[01:36.73] After each question there will be a pause.
[01:47.85] and decide which is the best answer.
[01:51.43] Then mark the corresponding letter on AnswerSheet 2with a single line through the center.
[01:58.28] Example,You will hear:
[02:01.20] M: Is it possible for you to work late, Mrs. Gray?
[02:04.70] W: Work late? I suppose so, if you really think it is necessary.
[02:09.80] Where do you think this conversation most probably took place?
[02:25.84] From the conversation we know that the two were talking about some work they had to finish in the evening.
[02:33.33] This is most likely to have taken place at the office.
[02:43.50][A] on the Answer Sheet and mark it with a single line through the centre.
[02:55.85] College English Test - four CET-4
[02:59.30] Part II Listening Comprehension
[03:02.75] Section A Directions: A
[03:06.85] In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations.
[03:14.48] At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said.
[03:21.71] Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once.
[03:27.54] After each question there will be a pause.
[03:39.92] and decide which is the best answer.
[03:43.34] Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the center.
[03:51.05] Now ,Let's begin with the 8 short conversations.
[03:57.76] Question 1
[04:00.63] M: After high school,
[04:02.62] I’d like to go to college and major in business administration.
[04:07.03] W: But I’d rather spend my college days finding out how children learn.
[04:12.86] Q: What do we learn from the conversation?
[04:31.83] Question 2
[04:33.31] W: Is everything ready for the conference?
[04:36.03] M: The only thing left to do is set up the microphones and speakers.
[04:42.04] They'll be here in a few minutes.
[04:45.12] Q: What preparations have yet to be made?
[05:03.20] Question 3
[05:04.69] W: Is it almost time to go home now?
[05:07.43] I'm so tired. I can hardly see straight.
[05:11.06] M: Just a few more minutes, then we can go.
[05:14.80] Q: What is the woman’s problem?
[05:32.51] Question 4
[05:33.87] W: I'm not sure what I’m in a mood for.Ice-cream or sandwiches?
[05:39.85] They are both really good here.
[05:42.17] M: The movie starts in an hour.
[05:44.73] And we still have to get there and park. So just make a decision.
[05:49.72] Q: What does the man mean?
[06:06.57] Question 5
[06:08.09] W: Tom said he would come to repair our solar heater when he has time.
[06:13.31] M: He often says he is willing to help, but he never seems to have time.
[06:19.40] Q: What does the man imply about Tom?
[06:38.36] Question 6
[06:39.93] W: So you know that Sam turns down the job offered by the travel agency.
[06:45.31] M: Yes. The hours were convenient.
[06:48.73] But if he had accepted it, he wouldn’t be able to make ends meet.
[06:53.38] Q: What do we learn from the conversation?
[07:11.49] Question 7
[07:12.87] M: Could you tell me a bit about the business your company is doing?
[07:17.55] W: We mainly deal with large volume buyers from western countries and our products have been well received.
[07:25.41] Q: What business is the woman’s company doing?
[07:43.22] Question 8
[07:44.45] W: Yesterday I made reservations for my trip to Miami next month.
[07:49.76] M: You must really be looking forward to it.
[07:53.02] You haven’t had any time off for at least two years.
[07:56.65] Q: What is the woman going to do?
[08:21.23] M: Excuse me, I need some information about some of the towns near here.
[08:25.67] W: What would you like to know?
[08:32.75] I believe there is an interesting museum there. It isn't far, is it?
[08:45.34] And you're right. It's a wonderful little museum.
[08:52.21] I have some friends. I'd like to visit there and I also want to get to Newton.
[08:58.09] They are near each other, aren't they?
[09:04.28] Amitsville is northeast. It's about thirty five miles northeast of here.
[09:26.33] It's about fifty five miles southwest from here and the road is not at all straight.
[09:32.42] M: Fifty five miles southwest! Well, maybe I won't go there this time.
[09:51.41] They are really pretty little towns with lots of old houses and beautiful tree-lined streets.
[10:05.57] Good. Well, I think that's all the information I need for a while.
[10:10.58] Thank you. You've been very helpful.
[10:13.14] W: You're welcome, sir. I hope you enjoy your stay.
[11:26.62] M: Err... Sandra, I've finished with Mr. Gordon now.
[11:32.29] Do you think you could pop through in bringing me up-to-date on their arrangements for the Italian trip?
[11:38.22] W: Certainly, Mr. Wilkinson. I'll bring everything with me.
[11:46.42] M: Right, take a seat. Now my first meeting is when?
[12:01.47] M: OK, so can I fly out early Monday morning?
[12:16.05] M: Yeah, but that only leaves me thirty minutes to clear customs in getting to the city center and it means I have to check in by five thirty,
[12:27.65] which means leaving home at about four fifteen.
[12:30.62] W: I'm afraid so.
[12:32.14] M: Hmm... not so keen on that. What's the program for the rest of that day?
[12:36.97] W: It's quite full, I'm afraid.
[12:39.82] At eleven, you're seeing Jeana Rivard at Meg Star and then you'll have a lunch engagement with Gaven from the Chamber of Commerce at one. 11:00
[12:48.83] M: Where's that?
[12:50.22] W: You're meeting him at his office and then he's taking you somewhere.
[12:54.26] M: Good, that sounds fine. What about the afternoon?
[12:57.76] W: Well, at three thirty, you're seeing our sales representative there and then you're free till evening.
[13:04.77] M: I see. I seem to remember that I'm having a dinner with someone from Bergamo.
[13:23.26] Q12: What would the man like the woman to do?
[13:42.70] Q13: At what time is Mr. Wilkinson going to leave home for the airport? Wilkinson
[14:24.49] Q15: What is most probably the woman's job?
[15:20.13] Donna Fredrick’s served with the Peace Corps for two years in Brazil.
[15:24.81] She joined the Peace Corps after she graduated from the college
[15:29.85] because she wanted to do something to help other people.
[15:33.82] She had been brought up on a farm,
[15:37.32] so the Peace Corps assigned her to a agricultural project.
[15:41.45] Before she went to Brazil, she studied Portuguese for three months.
[15:47.20] She also learnt agreat deal about its history and culture.
[15:51.84] During her two years with the Peace Corps, Donna lived in a village in northeast Brazil.
[15:59.81] That part of Brazil is very dry and farming is often difficult there.
[16:06.32] Donna helped the people of the village to organise an arrigation project,
[16:12.46] and she also advised them on planting corns.
[16:16.14] They didn’t require much water.
[16:18.23] When Donna returned to the States, she couldn’t settle down.
[16:23.22] She tried several jobs, but they seemed very boring to her.
[16:28.78] She couldn’t get Brazil out of her mind.
[16:32.20] Finally, one day she got on an plane and went back to Brazil.
[16:38.19] She wasn’t sure what she’s going to do. She just wanted to be there.
[16:43.72] After a few weeks, Donna found a job as an English teacher, teaching five classes a day.
[16:51.35] Like most of the teachers, she doesn’t make much money.
[16:56.84] She shares a small apartment with another teacher.
[17:00.83] And she makes a little extra money by sending stories to newspapers in the States.
[17:06.63] Eventually she wants to quit teaching and work as a full-time journalist.
