Friends S01E11

歌曲 Friends S01E11
歌手 英语听力
专辑 老友记(第一季)


[02:41.-2] I know.
[02:54.-4] He doesn't have anyone.
[03:10.-2] Put the kids to bed for this one.
[04:21.-2] Back to the book. What is this about you being arrested in London?
[06:49.-4] You watched the show. What did you think?
[08:03.-3] When I read Euphoria at Midnight, I wanted to become a writer.
[08:25.-1] Yeah,any messages for room 226? 226
[09:49.-2] -PIease. -No,really. -
[10:23.-2] I'II just pee in the street.
[11:54.-3] Well,not in the same way.
[16:07.-1] Rachel,can we do this now?
[16:18.-3] Now,you tell me she's not a knockout.
[18:14.-2] ...doesn't mean you know her. You can't talk to her.
[20:17.-3] The car's waiting. I just wanted to drop off my book for your friends.
[23:57.-1] Wait,I just got to the part about her "public hair. "
[00:01.25] Do you think they have yesterday's Daily News?
[00:04.25] I just wanna check my horoscope, see if it was right.
[00:08.65] Oh,my God! Don't Iook now. Behind you there's a guy...
[00:12.56] ...who can break our hearts and plunge us into depression.
[00:18.30] Come to mama.
[00:20.60] He's coming. Be cool. Be cool. Be cool.
[00:23.30] -Nice hat. -Thanks. -
[00:26.14] -We should do something. Whistle. -I' m not whistling. -
[00:28.94] Come on,do it!
[00:30.18] Do it. Do it. Do it. Do it.
[00:37.82] I can't believe you did that.
[00:41.09] The One With Mrs. Bing
[01:28.03] -It's all my fault. -No,it's mine. -
[01:30.84] Why did I whoo-hoo?
[01:32.70] Was I hoping he'd turn around and say...
[01:35.21] ... " I Iove that sound. I must have you now"? …“
[01:39.11] I wish there was something we could do.
[01:44.52] Hello,coma guy.
[01:47.55] Get up,you Girl Scout! Up,up,up!
[01:49.82] What are you doing?
[01:51.29] Maybe nobody's tried this.
[01:56.00] I wish we at Ieast knew his name.
[01:58.53] I hate that they're calling him John Doe.
[02:01.47] It's so sad. It's Iike he's a deer, a female deer.
[02:05.77] Oh,I was gonna stop.
[02:09.54] Look at that face.
[02:11.48] Even sleeping he Iooks smart.
[02:13.88] Yeah,but the dents in his knuckles mean he's artistic.
[02:17.82] Okay. He's a Iawyer who teaches sculpting on the side.
[02:22.22] And he can dance.
[02:24.52] And he's the kind of guy who, when you're talking,he's Iistening...
[02:29.03] ... not saying," I understand "...
[02:31.03] ... but really wondering what you Iook Iike naked.
[02:36.57] I wish all guys could be Iike him.
[02:47.25] You don't even know this guy.
[02:49.35] Are there no conscious men in the city for you two?
[02:55.45] We feel kind of responsible.
[02:58.29] I can't believe you said "whoo-hoo. "
[03:01.46] I don't even say "whoo-hoo. "
[03:03.26] Oh,she's coming up. oh,
[03:05.00] When we return,we 'll talk with the always interesting Nora Tyler Bing.
[03:12.27] Don't watch this. Weekend at Bernie 's is on Showtime and HBO.
[03:16.04] No way.
[03:17.51] -She's your mom. -Exactly. Weekend at Bernie 's. -
[03:21.38] Dead guy getting hit in the groin 20,30 times.
[03:26.22] I gotta tell you, I Iove your mom's books.
[03:29.65] I can't get on a plane without one. This is so cool.
[03:32.56] You wouldn't think so if you were 1 1...
[03:35.23] ...and your friends were passing around page 79 of Mistress Bitch.
[03:39.93] I remember page 79.
[03:42.73] The thing after the opera with the girl with the trick hip?
[03:49.64] I Iove your mom. I think she's a blast.
[03:52.14] That's because she's not your mom.
[03:54.21] Oh,please. She's the
[03:55.75] Hi,sweetie.
[03:59.45] When did " Rigatoni " get back from Rome?
[04:03.72] -Last night. -Really?
[04:05.29] So,his plane didn't explode in a big ball of fire?
[04:08.79] Just a dream I had.
[04:11.03] But,phew!
[04:13.46] Hey,she's on.
[04:17.90] Nora Bing.
[04:25.81] Your mom was arrested?
[04:27.61] I'm busy beaming with pride.
[04:30.42] This is kind of embarrassing...
[04:33.25] ...but occasionally,after I've been intimate with a man... …
[04:37.00] Why would she say that's embarrassing?
[04:40.36] ...I just get this craving for kung pao chicken. …
[04:43.83] That's too much information.
[04:49.93] Needless to say,he got a huge tip.
[04:56.81] Oh,God,I Iove her! oh,
[04:58.51] I think I' m having a stroke.
[05:02.28] So how is your book tour going?
[05:05.25] Oh,fine. I'm leaving for New York tomorrow,which I hate.
[05:09.52] But I get to see my son,who I love.
[05:13.52] This is the way that I find out. Most moms use the phone.
[05:17.66] Don 't take this wrong,I just don 't see you as a mom.
[05:21.80] -I don 't mean that bad. -Oh,no. I'm a fabulous mom. -
[05:26.34] I bought my son his first condoms.
[05:34.35] And then he burst into flames.
[05:45.42] Let's see. Congress is debating a new deficit-reduction bill.
[05:50.00] The mayor wants to raise subway fares. The high today was 45.
[05:55.83] And teams played sports.
[06:24.60] What about GIen?
[06:26.43] He could be a GIen.
[06:27.90] Not special enough.
[06:30.34] How about Agamemnon?
[06:32.74] Way too special.
[06:42.88] I'm famished. What do I want?
[06:45.48] PIease,God,don't Iet it be kung pao chicken.
[06:52.00] I think you need to come out of your shell.
[06:57.50] What is this dive?
[06:59.46] Only you could've picked this place.
[07:02.43] Come on. Shut up. It's fun. Give me a hug.
[07:06.00] I heard about the divorce. Lesbian,huh?
[07:10.84] Well,you know what they say: Be careful what you wish for.
[07:18.18] -I think we' re ready for some tequila. -I know I am. -
[07:21.22] -Who's doing shots? -Hit me. -
[07:23.42] There you go. Ross?
[07:25.19] I' m not really a shot-drinking kind of guy.
[07:27.89] Hi. Sorry we' re Iate.
[07:29.76] We kind of just,you know, Iost track of time.
[07:35.53] But a man can change.
[07:43.21] Anyone want me to appraise anything?
[07:56.49] Well,I' m gonna go to tinker-town.
[07:59.56] Mrs. Bing,I've read everything you've written.
[08:07.23] Oh,please. If I can do it,anybody can.
[08:10.44] Start with half a dozen European cities...
[08:12.77] ...throw in 30 euphemisms for male genitalia...
[08:15.71] ...and you've got yourself a book.
[08:19.44] My mother,Iadies and gentlemen.
[08:29.45] -You okay,slugger? -Oh,yeah. I' m fine.
[08:45.30] What is with you tonight?
[08:47.17] Nothing. Nothing,nothing.
[08:50.61] Okay,thank you.
[08:55.18] It's the Italian hand-Iicker,isn't it?
[08:58.25] No. It's the one he's Iicking.
[09:01.82] She's supposed to be with you.
[09:04.52] You' re good.
[09:06.69] I have sold 1 00 million copies of my books,and you know why?
[09:11.93] The girl on the cover with her nipples showing?
[09:16.87] No,because I know how to write men that women fall in Iove with.
[09:22.14] I cannot sell a Paolo.
[09:24.28] People will not turn 325 pages for a Paolo.
[09:27.65] Come on. The guy's a secondary character.
[09:31.05] He's just a complication you eventually kill off.
[09:35.62] When?
[09:39.06] He's not a hero.
[09:42.09] You know who our hero is?
[09:44.00] The guy on the cover with his nipples showing?
[09:47.30] No,it's you.
[09:50.67] Come on. You' re smart. You' re sexy.
[09:53.74] -Right. -Yes,you are.
[09:55.61] The fact that you don't think you are makes you sexier.
[09:59.41] Come on,kiddo. You' re gonna be fine,believe me.
[10:34.25] Is Chandler here?
[10:35.81] Wait. Come here.
[10:38.58] Okay,about Iast night... ok,
[10:41.15] know...
