Friends S01E20

歌曲 Friends S01E20
歌手 英语听力
专辑 老友记(第一季)


[00:01.480] I can't believe you'd actually say that.
[00:04.550] I'd much rather be Mr. Peanut than Mr. Salty.
[00:08.190] No way. Mr. Salty is a sailor.
[00:11.020] He's gotta be the toughest snack there is.
[00:15.360] I don't know. You don't wanna mess with Cornnuts.
[00:19.330] They're crazy.
[00:23.100] Oh,my God. You gotta come see this.
[00:25.740] There's some creep out there with a telescope.
[00:30.610] I can't believe it. He's looking right at us.
[00:33.510] Oh,that is so sick.
[00:35.610] I feel violated.
[00:37.520] And not in a good way.
[00:39.450] How can people do that?
[00:43.790] You guys,look. Ugly Naked Guy got gravity boots.
[00:49.130] The One With the Evil Orthodontist
[01:38.210] Years from now, school children will study it...
[01:41.410] one of the greatest first dates ever.
[01:45.120] -Yeah. -I'll say,yeah. -
[01:47.750] It was unbelievable.
[01:49.120] We could be ourselves. We didn't have to play games.
[01:52.420] -Have you called her? -She'd know I like her. That's crazy. -
[01:56.630] Guys. It's gross.
[02:05.870] I can't believe my parents are pushing me to find one of you people.
[02:10.840] Come on. Just do it.
[02:13.410] Call her. Stop being so testosterone-y.
[02:18.420] Which,by the way, is the real San Francisco treat.
[02:26.630] -Her machine. -Answering machine? -
[02:28.890] No,interestingly, her leaf blower picked up.
[02:34.730] So,why didn't you say anything?
[02:37.240] No. Last time I left a spontaneous message...
[02:40.470] ... I ended up using the phrase, "Yes,indeed-io."
[02:45.310] Look,it's Rachel and Barry. Don't everybody look.
[02:50.820] -They're just talking. -Does he look upset? -
[02:54.120] Does he look like he was told to shove anything?
[02:59.290] No. Actually,he's smiling.
[03:01.430] Oh,my God. Don't do that.
[03:03.800] What? What? What?
[03:04.930] That man across the street just kicked that pigeon.
[03:10.800] And basically,that's how a bill becomes a law.
[03:17.580] See? Hey,Rach.
[03:21.180] How'd it go?
[03:22.920] You know,it was actually really great.
[03:26.890] Lunch at the Russian Tea Room.
[03:28.750] I had that chicken,where you poke it and butter squirts out.
[03:32.890] Not a good day for birds.
[03:34.860] Then we went to Bendel's.
[03:36.860] And I told him not to,but he got me a bottle of Chanel.
[03:41.370] That's nice. Now was that before or after you told him...
[03:45.340] stop calling,stop sending flowers and to leave you alone?
[03:50.210] Right. Well,we never actually got to that.
[03:54.350] It was just so nice to see him again.
[03:57.480] It was comfortable and it was familiar.
[04:01.490] It was just nice.
[04:03.160] That's nice twice.
[04:06.330] Isn't this the same Barry who you left at the altar?
[04:10.800] Where have you been?
[04:14.200] It was different with him today.
[04:16.370] He wasn't,like,Orthodontist Guy.
[04:19.370] I mean,we had fun. Is there anything wrong with that?
[04:26.310] -Why? -I have my reasons. -
[04:31.650] He's engaged to another woman...
[04:34.350] ...who happens to be your ex-best friend?
[04:37.720] All right. I know it's stupid.
[04:40.230] I'll see him this afternoon and put an end to it.
[04:50.700] I'm not crazy,right? I mean,it was never like that.
[04:54.670] No,it wasn't.
[05:00.250] It was so nice having this little sink here.
[05:07.890] Then with authority,hang up.
[05:14.330] Will you just leave her the message?
[05:22.200] "Oh,Danielle, I wasn't expecting the machine.
[05:27.340] Give me a call when you get a chance.
[05:32.680] Bye-bye.
[05:34.750] Oh,God.
[05:42.020] Hey,I've been honing.
[05:44.720] -What was with the dishes? -She might think I'm in a restaurant. -
[05:49.330] I might have a life. Like I haven't been sitting here...
[05:53.670] ... honing for the last two hours?
[05:56.170] -The telescope guy's doing it again. -Oh,my God. -
[06:02.140] Go away. Stop looking in here.
[06:06.180] Great. Now he's waving back.
[06:11.950] I caught him looking into our place. I feel like I can't do stuff.
[06:17.920] What kind of stuff?
[06:21.890] Will you grow up? I'm not talking about sexy stuff...
[06:25.400] ...but,like, when I'm cooking naked.
[06:29.900] You cook naked?
[06:31.370] Yeah,toast,oatmeal. Nothing that spatters.
[06:38.040] What are you looking at me for? I didn't know that.
[06:43.120] What's the matter?
[06:45.250] I just Oh,Barry,this was not good.
[06:48.100] No,it was. It was very,very good.
[06:51.720] -What about Mindy? -Way better than Mindy. -
[07:00.530] If you want,I'll break it off with her.
[07:07.810] Dr. Farber,Bobby Rush is here for his adjustment.
[07:11.540] Thanks,Bernice.
[07:13.850] Let's go away this weekend.
[07:16.650] -This is all way too -No,we can go to Aruba. -
[07:20.750] When I went there on what would've been our honeymoon...
[07:24.390] was really nice. You would've liked it.
[07:29.460] I had a bra.
[07:42.880] Hey,Dr. Farber.
[07:44.040] All right,Miss Greene, everything looks fine.
[07:48.150] We're starting to see some real progress.
[07:54.720] -What? -I'm 1 2,I'm not stupid. -
[08:08.100] Can I use your phone?
[08:10.400] For future reference, that thing in your hand...
[08:13.240] ...can also be used as a phone. …
[08:22.680] -Why isn't she calling? -Maybe she never got your message. -
[08:26.650] Call her machine, and if she has a lot of beeps...
[08:30.290] ...that means she didn't get her messages yet.
[08:33.290] -Doesn't that make me seem? -Desperate? Needy? Pathetic? -
[08:38.000] You obviously saw my personal ad.
[08:43.600] How many beeps?
[08:44.640] She answered.
[08:47.970] This is where you'd use that "hello" word.
[08:52.180] I won't talk to her. She got my message...
[08:54.950] ...and is choosing not to call me. Now I'm needy and snubbed.
[08:59.820] God,I miss just being needy.
[09:04.760] So how'd he take it?
[09:06.590] Pretty well,actually.
[09:11.900] How come you have dental floss in your hair?
[09:16.300] Oh,do l?
[09:20.470] -We ended up having sex in his chair. -You had sex in his chair? -
[09:29.980] I said that a little too loudly,didn't l?
[09:33.990] You had what?
[09:36.890] Sex in his chair.
[09:41.360] What...? What were you thinking?
[09:44.530] I don't know. We still care about each other.
[09:47.870] There's a history there. It's like you and Carol.
[09:53.710] It's nothing like me and Carol.
[09:56.010] If she said to you, "Ross,I want you on this couch...
[10:00.310] ... right here,right now," what would you say?
[10:04.850] If it helps,I could slide over.
[10:09.390] It's a totally different situation. It's apples and oranges.
[10:14.360] It's orthodontists and lesbians I gotta go.
[10:18.500] -Where are you going? -I just have to go. -
[10:21.170] I have things to do with my life.
[10:24.570] I have a jam-packed schedule.