[17:20.09] Question 16
[17:21.44] Why did Donna join the Peace Corps after she graduated from college?
[17:41.77] Question 17
[17:43.15] What was Donna assigned to do in Brazil?
[18:01.62] Question 18
[18:02.95] Why did Donna go back to Brazil once again?
[18:22.18] Question 19
[18:23.51] How did Donna make extra money to support herself?
[18:42.14] Listening Passage 2
[18:43.83] Results of a recent Harry’s pool on free time showed that
[18:48.72] the average work week for many Americans is 50 hours.
[18:52.95] With the time spent eating, sleeping and taking care of the household duties,
[18:58.07] there’s little time left for leisure activities for many Americans.
[19:03.22] However, having free time to relax and pursue hobbies is important.
[19:09.28] People need time away from the pressures of study or work to relax and enjoy time with friends and family.
[19:17.85] In different countries free time is spent in different ways.
[19:22.89] The results of a Harry’s pool showed that reading was the most popular spare time activity in the US.
[19:30.18] This was followed by watching TV.
[19:33.15] In a UK survey on leisure time activities, watching TV and videos was the most popular.
[19:40.63] Listening to the radio came second.
[19:43.26] In a similar survey conducted in Japan, the most popular free time activity was eating out.
[19:50.29] The second most popular activity was driving.
[19:54.39] There were also differences in the most popular outdoor pursuits between the three countries.
[20:00.32] The most popular outdoor activity for Americans was gardening.
[20:05.34] In the UK, it was going to the pub.
[20:08.34] In Japan, going to bars ranked eighth in popularity and gardening ranked ninth.
[20:15.32] Although people around the world may enjoy doing similar things in their free time,
[20:21.53] there’s evidence to suggest that these interests are changing.
[20:25.16] In the US, for example, the popularity of computer activities is increasing.
[20:31.30] Many more people in the States are spending their free time surfing the web, emailing friends or playing games online.
[20:47.66] Question 20
[21:07.93] Question 21
[21:09.10] What was the most popular leisure activity in the US?
[21:29.27] Question 22
[21:31.23] What was the most popular outdoor pursuit in the UK?
[21:50.64] Listening Passage 3
[21:52.15] On March 13th, while on duty Charles Mclaughlin, a very careless driver employed by the company Lummis was involved in another accident. 3
[22:04.95] The accident occurred in Riverside California.
[22:08.71] Not paying attention to his driving,
[22:18.67] This caused minor damage to his truck and serious damage to the car.
[22:24.96] On the basis of the police report,
[22:27.68] the Lummis accident committee correctly determined that Mclaughlin had been quite careless. Lummis
[22:33.90] As a result of the committee’s conclusion, the branch manager Mr. David Rossi reported that
[22:41.97] he had talked with Mclaughlin about his extremely poor driving record.
[22:46.88] Further evidence of Mclaughlin's irresponsibility occurred on May 6th when he was returning from his shift.
[22:54.58] That day he ran into a roll-up door at the Lummis facility in Valero,causing significant damage to the door.
[23:03.18] Damage to the truck, however, was minor.
[23:06.39] Finally, on June 7th, Mclaughlin once again demonstrated his carelessness
[23:13.39] by knocking down several mail boxes near the edge of the company’s parking lot.
[23:18.59] There was damage to the mailboxes and minor damage to the truck.
[23:23.79] Mr. David Rossi stated that he had spoken with Mclaughlin on several occasions about his driving record.
[23:30.82] He added that he had warned Mclaughlin that
[23:35.05] three preventable accidents in one year could lead to his discharge, as indeed it should.
[24:12.46] 24. What did Mclaughlin do on June 7th near the edge of the company’s parking lot?
[24:34.97] 25. What is most probably going to happen to Mclaughlin?
[25:29.73] When Captain Cook asked the chiefs in Tahiti why they always ate apart and alone,
[25:36.26] they replied, “Because it is right.”
[25:39.55] If we ask Americans why they eat with knives and forks,
[25:43.88] or why their men wear pants instead of skirts
[25:48.22] or why they may be married to only one person at a time,
[25:52.50] we are likely to get similar and very uninformative answers because it’s right,
[25:59.32] because that’s the way it’s done, because it’s the custom or even I don’t know.
[26:05.70] The reason for these and countless other patterns of social behavior is that
[26:11.16] they are controlled by social norms shared rules or guide lines
[26:16.93] which prescribe the behavior that is appropriate in a given situation.
[26:20.93] Norms define how people ought to behave under particular circumstances in a particular society.
[26:29.78] We conform to norms so readily that we are hardly aware they exist.
[26:36.23] In fact we are much more likely to notice departures from norms than conformity to them.
[26:43.91] You will not be surprised if a stranger tried to shake hands when you were introduced,
[26:49.87] but you might be a little startled if they bowed, started to stroke you or kissed you onboth cheeks.
[26:57.55] Yet each of these other forms of greeting is appropriate in other parts of the world.
[27:03.27] When we visit another society whose norms are different,
[27:09.12] we quickly become aware that things we do this way, they do that way.
[27:18.21] When Captain Cook asked the chiefs in Tahiti why they always ate apart and alone,
[27:24.12] they replied, “Because it is right.”
[27:27.35] If we ask Americans why they eat with knives and forks,
[27:31.53] or why their men wear pants instead of skirts
[27:35.17] or why they may be married to only one person at a time,
[27:39.58] we are likely to get similar and very uninformative answers because it’s right,
[27:46.29] because that’s the way it’s done, because it’s the custom or even I don’t know.
[27:53.14] The reason for these and countless other patterns of social behavior is that
[27:59.12] they are controlled by social norms shared rules or guide lines
[28:04.06] which prescribe the behavior that is appropriate in a given situation.
[28:08.60] Norms define how people ought to behave under particular circumstances in a particular society.
[28:16.57] We conform to norms so readily that we are hardly aware they exist.
[28:22.53] In fact we are much more likely to notice departures from norms than conformity to them.
[28:29.68] You will not be surprised if a stranger tried to shake hands when you were introduced,
[28:35.93] but you might be a little startled if they bowed, started to stroke you or kissed you onboth cheeks.
[28:42.98] Yet each of these other forms of greeting is appropriate in other parts of the world.
[28:49.64] When we visit another society whose norms are different,
[28:54.79] we quickly become aware that things we do this way, they do that way.


[01:16.82] In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations.
[01:23.74] At the end of each conversation , one or more questions will be asked about what was said.
[01:30.87] Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once.
[01:36.73] After each question there will be a pause.
[01:47.85] and decide which is the best answer.
[01:51.43] Then mark the corresponding letter on AnswerSheet 2with a single line through the center.
[01:58.28] Example, You will hear:
[02:01.20] M: Is it possible for you to work late, Mrs. Gray?
[02:04.70] W: Work late? I suppose so, if you really think it is necessary.
[02:09.80] Where do you think this conversation most probably took place?
[02:25.84] From the conversation we know that the two were talking about some work they had to finish in the evening.
[02:33.33] This is most likely to have taken place at the office.
[02:43.50][A] on the Answer Sheet and mark it with a single line through the centre.
[02:55.85] College English Test four CET4
[02:59.30] Part II Listening Comprehension
[03:02.75] Section A Directions: A
[03:06.85] In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations.
