Friends S01E21

歌曲 Friends S01E21
歌手 英语听力
专辑 老友记(第一季)


[00:01.-1] Mother,just once, can we go to lunch...
[00:09.-4] Or who I'm dating.
[01:39.-1] Still,it's just such reckless spending.
[05:05.-1] Joseph Stalin is the Fiddler on the Roof. “
[15:02.-4] Hey,how about Joey Heatherton?
[18:10.-2] I'm not just the person who fluffs the pillows...
[18:16.-2] You know,when I'm with her, I'm so much more than that.
[00:03.88] ...and not talk about what I'm wearing or where my career is going?
[00:11.89] -Ready for the check? -God,yes. -
[00:14.09] -I'll take it. -No,darling.
[00:16.13] I said I'll take it. Here,take it. Go. Run.
[00:22.43] Very sweet.
[00:23.90] -And on what they pay you -Career. -
[00:27.67] You don't have to worry about me. I'm doing fine.
[00:31.44] I'm afraid this has been denied.
[00:34.25] That's impossible.
[00:36.01] That's all right,dear. Here you go.
[00:41.65] The One With The Fake Monica
[01:29.93] How'd someone get your card number?
[01:32.44] No idea. Look how much they spent.
[01:35.01] You only have to pay for the stuff you bought.
[01:41.91] When somebody steals...
[01:44.08] ...they've already thrown caution to the wind.
[01:49.02] Wow,what a geek. They spent $69. 95 on a Wonder Mop.
[01:55.49] That's me.
[01:59.83] You see,when I say geek,I mean
[02:03.07] The hell with it,you bought a $70 mop,you're a geek.
[02:08.04] Oh,yuck. Ross,he's doing it again.
[02:12.31] Marcel,stop humping the lamp.
[02:14.61] Stop humping. Now,Marcel,come Come here,Marcel.
[02:18.48] Oh,no. Not in my room. I'll get him.
[02:21.49] You've got to do something about that.
[02:24.19] What? It's just a phase.
[02:26.69] Well,that's what we said about Joey.
[02:31.10] You'd think you would be more understanding.
[02:34.33] I know. But we're not.
[02:36.73] Would you all relax? It's not that big a deal.
[02:40.04] -Marcel,stop it. Marcel. Bad monkey. -What?
[02:44.31] Let's say my Curious George is no longer curious.
[02:56.19] You are not still going over that thing.
[02:59.26] -This woman's living my life. -What? -
[03:02.66] She's living my life, and she's doing it better than me.
[03:06.76] Look at this. Look. She buys tickets to plays I wanna see.
[03:11.70] She shops where I'm afraid of the salespeople.
[03:15.47] -She spent $300 on art supplies. -You're not an artist. -
[03:19.48] I might be if I had the supplies.
[03:23.45] I mean,I could do all this stuff. Only I don't.
[03:28.05] Oh,Monica,come on. You do cool things.
[03:30.72] Really? Let's compare,shall we?
[03:33.22] Oh,it's so late for "shall we."
[03:37.23] Do I horseback ride in the park?
[03:39.63] -Do I take classes at the New School? -No. -
[03:44.44] She's got everything I want, and she doesn't have my mother.
[03:57.65] -How about Joey Paponi? -No,still too ethnic. -
[04:02.00] -My agent wants a more neutral name. -Joey Switzerland? -
[04:11.33] Plus,I think it should be Joe. Joey makes me sound like I'm this big:
[04:17.24] Which I'm not.
[04:20.94] Joe,Joe,Joe Stalin?
[04:26.08] Stalin.
[04:28.51] Do I know that name? It sounds familiar.
[04:31.28] Well,it does not ring a bell with me.
[04:34.92] But you're more plugged into that show business thing.
[04:38.72] Joe Stalin.
[04:44.06] You know,that's pretty good.
[04:46.56] You might wanna try Joseph.
[04:55.04] Joseph Stalin.
[04:58.08] -I think you'd remember that. -Yes. -
[05:02.11] Bye Bye Birdie, starring Joseph Stalin. “
[05:21.67] Hi. Yes,this is Monica Geller.
[05:24.47] I'm taking some classes with you, and I was wondering what they were.
[05:30.11] I've had a recent head injury and certain numbers
[05:34.35] Barbecue. Oh,did l? See,there you go.
[05:41.19] -What are you doing? -All right,great. -
[05:44.46] Great. Thanks a lot. I'm going to tap class.
[05:48.59] To dance with the woman that stole your card?
[05:51.93] To see what she looks like.
[05:53.90] I'm sure her picture's up at the post office.
[05:56.77] I should get to see who she is.
[05:59.50] You're kind of losing it here. This is becoming a weird obsession.
[06:04.68] This is madness,I tell you.
[06:07.08] For the love of God,Monica, don't do it.
[06:12.82] Thank you.
[06:22.00] -What do you think? -Lots of things. -
[06:26.76] -Which one is she? -May I help you? -
[06:29.30] No,thanks. We're just here to observe.
[06:32.34] You don't observe a dance class. You dance a dance class.
[06:36.44] Spare shoes are over there.
[06:41.05] What does she mean?
[06:42.48] I think she means "You dance a dance class."
[06:46.42] -Come on,come on,come on. -Really?
[06:50.42] Do you see anybody you think could be me?
[06:53.26] Last time there were yogurt containers lying around after class.
[06:58.16] -Let's not have that happen again. -She could be you. -
[07:07.21] Let's get started.
[07:09.17] Five,six. Five,six,seven,eight.
[07:17.68] -Okay,I'm not getting this. -I'm totally getting it. -
[07:27.00] Do you ever feel like you're so uncoordinated?
[07:38.64] What? You click when they click.
[07:42.61] All right,everyone grab a partner.
[07:46.94] All right. And my dead mother said you are it. I'm with Rachel.
[07:52.45] Great,it's gym class all over again.
[07:57.29] You can come up to the front and dance with me.
[08:01.93] Why don't I just take off my clothes and have a nightmare?
[08:10.67] It's okay,it's okay. I'm here, I'm here. I'm so sorry I'm late.
[08:15.47] Okay,here I am. So who's the new tense girl?
[08:19.91] -She's your partner. -Hi,I'm Monica. -
[08:24.88] Oh,Monica.
[08:28.72] Hi,I'm Mon
[08:30.46] -Nana. -Monana. -…
[08:34.79] -It's Dutch. -You're kidding. -
[08:36.93] I spent three years in Amsterdam.
[08:43.10] Pennsylvania Dutch.
[08:46.64] And we're dancing. Five,six,seven,eight.
[08:58.08] Hi.
[09:01.39] -Hey. Where have you been? -I just got back from the vet. -
[09:06.42] She's not gonna make you wear a big plastic cone?
[09:13.10] She says Marcel's humping is not a phase.
[09:16.37] Apparently,he's reached sexual maturity.
[09:20.47] Hey,he beat you.
[09:26.28] She says,as time goes on, he's gonna start getting violent.
[09:31.75] So,what does this mean?
[09:35.35] I have to give him up.
[09:51.50] I can't believe it. This sucks.
[09:54.64] You just got him. How could he be an adult already?
[09:58.34] I know. One day he's this little thing...
[10:01.68] ...and then he's this little thing I can't get off my leg.
[10:08.75] Isn't there any way to keep him?
[10:11.39] No. The vet said unless he's in a place...
[10:14.53] ...where he has regular access... …
[10:17.76] some monkey loving... …
[10:20.93] ... he's just gonna get vicious. …
[10:23.30] I just gotta get him into a zoo.
