Lesson 45 The power of the press

歌曲 Lesson 45 The power of the press
歌手 英语听力
专辑 新概念英语(第三册)


[00:01.080] --- lesson 45 The power of the press
[00:06.080] --- Listen to the tape then answer the question below.
[00:11.840] --- Does the writer think the parents were lucky or unlucky to gain prosperity in this way? why?
[00:21.200] In democratic countries any efforts to restrict the freedom of the press are rightly condemned.
[00:28.400] However, this freedom can easily be abused.
[00:32.600] Stories about people often attract far more public attention than political events.
[00:38.800] Though we may enjoy reading about the lives of others, it is extremely doubtful whether we would equally enjoy reading about ourselves.
[00:48.000] Acting on the contention that facts are sacred,
[00:51.800] reporters can cause untold suffering to individuals by publishing details about their private lives.
[00:59.040] Newspapers exert such tremendous influence that they can not only bring about major changes to the lives of ordinary people but can even overthrow a government.
[01:10.360] The story of a poor family that acquired fame and fortune overnight, dramatically illustrates the power of the press.
[01:18.400] The family lived in Aberdeen, a small town of 23,000 inhabitants in South Dakota.
[01:25.360] As the parents had five children, life was a perpetual struggle against poverty.
[01:30.880] They were expecting their sixth child and were faced with even more pressing economic problems.
[01:36.960] If they had only had one more child, the fact would have passed unnoticed.
[01:42.080] They would have continued to struggle against economic odds and would have lived in obscurity.
[01:48.000] But they suddenly became the parents of quintuplets, four girl and a boy, an event which radically changed their lives.
[01:57.160] The day after the birth of the five children, an aeroplane arrived in Aberdeen bringing sixty reporters and photographers.
[02:06.720] The rise to fame was swift.
[02:09.320] Television cameras and newspapers carried the news to everyone in the country.
[02:15.120] Newspapers and magazines offered the family huge sums for the exclusive rights to publish stories and photographs.
[02:23.800] Gifts poured in not only from unknown people, but from baby food and soap manufacturers who wished to advertise their products.
[02:32.960] The old farmhouse the family lived in was to be replaced by a new $500,000 home.
[02:39.800] Reporters kept pressing for interviews so lawyers had to be employed to act as spokesmen for the family at press conferences.
[02:47.680] While the five babies were still quietly sleeping in oxygen tents in a hospital nursery,
[02:53.640] their parents were paying the price for fame.
[02:56.640] It would never again be possible for them to lead normal lives.
[03:01.240] They had become the victims of commercialization, for their names had acquired a market value.
[03:08.080] Instead of being five new family members, these children had immediately become a commodity.


[00:01.080] xīn wén bào dào de wēi lì
[00:06.080] tīng lù yīn, rán hòu huí dá yǐ xià wèn tí.
[00:21.200] zài mín zhǔ guó jiā lǐ, rèn hé xiàn zhì xīn wén zì yóu de qǐ tú dōu lǐ suǒ dāng rán dì shòu dào qiǎn zé.
[00:28.400] rán ér, zhè zhǒng zì yóu hěn róng yì bèi làn yòng.
[00:32.600] cháng rén yì shì wǎng wǎng bǐ zhèng zhì shì jiàn gèng néng yǐn qǐ gōng zhòng zhù yì.
[00:38.800] wǒ men dōu xǐ huān kàn guān yú bié rén shēng huó de bào dào, dàn shì fǒu tóng yàng xǐ huān kàn guān yú zì jǐ shēng huó de bào dào, jiù hěn nán shuō le.
[00:48.000] jì zhě àn shì shí zhì shàng de lùn diǎn xíng shì,
[00:51.800] fā biǎo yǒu guān bié rén shēng huó de xì jié, yǒu shí huì gěi dāng shì rén zào chéng jí dà de tòng kǔ.
[00:59.040] xīn wén jù yǒu jù dà de wēi lì. tā men bù jǐn kě yǐ gěi xún cháng rén jiā de shēng huó dài lái zhòng dà de biàn huà, shèn zhì hái néng tuī fān yí gè zhèng fǔ.
[01:10.360] xià miàn zhè hù qióng rén yī yè zhī jiān chū míng fā cái de gù shì xì jù xìng dì shuō míng liǎo xīn wén bào dào de wēi lì.
[01:18.400] zhè hù rén jiā zhù zài nán dá kē tā zhōu yí ge rén kǒu wèi 23, 000 de xiǎo zhèn shàng, zhèn míng wéi ā bài dīng.
[01:25.360] jiā lǐ yǐ yǒu 5 gè hái zi, quán jiā rén cháng nián zài pín kùn zhōng zhēng zhá.
[01:30.880] dì 6 gè hái zi jí jiāng wèn shì, tā men miàn lín zhe gèng wéi yán jùn de jīng jì wèn tí.
[01:36.960] rú guǒ tā men zhǐ tiān le 1 gè hái zi, zhè jiàn shì běn lái jiù bú huì yǐn qǐ rèn hé rén de zhù yì.
[01:42.080] zhè jiā rén huì jì xù wèi kè fú jīng jì shàng de jié jū ér fèn dòu, bìng mò mò wú wén dì huó xià qù.
[01:48.000] dàn shì tā men chū rén yì liào dì shēng le gè wǔ bāo tāi, 4 nǚ 1 nán. zhè shì shǐ tā men de shēng huó fā shēng le gēn běn de biàn huà.
[01:57.160] wǔ bāo tāi jiàng shēng dì èr tiān, yī jià fēi jī fēi dǐ ā bài dīng, suí jī dài lái 60 míng jì zhě yǔ shè yǐng shī.
[02:06.720] zhè yī jiā xùn sù chū le míng.
[02:09.320] diàn shì shè xiàng jī hé bào zhǐ bǎ xiāo xī chuán sòng dào quán guó.
[02:15.120] bào zhǐ zá zhì chū gāo jià xiàng tā men gòu mǎi wén zì tú piàn de dú jiā bào dào quán.
[02:23.800] bù dàn sù mèi píng shēng de rén jì lái le dà liàng de lǐ wù, ér qiě yīng ér shí pǐn yīng ér féi zào zhì zào chǎng shāng wèi le tì zì jǐ chǎn pǐn zuò guǎng gào yě jì lái le dà liàng de lǐ wù.
[02:32.960] zhè jiā rén zhù de jiù nóng shè jiāng yóu yī zuò jià zhí 50 wàn měi yuán de xīn zhù zhái suǒ qǔ dài.
[02:39.800] yóu yú jì zhě fēn fēn yāo qiú huì jiàn, tā men bù dé bù qǐng le lǜ shī chōng dāng tā men jiā de fā yán rén jǔ xíng jì zhě zhāo dāi huì.
[02:47.680] yǎn xià, wǔ bāo tāi hái jìng jìng dì tǎng zài yī yuàn yīng ér shì de yǎng qì zhàng lǐ,
[02:53.640] tā men de fù mǔ què wèi zhè míng shēng fù chū le dài jià,
[02:56.640] tā men zài yě wú fǎ guò zhèng cháng de shēng huó.
[03:01.240] tā men chéng le shāng yè huà de shòu hài zhě, yīn wèi tā men de míng zì jù yǒu le shì chǎng jià zhí.
[03:08.080] zhèi xiē hái zi lì jí chéng le shāng pǐn, ér bú shì 5 gè xīn de jiā tíng chéng yuán.