Friends S01E02

歌曲 Friends S01E02
歌手 英语听力
专辑 老友记(第一季)


[00:48.-3] We're in the car,fighting traffic, just trying to stay awake.
[00:58.-2] Or next time you'll find yourself listening to that album alone.
[02:36.-2] - No. - Yes,it is. Carol,hi!
[03:24.-4] Well,you know, in here,anyone who..
[06:19.-3] - and we'll eat ice cream. - Okay. It's a pear-shaped diamond -
[09:48.-2] - Ross,help me with the spaghetti. - Yes.
[10:08.-4] This will sound unbelievably selfish..
[10:11.-3] but did you plan to bring up the baby/lesbian thing?
[12:19.-4] Carol's a lesbian.
[12:55.-4] They know what they do.
[20:04.-4] A month ago,I wanted to hurt you more than I've ever wanted to.
[00:01.81] You don't understand.
[00:03.45] For us,kissing is as important as any part.
[00:06.69] Yeah,right!
[00:10.82] You serious?
[00:13.02] Oh,yeah.
[00:14.26] - Everything is in that first kiss. - Absolutely. -
[00:17.90] For us,kissing's an opening act..
[00:20.67] like the comedian you have to sit through..
[00:24.00] before Pink Floyd comes out.
[00:29.31] And it's not that we don't like the comedian.
[00:32.78] It's just that that's not why we bought the ticket.
[00:39.68] The problem is,no matter how great the show was..
[00:44.19] you girls are looking for the comedian again.
[00:54.83] Word of advice: Bring back the comedian.
[01:07.38] Are we still talking about sex?
[01:11.15] The One With the Sonogram at the End
[02:01.37] No,it's good. It is good.
[02:03.50] It's just that Doesn't she seem a little angry?
[02:07.34] Well,she has issues.
[02:10.54] Does she?
[02:11.81] Try to live with "Mr. I'm Evolving."
[02:15.61] He's out while she's home getting the mastodon smell out of the carpet.
[02:22.09] Marsha,see,these are cave people.
[02:26.19] Okay,they have issues like:
[02:28.86] "Gee,that glacier's getting kind of close." Gee,
[02:32.43] Speaking of issues, isn't that your ex-wife?
[02:38.07] Okay. Yes,it is. I'll catch up with you in the Ice Age.
[02:42.37] - Can I stay? - No.
[02:58.76] - Hi. - Hi.
[03:08.23] - Is this a bad time? - No,it's..
[03:11.20] the Stone Age.
[03:15.64] You look great. I hate that.
[03:20.35] Sorry. Thanks. You look good too.
[03:28.35] stands erect..
[03:33.02] - What's new? Still a - A lesbian?
[03:37.83] You never know. How's the family?
[03:42.00] - Marty's still totally paranoid. - Carol,why are you here? -
[03:48.81] - I'm pregnant. - Pregnant.
[03:59.18] She didn't leave in such a hurry after all.
[04:02.85] This is the Three's Company episode with a misunderstanding.
[04:10.40] Then I've already seen this one.
[04:14.37] Are you through with that?
[04:16.33] Sorry,the swallowing slowed me down.
[04:20.41] Whose ball of paper is this?
[04:22.44] Mine. I wrote a note to myself, then I didn't need it.
[04:26.54] So I balled it up and now I wish I was dead.
[04:31.12] She already fluffed that pillow. You already fluffed It's fine.
[04:36.62] I just don't wanna give them any more ammunition.
[04:40.49] Parents can be cruel about the flatness of a child's pillow.
[04:46.36] Relax,you do this every time. The place looks great.
[04:49.90] You got a lasagna here that looks good enough..
[04:53.61] to avoid touching.
[04:58.61] Monica? Hi!
[05:01.81] Monica,you're scaring me.
[05:05.62] I mean,you're all chaotic and twirly,you know?
[05:09.45] Not in a good way.
[05:12.49] Calm down. You don't see Ross getting twirly every time they come.
[05:18.56] That's because my parents think Ross can do no wrong.
[05:22.50] You see,he's "The Prince."
[05:24.60] They had some big ceremony before I was born.
[05:31.71] - What? - Ugly Naked Guy got a ThighMaster.
[05:39.42] - Has anybody seen my engagement ring? - It's beautiful. -
[05:47.76] Oh,God! Oh,God! Oh,God!
[05:51.20] No,don't touch that.
[05:55.40] Like I wasn't dreading tomorrow enough,having to give it back.
[06:00.00] "Hi,Barry,remember me? I'm the girl that stomped on your heart." “
[06:05.38] Now I must return the ring without the ring..
[06:08.81] which makes it so much harder.
[06:12.55] Easy,we'll find it. Won't we?
[06:15.72] Look,it's gonna be okay. You'll give it back..
[06:23.23] Any diamond ring we find, we'll run it by you.
[06:28.67] - When did you have it last? - Doy,right before she lost it. -
[06:35.04] You don't get a lot of "doy" these days.
[06:39.51] I know I had it this morning.
[06:42.08] I know I had it when I was in the kitchen with
[06:45.52] Dinah?
[06:49.79] - Oh,don't be mad. - You didn't.
[06:53.46] - Oh,I'm sorry. - I gave you one job! -
[06:59.06] But look how straight those noodles are.
[07:02.53] That's not how you look for an engagement ring in a lasagna.
[07:09.54] I just can't do it.
[07:12.38] Boys? We're going in.
[07:24.39] Hi.
[07:27.29] - That is not a happy "hi." - Carol's pregnant. -
[07:30.90] I found it!
[07:34.63] What?
[07:38.17] Yeah.
[07:40.44] Do that for two hours,you might be where I am about now.
[07:46.04] That puts that whole pillow thing in perspective.
[07:51.58] How do you fit into this whole thing?
[07:54.35] Carol and Susan want me to be involved.
[07:57.19] But if I'm not comfortable with it, I don't have to be involved.
[08:02.09] - It's totally up to me. - She is so great. I miss her. -
[08:11.54] - What does she mean by "involved"? - Your job is done. -
[08:18.01] And the most enjoyable.
[08:21.68] Phoebe,say something.
[08:23.82] They want me to go down to this sonogram thing..
[08:27.35] with them tomorrow.
[08:29.19] Remember when life was simpler..
[08:31.52] and she was just a lesbian?
[08:35.13] Those were the days.
[08:38.03] - What are you gonna do? - I have no idea.
[08:41.83] No matter what I do, I'm still gonna be a father.
[08:55.55] This is still ruined,right?
[09:03.69] Martha Lugwin's daughter is gonna call you.
[09:09.89] - What's that curry taste? - Curry.
[09:17.84] I think they're great. I really do.
[09:21.17] The big Lugwin had a thing for you.
[09:24.44] - They all had a thing for him. - Oh,Mom. -
[09:28.21] Why is this girl going to call me?
[09:30.65] She just graduated,and she wants to be something in cooking or food..
[09:36.75] I told her you have a restaurant
[09:39.36] - I don't have,I work in a restaurant. - They don't have to know that. -
[09:51.77] Oh,we're having spaghetti. That's easy.
[09:56.64] We were going to have lasagna.
[09:58.78] - I love lasagna. - We're not having it. -
[10:02.71] Then why bring it up? He latches on.
[10:14.93] It might take the heat off of me.
[10:20.57] That Rachel. We saw her parents at the club.
[10:24.47] They were not playing well.
[10:26.77] I won't say what they spent..
[10:29.24] but $40,000 is a lot for a wedding.
[10:34.68] At least she had the chance to leave a man at the altar.
[10:41.52] - What's that supposed to mean? - Nothing.
[10:44.86] - It's an expression. - No,it's not.
[10:48.06] Don't listen to her. You've always been independent.
[10:51.66] Even when you were a chubby kid..
[10:54.20] and you had no friends, you were just fine.