[10:42.25] ... Chandler,you didn't tell....
[10:44.49] We don't need to tell Chandler. It was just a kiss. No big deal,right?
[10:49.09] Right. No big deal.
[10:51.16] In bizarro world.
[10:56.27] You broke the code.
[10:57.67] -What code? -You don't kiss your friend's mom. -
[11:00.84] Sisters are okay. Maybe a hot-Iooking aunt.
[11:04.61] But not a mom. Never a mom.
[11:09.88] What are you guys doing out here?
[11:12.08] Joey and I had discussed getting in an early morning racquetball game.
[11:17.12] But apparently somebody overslept.
[11:22.09] Well,you don't have your racquet.
[11:24.30] No. No,I don't because it's being restrung.
[11:27.26] Somebody was supposed to bring me one.
[11:30.64] Well,you didn't call and Ieave your grip size.
[11:35.94] You guys are spending way too much time together.
[11:41.81] I' m scum. I' m scum.
[11:43.55] -How could you Iet this happen? -I don't know. -
[11:46.25] It's not Iike she's a regular mom.
[11:48.39] She's sexy. She's....
[11:50.39] You don't think my mom's sexy?
[11:56.79] I'II have you know,GIoria T ribbiani was a handsome woman in her day.
[12:02.13] You think it's easy giving birth to seven children?
[12:07.41] Okay,I think we're getting into a weird area here.
[12:12.84] What are you doing here?
[12:15.75] Not playing racquetball.
[12:19.72] -He forgot to Ieave his grip size. -He didn't get the goggles. -
[12:25.92] Sounds Iike you two have issues.
[12:31.53] Goodbye,baby.
[12:35.07] Do they wait for me to do this?
[12:43.44] -Are you gonna tell him? -Why would I tell him? -
[12:46.84] If you don't,his mother might.
[12:50.58] What are you guys doing here?
[12:53.42] He's not even wearing a jock strap.
[13:01.39] What did I ask?
[13:17.81] What are you doing here?
[13:19.64] Nothing. I just thought I'd stop by,you know,after...
[13:23.05] ...that I,you know.
[13:24.48] So,what are you doing here?
[13:27.42] I' m not really here.
[13:29.45] I just thought I'd drop these off on the way. My way.
[13:36.39] Do you come here a Iot...
[13:40.06] ...without me?
[13:41.47] No,no,no.
[13:46.90] Do you think he's doing any better than he was this morning?
[13:51.81] How would I know? I wasn't here.
[13:54.58] Really? Not even to change his pajamas?
[14:02.05] Oh,my God.
[14:03.29] You're my friend. I had to tell you.
[14:06.32] I can't believe it.
[14:09.03] Paolo kissed my mom?
[14:11.73] I don't know if you noticed, but he drank a Iot.
[14:15.13] I mean,you know how he gets
[14:19.57] I can't do this. I did it.
[14:21.74] It was me. I' m sorry. I kissed your mom.
[14:24.71] What?
[14:26.21] I was upset about Rachel and I had too much tequila,and Nora...
[14:31.22] ... Mrs. Mom,your Bing,was...
[14:35.00] ... being nice. But nothing happened.
[14:37.56] Nothing. Ask Joey.
[14:39.06] -Joey came in -You knew about this? -
[14:42.23] You know,knowledge is a tricky thing.
[14:45.83] Why didn't you tell me?
[14:48.40] You're Iucky I caught them,or else who knows what would've happened?
[14:52.40] Thanks,man. Big help.
[14:54.54] What the hell were you thinking?
[14:56.94] I wasn't. I don't know. I
[14:59.14] No one knows the crap I go through with my mom more than you.
[15:02.71] -I know. -I can't believe you did this. -
[15:05.22] -Me neither. -I' m mad at you too. -
[15:07.75] -Why are you mad at me? -Let me slam the door. -
[15:11.62] I didn't kiss her. See what happens when you break the code?
[15:29.21] "A Woman Undone, by Rachel IKaren Greene. " “
[15:32.44] I thought I'd give it a shot. I'm on the first chapter.
[15:36.05] Do you think his "Iove stick" can be "Iiberated from its denim prison"?
[15:42.72] Yeah,I'd say so.
[15:45.26] And there's no "J " in "engorged. "
[15:53.90] -You going to the hospital tonight? -No. You? -
[15:56.93] No. You?
[16:00.91] You just asked me.
[16:03.14] Maybe it was a trick question.
[16:11.12] I am so hot.
[16:14.65] Here's my mom and dad on their wedding day.
[16:22.36] -I can't believe this conversation. -Just try to picture her not pregnant. -
[16:29.13] Central Perk is proud to present Miss Phoebe Buffay.
[16:34.87] Thanks.
[16:38.14] I'd Iike to start with a song about a man I recently met...
[16:43.08] ...who's come to be very important to me.
[16:51.26] You don 't have to be awake To be my man
[16:57.23] Long as you have brain waves I'll be there to hold your hand
[17:03.63] Though we just met the other day
[17:06.07] There 's something I have got to say
[17:10.64] Thank you very much. I' m gonna take a short break.
[17:16.08] That was Phoebe Buffay,everybody.
[17:20.78] -What the hell was that? -Phoebe just started -
[17:23.75] I was talking to Joey. AII right,there,mother-kisser?
[17:32.76] " Mother-kisser. "
[17:35.83] I'II shut up.
[17:37.33] I know you' re still mad at me...
[17:40.04] ... but there were two people there that night.
[17:43.37] -There were two sets of Iips. -I expect this from her. -
[17:46.84] She's always been a Freudian nightmare.
[17:49.51] Then why don't you say something?
[17:52.85] Because it's complicated. It's complex.
[17:56.12] You kissed my mom.
[18:01.46] We' re rehearsing a Greek play.
[18:05.13] That's funny. Are we done now?
[18:07.06] You mean you' re not gonna tell her how you feel?
[18:10.53] Just because you played tonsil tennis with my mom...
[18:17.41] Okay. "You can't"? Or you can't?
[18:21.01] Okay,that's my finger.
[18:22.71] Okay,that's my knee.
[18:25.52] Still doing the play.
[18:35.53] What did you do with him?
[18:41.40] -You're awake. -Look at you. -
[18:43.50] How do you feel?
[18:45.67] A Iittle woozy,but basically okay.
[18:47.94] Gosh,you Iook good.
[18:50.07] I feel good.
[18:52.74] Who are you?
[18:54.45] -Sorry. -I'm Phoebe. -
[18:56.25] I' m Monica. I've been caring for you.
[18:59.02] We both have.
[19:00.32] -The Etch A Sketch is from you? -Actually,me. -
[19:03.59] -I got you the foot massager. -I shaved you. -
[19:06.52] -I read to you. -I sang. -
[19:11.03] Well,thanks.
[19:12.70] -Oh,my pleasure. -You' re welcome. -
[19:15.13] So I guess I'II see you around.
[19:19.27] What? That's it?
[19:21.57] "See you around "
[19:23.47] -What do you want me to say? -I don't know. -
[19:26.78] Maybe...
[19:28.31] ... "That was nice. "
[19:29.88] " It meant something to me. "
[19:32.48] " I'II call you. "
[19:35.09] -Okay. I'II call you. -I don't think you mean that. -
[19:41.79] This is so typical.
[19:44.13] You know,we give and we give...
[19:47.00] ...and we give.
[19:48.80] And we just get nothing back.
[19:51.17] And then one day,you wake up, and it's,"See you around. "
[19:57.31] Let's go,Phoebe.
[20:00.74] You know what? We thought you were different.
[20:04.38] But I guess it was just the coma.
[20:21.17] Autographed. And give you a goodbye kiss.
[20:25.10] Here's the kiss, here's the goodbye....
[20:28.41] -Anything you want from Lisbon? -Just knowing you' re there is enough. -
[20:33.34] AII right. Well,be good. I Iove you.
[20:39.75] You kissed my best Ross.
[20:44.19] Or something to that effect.
[20:52.86] Look,it was stupid.
[20:55.00] -Really stupid. -Really stupid. -
[20:59.54] I don't even know how it happened.
[21:02.27] I' m sorry,honey. I promise it will never happen again.
[21:07.14] Really,really stupid.
[21:09.15] Really,really stupid.
[21:12.75] -Are we okay now? -Yeah. -
[21:15.59] No.
[21:22.06] The forbidden Iove of a man and his door.
[21:27.06] He told her off. And not just about the kiss.
[21:30.53] You're kidding?
