
歌曲 2005年12月大学英语四级听力真题
歌手 英语听力
专辑 大学英语四级听力真题


[00:09.78] Section A
[02:00.70] Q1.
[02:03.47] W: Carol told us on the phone not to worry about her.Her left leg doesn't hurt as much as it did yesterday.
[02:11.89] M: She'd better have it examined by a doctor anyway. And I will call her about it this evening.
[02:20.33] Q: What does the man think Carol should do?
[02:39.70] Q2.
[02:42.43] M: There is a non-stop train for Washington and it leaves at 2:30.
[02:48.89] W: It's faster than the 2 o'clock train. Besides, we can have something to eat before getting on the train.
[02:58.12] Q: What do we learn from the conversation?
[03:16.96] Q3.
[03:19.16] M: Hi, Melissa, how's your project going? Have you thought about going to graduate school? 
[03:26.61] Perhaps you can get into Harvard.
[03:29.56] W: Everything is coming along really well. I have been thinking about graduate school.
[03:36.54] But I'll talk to my tutor Dr. Garcia first and see what she thinks.
[03:43.16] Q: What do you learn about the woman from the conversation?
[04:02.90] Q4.
[04:05.12] W: Did you attend Alice's presentation last night? It was the first time for her to give a speech to a large audience.
[04:14.55] M: How she could be so calm in front of so many people is really beyond me!
[04:21.00] Q: What do we learn from the conversation?
[04:39.92] Q5.
[04:44.04] W: You've been doing weather reports for nearly 30 years. Has the weather got any worse in all these years?
[04:51.72] M: Well, not necessarily worse. But we are seeing more swings.
[04:57.13] Q: What does the man say about the weather?
[05:17.11] Q6.
[05:19.57] M: Excuse me, I am looking for the textbook by a Professor Jordon for the marketing course.
[05:27.05] W: I am afraid it's out of stock. You'll have to order it.
[05:31.78] And it will take the publisher 3 weeks to send it to us.
[05:35.86] Q: Where did this conversation most probably take place?
[05:56.87] Q7.
[06:00.25] M: I am going to New York next week, but the hotel I booked is really expensive.
[06:06.96] W: Why book a hotel? My brother has 2 spare rooms in his apartment.
[06:13.26] Q: What does the woman mean?
[06:32.62] Q8.
[06:34.75] W: In my opinion, watching the news on TV is a good way to learn English. What do you think?
[06:41.75] M: It would be better if you could check the same information in English newspapers afterwards.
[06:49.06] Q: What does the man say about learning English?
[07:09.48] Q9.
[07:12.54] M: I hear a newly-invented drug can make people tell the truth and it may prove useful in questioning terrorists.
[07:22.38] Isn't it incredible?
[07:24.95] W: Simple solutions to complex problems rarely succeed.
[07:29.55] As far as I know, no such drugs are ever known to work.
[07:35.01] Q: What does the woman think of the new drug?
[07:54.29] Q10.
[07:57.26] M: You know the electronics company is coming to our campus to recruit graduate students next week.
[08:04.96] W: Really? What day? I'd like to talk to them and hand in my résumé.
[08:11.72] Q: What does the woman want to do?
[08:29.85] Section B
[09:10.65] Passage one
[09:13.03] A new study reports the common drug aspirin greatly reduces life threatening problems
[09:19.46] after an operation to replace blocked blood vessels to the heart.
[09:25.07] More than 800,000 people around the world have this heart surgery each year.
[09:32.71] The doctors who carried out the study say giving aspirin to patients soon
[09:38.96] after the operation could save thousands of lives.
[09:43.57] People usually take aspirin to control pain and reduce high body temperature.
[09:50.33] Doctors also advise some people to take aspirin to help prevent heart attacks.
[09:57.89] About 10-15 percent of these heart operations end in death or damage to the heart or other organs.
[10:08.45] The new study shows that even a small amount of aspirin reduced such threats.
[10:17.17] The doctors said the chance of death for patients who took aspirin would fall by 67%.