[03:14.48] At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said.
[03:21.71] Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once.
[03:27.54] After each question there will be a pause.
[03:39.92] and decide which is the best answer.
[03:43.34] Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the center.
[03:51.05] Now , Let' s begin with the 8 short conversations.
[03:57.76] Question 1
[04:00.63] M: After high school,
[04:02.62] I' d like to go to college and major in business administration.
[04:07.03] W: But I' d rather spend my college days finding out how children learn.
[04:12.86] Q: What do we learn from the conversation?
[04:31.83] Question 2
[04:33.31] W: Is everything ready for the conference?
[04:36.03] M: The only thing left to do is set up the microphones and speakers.
[04:42.04] They' ll be here in a few minutes.
[04:45.12] Q: What preparations have yet to be made?
[05:03.20] Question 3
[05:04.69] W: Is it almost time to go home now?
[05:07.43] I' m so tired. I can hardly see straight.
[05:11.06] M: Just a few more minutes, then we can go.
[05:14.80] Q: What is the woman' s problem?
[05:32.51] Question 4
[05:33.87] W: I' m not sure what I' m in a mood for. Icecream or sandwiches?
[05:39.85] They are both really good here.
[05:42.17] M: The movie starts in an hour.
[05:44.73] And we still have to get there and park. So just make a decision.
[05:49.72] Q: What does the man mean?
[06:06.57] Question 5
[06:08.09] W: Tom said he would come to repair our solar heater when he has time.
[06:13.31] M: He often says he is willing to help, but he never seems to have time.
[06:19.40] Q: What does the man imply about Tom?
[06:38.36] Question 6
[06:39.93] W: So you know that Sam turns down the job offered by the travel agency.
[06:45.31] M: Yes. The hours were convenient.
[06:48.73] But if he had accepted it, he wouldn' t be able to make ends meet.
[06:53.38] Q: What do we learn from the conversation?
[07:11.49] Question 7
[07:12.87] M: Could you tell me a bit about the business your company is doing?
[07:17.55] W: We mainly deal with large volume buyers from western countries and our products have been well received.
[07:25.41] Q: What business is the woman' s company doing?
[07:43.22] Question 8
[07:44.45] W: Yesterday I made reservations for my trip to Miami next month.
[07:49.76] M: You must really be looking forward to it.
[07:53.02] You haven' t had any time off for at least two years.
[07:56.65] Q: What is the woman going to do?
[08:21.23] M: Excuse me, I need some information about some of the towns near here.
[08:25.67] W: What would you like to know?
[08:32.75] I believe there is an interesting museum there. It isn' t far, is it?
[08:45.34] And you' re right. It' s a wonderful little museum.
[08:52.21] I have some friends. I' d like to visit there and I also want to get to Newton.
[08:58.09] They are near each other, aren' t they?
[09:04.28] Amitsville is northeast. It' s about thirty five miles northeast of here.
[09:26.33] It' s about fifty five miles southwest from here and the road is not at all straight.
[09:32.42] M: Fifty five miles southwest! Well, maybe I won' t go there this time.
[09:51.41] They are really pretty little towns with lots of old houses and beautiful treelined streets.
[10:05.57] Good. Well, I think that' s all the information I need for a while.
[10:10.58] Thank you. You' ve been very helpful.
[10:13.14] W: You' re welcome, sir. I hope you enjoy your stay.
[11:26.62] M: Err... Sandra, I' ve finished with Mr. Gordon now.
[11:32.29] Do you think you could pop through in bringing me uptodate on their arrangements for the Italian trip?
[11:38.22] W: Certainly, Mr. Wilkinson. I' ll bring everything with me.
[11:46.42] M: Right, take a seat. Now my first meeting is when?
[12:01.47] M: OK, so can I fly out early Monday morning?
[12:16.05] M: Yeah, but that only leaves me thirty minutes to clear customs in getting to the city center and it means I have to check in by five thirty,
[12:27.65] which means leaving home at about four fifteen.
[12:30.62] W: I' m afraid so.
[12:32.14] M: Hmm... not so keen on that. What' s the program for the rest of that day?
[12:36.97] W: It' s quite full, I' m afraid.
[12:39.82] At eleven, you' re seeing Jeana Rivard at Meg Star and then you' ll have a lunch engagement with Gaven from the Chamber of Commerce at one. 11: 00
[12:48.83] M: Where' s that?
[12:50.22] W: You' re meeting him at his office and then he' s taking you somewhere.
[12:54.26] M: Good, that sounds fine. What about the afternoon?
[12:57.76] W: Well, at three thirty, you' re seeing our sales representative there and then you' re free till evening.
[13:04.77] M: I see. I seem to remember that I' m having a dinner with someone from Bergamo.
[13:23.26] Q12: What would the man like the woman to do?
[13:42.70] Q13: At what time is Mr. Wilkinson going to leave home for the airport? Wilkinson
[14:24.49] Q15: What is most probably the woman' s job?
[15:20.13] Donna Fredrick' s served with the Peace Corps for two years in Brazil.
[15:24.81] She joined the Peace Corps after she graduated from the college
[15:29.85] because she wanted to do something to help other people.
[15:33.82] She had been brought up on a farm,
[15:37.32] so the Peace Corps assigned her to a agricultural project.
[15:41.45] Before she went to Brazil, she studied Portuguese for three months.
[15:47.20] She also learnt agreat deal about its history and culture.
[15:51.84] During her two years with the Peace Corps, Donna lived in a village in northeast Brazil.
[15:59.81] That part of Brazil is very dry and farming is often difficult there.
[16:06.32] Donna helped the people of the village to organise an arrigation project,
[16:12.46] and she also advised them on planting corns.
[16:16.14] They didn' t require much water.
[16:18.23] When Donna returned to the States, she couldn' t settle down.
[16:23.22] She tried several jobs, but they seemed very boring to her.
[16:28.78] She couldn' t get Brazil out of her mind.
[16:32.20] Finally, one day she got on an plane and went back to Brazil.
[16:38.19] She wasn' t sure what she' s going to do. She just wanted to be there.
[16:43.72] After a few weeks, Donna found a job as an English teacher, teaching five classes a day.
[16:51.35] Like most of the teachers, she doesn' t make much money.
[16:56.84] She shares a small apartment with another teacher.
[17:00.83] And she makes a little extra money by sending stories to newspapers in the States.
[17:06.63] Eventually she wants to quit teaching and work as a fulltime journalist.
[17:20.09] Question 16
[17:21.44] Why did Donna join the Peace Corps after she graduated from college?
[17:41.77] Question 17
[17:43.15] What was Donna assigned to do in Brazil?
[18:01.62] Question 18
[18:02.95] Why did Donna go back to Brazil once again?
[18:22.18] Question 19
[18:23.51] How did Donna make extra money to support herself?
[18:42.14] Listening Passage 2
[18:43.83] Results of a recent Harry' s pool on free time showed that
[18:48.72] the average work week for many Americans is 50 hours.
[18:52.95] With the time spent eating, sleeping and taking care of the household duties,
[18:58.07] there' s little time left for leisure activities for many Americans.
[19:03.22] However, having free time to relax and pursue hobbies is important.
[19:09.28] People need time away from the pressures of study or work to relax and enjoy time with friends and family.
