Friends S01E06

歌曲 Friends S01E06
歌手 英语听力
专辑 老友记(第一季)


[00:08.-4] This is so exciting!
[01:02.-2] A thing through which you can tinkle A thing through which you can tinkle
[01:23.-3] The One With the Butt
[02:33.-3] Is it? It feels like 2.
[03:19.-1] -You could do that. -You think? -
[03:54.-1] Yes,you said that.
[05:09.-4] "Loved your work. Call me a sap. " "
[06:09.-4] Joey... Joey...
[07:17.-4] Hey,kids!
[08:11.-2] We talked until 2:00. It was perfect.
[10:02.-1] -I couldn't. -Good for you. -
[10:07.-4] ... I' m going out with more people than her. ...
[11:13.-1] Nobody knows. And we're not supposed to ask.
[17:57.-4] Once again,rolling. Water working.
[19:57.-2] ... but it's like l' m two guys. One guy's saying,"This is great! " ...
[20:02.-1] But there's this other guy.
[21:33.-2] No? What happened,big guy?
[24:18.-2] Or play with or simply let hang
[00:05.45] Oh,look! There's Joey's picture!
[00:09.49] You can spot someone who's never seen his plays.
[00:12.72] Notice,no fear. No sense of impending doom.
[00:17.00] "The role of man number three will not be played by Vic Shapiro. " "
[00:22.30] We came on the wrong night.
[00:26.07] I can't believe I forgot a magazine.
[00:28.64] -Come on,this might be good. -I don't know. -
[00:31.84] The exclamation point scares me. It's not just Freud,it's Freud!
[00:37.85] Magic is about to happen!
[00:40.79] Well,Eva...
[00:43.09] ...we've done some excellent work here.
[00:47.46] And I would have to say...
[00:49.73] ...your problem is quite clear. ……
[00:55.30] All you want is a dinkle All you want is a dinkle
[00:58.90] What you envy's a schwang What you envy's a schwang
[01:05.58] To play with or simply let hang To play with or simply let hang
[02:22.85] I feel violated.
[02:25.52] Did anybody else feel like peeling their skin off...
[02:29.06] have something else to do?
[02:31.73] Ross,1 0:00.
[02:36.03] -No,1 0:00! -What?
[02:39.80] There's a beautiful woman at 8,9,1 0:00!
[02:45.84] Hello!
[02:47.31] She's amazing! She makes the women l dream about look like fat,bald men.
[02:53.12] Go over. She's not with anyone.
[02:55.22] And what would my opening line be? Excuse me....
[03:01.26] Come on,she's a person. You can do it.
[03:03.86] Could she be more out of my league? Back me up.
[03:07.07] He couldn't get a woman like that in a million years.
[03:12.04] You always see these beautiful women with "nothing" guys.
[03:16.07] You could be one of those guys.
[03:21.18] Absolutely!
[03:22.68] I can't believe I'm considering this.
[03:25.22] -l' m very aware of my tongue. -Come on. -
[03:28.02] Here goes.
[03:30.00] Stand back,everyone. Incoming ego shrapnel.
[03:33.36] All right,I can do this.
[03:39.50] -Yes? -Hi.
[03:43.27] Okay,next word would be...
[03:45.54] ... Chandler. …
[03:47.74] Chandler is my name and....
[03:50.91] Hi! Hi!
[03:55.65] Yes! Yes,I did. But what I didn't say....
[03:58.88] What I wanted to say was...
[04:01.12] ...would you like to go out with me? Thank you. Good night. ……
[04:05.06] Chandler?
[04:09.83] -I didn't know you could dance! -You were in a play! -
[04:13.30] What'd you think?
[04:15.57] -I didn't know you could dance! -You were in a play! -
[04:19.07] It wasn't that bad. I was the lead.
[04:21.84] It was better than the troll thing. At least you got to see my head.
[04:26.31] -You're right. -We saw your head. -
[04:29.01] How about that accent?
[04:31.15] Yeah. All of your W's were V's.
[04:37.46] She said yes!
[04:40.29] Awful play,man!
[04:44.36] Her name's Aurora. She's ltalian and she pronounces my name " Chandler. "
[04:50.80] I like that better.
[04:52.34] The usher gave me this.
[04:54.37] -What is it? -The Estelle Leonard T alent Agency.
[04:57.68] An agency left its card. They wanna sign me!
[05:00.61] Based on this play?
[05:04.28] Based on this play!
[05:06.58] Look! There's a note on the back.
[05:14.43] She was obviously very moved!
[05:17.10] You should call her fairly quickly.
[05:19.80] Yeah! As soon as possible!
[05:25.54] Come in!
[05:28.31] Hi. I'm here to see Estelle Leonard. Hi.
[05:30.91] Just a moment,let me see if she's in.
[05:35.35] Hello.
[05:38.75] -You' re Estelle? -I know... -
[05:40.82] weren't expecting someone so fantastically beautiful. ……
[05:47.59] Love lump. T ake a load off already, darling. Sit already.
[05:53.00] I can't tell you how excited I am to be here.
[05:56.43] Why not?
[05:59.44] -What I meant was -You don't mind if I eat,do you? -
[06:10.15] ...sweetheart,let me ask you a question. ……
[06:13.55] Did you ever see the movie Sleepless in Seattle?
[06:17.42] -Wow! Do you represent those actors? -No.
[06:21.19] But you know the end, where they' re happy?
[06:24.83] That's gonna be you and me.
[06:28.40] You mean you wanna sign me?
[06:30.50] No,I wanna go to the top of the Empire State Building and make out.
[06:36.71] Of course I wanna sign you!
[06:39.54] -Miss Leonard,I'm so -Oh,boy.
[06:42.18] -Ride them,cowboy. -l' m sorry!
[06:55.13] I don't see it!
[06:59.83] -T ry to look through it. -Unfocus your eyes. -
[07:03.20] Focus? There's nothing to focus on.
[07:06.44] -It's the Statue of Liberty! -Right! -
[07:10.11] -Where's the Statue of Liberty? -There.
[07:13.18] I can't not see it now.
[07:18.18] Come here. Do you see anything here?
[07:20.75] -lt looks like a boat. -A boat. -
[07:24.36] Right in front of the Statue of Liberty.
[07:29.09] It's been seven seconds,and you haven't asked me how my date went.
[07:33.83] How was your date,Chandler?
[07:36.30] It was unbelievable!
[07:37.80] I've never met anyone like her. She's had an amazing life!
[07:41.64] She was in the Israeli army.
[07:43.67] None of the bullets hit the engine, so we made it to the border.
[07:48.41] But just barely,and l....
[07:51.18] I've been talking about myself all night long. I'm sorry.
[07:55.45] What about you? T ell me a story.
[07:58.42] All right,once...
[08:00.83] ... I got on the subway.
[08:02.83] And it was at night...
[08:04.83] ...and I rode it all the way to Brooklyn. ...
[08:08.17] Just for the hell of it.
[08:14.64] More or less.
[08:15.94] Suddenly,we realized we were in Yemen.
[08:18.74] I' m sorry,so "we" is...?
[08:21.11] "We" is me and Rick.
[08:22.65] Who's Rick?
[08:23.85] Who's Rick?
[08:26.35] My husband.
[08:30.09] -Oh,so you' re divorced? -No. -
[08:33.42] I' m sorry. So you' re widowed? Hopefully?
[08:37.76] No,l' m still married.
[08:40.90] So,how would your husband feel about you sitting here with me...
[08:45.74] ...sliding your foot so far up my leg you can count the change in my pocket? ...
[08:52.18] Don't worry.
[08:53.78] He'd be okay with you because he's okay with Ethan.
[08:58.35] Ethan? There's an Ethan?
[09:01.89] Ethan is my boyfriend.
[09:05.52] What? 什么?
[09:08.76] What kind of relationship do you imagine us having...
[09:12.33] ...if you have a husband and a boyfriend?
[09:15.50] I suppose,mainly sexual.
[09:21.57] Sorry it didn't work out.
[09:23.44] What,not work out? I'm seeing her again on Thursday.
[09:26.91] Didn't you listen to the story?
[09:30.82] Didn't you listen? It's twisted!
[09:33.45] How could you get involved with her?
[09:35.89] I had trouble with it at first. But I get the good stuff.
[09:40.00] All the fun,all the talking, all the sex...
[09:43.16] ...and none of the responsibility.
[09:46.43] -This is every guy's fantasy! -That's not true! -
[09:49.80] -Ross,is this your fantasy? -No,of course not. -
[09:55.27] Yeah. Yeah,it is.
[09:57.94] You'd go out with someone going out with someone else?
[10:04.25] When l' m with a woman, I need to know...
[10:10.39] Once,I went out with a guy who just got divorced.
[10:14.03] It was hard. His kids liked me better than him.
