
歌曲 2013年6月大学英语四级听力真题
歌手 英语听力
专辑 大学英语四级听力真题


[00:00.030] 试音时间
[01:46.410] 听力开始
[01:47.410] Part III Listening Comprehension
[01:50.540] Section A
[01:52.600] Directions:In this section,you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations.
[02:00.520] At the end of each conversation,one or more questions will be asked about what was said.
[02:07.330] Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once.
[02:12.880] After each question there will be a pause.
[02:23.780] and decide which is the best answer.
[02:27.060] Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the center.
[02:38.830] Q11.
[02:41.260] W:What are you doing in here,Sir?Didn't you see the private sign over there?
[02:46.340] M:I'm sorry.I didn't notice it when I came in.I'm looking for the manager's office.
[02:53.010] Q:What do we learn from the conversation?
[03:12.070] Q12.
[03:13.230] W:Mike,what's the problem?You've known from month the report is due today.
[03:19.500] M:I know,but I'm afraid I need another few days.The data is hard to interpret than I expected.
[03:27.590] Q:What does the man mean?
[03:44.570] Q13.
[03:46.400] W:Excuse me,Tony.Has my parcel from New York arrived?
[03:50.940] M:Unfortunately,it's been delayed due to the bad weather.
[03:54.940] Q:What is the woman waiting for?
[04:12.900] Q14.
[04:15.400] W:Pam said we won't have the psychology test until the end of next week.
[04:20.880] M:Ellen,you should know better than to take Pam's words for anything.
[04:26.080] Q:What does the man imply about Pam?
[04:44.620] Q15.
[04:46.020] W:Tom,would you please watch my suitcase for a minute?I need to go make a quick phone call.
[04:53.710] M:Yeah,sure.Take your time.Our train doesn't leave for another twenty minutes.
[05:00.470] Q:What does the man mean?
[05:18.780] Q16.
[05:20.580] M:Frankly,Mary is not what I'd called easy-going.
[05:24.640] W:I see.People in our neighborhood find it hard to believe she's my twin sister.
[05:30.640] Q:What does the woman imply?
[05:48.220] Q17.
[05:50.150] M:How soon do you think this can be cleaned?
[05:53.080] W:We have same day service,sir.You can pick up your suit after five o'clock.
[06:00.180] Q:Where does the conversation most probably take place?
[06:19.330] Q18.
[06:20.890] W:I really enjoy that piece you just play on the piano.I bet you get a lot of requests for it.
[06:28.310] M:You said it.People just can't get enough of it.
[06:32.410] Q:What do we learn from the conversation?
[06:51.280] Now you will hear the 2 long conversations
[06:55.500] Conversation one
[06:57.420] W:Good afternoon,Mr. Jones.I am Teresa Chen,and I'll be interviewing you.How are you today?
[07:03.920] M:I am fine,thank you. And you, Miss Chen?
[07:07.050] W:Good,Thanks.Can you tell me something about your experience in this kind of work?
[07:12.820] M:Well,for several years,I managed a department for the Brownstone Company in Detroit,Michigan.
[07:20.040] Now I work part time because I also go to school at night.I'm getting a business degree.
[07:26.180] W:Oh,how interesting.Tell me,why do you want to leave your present job?
[07:32.570] M:I'll finish school in a few months,and I'd like a full-time position with more responsibility.
[07:38.850] W:And why would you like to work for our company?
[07:42.080] M:Because I know your compan's work and I like it.
[07:45.730] W:Could you please tell me about your special skills and interests?
[07:49.570] M:Of course,I'm good at computers and I can speak Spanish.
[07:54.390] I used to take classes in Spanish at the local college.And I like travelling a lot.
[08:00.060] W:Can you give me any references?
[08:02.370] M:Yes,certainly.You can talk to Mr.McCaw,my boss,at the Brownstone Company.
[08:08.910] I could also give you the names and numbers of several of my teachers.
[08:13.620] W:All right,Mr.Jones,and would you like to ask me any questions?
[08:18.750] M:Yes,I wonder when I'll be informed about my application for the job.
[08:24.610] W:Well,we'll let you know as soon as possible.Let's stay in touch.
[08:29.400] Thank you very much for coming this afternoon.
[08:32.360] M:Thank you.
[08:34.490] Questions 19-22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
[08:40.240] Q19.What does the man say about his working experience?
[09:01.400] Q20.Why does the man want to leave his present job?
[09:21.440] Q21.What is the man interested in?
[09:41.390] Q22.What question did the man ask the woman?
[10:01.700] Conversation two
[10:04.670] M:Lisa,Lisa!Over here,darling!It's wonderful to see you.Oh,Lisa,you look marvelous.
[10:12.590] W:Oh,Paul,you look tired.Two months away in the capital?
[10:15.000] Paul,I think you've been working too hard.
[10:20.720] M:I'm fine.The city is very hot this time of the year.
[10:26.780] It's good to get back to some fresh air.
[10:28.600] You know,Lisa,what they say about pregnant women really is true.
[10:33.420] W:What's that Paul?
[10:35.080] M:They say they look beautiful.
[10:37.320] W:Well,I had a lot of tension while you've been studying hard on your course in D.C.
[10:43.050] M:Oh?
[10:44.060] W:Oh,don't worry,all from a man over 50.
[10:48.390] Father has told all his business friends the good news about the baby.
[10:54.450] And the phone hasn't stopped ringing.
[10:56.210] M:Oh,look,darling.There's a taxi.
[10:59.270] W:Paul,tell me about the special project you mentioned on the phone.
[11:05.100] You sounded very excited about it!
[11:06.340] M: You know,I've learned a lot from the project.