[10:27.87] -How do you get a monkey into a zoo? -I know. -
[10:35.11] No,that's popes into a Vokswagen.
[10:39.78] We're applying to a lot. Our first choice would be a big state zoo.
[10:44.86] You know,like San Diego. Right?
[10:49.59] But that may just be a pipe dream. He's out-of-state.
[10:55.90] My vet knows someone at Miami, so that's a possibility.
[11:00.47] But that's two blocks from the beach. It's a total party zoo.
[11:10.58] We found the girl.
[11:12.42] -Did you call the cops? -We took her to lunch. -
[11:15.55] Oh,your own brand of vigilante justice.
[11:19.56] Are you insane? This woman stole from you.
[11:22.93] She stole. She's a stealer.
[11:26.33] After you're with this woman for 10 minutes,you forget that.
[11:31.34] I mean,she's this astounding person with this amazing spirit.
[11:36.27] Which she probably stole from some cheerleader.
[11:41.85] -Take off their hats. -Popes in a Vokswagen. -
[11:47.59] I love that joke.
[11:53.06] -No way. No way did you do this. -Monana was very brave. -
[11:58.63] We told them we were the Gundersons in room 61 5...
[12:02.90] ...only to find out the Boston Celtics had the entire floor.
[12:07.24] When they saw that we're short and have breasts....
[12:11.38] They threw us out. I was thrown out of a hotel. Me.
[12:15.78] Go,Monana.
[12:19.22] You ladies are not the only ones living the dream.
[12:23.09] I get to go pour coffee for people I don't know. Don't wait up.
[12:30.06] Oh,by the way...
[12:31.56] ...tomorrow we're auditioning for a Broadway show.
[12:36.27] -Excuse me? -There's an open call for Cats.
[12:39.34] I'm thinking we sing "Memories"...
[12:42.31] ...and make complete fools of ourselves. What do you say?
[12:46.81] No,no,no. Remember who you're dealing with here.
[12:51.32] I can't even stand in front of a tap class.
[12:54.75] That's because of your Amish background.
[12:59.22] -What? -You're Pennsylvania Dutch,right? -
[13:02.16] Right. Till I bought a blow dryer. Then I was shunned.
[13:08.63] I was just like you. And then,one day, I saw a movie that changed my life.
[13:14.77] Did you ever see Dead Poets Society?
[13:17.48] I thought that movie was so incredibly boring.
[13:23.08] That thing at the end where the kid...
[13:25.92] ...kills himself because he can't be in the play? …
[13:30.12] It's like,"Kid,wait a year. Leave home,do some community theater."
[13:37.13] I thought,"That's two hours of my life that I'm never getting back."
[13:43.57] That scared me more than all the other crap I was afraid to do.
[13:48.27] Wow. Then I would definitely not recommend Mrs. Doubtfire.
[13:59.45] Oh,God.
[14:02.59] We didn't get into Scranton.
[14:06.92] That was,like,our safety zoo.
[14:10.66] They take,like,dogs and cows.
[14:16.17] See,I don't know who this is harder on,me or him.
[14:21.64] I'd say that chair's taking the brunt of it.
[14:26.94] Marcel. Marcel. Marcel,no.
[14:31.68] Good boy. See? How can nobody want him?
[14:35.79] Somebody will.
[14:40.62] You know,there already is a Joseph Stalin.
[14:48.53] You're kidding.
[14:51.10] Apparently,he was this Russian dictator who slaughtered people.
[14:57.17] -You'd think you would've known that. -You'd think I would've. -
[15:06.15] Come on,I told you I don't wanna go back to Joey.
[15:13.62] What do you think a good stage name for me would be?
[15:19.53] Flame Boy.
[15:28.51] Where exactly is your zoo?
[15:30.44] Well,it's technically not a zoo,per se.
[15:33.34] It's more of an interactive wildlife experience.
[15:37.65] Let me ask you some questions about Marcel.
[15:41.85] -Does he fight with other animals? -No,no. He's very docile. -
[15:47.59] Even if he were cornered?
[15:53.16] Well,I don't know. Why?
[15:55.77] How is he at handling small objects?
[16:00.04] He can hold a banana, if that's what you mean.
[16:04.07] What about a hammer or a small blade?
[16:10.45] Why would he need a blade?
[16:13.52] If he's up against an animal with horns...
[16:16.59] got to give him something.
[16:19.12] Otherwise,it's just cruel.
[16:24.19] -He got into San Diego. -What? -
[16:27.73] We came back from our walk. The phone was ringing....
[16:31.40] He's in.
[16:32.64] Did you hear that,Marcel? San Diego. San Diego.
[16:38.18] You're making a mistake. San Diego's good...
[16:41.38] ... but I'll start him off against a blind rabbit...
[16:45.08] ...and give you 20% of the gate.
[17:08.31] Where have you been?
[17:09.84] Monica and I just crashed an embassy party.
[17:14.04] I think I kissed an archbishop.
[17:18.38] But,of course, it could've been a chef.
[17:23.05] -Are you drunk? -No. -
[17:31.16] -I'm lying. I am so drunk. -Oh,God. -
[17:36.60] You know what? You could've called.
[17:39.20] I've been worried Monica.
[17:48.05] Water rules.
[17:53.18] Yes. Yes,it does.
[17:55.35] The restaurant called. They wanna know if you're showing up for work.
[17:59.89] Nope. Going to the Big Apple Circus today.
[18:04.09] You're gonna lose your job. This is not you.
[18:08.17] No,it is me.
[18:13.54] ...and pays the bills right away.
[18:23.71] I'm Monana.
[18:31.72] Hello? Yes,she is. Hold on a second please.
[18:36.33] Monana,it's for you. The credit card people.
[18:41.77] Hello.
[18:45.37] Yes?
[18:48.04] Oh,my God.
[18:50.91] -Thanks. -What?
[18:55.21] They've arrested Monica.
[19:08.23] -Hi. -Hi.
[19:10.63] How are you?
[19:12.46] Not too bad. Fortunately,blue's my color.
[19:16.47] How did you know I was here?
[19:19.84] Because I'm Monica Geller.
[19:25.11] It was my credit card you were using.
[19:28.01] That I was not expecting.
[19:30.48] I want you to know, I didn't turn you in.
[19:35.22] -Thanks. -No,thank you. -
[19:38.26] You have given me so much.
[19:40.69] I'd never have gotten to sing...
[19:43.13] ... "Memories" at the Winter Garden Theater. …
[19:46.00] Actually,you only got to sing "Memo"
[19:50.50] I can't believe you're here. What will I do without you?
[19:54.64] Who's gonna crash parties with me?
[19:57.31] Who's gonna take me to the Big Apple Circus?
[20:00.34] I started my day by peeing in front of 25 other women...
[20:04.75] ...and you're worried about who'll take you to the circus?
[20:10.25] Well,not worried, you know,just wondering.
[20:14.12] There's nothing to wonder about.
[20:16.83] You'll go back to being who you were. That's who you are.
[20:21.10] -Not necessarily. -Yes,necessarily. -
[20:23.70] I don't know what it is. Maybe it's the Amish thing.
[20:30.71] -I'm not actually Amish. -Really? Then why are you like that? -
[20:51.70] -You,by the door,in or out? -ln. -
[21:01.81] -You're getting it all wrong. -But at least I'm doing it. -
[21:20.66] This is the final boarding call for Flight 67...
[21:24.73] ... to San Diego at gate 42A.
[21:27.16] Okay,goodbye,little monkey guy. All right,I wrote you this poem.
[21:33.07] Okay,but don't eat it till you get on the plane.