[10:17.60] What does this have to do with Chandler?
[10:21.13] Nothing.
[10:23.27] I didn't have anything on that topic.
[10:26.14] So I went another way.
[10:29.24] You know,monogamy can be a tricky concept.
[10:33.38] I mean,anthropologically speaking
[10:37.68] Fine. Now you'll never know.
[10:40.02] We' re kidding. T ell us.
[10:41.89] -We wanna know. -Come on! -
[10:43.65] All right. There's a theory put forth by Richard Leakey
[10:58.60] Are we greeting each other this way now? I like it.
[11:03.44] Look! I cleaned!
[11:05.31] I did the windows. I did the floors.
[11:07.81] I used all the vacuum attachments but the round one. What's it for?
[11:16.39] What do you think?
[11:17.76] -It's very clean. -Really,it looks great! -
[11:25.06] I see you moved the green ottoman.
[11:31.47] How did that happen?
[11:34.44] I don't know. It looked better there.
[11:37.81] And it's an extra seat around the table.
[11:41.11] Yeah,it's interesting.
[11:44.55] But you know what? Just for fun...
[11:47.15] ...Iet's see what it looked like in the old spot. ...
[11:51.46] Just to compare.
[11:53.32] Let's see.
[11:55.06] Well,it looks good there too.
[11:57.36] Let's leave it there for a while.
[12:00.50] I can't believe you moved the green ottoman.
[12:04.47] Be glad you didn't fan the magazines. She'll scratch your eyes out.
[12:09.11] -You guys,I am not that bad! -Yeah,you are. -
[12:13.74] Remember,I lived with you? You were a little....
[12:21.42] That is so unfair!
[12:22.92] When we were kids,yours was the only Raggedy Ann doll that wasn't raggedy.
[12:29.43] Okay,so I'm responsible. I'm organized.
[12:32.30] But hey,I can be a kook!
[12:36.53] All right,you madcap gal!
[12:40.37] Imagine this.
[12:41.74] The phone bill arrives, but you don't pay it right away.
[12:45.88] -Why not? -Because you're a kook! -
[12:50.51] You wait until they send a notice.
[12:54.05] I could do that.
[12:55.62] Okay,then you let me go grocery shopping
[12:59.86] -No problem. -I'm not done yet. -
[13:03.66] And I buy detergent,but it's not the one with the easy-pour spout.
[13:08.77] Why would someone do that?
[13:12.54] One might wonder.
[13:15.81] But I would be fine with that.
[13:19.28] A glass is on the table with no coaster. A cold drink. A hot day.
[13:24.65] Beads of condensation are inching closer to the wood....
[13:29.19] Stop it!
[13:34.02] Oh,my God!
[13:35.73] It's true. Who am l?
[13:38.20] Monica,you' re Mom.
[13:48.57] Oh,my God!
[13:52.31] Okay,I'll be there.
[13:56.38] That was my agent.
[13:59.92] My agent has just gotten me a job in the new Al Pacino movie!
[14:06.09] -That's great! -What's the part?
[14:09.06] Can you believe it? Pacino! This guy's why I became an actor!
[14:13.40] " Out of order? You' re out of order! This whole courtroom's out of order! " "
[14:19.77] Seriously,what's the part?
[14:21.74] "Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in! "
[14:25.71] Come on. Seriously,Joey, what's the part?
[14:30.71] You' re.... What?
[14:34.89] I' m his butt double,okay?
[14:41.69] I play Al Pacino's butt.
[14:46.50] All right? He goes into the shower, and then...
[14:50.03] ... I' m his butt. ...
[14:52.40] Oh,my God!
[14:53.87] Come on,you guys.
[14:55.31] It's a real Pacino movie and that's big!
[14:58.84] It's terrific. You deserve this.
[15:01.65] After years of struggling you've cracked your way into show business.
[15:09.25] Fine. Make jokes,I don't care.
[15:11.79] -This is a big break for me! -You' re right. It is. -
[15:16.43] So,will you invite us to the big opening?
[15:29.27] -I need some moisturizer. -For what? -
[15:32.41] T oday's the big day!
[15:37.11] You got any tweezers? I think I have a rogue hair.
[15:41.00] God. Go in the bathroom. Use whatever you want.
[15:44.12] Don't ever tell me what you did in there.
[15:47.16] Thank you.
[15:50.63] -Joey's mom's on the phone. -ln the bathroom. -
[15:53.63] -You don't wanna go in there! -Come on,we' re roommates. -
[15:58.50] My eyes! My eyes!
[16:03.57] I warned you.
[16:05.41] Who is being loud?
[16:07.31] Oh,that would be Monica.
[16:09.85] Can I borrow stuff? I wanna make Aurora breakfast.
[16:13.18] You got the whole night?
[16:15.19] Well,I only have 20 minutes until Ethan,so....
[16:18.39] Do I sense resentment?
[16:20.56] No. No resentment. Believe me...
[16:23.89]'s worth it,okay? ……
[16:26.23] In a relationship,you have moments you'll remember the rest of your life.
[16:31.27] Every single second is like that with Aurora.
[16:34.71] I've just wasted 35 of them talking to you.
[16:37.57] So,Monica,can you help me with the door?
[16:42.01] The old Monica would remind you...
[16:44.82] scrub that T eflon pan with a plastic brush. ……
[16:49.82] But l' m not gonna do that.
[16:58.43] Excuse me? Can they warm it up? I' m concerned about goose bumps.
[17:03.50] Everybody ready?
[17:06.14] I wanna thank you for this opportunity.
[17:09.27] I mean,I know this is just a first step,but I hope that someday
[17:14.71] Lose the robe.
[17:16.15] Right. Okay. Losing the robe!
[17:20.55] Okay,and the robe is lost.
[17:23.29] I would like to get this in one take.
[17:26.29] Let's roll it.
[17:27.83] Water's working.
[17:30.09] And action!
[17:33.90] And cut!
[17:36.13] Butt guy,what are you doing?
[17:39.07] I'm showering.
[17:40.80] No,that was clenching.
[17:43.14] The way I see it, the guy's upset here,you know?
[17:47.04] His wife's dead, his brother's missing.
[17:49.65] I think his butt would be angry here.
[17:53.08] I think his butt would like to get the shot before lunch.
[18:00.82] And action!
[18:04.09] And cut! What was that?
[18:07.83] I was going for quiet desperation.
[18:11.74] But if you have to ask....
[18:21.11] God,I love these fingers.
[18:23.21] Thank you.
[18:24.62] No,actually,I meant my fingers.
[18:28.29] Look at them. Look at how happy they are.
[18:32.66] -Oh,my God,l' m late! -Oh,no!
[18:35.93] -Don't go. -Okay. -
[18:39.80] -I have to. -Look,she's leaving. -
[18:42.57] I' m sorry. He'll be waiting for me.
[18:45.27] -I thought you talked to Rick. -It's not Rick. -
[18:49.24] Ethan? He gets the whole day!
[18:51.81] No,it's Andrew.
[18:58.85] I know there'll be moments..
[19:00.92] ...when I'll regret asking the following question,but.... ……
[19:05.26] -And Andrew is? -He's...
[19:08.06] ... new. ……
[19:10.26] So you' re not completely fulfilled by Rick,Ethan and myself?
[19:14.93] No,that's not exactly what I was
[19:17.60] Most women would kill...
[19:19.54] ...for three guys like us. ……
[19:23.04] -So,what do you want? -You.
[19:26.44] -You have me. -No. Just you. -
[19:29.65] -What do you mean? -Lose the other guys. -
[19:33.65] Like,all of them?
[19:37.25] Come on,we' re great together. Why not?
[19:40.39] Can't we have what we have now?
[19:42.66] Why can't we talk and make love...
[19:45.30] ...without feeling obligated to each other? ……
[19:48.47] Up until tonight,I thought that's what you wanted too.
[19:53.07] Well,part of me wants that...
[20:04.05] The guy who wells up when the Grinch's heart grows...
[20:07.65] ...and breaks that measuring device. ……
[20:10.45] He's saying,you know, "This is too hard. Get out! "
[20:15.56] So,which one of the guys will you listen to?
[20:19.46] I have to listen to both. They don't let each other finish.
[20:24.94] Which one?
[20:29.84] The second guy.
[20:32.54] I see.
[20:38.45] Call me if you change your mind.
[20:49.36] Sorry,the first guy runs the lips.
[21:05.68] Look at it this way. You dumped her!
[21:09.75] Right? I mean,this woman was unbelievably sexy...
[21:14.28] ...and beautiful,intelligent, unattainable. ……
[21:19.56] T ell me why you did this again?
[21:24.26] Movie star!
[21:25.90] Wait! Aren't you the guy who plays the butt in the new Pacino movie?