[11:10.300] I'm surprised that was still in business.
[11:12.270] W: That's because we have a wonderful sales manager——you!
[11:17.290] M: Thanks. But that's not the problem at all.
[11:21.780] Lisa,our little company,and it is little compared to the giants in the city.
[11:26.390] Our little company's in danger.We are out of date.We need to expand.
[11:32.500] If we don't,we will be swallowed up by one of the giants.
[11:36.650] Questions 23-25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
[11:41.860] Q23.What do we learn about Lisa?
[12:01.480] Q24.What do we learn about the man from the conversation?
[12:22.410] Q25.What does the man say about his company?
[12:43.290] Section B
[12:44.620] Directions:In this section, you will hear three short passages.
[12:50.590] At the end of each passage,you will hear some questions.
[12:54.770] Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once.
[12:58.880] After you hear a question,you must choose the best answer from four choices marked A),B),C)and D).
[13:08.980] Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the center.
[13:17.690] Passage 1
[13:19.620] Farmington,Utah,is a more pleasant community since a local girls'4-H club improved Main Street.
[13:27.760] Six 4-H girls worked to clean the 72 foot curbside that was covered with weeds,rocks and trash.6
[13:36.150] Each member volunteered to clean up and to dig in plot,five flats of flowers.
[13:42.560] They also took terms in watering,weeding and maintaining the plot.
[13:47.280] Participation in this project helped the girls developed a new attitude towards their parents of their own homes;
[13:54.680] they've learned how to work with tools,and improve their work habits.
[14:00.130] One mother said that before her daughter was involved in this project,she would not even pour a weed.
[14:06.700] The experience on Main Street stimulated self-improvement,
[14:10.890] and encouraged members to take pride in their home grounds and the total community.
[14:16.700] City officials cooperated with the 4-H members in planting trees,
[14:21.820] building cooking facilities,pick-me tables,swings and public rest rooms.
[14:27.500] The 4-H girls planted trees and took care of them during the early stages of growth. 4-H
[14:33.270] The total park project needed more plantings in the following years.
[14:37.960] Members of the 4-H club agreed to follow the project through to completion, 4-H
[14:43.320] because they receive satisfaction from the results of constructive work.
[14:47.650] The project is a growing one and is spread from the park to the school and the shopping center.
[14:54.620] Trees and flowers have all been planted in the shopping center,making the atmosphere pleasant.
[15:02.250] Questions 26 to 29 are based on the passage you have just heard.
[15:08.580] Q26.What do we learn about Main Street in Farmington?
[15:29.540] Q27.What do the 4-H club members do about the curbside?4-H
[15:51.280] Q28.What have the 4-H girls learned from the project?
[16:12.680] Q29. Why do the 4-H girls agree to follow the park project through to complete?
[16:35.400] Passage 2
[16:37.760] According to a survey on reading conducted in 2001 by the U.S.National Education Association(NEA),
[16:45.860] young Americans say reading is important,more important than computers and science.
[16:52.570] Over 50% of the 12 to 18 years old interviewed say they enjoy reading a lot.
[17:00.080] 79% find it stimulating and interesting.And 87% think it is relaxing.79%
[17:07.660] About 68% of those surveyed disagreed with the opinion that reading is boring or old-fashioned.
[17:15.770] Over half teenagers interviewed said they read more than ten books a year.
[17:21.610] The results also show that middle school students read more books than high schoolers.
[17:27.900] Over 66% of teens like to read fiction,such as novels and stories.
[17:34.400] Over 26% are interested in non-fiction,such history books.
[17:40.440] 64% of students listed reading stories about people my own age.
[17:46.510] That's a favorite topic.Mysteries and detective stories came second on the list at 53%.
[17:54.900] Just under 50% said they were interested in reading about their own culture in tradition.
[18:01.740] Of the teenagers who participated in the survey,49% said that libraries are where they get most of their books.
[18:11.210] However,many complain that their school libraries do not have enough up-to-date interesting books and magazines.
[18:19.760] Even though many teenagers in the US enjoy reading,they still have other interests.
[18:26.450] When asked which activity would be the most difficult to give up for a week,48% said listening to music.
[18:35.390] TV would be difficult to give up for 25% of those surveyed.
[18:40.390] Question 30 to 32 are based on the passage you have just heard.
[18:47.090] Q30. What does the survey on teenager reading show?
[19:07.840] Q31. What books are most popular among teenagers according to the survey?
[19:30.460] Q32. What activity do teenagers find the most difficult to give up for a week?
[19:54.020] Passage 3
[19:55.820] Thank you for coming, everyone.
[19:57.660] Today's presentation will show how we see the development of the motor car in the short to medium term,
[20:06.110] and that is why we have invited all of you here today.
[20:08.790] Let's start with power.It's clear that petrol-driven engines have no future.
[20:14.890] Already there are many alternative fuel vehicles on the market,
[20:19.200] powered by anything from solar power to natural gas.
[20:23.340] Some independent thinkers have even produced cars that run on vegetable oil.
[20:28.620] But as we all know,of all these alternative fuel vehicles,the most practical are electric vehicles.
[20:35.590] Sure,in the past electric vehicles have their problems,namely,
[20:40.310] a limited driving range,and very few recharging points,which limited their use.
[20:45.620] Now,however,recent developments in electric vehicle technology
[20:50.270] mean they can match conventional petrol engines in terms of performance and safety.
[20:56.120] Let's not forget that electric vehicles are cleaner.
[20:59.650] Plus,importantly,the power source is rechargeable,so this does not involve using any valuable resources.
[21:07.540] Moving on to communications,very soon,cars will be linked to GPS satellites,so they'll do all the driving for you.