[10:44.620] Mindy.
[10:47.530] How are you?
[10:49.630] Yes,I heard. Congratulations. That is so great.
[10:53.870] Really,oh,God
[10:58.370] I'm working tomorrow,but if you want,you can come by if you'd like.
[11:05.180] Great.
[11:06.880] Great.
[11:10.180] So I'll see you tomorrow.
[11:12.850] Okay. Bye. ok,
[11:16.490] Oh,God. Oh,God.
[11:20.760] So how's Mindy?
[11:24.000] She wants to see me tomorrow. She sounded weird. I gotta call Barry.
[11:32.840] It's me. I just Mindy.
[11:37.010] Mindy. No,I figured that's where you'd be.
[11:57.630] Hell is filled with people like you.
[12:03.500] He's back. The peeper's back.
[12:06.440] -Get down. -Get down?
[12:08.670] And boogie.
[12:11.840] I gotta go and get my eyes scratched out by Mindy.
[12:15.650] She may not even know.
[12:17.520] I haven't heard from her in seven months,what else is it about?
[12:23.260] She was my best friend.
[12:25.560] We went to camp together, she taught me how to kiss....
[12:32.260] Now,you know, I'm,like,the other woman.
[12:35.400] -I feel so -Naughty. -
[12:40.340] -See you later. -I'll walk with you. -
[12:43.140] When she taught you to kiss,were you wearing any kind of little uniform?
[12:50.620] That's fine,yeah.
[12:53.550] I'm going to the bathroom. Will you watch my phone?
[12:57.020] -Take it with you. -We haven't had a second date... -
[13:00.160] -...she needs to hear me pee? -Why don't you call her? -
[13:03.860] I can't. I left a message. I have some pride.
[13:07.300] -Do you? -No.
[13:15.640] Danielle,hi.
[13:17.340] It's Chandler.
[13:19.580] I'm fine.
[13:22.650] Listen....
[13:23.680] I don't know if you tried to call me because...
[13:27.620] ... I accidentally shut off my phone.
[13:33.330] That's fine. That's great. Okay.
[13:37.200] She's on the other line. She's gonna call me back.
[13:41.000] She's on the other line, she's gonna call me back.
[13:45.170] -Don't you have to pee? -That's why I'm dancing. -
[13:52.780] -Mindy. -Hey,you.
[13:55.610] Hey,you.
[14:01.120] So what's up?
[14:03.890] We should really be sitting for this.
[14:07.560] Sure we should.
[14:19.140] I'm gonna ask once, and I want a straight answer.
[14:22.610] Not like when I asked if those red pants made my ass look big.
[14:28.010] I know things have been weird...
[14:30.150] ...but you're my oldest friend, except for Laurie...
[14:33.350] ...who's bitter because she lost weight...
[14:36.190] ...and it turns out, she doesn't have a pretty face.
[14:39.290] -Okay,I'm just gonna say it. -Okay. -
[14:44.330] Will you be my maid of honor?
[14:50.200] -Of course. -That's so great.
[14:53.040] It is. It is. It is.
[14:55.540] -That's all you wanted to ask? -That's all. -
[15:01.980] -What? -That's not all.
[15:06.480] -Oh,sure it is. -Oh,no,it isn't. -
[15:11.190] I think Barry's seeing someone in the city.
[15:15.130] What would make you think that?
[15:17.460] Since the engagement, he's acted weird.
[15:20.630] And then last night,he came home smelling like Chanel.
[15:26.540] Really?
[15:29.470] If it'll make you feel any better...
[15:32.210] ...when Barry and I got engaged, he was weird too.
[15:35.810] Oh,God. That's what I was afraid of.
[15:38.320] What's what you were afraid of?
[15:42.450] When Barry was engaged to you, he and l...
[15:47.390] ... kind of had a little thing on the side. …
[15:52.100] -What? -I know,I know.
[15:54.500] When he proposed,people said,"He'll do to you what he did to Rachel."
[15:59.770] And now I feel so stupid.
[16:06.480] You are so stupid.
[16:10.480] We are both so stupid.
[16:12.720] What do you mean?
[16:16.550] Smell familiar?
[16:21.260] Oh,I'm so sorry.
[16:23.260] Oh,no,me. I am so sorry.
[16:25.830] No,I am sorry. I'm sorry.
[16:42.010] Oh,my.
[16:45.820] Four letters,"circle or hoop."
[16:48.550] -Ring,damn it,ring. -Thanks.
[16:54.530] -You know our phone's not working? -What?
[16:58.800] I called and there was no answer.
[17:02.100] I turned it off.
[17:03.900] Mother of God,I turned it off.
[17:06.740] Just like you told her you did.
[17:10.180] Just pointing out the irony.
[17:12.840] I went across the street to the doorman.
[17:16.280] I got the peeper's name. Can I use the phone?
[17:21.290] Can I use your phone?
[17:26.660] The number for a Sidney Marks,please.
[17:29.690] "Heating device."
[17:32.400] Radiator.
[17:33.930] Five letters.
[17:35.530] "Rdtor." “Rdtor.”
[17:41.810] Yeah,is Sidney there?
[17:44.740] Oh,this is? Sidney's a woman.
[17:47.750] So she's a woman,so what?
[17:52.180] I live across the street,and I know about your telescope.
[17:56.650] And I don't appreciate it.
[17:58.660] Yeah,I can see you right now. Hello?
[18:01.830] If I wanna walk around in my underwear,I shouldn't have to feel
[18:06.930] Thank you.
[18:10.600] That's not really the point. The point is,that
[18:14.470] Mostly free-weights, but occasionally
[18:19.510] Yeah,my neighbor. Yeah,the brunette.
[18:23.620] She said you looked pretty that day in the green dress.
[18:27.550] The green dress? Really?
[18:30.260] She said you looked like lngrid Bergman.
[18:38.700] Did she mention me?
[18:42.700] She wants to know why you tie the towel around your head.
[18:51.140] It's a leave-in conditioner.
[18:58.320] -You got a second? -Sure,sure.
[19:00.390] Come on...
[19:02.100] -Hello,sweetheart. hello,
[19:05.620] What you guys doing here?
[19:07.630] We are here to break up with you.
[19:11.630] Both of you?
[19:13.230] We think you're a horrible person, and bad things should happen to you.
[19:19.940] I'm sorry. God,I am so sorry.
[19:22.310] I was weak. I couldn't help myself.
[19:24.940] Whatever I did,I only did because I love you so much.
[19:30.450] Which one of us are you talking to there?
[19:35.790] Mindy.
[19:37.190] Of course,Mindy. It was always Mindy.
[19:42.860] I swear,whatever I was doing, I was thinking of you.
[19:46.460] Please. That second time,you couldn't have picked her out of a lineup.
[19:52.140] You did it twice?
[19:59.040] Honey,sweetheart,look. Just give me another chance.
[20:02.980] We'll start over. We'll go back to Aruba.
[20:06.020] What is it with you and Aruba? Do you have a deal with the airlines?
[20:11.820] What do you say?
[20:13.390] Dr. Farber,we've got an emergency here.
[20:16.330] Jason Castalano 's choking on his retainer.
[20:19.230] Oh,God. I'll be right there,Bernice.
[20:22.230] Look,please don't go anywhere.
[20:24.570] I'll be right back.
[20:31.880] See how he was sweating when he walked out?
[20:35.180] If I'm hogging the ball, you jump right in there...
[20:38.720] ...and take some punches. This feels great. …
[20:42.750] I'm pretty sure I'm still gonna marry him.
[20:46.520] What are you talking about?