[21:31.80] He said,"When are you gonna start being a mom? "
[21:35.44] Then she said:
[21:36.84] "The question is,when are you gonna realize I have a bomb? "
[21:43.35] Are you sure she didn't say:
[21:45.42] "When are you gonna grow up and realize I am your mom? "
[21:52.59] -That makes more sense. -You think? -
[21:56.89] What's going on now?
[21:58.80] I don't know. I've been standing here spelling it out for you.
[22:04.37] I don't hear anything. Wait.
[22:06.44] What do you see?
[22:07.70] It's hard to tell. They're tiny and upside down.
[22:10.34] Wait,wait,wait.
[22:11.88] They're walking away. They're walking away.
[22:15.61] No,they' re not. They' re coming right at us. Run!
[22:21.55] -Are you okay,kiddo? -Yeah,I' m okay.
[22:24.32] AII right. You be good.
[22:26.39] Drive safe.
[22:29.93] -Mrs. Bing. -Mr. Geller.
[22:41.00] You mean that?
[22:43.27] Yeah,why not?
[22:47.01] So I told her.
[22:49.45] -How did it go? -Awful. Awful. -
[22:51.65] Couldn't have gone worse.
[22:54.32] -Well,how do you feel? -Pretty good. -
[22:59.19] I told her.
[23:00.86] Well,see?
[23:02.93] So maybe it wasn't such a bad idea, me kissing your mom,huh?
[23:07.43] But we don't have to go down that road.
[23:16.64] This is just the first chapter...
[23:18.94] ...and I want your absolute honest opinion. Okay?
[23:24.18] And on page two,he's not reaching for her " heaving beasts. "
[23:29.79] She could have heaving beasts.
[23:32.42] Right,but in this case she doesn't.
[23:36.16] What's a " niffle"?
[23:37.49] You can usually find them on the heaving beasts.
[23:42.53] Okay,so I' m not a great typist.
[23:45.00] Did you get to the part about his "huge,throbbing pens"?
[23:49.61] You don't wanna be around when he starts writing with those.
[23:54.31] That's it. Give them back.


[02:41.-2] I know.
[02:54.-4] He doesn' t have anyone.
[03:10.-2] Put the kids to bed for this one.
[04:21.-2] Back to the book. What is this about you being arrested in London?
[06:49.-4] You watched the show. What did you think?
[08:03.-3] When I read Euphoria at Midnight, I wanted to become a writer.
[08:25.-1] Yeah, any messages for room 226? 226
[09:49.-2] PIease. No, really.
[10:23.-2] I' II just pee in the street.
[11:54.-3] Well, not in the same way.
[16:07.-1] Rachel, can we do this now?
[16:18.-3] Now, you tell me she' s not a knockout.
[18:14.-2] ... doesn' t mean you know her. You can' t talk to her.
[20:17.-3] The car' s waiting. I just wanted to drop off my book for your friends.
[23:57.-1] Wait, I just got to the part about her " public hair. "
[00:01.25] Do you think they have yesterday' s Daily News?
[00:04.25] I just wanna check my horoscope, see if it was right.
[00:08.65] Oh, my God! Don' t Iook now. Behind you there' s a guy...
[00:12.56] ... who can break our hearts and plunge us into depression.
[00:18.30] Come to mama.
[00:20.60] He' s coming. Be cool. Be cool. Be cool.
[00:23.30] Nice hat. Thanks.
[00:26.14] We should do something. Whistle. I' m not whistling.
[00:28.94] Come on, do it!
[00:30.18] Do it. Do it. Do it. Do it.
[00:37.82] I can' t believe you did that.
[00:41.09] The One With Mrs. Bing
[01:28.03] It' s all my fault. No, it' s mine.
[01:30.84] Why did I whoohoo?
[01:32.70] Was I hoping he' d turn around and say...
[01:35.21] ... " I Iove that sound. I must have you now"? "
[01:39.11] I wish there was something we could do.
[01:44.52] Hello, coma guy.
[01:47.55] Get up, you Girl Scout! Up, up, up!
[01:49.82] What are you doing?
[01:51.29] Maybe nobody' s tried this.
[01:56.00] I wish we at Ieast knew his name.
[01:58.53] I hate that they' re calling him John Doe.
[02:01.47] It' s so sad. It' s Iike he' s a deer, a female deer.
[02:05.77] Oh, I was gonna stop.
[02:09.54] Look at that face.
[02:11.48] Even sleeping he Iooks smart.
[02:13.88] Yeah, but the dents in his knuckles mean he' s artistic.
[02:17.82] Okay. He' s a Iawyer who teaches sculpting on the side.
[02:22.22] And he can dance.
[02:24.52] And he' s the kind of guy who, when you' re talking, he' s Iistening...
[02:29.03] ... not saying," I understand "...
[02:31.03] ... but really wondering what you Iook Iike naked.
[02:36.57] I wish all guys could be Iike him.
[02:47.25] You don' t even know this guy.
[02:49.35] Are there no conscious men in the city for you two?
[02:55.45] We feel kind of responsible.
[02:58.29] I can' t believe you said " whoohoo. "
[03:01.46] I don' t even say " whoohoo. "
[03:03.26] Oh, she' s coming up. oh,
[03:05.00] When we return, we ' ll talk with the always interesting Nora Tyler Bing.
[03:12.27] Don' t watch this. Weekend at Bernie ' s is on Showtime and HBO.
[03:16.04] No way.
[03:17.51] She' s your mom. Exactly. Weekend at Bernie ' s.
[03:21.38] Dead guy getting hit in the groin 20, 30 times.
[03:26.22] I gotta tell you, I Iove your mom' s books.
[03:29.65] I can' t get on a plane without one. This is so cool.
[03:32.56] You wouldn' t think so if you were 1 1...
[03:35.23] ... and your friends were passing around page 79 of Mistress Bitch.
[03:39.93] I remember page 79.
[03:42.73] The thing after the opera with the girl with the trick hip?
[03:49.64] I Iove your mom. I think she' s a blast.
[03:52.14] That' s because she' s not your mom.
[03:54.21] Oh, please. She' s the
[03:55.75] Hi, sweetie.
[03:59.45] When did " Rigatoni " get back from Rome?
[04:03.72] Last night. Really?
[04:05.29] So, his plane didn' t explode in a big ball of fire?
[04:08.79] Just a dream I had.
[04:11.03] But, phew!
[04:13.46] Hey, she' s on.
[04:17.90] Nora Bing.
[04:25.81] Your mom was arrested?
[04:27.61] I' m busy beaming with pride.
[04:30.42] This is kind of embarrassing...
[04:33.25] ... but occasionally, after I' ve been intimate with a man...
[04:37.00] Why would she say that' s embarrassing?
[04:40.36] ... I just get this craving for kung pao chicken.
[04:43.83] That' s too much information.
[04:49.93] Needless to say, he got a huge tip.
[04:56.81] Oh, God, I Iove her! oh,
[04:58.51] I think I' m having a stroke.
[05:02.28] So how is your book tour going?
[05:05.25] Oh, fine. I' m leaving for New York tomorrow, which I hate.
[05:09.52] But I get to see my son, who I love.
[05:13.52] This is the way that I find out. Most moms use the phone.
[05:17.66] Don ' t take this wrong, I just don ' t see you as a mom.
[05:21.80] I don ' t mean that bad. Oh, no. I' m a fabulous mom.
[05:26.34] I bought my son his first condoms.
[05:34.35] And then he burst into flames.
[05:45.42] Let' s see. Congress is debating a new deficitreduction bill.
[05:50.00] The mayor wants to raise subway fares. The high today was 45.
[05:55.83] And teams played sports.
[06:24.60] What about GIen?
[06:26.43] He could be a GIen.
[06:27.90] Not special enough.
[06:30.34] How about Agamemnon?
[06:32.74] Way too special.
[06:42.88] I' m famished. What do I want?
[06:45.48] PIease, God, don' t Iet it be kung pao chicken.
[06:52.00] I think you need to come out of your shell.
[06:57.50] What is this dive?
[06:59.46] Only you could' ve picked this place.
[07:02.43] Come on. Shut up. It' s fun. Give me a hug.
[07:06.00] I heard about the divorce. Lesbian, huh?
[07:10.84] Well, you know what they say: Be careful what you wish for.
[07:18.18] I think we' re ready for some tequila. I know I am.
[07:21.22] Who' s doing shots? Hit me.
[07:23.42] There you go. Ross?
[07:25.19] I' m not really a shotdrinking kind of guy.
[07:27.89] Hi. Sorry we' re Iate.
[07:29.76] We kind of just, you know, Iost track of time.
[07:35.53] But a man can change.
[07:43.21] Anyone want me to appraise anything?