[10:25.82] They claimed this was true if the aspirin was given within 48 hours of the operation.
[10:33.54] The doctors believe aspirin helps heart surgery patients
[10:38.99] because it can prevent blood from thickening and blood vessels from being blocked.
[10:45.10] However, the doctors warned that people who have stomach bleeding
[10:50.36] or other bad reactions from aspirin should not take it after heart surgery.
[10:57.54] Questions 11 to 13 are based on the passage you have just heard.
[11:04.87] Q11. What is the finding of the new study of aspirin?
[11:27.43] Q12. In what way can aspirin help heart surgery patients according to the doctors?
[11:52.64] Q13. What warning did the doctors give about the use of aspirin?
[12:15.45] Passage Two
[12:18.14] Were you the first or the last child in you family? Or were you a middle or an only child?
[12:26.71] Some people think it matters where you were born in you family.
[12:31.93] But there are different ideas about what birth order means.
[12:36.77] Some people say that oldest children are smart and strong-willed.
[12:43.09] They are very likely to be successful. The reason for this is simple.
[12:48.81] Parents have a lot of time for their first child, they give him or her a lot of attention.
[12:56.66] So this child is very likely to do well. An only child will succeed for the same reason.
[13:04.12] What happens to the other children in the family?
[13:08.58] Middle children don't get so much attention, so they don't feel that important.
[13:15.50] If a family has many children, the middle one sometimes gets lost in the crowd.
[13:21.52] The youngest child, though, often gets special treatment. He or she is the baby.
[13:28.69] Often this child grows up to be funny and charming. Do you believe these ideas of birth order too?
[13:37.41] A recent study saw things quite differently. The study found that first children believed in family rules.
[13:46.22] They didn't take many chances in their lives. They usually followed orders.
[13:52.27] Rules didn't mean as much to later children in the family.
[13:56.71] They went out and followed their own ideas. They took chances and they often did better in life.
[14:05.29] Questions 14 to 16 are based on the passage you have just heard.
[14:11.74] Q14. According to common belief, in what way are the first child and the only child alike?
[14:38.39] Q15. What do people usually say about middle children?
[15:00.79] Q16. what do we learn about later children in a family from a recent study of birth order?
[15:26.28] Passage Three
[15:28.43] When my interest shifted from space to the sea, I never expected it would cause such confusion among my friends,
[15:38.90] yet I can understand their feelings.
[15:43.08] As I have been writing and talking about space flight for the best part of 20 years,
[15:49.53] a sudden switch of interest to the depth of the sea doer seem peculiar.
[15:55.17] To explain, I'd like to share my reasons behind this unusual change of mind.
[16:01.28] The first excuse I give is an economic one. Underwater exploration is so much cheaper than space flight.
[16:11.21] The first round-trip ticket to the moon is going to cost at least 10 billion dollars if you include research and development.
[16:21.50] By the end of this century, the cost will be down to a few million.
[16:27.29] On the other hand, the diving suit and a set of basic tools needed for skin-diving can be bought for 20 dollars.
[16:36.21] My second argument is more philosophical. The ocean, surprisingly enough, has many things in common with space.
[16:45.23] In their different ways, both sea and space are equally hostile.
[16:51.99] If we wish to survive in either for any length of time, we need to have mechanical aids.
[16:59.69] The diving suit helped the design of the space suit.
[17:04.20] The feelings and the emotions of a man beneath the sea will be much like those of a man beyond the atmosphere.
[17:13.84] Questions 17 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard.
[17:20.49] Q17. How did the speaker's friends respond to his change of interest?
[17:43.60] Q18. What is one of the reasons for the speaker to switch his interest to underwater exploration?
[18:08.93] Q19. In what way does the speaker think diving is similar to space travel?
[18:32.45] Q20. What is the speaker's purpose in giving this talk?


[00:09.78] Section A
[02:00.70] Q1.
[02:03.47] W: Carol told us on the phone not to worry about her. Her left leg doesn' t hurt as much as it did yesterday.