[21:36.41] Thank you,Aunt Phoebe.
[21:42.38] Okay,bye,champ.
[21:44.88] There'll be a lot of babes in San Diego...
[21:48.00] ... but remember, there's also a lot to learn.
[21:57.36] I don't know what to say,Ross. It's a monkey.
[22:01.06] Just say what you feel,Joey.
[22:05.54] -Marcel,I'm hungry. -That was good. -
[22:12.31] Marcel,this is for you.
[22:15.01] It's just,you know,something...
[22:19.68] do on the plane.
[22:24.12] If you don't mind, I'd like a moment alone.
[22:27.59] -Oh,sure. Absolutely. -Go ahead.
[22:35.53] Marcel,come here. Come here. Come here.
[22:40.24] Well,buddy...
[22:43.94] ...this is it.
[22:45.81] Just a couple of things I wanted to say.
[22:50.11] I'm really gonna miss you.
[22:53.05] You know,I'm never gonna forget about you.
[22:56.09] You've been more than just a pet to me.
[23:01.19] You've been more like a Okay. Marcel.
[23:05.50] Would you leave my leg alone?
[23:08.03] Would you stop humping me for two seconds?
[23:11.34] Okay,would you just take him away? Just take him.
[23:37.56] Oh,that I were a glove upon that hand...
[23:41.53] ...that I might touch thy cheek.
[23:45.17] -That's fine. Thank you. -Next.
[23:53.74] I'll be reading for the role of Mercutio.
[23:56.65] -Name? -Holden McGroin. -


[00:01.-1] Mother, just once, can we go to lunch...
[00:09.-4] Or who I' m dating.
[01:39.-1] Still, it' s just such reckless spending.
[05:05.-1] Joseph Stalin is the Fiddler on the Roof. "
[15:02.-4] Hey, how about Joey Heatherton?
[18:10.-2] I' m not just the person who fluffs the pillows...
[18:16.-2] You know, when I' m with her, I' m so much more than that.
[00:03.88] ... and not talk about what I' m wearing or where my career is going?
[00:11.89] Ready for the check? God, yes.
[00:14.09] I' ll take it. No, darling.
[00:16.13] I said I' ll take it. Here, take it. Go. Run.
[00:22.43] Very sweet.
[00:23.90] And on what they pay you Career.
[00:27.67] You don' t have to worry about me. I' m doing fine.
[00:31.44] I' m afraid this has been denied.
[00:34.25] That' s impossible.
[00:36.01] That' s all right, dear. Here you go.
[00:41.65] The One With The Fake Monica
[01:29.93] How' d someone get your card number?
[01:32.44] No idea. Look how much they spent.
[01:35.01] You only have to pay for the stuff you bought.
[01:41.91] When somebody steals...
[01:44.08] ... they' ve already thrown caution to the wind.
[01:49.02] Wow, what a geek. They spent 69. 95 on a Wonder Mop.
[01:55.49] That' s me.
[01:59.83] You see, when I say geek, I mean
[02:03.07] The hell with it, you bought a 70 mop, you' re a geek.
[02:08.04] Oh, yuck. Ross, he' s doing it again.
[02:12.31] Marcel, stop humping the lamp.
[02:14.61] Stop humping. Now, Marcel, come Come here, Marcel.
[02:18.48] Oh, no. Not in my room. I' ll get him.
[02:21.49] You' ve got to do something about that.
[02:24.19] What? It' s just a phase.
[02:26.69] Well, that' s what we said about Joey.
[02:31.10] You' d think you would be more understanding.
[02:34.33] I know. But we' re not.
[02:36.73] Would you all relax? It' s not that big a deal.
[02:40.04] Marcel, stop it. Marcel. Bad monkey. What?
[02:44.31] Let' s say my Curious George is no longer curious.
[02:56.19] You are not still going over that thing.
[02:59.26] This woman' s living my life. What?
[03:02.66] She' s living my life, and she' s doing it better than me.
[03:06.76] Look at this. Look. She buys tickets to plays I wanna see.
[03:11.70] She shops where I' m afraid of the salespeople.
[03:15.47] She spent 300 on art supplies. You' re not an artist.
[03:19.48] I might be if I had the supplies.
[03:23.45] I mean, I could do all this stuff. Only I don' t.
[03:28.05] Oh, Monica, come on. You do cool things.
[03:30.72] Really? Let' s compare, shall we?
[03:33.22] Oh, it' s so late for " shall we."
[03:37.23] Do I horseback ride in the park?
[03:39.63] Do I take classes at the New School? No.
[03:44.44] She' s got everything I want, and she doesn' t have my mother.
[03:57.65] How about Joey Paponi? No, still too ethnic.
[04:02.00] My agent wants a more neutral name. Joey Switzerland?
[04:11.33] Plus, I think it should be Joe. Joey makes me sound like I' m this big:
[04:17.24] Which I' m not.
[04:20.94] Joe, Joe, Joe Stalin?
[04:26.08] Stalin.
[04:28.51] Do I know that name? It sounds familiar.
[04:31.28] Well, it does not ring a bell with me.
[04:34.92] But you' re more plugged into that show business thing.
[04:38.72] Joe Stalin.
[04:44.06] You know, that' s pretty good.
[04:46.56] You might wanna try Joseph.
[04:55.04] Joseph Stalin.
[04:58.08] I think you' d remember that. Yes.
[05:02.11] Bye Bye Birdie, starring Joseph Stalin. "
[05:21.67] Hi. Yes, this is Monica Geller.
[05:24.47] I' m taking some classes with you, and I was wondering what they were.
[05:30.11] I' ve had a recent head injury and certain numbers
[05:34.35] Barbecue. Oh, did l? See, there you go.
[05:41.19] What are you doing? All right, great.
[05:44.46] Great. Thanks a lot. I' m going to tap class.
[05:48.59] To dance with the woman that stole your card?
[05:51.93] To see what she looks like.
[05:53.90] I' m sure her picture' s up at the post office.
[05:56.77] I should get to see who she is.
[05:59.50] You' re kind of losing it here. This is becoming a weird obsession.
[06:04.68] This is madness, I tell you.
[06:07.08] For the love of God, Monica, don' t do it.
[06:12.82] Thank you.
[06:22.00] What do you think? Lots of things.
[06:26.76] Which one is she? May I help you?
[06:29.30] No, thanks. We' re just here to observe.
[06:32.34] You don' t observe a dance class. You dance a dance class.
[06:36.44] Spare shoes are over there.
[06:41.05] What does she mean?
[06:42.48] I think she means " You dance a dance class."
[06:46.42] Come on, come on, come on. Really?
[06:50.42] Do you see anybody you think could be me?
[06:53.26] Last time there were yogurt containers lying around after class.
[06:58.16] Let' s not have that happen again. She could be you.
[07:07.21] Let' s get started.
[07:09.17] Five, six. Five, six, seven, eight.
[07:17.68] Okay, I' m not getting this. I' m totally getting it.
[07:27.00] Do you ever feel like you' re so uncoordinated?
[07:38.64] What? You click when they click.
[07:42.61] All right, everyone grab a partner.
[07:46.94] All right. And my dead mother said you are it. I' m with Rachel.
[07:52.45] Great, it' s gym class all over again.
[07:57.29] You can come up to the front and dance with me.
[08:01.93] Why don' t I just take off my clothes and have a nightmare?
[08:10.67] It' s okay, it' s okay. I' m here, I' m here. I' m so sorry I' m late.
[08:15.47] Okay, here I am. So who' s the new tense girl?