[21:16.160] What controls remain for the users will be audio-based,so,for example,you'll just have to say "a bit warmer",
[21:24.800] and the air conditioning will adjust automatically.
[21:28.030] You'll also be able to receive email, music and movies,all via an internet link.
[21:34.320] So just type in the destination you want, sit back, sleep, watch your movie,whatever.
[21:41.120] Questions 33-35 are based on the passage you have just heard.
[21:47.740] Q33. What is the presentation mainly about?
[22:08.350] Q34. What used to restrict the use of electric vehicles?
[22:29.210] Q35. What does the speaker say about electric vehicles of today?


[00:00.030] shì yīn shí jiān
[01:46.410] tīng lì kāi shǐ
[01:47.410] Part III Listening Comprehension
[01:50.540] Section A
[01:52.600] Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations.
[02:00.520] At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said.
[02:07.330] Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once.
[02:12.880] After each question there will be a pause.
[02:23.780] and decide which is the best answer.
[02:27.060] Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the center.
[02:38.830] Q11.
[02:41.260] W: What are you doing in here, Sir? Didn' t you see the private sign over there?
[02:46.340] M: I' m sorry. I didn' t notice it when I came in. I' m looking for the manager' s office.
[02:53.010] Q: What do we learn from the conversation?
[03:12.070] Q12.
[03:13.230] W: Mike, what' s the problem? You' ve known from month the report is due today.
[03:19.500] M: I know, but I' m afraid I need another few days. The data is hard to interpret than I expected.
[03:27.590] Q: What does the man mean?
[03:44.570] Q13.
[03:46.400] W: Excuse me, Tony. Has my parcel from New York arrived?
[03:50.940] M: Unfortunately, it' s been delayed due to the bad weather.
[03:54.940] Q: What is the woman waiting for?
[04:12.900] Q14.
[04:15.400] W: Pam said we won' t have the psychology test until the end of next week.
[04:20.880] M: Ellen, you should know better than to take Pam' s words for anything.
[04:26.080] Q: What does the man imply about Pam?
[04:44.620] Q15.
[04:46.020] W: Tom, would you please watch my suitcase for a minute? I need to go make a quick phone call.
[04:53.710] M: Yeah, sure. Take your time. Our train doesn' t leave for another twenty minutes.
[05:00.470] Q: What does the man mean?
[05:18.780] Q16.
[05:20.580] M: Frankly, Mary is not what I' d called easygoing.
[05:24.640] W: I see. People in our neighborhood find it hard to believe she' s my twin sister.
[05:30.640] Q: What does the woman imply?
[05:48.220] Q17.
[05:50.150] M: How soon do you think this can be cleaned?
[05:53.080] W: We have same day service, sir. You can pick up your suit after five o' clock.
[06:00.180] Q: Where does the conversation most probably take place?
[06:19.330] Q18.
[06:20.890] W: I really enjoy that piece you just play on the piano. I bet you get a lot of requests for it.
[06:28.310] M: You said it. People just can' t get enough of it.
[06:32.410] Q: What do we learn from the conversation?
[06:51.280] Now you will hear the 2 long conversations
[06:55.500] Conversation one
[06:57.420] W: Good afternoon, Mr. Jones. I am Teresa Chen, and I' ll be interviewing you. How are you today?
[07:03.920] M: I am fine, thank you. And you, Miss Chen?
[07:07.050] W: Good, Thanks. Can you tell me something about your experience in this kind of work?
[07:12.820] M: Well, for several years, I managed a department for the Brownstone Company in Detroit, Michigan.
[07:20.040] Now I work part time because I also go to school at night. I' m getting a business degree.
[07:26.180] W: Oh, how interesting. Tell me, why do you want to leave your present job?
[07:32.570] M: I' ll finish school in a few months, and I' d like a fulltime position with more responsibility.
[07:38.850] W: And why would you like to work for our company?
[07:42.080] M: Because I know your compan' s work and I like it.
[07:45.730] W: Could you please tell me about your special skills and interests?
[07:49.570] M: Of course, I' m good at computers and I can speak Spanish.
[07:54.390] I used to take classes in Spanish at the local college. And I like travelling a lot.
[08:00.060] W: Can you give me any references?
[08:02.370] M: Yes, certainly. You can talk to Mr. McCaw, my boss, at the Brownstone Company.
[08:08.910] I could also give you the names and numbers of several of my teachers.
[08:13.620] W: All right, Mr. Jones, and would you like to ask me any questions?
[08:18.750] M: Yes, I wonder when I' ll be informed about my application for the job.
[08:24.610] W: Well, we' ll let you know as soon as possible. Let' s stay in touch.
[08:29.400] Thank you very much for coming this afternoon.
[08:32.360] M: Thank you.
[08:34.490] Questions 1922 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
[08:40.240] Q19. What does the man say about his working experience?
[09:01.400] Q20. Why does the man want to leave his present job?
[09:21.440] Q21. What is the man interested in?
[09:41.390] Q22. What question did the man ask the woman?
[10:01.700] Conversation two
[10:04.670] M: Lisa, Lisa! Over here, darling! It' s wonderful to see you. Oh, Lisa, you look marvelous.
[10:12.590] W: Oh, Paul, you look tired. Two months away in the capital?
[10:15.000] Paul, I think you' ve been working too hard.
[10:20.720] M: I' m fine. The city is very hot this time of the year.
[10:26.780] It' s good to get back to some fresh air.
[10:28.600] You know, Lisa, what they say about pregnant women really is true.
[10:33.420] W: What' s that Paul?
[10:35.080] M: They say they look beautiful.