[02:11.89] M: She' d better have it examined by a doctor anyway. And I will call her about it this evening.
[02:20.33] Q: What does the man think Carol should do?
[02:39.70] Q2.
[02:42.43] M: There is a nonstop train for Washington and it leaves at 2: 30.
[02:48.89] W: It' s faster than the 2 o' clock train. Besides, we can have something to eat before getting on the train.
[02:58.12] Q: What do we learn from the conversation?
[03:16.96] Q3.
[03:19.16] M: Hi, Melissa, how' s your project going? Have you thought about going to graduate school? 
[03:26.61] Perhaps you can get into Harvard.
[03:29.56] W: Everything is coming along really well. I have been thinking about graduate school.
[03:36.54] But I' ll talk to my tutor Dr. Garcia first and see what she thinks.
[03:43.16] Q: What do you learn about the woman from the conversation?
[04:02.90] Q4.
[04:05.12] W: Did you attend Alice' s presentation last night? It was the first time for her to give a speech to a large audience.
[04:14.55] M: How she could be so calm in front of so many people is really beyond me!
[04:21.00] Q: What do we learn from the conversation?
[04:39.92] Q5.
[04:44.04] W: You' ve been doing weather reports for nearly 30 years. Has the weather got any worse in all these years?
[04:51.72] M: Well, not necessarily worse. But we are seeing more swings.
[04:57.13] Q: What does the man say about the weather?
[05:17.11] Q6.
[05:19.57] M: Excuse me, I am looking for the textbook by a Professor Jordon for the marketing course.
[05:27.05] W: I am afraid it' s out of stock. You' ll have to order it.
[05:31.78] And it will take the publisher 3 weeks to send it to us.
[05:35.86] Q: Where did this conversation most probably take place?
[05:56.87] Q7.
[06:00.25] M: I am going to New York next week, but the hotel I booked is really expensive.
[06:06.96] W: Why book a hotel? My brother has 2 spare rooms in his apartment.
[06:13.26] Q: What does the woman mean?
[06:32.62] Q8.
[06:34.75] W: In my opinion, watching the news on TV is a good way to learn English. What do you think?
[06:41.75] M: It would be better if you could check the same information in English newspapers afterwards.
[06:49.06] Q: What does the man say about learning English?
[07:09.48] Q9.
[07:12.54] M: I hear a newlyinvented drug can make people tell the truth and it may prove useful in questioning terrorists.
[07:22.38] Isn' t it incredible?
[07:24.95] W: Simple solutions to complex problems rarely succeed.
[07:29.55] As far as I know, no such drugs are ever known to work.
[07:35.01] Q: What does the woman think of the new drug?
[07:54.29] Q10.
[07:57.26] M: You know the electronics company is coming to our campus to recruit graduate students next week.
[08:04.96] W: Really? What day? I' d like to talk to them and hand in my ré sumé.
[08:11.72] Q: What does the woman want to do?
[08:29.85] Section B
[09:10.65] Passage one
[09:13.03] A new study reports the common drug aspirin greatly reduces life threatening problems
[09:19.46] after an operation to replace blocked blood vessels to the heart.
[09:25.07] More than 800, 000 people around the world have this heart surgery each year.
[09:32.71] The doctors who carried out the study say giving aspirin to patients soon
[09:38.96] after the operation could save thousands of lives.
[09:43.57] People usually take aspirin to control pain and reduce high body temperature.
[09:50.33] Doctors also advise some people to take aspirin to help prevent heart attacks.
[09:57.89] About 1015 percent of these heart operations end in death or damage to the heart or other organs.
[10:08.45] The new study shows that even a small amount of aspirin reduced such threats.
[10:17.17] The doctors said the chance of death for patients who took aspirin would fall by 67.
[10:25.82] They claimed this was true if the aspirin was given within 48 hours of the operation.
[10:33.54] The doctors believe aspirin helps heart surgery patients
[10:38.99] because it can prevent blood from thickening and blood vessels from being blocked.