[20:48.930] Mindy,the guy is the devil.
[20:51.930] He is Satan in a smock.
[20:54.770] I know he's not perfect.
[21:00.340] But the truth is at the end of the day,I still really wanna be...
[21:05.610] ... Mrs. Dr. Barry Farber...
[21:09.580] ... D. D.S. …
[21:12.250] Oh,God.
[21:14.250] I hope you can find a way to be happy for me.
[21:17.790] And I hope you'll still be my maid of honor.
[21:21.490] And I hope Barry doesn't kill you and eat you in Aruba.
[21:31.870] You okay?
[21:35.970] Really?
[21:39.810] Since I ran out on Barry at the wedding...
[21:42.650] ...I've wondered whether I made the right choice.
[21:46.280] And now I know.
[21:48.920] I'm so glad.
[21:54.760] Big day.
[22:04.700] I'll give you this: Mr. Peanut is a better dresser.
[22:08.270] He's got the monocle, he's got the top hat....
[22:11.440] Did you know he's gay?
[22:16.480] I just wanna clarify this. Are you outing Mr. Peanut?
[22:23.120] Danielle,hi.
[22:24.790] Everybody,this is Danielle. Danielle,everybody.
[22:28.730] Why are you here?
[22:30.130] I've been calling, but I had your number wrong.
[22:33.500] When I got the right one, there was no answer.
[22:37.000] So I thought I'd come down here and make sure you were okay.
[22:41.640] I'm okay.
[22:42.940] Maybe we could get together later?
[22:50.620] You got it.
[22:56.620] -There you go. -Second date. -
[22:59.720] I don't know.
[23:01.690] You don't know?
[23:03.030] She seems nice,but her coming all the way here...
[23:06.860] ...just to see if I was okay? I mean,how needy is that?


[00:01.480] I can' t believe you' d actually say that.
[00:04.550] I' d much rather be Mr. Peanut than Mr. Salty.
[00:08.190] No way. Mr. Salty is a sailor.
[00:11.020] He' s gotta be the toughest snack there is.
[00:15.360] I don' t know. You don' t wanna mess with Cornnuts.
[00:19.330] They' re crazy.
[00:23.100] Oh, my God. You gotta come see this.
[00:25.740] There' s some creep out there with a telescope.
[00:30.610] I can' t believe it. He' s looking right at us.
[00:33.510] Oh, that is so sick.
[00:35.610] I feel violated.
[00:37.520] And not in a good way.
[00:39.450] How can people do that?
[00:43.790] You guys, look. Ugly Naked Guy got gravity boots.
[00:49.130] The One With the Evil Orthodontist
[01:38.210] Years from now, school children will study it...
[01:41.410] ... as one of the greatest first dates ever.
[01:45.120] Yeah. I' ll say, yeah.
[01:47.750] It was unbelievable.
[01:49.120] We could be ourselves. We didn' t have to play games.
[01:52.420] Have you called her? She' d know I like her. That' s crazy.
[01:56.630] Guys. It' s gross.
[02:05.870] I can' t believe my parents are pushing me to find one of you people.
[02:10.840] Come on. Just do it.
[02:13.410] Call her. Stop being so testosteroney.
[02:18.420] Which, by the way, is the real San Francisco treat.
[02:26.630] Her machine. Answering machine?
[02:28.890] No, interestingly, her leaf blower picked up.
[02:34.730] So, why didn' t you say anything?
[02:37.240] No. Last time I left a spontaneous message...
[02:40.470] ... I ended up using the phrase, " Yes, indeedio."
[02:45.310] Look, it' s Rachel and Barry. Don' t everybody look.
[02:50.820] They' re just talking. Does he look upset?
[02:54.120] Does he look like he was told to shove anything?
[02:59.290] No. Actually, he' s smiling.
[03:01.430] Oh, my God. Don' t do that.
[03:03.800] What? What? What?
[03:04.930] That man across the street just kicked that pigeon.
[03:10.800] And basically, that' s how a bill becomes a law.
[03:17.580] See? Hey, Rach.
[03:21.180] How' d it go?
[03:22.920] You know, it was actually really great.
[03:26.890] Lunch at the Russian Tea Room.
[03:28.750] I had that chicken, where you poke it and butter squirts out.
[03:32.890] Not a good day for birds.
[03:34.860] Then we went to Bendel' s.
[03:36.860] And I told him not to, but he got me a bottle of Chanel.
[03:41.370] That' s nice. Now was that before or after you told him...
[03:45.340] ... to stop calling, stop sending flowers and to leave you alone?
[03:50.210] Right. Well, we never actually got to that.
[03:54.350] It was just so nice to see him again.
[03:57.480] It was comfortable and it was familiar.
[04:01.490] It was just nice.
[04:03.160] That' s nice twice.
[04:06.330] Isn' t this the same Barry who you left at the altar?
[04:10.800] Where have you been?
[04:14.200] It was different with him today.
[04:16.370] He wasn' t, like, Orthodontist Guy.
[04:19.370] I mean, we had fun. Is there anything wrong with that?
[04:26.310] Why? I have my reasons.
[04:31.650] He' s engaged to another woman...
[04:34.350] ... who happens to be your exbest friend?
[04:37.720] All right. I know it' s stupid.
[04:40.230] I' ll see him this afternoon and put an end to it.
[04:50.700] I' m not crazy, right? I mean, it was never like that.
[04:54.670] No, it wasn' t.
[05:00.250] It was so nice having this little sink here.
[05:07.890] Then with authority, hang up.
[05:14.330] Will you just leave her the message?
[05:22.200] " Oh, Danielle, I wasn' t expecting the machine.
[05:27.340] Give me a call when you get a chance.
[05:32.680] Byebye.
[05:34.750] Oh, God.
[05:42.020] Hey, I' ve been honing.
[05:44.720] What was with the dishes? She might think I' m in a restaurant.
[05:49.330] I might have a life. Like I haven' t been sitting here...
[05:53.670] ... honing for the last two hours?
[05:56.170] The telescope guy' s doing it again. Oh, my God.
[06:02.140] Go away. Stop looking in here.
[06:06.180] Great. Now he' s waving back.
[06:11.950] I caught him looking into our place. I feel like I can' t do stuff.
[06:17.920] What kind of stuff?
[06:21.890] Will you grow up? I' m not talking about sexy stuff...
[06:25.400] ... but, like, when I' m cooking naked.
[06:29.900] You cook naked?
[06:31.370] Yeah, toast, oatmeal. Nothing that spatters.
[06:38.040] What are you looking at me for? I didn' t know that.
[06:43.120] What' s the matter?
[06:45.250] I just Oh, Barry, this was not good.
[06:48.100] No, it was. It was very, very good.
[06:51.720] What about Mindy? Way better than Mindy.
[07:00.530] If you want, I' ll break it off with her.
[07:07.810] Dr. Farber, Bobby Rush is here for his adjustment.
[07:11.540] Thanks, Bernice.
[07:13.850] Let' s go away this weekend.
[07:16.650] This is all way too No, we can go to Aruba.
[07:20.750] When I went there on what would' ve been our honeymoon...
[07:24.390] ... it was really nice. You would' ve liked it.
[07:29.460] I had a bra.
[07:42.880] Hey, Dr. Farber.
[07:44.040] All right, Miss Greene, everything looks fine.
[07:48.150] We' re starting to see some real progress.
[07:54.720] What? I' m 1 2, I' m not stupid.
[08:08.100] Can I use your phone?
[08:10.400] For future reference, that thing in your hand...