[21:31.60] Nope.
[21:35.87] Big guy?
[21:39.18] It felt like a "big guy" moment.
[21:42.68] I got fired!
[21:44.88] They said I acted too much with it.
[21:49.35] I told everybody about this!
[21:51.69] -Everybody's expecting to see me. -lKnow what? -
[21:54.69] -No one will be able to tell. -My mom will. -
[22:00.33] There's something so sweet and disturbing about that.
[22:05.67] I've done crappy plays for six years...
[22:08.84] ...and I finally get my shot, and I blow it!
[22:12.48] Maybe this wasn't it.
[22:14.44] I think when it's your shot, you know it's your shot.
[22:19.52] Did it feel like your shot?
[22:23.35] Hard to tell. I was naked.
[22:26.29] I don't think this was it. I don't think you just get one.
[22:30.56] I believe things are gonna happen for you. I do.
[22:34.16] You've got to think about the day some kid will go:
[22:38.27] "l got the part! I'm gonna be Joey T ribbiani's ass! "
[22:45.28] You think? That's so nice.
[22:53.92] I' m sorry,Joey. I' m gonna go to bed,guys.
[22:57.09] -Good night. -Good night.
[22:59.56] You' re gonna leave your shoes out here?
[23:05.90] Really? Just casually strewn about...
[23:09.00] that reckless,haphazard manner? ...
[23:13.20] It doesn't matter. I'll get them tomorrow. Or not!
[23:18.68] Whenever.
[23:22.85] She is a kook.
[23:37.89] If it bothers you that much, just go out and get the shoes.
[23:43.47] No,don 't do this!
[23:46.27] This is stupid!
[23:47.94] I don 't have to prove anything. I'm gonna get them.
[23:51.88] But then everyone will know.
[23:55.18] Unless I get them,then wake up really early and put them back.
[23:59.82] I need help!
[24:05.56] -All you want is a dinkle -Not that song!
[24:09.83] -All you envy's a schwang -Come on,you guys.
[24:14.03] A thing through which you can tinkle
[24:22.01] All you want is a dinkle
[24:26.01] What you envy's a schwang
[24:29.55] A thing through which you can tinkle
[24:33.28] Or play with or simply let hang


[00:08.-4] This is so exciting!
[01:02.-2] A thing through which you can tinkle A thing through which you can tinkle
[01:23.-3] The One With the Butt
[02:33.-3] Is it? It feels like 2.
[03:19.-1] You could do that. You think?
[03:54.-1] Yes, you said that.
[05:09.-4] " Loved your work. Call me a sap. " "
[06:09.-4] Joey... Joey...
[07:17.-4] Hey, kids!
[08:11.-2] We talked until 2: 00. It was perfect.
[10:02.-1] I couldn' t. Good for you.
[10:07.-4] ... I' m going out with more people than her. ...
[11:13.-1] Nobody knows. And we' re not supposed to ask.
[17:57.-4] Once again, rolling. Water working.
[19:57.-2] ... but it' s like l' m two guys. One guy' s saying," This is great! " ...
[20:02.-1] But there' s this other guy.
[21:33.-2] No? What happened, big guy?
[24:18.-2] Or play with or simply let hang
[00:05.45] Oh, look! There' s Joey' s picture!
[00:09.49] You can spot someone who' s never seen his plays.
[00:12.72] Notice, no fear. No sense of impending doom.
[00:17.00] " The role of man number three will not be played by Vic Shapiro. " "
[00:22.30] We came on the wrong night.
[00:26.07] I can' t believe I forgot a magazine.
[00:28.64] Come on, this might be good. I don' t know.
[00:31.84] The exclamation point scares me. It' s not just Freud, it' s Freud!
[00:37.85] Magic is about to happen!
[00:40.79] Well, Eva...
[00:43.09] ... we' ve done some excellent work here.
[00:47.46] And I would have to say...
[00:49.73] ... your problem is quite clear.
[00:55.30] All you want is a dinkle All you want is a dinkle
[00:58.90] What you envy' s a schwang What you envy' s a schwang
[01:05.58] To play with or simply let hang To play with or simply let hang
[02:22.85] I feel violated.
[02:25.52] Did anybody else feel like peeling their skin off...
[02:29.06] ... to have something else to do?
[02:31.73] Ross, 1 0: 00.
[02:36.03] No, 1 0: 00! What?
[02:39.80] There' s a beautiful woman at 8, 9, 1 0: 00!
[02:45.84] Hello!
[02:47.31] She' s amazing! She makes the women l dream about look like fat, bald men.
[02:53.12] Go over. She' s not with anyone.
[02:55.22] And what would my opening line be? Excuse me....
[03:01.26] Come on, she' s a person. You can do it.
[03:03.86] Could she be more out of my league? Back me up.
[03:07.07] He couldn' t get a woman like that in a million years.
[03:12.04] You always see these beautiful women with " nothing" guys.
[03:16.07] You could be one of those guys.
[03:21.18] Absolutely!
[03:22.68] I can' t believe I' m considering this.
[03:25.22] l' m very aware of my tongue. Come on.
[03:28.02] Here goes.
[03:30.00] Stand back, everyone. Incoming ego shrapnel.
[03:33.36] All right, I can do this.
[03:39.50] Yes? Hi.
[03:43.27] Okay, next word would be...
[03:45.54] ... Chandler.
[03:47.74] Chandler is my name and....
[03:50.91] Hi! Hi!
[03:55.65] Yes! Yes, I did. But what I didn' t say....
[03:58.88] What I wanted to say was...
[04:01.12] ... would you like to go out with me? Thank you. Good night.
[04:05.06] Chandler?
[04:09.83] I didn' t know you could dance! You were in a play!
[04:13.30] What' d you think?
[04:15.57] I didn' t know you could dance! You were in a play!
[04:19.07] It wasn' t that bad. I was the lead.
[04:21.84] It was better than the troll thing. At least you got to see my head.
[04:26.31] You' re right. We saw your head.
[04:29.01] How about that accent?
[04:31.15] Yeah. All of your W' s were V' s.
[04:37.46] She said yes!
[04:40.29] Awful play, man!
[04:44.36] Her name' s Aurora. She' s ltalian and she pronounces my name " Chandler. "
[04:50.80] I like that better.
[04:52.34] The usher gave me this.
[04:54.37] What is it? The Estelle Leonard T alent Agency.
[04:57.68] An agency left its card. They wanna sign me!
[05:00.61] Based on this play?
[05:04.28] Based on this play!
[05:06.58] Look! There' s a note on the back.
[05:14.43] She was obviously very moved!
[05:17.10] You should call her fairly quickly.
[05:19.80] Yeah! As soon as possible!
[05:25.54] Come in!
[05:28.31] Hi. I' m here to see Estelle Leonard. Hi.
[05:30.91] Just a moment, let me see if she' s in.
[05:35.35] Hello.
[05:38.75] You' re Estelle? I know...
[05:40.82] ... you weren' t expecting someone so fantastically beautiful.
[05:47.59] Love lump. T ake a load off already, darling. Sit already.
[05:53.00] I can' t tell you how excited I am to be here.
[05:56.43] Why not?
[05:59.44] What I meant was You don' t mind if I eat, do you?
[06:10.15] ... sweetheart, let me ask you a question.
[06:13.55] Did you ever see the movie Sleepless in Seattle?
[06:17.42] Wow! Do you represent those actors? No.
[06:21.19] But you know the end, where they' re happy?
[06:24.83] That' s gonna be you and me.
[06:28.40] You mean you wanna sign me?
[06:30.50] No, I wanna go to the top of the Empire State Building and make out.
[06:36.71] Of course I wanna sign you!
[06:39.54] Miss Leonard, I' m so Oh, boy.
[06:42.18] Ride them, cowboy. l' m sorry!
[06:55.13] I don' t see it!
[06:59.83] T ry to look through it. Unfocus your eyes.
[07:03.20] Focus? There' s nothing to focus on.
[07:06.44] It' s the Statue of Liberty! Right!
[07:10.11] Where' s the Statue of Liberty? There.
[07:13.18] I can' t not see it now.
[07:18.18] Come here. Do you see anything here?
[07:20.75] lt looks like a boat. A boat.
[07:24.36] Right in front of the Statue of Liberty.
[07:29.09] It' s been seven seconds, and you haven' t asked me how my date went.
[07:33.83] How was your date, Chandler?
[07:36.30] It was unbelievable!
[07:37.80] I' ve never met anyone like her. She' s had an amazing life!
[07:41.64] She was in the Israeli army.
[07:43.67] None of the bullets hit the engine, so we made it to the border.
[07:48.41] But just barely, and l....
[07:51.18] I' ve been talking about myself all night long. I' m sorry.
[07:55.45] What about you? T ell me a story.