[08:19.91] She' s your partner. Hi, I' m Monica.
[08:24.88] Oh, Monica.
[08:28.72] Hi, I' m Mon
[08:30.46] Nana. Monana.
[08:34.79] It' s Dutch. You' re kidding.
[08:36.93] I spent three years in Amsterdam.
[08:43.10] Pennsylvania Dutch.
[08:46.64] And we' re dancing. Five, six, seven, eight.
[08:58.08] Hi.
[09:01.39] Hey. Where have you been? I just got back from the vet.
[09:06.42] She' s not gonna make you wear a big plastic cone?
[09:13.10] She says Marcel' s humping is not a phase.
[09:16.37] Apparently, he' s reached sexual maturity.
[09:20.47] Hey, he beat you.
[09:26.28] She says, as time goes on, he' s gonna start getting violent.
[09:31.75] So, what does this mean?
[09:35.35] I have to give him up.
[09:51.50] I can' t believe it. This sucks.
[09:54.64] You just got him. How could he be an adult already?
[09:58.34] I know. One day he' s this little thing...
[10:01.68] ... and then he' s this little thing I can' t get off my leg.
[10:08.75] Isn' t there any way to keep him?
[10:11.39] No. The vet said unless he' s in a place...
[10:14.53] ... where he has regular access...
[10:17.76] ... to some monkey loving...
[10:20.93] ... he' s just gonna get vicious.
[10:23.30] I just gotta get him into a zoo.
[10:27.87] How do you get a monkey into a zoo? I know.
[10:35.11] No, that' s popes into a Vokswagen.
[10:39.78] We' re applying to a lot. Our first choice would be a big state zoo.
[10:44.86] You know, like San Diego. Right?
[10:49.59] But that may just be a pipe dream. He' s outofstate.
[10:55.90] My vet knows someone at Miami, so that' s a possibility.
[11:00.47] But that' s two blocks from the beach. It' s a total party zoo.
[11:10.58] We found the girl.
[11:12.42] Did you call the cops? We took her to lunch.
[11:15.55] Oh, your own brand of vigilante justice.
[11:19.56] Are you insane? This woman stole from you.
[11:22.93] She stole. She' s a stealer.
[11:26.33] After you' re with this woman for 10 minutes, you forget that.
[11:31.34] I mean, she' s this astounding person with this amazing spirit.
[11:36.27] Which she probably stole from some cheerleader.
[11:41.85] Take off their hats. Popes in a Vokswagen.
[11:47.59] I love that joke.
[11:53.06] No way. No way did you do this. Monana was very brave.
[11:58.63] We told them we were the Gundersons in room 61 5...
[12:02.90] ... only to find out the Boston Celtics had the entire floor.
[12:07.24] When they saw that we' re short and have breasts....
[12:11.38] They threw us out. I was thrown out of a hotel. Me.
[12:15.78] Go, Monana.
[12:19.22] You ladies are not the only ones living the dream.
[12:23.09] I get to go pour coffee for people I don' t know. Don' t wait up.
[12:30.06] Oh, by the way...
[12:31.56] ... tomorrow we' re auditioning for a Broadway show.
[12:36.27] Excuse me? There' s an open call for Cats.
[12:39.34] I' m thinking we sing " Memories"...
[12:42.31] ... and make complete fools of ourselves. What do you say?
[12:46.81] No, no, no. Remember who you' re dealing with here.
[12:51.32] I can' t even stand in front of a tap class.
[12:54.75] That' s because of your Amish background.
[12:59.22] What? You' re Pennsylvania Dutch, right?
[13:02.16] Right. Till I bought a blow dryer. Then I was shunned.
[13:08.63] I was just like you. And then, one day, I saw a movie that changed my life.
[13:14.77] Did you ever see Dead Poets Society?
[13:17.48] I thought that movie was so incredibly boring.
[13:23.08] That thing at the end where the kid...
[13:25.92] ... kills himself because he can' t be in the play?
[13:30.12] It' s like," Kid, wait a year. Leave home, do some community theater."
[13:37.13] I thought," That' s two hours of my life that I' m never getting back."
[13:43.57] That scared me more than all the other crap I was afraid to do.
[13:48.27] Wow. Then I would definitely not recommend Mrs. Doubtfire.
[13:59.45] Oh, God.
[14:02.59] We didn' t get into Scranton.
[14:06.92] That was, like, our safety zoo.
[14:10.66] They take, like, dogs and cows.
[14:16.17] See, I don' t know who this is harder on, me or him.
[14:21.64] I' d say that chair' s taking the brunt of it.
[14:26.94] Marcel. Marcel. Marcel, no.
[14:31.68] Good boy. See? How can nobody want him?
[14:35.79] Somebody will.
[14:40.62] You know, there already is a Joseph Stalin.
[14:48.53] You' re kidding.
[14:51.10] Apparently, he was this Russian dictator who slaughtered people.
[14:57.17] You' d think you would' ve known that. You' d think I would' ve.
[15:06.15] Come on, I told you I don' t wanna go back to Joey.
[15:13.62] What do you think a good stage name for me would be?
[15:19.53] Flame Boy.
[15:28.51] Where exactly is your zoo?
[15:30.44] Well, it' s technically not a zoo, per se.
[15:33.34] It' s more of an interactive wildlife experience.
[15:37.65] Let me ask you some questions about Marcel.
[15:41.85] Does he fight with other animals? No, no. He' s very docile.
[15:47.59] Even if he were cornered?
[15:53.16] Well, I don' t know. Why?
[15:55.77] How is he at handling small objects?
[16:00.04] He can hold a banana, if that' s what you mean.
[16:04.07] What about a hammer or a small blade?
[16:10.45] Why would he need a blade?
[16:13.52] If he' s up against an animal with horns...
[16:16.59] ... you got to give him something.
[16:19.12] Otherwise, it' s just cruel.
[16:24.19] He got into San Diego. What?
[16:27.73] We came back from our walk. The phone was ringing....
[16:31.40] He' s in.
[16:32.64] Did you hear that, Marcel? San Diego. San Diego.
[16:38.18] You' re making a mistake. San Diego' s good...
[16:41.38] ... but I' ll start him off against a blind rabbit...
[16:45.08] ... and give you 20 of the gate.
[17:08.31] Where have you been?
[17:09.84] Monica and I just crashed an embassy party.
[17:14.04] I think I kissed an archbishop.
[17:18.38] But, of course, it could' ve been a chef.
[17:23.05] Are you drunk? No.
[17:31.16] I' m lying. I am so drunk. Oh, God.
[17:36.60] You know what? You could' ve called.
[17:39.20] I' ve been worried Monica.
[17:48.05] Water rules.
[17:53.18] Yes. Yes, it does.
[17:55.35] The restaurant called. They wanna know if you' re showing up for work.
[17:59.89] Nope. Going to the Big Apple Circus today.
[18:04.09] You' re gonna lose your job. This is not you.
[18:08.17] No, it is me.
[18:13.54] ... and pays the bills right away.
[18:23.71] I' m Monana.
[18:31.72] Hello? Yes, she is. Hold on a second please.
[18:36.33] Monana, it' s for you. The credit card people.
[18:41.77] Hello.
[18:45.37] Yes?
[18:48.04] Oh, my God.
[18:50.91] Thanks. What?
[18:55.21] They' ve arrested Monica.
[19:08.23] Hi. Hi.
[19:10.63] How are you?
[19:12.46] Not too bad. Fortunately, blue' s my color.
[19:16.47] How did you know I was here?
[19:19.84] Because I' m Monica Geller.
[19:25.11] It was my credit card you were using.
