Lesson 46 Do it yourself

歌曲 Lesson 46 Do it yourself
歌手 英语听力
专辑 新概念英语(第三册)


[00:01.080] --- lesson 46 Do it yourself
[00:05.080] --- Listen to the tape then answer the question below.
[00:10.720] --- Did the writer repair his lawn mower in the end? why/why not?
[00:18.360] So great is our passion for doing things for ourselves, that we are becoming increasingly less dependent on specialized labour.
[00:27.000] No one can plead ignorance of a subject any longer, for there are countless do-it-yourself publications.
[00:34.440] Armed with the right tools and materials, newlyweds gaily embark on the task of decorating their own homes.
[00:42.520] Men, particularly, spend hours of their leisure time installing their own fireplaces, laying out their own gardens;
[00:51.800] building garages and making furniture. Some really keen enthusiasts go so far as to build their own computers.
[01:01.480] Shops cater for the do-it-yourself craze not only by running special advisory services for novices,
[01:08.840] but by offering consumers bits and pieces which they can assemble at home.
[01:14.440] Such things provide an excellent outlet for pent up creative energy, but unfortunately not all of us are born handymen.
[01:25.000] Some wives tend to believe that their husbands are infinitely resourceful and can fix anything.
[01:32.560] Even men who can hardly drive a nail in straight are supposed to be born electricians, carpenters, plumbers and mechanics.
[01:42.920] When lights fuse, furniture gets rickety, pipes get clogged, or vacuum cleaners fail to operate,
[01:51.480] some woman assume that their husbands will somehow put things right.
[01:56.800] The worst thing about the do-it-yourself game is that sometimes even men live under the delusion that they can do anything, even when they have repeatedly been proved wrong.
[02:09.720] It is a question of pride as much as anything else.
[02:14.600] Last spring my wife suggested that I call in a man to look at our lawn mower.
[02:21.240] It had broken down the previous summer, and though I promised to repair it, I had never got round to it.
[02:28.960] I would not hear of the suggestion and said that I would fix it myself.
[02:34.560] One Saturday afternoon, I hauled the machine into the garden and had a close look at it.
[02:41.000] As far as I could see, it needed only a minor adjustment:
[02:45.880] a turn of a screw here, a little tightening up there, a drop of oil and it would be as good as new.
[02:54.960] Inevitably the repair job was not quite so simple.
[02:59.760] The mower firmly refused to mow, so I decided to dismantle it.
[03:06.200] The garden was soon littered with chunks of metal which had once made up a lawn mower.
[03:12.600] But I was extremely pleased with myself.
[03:16.120] I had traced the cause of the trouble.
[03:19.080] One of the links in the chain that drives the wheels had snapped.
[03:23.800] After buying a new chain I was faced with the insurmountable task of putting the confusing jigsaw puzzle together again.
[03:32.600] I was not surprised to find that the machine still refused to work after I had reassembled it,
[03:39.080] for the simple reason that I was left with several curiously shaped bits of metal which did not seem to fit anywhere.
[03:47.120] I gave up in despair.
[03:49.360] The weeks passed and the grass grew.
[03:52.680] When my wife nagged me to do something about it, I told her that either I would have to buy a new mower or let the grass grow.
[04:01.280] Needless to say our house is now surrounded by a jungle.
[04:05.240] Buried somewhere in deep grass there is a rusting lawn mower which I have promised to repair one day.