[10:58.84] You'd read alone in your room. Your puzzles..
[11:05.71] People like Ross need to shoot for the stars.
[11:09.78] With his museum and his published papers.
[11:12.85] Others are satisfied with staying where they are.
[11:16.45] These people never get cancer.
[11:20.02] They're happy with what they have,content..
[11:23.29] like cows.
[11:27.16] Cows,Dad?
[11:29.13] She knows how much I love cows.
[11:34.41] I read about women trying to have it all,and I thank God..
[11:38.78] our "Harmonica" doesn't have that problem.
[11:43.31] - I'm telling you,you'll be fine. - Thank you,Daddy.
[11:48.92] Oh,so this does work.
[11:55.16] So,Ross,what's going on with you?
[11:58.90] Any stories? No news,no little anecdotes to share with the folks?
[12:07.24] Look,I realize you guys have been wondering..
[12:10.88] what exactly happened between Carol and me.
[12:14.15] And so,well,here's the deal.
[12:22.59] She lives with a woman named Susan.
[12:26.79] She's pregnant with my child.
[12:30.49] She and Susan are going to raise the baby.
[12:37.60] And you knew about this?
[12:47.31] Folks are really that bad?
[12:50.15] Well,you know,these people are pros.
[12:56.65] They take their time. They get the job done.
[13:02.29] They say that you can't change your parents.
[13:05.70] Boy,if you could,I'd want yours.
[13:10.63] Must pee.
[13:13.34] It's worse when you're twins.
[13:15.44] - You're a twin? - We don't speak.
[13:17.64] She's this high-powered, driven,career-type.
[13:20.85] - What does she do? - She's a waitress. -
[13:25.02] - Identical? - People say we look alike. -
[13:27.79] But I don't see it.
[13:30.22] You guys,I kind of gotta clean up now.
[13:33.49] Chandler,as an only child, you don't have this.
[13:36.59] No,although I did have an imaginary friend..
[13:40.20] who my parents preferred.
[13:44.24] Hit the lights,please.
[13:53.54] How long was I in there?
[13:56.41] - I'm just cleaning up. - Oh,you need any help?
[14:02.75] Okay,sure. Thanks.
[14:10.00] Anyway..
[14:12.13] So you nervous about Barry tomorrow?
[14:15.83] A little.
[14:19.04] A lot.
[14:21.64] So,got any advice?
[14:24.38] You know,as someone who's recently been dumped.
[14:28.71] You may wanna steer clear of the word "dumped."
[14:33.62] Chances are he's gonna be this broken shell of a man.
[14:38.06] You should try not to look too terrific. I know it'll be hard.
[14:45.56] Or I'll go down there, and I'll give Barry back his ring.
[14:50.17] And you can go with Carol and Susan to the ob-gyn.
[14:56.67] You've got Carol tomorrow.
[15:00.01] - When did it get so complicated? - Got me. -
[15:04.42] - Remember being in high school? - Yeah. -
[15:07.25] Didn't you think you'd meet someone..
[15:10.02] fall in love,and that'd be it?
[15:17.46] - Ross? - Yes. Yes.
[15:22.30] Man,I never thought I'd be here.
[15:32.64] Me neither.
[15:51.53] Sorry I'm late. I got stuck at work.
[15:54.06] There was this big dinosaur thing. Anyway..
[15:58.34] Hi.
[16:00.60] - You remember Susan. - How could I forget? -
[16:05.21] Hello,Susan. Good shake,good shake.
[16:09.91] So,we're just waiting for?
[16:12.92] - Dr. Oberman. - And is he? -
[16:15.45] - She. - Of course,"she."
[16:19.12] Is she familiar with our special situation?
[16:23.39] - Yes,and she's very supportive. - Okay,that's great. -
[16:29.03] No,I'm Oh.
[16:31.67] Thanks.
[16:53.19] That opens my cervix.
[17:01.67] - Barry? - Come on in.
[17:04.54] - Are you sure? - It's fine.
[17:06.74] Robbie's gonna be here for hours.
[17:12.64] So,how are you doing?
[17:15.55] I'm..
[17:17.85] I'm okay.
[17:20.55] - You look great. - Yeah,well.
[17:23.92] Dr. Farber,Jason Greenspan's gagging.
[17:26.62] Be right there. Be back in a second.
[17:34.73] I dumped him.
[17:54.79] So,how's this all gonna work?
[17:58.19] The baby grows in a special place inside
[18:01.23] Thank you.
[18:02.49] I mean,how's this gonna work, you know,with us?
[18:07.00] When important decisions have to be made?
[18:10.33] - Give me a "for instance." - Well,I don't know. -
[18:13.84] - How about with the baby's name? - Marlon. -
[18:17.47] If it's a boy. Minnie,if it's a girl.
[18:22.18] As in "Mouse"?
[18:25.32] As in my grandmother.
[18:27.52] Still,you say "Minnie," you hear "Mouse."
[18:32.66] How about..?
[18:34.86] How about Julia?
[18:37.13] - Julia. - We agreed on Minnie. -
[18:39.90] We agreed we'd spend our lives together.
[18:42.80] Things change. Roll with the punches.
[18:46.20] I believe Julia's on the table?
[18:51.14] Sorry about that.
[18:55.71] So,what have you been up to?
[18:58.48] Oh,not much.
[19:01.55] - I got a job. - That's great. -
[19:05.39] Why are you so tan?
[19:09.89] I went to Aruba.
[19:12.06] Oh,no. You went on our honeymoon alone?
[19:15.10] No.
[19:19.67] I went with..
[19:22.84] - Now,this may hurt. - Me?
[19:24.78] No.
[19:28.81] I went with Mindy.
[19:30.65] Mindy?
[19:32.85] My maid of honor,Mindy?
[19:34.72] Yeah,we're kind of a thing now.
[19:42.09] You got plugs!
[19:44.13] Careful. They haven't quite taken yet.
[19:47.40] And you got lenses.
[19:50.03] You hate sticking your finger in your eye.
[19:53.17] Not for her.
[19:58.51] Listen,I really wanted to thank you.
[20:01.65] Okay.
[20:09.00] And I'm an orthodontist.
[20:12.89] You know,you were right. I thought we were happy.
[20:16.66] We weren't happy.
[20:19.30] But with Mindy..
[20:22.00] now I'm happy.
[20:25.07] - Spit. - What?
[20:26.54] Me.
[20:30.51] Anyway..
[20:33.14] I guess this belongs to you. Or maybe some day Mindy.
[20:38.42] Like she'd settle for that.
[20:45.00] Yeah,that's true.
[20:47.42] But I think it's a nice ring..
[20:51.33] and thank you for giving it to me.
[20:56.00] Thank you for giving it back.
[21:00.70] Hello!
[21:05.78] - Please,what's wrong with Helen? - Helen Geller?
[21:10.55] - I don't think so. - It's not gonna be Helen Geller. -
[21:14.25] - Thank you. - No,I mean,it's not Geller. -
[21:18.39] It'll be Helen Willick?
[21:20.39] No,actually,we talked about Helen Willick Bunch.
[21:26.90] Wait a minute. Why is she in the title?
[21:29.83] It's my baby too.
[21:31.40] Really? I don't remember you making any sperm.
[21:37.34] And we all know what a challenge that is.
[21:40.74] - You two,stop it. - She gets a credit. I'm in there too. -
[21:44.75] Helen Willick Bunch Geller? I think that borders on child abuse.
[21:50.72] Of course not. I'm suggesting Geller Willick Bunch.
[21:54.76] See what he does? He knows no one's gonna say all those names.
[21:59.40] They'll call her Geller. He gets his way.
[22:02.13] My way? You think this is my way?
[22:04.50] Of all the ways I ever imagined this moment being..
[22:08.37] this is not my You know what? This is too hard.
[22:12.21] Knock,knock. How are we? Any nausea?