[19:28.01] That I was not expecting.
[19:30.48] I want you to know, I didn' t turn you in.
[19:35.22] Thanks. No, thank you.
[19:38.26] You have given me so much.
[19:40.69] I' d never have gotten to sing...
[19:43.13] ... " Memories" at the Winter Garden Theater.
[19:46.00] Actually, you only got to sing " Memo"
[19:50.50] I can' t believe you' re here. What will I do without you?
[19:54.64] Who' s gonna crash parties with me?
[19:57.31] Who' s gonna take me to the Big Apple Circus?
[20:00.34] I started my day by peeing in front of 25 other women...
[20:04.75] ... and you' re worried about who' ll take you to the circus?
[20:10.25] Well, not worried, you know, just wondering.
[20:14.12] There' s nothing to wonder about.
[20:16.83] You' ll go back to being who you were. That' s who you are.
[20:21.10] Not necessarily. Yes, necessarily.
[20:23.70] I don' t know what it is. Maybe it' s the Amish thing.
[20:30.71] I' m not actually Amish. Really? Then why are you like that?
[20:51.70] You, by the door, in or out? ln.
[21:01.81] You' re getting it all wrong. But at least I' m doing it.
[21:20.66] This is the final boarding call for Flight 67...
[21:24.73] ... to San Diego at gate 42A.
[21:27.16] Okay, goodbye, little monkey guy. All right, I wrote you this poem.
[21:33.07] Okay, but don' t eat it till you get on the plane.
[21:36.41] Thank you, Aunt Phoebe.
[21:42.38] Okay, bye, champ.
[21:44.88] There' ll be a lot of babes in San Diego...
[21:48.00] ... but remember, there' s also a lot to learn.
[21:57.36] I don' t know what to say, Ross. It' s a monkey.
[22:01.06] Just say what you feel, Joey.
[22:05.54] Marcel, I' m hungry. That was good.
[22:12.31] Marcel, this is for you.
[22:15.01] It' s just, you know, something...
[22:19.68] ... to do on the plane.
[22:24.12] If you don' t mind, I' d like a moment alone.
[22:27.59] Oh, sure. Absolutely. Go ahead.
[22:35.53] Marcel, come here. Come here. Come here.
[22:40.24] Well, buddy...
[22:43.94] ... this is it.
[22:45.81] Just a couple of things I wanted to say.
[22:50.11] I' m really gonna miss you.
[22:53.05] You know, I' m never gonna forget about you.
[22:56.09] You' ve been more than just a pet to me.
[23:01.19] You' ve been more like a Okay. Marcel.
[23:05.50] Would you leave my leg alone?
[23:08.03] Would you stop humping me for two seconds?
[23:11.34] Okay, would you just take him away? Just take him.
[23:37.56] Oh, that I were a glove upon that hand...
[23:41.53] ... that I might touch thy cheek.
[23:45.17] That' s fine. Thank you. Next.
[23:53.74] I' ll be reading for the role of Mercutio.
[23:56.65] Name? Holden McGroin.


[00:01.-1] mā mā, néng bù néng jiù nà me yī cì, wǒ men yì qǐ chī fàn shí
[00:03.88] nǐ bú yào tán lùn wǒ de yī zhuó hé wǒ de gōng zuò
[00:09.-4] bāo kuò wǒ hé shuí yuē huì
[00:11.89] zhǔn bèi hǎo mǎi dān le? tiān na, shì de
[00:14.09] wǒ lái ba. bù, qīn ài de
[00:16.13] wǒ shuō le wǒ lái. zhè lǐ, ná zhe, zǒu, pǎo
[00:22.43] zhēn tián mì a
[00:23.90] tā men dào dǐ wèi shí me gěi nǐ gōng qián. gōng zuò
[00:27.67] nǐ bù yòng dān xīn wǒ. wǒ zuò de hěn hǎo
[00:31.44] wǒ xiǎng zhè zhāng kǎ bèi jīn yòng le
[00:34.25] zhè bù kě néng
[00:36.01] hǎo ba, qīn ài de, yòng zhè zhāng ba
[00:41.65] liù rén xíng dì 1 jì dì 21 jí jiǎ mò nī kǎ
[01:29.93] zěn me huì yǒu rén zhī dào nǐ de xìn yòng kǎ hào mǎ?
[01:32.44] wǒ yě bù zhī dào, nǐ kàn tā men huā le duō shǎo qián
[01:35.01] nǐ zhǐ xū fù nǐ suǒ mǎi de dōng xī
[01:39.-1] wǒ zhī dào, tā zhēn shì huī huò wú dù
[01:41.91] wǒ xiǎng tā tōu qù nǐ de xìn yòng kǎ shí
[01:44.08] gēn běn jiù yǐ wàng le wáng fǎ
[01:49.02] zhēn shì gè biàn tài, huā le 69. 95 yuán mǎi" shén qí tuō bǎ"
[01:55.49] wǒ mǎi de
[01:59.83] nǐ kàn, wǒ shuō biàn tài, wǒ de yì sī shì
[02:03.07] zěn me huí shì, nǐ huā le 70 kuài mǎi yī bǎ tuō bǎ, nǐ shì gè biàn tài
[02:08.04] ó, tǎo yàn. luó sī, tā yòu zhè me gàn le
[02:12.31] mǎ xiū, bié zài qīn fàn nà zhǎn dēng le
[02:14.61] tíng zhǐ qīn fàn. xiàn zài, mǎ xiū, guò lái, mǎ xiū
[02:18.48] bù, yòu dào wǒ fáng lǐ le, wǒ qù zhuā tā chū lái
[02:21.49] luó sī, nǐ dé xiǎng bàn fǎ zǔ zhǐ
[02:24.19] shén me? zhè zhǐ shì gè jiē duàn
[02:26.69] wǒ men dāng shí yě shì zhè me shuō qiáo yī de
[02:31.10] nǐ men néng duō gěi diǎn lǐ jiě ma?
[02:34.33] wǒ míng bái. kě shì wǒ men bù néng
[02:36.73] nǐ men lěng jìng diǎn xíng ma? zhè yòu méi shén me liǎo bù qǐ
[02:40.04] mǎ xiū, tíng, huài hóu zi yòu zěn me le?
[02:44.31] wǒ zhǐ néng shuō, wǒ de hào qí qiáo zhì wán ǒu bù zài hào qí
[02:56.19] mó nī kǎ, nǐ hái shì wú fǎ shì huái
[02:59.26] zhè nǚ rén guò zhe wǒ de shēng huó shén me?
[03:02.66] tā guò zhe wǒ de shēng huó, ér qiě guò de bǐ wǒ hǎo
[03:06.76] kàn, tā mǎi de xì piào shì wǒ yī zhí xiǎng kàn de xì
[03:11.70] tā mǎi de yī fú shì wǒ zǎo jiù xiǎng mǎi de
[03:15.47] tā huā le sān bǎi kuài mǎi yì shù yòng pǐn nǐ yòu bú shì yì shù jiā
[03:19.48] rú guǒ yǒu yì shù yòng pǐn, wǒ huò xǔ yǐ shì gè yì shù jiā
[03:23.45] wǒ běn lái kě yǐ de, zhǐ shì xiàn zài bú shì
[03:28.05] mó nī kǎ, bié xiè qì, nǐ zuò de gōng zuò hěn kù
[03:30.72] zhēn de? wǒ men lái zuò bǐ jiào, hǎo ma?
[03:33.22] xiàn zài shuō" hǎo ma" yǒu diǎn tài chí le
[03:37.23] wǒ dào guò gōng yuán qí mǎ ma?