[00:01.080] zì jǐ dòng shǒu
[00:05.080] tīng lù yīn, rán hòu huí dá yǐ xià wèn tí.
[00:18.360] xiàn zài wǒ men zì jǐ dòng shǒu zuò shì de rè qíng hěn gāo, jié guǒ duì yú zhuān yè gōng rén de yī lài yuè lái yuè shǎo le.
[00:27.000] yóu yú chū bǎn le bù jì qí shù de jiào rén zì jǐ dòng shǒu zuò shì de shū bào zá zhì, méi yǒu rén zài néng shuō duì mǒu shì yī wú suǒ zhī.
[00:34.440] xīn hūn fū fù zhǎo lái hé shì de gōng jù hé cái liào, xǐ qì yáng yáng dì kāi shǐ bù zhì xīn fáng.
[00:42.520] tè bié shì nán rén, cháng lì yòng kòng xián shí jiān ān zhuāng bì lú bù zhì huā yuán jiàn zào chē kù zhì zuò jiā jù.
[00:51.800] yǒu xiē rè zhōng yú zì jǐ dòng shǒu de rén shèn zhì zì jǐ zǔ zhuāng diàn nǎo.
[01:01.480] wèi le mǎn zú zì jǐ dòng shǒu rè de xū yào, shāng diàn bù jǐn wèi chū xué zhě tí gōng zhuān mén de zī xún fú wù,
[01:08.840] ér qiě wèi gù kè zhǔn bèi le gè zhǒng líng jiàn, gōng tā men mǎi huí jiā qù ān zhuāng.
[01:14.440] zhèi xiē dōng xī wéi rén men qián zài de chuàng zào lì tí gōng le yí gè jué miào de yòng wǔ zhī dì. dàn bù xìng de shì, wǒ men bìng fēi rén rén dōu shì néng gōng qiǎo jiàng.
[01:25.000] qī zǐ cháng cháng rèn wéi tā men de zhàng fū wú bǐ cōng míng néng gàn.
[01:32.560] shèn zhì nèi xiē lián yī méi dīng zǐ dōu dīng bù zhí de nán rén dōu bèi rèn wéi shì tiān shēng de diàn gōng mù jiàng shuǐ guǎn gōng hé jī xiè shī.
[01:42.920] měi dāng diàn dēng bǎo xiǎn sī shāo duàn jiā jù sǔn tóu sōng dòng guǎn dào dǔ sè xī chén qì bù dòng shí,
[01:51.480] yǒu xiē qī zǐ rèn wéi zhàng fū zǒng yǒu bàn fǎ.
[01:56.800] zì jǐ dòng shǒu de lì zi zhōng zuì zāo gāo de shì, yǒu shí shèn zhì shì nán rén jǐn guǎn jiē lián shī bài què hái wù yǐ wéi zì jǐ shén me dōu xíng,
[02:09.720] yuán yīn jiù shì yào miàn zi.
[02:14.600] jīn nián chūn tiān, qī zǐ ràng wǒ qǐng rén jiǎn chá yī xià wǒ jiā de gē cǎo jī.
[02:21.240] nà tái gē cǎo jī qù nián xià tiān jiù huài le, jǐn guǎn wǒ dā yìng xiū, dàn yī zhí méi chōu chū shí jiān,
[02:28.960] wǒ bù yuàn tīng qī zǐ de jiàn yì, shuō wǒ zì jǐ huì xiū.
[02:34.560] yí gè xīng qī liù de xià wǔ, wǒ bǎ gē cǎo jī lā dào le huā yuán lǐ, zǐ xì jiǎn chá le yī fān.
[02:41.000] zài wǒ kàn lái, zhǐ xū shāo jiā tiáo zhěng jí kě.
[02:45.880] zhè ér jǐn jǐn luó sī, nà ér gù dìng yī xià, zài jiā jǐ dī yóu, jiù huì xiàng xīn de yí yàng le.
[02:54.960] shì shí shàng, xiū lǐ gōng zuò yuǎn bú shì nà me jiǎn dān.
[02:59.760] xiū wán hòu gē cǎo jī hái shì wén sī bù dòng. yú shì, wǒ jué dìng bǎ tā chāi kāi.
[03:06.200] yī huì ér gōng fū, gē cǎo jī biàn bèi chāi chéng yí gè gè jīn shǔ líng jiàn, luàn qī bā zāo dì duī zài huā yuán lǐ.
[03:12.600] dàn wǒ què fēi cháng gāo xìng,
[03:16.120] yīn wèi wǒ zhǎo dào le máo bìng suǒ zài.
[03:19.080] qū dòng lún zi de liàn tiáo duàn le yī jié.
[03:23.800] wǒ mǎi lái yī gēn xīn liàn tiáo hòu, miàn lín de jiù shì rú hé bǎ zhèi xiē lìng rén yǎn huā liáo luàn de pīn bǎn chóng xīn zǔ zhuāng qǐ lái.
[03:32.600] děng wǒ zhuāng wán hòu, nà tái gē cǎo jī réng rán yī dòng bù dòng, duì cǐ wǒ dào bìng bù gǎn dào chī jīng.
[03:39.080] yuán yīn hěn jiǎn dān, yīn wèi hái shèng xià jǐ gè xíng zhuàng qí tè de líng jiàn sì hū nǎ lǐ yě zhuāng bù shǎng qù.
[03:47.120] wǒ wú kě nài hé, zhǐ hǎo bà xiū.
[03:49.360] jǐ gè xīng qī guò qù le, cǎo zhǎng le qǐ lái.
[03:52.680] qī zǐ dié dié bù xiū ràng wǒ xiǎng diǎn bàn fǎ. wǒ gào sù tā, yào me mǎi yī tái xīn gē cǎo jī, yào me ràng cǎo zhǎng xià qù.
[04:01.280] bù yòng shuō, wǒ jiā xiàn zài yǐ bèi cóng lín bāo wéi.
[04:05.240] shēn cǎo cóng zhōng de mǒu gè dì fāng yǒu yī tái zhèng zài shēng xiù de gē cǎo jī, nà jiù shì wǒ céng dā yìng mǒu rì yào xiū lǐ de gē cǎo jī.