[07:56.49] Well, I' m gonna go to tinkertown.
[07:59.56] Mrs. Bing, I' ve read everything you' ve written.
[08:07.23] Oh, please. If I can do it, anybody can.
[08:10.44] Start with half a dozen European cities...
[08:12.77] ... throw in 30 euphemisms for male genitalia...
[08:15.71] ... and you' ve got yourself a book.
[08:19.44] My mother, Iadies and gentlemen.
[08:29.45] You okay, slugger? Oh, yeah. I' m fine.
[08:45.30] What is with you tonight?
[08:47.17] Nothing. Nothing, nothing.
[08:50.61] Okay, thank you.
[08:55.18] It' s the Italian handIicker, isn' t it?
[08:58.25] No. It' s the one he' s Iicking.
[09:01.82] She' s supposed to be with you.
[09:04.52] You' re good.
[09:06.69] I have sold 1 00 million copies of my books, and you know why?
[09:11.93] The girl on the cover with her nipples showing?
[09:16.87] No, because I know how to write men that women fall in Iove with.
[09:22.14] I cannot sell a Paolo.
[09:24.28] People will not turn 325 pages for a Paolo.
[09:27.65] Come on. The guy' s a secondary character.
[09:31.05] He' s just a complication you eventually kill off.
[09:35.62] When?
[09:39.06] He' s not a hero.
[09:42.09] You know who our hero is?
[09:44.00] The guy on the cover with his nipples showing?
[09:47.30] No, it' s you.
[09:50.67] Come on. You' re smart. You' re sexy.
[09:53.74] Right. Yes, you are.
[09:55.61] The fact that you don' t think you are makes you sexier.
[09:59.41] Come on, kiddo. You' re gonna be fine, believe me.
[10:34.25] Is Chandler here?
[10:35.81] Wait. Come here.
[10:38.58] Okay, about Iast night... ok,
[10:41.15] ... you know...
[10:42.25] ... Chandler, you didn' t tell....
[10:44.49] We don' t need to tell Chandler. It was just a kiss. No big deal, right?
[10:49.09] Right. No big deal.
[10:51.16] In bizarro world.
[10:56.27] You broke the code.
[10:57.67] What code? You don' t kiss your friend' s mom.
[11:00.84] Sisters are okay. Maybe a hotIooking aunt.
[11:04.61] But not a mom. Never a mom.
[11:09.88] What are you guys doing out here?
[11:12.08] Joey and I had discussed getting in an early morning racquetball game.
[11:17.12] But apparently somebody overslept.
[11:22.09] Well, you don' t have your racquet.
[11:24.30] No. No, I don' t because it' s being restrung.
[11:27.26] Somebody was supposed to bring me one.
[11:30.64] Well, you didn' t call and Ieave your grip size.
[11:35.94] You guys are spending way too much time together.
[11:41.81] I' m scum. I' m scum.
[11:43.55] How could you Iet this happen? I don' t know.
[11:46.25] It' s not Iike she' s a regular mom.
[11:48.39] She' s sexy. She' s....
[11:50.39] You don' t think my mom' s sexy?
[11:56.79] I' II have you know, GIoria T ribbiani was a handsome woman in her day.
[12:02.13] You think it' s easy giving birth to seven children?
[12:07.41] Okay, I think we' re getting into a weird area here.
[12:12.84] What are you doing here?
[12:15.75] Not playing racquetball.
[12:19.72] He forgot to Ieave his grip size. He didn' t get the goggles.
[12:25.92] Sounds Iike you two have issues.
[12:31.53] Goodbye, baby.
[12:35.07] Do they wait for me to do this?
[12:43.44] Are you gonna tell him? Why would I tell him?
[12:46.84] If you don' t, his mother might.
[12:50.58] What are you guys doing here?
[12:53.42] He' s not even wearing a jock strap.
[13:01.39] What did I ask?
[13:17.81] What are you doing here?
[13:19.64] Nothing. I just thought I' d stop by, you know, after...
[13:23.05] ... that I, you know.
[13:24.48] So, what are you doing here?
[13:27.42] I' m not really here.
[13:29.45] I just thought I' d drop these off on the way. My way.
[13:36.39] Do you come here a Iot...
[13:40.06] ... without me?
[13:41.47] No, no, no.
[13:46.90] Do you think he' s doing any better than he was this morning?
[13:51.81] How would I know? I wasn' t here.
[13:54.58] Really? Not even to change his pajamas?
[14:02.05] Oh, my God.
[14:03.29] You' re my friend. I had to tell you.
[14:06.32] I can' t believe it.
[14:09.03] Paolo kissed my mom?
[14:11.73] I don' t know if you noticed, but he drank a Iot.
[14:15.13] I mean, you know how he gets
[14:19.57] I can' t do this. I did it.
[14:21.74] It was me. I' m sorry. I kissed your mom.
[14:24.71] What?
[14:26.21] I was upset about Rachel and I had too much tequila, and Nora...
[14:31.22] ... Mrs. Mom, your Bing, was...
[14:35.00] ... being nice. But nothing happened.
[14:37.56] Nothing. Ask Joey.
[14:39.06] Joey came in You knew about this?
[14:42.23] You know, knowledge is a tricky thing.
[14:45.83] Why didn' t you tell me?
[14:48.40] You' re Iucky I caught them, or else who knows what would' ve happened?
[14:52.40] Thanks, man. Big help.
[14:54.54] What the hell were you thinking?
[14:56.94] I wasn' t. I don' t know. I
[14:59.14] No one knows the crap I go through with my mom more than you.
[15:02.71] I know. I can' t believe you did this.
[15:05.22] Me neither. I' m mad at you too.
[15:07.75] Why are you mad at me? Let me slam the door.
[15:11.62] I didn' t kiss her. See what happens when you break the code?
[15:29.21] " A Woman Undone, by Rachel IKaren Greene. " "
[15:32.44] I thought I' d give it a shot. I' m on the first chapter.
[15:36.05] Do you think his " Iove stick" can be " Iiberated from its denim prison"?
[15:42.72] Yeah, I' d say so.
[15:45.26] And there' s no " J " in " engorged. "
[15:53.90] You going to the hospital tonight? No. You?
[15:56.93] No. You?
[16:00.91] You just asked me.
[16:03.14] Maybe it was a trick question.
[16:11.12] I am so hot.
[16:14.65] Here' s my mom and dad on their wedding day.
[16:22.36] I can' t believe this conversation. Just try to picture her not pregnant.
[16:29.13] Central Perk is proud to present Miss Phoebe Buffay.
[16:34.87] Thanks.
[16:38.14] I' d Iike to start with a song about a man I recently met...
[16:43.08] ... who' s come to be very important to me.
[16:51.26] You don ' t have to be awake To be my man
[16:57.23] Long as you have brain waves I' ll be there to hold your hand
[17:03.63] Though we just met the other day
[17:06.07] There ' s something I have got to say
[17:10.64] Thank you very much. I' m gonna take a short break.
[17:16.08] That was Phoebe Buffay, everybody.
[17:20.78] What the hell was that? Phoebe just started
[17:23.75] I was talking to Joey. AII right, there, motherkisser?
[17:32.76] " Motherkisser. "
[17:35.83] I' II shut up.
[17:37.33] I know you' re still mad at me...
[17:40.04] ... but there were two people there that night.
[17:43.37] There were two sets of Iips. I expect this from her.
[17:46.84] She' s always been a Freudian nightmare.
[17:49.51] Then why don' t you say something?
[17:52.85] Because it' s complicated. It' s complex.
[17:56.12] You kissed my mom.
[18:01.46] We' re rehearsing a Greek play.
[18:05.13] That' s funny. Are we done now?
[18:07.06] You mean you' re not gonna tell her how you feel?
[18:10.53] Just because you played tonsil tennis with my mom...
[18:17.41] Okay. " You can' t"? Or you can' t?
[18:21.01] Okay, that' s my finger.
[18:22.71] Okay, that' s my knee.
[18:25.52] Still doing the play.
[18:35.53] What did you do with him?
[18:41.40] You' re awake. Look at you.
[18:43.50] How do you feel?
[18:45.67] A Iittle woozy, but basically okay.
[18:47.94] Gosh, you Iook good.
[18:50.07] I feel good.
[18:52.74] Who are you?
[18:54.45] Sorry. I' m Phoebe.
[18:56.25] I' m Monica. I' ve been caring for you.
[18:59.02] We both have.
[19:00.32] The Etch A Sketch is from you? Actually, me.
[19:03.59] I got you the foot massager. I shaved you.
[19:06.52] I read to you. I sang.
[19:11.03] Well, thanks.