[07:58.42] All right, once...
[08:00.83] ... I got on the subway.
[08:02.83] And it was at night...
[08:04.83] ... and I rode it all the way to Brooklyn. ...
[08:08.17] Just for the hell of it.
[08:14.64] More or less.
[08:15.94] Suddenly, we realized we were in Yemen.
[08:18.74] I' m sorry, so " we" is...?
[08:21.11] " We" is me and Rick.
[08:22.65] Who' s Rick?
[08:23.85] Who' s Rick?
[08:26.35] My husband.
[08:30.09] Oh, so you' re divorced? No.
[08:33.42] I' m sorry. So you' re widowed? Hopefully?
[08:37.76] No, l' m still married.
[08:40.90] So, how would your husband feel about you sitting here with me...
[08:45.74] ... sliding your foot so far up my leg you can count the change in my pocket? ...
[08:52.18] Don' t worry.
[08:53.78] He' d be okay with you because he' s okay with Ethan.
[08:58.35] Ethan? There' s an Ethan?
[09:01.89] Ethan is my boyfriend.
[09:05.52] What? shén me?
[09:08.76] What kind of relationship do you imagine us having...
[09:12.33] ... if you have a husband and a boyfriend?
[09:15.50] I suppose, mainly sexual.
[09:21.57] Sorry it didn' t work out.
[09:23.44] What, not work out? I' m seeing her again on Thursday.
[09:26.91] Didn' t you listen to the story?
[09:30.82] Didn' t you listen? It' s twisted!
[09:33.45] How could you get involved with her?
[09:35.89] I had trouble with it at first. But I get the good stuff.
[09:40.00] All the fun, all the talking, all the sex...
[09:43.16] ... and none of the responsibility.
[09:46.43] This is every guy' s fantasy! That' s not true!
[09:49.80] Ross, is this your fantasy? No, of course not.
[09:55.27] Yeah. Yeah, it is.
[09:57.94] You' d go out with someone going out with someone else?
[10:04.25] When l' m with a woman, I need to know...
[10:10.39] Once, I went out with a guy who just got divorced.
[10:14.03] It was hard. His kids liked me better than him.
[10:17.60] What does this have to do with Chandler?
[10:21.13] Nothing.
[10:23.27] I didn' t have anything on that topic.
[10:26.14] So I went another way.
[10:29.24] You know, monogamy can be a tricky concept.
[10:33.38] I mean, anthropologically speaking
[10:37.68] Fine. Now you' ll never know.
[10:40.02] We' re kidding. T ell us.
[10:41.89] We wanna know. Come on!
[10:43.65] All right. There' s a theory put forth by Richard Leakey
[10:58.60] Are we greeting each other this way now? I like it.
[11:03.44] Look! I cleaned!
[11:05.31] I did the windows. I did the floors.
[11:07.81] I used all the vacuum attachments but the round one. What' s it for?
[11:16.39] What do you think?
[11:17.76] It' s very clean. Really, it looks great!
[11:25.06] I see you moved the green ottoman.
[11:31.47] How did that happen?
[11:34.44] I don' t know. It looked better there.
[11:37.81] And it' s an extra seat around the table.
[11:41.11] Yeah, it' s interesting.
[11:44.55] But you know what? Just for fun...
[11:47.15] ... Iet' s see what it looked like in the old spot. ...
[11:51.46] Just to compare.
[11:53.32] Let' s see.
[11:55.06] Well, it looks good there too.
[11:57.36] Let' s leave it there for a while.
[12:00.50] I can' t believe you moved the green ottoman.
[12:04.47] Be glad you didn' t fan the magazines. She' ll scratch your eyes out.
[12:09.11] You guys, I am not that bad! Yeah, you are.
[12:13.74] Remember, I lived with you? You were a little....
[12:21.42] That is so unfair!
[12:22.92] When we were kids, yours was the only Raggedy Ann doll that wasn' t raggedy.
[12:29.43] Okay, so I' m responsible. I' m organized.
[12:32.30] But hey, I can be a kook!
[12:36.53] All right, you madcap gal!
[12:40.37] Imagine this.
[12:41.74] The phone bill arrives, but you don' t pay it right away.
[12:45.88] Why not? Because you' re a kook!
[12:50.51] You wait until they send a notice.
[12:54.05] I could do that.
[12:55.62] Okay, then you let me go grocery shopping
[12:59.86] No problem. I' m not done yet.
[13:03.66] And I buy detergent, but it' s not the one with the easypour spout.
[13:08.77] Why would someone do that?
[13:12.54] One might wonder.
[13:15.81] But I would be fine with that.
[13:19.28] A glass is on the table with no coaster. A cold drink. A hot day.
[13:24.65] Beads of condensation are inching closer to the wood....
[13:29.19] Stop it!
[13:34.02] Oh, my God!
[13:35.73] It' s true. Who am l?
[13:38.20] Monica, you' re Mom.
[13:48.57] Oh, my God!
[13:52.31] Okay, I' ll be there.
[13:56.38] That was my agent.
[13:59.92] My agent has just gotten me a job in the new Al Pacino movie!
[14:06.09] That' s great! What' s the part?
[14:09.06] Can you believe it? Pacino! This guy' s why I became an actor!
[14:13.40] " Out of order? You' re out of order! This whole courtroom' s out of order! " "
[14:19.77] Seriously, what' s the part?
[14:21.74] " Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in! "
[14:25.71] Come on. Seriously, Joey, what' s the part?
[14:30.71] You' re.... What?
[14:34.89] I' m his butt double, okay?
[14:41.69] I play Al Pacino' s butt.
[14:46.50] All right? He goes into the shower, and then...
[14:50.03] ... I' m his butt. ...
[14:52.40] Oh, my God!
[14:53.87] Come on, you guys.
[14:55.31] It' s a real Pacino movie and that' s big!
[14:58.84] It' s terrific. You deserve this.
[15:01.65] After years of struggling you' ve cracked your way into show business.
[15:09.25] Fine. Make jokes, I don' t care.
[15:11.79] This is a big break for me! You' re right. It is.
[15:16.43] So, will you invite us to the big opening?
[15:29.27] I need some moisturizer. For what?
[15:32.41] T oday' s the big day!
[15:37.11] You got any tweezers? I think I have a rogue hair.
[15:41.00] God. Go in the bathroom. Use whatever you want.
[15:44.12] Don' t ever tell me what you did in there.
[15:47.16] Thank you.
[15:50.63] Joey' s mom' s on the phone. ln the bathroom.
[15:53.63] You don' t wanna go in there! Come on, we' re roommates.
[15:58.50] My eyes! My eyes!
[16:03.57] I warned you.
[16:05.41] Who is being loud?
[16:07.31] Oh, that would be Monica.
[16:09.85] Can I borrow stuff? I wanna make Aurora breakfast.
[16:13.18] You got the whole night?
[16:15.19] Well, I only have 20 minutes until Ethan, so....
[16:18.39] Do I sense resentment?
[16:20.56] No. No resentment. Believe me...
[16:23.89] ... it' s worth it, okay?
[16:26.23] In a relationship, you have moments you' ll remember the rest of your life.
[16:31.27] Every single second is like that with Aurora.
[16:34.71] I' ve just wasted 35 of them talking to you.
[16:37.57] So, Monica, can you help me with the door?
[16:42.01] The old Monica would remind you...
[16:44.82] ... to scrub that T eflon pan with a plastic brush.
[16:49.82] But l' m not gonna do that.
[16:58.43] Excuse me? Can they warm it up? I' m concerned about goose bumps.
[17:03.50] Everybody ready?
[17:06.14] I wanna thank you for this opportunity.
[17:09.27] I mean, I know this is just a first step, but I hope that someday
[17:14.71] Lose the robe.
[17:16.15] Right. Okay. Losing the robe!
[17:20.55] Okay, and the robe is lost.
[17:23.29] I would like to get this in one take.
[17:26.29] Let' s roll it.
[17:27.83] Water' s working.
[17:30.09] And action!
[17:33.90] And cut!
[17:36.13] Butt guy, what are you doing?
[17:39.07] I' m showering.
[17:40.80] No, that was clenching.
[17:43.14] The way I see it, the guy' s upset here, you know?
[17:47.04] His wife' s dead, his brother' s missing.
[17:49.65] I think his butt would be angry here.
[17:53.08] I think his butt would like to get the shot before lunch.
[18:00.82] And action!
[18:04.09] And cut! What was that?
[18:07.83] I was going for quiet desperation.
[18:11.74] But if you have to ask....
[18:21.11] God, I love these fingers.
[18:23.21] Thank you.
[18:24.62] No, actually, I meant my fingers.
[18:28.29] Look at them. Look at how happy they are.
[18:32.66] Oh, my God, l' m late! Oh, no!