[10:45.10] However, the doctors warned that people who have stomach bleeding
[10:50.36] or other bad reactions from aspirin should not take it after heart surgery.
[10:57.54] Questions 11 to 13 are based on the passage you have just heard.
[11:04.87] Q11. What is the finding of the new study of aspirin?
[11:27.43] Q12. In what way can aspirin help heart surgery patients according to the doctors?
[11:52.64] Q13. What warning did the doctors give about the use of aspirin?
[12:15.45] Passage Two
[12:18.14] Were you the first or the last child in you family? Or were you a middle or an only child?
[12:26.71] Some people think it matters where you were born in you family.
[12:31.93] But there are different ideas about what birth order means.
[12:36.77] Some people say that oldest children are smart and strongwilled.
[12:43.09] They are very likely to be successful. The reason for this is simple.
[12:48.81] Parents have a lot of time for their first child, they give him or her a lot of attention.
[12:56.66] So this child is very likely to do well. An only child will succeed for the same reason.
[13:04.12] What happens to the other children in the family?
[13:08.58] Middle children don' t get so much attention, so they don' t feel that important.
[13:15.50] If a family has many children, the middle one sometimes gets lost in the crowd.
[13:21.52] The youngest child, though, often gets special treatment. He or she is the baby.
[13:28.69] Often this child grows up to be funny and charming. Do you believe these ideas of birth order too?
[13:37.41] A recent study saw things quite differently. The study found that first children believed in family rules.
[13:46.22] They didn' t take many chances in their lives. They usually followed orders.
[13:52.27] Rules didn' t mean as much to later children in the family.
[13:56.71] They went out and followed their own ideas. They took chances and they often did better in life.
[14:05.29] Questions 14 to 16 are based on the passage you have just heard.
[14:11.74] Q14. According to common belief, in what way are the first child and the only child alike?
[14:38.39] Q15. What do people usually say about middle children?
[15:00.79] Q16. what do we learn about later children in a family from a recent study of birth order?
[15:26.28] Passage Three
[15:28.43] When my interest shifted from space to the sea, I never expected it would cause such confusion among my friends,
[15:38.90] yet I can understand their feelings.
[15:43.08] As I have been writing and talking about space flight for the best part of 20 years,
[15:49.53] a sudden switch of interest to the depth of the sea doer seem peculiar.
[15:55.17] To explain, I' d like to share my reasons behind this unusual change of mind.
[16:01.28] The first excuse I give is an economic one. Underwater exploration is so much cheaper than space flight.
[16:11.21] The first roundtrip ticket to the moon is going to cost at least 10 billion dollars if you include research and development.
[16:21.50] By the end of this century, the cost will be down to a few million.
[16:27.29] On the other hand, the diving suit and a set of basic tools needed for skindiving can be bought for 20 dollars.
[16:36.21] My second argument is more philosophical. The ocean, surprisingly enough, has many things in common with space.
[16:45.23] In their different ways, both sea and space are equally hostile.
[16:51.99] If we wish to survive in either for any length of time, we need to have mechanical aids.
[16:59.69] The diving suit helped the design of the space suit.
[17:04.20] The feelings and the emotions of a man beneath the sea will be much like those of a man beyond the atmosphere.
[17:13.84] Questions 17 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard.
[17:20.49] Q17. How did the speaker' s friends respond to his change of interest?
[17:43.60] Q18. What is one of the reasons for the speaker to switch his interest to underwater exploration?
[18:08.93] Q19. In what way does the speaker think diving is similar to space travel?
[18:32.45] Q20. What is the speaker' s purpose in giving this talk?


[00:09.78] A bù fèn
[02:00.70] wèn tí 1
[02:03.47] kǎ luó ěr zài diàn huà zhōng gào sù wǒ men bù yòng dān xīn tā. tā de zuǒ tuǐ méi yǒu zuó tiān nà me téng le.