[03:39.63] wǒ zài xīn xué xiào shàng guò kè ma? méi yǒu
[03:44.44] tā yōng yǒu wǒ xiǎng yào de yī qiè, ér qiě tā méi yǒu wǒ mā
[03:57.65] qiáo yī pà bō ní rú hé? bù hǎo, tài yǒu zhǒng zú yì wèi le
[04:02.00] wǒ de jīng jì rén rèn wéi, wǒ gāi qǔ gè zhōng lì yì diǎn de míng zì qiáo yī ruì shì?
[04:11.33] ér qiě, wǒ yīng gāi jiù shì qiáo, qiáo yī ràng wǒ gǎn jué zhè me dà
[04:17.24] kě wǒ bú shì
[04:20.94] qiáo qiáo sī dà lín?
[04:26.08] sī dà lín
[04:28.51] wǒ rèn shi zhè míng zì ma? tīng de hěn shú xī
[04:31.28] wǒ méi yìn xiàng
[04:34.92] dàn shì nǐ shì shēn shēn xiàn zài biǎo yǎn shì yè zhī zhōng le a
[04:38.72] qiáo sī dà lín
[04:44.06] zhè míng zì hěn hǎo
[04:46.56] huò xǔ nǐ xiǎng shì shì qiáo sè fū
[04:55.04] qiáo sè fū sī dà lín
[04:58.08] wǒ hǎo xiàng jì de zhè gè míng zì shì de
[05:02.11] bié le, niǎo ér" qiáo sè fū sī dà lín zhǔ yǎn
[05:05.-1] wū dǐng shàng de tí qín shǒu" zhōng de qiáo sè fū sī dà lín
[05:21.67] duì, wǒ shì mó nī kǎ gài lēi
[05:24.47] wǒ xiǎng yǒu zài nǐ men nà lǐ shàng kè, wǒ xiǎng zhī dào shì něi xiē kè
[05:30.11] wǒ zuì jìn tóu bù shòu shāng, zhǐ jì de yī xiē shù zì le
[05:34.35] yě wài kǎo ròu. ó, wǒ yīng gāi qù ma? hǎo de
[05:41.19] nǐ zài gàn shén me? tài hǎo le, xiè xiè
[05:44.46] tài bàng le, fēi cháng gǎn xiè, wǒ yào qù shàng tī tà wǔ kè
[05:48.59] hé tōu nǐ xìn yòng kǎ de rén yì qǐ tiào tī tà?
[05:51.93] zhè yàng nǐ jiù kě yǐ zhī dào tā zhǎng shén me yàng zi
[05:53.90] wǒ kě yǐ kěn dìng tā de zhào piān jiù guà zài yóu jú lǐ miàn
[05:56.77] wǒ yīng gāi qù kàn kàn tā shì hé fāng shén shèng
[05:59.50] mó nī kǎ, nǐ yǒu diǎn shī qù lǐ zhì le, nǐ bèi zhè jiàn shì suǒ wán quán cāo kòng
[06:04.68] wǒ gēn nǐ shuō, zhè jiào zuò fēng kuáng
[06:07.08] shàng dì bǎo yòu, mó nī kǎ bié zhè me zuò
[06:12.82] xiè xiè
[06:22.00] nǐ men zěn me rèn wéi? hěn duō
[06:26.76] nǐ rèn wéi shì nǎ yī ge? wǒ néng bāng nǐ men shén me ma?
[06:29.30] xiè xiè, wǒ men shì lái cān guān de
[06:32.34] wǔ dǎo kè bú shì cān guān lái de, wǔ dǎo kè lái tiào wǔ de
[06:36.44] nà ér yǒu wǔ xié
[06:41.05] shén me yì sī?
[06:42.48] wǒ xiǎng tā shì jiào wǒ men jìn qù tiào
[06:46.42] lái ba, lái ba, lái ba zhēn de?
[06:50.42] yǒu kàn jiàn wǒ de fēn shēn ma?
[06:53.26] gè wèi, shàng huí yǒu rén zài jiào shì liú xià suān rǔ kōng píng
[06:58.16] xī wàng bié zài fā shēng nà zhǒng shì tā kě néng shì nǐ
[07:07.21] kāi shǐ ba
[07:09.17] wǔ, liù, wǔ, liù, qī, bā
[07:17.68] wǒ gēn bu shàng wǒ wán quán róng rén
[07:27.00] nǐ bú huì jué de, zì jǐ yǒu shí háo wú xié tiáo gǎn ma?
[07:38.64] zěn me le? zhǐ yào tā men tī de shí hòu nǐ tī jiù shì le
[07:42.61] gè wèi zhǎo gè wǔ bàn
[07:46.94] wǒ sǐ qù de mā shuō jiù shì nǐ, wǒ hé ruì qiū
[07:52.45] zhè xià kě hǎo, tǐ yù kè de jiù shì yòu chóng yǎn le
[07:57.29] wú suǒ wèi, nǐ guò lái hé wǒ yì qǐ tiào
[08:01.93] wǒ hé bù tuō xià yī fú lái chǎng è mèng?
[08:10.67] méi guān xì, wǒ lái le bào qiàn, wǒ chí dào
[08:15.47] lái le, nà gè jǐn zhāng de xīn rén shì shuí?
[08:19.91] nǐ de wǔ bàn wǒ jiào mó nī kǎ
[08:24.88] mó nī kǎ
[08:28.72] wǒ jiào mó
[08:30.46] nà nà mó nà nà
[08:34.79] shì hé lán rén de míng zì nǐ zài kāi wán xiào ba
[08:36.93] wǒ zài ā mǔ sī tè dān zhù le sān nián
[08:43.10] wǒ shì bīn xī fǎ ní yà zhōu de hé lán rén
[08:46.64] kāi shǐ ba. wǔ, liù, qī, bā
[08:58.08] hāi
[09:01.39] nǐ shàng nǎ ér qù le wǒ gāng cóng shòu yī huí lái
[09:06.42] tā méi jiào nǐ dài nà zhǒng sù jiāo tào ba?
[09:13.10] tā shuō mǎ xiū luàn xìng bú shì zàn shí de
[09:16.37] xiǎn rán tā yǐ xìng chéng shú
[09:20.47] hēi, tā chāo guò nǐ ne
[09:26.28] tā shuō tā huì yuè lái yuè bào lì, qīn lüè xìng yuè lái yuè qiáng
[09:31.75] zhè dài biǎo shén me?
[09:35.35] wǒ men bù néng zài yǎng tā le
[09:51.50] wǒ zhēn bù gǎn xiāng xìn, zhè zhēn shì tài chě le
[09:54.64] wǒ bù dǒng, nǐ cái gāng yǎng tā, tā zěn huì tū rán chéng shú le?
[09:58.34] wǒ zhī dào, zhī qián tā zhǐ shì gè xiǎo dōng xī
[10:01.68] bù zhī bù jué zhōng tā jiù jǐn zhuā zhù wǒ de tuǐ bù fàng de xiǎo dōng xī
[10:08.75] nǐ méi yǒu rèn hé bàn fǎ zài sì yǎng tā ma?