[19:12.70] Oh, my pleasure. You' re welcome.
[19:15.13] So I guess I' II see you around.
[19:19.27] What? That' s it?
[19:21.57] " See you around "
[19:23.47] What do you want me to say? I don' t know.
[19:26.78] Maybe...
[19:28.31] ... " That was nice. "
[19:29.88] " It meant something to me. "
[19:32.48] " I' II call you. "
[19:35.09] Okay. I' II call you. I don' t think you mean that.
[19:41.79] This is so typical.
[19:44.13] You know, we give and we give...
[19:47.00] ... and we give.
[19:48.80] And we just get nothing back.
[19:51.17] And then one day, you wake up, and it' s," See you around. "
[19:57.31] Let' s go, Phoebe.
[20:00.74] You know what? We thought you were different.
[20:04.38] But I guess it was just the coma.
[20:21.17] Autographed. And give you a goodbye kiss.
[20:25.10] Here' s the kiss, here' s the goodbye....
[20:28.41] Anything you want from Lisbon? Just knowing you' re there is enough.
[20:33.34] AII right. Well, be good. I Iove you.
[20:39.75] You kissed my best Ross.
[20:44.19] Or something to that effect.
[20:52.86] Look, it was stupid.
[20:55.00] Really stupid. Really stupid.
[20:59.54] I don' t even know how it happened.
[21:02.27] I' m sorry, honey. I promise it will never happen again.
[21:07.14] Really, really stupid.
[21:09.15] Really, really stupid.
[21:12.75] Are we okay now? Yeah.
[21:15.59] No.
[21:22.06] The forbidden Iove of a man and his door.
[21:27.06] He told her off. And not just about the kiss.
[21:30.53] You' re kidding?
[21:31.80] He said," When are you gonna start being a mom? "
[21:35.44] Then she said:
[21:36.84] " The question is, when are you gonna realize I have a bomb? "
[21:43.35] Are you sure she didn' t say:
[21:45.42] " When are you gonna grow up and realize I am your mom? "
[21:52.59] That makes more sense. You think?
[21:56.89] What' s going on now?
[21:58.80] I don' t know. I' ve been standing here spelling it out for you.
[22:04.37] I don' t hear anything. Wait.
[22:06.44] What do you see?
[22:07.70] It' s hard to tell. They' re tiny and upside down.
[22:10.34] Wait, wait, wait.
[22:11.88] They' re walking away. They' re walking away.
[22:15.61] No, they' re not. They' re coming right at us. Run!
[22:21.55] Are you okay, kiddo? Yeah, I' m okay.
[22:24.32] AII right. You be good.
[22:26.39] Drive safe.
[22:29.93] Mrs. Bing. Mr. Geller.
[22:41.00] You mean that?
[22:43.27] Yeah, why not?
[22:47.01] So I told her.
[22:49.45] How did it go? Awful. Awful.
[22:51.65] Couldn' t have gone worse.
[22:54.32] Well, how do you feel? Pretty good.
[22:59.19] I told her.
[23:00.86] Well, see?
[23:02.93] So maybe it wasn' t such a bad idea, me kissing your mom, huh?
[23:07.43] But we don' t have to go down that road.
[23:16.64] This is just the first chapter...
[23:18.94] ... and I want your absolute honest opinion. Okay?
[23:24.18] And on page two, he' s not reaching for her " heaving beasts. "
[23:29.79] She could have heaving beasts.
[23:32.42] Right, but in this case she doesn' t.
[23:36.16] What' s a " niffle"?
[23:37.49] You can usually find them on the heaving beasts.
[23:42.53] Okay, so I' m not a great typist.
[23:45.00] Did you get to the part about his " huge, throbbing pens"?
[23:49.61] You don' t wanna be around when he starts writing with those.
[23:54.31] That' s it. Give them back.


[00:01.25] nǐ xiǎng tā men yǒu zuó tiān de bào zhǐ ma?
[00:04.25] wǒ zhǐ shì xiǎng kàn wǒ de xīng zuò zhǔn bù zhǔn
[00:08.65] tiān a, fēi bǐ, bié kàn nǐ bèi hòu yǒu gè jiāng huì lìng wǒ men
[00:12.56] shāng xīn yù jué de shuài gē
[00:18.30] dào mā mā zhè lái ya
[00:20.60] tā lái le, kù yì diǎn
[00:23.30] mào zi bù cuò xiè xiè
[00:26.14] wǒ men yīng gāi yǒu suǒ xíng dòng, chuī kǒu shào wǒ bù chuī
[00:28.94] lái ba, chuī!
[00:30.18] chuī. chuī. chuī
[00:37.82] wǒ bù gǎn xiāng xìn nǐ jū rán zhè me gàn le
[00:41.09] liù rén xíng dì 1 jì dì 11 jí bīn tài tài qián dé de mǔ qīn
[01:28.03] zhè dōu shì wǒ de cuò bù, shì wǒ de cuò
[01:30.84] wǒ wèi shí me yào" ō ā" de jiào ne?
[01:32.70] nán dào wǒ qī wàng, tā huí guò tóu lái rán hòu shuō
[01:35.21] wǒ xǐ huān nà shēng yīn, wǒ xiàn zài jiù yào nǐ"?
[01:39.11] wǒ zhǐ xī wàng wǒ men néng bāng shàng yì diǎn máng
[01:44.52] nǐ hǎo, hūn mí de shuài gē
[01:47.55] qǐ lái, nǐ zhè shào nǚ zhēn chá jī! qǐ lái! qǐ lái! qǐ lái!
[01:49.82] fēi bǐ, nǐ zài gàn shén me?
[01:51.29] huò xǔ méi rén shì guò zhè yī zhāo
[01:56.00] xī wàng zhì shǎo néng zhī dào tā de míng zì
[01:58.53] wǒ tǎo yàn tā men jiào tā" mǒu yuē hàn" wú míng shì
[02:01.47] zhè zhēn ràng rén shāng xīn. gǎn jué tā xiàng yì zhī xiǎo lù yì zhī xiǎo cí lù
[02:05.77] ō, wǒ jiù cǐ dǎ zhù
[02:09.54] qiáo tā zhè zhāng liǎn
[02:11.48] jí shǐ tā zài hūn mí zhōng réng yī fù cōng míng yàng
[02:13.88] nǐ yǒu kàn jiàn tā shǒu guān jié shàng de āo tū? nà dài biǎo tā yǒu yì shù qì xī
[02:17.82] tā shì gè jiān zhí jiào diāo sù de lǜ shī
[02:22.22] ér qiě tā huì tiào wǔ
[02:24.52] tā shì nà zhǒng jìng jìng tīng nǐ jiǎng huà de rén
[02:29.03] ér bú shì shuō" wǒ liǎo jiě"
[02:31.03] què cāi xiǎng zhe nǐ luǒ tǐ de yàng zi
[02:36.57] wǒ xī wàng nán shēng dōu xiàng tā zhè yàng
[02:41.-2] wǒ zhī dào
[02:47.25] nǐ men shèn zhì bù rèn shi zhè xiǎo huǒ
[02:49.35] niǔ yuē nán dào méi yǒu shì hé nǐ men de qīng xǐng nán shēng?
[02:54.-4] tā shēn páng méi rén zhào gù
[02:55.45] wǒ men jué de yīng gāi fù qǐ zé rèn
[02:58.29] wǒ bù gǎn xiāng xìn nǐ huì" ō ā"
[03:01.46] lián wǒ dōu bù shuō" ō ā"
[03:03.26] tā chū xiàn le
[03:05.00] shāo hòu, wǒ men jiāng hé yǒng yuǎn yǐn rén rén shèng de nuò lā. tài lè. bīn jìn xíng fǎng tán
[03:10.-2] nǐ dé jiào nǐ de hái zi shàng chuáng shuì jiào le
[03:12.27] wǒ men bié kàn zhè gè diàn yǐng tái yǒu xǔ duō hǎo diàn yǐng
[03:16.04] bù xíng, zhè zěn me kě yǐ
[03:17.51] tā shì nǐ mā mā! zhǔn què de shuō shì." bǎi ní sī zhī zhōu mò yè"
[03:21.38] sǐ rén de fù gǔ gōu bèi dǎ èr, sān shí cì
[03:26.22] qián dé, wǒ dé gào sù nǐ wǒ ài nǐ mā de shū
[03:29.65] fēi jī shàng méi tā de shū péi bàn, wǒ huì dù rì rú nián tā de shū jiǎn zhí shì kù bì le
[03:32.56] nǐ wú fǎ xiǎng xiàng dāng nǐ 11 suì de shí hòu
[03:35.23] nǐ de péng yǒu men zhēng xiāng chuán yuè " qíng fù biǎo zǐ" 79 yè shí de gǎn jué
[03:39.93] wǒ jì de dì 79 yè
[03:42.73] gē jù zhī hòu hé nà gè yǒu kě ài tún bù de xiǎo gū niáng de gù shì
[03:49.64] bài tuō, wǒ ài nǐ mā. tā shì dì yī liú de
[03:52.14] zhè shì yīn wèi tā bú shì nǐ mā mā
[03:54.21] bài tuō
[03:55.75] qīn ài de
[03:59.45] nà gè" bō wén bèi ké zhuàng tōng xīn fěn bǎo luó de tóu fà" shén me shí hòu cóng luó mǎ huí lái de?