[02:11.89] wú lùn rú hé tā dōu yīng gāi qù yī yuàn jiǎn chá yī xià. wǒ jīn wǎn zài wèn wèn tā.
[02:20.33] zhè gè nán rén rèn wéi kǎ luó ěr yīng gāi zuò shí mǒ?
[02:39.70] wèn tí 2
[02:42.43] liǎng diǎn bàn yǒu yī tàng qù huá shèng dùn de zhí dá chē.
[02:48.89] tā bǐ yào liǎng diǎn zhěng de nà yī tàng kuài, yīn cǐ wǒ men hái kě yǐ zài shàng chē zhī qián chī diǎn dōng xī.
[02:58.12] wǒ men cóng zhè duàn duì huà zhōng zhī dào le shén me?
[03:16.96] wèn tí 3
[03:19.16] hāi, méi lì shā, nǐ de kè tí jìn zhǎn rú hé? nǐ kǎo lǜ guò qù zuò yán jiū shēng ma?
[03:26.61] huò xǔ nǐ néng kǎo jìn hā fó dà xué
[03:29.56] yī qiè shùn lì. wǒ yǒu xiǎng guò qù dú yán jiū shēng.
[03:36.54] dàn wǒ dé xiān wèn wèn wǒ de dǎo shī jiā xī yà xiān shēng, kàn kàn tā shì zěn me xiǎng de.
[03:43.16] nǐ cóng shàng shù duì huà zhōng liǎo jiě dào zhè gè nǚ rén de shén me xìn xī?
[04:02.90] wèn tí 4
[04:05.12] nǐ zuó wǎn cān jiā ài lì sī de bào gào huì le ma? zhè shì tā dì yī cì zài zhè me duō rén miàn qián fā biǎo yǎn jiǎng.
[04:14.55] tā shì zěn me zài zhè me duō rén miàn qián bǎo chí zhèn jìng de? wǒ jiǎn zhí bù néng xiǎng xiàng!
[04:21.00] wǒ men cóng zhè gè duì huà zhōng zhī dào le shén me?
[04:39.92] wèn tí 5
[04:44.04] nǐ yǐ jīng zuò le jiāng jìn 30 nián de tiān qì yù bào le, zhè liǎng nián de qì hòu hái hǎo ma?
[04:51.72] ... bú jiàn de gèng zāo guò, dàn wǒ men réng rán guān chá dào liǎo bù shǎo bō dòng.
[04:57.13] zhè gè nán rén shuō qì hòu zěn me yàng?
[05:17.11] wèn tí 6
[05:19.57] láo jià, qǐng wèn nǐ men yǒu mài Jordon jiào shòu fù zé biān xiě de shì chǎng yíng xiāo kè chéng de kè běn ma?
[05:27.05] hěn bào qiàn, zhè běn shū yǐ jīng mài guāng le, nín zhǐ néng yù dìng le.
[05:31.78] yào děng sān ge xīng qī chū bǎn shè cái huì jì gěi wǒ men.
[05:35.86] yǐ shàng duì huà zuì kě néng fā shēng zài nǎ lǐ?
[05:56.87] wèn tí 7
[06:00.25] wǒ xià zhōu yào qù niǔ yuē, dàn shì wǒ yù dìng de lǚ guǎn fèi yòng tài guì le.
[06:06.96] hé bì zhù bīn guǎn ne? wǒ gē ge de gōng yù lǐ yǒu liǎng gè kōng fáng jiān kě yǐ zhù rén.
[06:13.26] zhè gè nǚ rén xiǎng yào biǎo dá shén me?
[06:32.62] wèn tí 8
[06:34.75] wǒ jué de zài diàn shì shàng kàn xīn wén shì yī zhǒng xué xí yīng yǔ de hǎo fāng fǎ, nǐ zěn me xiǎng?
[06:41.75] rú guǒ nǐ zài cǐ zhī hòu néng zài yīng yǔ bào zhǐ shàng kàn dào tóng yàng de xìn xī jiù gèng hǎo le.
[06:49.06] zhè gè nán rén duì xué xí yīng yǔ de fāng fǎ shuō le shén me?