[08:13.240] ... can also be used as a phone.
[08:22.680] Why isn' t she calling? Maybe she never got your message.
[08:26.650] Call her machine, and if she has a lot of beeps...
[08:30.290] ... that means she didn' t get her messages yet.
[08:33.290] Doesn' t that make me seem? Desperate? Needy? Pathetic?
[08:38.000] You obviously saw my personal ad.
[08:43.600] How many beeps?
[08:44.640] She answered.
[08:47.970] This is where you' d use that " hello" word.
[08:52.180] I won' t talk to her. She got my message...
[08:54.950] ... and is choosing not to call me. Now I' m needy and snubbed.
[08:59.820] God, I miss just being needy.
[09:04.760] So how' d he take it?
[09:06.590] Pretty well, actually.
[09:11.900] How come you have dental floss in your hair?
[09:16.300] Oh, do l?
[09:20.470] We ended up having sex in his chair. You had sex in his chair?
[09:29.980] I said that a little too loudly, didn' t l?
[09:33.990] You had what?
[09:36.890] Sex in his chair.
[09:41.360] What...? What were you thinking?
[09:44.530] I don' t know. We still care about each other.
[09:47.870] There' s a history there. It' s like you and Carol.
[09:53.710] It' s nothing like me and Carol.
[09:56.010] If she said to you, " Ross, I want you on this couch...
[10:00.310] ... right here, right now," what would you say?
[10:04.850] If it helps, I could slide over.
[10:09.390] It' s a totally different situation. It' s apples and oranges.
[10:14.360] It' s orthodontists and lesbians I gotta go.
[10:18.500] Where are you going? I just have to go.
[10:21.170] I have things to do with my life.
[10:24.570] I have a jampacked schedule.
[10:44.620] Mindy.
[10:47.530] How are you?
[10:49.630] Yes, I heard. Congratulations. That is so great.
[10:53.870] Really, oh, God
[10:58.370] I' m working tomorrow, but if you want, you can come by if you' d like.
[11:05.180] Great.
[11:06.880] Great.
[11:10.180] So I' ll see you tomorrow.
[11:12.850] Okay. Bye. ok,
[11:16.490] Oh, God. Oh, God.
[11:20.760] So how' s Mindy?
[11:24.000] She wants to see me tomorrow. She sounded weird. I gotta call Barry.
[11:32.840] It' s me. I just Mindy.
[11:37.010] Mindy. No, I figured that' s where you' d be.
[11:57.630] Hell is filled with people like you.
[12:03.500] He' s back. The peeper' s back.
[12:06.440] Get down. Get down?
[12:08.670] And boogie.
[12:11.840] I gotta go and get my eyes scratched out by Mindy.
[12:15.650] She may not even know.
[12:17.520] I haven' t heard from her in seven months, what else is it about?
[12:23.260] She was my best friend.
[12:25.560] We went to camp together, she taught me how to kiss....
[12:32.260] Now, you know, I' m, like, the other woman.
[12:35.400] I feel so Naughty.
[12:40.340] See you later. I' ll walk with you.
[12:43.140] When she taught you to kiss, were you wearing any kind of little uniform?
[12:50.620] That' s fine, yeah.
[12:53.550] I' m going to the bathroom. Will you watch my phone?
[12:57.020] Take it with you. We haven' t had a second date...
[13:00.160] ... she needs to hear me pee? Why don' t you call her?
[13:03.860] I can' t. I left a message. I have some pride.
[13:07.300] Do you? No.
[13:15.640] Danielle, hi.
[13:17.340] It' s Chandler.
[13:19.580] I' m fine.
[13:22.650] Listen....
[13:23.680] I don' t know if you tried to call me because...
[13:27.620] ... I accidentally shut off my phone.
[13:33.330] That' s fine. That' s great. Okay.
[13:37.200] She' s on the other line. She' s gonna call me back.
[13:41.000] She' s on the other line, she' s gonna call me back.
[13:45.170] Don' t you have to pee? That' s why I' m dancing.
[13:52.780] Mindy. Hey, you.
[13:55.610] Hey, you.
[14:01.120] So what' s up?
[14:03.890] We should really be sitting for this.
[14:07.560] Sure we should.
[14:19.140] I' m gonna ask once, and I want a straight answer.
[14:22.610] Not like when I asked if those red pants made my ass look big.
[14:28.010] I know things have been weird...
[14:30.150] ... but you' re my oldest friend, except for Laurie...
[14:33.350] ... who' s bitter because she lost weight...
[14:36.190] ... and it turns out, she doesn' t have a pretty face.
[14:39.290] Okay, I' m just gonna say it. Okay.
[14:44.330] Will you be my maid of honor?
[14:50.200] Of course. That' s so great.
[14:53.040] It is. It is. It is.
[14:55.540] That' s all you wanted to ask? That' s all.
[15:01.980] What? That' s not all.
[15:06.480] Oh, sure it is. Oh, no, it isn' t.
[15:11.190] I think Barry' s seeing someone in the city.
[15:15.130] What would make you think that?
[15:17.460] Since the engagement, he' s acted weird.
[15:20.630] And then last night, he came home smelling like Chanel.
[15:26.540] Really?
[15:29.470] If it' ll make you feel any better...
[15:32.210] ... when Barry and I got engaged, he was weird too.
[15:35.810] Oh, God. That' s what I was afraid of.
[15:38.320] What' s what you were afraid of?
[15:42.450] When Barry was engaged to you, he and l...
[15:47.390] ... kind of had a little thing on the side.
[15:52.100] What? I know, I know.
[15:54.500] When he proposed, people said," He' ll do to you what he did to Rachel."
[15:59.770] And now I feel so stupid.
[16:06.480] You are so stupid.
[16:10.480] We are both so stupid.
[16:12.720] What do you mean?
[16:16.550] Smell familiar?
[16:21.260] Oh, I' m so sorry.
[16:23.260] Oh, no, me. I am so sorry.
[16:25.830] No, I am sorry. I' m sorry.
[16:42.010] Oh, my.
[16:45.820] Four letters," circle or hoop."
[16:48.550] Ring, damn it, ring. Thanks.
[16:54.530] You know our phone' s not working? What?
[16:58.800] I called and there was no answer.
[17:02.100] I turned it off.
[17:03.900] Mother of God, I turned it off.
[17:06.740] Just like you told her you did.
[17:10.180] Just pointing out the irony.
[17:12.840] I went across the street to the doorman.
[17:16.280] I got the peeper' s name. Can I use the phone?
[17:21.290] Can I use your phone?
[17:26.660] The number for a Sidney Marks, please.
[17:29.690] " Heating device."
[17:32.400] Radiator.
[17:33.930] Five letters.
[17:35.530] " Rdtor." " Rdtor."
[17:41.810] Yeah, is Sidney there?
[17:44.740] Oh, this is? Sidney' s a woman.
[17:47.750] So she' s a woman, so what?
[17:52.180] I live across the street, and I know about your telescope.
[17:56.650] And I don' t appreciate it.
[17:58.660] Yeah, I can see you right now. Hello?
[18:01.830] If I wanna walk around in my underwear, I shouldn' t have to feel
[18:06.930] Thank you.
[18:10.600] That' s not really the point. The point is, that
[18:14.470] Mostly freeweights, but occasionally
[18:19.510] Yeah, my neighbor. Yeah, the brunette.
[18:23.620] She said you looked pretty that day in the green dress.
[18:27.550] The green dress? Really?
[18:30.260] She said you looked like lngrid Bergman.
[18:38.700] Did she mention me?