[04:03.72] zuó wǎn zhēn de?
[04:05.29] nán dào, tā de fēi jī méi zài kōng zhōng zhà chéng huǒ qiú?
[04:08.79] zhǐ shì wǒ zuò guò de yí gè mèng
[04:11.03] dàn, hū!
[04:13.46] tā chū xiàn le
[04:17.90] nuò lā bīn
[04:21.-2] děng huì ér zài tán nǐ de shū ba tīng shuō nǐ zài lún dūn bèi dài bǔ?
[04:25.81] nǐ mā bèi dài bǔ?
[04:27.61] ān jìng, wǒ zhèng gǎn dào wú bǐ de jiāo ào
[04:30.42] shuō lái yǒu diǎn nán wéi qíng
[04:33.25] zài wǒ bù jīng yì hé yí gè nán rén qīn rè hòu
[04:37.00] tā zěn huì shuō nán wéi qíng?
[04:40.36] wǒ fēi cháng xiǎng chī gōng bǎo jī dīng
[04:43.83] tòu lù tài duō le!
[04:49.93] bù bì shuō, tā dāng rán yǒu yí gè dà jiā huo
[04:56.81] shàng dì, wǒ ài tā!
[04:58.51] wǒ xiǎng wǒ hěn yǒu jié zòu gǎn
[05:02.28] xiàn zài nǐ zhèng wèi xīn shū zuò xuān chuán, qíng kuàng rú hé?
[05:05.25] hái bù cuò, míng tiān wǒ jiāng qián wǎng niǔ yuē qí shí wǒ bù xǐ huān niǔ yuē
[05:09.52] wǒ de ér zi zhù nà ér, wǒ ài tā
[05:13.52] zhè jiù shì wǒ liǎo jiě zhè gè de fāng shì. ér dà duō shù mǔ qīn zhǐ huì tòu guò diàn huà zhè me shuō
[05:17.66] bié huì cuò yì, zhǐ shì wǒ kàn bu chū nǐ yǐ wéi rén mǔ
[05:21.80] wǒ jué duì méi yǒu è yì bù, wǒ shì gè hěn qián wèi de mǔ qīn
[05:26.34] wǒ ér zi de dì yí gè bǎo xiǎn tào, shì wǒ mǎi gěi tā de
[05:34.35] rán hòu tā jiù yù huǒ fén shēn
[05:45.42] guó huì zhèng tǎo lùn xīn xuē jiǎn yù suàn chì zì fǎ àn
[05:50.00] shì zhǎng xiǎng zài dù tí gāo dì tiě piào jià jīn tiān zuì gāo qì wēn shì 45 dù
[05:55.83] hái yǒu gè qiú duì zhèng zài bǐ sài
[06:24.60] gé lún rú hé?
[06:26.43] kě yǐ jiào tā gé lún
[06:27.90] bù, hái bù gòu tè bié
[06:30.34] ā jiā mén nóng hé mǎ shǐ shī yīng xióng zěn me yàng?
[06:32.74] tài tè bié le
[06:42.88] wǒ è sǐ le, wǒ xiǎng chī shén me ne?
[06:45.48] bài tuō, bié yòu shì gōng bǎo jī dīng
[06:49.-4] nǐ kàn le nà jié mù, gǎn jué rú hé?
[06:52.00] wǒ jué de nǐ yīng gāi gèng fàng kāi yī xiē
[06:57.50] wèi hé xuǎn zài zhè zhǒng èr liú cān tīng?
[06:59.46] zhǐ yǒu nǐ cái huì xuǎn zhè zhòng dì fāng
[07:02.43] bì zuǐ, zhè yàng mǎn bù cuò de lái, bào yí gè
[07:06.00] wǒ tīng shuō le lí hūn de shì qíng le. nǚ tóng xìng liàn?
[07:10.84] nǐ zhī dào tā men zǒng shì shuō:" yào xiǎo xīn nǐ nèi xīn xī wàng de."
[07:18.18] wǒ xiǎng wǒ men kě yǐ hē diǎn lóng shé jiǔ le wǒ zhī dào wǒ kě yǐ
[07:21.22] shuí yào lái yī bēi wǒ yào
[07:23.42] zhè shì nǐ de, luó sī?
[07:25.19] wǒ bù hē jiǔ
[07:27.89] bào qiàn, wǒ men chí dào le
[07:29.76] wǒ men yǒu diǎn wàng le shí jiān
[07:35.53] nán rén kě yǐ gǎi biàn
[07:43.21] yǒu rén yào wǒ píng jià rèn hé shì wù ma?
[07:56.49] wǒ yào qù bǔ guō zhèn
[07:59.56] bīn tài tài, wǒ bài dú guò nǐ suǒ yǒu de dà zuò
[08:03.-3] wǒ dú làng màn yè hòu, jiù yī xīn xiǎng chéng wéi zuò jiā
[08:07.23] bié zhè me shuō, wǒ néng bàn dào dà jiā dōu néng bàn dào
[08:10.44] nǐ zhǐ xū xiān miáo shù bàn dá ōu zhōu chéng shì
[08:12.77] yǐ wěi wǎn yǔ xíng róng nán xìng shēng zhí qì
[08:15.71] zhè yàng jiù néng xiě chéng yī běn shū le
[08:19.44] gè wèi, wǒ mǔ qīn
[08:25.-1] fáng yǒu liú yán ma?
[08:29.45] nǐ hái hǎo ba, měng nán? wǒ hái hǎo
[08:45.30] nǐ jīn wǎn zěn me le?
[08:47.17] méi shén me
[08:50.61] xiè xiè
[08:55.18] shì yīn wèi nà gè yì dà lì tiǎn shǒu nán?
[08:58.25] bù, shì yīn wèi bèi tā tiǎn de rén
[09:01.82] tā yīng gāi hé nǐ zài yì qǐ
[09:04.52] nǐ zhēn xíng
[09:06.69] luó sī, wǒ mài chū shàng yì běn de shū zhī dào wèi shí me ma?
[09:11.93] yīn wèi fēng miàn shàng de là mèi lù liǎng diǎn?
[09:16.87] bù, yīn wèi wǒ zhī dào gāi rú hé miáo xiě ràng nǚ rén xiàn rù ài hé de nán rén
[09:22.14] xiāng xìn wǒ, bǎo luó méi yǒu mài diǎn
[09:24.28] méi rén yǒu xìng qù fān 325 yè kàn bǎo luó de
[09:27.65] tā bù guò shì gè èr děng huò
[09:31.05] bù guò shì zuì hòu bèi nǐ zhōng jié de jiū gé
[09:35.62] shén me shí hòu?
[09:39.06] tā bú shì zhǔ jué
[09:42.09] zhī dào wǒ men de zuì jiā nán zhǔ jué shì shuí?
[09:44.00] lù liǎng diǎn de měng nán?
[09:47.30] shì nǐ a
[09:49.-2] bú yào zhè me shuō bù, wǒ shì shuō zhēn de
[09:50.67] nǐ jì cōng míng yòu xìng gǎn
[09:53.74] zhēn de shì ya
[09:55.61] shì shí shì, nǐ bù rèn wéi zì jǐ bǐ yǐ qián gèng xìng gǎn le
[09:59.41] nǐ huì zǒu chū yīn mái de, xiāng xìn wǒ
[10:23.-2] wǒ dào jiē shàng niào jiù hǎo le
[10:34.25] qián dé zài ma
[10:35.81] děng děng. guò lái
[10:38.58] guān yú zuó tiān wǎn shàng
[10:41.15] nǐ zhī dào de
[10:42.25] qián dé, nǐ méi yǒu gào sù tā ba
[10:44.49] yīn wèi wǒ xiǎng bù xū gào sù tā zhǐ shì gè wěn, méi shén me dà bù liǎo de
[10:49.09] duì, méi shén me dà bù liǎo de
[10:51.16] zài fēng kuáng shì jiè zhōng cái jiào méi shén me
[10:56.27] nǐ wéi fǎn guī dìng
[10:57.67] shén me guī dìng? bù néng qīn péng yǒu mǔ qīn de guī dìng
[11:00.84] jiě mèi hái kě yǐ huǒ là de gū mā, huò xǔ yě xíng
[11:04.61] mǔ qīn bù xíng, jué duì bù xíng
[11:09.88] nǐ men zài wài miàn gàn shén me?