[22:15.11] - A little. - Just a little.
[22:18.75] I was wondering about the mother-to-be,but thanks for sharing.
[22:23.85] - Lie back. - You know what? I'm gonna go.
[22:27.52] I don't think I can be involved in this family thing.
[22:42.74] - Oh,my God! - Look at that.
[22:45.68] I know.
[22:57.55] Well,isn't that amazing?
[23:03.23] What are we supposed to be seeing here?
[23:06.73] I don't know,but I think it's about to attack the Enterprise.
[23:14.67] If you tilt your head and relax your eyes..
[23:17.81] it kind of looks like an old potato.
[23:21.35] Then don't do that,all right?
[23:25.68] Monica,what do you think?
[23:31.49] - Are you welling up? - No.
[23:33.86] - You are. You're welling up. - I'm not.
[23:37.36] - You're gonna be an aunt. - Oh,shut up. -
[23:41.43] Hi,Mindy. Hi,it's Rachel.
[23:45.50] Yeah,I'm fine. I saw Barry today.
[23:49.47] Yeah,he told me. No,it's okay. Really,it's okay.
[23:54.41] I hope you two are very happy. I really do.
[23:58.25] And,Min,you know, if everything works out..
[24:02.09] and you guys get married and have kids..
[24:06.12] I hope they have his hairline and your nose!
[24:14.30] That was a cheap shot, but I feel so much better now!


[00:48.-3] We' re in the car, fighting traffic, just trying to stay awake.
[00:58.-2] Or next time you' ll find yourself listening to that album alone.
[02:36.-2] No. Yes, it is. Carol, hi!
[03:24.-4] Well, you know, in here, anyone who..
[06:19.-3] and we' ll eat ice cream. Okay. It' s a pearshaped diamond
[09:48.-2] Ross, help me with the spaghetti. Yes.
[10:08.-4] This will sound unbelievably selfish..
[10:11.-3] but did you plan to bring up the baby lesbian thing?
[12:19.-4] Carol' s a lesbian.
[12:55.-4] They know what they do.
[20:04.-4] A month ago, I wanted to hurt you more than I' ve ever wanted to.
[00:01.81] You don' t understand.
[00:03.45] For us, kissing is as important as any part.
[00:06.69] Yeah, right!
[00:10.82] You serious?
[00:13.02] Oh, yeah.
[00:14.26] Everything is in that first kiss. Absolutely.
[00:17.90] For us, kissing' s an opening act..
[00:20.67] like the comedian you have to sit through..
[00:24.00] before Pink Floyd comes out.
[00:29.31] And it' s not that we don' t like the comedian.
[00:32.78] It' s just that that' s not why we bought the ticket.
[00:39.68] The problem is, no matter how great the show was..
[00:44.19] you girls are looking for the comedian again.
[00:54.83] Word of advice: Bring back the comedian.
[01:07.38] Are we still talking about sex?
[01:11.15] The One With the Sonogram at the End
[02:01.37] No, it' s good. It is good.
[02:03.50] It' s just that Doesn' t she seem a little angry?
[02:07.34] Well, she has issues.
[02:10.54] Does she?
[02:11.81] Try to live with " Mr. I' m Evolving."
[02:15.61] He' s out while she' s home getting the mastodon smell out of the carpet.
[02:22.09] Marsha, see, these are cave people.
[02:26.19] Okay, they have issues like:
[02:28.86] " Gee, that glacier' s getting kind of close." Gee,
[02:32.43] Speaking of issues, isn' t that your exwife?
[02:38.07] Okay. Yes, it is. I' ll catch up with you in the Ice Age.
[02:42.37] Can I stay? No.
[02:58.76] Hi. Hi.
[03:08.23] Is this a bad time? No, it' s..
[03:11.20] the Stone Age.
[03:15.64] You look great. I hate that.
[03:20.35] Sorry. Thanks. You look good too.
[03:28.35] stands erect..
[03:33.02] What' s new? Still a A lesbian?
[03:37.83] You never know. How' s the family?
[03:42.00] Marty' s still totally paranoid. Carol, why are you here?
[03:48.81] I' m pregnant. Pregnant.
[03:59.18] She didn' t leave in such a hurry after all.
[04:02.85] This is the Three' s Company episode with a misunderstanding.
[04:10.40] Then I' ve already seen this one.
[04:14.37] Are you through with that?
[04:16.33] Sorry, the swallowing slowed me down.
[04:20.41] Whose ball of paper is this?
[04:22.44] Mine. I wrote a note to myself, then I didn' t need it.
[04:26.54] So I balled it up and now I wish I was dead.
[04:31.12] She already fluffed that pillow. You already fluffed It' s fine.
[04:36.62] I just don' t wanna give them any more ammunition.
[04:40.49] Parents can be cruel about the flatness of a child' s pillow.
[04:46.36] Relax, you do this every time. The place looks great.
[04:49.90] You got a lasagna here that looks good enough..
[04:53.61] to avoid touching.
[04:58.61] Monica? Hi!
[05:01.81] Monica, you' re scaring me.
[05:05.62] I mean, you' re all chaotic and twirly, you know?
[05:09.45] Not in a good way.
[05:12.49] Calm down. You don' t see Ross getting twirly every time they come.
[05:18.56] That' s because my parents think Ross can do no wrong.
[05:22.50] You see, he' s " The Prince."
[05:24.60] They had some big ceremony before I was born.
[05:31.71] What? Ugly Naked Guy got a ThighMaster.
[05:39.42] Has anybody seen my engagement ring? It' s beautiful.
[05:47.76] Oh, God! Oh, God! Oh, God!
[05:51.20] No, don' t touch that.
[05:55.40] Like I wasn' t dreading tomorrow enough, having to give it back.
[06:00.00] " Hi, Barry, remember me? I' m the girl that stomped on your heart." "
[06:05.38] Now I must return the ring without the ring..
[06:08.81] which makes it so much harder.
[06:12.55] Easy, we' ll find it. Won' t we?
[06:15.72] Look, it' s gonna be okay. You' ll give it back..
[06:23.23] Any diamond ring we find, we' ll run it by you.
[06:28.67] When did you have it last? Doy, right before she lost it.
[06:35.04] You don' t get a lot of " doy" these days.
[06:39.51] I know I had it this morning.
[06:42.08] I know I had it when I was in the kitchen with
[06:45.52] Dinah?
[06:49.79] Oh, don' t be mad. You didn' t.
[06:53.46] Oh, I' m sorry. I gave you one job!
[06:59.06] But look how straight those noodles are.
[07:02.53] That' s not how you look for an engagement ring in a lasagna.
[07:09.54] I just can' t do it.
[07:12.38] Boys? We' re going in.
[07:24.39] Hi.
[07:27.29] That is not a happy " hi." Carol' s pregnant.
[07:30.90] I found it!
[07:34.63] What?
[07:38.17] Yeah.
[07:40.44] Do that for two hours, you might be where I am about now.
[07:46.04] That puts that whole pillow thing in perspective.
[07:51.58] How do you fit into this whole thing?
[07:54.35] Carol and Susan want me to be involved.
[07:57.19] But if I' m not comfortable with it, I don' t have to be involved.
[08:02.09] It' s totally up to me. She is so great. I miss her.
[08:11.54] What does she mean by " involved"? Your job is done.
[08:18.01] And the most enjoyable.
[08:21.68] Phoebe, say something.
[08:23.82] They want me to go down to this sonogram thing..
[08:27.35] with them tomorrow.
[08:29.19] Remember when life was simpler..
[08:31.52] and she was just a lesbian?
[08:35.13] Those were the days.
[08:38.03] What are you gonna do? I have no idea.
[08:41.83] No matter what I do, I' m still gonna be a father.
[08:55.55] This is still ruined, right?
[09:03.69] Martha Lugwin' s daughter is gonna call you.
[09:09.89] What' s that curry taste? Curry.
