Lesson 43 Fully insured

歌曲 Lesson 43 Fully insured
歌手 英语听力
专辑 新概念英语(第三册)


[00:01.040] --- lesson 43 Fully insured
[00:06.000] --- Listen to the tape then answer the question below.
[00:11.480] --- Who owned the pie dish and why?
[00:17.160] Insurance companies are normally willing to insure anything.
[00:21.640] Insuring public or private property is a standard practice in most countries in the world.
[00:27.840] If, however, you were holding an open air garden party or a fete it would be equally possible to insure yourself in the event of bad weather.
[00:38.040] Needless to say, the bigger the risk an insurance company takes, the higher the premium you will have to pay.
[00:45.520] It is not uncommon to hear that a shipping company has made a claim for the cost of salvaging a sunken ship.
[01:01.560] Admittedly it was an unusual pie dish, for it was eighteen feet long and six feet wide.
[01:10.000] It had been purchased by a local authority so that an enormous pie could be baked for an annual fair.
[01:17.000] The pie committee decided that the best way to transport the dish would be by canal, so they insured it for the trip.
[01:25.640] Shortly after it was launched, the pie committee went to a local inn to celebrate.
[01:31.840] At the same time, a number of teenagers climbed on to the dish and held a little party of their own.
[01:39.200] Dancing proved to be more than the dish could bear, for during the party it capsized and sank in seven feet of water.
[01:48.720] The pie committee telephoned a local garage owner who arrived in a recovery truck to salvage the pie dish.
[01:56.320] Shivering in their wet clothes, the teenagers looked on while three men dived repeatedly into the water to locate the dish.
[02:05.760] They had little difficulty in finding it, but hauling it out of the water proved to be a serious problem.
[02:13.480] The sides of the dish were so smooth that it was almost impossible to attach hawsers and chains to the rim without damaging it.
[02:22.680] Eventually chains were fixed to one end of the dish and a powerful winch was put into operation.
[02:29.600] The dish rose to the surface and was gently drawn towards the canal bank.
[02:35.200] For one agonizing moment, the dish was perched precariously on the bank of the canal,
[02:41.960] but it suddenly overbalanced and slid back into the water.
[02:46.960] The men were now obliged to try once more.
[02:50.360] This time they fixed heavy metal clamps to both sides of the dish so that they could fasten the chains.
[02:57.840] The dish now had to be lifted vertically because one edge was resting against the side of the canal.
[03:05.160] The winch was again put into operation and one of the men started up the truck.
[03:11.080] Several minutes later, the dish was successfully hauled above the surface of the water.
[03:17.240] Water streamed in torrents over its sides with such force that it set up a huge wave in the canal.
[03:24.760] There was a danger that the wave would rebound off the other side of the bank and send the dish plunging into the water again.
[03:33.280] By working at tremendous speed, the men managed to get the dish on to dry land before the wave returned.