[10:37.320] W: Well, I had a lot of tension while you' ve been studying hard on your course in D. C.
[10:43.050] M: Oh?
[10:44.060] W: Oh, don' t worry, all from a man over 50.
[10:48.390] Father has told all his business friends the good news about the baby.
[10:54.450] And the phone hasn' t stopped ringing.
[10:56.210] M: Oh, look, darling. There' s a taxi.
[10:59.270] W: Paul, tell me about the special project you mentioned on the phone.
[11:05.100] You sounded very excited about it!
[11:06.340] M: You know, I' ve learned a lot from the project.
[11:10.300] I' m surprised that was still in business.
[11:12.270] W: That' s because we have a wonderful sales manager you!
[11:17.290] M: Thanks. But that' s not the problem at all.
[11:21.780] Lisa, our little company, and it is little compared to the giants in the city.
[11:26.390] Our little company' s in danger. We are out of date. We need to expand.
[11:32.500] If we don' t, we will be swallowed up by one of the giants.
[11:36.650] Questions 2325 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
[11:41.860] Q23. What do we learn about Lisa?
[12:01.480] Q24. What do we learn about the man from the conversation?
[12:22.410] Q25. What does the man say about his company?
[12:43.290] Section B
[12:44.620] Directions: In this section, you will hear three short passages.
[12:50.590] At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions.
[12:54.770] Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once.
[12:58.880] After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from four choices marked A, B, C and D.
[13:08.980] Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the center.
[13:17.690] Passage 1
[13:19.620] Farmington, Utah, is a more pleasant community since a local girls' 4H club improved Main Street.
[13:27.760] Six 4H girls worked to clean the 72 foot curbside that was covered with weeds, rocks and trash. 6
[13:36.150] Each member volunteered to clean up and to dig in plot, five flats of flowers.
[13:42.560] They also took terms in watering, weeding and maintaining the plot.
[13:47.280] Participation in this project helped the girls developed a new attitude towards their parents of their own homes
[13:54.680] they' ve learned how to work with tools, and improve their work habits.
[14:00.130] One mother said that before her daughter was involved in this project, she would not even pour a weed.
[14:06.700] The experience on Main Street stimulated selfimprovement,
[14:10.890] and encouraged members to take pride in their home grounds and the total community.
[14:16.700] City officials cooperated with the 4H members in planting trees,
[14:21.820] building cooking facilities, pickme tables, swings and public rest rooms.
[14:27.500] The 4H girls planted trees and took care of them during the early stages of growth. 4H
[14:33.270] The total park project needed more plantings in the following years.
[14:37.960] Members of the 4H club agreed to follow the project through to completion, 4H
[14:43.320] because they receive satisfaction from the results of constructive work.
[14:47.650] The project is a growing one and is spread from the park to the school and the shopping center.
[14:54.620] Trees and flowers have all been planted in the shopping center, making the atmosphere pleasant.
[15:02.250] Questions 26 to 29 are based on the passage you have just heard.
[15:08.580] Q26. What do we learn about Main Street in Farmington?
[15:29.540] Q27. What do the 4H club members do about the curbside? 4H
[15:51.280] Q28. What have the 4H girls learned from the project?
[16:12.680] Q29. Why do the 4H girls agree to follow the park project through to complete?
[16:35.400] Passage 2
[16:37.760] According to a survey on reading conducted in 2001 by the U. S. National Education Association NEA,
[16:45.860] young Americans say reading is important, more important than computers and science.
[16:52.570] Over 50 of the 12 to 18 years old interviewed say they enjoy reading a lot.
[17:00.080] 79 find it stimulating and interesting. And 87 think it is relaxing. 79
[17:07.660] About 68 of those surveyed disagreed with the opinion that reading is boring or oldfashioned.
[17:15.770] Over half teenagers interviewed said they read more than ten books a year.
[17:21.610] The results also show that middle school students read more books than high schoolers.
[17:27.900] Over 66 of teens like to read fiction, such as novels and stories.
[17:34.400] Over 26 are interested in nonfiction, such history books.
[17:40.440] 64 of students listed reading stories about people my own age.
[17:46.510] That' s a favorite topic. Mysteries and detective stories came second on the list at 53.
[17:54.900] Just under 50 said they were interested in reading about their own culture in tradition.
[18:01.740] Of the teenagers who participated in the survey, 49 said that libraries are where they get most of their books.
[18:11.210] However, many complain that their school libraries do not have enough uptodate interesting books and magazines.
[18:19.760] Even though many teenagers in the US enjoy reading, they still have other interests.
[18:26.450] When asked which activity would be the most difficult to give up for a week, 48 said listening to music.
[18:35.390] TV would be difficult to give up for 25 of those surveyed.
[18:40.390] Question 30 to 32 are based on the passage you have just heard.
[18:47.090] Q30. What does the survey on teenager reading show?
[19:07.840] Q31. What books are most popular among teenagers according to the survey?
[19:30.460] Q32. What activity do teenagers find the most difficult to give up for a week?
[19:54.020] Passage 3
[19:55.820] Thank you for coming, everyone.
[19:57.660] Today' s presentation will show how we see the development of the motor car in the short to medium term,
[20:06.110] and that is why we have invited all of you here today.
[20:08.790] Let' s start with power. It' s clear that petroldriven engines have no future.
[20:14.890] Already there are many alternative fuel vehicles on the market,
[20:19.200] powered by anything from solar power to natural gas.
[20:23.340] Some independent thinkers have even produced cars that run on vegetable oil.
[20:28.620] But as we all know, of all these alternative fuel vehicles, the most practical are electric vehicles.
[20:35.590] Sure, in the past electric vehicles have their problems, namely,
[20:40.310] a limited driving range, and very few recharging points, which limited their use.