[07:09.48] wèn tí 9
[07:12.54] wǒ tīng shuō zuì jìn xīn kāi fā chū le yī zhǒng chéng shí yào shuǐ, ér qiě tā yǐ bèi zhèng míng duì yú shěn wèn kǒng bù fèn zi hěn yǒu xiào.
[07:22.38] zhè nán dào bù lìng rén zhèn jīng ma?
[07:24.95] jiǎn dān de yào shuǐ bù kě néng yǒu zhè me fù zá de xiào guǒ.
[07:29.55] jù wǒ suǒ zhī, xiàn zài hái méi yǒu rèn hé yào néng zuò dào zhè yì diǎn.
[07:35.01] zhè gè nǚ rén zěn yàng kàn dài zhè zhǒng xīn yào?
[07:54.29] wèn tí 10
[07:57.26] nǐ zhī dào ma, diàn zǐ chǎng xià zhōu yào lái wǒ men xué xiào zhāo shōu yán jiū shēng.
[08:04.96] zhēn de ma? zài nǎ tiān? wǒ zhēn de hěn xiǎng gēn tā men liáo tiān, bìng bǎ wǒ de jiǎn lì dì shǎng qù.
[08:11.72] zhè gè nǚ rén xiǎng zuò shí mǒ?
[08:29.85] B bù fèn
[09:10.65] duǎn wén 1
[09:13.03] yī xiàng xīn de yán jiū bào gào chēng, zài jiē shòu xīn xuè guǎn dā qiáo shǒu shù zhī hòu,
[09:19.46] fú yòng ā sī pǐ lín kě yǐ dà fú jiǎn shǎo shēng mìng wēi xiǎn de fā shēng.
[09:25.07] měi nián yǒu chāo guò 80 wàn rén jiē shòu zhè zhǒng shǒu shù.
[09:32.71] zuò zhè xiàng yán jiū de yī shēng men biǎo shì, zài shù hòu gěi bìng rén fú yòng ā sī pǐ lín
[09:38.96] kě yǐ wǎn jiù chéng qiān shàng wàn rén de shēng mìng.
[09:43.57] rén men cháng yòng ā sī pǐ lín lái zhǐ tòng hé yòng yú tuì shāo.
[09:50.33] yī shēng yě jiàn yì rén men fú yòng ā sī pǐ lín yǐ yù fáng xīn zāng bìng de fā shēng.
[09:57.89] dà yuē yǒu 10 15 de bìng rén jiē shòu xīn zàng shǒu shù hòu zuì zhōng yǐ sǐ wáng huò xīn zàng hé qí tā qì guān shòu sǔn gào zhōng.
[10:08.45] yī xiàng xīn de yán jiū biǎo míng, jí shǐ shì shǎo liàng de ā sī pǐ lín yě néng bì miǎn zhè zhǒng qíng kuàng de fā shēng.
[10:17.17] yī shēng men shuō, fú yòng ā sī pǐ lín de bìng rén sǐ wáng lǜ huì xià jiàng 67
[10:25.82] tā men shēng chēng zài shù hòu 48 xiǎo shí nèi fú yòng ā sī pǐ lín, zhè jiāng huì shì zhēn de.
[10:33.54] yī shēng men xiāng xìn, ā sī pǐ lín bāng zhù le xǔ duō xīn wài kē bìng rén,
[10:38.99] yīn wèi tā kě yǐ yù fáng xuè yè nián chóu hé xuè shuān.
[10:45.10] rán ér, yī shēng jǐng gào shuō, nèi xiē huàn yǒu wèi chū xuè hé
[10:50.36] qí tā duì ā sī pǐ lín yǒu bù liáng fǎn yìng zhě bù yīng gāi zài xīn zàng shǒu shù hòu fú yòng ā sī pǐ lín.
[10:57.54] wèn tí 11 dào wèn tí 13 jī yú nǐ gāng gāng tīng dào de duǎn wén.
