Lesson 12 Life on a desert island

歌曲 Lesson 12 Life on a desert island
歌手 英语听力
专辑 新概念英语(第三册)


[00:01.080] --- lesson 12 Life on a desert island
[00:07.280] --- Listen to the tape then answer the question below.
[00:13.040] --- What was exceptional about the two men's stay on the desert island?
[00:19.960] Most of us have formed an unrealistic picture of life on a desert island.
[00:25.880] We sometimes imagine a desert island to be a sort of paradise where the sun always shines.
[00:33.160] Life there is simple and good.
[00:36.120] Ripe fruit falls from the trees and you never have to work.
[00:40.360] The other side of the picture is quite the opposite.
[00:43.760] Life on a desert island is wretched.
[00:47.120] You either starve to death or live like Robinson Crusoe, Waiting for a boat which never comes.
[00:54.840] Perhaps there is an element of truth in both these pictures,
[00:58.960] but few of us have had the opportunity to find out.
[01:03.160] Two men who recently spent five days on a coral island wished they had stayed there longer.
[01:09.720] They were taking a badly damaged boat from the Virgin Islands to Miami to have it repaired.
[01:16.360] During the journey, their boat began to sink.
[01:19.880] They quickly loaded a small rubber dinghy with food, matches, and cans of beer
[01:25.400] and rowed for a few miles across the Caribbean until they arrived at a tiny coral island.
[01:32.080] There were hardly any trees on the island and there was no water, but this did not prove to be a problem.
[01:39.320] The men collected rainwater in the rubber dinghy.
[01:43.120] As they had brought a spear gun with them, they had plenty to eat.
[01:47.200] They caught lobster and fish every day,and, as one of them put it 'ate like kings'.
[01:53.680] When a passing tanker rescued them five days later, both men were genuinely sorry that they had to leave.^5


[00:01.080] lesson 12 Life on a desert island
[00:07.280] Listen to the tape then answer the question below.
[00:13.040] What was exceptional about the two men' s stay on the desert island?
[00:19.960] Most of us have formed an unrealistic picture of life on a desert island.
[00:25.880] We sometimes imagine a desert island to be a sort of paradise where the sun always shines.
[00:33.160] Life there is simple and good.
[00:36.120] Ripe fruit falls from the trees and you never have to work.
[00:40.360] The other side of the picture is quite the opposite.
[00:43.760] Life on a desert island is wretched.
[00:47.120] You either starve to death or live like Robinson Crusoe, Waiting for a boat which never comes.
[00:54.840] Perhaps there is an element of truth in both these pictures,
[00:58.960] but few of us have had the opportunity to find out.
[01:03.160] Two men who recently spent five days on a coral island wished they had stayed there longer.
[01:09.720] They were taking a badly damaged boat from the Virgin Islands to Miami to have it repaired.
[01:16.360] During the journey, their boat began to sink.
[01:19.880] They quickly loaded a small rubber dinghy with food, matches, and cans of beer
[01:25.400] and rowed for a few miles across the Caribbean until they arrived at a tiny coral island.
[01:32.080] There were hardly any trees on the island and there was no water, but this did not prove to be a problem.
[01:39.320] The men collected rainwater in the rubber dinghy.
[01:43.120] As they had brought a spear gun with them, they had plenty to eat.
[01:47.200] They caught lobster and fish every day, and, as one of them put it ' ate like kings'.
[01:53.680] When a passing tanker rescued them five days later, both men were genuinely sorry that they had to leave. 5


[00:01.080] huāng dǎo shēng huó
[00:07.280] tīng lù yīn, rán hòu huí dá yǐ xià wèn tí.
[00:19.960] wǒ men xǔ duō rén duì yú huāng dǎo shēng huó yǒu yī zhǒng bù qiē shí jì de xiǎng fǎ.
[00:25.880] wǒ men yǒu shí xiǎng xiàng huāng dǎo shì yáng guāng zhōng rì pǔ zhào de tiān táng.
[00:33.160] zài nà li, shēng huó jiǎn dān yòu měi hǎo.
[00:36.120] chéng shú de shuǐ guǒ cóng shù shàng diào xià lái, rén men gēn běn wú xū láo dòng.
[00:40.360] lìng yī zhǒng xiǎng fǎ qià qià xiāng fǎn,
[00:43.760] rèn wéi huāng dǎo shēng huó hěn kě pà,
[00:47.120] yào me è sǐ, yào me xiàng lǔ bīn sūn nà yàng, tiān tiān pàn chuán lái, què zǒng bú jiàn chuán yǐng.
[00:54.840] yě xǔ, zhè liǎng zhǒng xiǎng xiàng dōu yǒu kě xìn zhī chù.
[00:58.960] dàn hěn shǎo yǒu rén néng yǒu jī huì qù nòng gè jiū jìng.
[01:03.160] zuì jìn yǒu liǎng gè rén zài yī zuò shān hú dǎo shàng dāi le 5 tiān, tā men zhēn xī wàng zài na r zài duō dāi yī xiē rì zi.
[01:09.720] tā men jià zhe yī tiáo yán zhòng sǔn huài de xiǎo chuán cóng wéi ěr jīng qún dǎo qù mài ā mì xiū lǐ.
[01:16.360] tú zhōng, chuán kāi shǐ xià chén,
[01:19.880] tā men xùn sù bǎ shí wù huǒ chái guàn zhuāng pí jiǔ wǎng yì zhī jiù shēng fá shàng zhuāng.
[01:25.400] rán hòu zài jiā lè bǐ hǎi shàng huá xíng le jǐ yīng lǐ, dào le yī zuò shān hú dǎo shàng.
[01:32.080] dǎo shàng jī hū méi yǒu yī kē shù, yě méi yǒu dàn shuǐ, dàn zhè bù suàn shén me wèn tí.
[01:39.320] tā men yòng xiàng pí tǐng xù jī yǔ shuǐ.
[01:43.120] yóu yú tā men suí shēn dài le yī zhī bǔ yú qiāng, yīn cǐ, chī fàn bù chóu.
[01:47.200] tā men tiān tiān bǔ zhuō lóng xiā hé yú, zhèng rú qí zhōng yī wèi suǒ shuō, chī dé" xiàng guó wáng yí yàng hǎo".
[01:53.680] tiān hòu, yī tiáo yóu lún cóng nà ér lù guò, dā jiù le tā men. zhè èr wèi bù dé bù lí kāi nà gè huāng dǎo shí, hái zhēn de gǎn dào yí hàn ne!