[20:45.620] Now, however, recent developments in electric vehicle technology
[20:50.270] mean they can match conventional petrol engines in terms of performance and safety.
[20:56.120] Let' s not forget that electric vehicles are cleaner.
[20:59.650] Plus, importantly, the power source is rechargeable, so this does not involve using any valuable resources.
[21:07.540] Moving on to communications, very soon, cars will be linked to GPS satellites, so they' ll do all the driving for you.
[21:16.160] What controls remain for the users will be audiobased, so, for example, you' ll just have to say " a bit warmer",
[21:24.800] and the air conditioning will adjust automatically.
[21:28.030] You' ll also be able to receive email, music and movies, all via an internet link.
[21:34.320] So just type in the destination you want, sit back, sleep, watch your movie, whatever.
[21:41.120] Questions 3335 are based on the passage you have just heard.
[21:47.740] Q33. What is the presentation mainly about?
[22:08.350] Q34. What used to restrict the use of electric vehicles?
[22:29.210] Q35. What does the speaker say about electric vehicles of today?


[01:52.600] shuō míng: zài běn jié zhōng, nǐ jiāng tīng dào 8 gè duǎn duì huà hé 2 gè zhǎng duì huà.
[02:00.520] měi gè duì huà dōu huì yǒu yí dào duō gè wèn tí.
[02:07.330] duì huà yǔ wèn tí zhǐ jiǎng yī biàn
[02:12.880] měi gè wèn tí wán hòu huì tíng dùn jǐ miǎo,
[02:16.720] During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, zài tíng dùn jiān xuǎn zé A B C D sì gè xuǎn xiàng zhōng
[02:23.780] nǐ rèn wéi duì de dá àn
[02:27.060] rán hòu zài dá tí kǎ 2 shàng zuò chū biāo jì.
[02:41.260] xiān shēng, nǐ zài zhè lǐ gàn ma ne? nǐ jìn lái de shí hòu méi yǒu kàn dào nà biān de sī rén biāo zhì ma?
[02:46.340] ō, bù hǎo yì sī, wǒ huāng zhe zhǎo jīng lǐ bàn gōng shì, suǒ yǐ bìng méi yǒu kàn dào.
[02:53.010] wǒ men néng cóng zhè duàn duì huà liǎo jiě dào shén me?
[03:13.230] mài kè, nǐ shì yù dào shén me wèn tí le ma? jīn tiān jiù shì jiāo bào gào de zuì hòu qī xiàn le.
[03:19.500] wǒ zhī dào, dàn shì wǒ hái xū yāo hǎo jǐ tiān cái néng wán chéng. zhèi xiē shù jù bǐ wǒ xiǎng xiàng de hái yào nán lǐ jiě.
[03:27.590] zhè gè nán de shuō de shì shén me yì sī?
[03:46.400] tuō ní, wǒ cóng niǔ yuē jì lái de bāo guǒ dào le ma?
[03:50.940] hái méi yǒu, yīn wèi tiān qì yuán yīn yán chí le.
[03:54.940] zhè gè nǚ de zài děng shén me dōng xī?
[04:15.400] pà mǔ shuō wǒ men xià zhōu yǒu xīn lǐ cè shì.
[04:20.880] ài lún, nǐ zuì hǎo bú yào tīng tā xiā shuō.
[04:26.080] zhè gè nán de àn shì le pà mǔ shén me?
[04:46.020] tāng mǔ, néng bāng wǒ kàn xià xíng lǐ ma? wǒ xiǎng qù dǎ gè diàn huà.
[04:53.710] kě yǐ a, màn màn dì. wǒ men lí kāi chē shí jiān hái zǎo ne, nǐ kě yǐ dǎ 20 fēn zhōng.
[05:00.470] zhè gè nán de shuō de shì shén me yì sī?
[05:20.580] tǎn bái shuō, wǒ jué de mǎ lì bìng méi yǒu wǒ xiǎng xiàng de nà me róng yì xiāng chǔ
[05:24.640] wǒ zhī dào, wǒ de lín jū men dōu hěn nán xiāng xìn wǒ men shì luán shēng jiě mèi.
[05:30.640] zhè gè nǚ de àn shì le shén me?
[05:50.150] qǐng wèn nǐ men shì shén me shí hòu kāi shǐ dǎ sǎo ne?
[05:53.080] xiān shēng, wǒ men dōu shì dàng tiān dǎ sǎo de. nǐ kě yǐ zài 5 diǎn zhī hòu rù zhù.
[06:00.180] zhè duàn duì huà zuì yǒu kě néng fā shēng zài shén me dì fang?
[06:20.890] wǒ zhēn de chāo jí xǐ huān nǐ gāng gāng zài gāng qín shàng dàn de nà shǒu qǔ zi. wǒ gǎn dǎ dǔ nǐ kěn dìng liàn xí le hěn jiǔ.
[06:28.310] nǐ shuō duì le. rén men zǒng shì wú fǎ wán quán de lǐng wù tā.
[06:32.410] wǒ men néng cóng zhè duàn duì huà zhōng liǎo jiě dào shén me?
[06:51.280] nǐ jiāng tīng dào 2 duàn zhǎng duì huà
[06:55.500] duì huà yī
[06:57.420] xià wǔ hǎo, qióng sī xiān shēng. wǒ shì cǎi fǎng nǐ de, wǒ jiào tè lěi shā. chén. nǐ jué de jīn tiān zěn me yàng?
[07:03.920] xiè xiè, wǒ hěn hǎo. nǐ ne, chén xiǎo jiě?