[11:04.87] wèn tí 11: duì yú ā sī pǐ lín de xīn yán jiū shì shén me?
[11:27.43] wèn tí 12: cóng yī shēng de huà zhōng, nǐ néng fǒu liǎo jiě dào ā sī pǐ lín bāng zhù le jiē shòu xīn zàng shǒu shù de bìng rén?
[11:52.64] wèn tí 13: yī shēng men duì ā sī pǐ lín de shǐ yòng tí chū le něi xiē jǐng gào?
[12:15.45] duǎn wén 2
[12:18.14] nǐ shì jiā lǐ de dì yí gè hái zi hái shì zuì hòu yí gè? yòu huò shì zhōng jiān de yí gè hái shì dú shēng zǐ nǚ?
[12:26.71] yǒu rén rèn wéi nǐ zài jiā zhōng de chū shēng shùn xù hěn zhòng yào.
[12:31.93] dàn shì duì yú chū shēng shùn xù, yě yǒu hěn duō bù tóng de kàn fǎ.
[12:36.77] yǒu rén shuō zuì nián zhǎng de hái zi hěn cōng míng, bìng qiě gù zhí jǐ jiàn.
[12:43.09] tā men hěn yǒu kě néng chéng gōng, yuán yīn hěn jiǎn dān:
[12:48.81] fù mǔ yǒu xǔ duō shí jiān péi bàn dì yí gè hái zi, gěi tā tā gèng duō de guān huái,
[12:56.66] suǒ yǐ hái zi hěn yǒu kě néng zuò de hěn hǎo, dú shēng zǐ nǚ yě yīn tóng yàng de yuán yīn ér róng yì chéng gōng.
[13:04.12] nà me jiā lǐ de qí tā hái zi ne?
[13:08.58] zhōng jiān chū shēng de hái zi men dé bú dào xiàng tā men de gē ge jiě jie nà me duō de ài, suǒ yǐ tā men rèn wéi chéng gōng hé tuō yǐng ér chū duì yú tā men bìng bù zhòng yào.
[13:15.50] rú guǒ yí gè jiā lǐ yǒu xǔ duō hái zi, nà me zhōng jiān chū shēng de hái zi wǎng wǎng zài gè fāng miàn dé bú dào mǎn zú.
[13:21.52] ér jiā lǐ zuì xiǎo de hái zi, cháng cháng dé dào yōu dài, chéng wéi jiā lǐ de chǒng ér.
[13:28.69] zhè yàng de hái zǐ cháng dà hòu huì hěn yǒu mèi lì. nǐ shì fǒu yě xiāng xìn zhèi xiē guān yú chū shēng shùn xù de shuō fǎ ne?
[13:37.41] ér zuì jìn de yī xiàng yán jiū zé yǔ zhèi xiē jié guǒ dà xiāng jìng tíng: zuì dà de hái zi wǎng wǎng zuì shēn xìn bù yí dì xiāng xìn fù mǔ hōng tā tā de huǎng huà,
[13:46.22] tā men zài shēng huó zhōng hěn nán yǒu jī huì biǎo xiàn zì jǐ, tā men tōng cháng zhǐ tīng cóng tā rén de mìng lìng.
[13:52.27] jiā guī duì zhī hòu chū shēng de hái zi zé méi yǒu duō guǎn yòng.
[13:56.71] tā men cháng cháng bù rù shè huì, zūn xún tā men zì jǐ de yuán zé hé xiǎng fǎ. tā men zhǎng dà zhī hòu néng zhuā zhù jī huì, zhēng qǔ dào gèng hǎo de shēng huó.
[14:05.29] wèn tí 14 dào wèn tí 16 jī yú nǐ gāng gāng tīng dào de duǎn wén.
[14:11.74] wèn tí 14 gēn jù pǔ biàn yì jiàn, jiā lǐ de dì yí gè hái zi hé dú shēng zǐ nǚ shì zěn yàng de?
[14:38.39] wèn tí 15 rén men tōng cháng zěn me shuō zhōng jiān chū shēng de hái zi?