[19:17.85] In different countries free time is spent in different ways.
[19:22.89] The results of a Harry' s pool showed that reading was the most popular spare time activity in the US.
[19:30.18] This was followed by watching TV.
[19:33.15] In a UK survey on leisure time activities, watching TV and videos was the most popular.
[19:40.63] Listening to the radio came second.
[19:43.26] In a similar survey conducted in Japan, the most popular free time activity was eating out.
[19:50.29] The second most popular activity was driving.
[19:54.39] There were also differences in the most popular outdoor pursuits between the three countries.
[20:00.32] The most popular outdoor activity for Americans was gardening.
[20:05.34] In the UK, it was going to the pub.
[20:08.34] In Japan, going to bars ranked eighth in popularity and gardening ranked ninth.
[20:15.32] Although people around the world may enjoy doing similar things in their free time,
[20:21.53] there' s evidence to suggest that these interests are changing.
[20:25.16] In the US, for example, the popularity of computer activities is increasing.
[20:31.30] Many more people in the States are spending their free time surfing the web, emailing friends or playing games online.
[20:47.66] Question 20
[21:07.93] Question 21
[21:09.10] What was the most popular leisure activity in the US?
[21:29.27] Question 22
[21:31.23] What was the most popular outdoor pursuit in the UK?
[21:50.64] Listening Passage 3
[21:52.15] On March 13th, while on duty Charles Mclaughlin, a very careless driver employed by the company Lummis was involved in another accident. 3
[22:04.95] The accident occurred in Riverside California.
[22:08.71] Not paying attention to his driving,
[22:18.67] This caused minor damage to his truck and serious damage to the car.
[22:24.96] On the basis of the police report,
[22:27.68] the Lummis accident committee correctly determined that Mclaughlin had been quite careless. Lummis
[22:33.90] As a result of the committee' s conclusion, the branch manager Mr. David Rossi reported that
[22:41.97] he had talked with Mclaughlin about his extremely poor driving record.
[22:46.88] Further evidence of Mclaughlin' s irresponsibility occurred on May 6th when he was returning from his shift.
[22:54.58] That day he ran into a rollup door at the Lummis facility in Valero, causing significant damage to the door.
[23:03.18] Damage to the truck, however, was minor.
[23:06.39] Finally, on June 7th, Mclaughlin once again demonstrated his carelessness
[23:13.39] by knocking down several mail boxes near the edge of the company' s parking lot.
[23:18.59] There was damage to the mailboxes and minor damage to the truck.
[23:23.79] Mr. David Rossi stated that he had spoken with Mclaughlin on several occasions about his driving record.
[23:30.82] He added that he had warned Mclaughlin that
[23:35.05] three preventable accidents in one year could lead to his discharge, as indeed it should.
[24:12.46] 24. What did Mclaughlin do on June 7th near the edge of the company' s parking lot?
[24:34.97] 25. What is most probably going to happen to Mclaughlin?
[25:29.73] When Captain Cook asked the chiefs in Tahiti why they always ate apart and alone,
[25:36.26] they replied, " Because it is right."
[25:39.55] If we ask Americans why they eat with knives and forks,
[25:43.88] or why their men wear pants instead of skirts
[25:48.22] or why they may be married to only one person at a time,
[25:52.50] we are likely to get similar and very uninformative answers because it' s right,
[25:59.32] because that' s the way it' s done, because it' s the custom or even I don' t know.
[26:05.70] The reason for these and countless other patterns of social behavior is that
[26:11.16] they are controlled by social norms shared rules or guide lines
[26:16.93] which prescribe the behavior that is appropriate in a given situation.
[26:20.93] Norms define how people ought to behave under particular circumstances in a particular society.
[26:29.78] We conform to norms so readily that we are hardly aware they exist.
[26:36.23] In fact we are much more likely to notice departures from norms than conformity to them.
[26:43.91] You will not be surprised if a stranger tried to shake hands when you were introduced,
[26:49.87] but you might be a little startled if they bowed, started to stroke you or kissed you onboth cheeks.
[26:57.55] Yet each of these other forms of greeting is appropriate in other parts of the world.
[27:03.27] When we visit another society whose norms are different,
[27:09.12] we quickly become aware that things we do this way, they do that way.
[27:18.21] When Captain Cook asked the chiefs in Tahiti why they always ate apart and alone,
[27:24.12] they replied, " Because it is right."
[27:27.35] If we ask Americans why they eat with knives and forks,
[27:31.53] or why their men wear pants instead of skirts
[27:35.17] or why they may be married to only one person at a time,
[27:39.58] we are likely to get similar and very uninformative answers because it' s right,
[27:46.29] because that' s the way it' s done, because it' s the custom or even I don' t know.
[27:53.14] The reason for these and countless other patterns of social behavior is that
[27:59.12] they are controlled by social norms shared rules or guide lines
[28:04.06] which prescribe the behavior that is appropriate in a given situation.
[28:08.60] Norms define how people ought to behave under particular circumstances in a particular society.
[28:16.57] We conform to norms so readily that we are hardly aware they exist.
[28:22.53] In fact we are much more likely to notice departures from norms than conformity to them.
[28:29.68] You will not be surprised if a stranger tried to shake hands when you were introduced,
[28:35.93] but you might be a little startled if they bowed, started to stroke you or kissed you onboth cheeks.
[28:42.98] Yet each of these other forms of greeting is appropriate in other parts of the world.
[28:49.64] When we visit another society whose norms are different,
[28:54.79] we quickly become aware that things we do this way, they do that way.


[00:28.94] zhè lǐ shì dōng fāng dū shì guǎng bō FM89. 9 AM792
[00:35.03] quán guó dà xué yīng yǔ sì liù jí kǎo shì shàng hǎi kǎo qū yīng yǔ sì jí tīng lì bù fèn kǎo shì xiàn zài kāi shǐ
[00:45.60] zhè lǐ shì dōng fāng dū shì guǎng bō FM89. 9 AM792
[00:51.59] quán guó dà xué yīng yǔ sì liù jí kǎo shì shàng hǎi kǎo qū yīng yǔ sì jí tīng lì bù fèn kǎo shì xiàn zài kāi shǐ
[01:02.19] tīng lì kǎo shì mǎ shàng kāi shǐ, qǐng dài shàng ěr jī,
[01:05.90] lù yīn kāi tóu yǒu yī duàn shì tīng shēng yīn, yuē yī fēn bàn zhōng,
[01:10.06] tīng lì kǎo shì jiāng zài shì yīn jié shù hòu zhèng shì kāi shǐ, xiàn zài kāi shǐ shì yīn.
[01:16.82] zài běn bù fèn nǐ jiāng huì tīng dào 8 duàn duǎn duì huà hé 2 duàn zhǎng duì huà.
[01:23.74] zài měi duàn duì huà jié shù hòu, huì yǒu yí gè huò zhě gèng duō de guān yú cǐ duàn duì huà suǒ shuō nèi róng de wèn tí.
[01:30.87] měi duàn duì huà hé wèn tí zhǐ huì shuō yī biàn.