[07:07.050] xiè xiè, wǒ yě shì. nǐ néng gào sù wǒ yī xiē guān yú nǐ zhè fāng miàn gōng zuò de jīng yàn ma?
[07:12.820] hǎo de. wǒ zài mì xiē gēn zhōu dǐ tè lǜ de bù lǎng sī tōng gōng sī guǎn lǐ bù mén gōng zuò le jǐ nián.
[07:20.040] xiàn zài wǒ zài jiān zhí yīn wèi wǎn shàng yào shàng kè. bìng qiě wǒ hěn kuài jiù huì ná dào shāng kē xué wèi le.
[07:26.180] ō, zhēn yǒu qù. nà nǐ wèi shí me xiǎng cí diào xiàn zài de gōng zuò ne?
[07:32.570] wǒ hái yǒu jǐ gè yuè jiù yào bì yè le, ér qiě wǒ xiǎng zhǎo yí gè gèng jiā fù zé de quán zhí gōng zuò.
[07:38.850] nà nǐ wèi shí me xiǎng dào wǒ men gōng sī?
[07:42.080] yīn wèi wǒ liǎo jiě nǐ men gōng sī, bìng qiě wǒ yě hěn xǐ huān zhè fèn gōng zuò.
[07:45.730] nà nǐ yǒu shén me tè shū jì néng hé xìng qù ma?
[07:49.570] wǒ jīng tōng diàn nǎo, bìng qiě hái huì xī bān yá yǔ.
[07:54.390] wǒ yǐ qián zài dāng dì dà xué shàng guò xī bān yá yǔ kè. ér qiě wǒ chāo jí xǐ huān lǚ yóu.
[08:00.060] nǐ yǒu tuī jiàn xìn ma?
[08:02.370] dāng rán, nǐ kě yǐ hé bù lǎng sī tōng gōng sī de wǒ de lǎo bǎn mài kǎo xiān shēng tán tán,
[08:08.910] wǒ huì gěi nǐ zhèi xiē rén de míng zì hé diàn huà hào mǎ.
[08:13.620] hǎo de. nà nǐ yǒu shén me wèn tí xiǎng wèn wǒ ma?
[08:18.750] é, wǒ xiǎng zhī dào shén me shí hòu néng zhī dào wǒ shì fǒu bèi lù yòng?
[08:24.610] wǒ men huì jìn kě néng zǎo de tōng zhī nǐ de, suí shí bǎo chí lián xì.
[08:29.400] xiè xiè nǐ jīn tiān de dào lái.
[08:32.360] hǎo de, xiè xiè.
[08:34.490] qǐng huí dá dì 1922 de wèn tí.
[08:40.240] zhè gè nán de yǒu něi xiē gōng zuò jīng yàn?
[09:01.400] wèi shí me zhè gè nán de xiǎng cí diào xiàn zài de gōng zuò?
[09:21.440] zhè gè nán de duì shén me gǎn xīng qù?
[09:41.390] zhè gè nán de wèn le shén me wèn tí?
[10:01.700] dì èr duàn duì huà
[10:04.670] lì shā, lì shā, zhè ér, zhè ér, qīn ài de. hěn gāo xìng jiàn dào nǐ, nǐ kàn shang qu zhēn bàng.
[10:12.590] ō, bǎo luó, nǐ zài shǒu dū liǎng ge yuè qiáo cuì liǎo bù shǎo
[10:15.000] wǒ jué de nǐ kěn dìng shì tài rèn zhēn gōng zuò le.
[10:20.720] wǒ hái hǎo. měi nián chéng shì lǐ de zhè gè shí hòu dōu tè bié rè.
[10:26.780] hū xī dào xīn xiān kōng qì zhēn hǎo a.
[10:28.600] lì shā, nǐ zhī dào ma, tā men shuō de guān yú yùn fù de huà tí dōu shì zhēn de.
[10:33.420] shì shén me?
[10:35.080] tā men shuō tā men kàn qǐ lái hěn piào liàng.
[10:37.320] ēn, nǐ zài D. C kè shàng chāo jí rèn zhēn, rán ér wǒ tè bié jǐn zhāng.
[10:43.050] ō?
[10:44.060] ó, bié dān xīn. dōu shì 50 suì yǐ shàng de nán rén zào chéng de.
[10:48.390] fù qīn gào sù le tā suǒ yǒu shāng jiè de péng yǒu guān yú hái zi de hǎo xiāo xī,
[10:54.450] ér qiě diàn huà yī zhí xiǎng gè bù tíng.
[10:56.210] ō, qīn ài de, chū zū chē dào le.
[10:59.270] bǎo luó, gào sù wǒ nǐ zài diàn huà lǐ tí dào de nà gè tè bié xiàng mù,
[11:05.100] nǐ shuō de shí hòu gǎn jué tè bié xīng fèn.
[11:06.340] wǒ cóng zhè gè xiàng mù zhōng xué dào le xǔ duō dōng xī,
[11:10.300] wǒ gǎn jué wǒ hái chén jìn yú cǐ.
[11:12.270] nà shi yīn wèi wǒ men yǒu nǐ zhè wèi chū sè de xiāo shòu jīng lǐ.
[11:17.290] xiè xiè, dàn zhè bú shì wèn tí suǒ zài.
[11:21.780] lì shā, wǒ men de gōng sī hěn xiǎo, xiǎo dào gēn běn bù néng yǔ zhè gè chéng shì de dà gōng sī xiāng bǐ.
[11:26.390] wǒ men de xiǎo gōng sī tè bié wēi xiǎn. wǒ men yǐ jīng guò shí le, bìng qiě wǒ men yě xū yào kuò dà.