[18:42.700] She wants to know why you tie the towel around your head.
[18:51.140] It' s a leavein conditioner.
[18:58.320] You got a second? Sure, sure.
[19:00.390] Come on...
[19:02.100] ... in. Hello, sweetheart. hello,
[19:05.620] What you guys doing here?
[19:07.630] We are here to break up with you.
[19:11.630] Both of you?
[19:13.230] We think you' re a horrible person, and bad things should happen to you.
[19:19.940] I' m sorry. God, I am so sorry.
[19:22.310] I was weak. I couldn' t help myself.
[19:24.940] Whatever I did, I only did because I love you so much.
[19:30.450] Which one of us are you talking to there?
[19:35.790] Mindy.
[19:37.190] Of course, Mindy. It was always Mindy.
[19:42.860] I swear, whatever I was doing, I was thinking of you.
[19:46.460] Please. That second time, you couldn' t have picked her out of a lineup.
[19:52.140] You did it twice?
[19:59.040] Honey, sweetheart, look. Just give me another chance.
[20:02.980] We' ll start over. We' ll go back to Aruba.
[20:06.020] What is it with you and Aruba? Do you have a deal with the airlines?
[20:11.820] What do you say?
[20:13.390] Dr. Farber, we' ve got an emergency here.
[20:16.330] Jason Castalano ' s choking on his retainer.
[20:19.230] Oh, God. I' ll be right there, Bernice.
[20:22.230] Look, please don' t go anywhere.
[20:24.570] I' ll be right back.
[20:31.880] See how he was sweating when he walked out?
[20:35.180] If I' m hogging the ball, you jump right in there...
[20:38.720] ... and take some punches. This feels great.
[20:42.750] I' m pretty sure I' m still gonna marry him.
[20:46.520] What are you talking about?
[20:48.930] Mindy, the guy is the devil.
[20:51.930] He is Satan in a smock.
[20:54.770] I know he' s not perfect.
[21:00.340] But the truth is at the end of the day, I still really wanna be...
[21:05.610] ... Mrs. Dr. Barry Farber...
[21:09.580] ... D. D. S.
[21:12.250] Oh, God.
[21:14.250] I hope you can find a way to be happy for me.
[21:17.790] And I hope you' ll still be my maid of honor.
[21:21.490] And I hope Barry doesn' t kill you and eat you in Aruba.
[21:31.870] You okay?
[21:35.970] Really?
[21:39.810] Since I ran out on Barry at the wedding...
[21:42.650] ... I' ve wondered whether I made the right choice.
[21:46.280] And now I know.
[21:48.920] I' m so glad.
[21:54.760] Big day.
[22:04.700] I' ll give you this: Mr. Peanut is a better dresser.
[22:08.270] He' s got the monocle, he' s got the top hat....
[22:11.440] Did you know he' s gay?
[22:16.480] I just wanna clarify this. Are you outing Mr. Peanut?
[22:23.120] Danielle, hi.
[22:24.790] Everybody, this is Danielle. Danielle, everybody.
[22:28.730] Why are you here?
[22:30.130] I' ve been calling, but I had your number wrong.
[22:33.500] When I got the right one, there was no answer.
[22:37.000] So I thought I' d come down here and make sure you were okay.
[22:41.640] I' m okay.
[22:42.940] Maybe we could get together later?
[22:50.620] You got it.
[22:56.620] There you go. Second date.
[22:59.720] I don' t know.
[23:01.690] You don' t know?
[23:03.030] She seems nice, but her coming all the way here...
[23:06.860] ... just to see if I was okay? I mean, how needy is that?


[00:01.480] wǒ zhēn bù gǎn xiāng xìn nǐ huì zhè me shuō
[00:04.550] wǒ shì yán xiān shēng ér fēi huā shēng xiān shēng?
[00:08.190] cái guài, yán xiān shēng shì gè shuǐ shǒu
[00:11.020] tā yīng gāi shì zuì wán qiáng de diǎn xīn
[00:15.360] wǒ bù zhī dào, nǐ bú huì xiǎng hé yù mǐ zuò duì de
[00:19.330] tā men jiǎn zhí shì fēng le
[00:23.100] shàng dì ya. nǐ yīng gāi kàn kàn zhè gè
[00:25.740] yǒu gè biàn tài ná zhe wàng yuǎn jìng
[00:30.610] wǒ zhēn bù gǎn xiāng xìn tā zài kàn wǒ men
[00:33.510] zhēn ǒu xīn
[00:35.610] wǒ gǎn jué bèi mào fàn le
[00:37.520] ér qiě hěn bù shuǎng
[00:39.450] zěn huì yǒu rén zhè yàng?
[00:43.790] nǐ men kàn, chǒu lòu luǒ nán yǒu shuāng chóng lì xié
[00:49.130] liù rén xíng dì 1 jì dì 20 jí fēng liú yá yī
[01:38.210] jǐ nián hòu xué tóng jiāng huì bǎ tā fèng wèi
[01:41.410] dì yī cì yuē huì de jīng diǎn jiā yǐ yán dú
[01:45.120] shì de yào wǒ shuō, dāng rán
[01:47.750] tā tài lìng rén wú fǎ zhì xìn
[01:49.120] wǒ men kě yǐ wán quán zuò zì jǐ, wú xū zài wán rèn hé yóu xì
[01:52.420] nǐ dǎ guò diàn huà gěi tā méi? ràng tā zhī dào wǒ xǐ huān tā? nǐ fēng liǎo bù chéng
[01:56.630] huǒ jì. nǐ kě zhēn máo cāo a
[02:05.870] wǒ wú fǎ xiāng xìn wǒ bà mā, qiǎng pò wǒ zhǎo nǐ men zhè zhǒng nán rén
[02:10.840] kuài, zhǐ guǎn qù zuò
[02:13.410] ná qǐ diàn huà dǎ gěi tā bié bǎi chū yī fù chòu nán rén de yàng zi yì tóng sù
[02:18.420] duì le, jiù jīn shān zhēn yǒu zhè dào cài
[02:26.630] shì jī qì tā de dá lù jī?
[02:28.890] bù, zhēn yǒu yì sī, shì luò yè qīng sǎo jī
[02:34.730] nǐ wèi hé bù shuō huà?
[02:37.240] bù xíng, shàng cì wǒ liú huà shí
[02:40.470] jié guǒ shuō le" duì, dí què"
[02:45.310] kàn, shì ruì qiū hé bā ruì, bù, bié yì qǐ kàn
[02:50.820] tā men zhǐ shì zài jiǎng huà tā shì fǒu shén qíng luò mò?
[02:54.120] tā shì fǒu xiàng bèi gào zhī qù sǐ de yàng zi?
[02:59.290] méi yǒu, ér qiě tā zhèng zài wēi xiào
[03:01.430] wǒ de lǎo tiān, bú yào nà yàng gàn?
[03:03.800] zěn me la? zěn me la? zěn me la?
[03:04.930] duì jiē de nán rén tī le yì zhī gē zi
[03:10.800] zhè jiù shì fǎ àn chéng wéi fǎ lǜ de yuán yīn
[03:17.580] kàn? hāi, ruì qiū
[03:21.180] qíng kuàng rú hé?