[09:17.84] I think they' re great. I really do.
[09:21.17] The big Lugwin had a thing for you.
[09:24.44] They all had a thing for him. Oh, Mom.
[09:28.21] Why is this girl going to call me?
[09:30.65] She just graduated, and she wants to be something in cooking or food..
[09:36.75] I told her you have a restaurant
[09:39.36] I don' t have, I work in a restaurant. They don' t have to know that.
[09:51.77] Oh, we' re having spaghetti. That' s easy.
[09:56.64] We were going to have lasagna.
[09:58.78] I love lasagna. We' re not having it.
[10:02.71] Then why bring it up? He latches on.
[10:14.93] It might take the heat off of me.
[10:20.57] That Rachel. We saw her parents at the club.
[10:24.47] They were not playing well.
[10:26.77] I won' t say what they spent..
[10:29.24] but 40, 000 is a lot for a wedding.
[10:34.68] At least she had the chance to leave a man at the altar.
[10:41.52] What' s that supposed to mean? Nothing.
[10:44.86] It' s an expression. No, it' s not.
[10:48.06] Don' t listen to her. You' ve always been independent.
[10:51.66] Even when you were a chubby kid..
[10:54.20] and you had no friends, you were just fine.
[10:58.84] You' d read alone in your room. Your puzzles..
[11:05.71] People like Ross need to shoot for the stars.
[11:09.78] With his museum and his published papers.
[11:12.85] Others are satisfied with staying where they are.
[11:16.45] These people never get cancer.
[11:20.02] They' re happy with what they have, content..
[11:23.29] like cows.
[11:27.16] Cows, Dad?
[11:29.13] She knows how much I love cows.
[11:34.41] I read about women trying to have it all, and I thank God..
[11:38.78] our " Harmonica" doesn' t have that problem.
[11:43.31] I' m telling you, you' ll be fine. Thank you, Daddy.
[11:48.92] Oh, so this does work.
[11:55.16] So, Ross, what' s going on with you?
[11:58.90] Any stories? No news, no little anecdotes to share with the folks?
[12:07.24] Look, I realize you guys have been wondering..
[12:10.88] what exactly happened between Carol and me.
[12:14.15] And so, well, here' s the deal.
[12:22.59] She lives with a woman named Susan.
[12:26.79] She' s pregnant with my child.
[12:30.49] She and Susan are going to raise the baby.
[12:37.60] And you knew about this?
[12:47.31] Folks are really that bad?
[12:50.15] Well, you know, these people are pros.
[12:56.65] They take their time. They get the job done.
[13:02.29] They say that you can' t change your parents.
[13:05.70] Boy, if you could, I' d want yours.
[13:10.63] Must pee.
[13:13.34] It' s worse when you' re twins.
[13:15.44] You' re a twin? We don' t speak.
[13:17.64] She' s this highpowered, driven, careertype.
[13:20.85] What does she do? She' s a waitress.
[13:25.02] Identical? People say we look alike.
[13:27.79] But I don' t see it.
[13:30.22] You guys, I kind of gotta clean up now.
[13:33.49] Chandler, as an only child, you don' t have this.
[13:36.59] No, although I did have an imaginary friend..
[13:40.20] who my parents preferred.
[13:44.24] Hit the lights, please.
[13:53.54] How long was I in there?
[13:56.41] I' m just cleaning up. Oh, you need any help?
[14:02.75] Okay, sure. Thanks.
[14:10.00] Anyway..
[14:12.13] So you nervous about Barry tomorrow?
[14:15.83] A little.
[14:19.04] A lot.
[14:21.64] So, got any advice?
[14:24.38] You know, as someone who' s recently been dumped.
[14:28.71] You may wanna steer clear of the word " dumped."
[14:33.62] Chances are he' s gonna be this broken shell of a man.
[14:38.06] You should try not to look too terrific. I know it' ll be hard.
[14:45.56] Or I' ll go down there, and I' ll give Barry back his ring.
[14:50.17] And you can go with Carol and Susan to the obgyn.
[14:56.67] You' ve got Carol tomorrow.
[15:00.01] When did it get so complicated? Got me.
[15:04.42] Remember being in high school? Yeah.
[15:07.25] Didn' t you think you' d meet someone..
[15:10.02] fall in love, and that' d be it?
[15:17.46] Ross? Yes. Yes.
[15:22.30] Man, I never thought I' d be here.
[15:32.64] Me neither.
[15:51.53] Sorry I' m late. I got stuck at work.
[15:54.06] There was this big dinosaur thing. Anyway..
[15:58.34] Hi.
[16:00.60] You remember Susan. How could I forget?
[16:05.21] Hello, Susan. Good shake, good shake.
[16:09.91] So, we' re just waiting for?
[16:12.92] Dr. Oberman. And is he?
[16:15.45] She. Of course," she."
[16:19.12] Is she familiar with our special situation?
[16:23.39] Yes, and she' s very supportive. Okay, that' s great.
[16:29.03] No, I' m Oh.
[16:31.67] Thanks.
[16:53.19] That opens my cervix.
[17:01.67] Barry? Come on in.
[17:04.54] Are you sure? It' s fine.
[17:06.74] Robbie' s gonna be here for hours.
[17:12.64] So, how are you doing?
[17:15.55] I' m..
[17:17.85] I' m okay.
[17:20.55] You look great. Yeah, well.
[17:23.92] Dr. Farber, Jason Greenspan' s gagging.
[17:26.62] Be right there. Be back in a second.
[17:34.73] I dumped him.
[17:54.79] So, how' s this all gonna work?
[17:58.19] The baby grows in a special place inside
[18:01.23] Thank you.
[18:02.49] I mean, how' s this gonna work, you know, with us?
[18:07.00] When important decisions have to be made?
[18:10.33] Give me a " for instance." Well, I don' t know.
[18:13.84] How about with the baby' s name? Marlon.
[18:17.47] If it' s a boy. Minnie, if it' s a girl.
[18:22.18] As in " Mouse"?
[18:25.32] As in my grandmother.
[18:27.52] Still, you say " Minnie," you hear " Mouse."
[18:32.66] How about..?
[18:34.86] How about Julia?
[18:37.13] Julia. We agreed on Minnie.
[18:39.90] We agreed we' d spend our lives together.
[18:42.80] Things change. Roll with the punches.
[18:46.20] I believe Julia' s on the table?
[18:51.14] Sorry about that.
[18:55.71] So, what have you been up to?
[18:58.48] Oh, not much.
[19:01.55] I got a job. That' s great.
[19:05.39] Why are you so tan?
[19:09.89] I went to Aruba.
[19:12.06] Oh, no. You went on our honeymoon alone?
[19:15.10] No.
[19:19.67] I went with..
[19:22.84] Now, this may hurt. Me?
[19:24.78] No.
[19:28.81] I went with Mindy.
[19:30.65] Mindy?
[19:32.85] My maid of honor, Mindy?
[19:34.72] Yeah, we' re kind of a thing now.
[19:42.09] You got plugs!
[19:44.13] Careful. They haven' t quite taken yet.
[19:47.40] And you got lenses.
[19:50.03] You hate sticking your finger in your eye.
[19:53.17] Not for her.
[19:58.51] Listen, I really wanted to thank you.
[20:01.65] Okay.
[20:09.00] And I' m an orthodontist.
[20:12.89] You know, you were right. I thought we were happy.
[20:16.66] We weren' t happy.
[20:19.30] But with Mindy..
[20:22.00] now I' m happy.
[20:25.07] Spit. What?
[20:26.54] Me.
[20:30.51] Anyway..
[20:33.14] I guess this belongs to you. Or maybe some day Mindy.
[20:38.42] Like she' d settle for that.
[20:45.00] Yeah, that' s true.
[20:47.42] But I think it' s a nice ring..
[20:51.33] and thank you for giving it to me.