[11:12.08] qiáo hé wǒ shuō guò yào zǎo qǐ qù dǎ huí lì qiú
[11:17.12] xiǎn rán yǒu rén shuì guò tóu
[11:22.09] duì, nǐ méi dài qiú?
[11:24.30] bù, wǒ de pāi zi ná qù huàn xiàn le
[11:27.26] yǒu rén yīng gāi bāng wǒ zhǔn bèi yī zhī pāi zi
[11:30.64] shì ma? nǐ méi shuō wò bǎ de chǐ cùn
[11:35.94] nǐ men liǎ zhēn huì làng fèi shí jiān
[11:41.81] hǎo ba, wǒ shì rén zhā, wǒ shì rén zhā
[11:43.55] luó sī, nǐ zěn néng ràng zhè zhǒng shì fā shēng? wǒ yě bù zhī dào
[11:46.25] tā bù xiàng shì yì bān de mā mā
[11:48.39] tā hěn xìng gǎn
[11:50.39] nǐ rèn wéi wǒ mā bù xìng gǎn?
[11:54.-3] bù yí yàng de xìng gǎn
[11:56.79] wǒ mā dāng nián yě shì měi dé xià xià jiào
[12:02.13] nǐ rèn wéi shēng 7 gè xiǎo hái shì jiàn róng yì de shì?
[12:07.41] wǒ men yù tán yù lí pǔ le
[12:12.84] nǐ men zài zhè ér gàn shén me?
[12:15.75] bú shì dǎ huí lì qiú
[12:19.72] tā wàng le gào sù wǒ wò bǎ chǐ cùn tā méi dài hù mù jìng
[12:25.92] nǐ men sì hū yǒu diǎn zhēng zhí
[12:31.53] zài jiàn, bǎo bèi
[12:35.07] tā men zài děng wǒ zuò zhè jiàn shì?
[12:43.44] nǐ dào dǐ yào bú yào gào sù tā? wèi hé yào gào sù tā?
[12:46.84] rú guǒ nǐ bù shuō tā mā huò xǔ huì
[12:50.58] nǐ men zài zhè ér gàn shén me?
[12:53.42] tā méi chuān hù dāng
[13:01.39] wǒ gāng wèn shén me?
[13:17.81] nǐ zài zhè ér gàn shén me?
[13:19.64] méi shì, wǒ zhǐ shì shùn lù wǒ bèi nà gè, nǐ zhī dào de, jiù shì nà gè
[13:23.05] nà gè, wǒ, nǐ zhī dào de
[13:24.48] nǐ lái zhè ér gàn shén me?
[13:27.42] wǒ bú shì zhuān chéng lái cǐ
[13:29.45] zhǐ shì shùn lù ná zhèi xiē guò lái
[13:36.39] nǐ cháng zì jǐ lái?
[13:40.06] yí ge rén lái?
[13:41.47] méi yǒu
[13:46.90] nǐ rèn wéi tā zǎo shàng hǎo diǎn méi?
[13:51.81] wǒ zěn huì zhī dào? wǒ yòu méi lái
[13:54.58] zhēn de? yě méi tì tā huàn shuì yī?
[14:02.05] wǒ de tiān
[14:03.29] nǐ shì wǒ péng yǒu, wǒ dé gào sù nǐ
[14:06.32] wǒ jiǎn zhí bù gǎn xiāng xìn
[14:09.03] bǎo luó qīn le wǒ mā?
[14:11.73] duì, wǒ bù zhī dào nǐ shì fǒu zhù yì dào tā hē le hěn duō jiǔ
[14:15.13] tā jiǔ zuì de mú yàng nǐ yě jiàn shí guò
[14:19.57] wǒ bàn bú dào shì wǒ
[14:21.74] bào qiàn, shì wǒ qīn le nǐ mā
[14:24.71] shén me?
[14:26.21] ruì qiū hé bǎo luó de shì lìng wǒ hěn jǔ sàng wǒ xiǎng wǒ shì hē tài duō lóng shé jiǔ, nuò lā
[14:31.22] nuò lā, mā mā tài tài, bīn
[14:35.00] nǐ de bīn duì wǒ hěn tǐ tiē dàn méi fā shēng shén me shì
[14:37.56] shén me dōu méi yǒu, kě yǐ wèn qiáo yī
[14:39.06] qiáo yī gāng hǎo zǒu jìn lái nǐ zhī dào zhè jiàn shì?
[14:42.23] zhī shí shì hěn jiǎo huá de
[14:45.83] nǐ wèi hé méi gào sù wǒ?
[14:48.40] tā men bèi wǒ dǎi dào suàn nǐ xìng yùn bù rán hòu guǒ kě bù kān shè xiǎng
[14:52.40] xiè le, lǎo xiōng, dà máng yí gè
[14:54.54] nǐ dào dǐ zài xiǎng shén me?
[14:56.94] wǒ méi yǒu wǒ bù zhī dào
[14:59.14] wǒ hé wǒ mā zhī jiān de niǎo shì péng yǒu zhōng shǔ nǐ zuì qīng chǔ le
[15:02.71] wǒ zhī dào wǒ wú fǎ xiāng xìn nǐ huì zuò zhè zhǒng shì
[15:05.22] wǒ yě wú fǎ xiāng xìn wǒ yě duì nǐ hěn shēng qì
[15:07.75] wèi shí me shēng wǒ de qì? ràng wǒ yòng lì guān mén ba
[15:11.62] qián dé, wǒ méi qīn tā, wéi fǎn guī dìng jiù shì zhè zhǒng xià chǎng
[15:29.21] diū liǎn de nǚ rén" ruì qiū kǎi lún gé lín
[15:32.44] duì, wǒ xiǎng cháng shì yī xià, wǒ réng zài xiě dì yī zhāng
[15:36.05] nǐ rèn wéi tā" cū mián bù jiān láo" zhōng de" ài bàng" néng huò dé jiě fàng ma?
[15:42.72] wǒ xiǎng kě yǐ ba
[15:45.26] wǒ yě zhè me rèn wéi, lìng wài nǐ pīn cuò cí le
[15:53.90] nǐ jīn wǎn yào qù yī yuàn ma? méi yǒu, nǐ ne?
[15:56.93] méi yǒu, nǐ ne?
[16:00.91] nǐ gāng wèn guò le
[16:03.14] hǎo ba, huò xǔ zhè shì gè quān tào
[16:07.-1] ruì qiū, wǒ men xiàn zài néng kāi shǐ le ma?
[16:11.12] wǒ hǎo xīng fèn
[16:14.65] zhè shì wǒ bà mā zài hūn lǐ shí zhào de
[16:18.-3] nǐ gào sù wǒ, tā bú shì kuàng shì měi rén
[16:22.36] méi xiǎng dào wǒ men huì tán lùn zhè gè jiù shì zhuó xiǎng xiàng tā méi tǐng zhe dà dǔ zi
[16:29.13] zhōng yāng gōng yuán hěn róng xìng wèi gè wèi jiè shào fēi bǐ bào fèi xiǎo jiě
[16:34.87] xiè xiè
[16:38.14] zhè shǒu gē shì yǒu guān gè wǒ gāng rèn shi de nán shēng
[16:43.08] tā yǐ chéng wéi wǒ shēng mìng zhòng zhòng yào de nán rén
[16:51.26] nǐ wú xū xǐng lái dāng wǒ de nán rén
[16:57.23] zhǐ yào nǐ yī xī shàng cún wǒ jiù huì zài yī páng shǒu hòu
[17:03.63] suī rán wǒ men xiāng yù bù jiǔ
[17:06.07] wǒ xiǎng shuō
[17:10.64] xiè xiè gè wèi, wǒ dé xiū xī yī xià
[17:16.08] wǒ men gǎn xiè fēi bǐ xiǎo jiě
[17:20.78] tā zài gǎo shén me dōng xī? fēi bǐ gāng
[17:23.75] wǒ shì hé qiáo yī jiǎng huà, qīn wǒ mā mā de rén
[17:32.76] qīn mā mā de rén
[17:35.83] wǒ bì zuǐ
[17:37.33] wǒ zhī dào nǐ réng zài shēng wǒ de qì
[17:40.04] wǒ zhǐ xiǎng shuō nà yī yè yǒu liǎng gè rén
[17:43.37] liǎng shuāng zuǐ chún shì ó, wǒ xī wàng tā qīn kǒu gào sù wǒ
[17:46.84] tā yī zhí dōu shì gè fú luò yī dé mèng yǎn
[17:49.51] nǐ wèi hé bù zhǎo tā tán tán?