[11:32.500] rú guǒ wǒ men bù zhè yàng zuò de huà, jiù huì bèi dà gōng sī shōu gòu hé bìng.
[11:36.650] huí dá xià liè dì 2325 de wèn tí
[11:41.860] wǒ men néng zhī dào guān yú lì shā de shén me?
[12:01.480] cóng zhè duàn duì huà zhōng wǒ men néng zhī dào guān yú zhè gè nán de shén me?
[12:22.410] zhè gè nán de shuō tā de gōng sī zěn me le?
[12:44.620] shuō míng: zài zhè duàn zhōng, nǐ jiāng tīng dào 3 duàn duǎn wén
[12:50.590] bìng qiě měi duàn duǎn wén dōu jiāng tí chū jǐ gè wèn tí
[12:54.770] měi duàn duì huà hé wèn tí dú yī biàn
[12:58.880] zài nǐ tīng dào wèn tí hòu, cóng A B C D zhòng xuǎn zé nǐ rèn wéi duì de dá àn
[13:08.980] rán hòu zài dá tí kǎ 2 shàng zuò shàng biāo jì.
[13:17.690] wén yī
[13:19.620] yóu tā zhōu de fǎ míng dùn shì yí gè lìng rén gǎn dào yú kuài de shè qū, yīn wèi dāng dì de yí gè nǚ zǐ 4H jù lè bù gǎi shàn le zhǔ jiē dào.
[13:27.760] míng 4H jù lè bù de nǚ hái zi zhì lì yú qīng lǐ mǎn shì zá cǎo, yán shí hé lā jī, bìng qiě yǒu 72 yīng chǐ kuān de lù
[13:36.150] měi gè chéng yuán dōu zì yuàn qīng lǐ gān jìng, bìng qiě zhòng zhí le 5 piàn huā dì.
[13:42.560] bìng qiě tā men hái zài jiāo shuǐ chú cǎo hé fáng zhǐ shuǐ tǔ liú shī zuò le yī xiē cuò shī.
[13:47.280] cān yù zhè xiàng mù yǒu zhù yú gǎi shàn nǚ hái zi duì zì jǐ fù mǔ de tài dù
[13:54.680] tā men xué huì le zěn yàng shǐ yòng gōng jù, bìng qiě gǎi shàn le tā men de gōng zuò xí guàn
[14:00.130] yī wèi mǔ qīn shuō, zài nǚ ér cān jiā zhè xiàng mù zhī qián, tā lián bō zhǒng dōu bú huì
[14:06.700] zài dà jiē shàng de jīng lì jī fā le rén men zì wǒ gǎi shàn de rè qíng,
[14:10.890] bìng qiě chéng yuán men wèi zì jǐ qīn shǒu gǎi shàn de jiā yuán hé zhěng gè shè qū gǎn dào zì háo.
[14:16.700] shì zhèng fǔ guān yuán hé 4H chéng yuán men zài zhí shù
[14:21.820] jiàn zào pēng rèn cuò shī cǎi zhāi zhuō qiū qiān jí qí gōng gòng xiū xī shì děng fāng miàn jìn xíng le hé zuò.
[14:27.500] nǚ hái men zài zhòng shù hòu, xì xīn zhào liào hái zài shēng zhǎng chū qī de shù miáo
[14:33.270] zài jiē xià lái de shí jiān lǐ, zhěng gè gōng yuán de xiàng mù hái xū yào gèng duō de zhòng zhí wù.
[14:37.960] chéng yuán men tóng yì gēn jìn zhè gè xiàng mù zhí dào wán chéng,
[14:43.320] yīn wèi tā men duì zuò de jiàn shè xìng de gōng zuò de jié guǒ fēi cháng mǎn yì.
[14:47.650] zhè gè xiàng mù yī zhí zài kuò zhǎn, cóng gōng yuán yán shēn dào xué xiào zài dào gòu wù zhōng xīn.
[14:54.620] gòu wù zhōng xīn zhǒng mǎn le huā hé lǜ zhí, huán jìng chāo jí shū shì.
[15:02.250] huí dá dì 2629 de wèn tí
[15:08.580] guān yú fǎ míng dùn jiē dào, wǒ men liǎo jiě dào le shén me?
[15:29.540] de chéng yuán men zài lù biān zuò le shén me?
[15:51.280] cóng zhè xiàng mù zhōng, 4H nǚ hái xué dào le shén me?
[16:12.680] wèi shí me 4H nǚ hái tóng yì gēn jìn xiàng mù zhí dào tā jié shù?
[16:35.400] wén èr
[16:37.760] gēn jù měi guó guó jiā jiào yù xié huì NEA zài 2001 nián jìn xíng de yī xiàng guān yú yuè dú de diào chá,
[16:45.860] nián qīng de měi guó rén jué de yuè dú bǐ jì suàn jī hé kē xué gèng zhòng yào.
[16:52.570] zài jiē shòu cǎi fǎng de 1218 suì ér tóng zhōng, chāo guò 50 de rén shuō tā men fēi cháng xǐ huān yuè dú.
[17:00.080] de rén jué de tā jì yǒu qù yòu shēng dòng, 87 de rén jué de yuè dú shǐ rén fàng sōng
[17:07.660] yuē 68 de rén bù zàn tóng" yuè dú fá wèi, bìng qiě guò shí le" de zhè zhǒng guān diǎn.
[17:15.770] cǎi fǎng zhōng dà yuē yī bàn yǐ shàng de qīng nián rén shuō tā men yī nián dà yuē yào yuè dú 10 běn shū yǐ shàng.
[17:21.610] jié guǒ biǎo míng zhōng xué shēng bǐ gāo zhōng shēng yuè dú liàng dà.