[20:56.00] Thank you for giving it back.
[21:00.70] Hello!
[21:05.78] Please, what' s wrong with Helen? Helen Geller?
[21:10.55] I don' t think so. It' s not gonna be Helen Geller.
[21:14.25] Thank you. No, I mean, it' s not Geller.
[21:18.39] It' ll be Helen Willick?
[21:20.39] No, actually, we talked about Helen Willick Bunch.
[21:26.90] Wait a minute. Why is she in the title?
[21:29.83] It' s my baby too.
[21:31.40] Really? I don' t remember you making any sperm.
[21:37.34] And we all know what a challenge that is.
[21:40.74] You two, stop it. She gets a credit. I' m in there too.
[21:44.75] Helen Willick Bunch Geller? I think that borders on child abuse.
[21:50.72] Of course not. I' m suggesting Geller Willick Bunch.
[21:54.76] See what he does? He knows no one' s gonna say all those names.
[21:59.40] They' ll call her Geller. He gets his way.
[22:02.13] My way? You think this is my way?
[22:04.50] Of all the ways I ever imagined this moment being..
[22:08.37] this is not my You know what? This is too hard.
[22:12.21] Knock, knock. How are we? Any nausea?
[22:15.11] A little. Just a little.
[22:18.75] I was wondering about the mothertobe, but thanks for sharing.
[22:23.85] Lie back. You know what? I' m gonna go.
[22:27.52] I don' t think I can be involved in this family thing.
[22:42.74] Oh, my God! Look at that.
[22:45.68] I know.
[22:57.55] Well, isn' t that amazing?
[23:03.23] What are we supposed to be seeing here?
[23:06.73] I don' t know, but I think it' s about to attack the Enterprise.
[23:14.67] If you tilt your head and relax your eyes..
[23:17.81] it kind of looks like an old potato.
[23:21.35] Then don' t do that, all right?
[23:25.68] Monica, what do you think?
[23:31.49] Are you welling up? No.
[23:33.86] You are. You' re welling up. I' m not.
[23:37.36] You' re gonna be an aunt. Oh, shut up.
[23:41.43] Hi, Mindy. Hi, it' s Rachel.
[23:45.50] Yeah, I' m fine. I saw Barry today.
[23:49.47] Yeah, he told me. No, it' s okay. Really, it' s okay.
[23:54.41] I hope you two are very happy. I really do.
[23:58.25] And, Min, you know, if everything works out..
[24:02.09] and you guys get married and have kids..
[24:06.12] I hope they have his hairline and your nose!
[24:14.30] That was a cheap shot, but I feel so much better now!


[00:01.81] nǐ men nán shēng bù dǒng qīn wěn duì nǚ shēng de zhòng yào xìng
[00:03.45] duì wǒ men ér yán, qīn wěn hé qí tā rèn hé bù fèn yí yàng zhòng yào
[00:06.69] méi cuò
[00:10.82] dàng zhēn?
[00:13.02] dāng rán
[00:14.26] nǐ xiǎng liǎo jiě de yī qiè quán zài chū wěn zhī zhōng méi cuò
[00:17.90] duì wǒ men ér yán qīn wěn jiù xiàng shì kāi chǎng
[00:20.67] jiù xiàng fú luò yī fēi chuán chū chǎng qián
[00:24.00] nǐ dé nài zhe xìng zi xiān kàn wán tuō kǒu xiù
[00:29.31] duì, wǒ men bìng fēi tǎo yàn tuō kǒu xiù
[00:32.78] zhǐ shì nà bú shì wǒ men mǎi piào de yuán yīn
[00:39.68] wèn tí chū zài yú yǎn chàng huì jié shù hòu bù lùn biǎo yǎn yǒu duō jīng cǎi
[00:44.19] nǐ men nǚ shēng zǒng hái xiǎng zài kàn tuō kǒu xiù
[00:48.-3] wǒ men zài chē shàng fèn lì shā chū chē zhèn zhǐ shì pīn mìng ràng zì jǐ bié shuì zháo
[00:54.83] shì ó? gěi nǐ yí gè jiàn yì jiào tuō kǒu xiù zhǔ chí rén zài dù shàng chǎng
[00:58.-2] fǒu zé xià cì, nǐ men zhǐ néng zuò jiā lǐ tīng chàng piān
[01:07.38] wǒ men hái zài tán lùn xìng ma?
[01:11.15] liù rén xíng dì 1 jì dì 02 jí cān jiā zhù chǎn xùn liàn bān
[02:01.37] bù, zhè yàng hěn hǎo
[02:03.50] zhǐ shì tā kàn qǐ lái shì bú shì yǒu diǎn shēng qì ma?
[02:07.34] tā yǒu má fán shì
[02:10.54] tā yǒu ma?
[02:11.81] tā cháng shì hé" cān yù zhě xiān shēng" shēng huó zài yì qǐ
[02:15.61] tā zài wài tou luàn gǎo nǚ rén ér tā què dài jiā lǐ shè fǎ qù chú dì tǎn shàng rǔ chǐ xiàng de wèi dào
[02:22.09] mǎ shā, tā men shì xué jū rén
[02:26.19] tā men guān xīn de wèn tí shì
[02:28.86] nà tiáo bīng hé yù lái yù jiē jìn le
[02:32.43] tán dào má fán shì, nà bú shì nǐ qián qī ma?
[02:36.-2] bù, nà bú shì shì de, shì kǎ luó, hāi
[02:38.07] hǎo ba, shì tā wǒ huì dào bīng hé qī qù zhǎo nǐ
[02:42.37] wǒ kě yǐ liú zài zhè ma? yào wǒ shuō, bù
[02:58.76] hāi. hāi
[03:08.23] wǒ lái de shí jiān bú duì? bù, zhè lǐ shì
[03:11.20] shí qì shí dài
[03:15.64] nǐ de qì sè hǎo jí le, wǒ tǎo yàn kàn dào zhè yàng
[03:20.35] bào qiàn, xiè le! nǐ de qì sè yě hěn hǎo
[03:24.-4] hǎo ba, zài zhè ér rèn hé rén
[03:28.35] zhí lì xíng zǒu de rén
[03:33.02] zuì jìn rú hé? hái shì nǚ tóng zhì?
[03:37.83] wèn wèn wú fáng ma, jiā tíng shēng huó rú hé?
[03:42.00] mǎ dì de yí xīn bìng hái shì hěn zhòng kǎ luó, wèi shí me lái zhè ér?
[03:48.81] wǒ huái yùn le huái yùn
[03:59.18] tā sì hū bù jí zhe lí kāi
[04:02.85] zhè shì" sī ruì jiā zú gōng sī", tā men yǒu wù huì de nà jí
[04:10.40] wǒ kàn guò zhè yī jí
[04:14.37] hē wán méi?
[04:16.33] bào qiàn, tūn xià qù de shí jiān tài màn
[04:20.41] zhè shì shuí de xiǎo zhǐ tuán?
[04:22.44] wǒ de, wǒ xiě gěi zì jǐ yī zhāng biàn tiáo hòu lái jué de zì jǐ bù xū yào
[04:26.54] yú shì jiāng tā róu chéng zhǐ tuán xiàn zài wǒ bù xiǎng huó le
[04:31.12] tā yǐ jīng pāi sōng guò nà gè zhěn tou. mó nī kǎ, nǐ yǐ jīng pāi guò le zhěn tou le?
[04:36.62] wǒ zhǐ shì bù xiǎng ràng tā men yǒu jí tí fā huī de jī huì
[04:40.49] wǒ men dōu zhī dào fù mǔ duì zhěn tou píng de hái zi yǒu duō xiōng
[04:46.36] fàng sōng yī xià, nǐ měi cì dōu zhè yàng zhè lǐ kàn qǐ lái yǐ jīng hěn bàng le
[04:49.90] nǐ zhè lǐ yǒu yì dà lì kǎo miàn zhè kàn qǐ lái hǎo jí le
[04:53.61] hái bù xǔ pèng
[04:58.61] mó nī kǎ? hāi!