[03:22.920] nǐ men zhī dào ma, zhēn de, zhēn de hǎo jí le
[03:26.890] tā dài wǒ dào é guó chá shì chī fàn
[03:28.750] wǒ diǎn le nà zhǒng jī ròu yī cì jiù yǒu nǎi yóu zé chū lái de nà zhǒng
[03:32.890] jīn tiān zhēn bú shì niǎo ér de hǎo rì zi
[03:34.860] rán hòu wǒ men qù jīng pǐn diàn
[03:36.860] wǒ gào sù tā bú yào, tā hái shì mǎi le xiāng nài ér gěi wǒ
[03:41.370] zhēn tǐ tiē. shì zài nǐ gēn tā shuō zhī qián hái shì zhī hòu sòng de
[03:45.340] jiào tā bié zài dǎ diàn huà lái, bié zài sòng nǐ huā, bié zài lái fán nǐ?
[03:50.210] lǎo shí shuō wǒ méi jī huì kāi kǒu
[03:54.350] néng zài jiàn dào tā de gǎn jué zhēn hǎo
[03:57.480] gǎn jué shì nà me zì zài ér shú xī
[04:01.490] gǎn jué zhēn hǎo
[04:03.160] nǐ yǐ jiǎng le liǎng biàn
[04:06.330] tā bú shì zài shèng tán qián bèi nǐ shuǎi diào de bā ruì ma?
[04:10.800] nǐ shàng nǎ ér qù le?
[04:14.200] jīn tiān hé tā zài yì qǐ gǎn jué bù tóng
[04:16.370] tā jīn tiān bù xiàng shì yá yī
[04:19.370] wǒ men wán de hěn kāi xīn, zhè yàng yǒu shén me bú duì ma?
[04:26.310] wèi shí me? wǒ yǒu wǒ de lǐ yóu
[04:31.650] tā dìng hūn de duì xiàng
[04:34.350] shì nǐ qián rèn de zhī jǐ ne?
[04:37.720] hǎo ba! wǒ zhī dào zhè yàng zuò hěn shǎ
[04:40.230] wǒ xià wǔ qù zhǎo tā tán fēn shǒu
[04:50.700] wǒ bù fēng kuáng ba? wǒ cóng wèi xiàng zhè yàng
[04:54.670] cóng wèi
[05:00.250] zhè ér yǒu gè xiǎo shuǐ cáo zhēn hǎo
[05:07.890] hái guà zhe zhèng shū
[05:14.330] nǐ dào dǐ liú yán bù?
[05:22.200] dān nī ěr, méi xiǎng dào shì dá lù jī jiē de
[05:27.340] yǒu kòng qǐng huí diàn
[05:32.680] zài jiàn
[05:34.750] ó, tiān na
[05:42.020] wǒ zài yǎn liàn
[05:44.720] hé pán zi yǒu hé guān xì? wǒ yào tā yǐ wéi wǒ zài cān tīng
[05:49.330] wǒ guò zhe bù cuò de shēng huó
[05:53.670] bú shì zhī zài zhè ér yǎn liàn shù xiǎo shí de yàng zi
[05:56.170] kàn, yòu shì nà gè ná wàng yuǎn jìng de rén. ó, wǒ de shàng dì
[06:02.140] bài tuō, zǒu kāi, bié zài wǎng zhè ér kàn
[06:06.180] zhè xià kě hǎo, tā yě huī shǒu le
[06:11.950] zǎo shàng wǒ dǎi dào tā wǎng zhè ér kàn zhēn shì lìng wǒ máo gǔ jīng rán, wǒ gǎn jué zì jǐ wú fǎ bàn shì
[06:17.920] shén me yàng de shì qíng ya?
[06:21.890] chéng shú diǎn xíng ma, wǒ bú shì zhǐ xìng
[06:25.400] wǒ zhǐ shì guāng zhe zuò fàn
[06:29.900] nǐ guāng zhe zuò fàn?
[06:31.370] duì, tǔ sī, yān mài, bú huì jiàn chū lái de dōng xī
[06:38.040] kàn wǒ gàn ma? wǒ háo bù zhī qíng
[06:43.120] zěn me le?
[06:45.250] bā ruì, zhè yàng bù hǎo
[06:48.100] bù, bù hǎo. shì fēi cháng fēi cháng bù hǎo
[06:51.720] míng dì ne? wǒ men gàn dé bǐ míng dì hǎo duō le
[07:00.530] rú guǒ nǐ yuàn yì wǒ jiù hé tā fēn shǒu
[07:07.810] fǎ dài fū, bā bǐ lái zuò tiáo zhěng
[07:11.540] xiè xiè
[07:13.850] wǒ men zhōu mò qù dù jià
[07:16.650] bā ruì, zhè yàng tài bù, huò xǔ wǒ men kě yǐ qù a lǔ bā
[07:20.750] wǒ zài" mì yuè" shí qù guò le
[07:24.390] gǎn jué hěn bàng, nǐ yí dìng huì xǐ huān de
[07:29.460] wǒ běn lái yǒu chuān
[07:42.880] fǎ dài fū
[07:44.040] gé lín xiǎo jiě, kàn lái yī qiè zhèng cháng
[07:48.150] jìn bù xǔ duō
[07:54.720] gàn ma? wǒ shí èr suì le, wǒ bù bèn
[08:08.100] néng jiè yòng nǐ de diàn huà ma?
[08:10.400] wǒ zhǐ diǎn nǐ yī xià, nǐ ná de nà zhī
[08:13.240] yě kě yǐ dāng diàn huà shǐ
[08:22.680] tā wèi hé bù huí diàn? huò xǔ tā méi tīng dào nǐ de liú yán
[08:26.650] rú guǒ yuàn yì nǐ kě yǐ dǎ gěi tā de liú yán jī rú guǒ tā tīng jiàn xǔ duō bì shēng
[08:30.290] nà dài biǎo tā huò xǔ méi tīng jiàn liú yán
[08:33.290] nán dào nǐ bù rèn wéi zhè yàng huì shǐ wǒ gǎn jué yǒu diǎn jué wàng, kě wàng, kě bēi?
[08:38.000] nǐ xiǎn rán kàn guò wǒ de méi yǒu qǐ shì
[08:43.600] bì jǐ shēng?
[08:44.640] tā jiē de
[08:47.970] cǐ shí nǐ gāi xiàng tā dǎ zhāo hū cái duì
[08:52.180] wǒ bù néng gēn tā jiǎng huà, tā xiǎn rán tīng dào wǒ de liú yán
[08:54.950] ér qiě xuǎn zé bù huí diàn, wǒ jì kě wàng yòu bèi rén lěng luò
[08:59.820] wǒ zhēn xiǎng niàn chún kě wàng de zī wèi
[09:04.760] hēi, tā biǎo xiàn rú hé?
[09:06.590] shì shí shàng, hái bù cuò
[09:11.900] nǐ tóu fà shàng wèi hé yǒu yá xiàn?
[09:16.300] yǒu ma?
[09:20.470] wǒ men zài tā yǐ shàng nǐ men zài tā yǐ shàng?
[09:29.980] wǒ shì fǒu shuō de tài dà shēng?
[09:33.990] nǐ men shén me?
[09:36.890] zài tā yǐ shàng
[09:41.360] nǐ dào dǐ zài xiǎng shén me?
[09:44.530] wǒ yě bù zhī dào, wǒ men réng zài hu duì fāng
[09:47.870] wǒ men céng xiāng ài guò, jiù xiàng nǐ hé kǎ luó yí yàng
[09:53.710] bù, bù xiàng wǒ hé kǎ luó
[09:56.010] rú guǒ tā shuō: luó sī wǒ yào nǐ tǎng zài zhè shā fā shàng
[10:00.310] cǐ shí cǐ dì, nǐ huì zěn me huí dá?