[17:52.85] yīn wèi tài fù zá le, zhè shì gè qíng jié
[17:56.12] nǐ qīn le wǒ mā
[18:01.46] wǒ men zhèng zài pái liàn xī là jù
[18:05.13] zhēn yōu mò, pái liàn wán méi?
[18:07.06] hái méi, nǐ bù zhǎo tā tán? bù shuō chū nǐ de gǎn shòu?
[18:10.53] bié yīn wèi nǐ qīn guò tā
[18:14.-2] jiù zì yǐ wéi liǎo jiě tā xiāng xìn wǒ, bù néng zhǎo tā tán
[18:17.41] dào dǐ shì néng hái shì bù néng?
[18:21.01] wǒ de shǒu zhǐ
[18:22.71] wǒ de xī gài
[18:25.52] hái zài pái liàn
[18:35.53] nǐ duì tā zěn me le?
[18:41.40] nǐ xǐng le nǐ qiáo nǐ
[18:43.50] gǎn jué rú hé?
[18:45.67] tóu yǒu diǎn yūn, jī běn shàng hái xíng
[18:47.94] nǐ de qì sè hǎo jí le
[18:50.07] wǒ gǎn jué hǎo jí le
[18:52.74] nǐ men shì shuí?
[18:54.45] duì bù qǐ wǒ jiào fēi bǐ
[18:56.25] wǒ jiào mó nī kǎ wǒ yī zhí zài zhào gù nǐ
[18:59.02] wǒ men yī zhí zài zhào gù nǐ
[19:00.32] shí kè yì shù shì nǐ men sòng de? qí shí zhǐ yǒu wǒ yí gè
[19:03.59] wǒ tì nǐ zuò jiǎo dǐ àn mó zhī dào shì shuí bāng nǐ guā hú zǐ de ma? shì wǒ
[19:06.52] wǒ niàn shū gěi nǐ tīng wǒ chàng gē gěi nǐ tīng
[19:11.03] xiè le
[19:12.70] wǒ de róng xìng méi guān xì
[19:15.13] wǒ xiǎng nà jiù zài jiàn le
[19:19.27] shén me? jiù zhè yàng?
[19:21.57] zài jiàn?
[19:23.47] bù rán yào wǒ shuō shí mǒ? wǒ bù zhī dào
[19:26.78] huò xǔ
[19:28.31] gāi shuō nǐ men zhēn hǎo
[19:29.88] xiàng wǒ biǎo bái ba
[19:32.48] wǒ huì dǎ diàn huà gěi nǐ men de
[19:35.09] hǎo ba, wǒ huì dǎ de yì diǎn chéng yì dōu méi yǒu
[19:41.79] nán shēng dōu zhè yàng
[19:44.13] wǒ men fù chū, fù chū
[19:47.00] bù duàn de fù chū
[19:48.80] què dé bú dào rèn hé huí bào
[19:51.17] yǒu yì tiān tā xǐng lái què zhǐ shuō zài jiàn
[19:57.31] zǒu ba fēi bǐ
[20:00.74] zhī dào ma? wǒ men yǐ wéi nǐ yǔ zhòng bù tóng
[20:04.38] wǒ xiǎng zhè zhǐ shì hūn mí de yuán gù
[20:17.-3] lóu xià de chē yǐ fā dòng wǒ zhǐ xiǎng ná jǐ běn wǒ de shū gěi nǐ péng yǒu
[20:21.17] yǒu wǒ de qīn bǐ qiān míng. lái yí gè wěn bié
[20:25.10] zhè shì yí gè wěn zhè shì gào bié
[20:28.41] xū yào wǒ zài lǐ sī běn bāng nǐ mǎi shén me ma? bù xū yào, zhī dào nǐ yào qù jiù gòu le
[20:33.34] hǎo ba, yào guāi ó, wǒ ài nǐ
[20:39.75] nǐ qīn le wǒ zuì hǎo de luó sī
[20:44.19] hǎo xiàng shuō cuò le, fǎn zhèng chà bù duō
[20:52.86] hǎo ba, wǒ zuò le chǔn shì
[20:55.00] yú chǔn zhì jí yú chǔn zhì jí
[20:59.54] wǒ yě bù zhī dào shì zěn me fā shēng de
[21:02.27] bào qiàn, hái zi, wǒ bǎo zhèng bú huì zài fā shēng zhè zhǒng shì
[21:07.14] zhēn de yú chǔn zhì jí
[21:09.15] zhēn de, zhēn de yú chǔn zhī jí
[21:12.75] nǐ gǎn jué hǎo diǎn ma? shì de
[21:22.06] nán rén yǔ mén zhī jiān jìn jì de ài
[21:27.06] tā shuō le, bù zhǐ shì qīn wěn de shì yī qiè dōu shuō chū lái le
[21:30.53] nǐ zài kāi wán xiào?
[21:31.80] tā shuō nǐ hé shí cái néng chéng shú kāi shǐ dāng gè mā?
[21:35.44] děng děng, tā huí dá shuō
[21:36.84] nǐ hé shí cái néng zhǎng dà liǎo jiě wǒ shì gè xìng gǎn nǚ láng?
[21:43.35] děng děng, nǐ què dìng tā bú shì shuō
[21:45.42] nǐ hé shí cái néng zhǎng dà liǎo jiě wǒ shì nǐ mā?
[21:52.59] zhè yàng bǐ jiào hé lǐ nǐ yě zhè yàng rèn wéi?
[21:56.89] xiàn zài qíng kuàng zěn me yàng?
[21:58.80] wǒ bù zhī dào. wǒ yī zhí zài zhè ér shuō gěi nǐ tīng
[22:04.37] wǒ shén me dōu tīng bu dào, děng děng
[22:06.44] nǐ kàn jiàn shén me?
[22:07.70] hěn nán shuō, tā men hǎo xiǎo ér qiě shàng xià diān dǎo
[22:10.34] děng děng, děng děng
[22:11.88] tā men zǒu guò lái, tā men zǒu guò qù
[22:15.61] bù, bú shì. tā men zǒu guò lái le, kuài táo
[22:21.55] nǐ hái hǎo ba, hái zi? hái hǎo
[22:24.32] xī wàng dū hǎo
[22:26.39] xiǎo xīn kāi chē
[22:29.93] nǐ hǎo, bīn tài tài nǐ hǎo, gài lēi
[22:41.00] nǐ dàng zhēn?
[22:43.27] duì, yǒu hé bù kě?
[22:47.01] wǒ gào sù tā le
[22:49.45] qíng kuàng zěn me yàng? jiǎn zhí shì kě xiào dào le jí diǎn
[22:51.65] méi yǒu bǐ zhè gèng zāo gāo de la
[22:54.32] gǎn jué zěn yàng bù cuò
[22:59.19] wǒ gào sù tā le
[23:00.86] qiáo, kàn dào méi yǒu?
[23:02.93] huò xǔ wǒ qīn nǐ mā bú shì gè sōu zhǔ yì
[23:07.43] wǒ men bù bì jì xù wǎng xià shuō le ba
[23:16.64] zhè zhǐ shì dì yī zhāng
[23:18.94] wǒ yào dà jiā tǎn bái de yì jiàn
[23:24.18] zài dì èr yè zhōng tā de shǒu méi shēn xiàng tā nà huī jiān tǐng de shuāng fēng
[23:29.79] tā běn lái kě yǐ yǒu jiān tǐng de shuāng fēng
[23:32.42] hǎo ba, zài zhè lǐ tā méi yǒu
[23:36.16] shén me shì" rú tóu"?
[23:37.49] tōng cháng zài shuāng fēng shàng kě yǐ zhǎo dào
[23:42.53] hǎo ba suàn wǒ bú huì dǎ zì
[23:45.00] kàn dào zhè lǐ méi yǒu" tā nà jù dà, chàn dòng de bǐ"
[23:49.61] tā yòng nà zhī bǐ shí nǐ bú huì xiǎng zài chǎng de
[23:54.31] gòu le, hái wǒ
[23:57.-1] děng děng, wǒ cái gāng gāng kàn dào tā de" gōng gòng tóu fà"