[05:01.81] mó nī kǎ nǐ xià dào wǒ le
[05:05.62] wǒ shì shuō, nǐ xiàn zài zhè yàng zi huāng huāng zhāng zhāng de
[05:09.45] xiǎn de bú shì hěn hǎo
[05:12.49] ān xīn ba. nǐ men méi kàn guò měi cì tā men lái shí luó sī huāng zhāng de mú yàng
[05:18.56] yīn wèi zài wǒ bà mā xīn mù zhōng luó sī bù kě néng fàn cuò
[05:22.50] tā shì gè wáng zǐ
[05:24.60] xiǎn rán, tā men zài wǒ chū shēng qián yǒu gè dà xíng yí shì
[05:31.71] shén me? chǒu lòu luǒ nán yǒu gè" měi tuǐ qì"
[05:39.42] yǒu rén kàn jiàn wǒ de dìng hūn jiè zhǐ ma? yǒu, hěn piào liàng
[05:47.76] tiān a! tiān a! tiān a! zāo le,
[05:51.20] hēi, bú yào dòng tā men
[05:55.40] míng tiān jiù yào hái tā jiè zhǐ wǒ sì hū hái bù gòu dān xīn
[06:00.00] bā ruì, jì de wǒ ma? wǒ shì nà gè chuān bái shā ràng nǐ zài qīn yǒu miàn qián chū qiǔ de rén"
[06:05.38] tiān a, rú jīn wǒ bì xū hái tā jiè zhǐ piān piān jiè zhǐ bú jiàn le
[06:08.81] jiào wǒ rú hé miàn duì tā
[06:12.55] bié jí, wǒ men huì zhǎo dào de, duì bù?
[06:15.72] yī qiè dōu huì hǎo de, wǒ men huì bǎ tā zhǎo huí lái de
[06:19.-3] ér qiě wǒ men huì chī hěn duō bīng qí lín hǎo ba, shì yí gè zhēn zhū xíng de zuàn shí
[06:23.23] bù guǎn wǒ men zhǎo dào shén me yàng de zuàn shí jiè zhǐ dōu huì gěi nǐ de
[06:28.67] zuì hòu yī cì dài shì zài shén me shí hòu? " hái zi", dà gài shì zài yí shī zhī qián
[06:35.04] zhè nián tou shuō" hái zi" de rén bù duō
[06:39.51] wǒ jīn tiān zǎo shàng hái dài tā
[06:42.08] wǒ zài chú fáng dài zhe zuò
[06:45.52] miàn tiáo?
[06:49.79] bié shēng qì nǐ bú huì
[06:53.46] duì bù qǐ wǒ jiù ràng nǐ zuò le zhè me yī jiàn shì qíng
[06:59.06] nǐ kàn miàn tiáo xiàn zài biàn de duō zhí
[07:02.53] mó nī kǎ, zài qiān céng miàn zhōng zhǎo dìng hūn jiè zhǐ bú shì nà yàng zhǎo de
[07:09.54] wǒ bàn bú dào
[07:12.38] wǒ men hěn gāo xìng zuò
[07:24.39] hāi. gè wèi
[07:27.29] zhè kě bú shì kāi xīn de" hāi" kǎ luó huái yùn le
[07:30.90] wǒ zhǎo dào le
[07:34.63] shén, shén, shén me?
[07:38.17] shì de
[07:40.44] nǐ zài chí xù liǎng xiǎo shí, jiù huì biàn chéng wǒ zhè yàng
[07:46.04] rú cǐ yī lái, zhěn tou de shì jiù kě xiān lǎn zài yī páng?
[07:51.58] nǐ xiàn zài yào zěn me bàn?
[07:54.35] kǎ luó shuō tā hé sū shān xiǎng ràng wǒ jiā rén
[07:57.19] dàn shì duì zhè jiàn shì wǒ bù tài gǎn dào shū fú, wǒ bù xiǎng juǎn jìn qù
[08:02.09] yī qiè yóu wǒ zuò jué dìng tā rén hǎo hǎo, wǒ zhēn xiǎng niàn tā
[08:11.54] tā suǒ wèi de" jiā rù" dài biǎo shén me? nǐ de jiē duàn xìng rèn wù yǐ jīng jié shù le
[08:18.01] yě shì zuì yǒu yì sī de jiē duàn ó
[08:21.68] fēi bǐ, shuō diǎn shén me
[08:23.82] tā men yào wǒ qù zuò chāo yīn bō jiǎn chá
[08:27.35] míng tiān hé tā men liǎng gè yì qǐ
[08:29.19] jì de dāng shēng huó biàn de jiǎn dān le
[08:31.52] tā yě bù guò shì gè nǚ tóng xìng liàn le
[08:35.13] zhè jiù shì shēng huó a
[08:38.03] nǐ dǎ suàn zěn me zuò? wǒ yě bù zhī dào
[08:41.83] bù guǎn wǒ zěn me zuò, wǒ hái shì hái zi de diē
[08:55.55] miàn hái shì bèi jiǎo luàn le, bú shì ma?
[09:03.69] mǎ shā lù jīn de nǚ ér huì dǎ diàn huà gěi nǐ
[09:09.89] zěn me huì yǒu kā li wèi? yīn wèi yǒu fàng kā li?
[09:17.84] zhè dōng xī hěn hǎo chī, zhēn de
[09:21.17] nǐ hái jì de lù jīn yī jiā rén ba? lǎo lù jīn hěn diàn jì nǐ
[09:24.44] tā men yī jiā dōu hěn diàn jì nǐ. bú yào zhè yàng, mā mā
[09:28.21] bào qiàn, tā wèi hé yào dǎ diàn huà gěi wǒ?
[09:30.65] tā gāng bì yè, xiǎng zhǎo fèn pēng rèn de gōng zuò ba
[09:36.75] wǒ gào sù tā nǐ kāi le yī jiā cān guǎn
[09:39.36] bù, mā, wǒ méi kāi cān guǎn, bù guò shì zài cān guǎn gōng zuò tā men bù xū yào zhī dào
[09:48.-2] luó sī, néng bāng wǒ zuò yì dà lì miàn ma? hǎo de
[09:51.77] wǒ men chī yì dà lì miàn ya? tài jiǎn dān le
[09:56.64] wǒ men yào chī yì dà lì miàn le a
[09:58.78] wǒ xǐ huān yì dà lì miàn bù guò wǒ men méi yǒu yì dà lì miàn
[10:02.71] nà wèi shí me yào tí dào zhè gè ne? zhè xià tā jiù lái jìn le a
[10:08.-4] wǒ zhī dào zhè yàng yāo qiú guò yú zì sī
[10:11.-3] nǐ néng bù néng hé tā men shuō yī xià xiǎo hái nǚ tóng xìng liàn zhī lèi de shì?
[10:14.93] yīn wèi zhè yàng kě yǐ ràng wǒ chuǎn kǒu qì
[10:20.57] nà gè ruì qiū wǒ men zài jù lè bù pèng dào le tā fù mǔ
[10:24.47] tā men hěn bù kāi xīn
[10:26.77] wǒ bù xiǎng jiǎng tā men wèi cǐ hūn lǐ huā le xiē shén me
[10:29.24] dàn shì 4 wàn kuài bú shì gè xiǎo shù mù?