[01:36.73] měi gè wèn tí zhǐ huì huì zàn tíng,
[01:40.44] during the pause , you must read the four choices marked A, B, C, D, zài zàn tíng qī jiān, nǐ bì xū zhā kàn A B C hé D xuǎn xiàng
[01:47.85] bìng jué dìng nǎ yī xiàng shì zuì jiā dá àn.
[01:51.43] rán hòu zài dá tí kǎ yī shàng duì yìng de zì miàn zhōng jiān huà xiàn zuò biāo jì.
[01:58.28] lì rú, nǐ huì tīng dào
[02:01.20] gé léi fū rén , jīn wǎn nǐ kě yǐ jiā bān ma ?
[02:04.70] jiā bān? wǒ xiǎng kě yǐ de, rú guǒ nǐ jué de zhè shì bì yào de huà,
[02:09.80] nǐ rèn wéi zhè duàn duì huà zuì yǒu kě néng fā shēng zài shén me dì fang
[02:15.05] You will read: A At the office B In the waiting room C At the airport D In a restaurant nǐ jiāng huì dú dào A. bàn gōng shì B. děng hòu shì C. jī chǎng D. cān guǎn
[02:25.84] cóng duì huà zhōng wǒ men zhī dào, liǎng rén tán lùn yī xiē tā men bù dé bù zài wǎn shàng wán chéng de gōng zuò.
[02:33.33] zhè shì zuì yǒu kě néng fā shēng zài bàn gōng shì.
[02:38.53] Therefore, A " At the office" is the best answer. yīn cǐ, A." zài bàn gōng shì" shì zuì hǎo de dá àn.
[02:43.50][A] nǐ yīng gāi zài dá tí kǎ shàng xuǎn zé A, bìng zài A shàng miàn huà xiàn zuò biāo jì
[02:51.02] shì yīn jié shù tīng lì kǎo shì xiàn zài kāi shǐ
[02:59.30] dì èr bù fèn tīng lì lǐ jiě
[03:02.75] bù fèn shuō míng
[03:06.85] zài běn bù fèn nǐ jiāng huì tīng dào 8 duàn duǎn duì huà hé 2 duàn zhǎng duì huà.
[03:21.71] měi duàn duì huà hé wèn tí zhǐ huì shuō yī biàn.
[03:27.54] měi gè wèn tí zhǐ huì huì zàn tíng,
[03:31.06] during the pause , you must read the four choices marked A, B, C, D, zài zàn tíng qī jiān, nǐ bì xū zhā kàn A B C hé D xuǎn xiàng
[03:39.92] bìng jué dìng nǎ yī xiàng shì zuì jiā dá àn.
[03:43.34] rán hòu zài dá tí kǎ yī shàng duì yìng de zì miàn zhōng jiān huà xiàn zuò biāo jì.
[03:51.05] xiàn zài, ràng wǒ men cóng 8 gè jiǎn duǎn de duì huà kāi shǐ ba.
[04:00.63] gāo zhōng bì yè hòu,
[04:02.62] wǒ xiǎng jìn rù dà xué zhǔ xiū gōng shāng guǎn lǐ.
[04:07.03] dàn shì wǒ gèng xiǎng tōng guò xún zhǎo xué xí fāng fǎ lái dù guò dà xué shí guāng
[04:12.86] cóng zhè duàn huà zhōng wǒ men néng liǎo jiě shén me
[04:33.31] huì yì zhǔn bèi jiù xù le ma?
[04:36.03] shèng xià wéi yī yào zuò de jiù shì tiáo shì mài kè fēng hé yáng shēng qì
[04:42.04] tā men jǐ fēn zhōng hòu jiù dào
[04:45.12] zhì jīn hái yǒu shén me méi zhǔn bèi?
[05:04.69] huí jiā de shí jiān kuài dào le ma?
[05:07.43] wǒ hǎo lèi, wǒ jī hū zhēng bù kāi yǎn jīng le
[05:11.06] zài děng jǐ fēn zhōng, wǒ men jiù chū fā
[05:14.80] zhè gè nǚ rén chū le shén me wèn tí?
[05:33.87] wǒ bù què dìng wǒ gèng piān ài nǎ yī zhǒng, bīng qí lín hái shì sān míng zhì?
[05:39.85] zhè liǎng zhě dōu hěn hǎo chī
[05:42.17] diàn yǐng jiāng zài yí gè xiǎo shí nèi kāi shǐ,
[05:44.73] wǒ men bì xū dào nà bìng qiě tíng hǎo chē, suǒ yǐ zuò gè jué dìng ba
[05:49.72] zhè gè nán rén de huà shì shén me yì sī
[06:08.09] tāng mǔ shuō dāng tā yǒu shí jiān de shí hòu huì bāng wǒ men xiū tài yáng néng jiā rè qì
[06:13.31] tā zǒng shì shuō tā xiǎng yào bāng zhù bié rén, dàn shì tā sì hū cóng méi shí jiān
[06:19.40] zhè gè nán rén àn shì le shén me guān yú tāng mǔ de
[06:39.93] suǒ yǐ nǐ zhī dào san jù jué le lǚ xíng shè tí gōng de gōng zuò ma
[06:45.31] nà fèn gōng zuò shí jiān shì tǐng fāng biàn,
[06:48.73] dàn shì rú guǒ tā jiē shòu le de huà, tā rù bù fū chū
[06:53.38] cóng zhè duàn duì huà zhōng wǒ men néng liǎo jiě dào shén me
[07:12.87] nǐ néng gào sù wǒ yī xiē guān yú nǐ gōng sī zuò de shēng yì ma
[07:17.55] wǒ men zhǔ yào yǔ dà liàng xī fāng guó jiā de gù kè zuò shēng yì ér qiě wǒ men de chǎn pǐn xiāo liàng hěn hǎo
[07:25.41] zhè gè nǚ rén de gōng sī cóng shì shén me mào yì
[07:44.45] zuó tiān wǒ yù dìng le wǒ xià gè yuè qù mài ā mì de piào
[07:49.76] nǐ yí dìng hěn qī dài nà cì lǚ xíng ba.
[07:53.02] nǐ zhì shǎo liǎng nián shí jiān nèi méi yǒu xiū jià ba.
[07:56.65] zhè gè nǚ rén zhǔn bèi qù zuò shí mǒ
[08:14.57] sì jí tīng lì zhǎng duì huà yuán wén 1
[08:21.23] qǐng láo jià, wǒ xū yào yī xiē yǒu guān zhè fù jìn xiǎo zhèn de xìn xī
[08:25.67] nǐ xiǎng zhī dào xiē shén me
[08:27.53] M: Well, first, I' d like directions to go to Norwalk. ēn, dì yī, wǒ xiǎng zhī dào yī xiē qù Norwalk de fāng xiàng,
[08:32.75] wǒ xiāng xìn nà lǐ yǒu yī jiā yǒu qù de bó wù guǎn, tā bù yuǎn, shì bú shì?
[08:38.19] W: No, not at all. Norwalk is about eighteen miles east of here on Route 7. shì de, yì diǎn yě bù yuǎn. Norwalk zài 7 hào lù xiàn shàng zài zhè lǐ de dōng biān 18 yīng lǐ yuǎn chù.