[18:35.93] Don' t go. Okay.
[18:39.80] I have to. Look, she' s leaving.
[18:42.57] I' m sorry. He' ll be waiting for me.
[18:45.27] I thought you talked to Rick. It' s not Rick.
[18:49.24] Ethan? He gets the whole day!
[18:51.81] No, it' s Andrew.
[18:58.85] I know there' ll be moments..
[19:00.92] ... when I' ll regret asking the following question, but....
[19:05.26] And Andrew is? He' s...
[19:08.06] ... new.
[19:10.26] So you' re not completely fulfilled by Rick, Ethan and myself?
[19:14.93] No, that' s not exactly what I was
[19:17.60] Most women would kill...
[19:19.54] ... for three guys like us.
[19:23.04] So, what do you want? You.
[19:26.44] You have me. No. Just you.
[19:29.65] What do you mean? Lose the other guys.
[19:33.65] Like, all of them?
[19:37.25] Come on, we' re great together. Why not?
[19:40.39] Can' t we have what we have now?
[19:42.66] Why can' t we talk and make love...
[19:45.30] ... without feeling obligated to each other?
[19:48.47] Up until tonight, I thought that' s what you wanted too.
[19:53.07] Well, part of me wants that...
[20:04.05] The guy who wells up when the Grinch' s heart grows...
[20:07.65] ... and breaks that measuring device.
[20:10.45] He' s saying, you know, " This is too hard. Get out! "
[20:15.56] So, which one of the guys will you listen to?
[20:19.46] I have to listen to both. They don' t let each other finish.
[20:24.94] Which one?
[20:29.84] The second guy.
[20:32.54] I see.
[20:38.45] Call me if you change your mind.
[20:49.36] Sorry, the first guy runs the lips.
[21:05.68] Look at it this way. You dumped her!
[21:09.75] Right? I mean, this woman was unbelievably sexy...
[21:14.28] ... and beautiful, intelligent, unattainable.
[21:19.56] T ell me why you did this again?
[21:24.26] Movie star!
[21:25.90] Wait! Aren' t you the guy who plays the butt in the new Pacino movie?
[21:31.60] Nope.
[21:35.87] Big guy?
[21:39.18] It felt like a " big guy" moment.
[21:42.68] I got fired!
[21:44.88] They said I acted too much with it.
[21:49.35] I told everybody about this!
[21:51.69] Everybody' s expecting to see me. lKnow what?
[21:54.69] No one will be able to tell. My mom will.
[22:00.33] There' s something so sweet and disturbing about that.
[22:05.67] I' ve done crappy plays for six years...
[22:08.84] ... and I finally get my shot, and I blow it!
[22:12.48] Maybe this wasn' t it.
[22:14.44] I think when it' s your shot, you know it' s your shot.
[22:19.52] Did it feel like your shot?
[22:23.35] Hard to tell. I was naked.
[22:26.29] I don' t think this was it. I don' t think you just get one.
[22:30.56] I believe things are gonna happen for you. I do.
[22:34.16] You' ve got to think about the day some kid will go:
[22:38.27] " l got the part! I' m gonna be Joey T ribbiani' s ass! "
[22:45.28] You think? That' s so nice.
[22:53.92] I' m sorry, Joey. I' m gonna go to bed, guys.
[22:57.09] Good night. Good night.
[22:59.56] You' re gonna leave your shoes out here?
[23:05.90] Really? Just casually strewn about...
[23:09.00] ... in that reckless, haphazard manner? ...
[23:13.20] It doesn' t matter. I' ll get them tomorrow. Or not!
[23:18.68] Whenever.
[23:22.85] She is a kook.
[23:37.89] If it bothers you that much, just go out and get the shoes.
[23:43.47] No, don ' t do this!
[23:46.27] This is stupid!
[23:47.94] I don ' t have to prove anything. I' m gonna get them.
[23:51.88] But then everyone will know.
[23:55.18] Unless I get them, then wake up really early and put them back.
[23:59.82] I need help!
[24:05.56] All you want is a dinkle Not that song!
[24:09.83] All you envy' s a schwang Come on, you guys.
[24:14.03] A thing through which you can tinkle
[24:22.01] All you want is a dinkle
[24:26.01] What you envy' s a schwang
[24:29.55] A thing through which you can tinkle
[24:33.28] Or play with or simply let hang


[00:05.45] nǐ men kàn, shì qiáo yī de zhào piān
[00:08.-4] zhēn shì lìng rén xīng fèn
[00:09.49] nǐ zǒng shì néng kàn jiàn cóng wèi zài zì jǐ zuò pǐn zhōng chū xiàn de mǒu rén
[00:12.72] zhù yì lì qiáng, wú wèi wú jù
[00:17.00] sān hào nán yǎn yuán bù néng ràng wéi kè. xià pí luó yǎn"
[00:22.30] kàn lái wǒ men lái cuò shí jiān le a.
[00:26.07] bù gǎn xiāng xìn wǒ jū rán bǎ zá zhì wàng le
[00:28.64] zhè yàng yě xǔ gèng hǎo yī xiē wǒ bù zhī dào
[00:31.84] biāo tí shàng de jīng tàn hào ràng wǒ hài pà zhè bù zhǐ shì fú luò yī dé, ér shì fú luò yī dé!
[00:37.85] qí jī jiù yào chū xiàn
[00:40.79] yī wá
[00:43.09] nǐ jīn tiān de biǎo xiàn bù cuò
[00:47.46] wǒ dé shuō
[00:49.73] nǐ de wèn tí xiāng dāng qīng chǔ
[01:23.-3] liù rén xíng dì 1 jì dì 06 jí pì gǔ xiù
[02:22.85] wǒ gǎn jué zì jǐ shòu dào mào fàn le
[02:25.52] hái yǒu qí tā rén gǎn jué zhǐ xiǎng bō zì jǐ de pí
[02:29.06] rú guǒ tā men hái yǒu qí tā shì kě zuò?
[02:31.73] luó sī, shí diǎn zhōng
[02:33.-3] shì ma? gǎn jué xiàng shì liǎng diǎn
[02:36.03] bù, shí diǎn zhōng shén me?
[02:39.80] yī wèi měi nǚ zài 8, 9, 10 diǎn zhōng fāng xiàng
[02:45.84] nǐ!
[02:47.31] tā jiǎn zhí jiù shì xiān nǚ xià fán tā ràng wǒ de mèng zhōng qíng rén biàn de yǒu rú ǎi pàng de tū zǐ
[02:53.12] guò qù a, tā páng biān méi rén
[02:55.22] duì, wǒ gāi yòng shén me kāi chǎng bái? duì bù qǐ, la la la la zhī lèi de
[03:01.26] bài tuō, tā zhǐ shì gè rén, nǐ zhào dé zhù
[03:03.86] qǐng gào sù wǒ, wǒ pèi dé shàng tā ma? luó sī, bāng wǒ zhuàng zhuàng dǎn
[03:07.07] tā zhè fù dé xíng yī bèi zǐ dōu bié xiǎng bǎ dào zhè zhǒng měi nǚ
[03:12.04] dàn zhè zhǒng měi nǚ, shēn biān zǒng shì gēn zhe bié jiǎo huò
[03:16.07] nǐ yě kě yǐ chéng wéi qí zhōng zhī yī
[03:19.-1] méi cuò, nǐ néng bàn dào nǐ yě rèn wéi?
[03:21.18] shì de.
[03:22.68] méi xiǎng dào wǒ jìng yǒu zhè zhǒng niàn tou
[03:25.22] wǒ yī xiàng jǐn yán shèn xíng kuài qù
[03:28.02] wǒ shàng le
[03:30.00] tuì hòu, huǒ jì. pào huǒ lái xí.
[03:33.36] hǎo de, wǒ néng zuò dào de
[03:39.50] zěn me? hāi.
[03:43.27] xià gè zì shì
[03:45.54] qián dé
[03:47.74] wǒ jiào qián dé
[03:54.-1] wǒ zhī dào, nǐ shuō guò
[03:55.65] duì, wǒ shuō guò dàn wǒ méi shuō wǒ xiǎng shuō...
[03:58.88] wǒ xiǎng shuō de shì
[04:01.12] yuàn yì yǔ wǒ yuē huì ma? xiè xiè, wǎn ān
[04:05.06] qián dé
[04:09.83] xiǎng bú dào nǐ huì tiào wǔ nǐ yǎn xì le
[04:13.30] gǎn jué rú hé?
[04:15.57] xiǎng bú dào nǐ huì tiào wǔ nǐ yǎn xì le
[04:19.07] bài tuō, méi nà me zāo ba wǒ shì zhǔ jué
[04:21.84] zhè cì wǒ zài lún chàng zhōng chū xiàn zhì shǎo nǐ men kě yǐ kàn jiàn wǒ de tóu
[04:26.31] duì méi cuò wǒ men yǒu kàn jiàn nǐ de tóu
[04:29.01] zhè dé guó kǒu yīn zěn me yàng?