[10:11.39] méi bàn fǎ, shòu yī shuō chú fēi yǒu gè dì fāng
[10:14.53] ràng tā huò dé zhèng cháng de
[10:17.76] hóu ài
[10:20.93] fǒu zé tā huì biàn de yù lái yù cán bào
[10:23.30] wǒ dé jiāng tā sòng dào dòng wù yuán
[10:27.87] nǐ rú hé bǎ tā sòng jìn dòng wù yuán? wǒ zhī dào
[10:35.11] bù, nà shi jiào huáng jìn rù dà zhòng qì chē
[10:39.78] wǒ men dào chù shēn qǐng, dāng rán dà xíng zhōu lì dòng wù yuán shì yōu xiān kǎo lǜ
[10:44.86] bǐ fāng shuō shèng dì yá gē dòng wù yuán
[10:49.59] nà kě néng zhǐ shì yáo bù kě jí de mèng xiǎng, yīn wèi tā zài jiā zhōu
[10:55.90] shòu yī shuō tā rèn shi mài ā mì de péng yǒu, huò xǔ yǒu kě néng
[11:00.47] nà ér sì hū lí hǎi tān zhǐ yǒu liǎng tiáo jiē, yí dìng shì gè fēng kuáng dòng wù yuán
[11:10.58] wǒ men zhǎo dào tā le
[11:12.42] nǐ men hǎn jǐng chá le ma? méi yǒu, wǒ men hé tā chī wǔ cān
[11:15.55] nǐ men zì jǐ de" zì zhì zhèng yì"
[11:19.56] nǐ fēng le? nà nǚ rén tōu le nǐ de dōng xī
[11:22.93] tā tōu dōng xī, tā shì gè xiǎo tōu
[11:26.33] hé zhè nǚ rén xiāng chǔ shí fēn zhōng hòu, nǐ jiù huì bǎ zhèi xiē quán wàng le
[11:31.34] tā jiǎn zhí shì qí nǚ zǐ, zhèn fèn rén xīn
[11:36.27] tā kě néng shì cóng mǒu wèi lā lā duì duì yuán nà ér tōu lái de
[11:41.85] tuō xià tā men de mào zi dà zhòng chē shàng de jiào huáng
[11:47.59] wǒ xǐ huān zhè gè xiào huà
[11:53.06] bù kě néng, nǐ bù kě néng zhè me zuò mó nà nà xiāng dāng yǒng gǎn
[11:58.63] wǒ shuō wǒ men shì 615 fáng de gāng shì jiě mèi
[12:02.90] jié guǒ bō shì dùn sāi ěr tí kè yǐ bāo xià zhěng gè liù lóu
[12:07.24] tā men zhī dào wǒ men yòu ǎi yòu yǒu xiōng bù shí
[12:11.38] tā men jiù bǎ wǒ men hōng chū lái, wǒ bèi hōng chū fàn diàn, wǒ
[12:15.78] gàn dé hǎo, mó nà nà
[12:19.22] bú shì zhǐ yǒu nǐ men huó zài mèng zhōng
[12:23.09] wǒ dé qù wèi wǒ bù rèn shi de rén dào kā fēi, bù yòng děng wǒ le
[12:30.06] duì le
[12:31.56] míng tiān wǒ men yào qù cān jiā bǎi lǎo huì de shì yǎn
[12:36.27] shén me? " māo" jù hái yǒu yí gè quē é
[12:39.34] wǒ xiǎng wǒ men kě yǐ qù chàng" huí yì"
[12:42.31] ràng zì jǐ dāng gè shǎ zi, rú hé?
[12:46.81] bù, jì de nǐ shēn páng de rén shì shuí
[12:51.32] wǒ hé nǐ bù yí yàng wǒ lián zhàn zài tī tà wǔ jiào shì qián dōu yǒu kùn nán
[12:54.75] yīn wèi nǐ yǒu ā mǐ xǔ de xuè tǒng
[12:59.22] shén me? nǐ bú shì bīn zhōu hé lán rén ma?
[13:02.16] duì, zhí dào wǒ mǎi le chuī fēng jī bèi zhú chū cūn lǐ
[13:08.63] wǒ guò qù yě hé nǐ yí yàng yǒu yì tiān wǒ kàn le chū gǎi biàn wǒ rén shēng de diàn yǐng
[13:14.77] kàn guò chūn fēng huà yǔ ma?
[13:17.48] wǒ rèn wéi zhè diàn yǐng shí zài shì tài wú liáo le
[13:23.08] nà hái zi zài diàn yǐng de jié jú shí
[13:25.92] zì shā le. zhǐ yīn tā wú fǎ yǎn chū huà jù?
[13:30.12] zhè shì zài gàn shén me? tā zài děng yī nián lí jiā, dào shè qū huà jù tuán qù
[13:37.13] zǒu chū diàn yǐng yuàn shí wǒ xiǎng, wǒ zhè shì qù liǎng xiǎo shí de shēng mìng, yǒng yuǎn bù zài huí
[13:43.57] zhè xiǎng fǎ zhèn jīng le wǒ, cóng cǐ wǒ biàn jí shí xíng lè
[13:48.27] nà me wǒ bù gǎn tuī jiàn" yǎo tiǎo nǎi bà" le
[13:59.45] shàng dì
[14:02.59] wǒ men jìn bù liǎo sī kè lán dùn le
[14:06.92] nà shi wǒ men bǎo dǐ de dòng wù yuán
[14:10.66] tā men lián gǒu hé niú dōu shōu
[14:16.17] wǒ bù dǒng shì wǒ hái shì tā bǐ jiào nán shòu
[14:21.64] wǒ xiǎng yīng gāi yǐ zi zuì kě lián
[14:26.94] mǎ xiū, mǎ xiū, mǎ xiū bù
[14:31.68] guāi, wèi hé méi rén yào tā?
[14:35.79] yí dìng yǒu rén huì yào de
[14:40.62] zǎo jiù yǒu rén jiào qiáo sè fū sī dà lín le
[14:48.53] kāi shén me wán xiào
[14:51.10] xiǎn rán tā shì tú shā gè zhǒng mín zú de é guó dú cái zhě
[14:57.17] nǐ zěn me huì bù zhī dào. nǐ zěn me rèn wéi wǒ zhī dào
[15:02.-4] hāi, qiáo yī. hàn mì ěr dùn
[15:06.15] bài tuō, wǒ gào sù guò nǐ bú yào yòng huí qiáo yī
[15:13.62] nǐ rèn wéi wǒ gāi qǔ shén me yì míng?
[15:19.53] huǒ yàn nán hái
[15:28.51] nǐ de dòng wù yuán zài nǎ ér?
[15:30.44] jiù jì shù shàng ér yán bù suàn shì dòng wù yuán
[15:33.34] ér shì yī zhǒng hù dòng shì yě shēng dòng wù tǐ yàn
[15:37.65] wǒ xiǎng qǐng jiào nǐ jǐ gè guān yú mǎ xiū de wèn tí
[15:41.85] tā huì hé qí tā dòng wù dǎ jià ma? bú huì de, tā fēi cháng wēn xún
[15:47.59] rú guǒ bèi bī jìn jiǎo luò lǐ qù shí ne?
[15:53.16] wǒ bù zhī dào, gàn ma wèn?
[15:55.77] tā zhǎng kòng xiǎo dōng xī de néng lì wèi hé?
[16:00.04] tā huì ná xiāng jiāo, rú guǒ nǐ shì zhè yì sī de huà
[16:04.07] tiě chuí huò xiǎo dāo ne?
[16:10.45] wèi shí me? wèi hé yào xiǎo dāo?
[16:13.52] miàn duì shī hǔ huò yǒu jiǎo de dòng wù
[16:16.59] nǐ dé ná xiē dōng xī gěi tā zì wǒ fáng wèi
[16:19.12] fǒu zé jiù tài cán rěn le
[16:24.19] tā néng qù shèng dì yá gē le shén me?