[08:45.34] nǐ shuō duì le, nà yǒu yí gè hěn bàng de xiǎo bó wù guǎn
[08:48.30] M: Oh good. Now what about Amitsville? ō hǎo jí le, nà me guān yú Amitsvillene?
[08:52.21] wǒ yǒu yī xiē péng yǒu, wǒ xiǎng qù nà lǐ bài fǎng tā men wǒ yě xiǎng qù Newton.
[08:58.09] tā men shì bú shì gé de hěn jìn?
[09:00.49] W: Hmm... well, they are actually in opposite directions. a... shì shí shàng tā men zài xiāng fǎn de fāng xiàng Amitsville zài běi biān,
[09:04.28] tā dà yuē lí zhè lǐ de běi biān 35 yīng lǐ yuǎn chù
[09:09.92] M: Huhuh, thirty five miles northeast. And how about Newton? a, běi biān 35 yīng lǐ chù.. nà me Nenton ne?
[09:15.57] W: Well, Newton is in the other direction. It' s southwest, ēn, Newton zài lìng yí gè fāng xiàng. tā zài nán biān,
[09:20.24] so it isn' t really very close to Amitsville at all and it' s a long drive. suǒ yǐ tā lí Amitsville yì diǎn yě bù jìn, bìng qiě jí shǐ kāi chē qù yě yǒu hěn zhǎng yī duàn lù,
[09:26.33] tā dà yuē zài lí cǐ chù 55 yīng lǐ de nán biān, lù yě bù zhí
[09:32.42] jù lí cǐ chù 55 yīng lǐ chù de nán biān! yě xǔ zhè cì wǒ bú huì qù nǎ lǐ le
[09:38.95] W: I' d recommend visiting Westfield or Great Town. They are both very close. wǒ tuī jiàn nǐ qù Westfield huò zhě Great Town. tā men dù hěn jìn,
[09:44.77] Westfield is just seven miles west of here and Great Town is about five miles south. Westfield zhī zài jù lí cǐ chù 7 yīng lǐ de xī biān, Great Town zhī zài jù lí cǐ chù 5 yīng lǐ de nán biān
[09:51.41] tā men shì yǒu hěn duō lǎo fáng zi hé háng dào shù zài jiē biān de xiǎo chéng zhèn
[09:59.14] M: I see. Seven miles west to Westfield and five miles south to Great Town. wǒ míng bái le xī biān 7 yīng lǐ yǒu gè Westfield, nán biān 5 yīng lǐ yǒu gè Great Town
[10:05.57] xiè xiè, hǎo de, wǒ xiǎng zhè jiù shì wǒ zuì jìn xū yào de quán bù xìn xī
[10:10.58] xiè xiè nǐ zhēn shì bāng le dà máng le
[10:13.14] bù kè qì xiān shēng wǒ xī wàng nǐ zài zhè wán de yú kuài
[10:25.99] Q9: What does the man know about Norwalk? guān yú Norwalk zhè gè nán shì zhī dào xiē shén me
[10:43.18] Q10: What does the woman say about Amitsville and Newton? guān yú Amitsville and Newton zhè wèi nǚ shì shuō le diǎn shà
[11:03.17] Q11: What do we learn about Westfield and Great Town? guān yú Westfield hé Great Town wǒ men zhī dào xiē shén me
[11:23.57] sì jí tīng lì zhǎng duì huà yuán wén 2
[11:26.62] sāng dé lā wǒ gāng gāng hé gē dēng xiān shēng liáo wán le
[11:32.29] nǐ kàn kě bù kě yǐ bǎ zuì jìn tā men de yì dà lì xíng chéng jìn lái tán tán?
[11:38.22] dāng rán wēi ěr jīn sēn xiān shēng bāo zài wǒ shēn shàng
[11:46.42] hǎo zuò ba wǒ de dì yī cì huì yì zài shén me shí jiān
[11:52.25] W: Your first meeting is on Monday the 21st at 9a. m. with Dr. Gucci of Bancos en Piedra in Milan. 21 hào xīng qī yī shàng wǔ 9 diǎn hé Gucci bó shì zài mǐ lán
[12:01.47] hǎo de nà zhōu yī wǒ néng zǎo diǎn fēi qù ma
[12:06.56] W: Well, there is a flight to Lenarty Airport which leaves at six thirty London time and gets in at eight thirty Italian time. , lún dūn shí jiān 6: 30 yǒu yī jià fēi wǎng Lenarty jī chǎng de háng bān zài yì dà lì shí jiān 8: 30 dào dá
[12:16.05] hǎo, nà zhè yàng dào shì zhōng xīn hòu zhǐ liú gěi wǒ bàn gè xiǎo shí bàn qīng guān shǒu xù zhè yì wèi zhe wǒ dé 5: 30 guò ān jiǎn
[12:27.65] yě jiù shì shuō wǒ 4: 15 jiù dé cóng jiā lǐ chū fā
[12:30.62] kǒng pà rú cǐ
[12:32.14] , bù tài rè zhōng yú nà yàng, nà me nà tiān jiē xià lái de jì huà ne
[12:36.97] wǒ kǒng pà yě shì xiāng dāng de mǎn
[12:39.82] zhōng zài Meg Star huì jiàn zhēn nà lǐ wǎ ěr, jǐn jiē zhe, nǐ huì hé jiā wén xiān shēng yǒu yí gè shāng huì de wǔ cān yuē huì le
[12:48.83] zài nǎ lǐ
[12:50.22] nǐ zài tā de bàn gōng shì jiàn tā zhī hòu, tā huì dài nǐ qù
[12:54.26] hǎo de tīng qǐ lái huán bù cuò xià wǔ ne
[12:57.76] , xià wǔ 3: 30 nǐ yào kàn wàng wǒ men de xiāo shòu dài biǎo, rán hòu zhí dào wǎn shàng cái néng kòng xián xià lái
[13:04.77] wǒ zhī dào le, wǒ sì hū jì de wǒ yào hé lái bèi jiā mò de yí ge rén yǒu yī chǎng wǎn fàn.
[13:10.80] W: That' s right. And Mr. Betty from SAP Industries at eight. duì de shì hé SAP gōng yè de Betty xiān shēng.
[13:23.26] zhè wèi nán shì xiǎng yào zhè wèi nǚ shì zuò shí mǒ?
[13:42.70] xiān shēng jǐ diǎn cóng jiā chū fā qù jī chǎng?
[14:03.59] Q14: Who is Mr. Wilkinson going to have a lunch with on Monday? xīng qī yī, Wilkinson xiān shēng yào hé shuí chī wǔ cān?
[14:24.49] zhè wèi nǚ shì zuì kě néng de zhí yè shì shén me?
[14:47.22] tīng lì duǎn wén Listening Passage 1
[15:20.13] táng nà fú léi dé lǐ kè céng jīng zài bā xī fú wù yú hé měi guó píng hù wèi duì liǎng nián shí jiān.
[15:24.81] tā cóng dà xué bì yè hòu jiù jiā rù le hé píng hù wèi duì,
[15:29.85] yīn wèi tā xiǎng yào bāng zhù qí tā rén zuò xiē shì qíng.