[04:31.15] bù cuò, nǐ de W quán biàn chéng V le
[04:37.46] tā dā yìng le
[04:40.29] hǎo làn de xì
[04:44.36] tā jiào yà luó lā, lái zì yì dà lì tā jiào wǒ" Chandlerrrrrrr"
[04:50.80] wǒ xǐ huān tā zhè yàng chēng hū wǒ
[04:52.34] lǐng zuò yuán yào wǒ bǎ tā jiāo gěi nǐ
[04:54.37] zhè shì shén me? Estelle Leonard jīng jì gōng sī
[04:57.68] jīng jì gōng sī ná míng piàn gěi wǒ huò xǔ tā men xiǎng hé wǒ qiān yuē
[05:00.61] yīn wèi zhè chǎng xì?
[05:04.28] yīn wèi zhè yī chǎng xì
[05:06.58] qiáo! bèi miàn yǒu zì
[05:09.-4] xǐ huān nǐ de gōng zuò. qǐng jiào wǒ wā qiáng jiǎo de"
[05:14.43] xiǎn rán tā fēi cháng de dòng rén
[05:17.10] nǐ yīng gāi mǎ shàng dǎ diàn huà gěi tā
[05:19.80] yuè kuài yuè hǎo
[05:25.54] qǐng jìn
[05:28.31] wǒ lái zhǎo Estelle. Leonard de.
[05:30.91] děng děng, ràng wǒ kàn kàn rú guǒ tā jìn lái
[05:35.35] nǐ hǎo.
[05:38.75] nǐ shì Estelle? wǒ zhī dào
[05:40.82] nǐ zài děng yī wèi rú cǐ měi lì dòng rén de xiǎo jiě.
[05:47.59] bèn xiǎo huǒ. fàng xià fù dān qīn ài de, zuò xià lái
[05:53.00] wǒ wú fǎ yòng yǔ yán biǎo shù dào zhè lǐ lái wǒ yǒu duō me xīng fèn
[05:56.43] wèi shí me?
[05:59.44] wǒ de yì sī shì shuō nǐ bù jiè yì wǒ biān chī biān tīng ba
[06:10.15] ràng wǒ wèn nǐ yí gè wèn tí
[06:13.55] nǐ kàn guò" xī yǎ tú wèi mián yè" zhè bù diàn yǐng ma?
[06:17.42] méi. ō! nǐ yào wǒ bàn yǎn nèi xiē yǎn yuán bú shì zhè yàng de.
[06:21.19] nǐ zhī dào jié wěi de, zuì hòu tā men kuài lè de zài yì qǐ
[06:24.83] nà jiāng shì nǐ hé wǒ
[06:28.40] nǐ shì shuō nǐ zhǔn bèi hé wǒ qiān yuē
[06:30.50] bù, wǒ yào dào dì guó dà shà dǐng lǒu qù shuō míng.
[06:36.71] wǒ dāng rán shì yào qiān nǐ a!
[06:39.54] xiǎo jiě, wǒ shí zài shì Oh, xiǎo huǒ zi
[06:42.18] zuò zài nà li, niú zǎi. duì bù qǐ!
[06:55.13] wǒ kàn bú dào
[06:59.83] shì zhe kàn zhè lǐ ràng nǐ de yǎn jīng lí jiāo.
[07:03.20] jí zhōng? méi yǒu shén me dōng xī kě yǐ jí zhōng yǎn lì
[07:06.44] shì zì yóu nǚ shén duì la
[07:10.11] zì yóu nǚ shén zài nǎ lǐ? nà lǐ.
[07:13.18] xiàn zài wǒ kàn bú dào le
[07:17.-4] hāi, xiǎo zi!
[07:18.18] dào zhè lǐ lái. nǐ zài zhè lǐ kàn dào shén me le ma?
[07:20.75] kàn qǐ lái xiàng yì zhī chuán yì zhī chuán.
[07:24.36] zhèng hǎo zài zì yóu nǚ shén qián miàn
[07:29.09] wǒ zuò zài zhè ér dōu qī miǎo zhōng le jìng méi rén wèn wǒ de yuē huì rú hé?
[07:33.83] nǐ de yuē huì rú hé, qián dé?
[07:36.30] zhēn shì lìng rén nán yǐ zhì xìn
[07:37.80] wǒ méi jiàn guò xiàng tā nà yàng de rén tā de shēng huó zhēn shì tài lìng rén chēng xiàn le
[07:41.64] tā chuān guò yǐ sè liè zhèn dì
[07:43.67] xìng hǎo zǐ dàn méi dǎ zhòng yǐn qíng wǒ men cái néng yuè guò biān jiè
[07:48.41] zhēn shì yǒu jīng wú xiǎn
[07:51.18] wǒ zhěng wǎn dōu zài tán wǒ zì jǐ, bào qiàn
[07:55.45] nǐ ne? shuō lái tīng tīng ma
[07:58.42] yǒu yī huí...
[08:00.83] wǒ dā dì tiě
[08:02.83] shì zài wǎn shàng
[08:04.83] nà wǎn wǒ dā dì tiě dào bù lǔ kè lín qū
[08:08.17] rán hòu huó zhe huí lái
[08:11.-2] wǒ men yī zhí tán dào liǎng diǎn, nà zhēn shì gè měi hǎo de yè wǎn
[08:14.64] kě yǐ zhè me shuō
[08:15.94] tū rán wǒ men fā xiàn zì jǐ shēn zài yě mén
[08:18.74] wǒ men, wǒ men shì shuí?
[08:21.11] wǒ hé ruì kè
[08:22.65] ruì kè shì shuí?
[08:23.85] ruì kè shì shuí?
[08:26.35] wǒ zhàng fū
[08:30.09] zhè me shuō nǐ men yǐ jīng lí hūn méi yǒu
[08:33.42] duì bù qǐ, zhè me shuō nǐ shì guǎ fù? xī wàng rú cǐ
[08:37.76] bù, wǒ men hái shì fū qī
[08:40.90] gào sù wǒ nǐ zhàng fū zuò hé gǎn xiǎng? nǐ zuò zài wǒ shēn páng...
[08:45.74] jiǎo shēn dào wǒ dà tuǐ zú yǐ shù wǒ kǒu dài lǐ de líng qián?
[08:52.18] bié dān xīn,
[08:53.78] wǒ xiǎng tā huì jiē shòu de yīn wèi tā yě jiē shòu yī sēn zhè me zuò
[08:58.35] yī sēn? yǒu yī sēn zhè hào rén wù?
[09:01.89] yī sēn shì wǒ de nán yǒu
[09:05.52] shén me?
[09:08.76] gào sù wǒ nǐ qī dài wǒ men zhī jiān huì yǒu shén me guān xì...
[09:12.33] jì rán nǐ yǐ yǒu zhàng fū hé nán yǒu
[09:15.50] dà gài shì xìng guān xì ba
[09:21.57] zhēn shì yí hàn, nǐ men chuī le
[09:23.44] shén me, chuī le? zhōu sì wǒ hái yào hé tā yuē huì
[09:26.91] nán dào nǐ méi tīng dǒng?
[09:30.82] nán dào nǐ méi tīng dǒng? zhè tài lí pǔ le
[09:33.45] nǐ zěn néng hé zhè zhǒng nǚ rén jiāo wǎng?
[09:35.89] kāi shǐ wǒ yě wú fǎ jiē shòu dàn hòu lái wǒ xiǎng cǐ shì bǎi yì ér wú yī hài
[09:40.00] zhǐ yǒu tán tiān shuō xiào hé zuò ài...
[09:43.16] bù yòng fù rèn hé zé rèn
[09:46.43] zhè shì měi gè nán rén de mèng xiǎng shì ma? wèi bì ba
[09:49.80] luó sī, zhè shì nǐ de mèng xiǎng ma? dāng rán bú shì
[09:55.27] méi cuò, shì
[09:57.94] nǐ men nán shēng bù jiè yì hé yǐ yǒu duì xiàng de nǚ rén jiāo wǎng?
[10:02.-1] wǒ bàn bú dào gàn dé hǎo, qiáo yī
[10:04.25] hé nǚ rén jiāo wǎng shí, wǒ bì xū què dìng...
[10:07.-4] wǒ jiāo wǎng de duì xiàng bǐ tā duō
[10:10.39] yī cì wǒ hé yí gè gāng lí hūn de jiā huo chū qù
[10:14.03] zhè hěn má fán. xiāng bǐ zhī xià tā de hái zi gèng xǐ huān wǒ yī xiē
[10:17.60] qián dé bì xū zuò xiē shén me ne?