[10:34.68] zhì shǎo tā yǒu jī huì bǎ yí gè nán rén liú zài jiào táng lǐ de shèng tán
[10:41.52] shén me yì sī? méi shén me
[10:44.86] suí biàn shuō shuō ér yǐ bù, bú shì de
[10:48.06] bié tīng nǐ mā luàn jiǎng huà, nǐ yī zhí dōu hěn dú lì
[10:51.66] jiù lián nǐ xiǎo shí hòu pàng dū dū de
[10:54.20] yí gè péng yǒu yě méi yǒu de shí hòu, nǐ hái shì huó dé hǎo hǎo de
[10:58.84] nǐ huì dài zài nǐ fáng lǐ kàn shū wán pīn tú
[11:05.71] ér xiàng luó sī zhè zhǒng rén zé zhuī qiú zhuō yuè
[11:09.78] bó wù guǎn, chū bǎn lùn wén
[11:12.85] qí tā rén zé ān yú xiàn zhuàng
[11:16.45] gào sù nǐ, zhè zhǒng rén bú huì dé ái zhèng
[11:20.02] tā men duì yōng yǒu de yī qiè dōu hěn kāi xīn
[11:23.29] jiù xiàng nǎi niú yí yàng
[11:27.16] nǎi niú, bà bà?
[11:29.13] tā zhī dào wǒ yǒu duō xǐ huān nǎi niú
[11:34.41] wǒ hái zhī dào zhèi xiē nǚ rén xiǎng yōng yǒu yī qiè, xìng hǎo
[11:38.78] wǒ men jiā de xiǎo mó nī kǎ méi yǒu zhè zhǒng wèn tí
[11:43.31] wǒ gēn nǐ shuō, nǐ hěn bù cuò xiè xiè, lǎo bà
[11:48.92] tiān ó, zhè gè jū rán hái néng yòng
[11:55.16] luó sī, zuì jìn nǐ zěn me yàng?
[11:58.90] zuì jìn yǒu shén me xīn wén bā guà zhī lèi kě yǐ hé lǎo bà lǎo mā fēn xiǎng de
[12:07.24] hǎo ba, wǒ zhī dào nǐ men xiǎng liǎo jiě
[12:10.88] wǒ hé kǎ luó zhī jiān dǎo dǐ zěn me le
[12:14.15] shì qíng shì zhè yàng de
[12:19.-4] kǎ luó shì gè nǚ tóng zhì
[12:22.59] tā hé yí gè míng zì sū shān de nǚ rén tóng jū
[12:26.79] tā huái le wǒ de hái zi
[12:30.49] bìng dǎ suàn hé sū shān gòng tóng fú yǎng tā
[12:37.60] zhèi xiē nǐ quán dōu zhī dào?
[12:47.31] nǐ de zhuàng kuàng zhēn de hěn zāo gāo ma?
[12:50.15] nǐ yào zhī dào zhèi xiē rén shí fēn zhuān yè
[12:55.-4] tā men zhī dào tā men yào zuò shí mǒ
[12:56.65] tā men huì duǒ zài nà li, zài lái gè tū rán xí jī
[13:02.29] cháng yán dào: fù mǔ shì wú fǎ jiāo huàn de
[13:05.70] rú guǒ kě yǐ, wǒ yào nǐ de fù mǔ
[13:10.63] wǒ yào qù niào niào le
[13:13.34] rú guǒ nǐ shì shuāng bāo tāi, qíng kuàng huì gèng cǎn
[13:15.44] nǐ shì shuāng bāo tāi? duì, wǒ men bù wǎng lái
[13:17.64] tā shì yī xīn zhuī qiú shì yè de rén
[13:20.85] tā cóng shì shén me gōng zuò? fú wù shēng
[13:25.02] nǐ men liǎ zhǎng de yí yàng ma? dà jiā dōu shuō wǒ liǎ zhǎng de hěn xiàng
[13:27.79] dàn wǒ bù zhè me rèn wéi
[13:30.22] gè wèi, wǒ dé dǎ sǎo le
[13:33.49] qián dé, nǐ shì dú zǐ? nǐ méi yǒu zhèi xiē kùn rǎo?
[13:36.59] méi yǒu, jǐn guǎn wǒ yǒu gè xiǎng xiàng zhōng de péng yǒu
[13:40.20] ér wǒ bà mā bǐ jiào xǐ huān tā
[13:44.24] bāng wǒ guān dēng
[13:53.54] wǒ zài lǐ miàn duō jiǔ le?
[13:56.41] wǒ zhǐ shì zài dǎ sǎo xū yào bāng máng ma?
[14:02.75] hǎo ya, xiè le
[14:10.00] zǒng zhī.
[14:12.13] míng tiān yào jiàn bā ruì, jǐn zhāng ma?
[14:15.83] yǒu yì diǎn
[14:19.04] hěn jǐn zhāng
[14:21.64] yǒu shén me jiàn yì ma?
[14:24.38] jiù yí gè zuì jìn gāng bèi shuǎi de rén ér yán
[14:28.71] nǐ yīng gāi bì miǎn yòng" shuǎi" zhè gè zì yǎn
[14:33.62] gèng bù qiǎo de shì xiàn zài tā kě néng tòng bù yù shēng
[14:38.06] yīn cǐ nǐ bù gāi xiǎn de yàn guāng zhào rén, wǒ zhī dào zhè yì diǎn hěn nán zuò dào
[14:45.56] zhè yàng ba, wǒ ná jiè zhǐ hái bā ruì
[14:50.17] nǐ péi kǎ luó jí sū shān qù zuò jiǎn chá
[14:56.67] nǐ míng tiān de jiàn kǎ luó
[15:00.01] cǐ shì hé shí biàn de zhè me fù zá? nǐ kě wèn dǎo wǒ le
[15:04.42] hái jì de wǒ men zài gāo zhōng shí dài ma? jì de
[15:07.25] nǐ méi xiǎng guò zì jǐ huì yù jiàn xīn shàng rén
[15:10.02] liàn ài, rán hòu sī shǒu zhōng shēng ma?
[15:17.46] luó sī? zài. zài
[15:22.30] méi xiǎng dào zì jǐ huì lún luò dào zhè gè dì bù
[15:32.64] wǒ yě shì
[15:51.53] bào qiàn, wǒ chí dào le, wǒ máng dé wú fǎ tuō shēn yú
[15:54.06] nèi xiē dà de kǒng lóng zhī lèi de shì qíng
[15:58.34] hāi
[16:00.60] luó sī, jì de sū shān ma? wǒ zěn néng wàng dé le?
[16:05.21] nǐ hǎo, sū shān, tā de shǒu hǎo yǒu lì a
[16:09.91] nà me wǒ men zài děng
[16:12.92] ōu bó màn dài fū tā?
[16:15.45] shì" tā" dāng rán shì tā
[16:19.12] tā liǎo jiě wǒ men de tè shū zhuàng kuàng?
[16:23.39] liǎo jiě, ér qiě tā fēi cháng zhī chí zhè tài hǎo le
[16:29.03] bù, wǒ zhǐ shì
[16:31.67] xiè le
[16:53.19] luó sī, nà shi yòng lái dǎ kāi wǒ de zǐ gōng jǐng de
[17:01.67] bā ruì jìn lái ba
[17:04.54] jìn lái ba méi wèn tí?
[17:06.74] luó cǐ dé dài zài zhè ér hǎo jǐ gè xiǎo shí
[17:12.64] zuì jìn hǎo ma?
[17:17.85] wǒ hěn hǎo
[17:20.55] nǐ de qì sè hǎo jí le shì de
[17:23.92] fǎ dài fū, jié sēn kuài méi qì le
[17:26.62] mǎ shàng dào, wǒ mǎ shàng huí lái
[17:34.73] wǒ shuǎi le tā
[17:54.79] wǒ men gāi rú hé chǔ lǐ cǐ shì?