[15:00.79] wèn tí 16 wǒ men cóng zuì jìn de yī xiàng guān yú chū shēng shùn xù de yán jiū zhōng liǎo jiě dào: zài yí gè jiā tíng zhōng, bú shì dì yí gè chū shēng de hái zi shì zěn yàng de?
[15:26.28] duǎn wén 3
[15:28.43] dāng wǒ de xìng qù tū rán cóng tiān wén zhuǎn yí dào hǎi yáng shí, wǒ cóng méi xiǎng guò zhè huì yǐn qǐ wǒ de péng yǒu de xǔ duō kùn huò,
[15:38.90] dàn wǒ néng gòu lǐ jiě tā men de gǎn shòu.
[15:43.08] zài guò qù 20 nián de dà bù fèn shí jiān lǐ, wǒ yī zhí zài zhuàn xiě yǒu guān tài kōng lǚ xíng de wén zhāng,
[15:49.53] dàn tū rán zhī jiān, wǒ tū rán kāi shǐ duì shēn hǎi yán jiū chǎn shēng le xìng qù, zhè sì hū yǒu xiē qí guài.
[15:55.17] wèi liǎo jiě shì zhè gè rú cǐ dà de zhuǎn biàn, wǒ yào gēn wǒ de péng yǒu men fēn xiǎng zhè bèi hòu de yuán yīn.
[16:01.28] qí yī, zhè yǔ jīng fèi yǒu guān. shuǐ xià tàn cè zhēn de yào bǐ tài kōng fēi xíng pián yí xǔ duō.
[16:11.21] rú guǒ bǎ yán jiū hé kāi fā jīng fèi suàn jìn qù, dì yī zhāng dì yuè lǚ xíng de wǎng fǎn piào zuì pián yí yě yào 100 yì měi yuán.
[16:21.50] zhí dào nà yī shì jì mò, cái huì shāo wēi pián yí jǐ shí yì měi yuán.
[16:27.29] lìng yī fāng miàn, qián shuǐ fú hé yī tào jī chǔ de qián shuǐ gōng jù zhǐ yào 20 měi yuán jiù néng mǎi dào.
[16:36.21] ér wǒ de dì èr gè lùn diǎn jiù gèng jù zhé lǐ xìng le. hǎi yáng yǔ tài kōng de yǒu zhe xǔ duō xiāng sì zhī chù, zhè lìng rén jīng yà.
[16:45.23] cóng mǒu xiē bù tóng jiǎo dù lái shuō, hǎi yáng yǔ tài kōng tóng yàng shì hù xiāng duì yìng de.
[16:51.99] rú guǒ wǒ men xiǎng zài yí gè dì fāng shēng cún yī duàn shí jiān, jiù bì xū yào yǒu yī xiē qì xiè bāng zhù wǒ men shēng cún.
[16:59.69] ér qián shuǐ fú yǒu zhù yú tài kōng fú de shè jì,
[17:04.20] bìng qiě dài zài shēn hǎi de rén hé zài dà qì céng wài de rén de qíng gǎn shì shí fēn xiàng shì de, zhè tóng yàng yǒu zhù yú duì tài kōng lǚ xíng de yán jiū.
[17:13.84] wèn tí 17 dào wèn tí 20 jī yú nǐ gāng tīng dào de duǎn wén.
[17:20.49] wèn tí 17 zuò zhě de péng yǒu men duì tā rú cǐ dà de zhuǎn biàn zuò chū le shén me fǎn yìng?
[17:43.60] wèn tí 18 zuò zhě jiāng xìng qù zhuǎn yí dào shēn hǎi de yuán yīn zhī yī shì shén me?
[18:08.93] wèn tí 19 zuò zhě rèn wéi shēn hǎi qián shuǐ hé tài kōng lǚ xíng yǒu shén me xiāng sì zhī chù?
[18:32.45] wèn tí 20 zuò zhě xiě zhè piān wén zhāng de mù dì shì shén me?