[10:21.13] shén me yě bù yòng.
[10:23.27] guān yú zhè gè huà tí wǒ shén me dōu bù xiǎng shuō
[10:26.14] hǎo ba, wǒ huàn yī zhǒng fāng fǎ
[10:29.24] nǐ zhī dào, yī fū yī qī zhí de shāng què
[10:33.38] jiù rén lèi xué de guān diǎn ér yán
[10:37.68] xíng zhè shì nǐ men de sǔn shī
[10:40.02] dòu nǐ de, gào sù wǒ men ba
[10:41.89] wǒ men xiǎng zhī dào kuài shuō,
[10:43.65] hǎo ba lǐ chá lǐ qí tí chū zhè yàng de lǐ lùn
[10:58.60] xiàn zài dōu zhè yàng dǎ zhāo hū ma? wǒ xǐ huān
[11:03.44] qiáo, wǒ dà sǎo chú le
[11:05.31] wǒ cā chuāng hù, tuō dì bǎn
[11:07.81] wǒ shèn zhì hái yòng le xī chén qì shàng de suǒ yǒu zhuāng zhì yuán xíng yǒu zōng máo nà gè chú wài, wǒ bù zhī dào zěn me yòng?
[11:13.-1] méi rén zhī dào, wǒ men yě bù gāi wèn
[11:16.39] nǐ men gǎn jué zěn yàng?
[11:17.76] hěn gān jìng zhēn de kàn qǐ lái bù cuò
[11:25.06] nǐ yí dòng le lǜ sè de diàn yǐ
[11:31.47] zěn me huì ne?
[11:34.44] wǒ bù zhī dào, wǒ yǐ wéi bǎi nà ér huì gèng hǎo kàn
[11:37.81] kā fēi zhuō páng jiù duō le yí gè zuò wèi
[11:41.11] zhè dào yǒu yì sī
[11:44.55] zhè yàng hǎo le, zhǐ shì hǎo wán...
[11:47.15] wǒ men kàn tā zài yuán lái wèi zhì de gǎn jué rú hé
[11:51.46] zhǐ shì zuò gè bǐ jiào
[11:53.32] ràng wǒ kàn kàn
[11:55.06] fàng nà ér yě bù cuò
[11:57.36] jiù bǎi nà ér yī zhèn zi ba
[12:00.50] wǒ wú fǎ xiāng xìn nǐ jìng gǎn bān dòng le lǜ sè diàn yǐ
[12:04.47] xìng hǎo nǐ méi tān kāi zá zhì fǒu zé tā tiě dìng huì wā chū nǐ de yǎn jīng
[12:09.11] gè wèi, wǒ méi nà me xiōng ba nǐ jiù nà me xiōng
[12:13.74] jì de wǒ men zhù zài yì qǐ shí ma? nǐ jiù xiàng gè
[12:21.42] zhè tài bù gōng píng le
[12:22.92] bài tuō, wǒ men xiǎo shí hòu nǐ de" pò wá wa" shì wéi yī bù pò dì
[12:29.43] wǒ yǒu zé rèn gǎn yǒu zǔ zhī xìng
[12:32.30] kě shì wǒ yě néng hěn lǎn sǎn
[12:36.53] hǎo ba, lǎn nǚ rén,
[12:40.37] xiǎng xiàng zhè gè qíng kuàng
[12:41.74] diàn huà dān lái dàn nǐ bù lì kè qù jiāo qián
[12:45.88] wèi shí me? yīn wèi nǐ shì gè dà lǎn rén
[12:50.51] zhí tuō dào tā men jì cuī jiǎo tōng zhī dān lái
[12:54.05] wǒ kě yǐ bàn dào
[12:55.62] nǐ ràng wǒ qù mǎi rì cháng yòng pǐn
[12:59.86] méi wèn tí wǒ hái méi shuō wán
[13:03.66] wǒ mǎi le xǐ yī fěn, dàn shì shì bù róng yì nòng chū lái nà zhǒng.
[13:08.77] yǒu rén huì nà yàng zuò ma?
[13:12.54] yǒu rén huì xiǎng
[13:15.81] wǒ jiù méi yǒu wèn tí
[13:19.28] yǒu rén zài kā fēi zhuō shàng liú xià bēi zi méi yǒu diàn zǐ, tiān qì hěn rè, yī bēi lěng yǐn
[13:24.65] xiǎo shuǐ zhū zhú jiàn bī jìn zhuō miàn
[13:29.19] gòu le
[13:34.02] tiān a,
[13:35.73] méi cuò, wǒ dào shì shuí?
[13:38.20] mó nī kǎ, nǐ shì mā mā nà yàng de.
[13:48.57] tiān a,
[13:52.31] hǎo, wǒ huì qù de
[13:56.38] wǒ de jīng jì rén dǎ lái de
[13:59.92] tā ān pái wǒ zài ài ěr pà xī nuò de xīn piàn zhōng yǎn chū
[14:06.09] tài bàng le yǎn shén me jué sè?
[14:09.06] nǐ men néng xiāng xìn ma? shì ài ěr pà xī nuò wǒ jiù shì xǐ huān tā cái lì zhì yào dāng yǎn yuán
[14:13.40] wǒ shī kòng, nǐ yě shī kòng" zhè zhěng gè fǎ tíng dōu shī kòng le
[14:19.77] yán guī zhèng zhuàn, shén me jué sè?
[14:21.74] dāng wǒ rèn wéi yǐ chū jú shí tā men què yòu jiāng wǒ lā huí
[14:25.71] kuài lǎo shí shuō, shén me jué sè?
[14:30.71] nǐ shì shén me?
[14:34.89] wǒ shì tā tún bù de tì shēn
[14:41.69] wǒ yǎn ài ěr pà xī nuò de tún bù
[14:46.50] tā zǒu jìn yù shì, rán hòu...
[14:50.03] wǒ jiù shì tā de pì gǔ
[14:52.40] tiān nà
[14:53.87] bié zhè yàng
[14:55.31] zhè shì yī bù ài ěr pà xī nuò zhǔ yǎn dà zhì zuò de diàn yǐng
[14:58.84] bié wù huì, zhè zhēn shì tài bàng le zhè shì nǐ yīng de de
[15:01.65] zhè shì nǐ duō nián nǔ lì de chéng guǒ nǐ zhōng yú néng dēng shàng dà yín mù
[15:09.25] xíng, xiào ba, wǒ bù zài hu
[15:11.79] zhè shì wǒ qiān zǎi nán féng de jī huì méi cuò,
[15:16.43] nǐ zhǔn bèi yāo qǐng wǒ men cān jiā nǐ de shǒu yìng huì ma?
[15:29.27] wǒ dé xiàng nǐ jiè xiē bǎo shī rǔ yè gàn shén me ne?
[15:32.41] jīn tiān kě shì wǒ de dà rì zi
[15:37.11] nǐ yǒu niè zi ma? wǒ dé máo fà tài luàn la
[15:41.00] hǎo ba, jìn yù shì yào yòng shén me zì jǐ ná
[15:44.12] zhǐ shì bié gào sù wǒ nǐ zài lǐ miàn gàn shén me
[15:47.16] xiè xiè
[15:50.63] qiáo yī zài nǎ ér? tā mā dǎ diàn huà lái tā zài yù shì lǐ,
[15:53.63] nǐ zuì hǎo bié jìn qù bài tuō, wǒ men shì shì yǒu
[15:58.50] wǒ de yǎn jīng! wǒ de yǎn jīng!
[16:03.57] wǒ jǐng gào guò nǐ
[16:05.41] shuí zài dà hǒu dà jiào
[16:07.31] yí dìng shì mó nī kǎ
[16:09.85] wǒ néng jiè diǎn dōng xī ma? wǒ xiǎng wèi tā zuò zǎo diǎn
[16:13.18] tā péi nǐ yī yè?
[16:15.19] méi cuò, wǒ men zhǐ shèng 20 fēn zhōng zhí dào yī sēn
[16:18.39] nán dào wǒ gǎn dào yuàn hèn?
[16:20.56] bù, méi yǒu yuàn hèn, xiāng xìn wǒ
[16:23.89] jué duì zhí de
[16:26.23] zài nǐ jiāo wǎng de guò chéng zhōng yǒu duō shǎo zhòng yào de shí kè huì ràng nǐ huái niàn yī bèi zi?
[16:31.27] yǔ luó lā xiāng chǔ de měi yī miǎo dōu shì
[16:34.71] ér wǒ yǐ làng fèi 35 miǎo hé nǐ men shuō huà
[16:37.57] mó nī kǎ qǐng bāng wǒ kāi mén
[16:42.01] qián dé, lǎo mó nī kǎ huì tí xǐng nǐ
[16:44.82] yòng sù jiāo shuā shuā tè fú lóng guō
[16:49.82] dàn wǒ bú huì nà me zuò de
[16:58.43] bù hǎo yì sī? tā men rè shēn de zěn me yàng le? wǒ dōu qǐ jī pí gē da le
[17:03.50] dà jiā zhǔn bèi hǎo méi?