[10:04.850] rú guǒ xū yào wǒ kě yǐ guò qù diǎn
[10:09.390] zhè wán quán shì liǎng huí shì, zhè shì píng guǒ hé jú zi
[10:14.360] yá yī hé nǚ tóng zhì, wǒ zǒu le
[10:18.500] nǐ yào shàng nǎ ér qù? wǒ jiù shì yào zǒu, xíng ma?
[10:21.170] wǒ yǒu zì jǐ de rén shēng yào guò
[10:24.570] wǒ yǒu xǔ duō shì yào zuò
[10:44.620] míng dì
[10:47.530] nǐ hǎo
[10:49.630] duì, wǒ tīng shuō le, gōng xǐ. zhè zhēn shì tài hǎo le
[10:53.870] zhēn de, ó, shàng dì a
[10:58.370] wǒ míng tiān yào shàng bān, rú guǒ yuàn yì kě yǐ dào diàn lǐ
[11:05.180] tài hǎo le
[11:06.880] tài hǎo le
[11:10.180] míng tiān jiàn le
[11:12.850] zài jiàn
[11:16.490] tiān yā tiān yā tiān yā
[11:20.760] míng dì hǎo ma?
[11:24.000] tā míng tiān xiǎng jiàn wǒ, tā de yǔ diào hǎo guǐ yì, wǒ dé dǎ diàn huà gěi bā ruì
[11:32.840] shì wǒ, wǒ zhǐ shì, míng dì
[11:37.010] míng dì. wǒ xiǎng nǐ kě néng huì zài na r
[11:57.630] nǐ zhè zhǒng rén dōu gāi xià dì yù
[12:03.500] tōu kuī kuáng yòu chū xiàn le, dūn xià
[12:06.440] dūn xià? dūn xià?
[12:08.670] jiē zhe tiào wǔ
[12:11.840] wǒ dé qù shàng bān, jiē shòu míng dì de shěn pàn
[12:15.650] fàng qīng sōng, huò xǔ tā hái bù zhī dào
[12:17.520] bài tuō, wǒ men qī ge yuè lái méi lián luò guò tā tū rán dǎ diàn huà lái huán huì yǒu shén me shì ne?
[12:23.260] tā céng shì wǒ zuì yāo hǎo de péng yǒu
[12:25.560] wǒ men yì qǐ qù xià lìng yíng, tā jiào wǒ rú hé qīn wěn
[12:32.260] shì ma? rú jīn wǒ xiàng shì chéng le dì sān zhě
[12:35.400] wǒ gǎn jué zì jǐ hěn wán pí
[12:40.340] huí tóu jiàn le. wǒ hé nǐ yì qǐ chū qù
[12:43.140] tā zài xià lìng yíng shí jiào nǐ qīn wěn, nǐ chuān zhe zhì fú, huò zhe
[12:50.620] méi shì le
[12:53.550] wǒ yào shàng xǐ shǒu jiān, bāng wǒ shǒu zhe diàn huà hǎo ma?
[12:57.020] nǐ hé bù dài jìn qù? wǒ men hái méi dì èr cì yuē huì
[13:00.160] tā xū yào tīng dào wǒ niào niào de shēng yīn ma? hé bù gān cuì dǎ gěi tā?
[13:03.860] wǒ yǐ liú yán, bù néng dǎ gěi tā. wǒ yǒu nán xìng de zūn yán
[13:07.300] yǒu ma? méi yǒu
[13:15.640] dān nī ěr
[13:17.340] shì wǒ, qián dé
[13:19.580] wǒ hěn hǎo
[13:22.650] tīng zhe
[13:23.680] wǒ bù zhī dào nǐ shì fǒu dǎ guò diàn huà gěi wǒ
[13:27.620] yīn wèi wǒ shì gè bái chī bù xiǎo xīn bǎ diàn huà guān le
[13:33.330] hǎo, tài hǎo le
[13:37.200] tā zhèng zài jiǎng diàn huà, děng yī xià huì huí wǒ diàn huà
[13:41.000] tā zhèng zài jiǎng diàn huà, děng yī xià huì huí wǒ diàn huà
[13:45.170] nǐ bù xiǎng niào le? zhè jiù shì wǒ tiào wǔ de yuán yīn
[13:52.780] míng dì. hāi, nǐ hǎo
[13:55.610] hāi, nǐ hǎo
[14:01.120] shén me shì?
[14:03.890] wǒ men gāi zuò xià lái tán
[14:07.560] dāng rán la
[14:19.140] wǒ zhǐ wèn yī cì, wǒ xī wàng nǐ zhí jiē huí dá
[14:22.610] zhè hǎo xiàng zài wèn, hóng sè duǎn kù shì bú shì ràng wǒ de xiǎn de dà yī xiē yí yàng
[14:28.010] wǒ gǎn jué zuì jìn yǒu diǎn qí guài
[14:30.150] nǐ shì wǒ rèn shi zuì jiǔ de péng yǒu, chú le luó ruì zhī wài
[14:33.350] tā suī yǐ jiǎn féi chéng gōng
[14:36.190] dàn shì, liǎn dàn yī rán chǒu lòu
[14:39.290] wǒ yào shuō le a. hǎo de
[14:44.330] yuàn yì dāng wǒ de bàn niáng ma?
[14:50.200] dāng rán! tài hǎo le
[14:53.040] zhè shì, zhè shì, zhè shì
[14:55.540] zhè jiù shì nǐ xiǎng wèn wǒ de shì? duì, jiù zhè yàng
[15:01.980] zěn me le? bù, bù zhǐ zhè yàng
[15:06.480] dāng rán shì de yě bù quán shì
[15:11.190] wǒ rèn wéi bā ruì yǒu qí tā de nǚ rén
[15:15.130] nǐ zěn huì zhè yàng xiǎng?
[15:17.460] xuān bù dìng hūn hòu tā jiù biàn le yàng
[15:20.630] zuó wǎn tā huí jiā shí yǒu xiāng nài ér de wèi
[15:26.540] zhēn de?
[15:29.470] rú guǒ zhè yàng néng ràng nǐ hǎo guò diǎn
[15:32.210] wǒ hé bā ruì dìng hūn shí tā yě biàn le yàng
[15:35.810] qiáo, zhè jiù shì wǒ zuì dān xīn de
[15:38.320] shén me? nǐ dān xīn shén me?
[15:42.450] bā ruì hé nǐ dìng hūn shí, wǒ gēn tā
[15:47.390] zhèng zài tōu tōu liàn ài
[15:52.100] shén me? wǒ zhī dào
[15:54.500] tā xiàng wǒ qiú hūn shí, měi ge rén dōu quàn wǒ bié jiē shòu tā huì dài nǐ xiàng ruì qiū yí yàng
[15:59.770] rú jīn wǒ zhǐ jué de zì jǐ hǎo bèn
[16:06.480] míng dì, nǐ zhēn bèn
[16:10.480] wǒ men liǎng rén dōu bèn
[16:12.720] shén me yì sī?
[16:16.550] shì bú shì shú xī de wèi?
[16:21.260] bào qiàn
[16:23.260] bù, shì wǒ bào qiàn
[16:25.830] bù, wǒ duì bù qǐ, wǒ bào qiàn
[16:42.010] ó, wǒ de shàng dì
[16:45.820] sì gè zì mǔ, quān quān huò yuán quān
[16:48.550] kuài xiǎng ya, gāi sǐ de, kuài xiǎng ya. xiè la
[16:54.530] wǒ men de diàn huà huài le. shén me?