[15:33.82] tā chū shēng zài yí gè nóng chǎng,
[15:37.32] suǒ yǐ hé píng hù wèi duì fēn pèi tā qù le yí gè nóng yè gōng chéng
[15:41.45] qù bā xī zhī qián, tā xué le 3 gè yuè pú táo yá yǔ
[15:47.20] tā yě xué le dà liàng de bā xī lì shǐ hé wén huà
[15:51.84] zài zhè liǎng nián qī jiān, táng nà jū zhù zài bā xī běi bù de xiǎo cūn zhuāng lǐ miàn
[15:59.81] nà lǐ fēi cháng gān hàn, gēng zuò kùn nán
[16:06.32] táng nà bāng zhù cūn lǐ de rén men zǔ zhī le yí gè guàn gài gōng chéng
[16:12.46] tā hái jiàn yì tā men zhòng zhí gǔ wù
[16:16.14] tā men bù xū yào tài duō shuǐ fèi
[16:18.23] táng nà huí guó zhī hòu, bìng méi yǒu dìng jū xià lái
[16:23.22] tā cháng shì le jǐ fèn gōng zuò, dàn sì hū gǎn jué zhèi xiē gōng zuò hěn fá wèi,
[16:28.78] tā wàng bù liǎo bā xī
[16:32.20] zhōng yú, yǒu yì tiān tā dēng shàng le yī jià qù bā xī de fēi jī
[16:38.19] tā bù zhī dào qù nǎ lǐ yào gàn shén me tā jiù shì xiǎng qù nà lǐ
[16:43.72] jǐ zhōu hòu, táng nà zhǎo le yī fèn yīng yǔ jiào shī de gōng zuò, yì tiān jiào wǔ jié kè
[16:51.35] hé qí tā dà duō jiào shī, tā méi yǒu zhēng hěn duō qián
[16:56.84] tā hé lìng yī wèi jiào shī hé zū yī tào xiǎo gōng yù
[17:00.83] tā tōng guò gěi bào zhǐ fā wén zhāng huò dé le yì diǎn é wài de qián
[17:06.63] zuì zhōng, tā xiǎng yào fàng qì jiào shī gōng zuò, ér zuò yī míng quán zhí de jì zhě.
[17:21.44] dà xué bì yè hòu, táng nà wèi shí me xuǎn zé qù měi guó hé píng hù wèi duì?
[17:43.15] zài bā xī, táng nà bèi fēn pèi qù zuò shí mǒ?
[18:02.95] wèi shí me táng nà yòu chóng xīn huí dào le bā xī?
[18:23.51] táng nà rú hé zhēng qǔ é wài de qián lái yǎng huó zì jǐ?
[18:43.83] yī fèn lái zì hā lǐ de guān yú kòng xián shí jiān de zuì xīn yán jiū jié guǒ biǎo míng
[18:48.72] měi guó rén měi zhōu píng jūn gōng zuò shí jiān wèi 50 gè xiǎo shí,
[18:52.95] chú qù chī fàn, shuì jiào, zuò jiā wù
[18:58.07] hěn duō měi guó rén jiù zhǐ shèng hěn shǎo de shí jiān yòng lái zuò yè yú huó dòng
[19:03.22] rán ér, yǒu kòng xián shí jiān yòng lái fàng sōng hé zuò zì jǐ ài hào de huó dòng shì fēi cháng zhòng yào de
[19:09.28] rén men xū yào shí jiān lái huǎn jiě gōng zuò shēng huó de yā lì, hé jiā rén péng yǒu yì qǐ xiǎng shòu shí guāng.
[19:17.85] zài bù tóng guó jiā, kòng xián shí jiān yǐ bù tóng de fāng shì dù guò.
[19:22.89] yuè dú shì měi guó zuì liú xíng de yè yú huó dòng.
[19:30.18] qí cì shì kàn diàn shì.
[19:33.15] zài yīng guó de yī xiàng guān yú xiū xián shí jiān huó dòng de diào chá, kàn diàn shì hé shì pín shì zuì shòu huān yíng de
[19:40.63] tīng shōu yīn jī pái zài dì èr.
[19:43.26] zài rì běn jìn xíng de yī cì lèi sì de diào chá zhōng, zuì shòu huān yíng de zì yóu shí jiān huó dòng shì chū qù chī fàn
[19:50.29] dì èr zuì liú xíng de huó dòng shì kāi chē
[19:54.39] zhè sān ge guó jiā zhī jiān zuì shòu huān yíng de hù wài huó dòng yě yǒu chā yì.
[20:00.32] měi guó zuì shòu huān yíng de hù wài huó dòng shì yuán yì.
[20:05.34] zài yīng guó, zhè shì qù jiǔ bā.
[20:08.34] zài rì běn, qù jiǔ bā rén qì pái míng dì bā hé yuán yì pái míng dì jiǔ.
[20:15.32] jǐn guǎn shì jiè gè dì de rén men kě yǐ zài xián xiá shí jiān xǐ huān zuò lèi sì de shì qíng,
[20:21.53] yǒu zhèng jù biǎo míng, zhèi xiē xìng qù huó dòng zhèng zài gǎi biàn.
[20:25.16] zài měi guó, lì rú, jì suàn jī de pǔ jí huó dòng zhèng zài zēng jiā.
[20:31.30] gèng duō de měi guó rén huā tā men de kòng xián shí jiān yòng lái shàng wǎng, fā diàn zǐ yóu jiàn huò zài wǎng shàng wán yóu xì.
[20:48.88] What is the recent Harry Pole about? zuì jìn de Harry Pole shì guān yú shén me de?
[21:09.10] měi guó zuì liú xíng de yè yú huó dòng shì shén me?
[21:31.23] yīng guó zuì shòu huān yíng de hù wài huó dòng shì shén me?
[21:52.15] yuè 13 rì, chá ěr sī mài kè láo kè yí gè shòu gù yú Lummis gōng sī fēi cháng cū xīn de sī jī shè jí dào yī chǎng shì gù.
[22:04.95] shì gù fā shēng zài jiā zhōu hé bīn.
[22:08.71] bù guān zhù tā de jià shǐ,
[22:12.19] Mclaughlin turned right on main street and 33rd street and hit Volkswagen rabbit. mài kè láo kè lín zài zhǔ jiē hé dì 33 jiē jiāo chā kǒu yòu guǎi, hé yī liàng dà zhòng Rabbit xiāng zhuàng.
[22:18.67] zhè dǎo zhì tā dí kǎ chē qīng wēi sǔn huài, bèi zhuàng de qì chē sǔn huài yán zhòng.
[22:24.96] gēn jù jǐng fāng de bào gào
[22:27.68] shì gù wěi yuán huì zhèng què dì rèn dìng gāi shì gù shì yóu yú mài kè láo kè lín de cū xīn.
[22:33.90] yóu yú wěi yuán huì de jié lùn, fēn háng jīng lǐ dà wèi luó xī shuō,
[22:41.97] tā yǐ jīng hé mài kè láo kè lín tán guò tā de jí dù zāo gāo de jià shǐ jì lù.
[22:46.88] yóu yú mài kè láo lín de bù fù zé rèn yǐn qǐ shì gù de jìn yī bù zhèng jù fā shēng zài 5 yuè 6 rì tā cóng jiā lái huí lái de nà tiān.