[17:06.14] wǒ zhǐ shì xiǎng gǎn xiè nǐ gěi wǒ zhè gè jī huì
[17:09.27] wǒ shì shuō, wǒ zhī dào zhè zhǐ shì dì yī bù dàn shì wǒ qī dài yǒu yì tiān
[17:14.71] jiě kāi yù páo
[17:16.15] hǎo, wǒ zhèng jiě kāi yù páo
[17:20.55] yù páo yǐ jiě kāi
[17:23.29] gè wèi, wǒ xiǎng yī cì jiě jué
[17:26.29] lái ba,
[17:27.83] fàng shuǐ
[17:30.09] kāi shǐ!
[17:33.90] tíng!
[17:36.13] pì gǔ nán, nǐ zài gàn shén me?
[17:39.07] wǒ zài xǐ zǎo
[17:40.80] bù, nǐ zài jǐ pì gǔ
[17:43.14] wǒ rèn wéi tā hěn jǔ sàng
[17:47.04] tā de tài tài sǐ le, dì di shī zōng le
[17:49.65] wǒ xiǎng tā de pì gǔ yí dìng hěn fèn nù
[17:53.08] wǒ xiǎng tā de pì gǔ huì xiǎng zài wǔ cān qián shā qīng
[17:57.-4] zài lái yī cì, kāi jī fàng shuǐ
[18:00.82] kāi shǐ
[18:04.09] tíng! nǐ yòu zài gàn shén me?
[18:07.83] wǒ yào biǎo xiàn chū jué wàng
[18:11.74] dàn rú guǒ nǐ xiǎng wèn
[18:21.11] tiān a, wǒ ài zhèi xiē shǒu zhǐ
[18:23.21] xiè xiè
[18:24.62] bù, wǒ shì zhǐ wǒ de shǒu zhǐ
[18:28.29] nǐ qiáo tā men duō kāi xīn
[18:32.66] tiān a, wǒ lái bù jí le tiān a, bù
[18:35.93] bú yào zǒu hǎo bù hǎo
[18:39.80] wǒ dé zǒu le kàn, tā zǒu le
[18:42.57] bào qiàn, tā zài děng wǒ le
[18:45.27] wǒ yǐ wéi nǐ ruì kè tán guò bú shì ruì kè
[18:49.24] shì yī sēn? tā yào péi nǐ yī zhěng tiān
[18:51.81] bú shì tā, shì ān dé lǔ
[18:58.85] wǒ zhī dào
[19:00.92] wǒ huì hòu huǐ wèn nǐ zhè gè wèn tí, dàn shì
[19:05.26] zhè gè ān dé lǔ tā shì
[19:08.06] xīn huān
[19:10.26] nǐ shì shuō ruì kè, yī sēn hé wǒ sān rén hái bù néng mǎn zú nǐ?
[19:14.93] wǒ yǐ qián bú shì zhè zhǒng rén
[19:17.60] bù zhī dào duō shào nǚ rén
[19:19.54] bèi wǒ men sān rén mí dào
[19:23.04] nǐ xiǎng yào shén me? nǐ
[19:26.44] nǐ yǐ yōng yǒu wǒ bù, zhǐ shì nǐ
[19:29.65] shén me yì sī? shuǎi diào qí tā rén
[19:33.65] tā men quán bù?
[19:37.25] wǒ men zhè yàng bú shì hěn kuài lè ma? wèi shí me bù xíng?
[19:40.39] wǒ men wèi hé bù néng jí shí xíng lè?
[19:42.66] wèi hé bù néng zhǐ shì liáo tiān, zuò ài
[19:45.30] bǐ cǐ méi yǒu rèn hé fù dān?
[19:48.47] jīn wǎn zhī qián, wǒ yǐ wéi zhè yě shì nǐ xiǎng yào de
[19:53.07] bù fèn de wǒ xiǎng yào
[19:57.-2] dàn wǒ jiù xiàng shì shuāng miàn rén yí gè shuō" bì zuǐ, zhè yàng hěn hǎo"
[20:02.-1] dàn shì hái yǒu lìng yí gè
[20:04.05] tā měi huí dōu tǐng shēn ér chū
[20:07.65] zhàng yì zhí yán
[20:10.45] tā shuō" zhè tài chǒu lòu le, kuài tuō shēn"
[20:15.56] nǐ tīng nǎ yī ge de huà?
[20:19.46] liǎng rén de huà wǒ dé dōu tīng tā men zhēng zhí bù xiū
[20:24.94] nǎ yī ge?
[20:29.84] dì èr gè
[20:32.54] hǎo ba,
[20:38.45] gǎi biàn zhǔ yì hòu zài dǎ diàn huà gěi wǒ ba
[20:49.36] bào qiàn, dì yí gè dòng de kǒu
[21:05.68] zhè yàng xiǎng ba, nǐ bǎ tā shuǎi le
[21:09.75] zhēn de? wǒ shì shuō, zhè nǚ rén xìng gǎn
[21:14.28] měi lì cōng míng ér qiě yáo bù kě jí
[21:19.56] zài gào sù wǒ yī cì, nǐ wèi hé zhè me zuò
[21:24.26] diàn yǐng míng xīng tā huí lái le
[21:25.90] děng děng, nǐ bú shì zài ài ěr pà xī nuò xīn piàn zhōng yǎn pì gǔ de nà gè?
[21:31.60] bú shì
[21:33.-2] bú shì? zěn me le, dà gè ér?
[21:35.87] dà gè ér?
[21:39.18] gǎn jué jiù xiàng" dà gè ér" shí kè
[21:42.68] wǒ bèi kāi chú le
[21:44.88] méi cuò, tā men shuō wǒ tài tóu rù le
[21:49.35] wǒ dào chù xuān yáng
[21:51.69] xiàn zài dà jiā dōu xiǎng dào xì yuàn kàn wǒ yǎn wǒ zhī dào?
[21:54.69] qiáo yī, méi rén huì rèn chū lái de wǒ mā jiù rèn de chū lái
[22:00.33] zhēn shì lìng rén gǎn dòng yòu ě xīn
[22:05.67] liù nián lái wǒ chú le yǎn xiē làn jué sè yī shì wú chéng
[22:08.84] rú jīn jī huì lái le wǒ jìng jiāng tā gǎo zá
[22:12.48] děng děng, huò xǔ zhè bú shì nǐ de jī huì
[22:14.44] jī huì shì fǒu lái lín zì jǐ zuì qīng chǔ
[22:19.52] nǐ gǎn jué zhè shì nǐ de jī huì ma?
[22:23.35] hěn nán fēn biàn, wǒ dāng shí quán shēn chì luǒ
[22:26.29] wǒ bù rèn wéi zhè shì nǐ wéi yī de jī huì nǐ de jī huì bú huì zhǐ yǒu yí gè
[22:30.56] wǒ xiāng xìn dà hǎo jī huì jiù jiàng lín dào nǐ shēn shàng
[22:34.16] nǐ bì xū xiǎng zhe jiāng lái yǒu gè xiǎo huǒ zi pǎo dào péng yǒu miàn qián shuō
[22:38.27] wǒ bèi lù qǔ le wǒ yào yǎn qiáo yī de pì gǔ
[22:45.28] nǐ zhēn hǎo
[22:53.92] zhēn yí hàn, qiáo yī gè wèi, wǒ yào qù shuì le
[22:57.09] wǎn ān wǎn ān
[22:59.56] nǐ yào bǎ xié zǐ liú zài zhè ér?
[23:05.90] zhēn de? jiù zhè yàng luàn diū?
[23:09.00] jiù zhè yàng qīng shuài de, suí yì de luàn rēng?
[23:13.20] wú suǒ wèi wǒ míng tiān zài ná, huò zhě suàn le
[23:18.68] suí biàn
[23:22.85] tā zhēn lǎn sǎn
[23:37.89] jì rán zhè me kùn rǎo, jiù kuài qù ná ba
[23:43.47] bù, qiān wàn bié qù,
[23:46.27] tài yú chǔn le
[23:47.94] wǒ wú xū zhèng míng shén me, wǒ yào qù ná
[23:51.88] dàn rú cǐ yī lái tā men dōu huì zhī dào
[23:55.18] chú fēi wǒ qù ná rán hòu zǎo qǐ fàng huí qù
[23:59.82] shuí lái bāng wǒ yī bǎ!
[24:05.56] bú yào chàng zhè shǒu gē
[24:09.83] huǒ jì men, bú yào zhè yàng