[17:58.19] yīng ér zài mǔ qīn shēn tǐ zhōng yí gè tè shū de bù wèi shēng zhǎng
[18:01.23] xiè xiè
[18:02.49] wǒ shuō, wǒ men gāi rú hé chǔ lǐ cǐ shì?, nǐ zhī dào de
[18:07.00] bǐ fāng shuō mǒu xiē zhòng dà de jué dìng
[18:10.33] jǔ gè lì zi wǒ yě shuō bù shàng lái
[18:13.84] bǐ fāng shuō hái zi de míng zì mǎ lóng
[18:17.47] rú guǒ shì gè nán hái mǎ lóng, rú guǒ shì gè nǚ hái jiù jiào mǐ nī
[18:22.18] hé mǐ lǎo shǔ de nǚ yǒu tóng míng?
[18:25.32] hé wǒ nǎi nǎi tóng míng
[18:27.52] bù guǎn zěn yàng, tīng dào zhè gè hái shì xiǎng dào lǎo shǔ
[18:32.66] zhè gè zěn me yàng?
[18:34.86] zhū lì yà?
[18:37.13] zhū lì yà wǒ men jué dìng yòng mǐ nī
[18:39.90] zhēn yōu mò, wǒ men céng jué dìng gòng tóng shēng huó yī bèi zi
[18:42.80] shì shì nán liào, bīng lái jiāng dǎng
[18:46.20] zhū lì yà, jiù zhè me jué dìng
[18:51.14] bào qiàn
[18:55.71] jìn lái kě hǎo?
[18:58.48] hùn dé guò qù
[19:01.55] wǒ gāng zhǎo dào gōng zuò zhè tài hǎo le
[19:05.39] nǐ wèi hé shài de zhè me hēi?
[19:09.89] wǒ dào a lǔ bā le
[19:12.06] nǐ zì jǐ yí gè qù dù mì yuè?
[19:15.10] bú shì de
[19:19.67] wǒ hé
[19:22.84] nǐ yě xǔ huì hěn bù hǎo shòu wǒ?
[19:28.81] wǒ hé míng dì qù le
[19:30.65] míng dì?
[19:32.85] wǒ de bàn niáng míng dì?
[19:34.72] duì, wǒ men shì rèn zhēn de
[19:42.09] nǐ qù zuò zhí fā le?
[19:44.13] xiǎo xīn, hái bù gù dìng
[19:47.40] nǐ hái pèi le yǐn xíng yǎn jìng?
[19:50.03] nǐ bú shì tǎo yàn jiāng shǒu zhǐ fàng jìn yǎn jìng ma?
[19:53.17] hái bú shì wèi le tā
[19:58.51] wǒ zhēn de dé gǎn xiè nǐ
[20:01.65] hǎo
[20:04.-4] yí gè yuè qián wǒ xiǎng shāng hài nǐ, wǒ cóng wèi rú cǐ jī dòng guò
[20:09.00] wǒ shì gè zhěng yá yī shī
[20:12.89] nǐ shuō de méi cuò, wǒ yǐ wéi wǒ men huì guò de hěn kuài lè
[20:16.66] wǒ men bù kuài lè
[20:19.30] dàn shì hé míng dì zài yì qǐ
[20:22.00] xiàn zài wǒ hěn kuài lè
[20:25.07] tǔ diào shén me?
[20:26.54] shì hé wǒ shuō
[20:30.51] zǒng zhī
[20:33.14] zhè dōng xī shǔ yú nǐ de, huò xǔ yǐ hòu shì míng dì de
[20:38.42] hǎo xiàng tā xiàn zài yǐ jīng kāi shǐ wèi zhè gè zuò zhǔn bèi le
[20:45.00] shì de, kàn lái shì zhēn de
[20:47.42] wǒ jué de zhè shì yí gè bù cuò de jiè zhǐ
[20:51.33] xiè xiè nǐ sòng wǒ
[20:56.00] xiè xiè nǐ sòng huán gěi wǒ
[21:00.70] nǐ hǎo!
[21:05.78] bài tuō, hǎi lún yǒu shén me bù hǎo? hǎi lún gài lēi?
[21:10.55] bù xíng tā bú huì jiào hǎi lún gài lēi de
[21:14.25] xiè xiè bù, wǒ shì shuō tā bù xìng gài lēi
[21:18.39] nán dào tā jiào hǎi lún wēi lì kè
[21:20.39] lǎo shí shuō, wǒ men kǎo lǜ yòng hǎi lún wēi lì kè bān qí
[21:26.90] děng děng, wèi hé yǒu tā de fèn?
[21:29.83] yīn wèi tā yě shì wǒ de bǎo bǎo
[21:31.40] zhēn de? wǒ bù jì de nǚ rén yě huì zhì zào jīng zǐ
[21:37.34] wǒ men dōu zhī dào nà shi gè jí dà de tiǎo zhàn
[21:40.74] gòu le, nǐ men liǎng gè, bié chǎo le bù, gōng láo quán ràng tā qiǎng le, wǒ yě zài chǎng
[21:44.75] nǐ gāi bú huì xiǎng yòng hǎi lún wēi lì kè bān qí gài lēi ba? yīn wèi zhè yǒu nüè dài ér tóng zhī xián
[21:50.72] dāng rán méi yǒu, wǒ xiǎng yòng gài lēi wēi lì kè bān qí
[21:54.76] jué duì bù xíng, nǐ kàn tā, méi rén huì jiào tā quán míng de
[21:59.40] tā zhī dào bié rén zhǐ huì jiào tā gài lēi zhè yàng tā jiù dé chěng le
[22:02.13] wǒ dé chěng? nǐ rèn wéi zhè yàng suàn wǒ dé chěng?
[22:04.50] xiāng xìn wǒ, wǒ méi xiǎng dào zì jǐ huì lún luò dào zhè zhòng dì bù
[22:08.37] wǒ shì bù dé yǐ de zhè hěn xīn kǔ de
[22:12.21] yǒu rén zài ma? jīn tiān rú hé, xiǎng ǒu tù ma?
[22:15.11] yì diǎn diǎn zhǐ shì yì diǎn diǎn
[22:18.75] wǒ zhǐ shì wèn zhǔn mā mā, hěn gǎn xiè nǐ men de fēn xiǎng
[22:23.85] tǎng hǎo zhī dào ma? wǒ bù jiā rù
[22:27.52] wǒ rèn wéi cǐ shí zì jǐ wú fǎ tǎng rù zhè hún shuǐ
[22:42.74] wǒ de tiān yā kuài kàn a
[22:45.68] wǒ zhī dào
[22:57.55] hěn shén qí ba
[23:03.23] wǒ men gāi kàn shén me?
[23:06.73] wǒ bù zhī dào, kě néng shì gōng jī qǐ yè hào xīng jiàn mí háng jì
[23:14.67] rú guǒ nǐ men bǎ tóu shāo wēi xiàng zuǒ piān, liǎng yǎn fàng qīng sōng
[23:17.81] tā yàng zi jiù xiàng shì yí gè kē lǎo mǎ líng shǔ
[23:21.35] nà me jiù bú yào nà me gàn
[23:25.68] mó nī kǎ, nǐ rèn wéi ne?
[23:31.49] nǐ rè lèi yíng kuàng cái méi yǒu
[23:33.86] wǒ zhǐ shì nǐ yǒu, nǐ rè lèi yíng kuàng
[23:37.36] nǐ jiù yào chéng wéi ā yí le bì zuǐ
[23:41.43] míng dì, wǒ shì ruì qiū
[23:45.50] wǒ hěn hǎo, wǒ jīn tiān hé bā ruì jiàn miàn le
[23:49.47] duì, tā gào sù wǒ le bù, méi guān xì, zhēn de
[23:54.41] wǒ zhù fú nǐ men xìng fú kuài lè, zhēn xīn chéng yì de
[23:58.25] rú guǒ yī qiè shùn lì
[24:02.09] nǐ men jié hūn shēng zǐ
[24:06.12] xī wàng tā men yǒu tā de fā xiàn hé nǐ de bí zi
[24:14.30] wǒ zhī dào zhè zhāo hěn jiàn, dàn wǒ gǎn jué hǎo bàng