[16:27.73] wǒ men sàn bù huí lái shēng jiàn diàn huà líng xiǎng
[16:31.40] rán hòu tā jiù lù qǔ le
[16:32.64] tīng jiàn méi, mǎ xiū, shì shèng dì yá gē
[16:38.18] nǐ dà cuò tè cuò le, shèng dì yá gē huán jìng liáng hǎo méi cuò
[16:41.38] rú guǒ nǐ bǎ tā jiāo gěi wǒ wǒ jiù néng xùn liàn tā duì kàng xiā yǎn de tù zi
[16:45.08] ér qiě wǒ hái kě yǐ gěi nǐ bǎi fēn zhī èr shí de mén piào shōu rù
[17:08.31] nǐ dào dǐ pǎo nǎ ér qù le?
[17:09.84] wǒ hé mó nī kǎ gāng pǎo qù cān jiā dà shǐ guǎn wǔ huì
[17:14.04] wǒ xiǎng wǒ wěn le dà zhǔ jiào
[17:18.38] dāng rán, tā men yǒu zì jǐ de chú shī
[17:23.05] nǐ hē zuì le? cái méi yǒu ne
[17:31.16] piàn nǐ de, wǒ zuì xūn xūn de tiān na
[17:36.60] mó nī kǎ, nǐ gāi dǎ tōng diàn huà huí lái de
[17:39.20] wǒ yī zhí zài jiā lǐ dān xīn nǐ
[17:48.05] hǎo guò yǐn
[17:53.18] méi cuò
[17:55.35] cān tīng jīn tiān yòu lái diàn le, tā men xiǎng zhī dào nǐ hái yào bú yào qù shàng bān
[17:59.89] bù qù. wǒ jīn tiān yào qù dà píng guǒ mǎ xì tuán
[18:04.09] nǐ kuài diū diào gōng zuò le, nǐ biàn le
[18:08.17] bù, zhè zhèng shì wǒ
[18:10.-2] wǒ bù zhǐ shì nà zhǒng bì xū pāi sōng zhěn tou
[18:13.54] zhàng dān yī lái lì kè qù jiǎo kuǎn de rén
[18:16.-2] hé tā zài yì qǐ, wǒ jiù chāo yuè le nà zhǒng rén
[18:23.71] wǒ shì mó nà nà
[18:31.72] duì, tā zài, děng děng
[18:36.33] mó nà nà, nǐ de diàn huà, xìn yòng kǎ gōng sī dǎ lái de
[18:41.77] nǐ hǎo
[18:45.37] shì ma?
[18:48.04] tiān nà
[18:50.91] xiè xiè. zěn me la?
[18:55.21] tā men yǐ dǎi dào mó nī kǎ
[19:08.23] hāi. hāi
[19:10.63] nǐ hǎo ma?
[19:12.46] bù tài zāo, xìng hǎo wǒ xǐ huān lán sè
[19:16.47] nǐ zěn huì zhī dào wǒ zài zhè ér?
[19:19.84] yīn wèi wǒ shì mó nī kǎ gài lēi
[19:25.11] nǐ yòng de shì wǒ de xìn yòng kǎ
[19:28.01] zhēn shì méi xiǎng dào
[19:30.48] wǒ xiǎng ràng nǐ zhī dào, qù bào àn de rén bú shì wǒ
[19:35.22] xiè xiè nǐ bù, wǒ yào xiè xiè nǐ
[19:38.26] nǐ dài gěi wǒ tài duō le
[19:40.69] rú guǒ bú shì nǐ, wǒ jiù bù kě néng
[19:43.13] zài dōng yuán jù chǎng chàng" huí yì"
[19:46.00] lǎo shí shuō nǐ zhǐ kāi kǒu chàng le" huí" ér yǐ
[19:50.50] wǒ bù gǎn xiāng xìn nǐ huì zài zhè ér shī qù nǐ wǒ gāi zěn me bàn?
[19:54.64] shuí huì hé wǒ qù dà shǐ guǎn yàn huì
[19:57.31] shuí dài wǒ qù dà píng guǒ mǎ xì tuán?
[20:00.34] wǒ zài 25 gè nǚ rén miàn qián niào niào zhǎn kāi yì tiān de shēng huó
[20:04.75] nǐ què dān xīn méi rén dài nǐ qù kàn mǎ xì?
[20:10.25] bú shì dān xīn, zhǐ shì huái yí
[20:14.12] méi shén me hǎo huái yí de
[20:16.83] nǐ jì xù zuò nǐ zì jǐ, yīn wèi nà cái shì zhēn zhèng de nǐ
[20:21.10] nà méi bì yào ya nà hěn bì yào
[20:23.70] wǒ bù zhī dào shì wèi shí me huò xǔ hé nǐ shì ā mǐ xǔ rén yǒu guān
[20:30.71] wǒ bú shì ā mǐ xǔ rén zhēn de? wèi hé nǐ nà me guài?
[20:51.70] mén páng de nà gè, jiā bù jiā rù? jiā rén
[21:01.81] hòu miàn dí, nǐ wán quán tiào cuò le zhì shǎo wǒ zài tiào
[21:20.66] zhè shì fēi wǎng shèng dì yá gē 67 cì háng bān de
[21:24.73] zuì hòu yī cì dēng jī tōng zhī
[21:27.16] zài jiàn, hóu zi xiǎo huǒ. hǎo de, wǒ huì gěi nǐ xiě shī de
[21:33.07] shàng fēi jī hòu cái néng chī
[21:36.41] xiè xiè nǐ, fēi bǐ ā yí
[21:42.38] zài jiàn le
[21:44.88] wǒ zhī dào shèng dì yá gē nà ér, nǐ jiāng yǒu xǔ duō piào liàng měi méi
[21:48.00] jì de yào xué xí de yě hěn duō
[21:57.36] wǒ bù zhī gāi shuō shí mǒ, luó sī, tā shì yì zhī hóu zi
[22:01.06] shuō chū nǐ de gǎn jué jiù chéng le
[22:05.54] mǎ xiū, wǒ è le zhè jù bù cuò
[22:12.31] mǎ xiū, zhè shì gěi nǐ de
[22:15.01] gěi nǐ, nǐ zhī dào de
[22:19.68] zài fēi jī shàng wán de
[22:24.12] rú guǒ bù jiè yì wǒ xiǎng hé tā dú chǔ
[22:27.59] dāng rán kě yǐ. jì xù
[22:35.53] mǎ xiū, guò lái, guò lái, guò lái
[22:40.24] xiǎo xiōng dì
[22:43.94] jiù zhè yàng le
[22:45.81] wǒ zhǐ xiǎng shuō jǐ jù huà
[22:50.11] wǒ huì xiǎng nǐ de
[22:53.05] wǒ bú huì wàng jì nǐ de
[22:56.09] zài wǒ xīn zhōng nǐ bù zhǐ shì yì zhī chǒng wù
[23:01.19] nǐ gèng shì mǎ xiū
[23:05.50] néng fàng kāi wǒ de tuǐ ma?
[23:08.03] néng zàn shí bú yào luàn lái ma?
[23:11.34] mǎ xiū dài tā zǒu hǎo ma? dài tā zǒu
[23:37.56] xī wàng wǒ shì nǐ shǒu shàng de shǒu tào
[23:41.53] zhè yàng wǒ jiù néng fǔ mō nǐ de liǎn jiá
[23:45.17] xíng, xiè xiè. xià yī wèi
[23:53.74] wǒ lái shì yǎn" mǎ qiū xiū" jué sè de
[23:56.65] míng zì? mài kè gé luó ní