[16:58.800] wǒ cóng kā fēi diàn dǎ gěi nǐ méi yǒu huí diàn
[17:02.100] wǒ guān jī le
[17:03.900] tiān a, wǒ guān jī le
[17:06.740] hé nǐ gào sù tā de yí yàng
[17:10.180] zhēn shì fěng cì
[17:12.840] wǒ hé duì jiē mén fáng tán guò le
[17:16.280] tā gào sù wǒ nà tōu kuī kuáng de míng zì, diàn huà néng jiè yòng ma?
[17:21.290] diàn huà néng jiè yòng ma?
[17:26.660] qǐng bāng wǒ chá xīn ní mǎ kè sī de diàn huà
[17:29.690] rè zhuāng zhì?
[17:32.400] sàn rè qì
[17:33.930] wǔ gè zì mǔ
[17:35.530] " Rdtor."
[17:41.810] shì xīn ní ma?
[17:44.740] xīn ní shì gè nǚ de
[17:47.750] shì nǚ de yòu zěn yàng? duì, nà yòu zěn yàng?
[17:52.180] wǒ zhù zài duì jiē. wǒ zhù yì dào nǐ ná zhe wàng yuǎn jìng
[17:56.650] ér qiě wǒ hěn bù xǐ huān nǐ zhè yàng
[17:58.660] wǒ xiàn zài jiù kàn de jiàn nǐ, hello
[18:01.830] rú guǒ wǒ yào chuān zhe zài shì nèi zǒu, wǒ wú xū gǎn jué
[18:06.930] xiè xiè
[18:10.600] nà bú shì zhòng diǎn, zhòng diǎn shì
[18:14.470] dà bù fèn shì gāo sù gōng lù, ǒu ěr
[18:19.510] duì, wǒ lín jū, duì, hēi hè sè tóu fà
[18:23.620] tā shuō nǐ chuān lǜ sè tào zhuāng hěn hǎo kàn
[18:27.550] lǜ sè tào zhuāng? zhēn de?
[18:30.260] duì, tā shuō nǐ xiàng yīng gé lì bāo màn
[18:38.700] tā tí dào wǒ le ma?
[18:42.700] tā xiǎng zhī dào wèi shí me nǐ tóu shàng dǐng kuài máo jīn
[18:51.140] nà shi tiáo jié qì, xíng bù xíng?
[18:58.320] nǐ yǒu shí jiān ma? dāng rán, dāng rán
[19:00.390] jìn lái a
[19:02.100] qīn ài de
[19:05.620] nǐ men lái gàn shén me?
[19:07.630] wǒ men shì lái hé nǐ fēn shǒu de
[19:11.630] nǐ men liǎng gè?
[19:13.230] jī běn shàng wǒ men rèn wéi nǐ shì gè dà làn rén nǐ gāi zāo dào tiān dǎ léi pī
[19:19.940] duì bù qǐ wǒ shì gè bái chī
[19:22.310] wǒ shì gè nuò fū, wǒ wú fǎ zì bá
[19:24.940] bù guǎn wǒ zuò shí mǒ dōu shì yīn wèi tài ài nǐ le
[19:30.450] bā ruì, nǐ shì zhǐ nǎ yī ge?
[19:35.790] míng dì
[19:37.190] dāng rán shì zhǐ míng dì. wǒ yī zhí shēn ài zhe míng dì
[19:42.860] wǒ fā shì, bù lùn wǒ zuò shí mǒ wǒ dōu xiǎng zhe nǐ
[19:46.460] bài tuō, dì èr huí hé shí nǐ lián tā xìng shà dōu wàng le
[19:52.140] nǐ men zuò le liǎng cì?
[19:59.040] míng dì, wǒ qīn ài de, zài gěi wǒ yī cì jī huì
[20:02.980] wǒ men zài chóng xīn lái guò, wǒ men zài dào a lǔ bā qù
[20:06.020] nǐ hé a lǔ bā yǒu shén me guān xì? nǐ hé háng kōng gōng sī yǒu xié yì ma?
[20:11.820] nǐ zěn me shuō?
[20:13.390] fǎ dài fū, jǐn jí zhuàng kuàng
[20:16.330] qiáng sēn bèi zì jǐ de yá tào yē dào le
[20:19.230] bài tuō, wǒ mǎ shǎng qù
[20:22.230] qǐng bié lí kāi
[20:24.570] wǒ mǎ shàng huí lái
[20:31.880] kàn jiàn tā zǒu chū qù shí mǎn shēn dà hàn méi?
[20:35.180] zhè yàng ba, wǒ qù zhuā zhù tā nà lǐ, rán hòu nǐ tiào guò qù
[20:38.720] hěn hěn dǎ tā jǐ quán. nà gǎn jué yí dìng hěn shuǎng
[20:42.750] shì ma? wǒ hái shì xiǎng jià gěi tā
[20:46.520] nǐ zài shuō shí mǒ?
[20:48.930] míng dì, nà jiā huo shì gè è mó
[20:51.930] shì gè yì guān qín shòu
[20:54.770] wǒ zhī dào tā bìng bù wán měi
[21:00.340] lǎo shí shuō wǒ hái shì xiǎng dāng
[21:05.610] bā ruì yá yī de
[21:09.580] tài tài
[21:12.250] wǒ de tiān
[21:14.250] xī wàng nǐ néng wéi wǒ gāo xìng
[21:17.790] wǒ xī wàng nǐ huán yuàn yì dāng wǒ de bàn niáng
[21:21.490] wǒ xī wàng bā ruì zài a lǔ bā bú huì jiāng nǐ zǎi liǎo rán hòu chī diào
[21:31.870] nǐ hái hǎo ma?
[21:35.970] zhēn de ma?
[21:39.810] zì cóng wǒ zài hūn lǐ shàng pāo xià bā ruì
[21:42.650] wǒ yī zhí zài xiǎng zhè jué dìng shì fǒu zhèng què
[21:46.280] rú jīn wǒ yǐ dé dào dá àn
[21:48.920] wǒ zhēn wèi nǐ gāo xìng
[21:54.760] dà rì zi
[22:04.700] gào sù nǐ huā shēng xiān shēng de chuān zhe bǐ jiào jiǎng jiū
[22:08.270] tā yǒu dān piàn yǎn jìng, gāo mào
[22:11.440] nǐ zhī dào tā shì gè nán tóng zhì ma?
[22:16.480] wǒ zhǐ xiǎng zhī dào nǐ pàn huā shēng xiān shēng chū jú?
[22:23.120] dān nī ěr
[22:24.790] gè wèi, tā jiào dān nī ěr, dān nī ěr, zhè shì dà jiā
[22:28.730] nǐ wèi hé huì chū xiàn zài zhè ér?
[22:30.130] wǒ yī zhí dǎ diàn huà gěi nǐ dōu yī zhí dǎ cuò hào mǎ
[22:33.500] zuì hòu wèn chá hào tái zhī dào nǐ de hào mǎ què méi rén jiē diàn huà
[22:37.000] wǒ xiǎng lái kàn kàn nǐ shì fǒu wú yàng
[22:41.640] wǒ méi shì
[22:42.940] huò xǔ wǒ men gǎi tiān kě yǐ jiàn gè miàn
[22:50.620] yī yán wéi dìng
[22:56.620] nǐ huì hé tā. èr cì yuē huì
[22:59.720] wǒ bù zhī dào
[23:01.690] nǐ bù zhī dào?
[23:03.030] tā hǎo xiàng hěn bù cuò, tā dà lǎo yuǎn lái zhè ér
[23:06.860] zhǐ xiǎng què dìng wǒ méi shì, yǒu zhè bì yào ma?