[22:54.58] nà yì tiān, tā pǎo jìn Lummis de wǎ lái luó néng yuán shè shī de juǎn zhá mén, zào chéng zhòng dà sǔn hài.
[23:03.18] rán ér, sǔn huài dí kǎ chē shì cì yào de.
[23:06.39] zuì zhōng, zài 6 yuè 7 rì, mài kè láo kè lín zài cì chóng yǎn le tā de cū xīn,
[23:13.39] jī dǎo le biān yuán fù jìn de jǐ gè yóu xiāng gōng sī de tíng chē chǎng.
[23:18.59] yǐn qǐ yóu xiāng sǔn huài yǐ jí kǎ chē de qīng wēi sǔn huài.
[23:23.79] dà wèi luó xī xiān shēng biǎo shì, tā yǐ jīng hé mài kè láo kè lín hǎo jǐ cì tán dào tā de jià shǐ jì lù.
[23:30.82] tā bǔ chōng shuō, tā céng jīng jǐng gào mài kè láo kè lín shuō
[23:35.05] yī nián nèi rú guǒ fā shēng 3 cì kě yù fáng de shì gù jiù huì zāo dào jiě gù, shì shí shàng tā què shí fā shēng le.
[23:49.00] 23. What did the Lummis accident committee find out about the accident that occurred on March 13th? guān yú 3 yuè 13 rì de shì gù, Lummis shì gù wěi yuán huì chá qīng le shén me
[24:12.46] zài 6 yuè 7 rì, mài kè láo kè lín duì biān yuán fù jìn de jǐ gè yóu xiāng gōng sī de tíng chē chǎng zuò le shén me
[24:34.97] jiē xià lái mài kè láo kè lín zuì yǒu kě néng fā shēng shén me?
[24:57.23] tīng lì tián kòng:
[25:29.73] dāng kù kè chuán zhǎng wèn tǎ xī tí dǎo de shǒu lǐng wèi shí me tā men zǒng shì dān dú chī fàn
[25:36.26] tā men huí dá shuō:" yīn wèi tā shì zhèng què de."
[25:39.55] rú guǒ wǒ men wèn měi guó rén wéi shén me tā men yòng dāo chā chī fàn,
[25:43.88] huò zhě wèi shí me tā men nán rén chuān kù zi, ér bú shì qún zi,
[25:48.22] yòu huò zhě wèi shí me tā men zhǐ néng hé yí ge rén jié hūn,
[25:52.50] wǒ men yǒu kě néng dé dào lèi sì de fēi cháng bù tí gōng xìn xī dá àn, yīn wèi tā shì zhèng què de,
[25:59.32] yīn wèi jiù shì zhè yàng zuò, yīn wèi tā shì guàn lì, shèn zhì shì wǒ bù zhī dào.
[26:05.70] chǎn shēng zhèi xiē de hé wú shù qí tā de shè huì xíng wéi mó shì de yuán yīn shì
[26:11.16] tā men yuē shù yú shè huì gòng xiǎng guī fàn huò zhǐ nán
[26:16.93] zhèi xiē guī zé shì shì dàng de qíng kuàng xià gěi dìng de.
[26:20.93] guī fàn dìng yì le zài yí gè tè dìng de shè huì, zài tè dìng qíng kuàng xià, rén men de xíng wéi yīng gāi shì zěn yàng.
[26:29.78] wǒ men qīng yì dì fú hé guī fàn yǐ zhì yú jī hū yì shí bú dào tā men de cún zài.
[26:36.23] shì shí shàng, xiāng bǐ fú hé guī fàn, wǒ men gèng yǒu kě néng zhù yì dào piān lí guī fàn.
[26:43.91] rú guǒ dāng nǐ jiè shào le zì jǐ shí, yí gè mò shēng rén shì tú wò shǒu, nǐ bú huì gǎn dào jīng yà,
[26:49.87] dàn shì rú guǒ tā men jū gōng, tóng shí kāi shǐ fǔ mō nǐ huò zhě wěn nǐ de liǎn jiá, nǐ kě néng jiù yǒu diǎn jīng yà.
[26:57.55] rán ér zhèi xiē qí tā xíng shì de wèn hòu zài shì jiè de qí tā dì fāng shì shì dàng de.
[27:03.27] dāng wǒ men fǎng wèn lìng yí gè guī fàn bù tóng de shè huì de shí hòu,
[27:09.12] wǒ men hěn kuài yì shí dào, wǒ men zhè yàng zuò de shì qíng, tā men què nà yàng zuò.
[27:14.08] dì èr biàn
[27:18.21] dāng kù kè chuán zhǎng wèn tǎ xī tí dǎo de shǒu lǐng wèi shí me tā men zǒng shì dān dú chī fàn
[27:24.12] tā men huí dá shuō:" yīn wèi tā shì zhèng què de."
[27:27.35] rú guǒ wǒ men wèn měi guó rén wéi shén me tā men yòng dāo chā chī fàn,
[27:31.53] huò zhě wèi shí me tā men nán rén chuān kù zi, ér bú shì qún zi,
[27:35.17] yòu huò zhě wèi shí me tā men zhǐ néng hé yí ge rén jié hūn,
[27:39.58] wǒ men yǒu kě néng dé dào lèi sì de fēi cháng bù tí gōng xìn xī dá àn, yīn wèi tā shì zhèng què de,
[27:46.29] yīn wèi jiù shì zhè yàng zuò, yīn wèi tā shì guàn lì, shèn zhì shì wǒ bù zhī dào.
[27:53.14] chǎn shēng zhèi xiē de hé wú shù qí tā de shè huì xíng wéi mó shì de yuán yīn shì
[27:59.12] tā men yuē shù yú shè huì gòng xiǎng guī fàn huò zhǐ nán
[28:04.06] zhèi xiē guī zé shì shì dàng de qíng kuàng xià gěi dìng de.
[28:08.60] guī fàn dìng yì le zài yí gè tè dìng de shè huì, zài tè dìng qíng kuàng xià, rén men de xíng wéi yīng gāi shì zěn yàng.
[28:16.57] wǒ men qīng yì dì fú hé guī fàn yǐ zhì yú jī hū yì shí bú dào tā men de cún zài.
[28:22.53] shì shí shàng, xiāng bǐ fú hé guī fàn, wǒ men gèng yǒu kě néng zhù yì dào piān lí guī fàn.
[28:29.68] rú guǒ dāng nǐ jiè shào le zì jǐ shí, yí gè mò shēng rén shì tú wò shǒu, nǐ bú huì gǎn dào jīng yà,
[28:35.93] dàn shì rú guǒ tā men jū gōng, tóng shí kāi shǐ fǔ mō nǐ huò zhě wěn nǐ de liǎn jiá, nǐ kě néng jiù yǒu diǎn jīng yà.
[28:42.98] rán ér zhèi xiē qí tā xíng shì de wèn hòu zài shì jiè de qí tā dì fāng shì shì dàng de.
[28:49.64] dāng wǒ men fǎng wèn lìng yí gè guī fàn bù tóng de shè huì de shí hòu,
[28:54.79] wǒ men hěn kuài yì shí dào, wǒ men zhè yàng zuò de shì qíng, tā men què nà yàng zuò.
[29:00.79] dì sān biàn lüè
[30:52.47] tīng lì kǎo shì jié shù