[17:27.900] dà yuē 66 de qīng nián rén xǐ huān xū gòu de wén xué zuò pǐn, bǐ rú xiǎo shuō hé gù shì huì.
[17:34.400] dà yuē 26 de rén xǐ huān fēi xiǎo shuō lèi wén xué zuò pǐn, bǐ rú shǐ jì lèi.
[17:40.440] liè chū de dú wù yǒu 64 de shì guān yú tóng líng rén de gù shì.
[17:46.510] zhè shì zuì shòu huān yíng de zhǔ tí. shén huà hé zhēn tàn xiǎo shuō zhàn 53, bǎng dān shàng pái míng dì èr
[17:54.900] jiāng jìn 50 de rén shuō tā men xǐ huān liǎo jiě zì jǐ de chuán tǒng wén huà
[18:01.740] zài cān yù diào chá de qīng nián rén zhōng, 49 de rén shì zài tú shū guǎn jìn xíng jiè yuè de.
[18:11.210] rán ér, hěn duō rén bào yuàn xué xiào de tú shū guǎn bìng méi yǒu shí shí gēng xīn zuì xīn de yǒu qù de shū jí hé zá zhì.
[18:19.760] rán ér duì hěn duō hěn duō měi guó qīng nián lái shuō, yuè dú zhǐ shì tā men zhòng duō xìng qù ài hào zhōng de yí gè
[18:26.450] dāng bèi wèn dào nǎ xiàng ài hào shì zuì nán fàng qì dào yī zhōu de, 48 de rén shì yīn yuè.
[18:35.390] jiē shòu diào chá zhōng de 25 de rén biǎo shì hěn nán yī zhōu bù qù kàn diàn shì.
[18:40.390] huí dá xià liè dì 3032 de wèn tí
[18:47.090] guān yú qīng nián yuè dú de diào chá biǎo míng liǎo shén me?
[19:07.840] tōng guò zhè xiàng diào chá, nǎ lèi shū shì zuì shòu nián qīng rén huān yíng de?
[19:30.460] nǎ xiàng xìng qù shì qīng nián rén zuì nán fàng qì yī zhōu shí jiān de?
[19:54.020] wén sān
[19:55.820] gǎn xiè gè wèi de dào lái
[19:57.660] jīn tiān jiàng zhǎn shì wǒ men rú hé zhǎn wàng qì chē zài duǎn qī dào zhōng qī de fā zhǎn,
[20:06.110] zhè yě shì wǒ yāo qǐng gè wèi lái de yuán yīn
[20:08.790] nà jiù kāi shǐ le, hěn míng xiǎn qì yóu qū dòng yǐn qíng shì méi yǒu qián jǐng de
[20:14.890] shì chǎng shàng yě yǐ jīng yǒu le hěn duō de rán liào qì chē de tì dài pǐn,
[20:19.200] bǐ rú tài yáng néng a, tiān rán qì a de
[20:23.340] yī xiē dú lì de sī xiǎng zhě shèn zhì shēng chǎn le yǐ zhí wù yóu wèi rán liào de qì chē
[20:28.620] dàn wǒ men dōu zhī dào, zài zhèi xiē zì rán rán liào qì chē zhōng, yǐ diàn wèi rán liào de qì chē shì zuì shí yòng de
[20:35.590] dāng rán, guò qù de diàn dòng qì chē yě yǒu zì shēn de wèn tí
[20:40.310] bǐ rú shuō zhǐ néng qí xíng yí dìng de jù lí, bìng qiě méi yǒu duō shǎo chōng diàn zhàn, suǒ yǐ shǐ yòng de rén bú shì hěn duō.
[20:45.620] rán ér, suí zhe diàn dòng qì chē jì shù de fā zhǎn,
[20:50.270] yì wèi zhe xiàn zài de diàn dòng qì chē de xìng néng hé ān quán xìng fāng miàn kě yǐ hé chuán tǒng de qì yóu fā dòng jī pì měi.
[20:56.120] bìng qiě diàn dòng qì chē gèng jiā huán bǎo
[20:59.650] cǐ wài, zuì zhòng yào de shì, zhè shì kě yǐ chōng diàn de, bìng qiě bù shè jí qí tā zhēn guì de zī yuán.
[21:07.540] bù jiǔ, chē jiù huì hé GPS lián jiē jìn xíng tōng xùn, tā men huì wèi nǐ tí gōng suǒ yǒu guān yú zài jià chē shí suǒ yù dào de wèn tí.
[21:16.160] zhèi xiē dōu shì yòng yīn pín jìn xíng kòng zhì de, bǐ rú, nǐ zhǐ yào shuō" yǒu diǎn rè"
[21:24.800] kōng tiáo jiù huì zì dòng wèi nǐ tiáo jié.
[21:28.030] nǐ yě kě yǐ jiē shōu diàn zǐ yóu jiàn, tīng gē kàn diàn yǐng, suǒ yǒu de dōu shì tōng guò wǎng luò lián jiē
[21:34.320] suǒ yǐ zhǐ yào nǐ shū rù nǐ xiǎng qù de dì fāng, nǐ jiù kě yǐ zuò nǐ xiǎng zuò de shì qíng le, bǐ rú zuò zhe, shuì jiào, kàn diàn yǐng.
[21:41.120] huí dá dì 3335 de wèn tí
[21:47.740] zhè gè bào gào zhǔ yào jiǎng le shén me?
[22:08.350] céng xiàn zhì le diàn dòng qì chē shǐ yòng de shì shén me?
[22:29.210] shuō huà rén jiǎng le guān yú xiàn zài de diàn dòng qì chē de shén me?