[00:01.040] quán bǎo xiǎn
[00:06.000] tīng lù yīn, rán hòu huí dá yǐ xià wèn tí.
[00:17.160] bǎo xiǎn gōng sī yì bān shuō lái yuàn yì chéng bǎo yī qiè dōng xī.
[00:21.640] chéng bàn gōng gòng cái chǎn huò sī rén cái chǎn bǎo xiǎn shì shì jiè shang dà bù fèn guó jiā de zhèng cháng yè wù.
[00:27.840] rú guǒ nǐ yào jǔ bàn yī cì lù tiān yóu yuán huì huò shèng yàn, wèi bì miǎn pèng shàng bù hǎo de tiān qì ér zāo shòu sǔn shī yě tóng yàng kě yǐ bǎo xiǎn,
[00:38.040] bù yòng shuō, bǎo xiǎn gōng sī chéng dān fēng xiǎn yuè dà, nǐ fù de bǎo xiǎn fèi yě jiù yuè gāo.
[00:45.520] háng yùn gōng sī wèi dǎ lāo chén chuán ér tí chū suǒ péi, zhè shì cháng yǒu de shì,
[00:52.680] dàn mǒu dì dāng jú wèi dǎ lāo yì zhī bèi zhì xiàn bǐng de pán zi tí chū suǒ péi, dǎo shì jiàn xīn xiān shì ér.
[01:01.560] zhè gè xiàn bǐng pán zi què shí shǎo jiàn, yǒu 18 yīng chǐ zhǎng, 6 yīng chǐ kuān.
[01:10.000] mǒu dì fāng dāng jú mǎi xià tā yòng lái bèi zhì yí gè jù dà de xiàn bǐng wèi yī nián yí dù jiāo yì huì zhù xìng.
[01:17.000] xiàn bǐng wěi yuán huì què rèn yùn shū zhè zhǐ pán zi de zuì jiā fāng àn shì tōng guò yùn hé shuǐ yùn. yú shì, tā men duì zhè zhǐ pán zi de yùn shū ān quán tóu le bǎo.
[01:25.640] pán zi xià shuǐ hòu bù jiǔ, xiàn bǐng wěi yuán huì chéng yuán men lái dào dāng dì yī jiā xiǎo jiǔ diàn qìng hè.
[01:31.840] jiù zài zhè gè shí hòu, xǔ duō shí jǐ suì de hái zi pá pán zi jǔ xíng tā men zì jǐ de jí huì.
[01:39.200] tā men tiào qǐ le wǔ, pán zi nán yǐ chéng shòu. wǔ huì jìn xíng guò chéng zhōng, pán zi qīng fù, chén rù le 7 yīng chǐ shēn de shuǐ zhōng.
[01:48.720] xiàn bǐng wěi yuán huì gěi dāng dì qì chē xiū lǐ kù lǎo bǎn dǎ diàn huà, tā wén xùn hòu kāi zhe yī liàng jí xiū chē qián lái dǎ lāo pán zi.
[01:56.320] nèi xiē hái zi men chuān zhe shī yī fú duō suo, kàn zhe 3 gè gōng rén lún qián rù shuǐ zhōng yǐ què dìng pán zi de wèi zhì.
[02:05.760] tā men méi fèi duō dà shì ér jiù zhǎo dào le pán zi. kě shì bǎ pán zi lāo chū què shì yí gè hěn dà de nán tí.
[02:13.480] pán zi sì biān shí fēn guāng huá, yào zài pán biān shuān shàng shéng suǒ huò liàn tiáo ér tóng shí yòu bù sǔn huài tā shì hěn nán bàn dào de.
[02:22.680] bù guò, tā men zhōng yú jiāng liàn tiáo gù dìng zài pán zi de yī duān, yī tái dà gōng lǜ de jiǎo chē kāi dòng qǐ lái.
[02:29.600] pán zi màn màn fú chū shuǐ miàn, bèi qīng qīng dì zhuāi xiàng yùn hé àn biān.
[02:35.200] zài lìng rén tǎn tè bù ān de shùn jiān, pán zi huàng huǎng yōu yōu dì shàng le àn,
[02:41.960] dàn tā tū rán shī qù le píng héng, yòu diē huí shuǐ zhōng.
[02:46.960] gōng rén men zhǐ de zài lái yī cì.
[02:50.360] zhè cì, tā men yòng chén zhòng de jīn shǔ jiā zi bǎ pán zi jiā zhù, yǐ biàn wǎng pán zi shàng ān zhuāng tiě liàn.
[02:57.840] zhè cì, pán zi bì xū chuí zhí diào chū shuǐ miàn, yīn wèi pán zi de yī biān jǐn kào zhe yùn hé hé àn.
[03:05.160] jiǎo pán jī zài cì qǐ dòng, yī wèi gōng rén fā dòng le jí xiū chē de yǐn qíng.
[03:11.080] jǐ fēn zhōng hòu, pán zi bèi chéng gōng dì zhuāi chū le shuǐ miàn.
[03:17.240] bō làng cóng pán zi liǎng cè jí yǒng ér chū, zài yùn hé lǐ xiān qǐ yī gǔ dà làng.
[03:24.760] dàn shì dāng bō làng cóng hé duì àn zhé huí lái shí, jiù yǒu zài cì bǎ pán zi tuō jìn shuǐ lǐ de wēi xiǎn.
[03:33.280] gōng rén men dòng zuò xùn sù, zhōng yú gǎn zài nà gǔ dà làng fǎn huí zhī qián bǎ pán zi zhuāi dào le àn shàng.