Friends S02E02

歌曲 Friends S02E02
歌手 英语听力
专辑 老友记(第二季)


[01:46.-4] Okay,I got one,I got one.
[03:25.-4] -Hi,honey. -Hey,sweetums.
[06:58.-3] I was wondering if after work we could grab a cup of coffee?
[07:52.-1] Honey,relax. Ross is great with him.
[09:01.-4] I think I know how to heat breast milk.
[09:10.-3] I licked my arm,what?
[10:42.-4] -Julie. -What?
[10:49.-3] When it started,I was just trying to be nice to her...
[13:44.-2] You've tasted it.
[17:12.-1] really need to hate Julie's guts.
[19:34.-4] ...stop lasting. …
[00:07.82] These were expensive and he'll grow out of them...
[00:10.92] 20 minutes, but I couldn't resist!
[00:17.50] Look at these.
[00:19.90] Hey,Ben.
[00:21.07] "Just do it"!
[00:24.90] Oh,my God!
[00:26.37] Was that too much pressure for him?
[00:30.11] -ls he hungry already? -I guess so.
[00:34.51] You know,it's....
[00:39.08] Something funny about sneakers. I'll be right back.
[00:43.39] I gotta get one too.
[00:47.76] Hey,what are you guys doing?
[00:49.93] We're just hanging out by the spoons.
[00:53.03] Ladle?
[00:54.63] Will you guys grow up?
[00:56.07] This is the most beautiful thing in the world.
[00:59.10] Yeah,we know. But there's a baby sucking on it.
[01:04.24] This is my son having lunch,okay? It'll happen a lot,so get used to it.
[01:09.88] If you're uncomfortable, just ask questions.
[01:13.49] Carol's fine with it.
[01:18.16] Carol?
[01:21.93] I'm wondering,could Joey ask you a question about breast-feeding?
[01:28.10] Sure.
[01:31.57] Does it hurt?
[01:34.27] It did at first,but not anymore.
[01:37.18] Chandler?
[01:41.15] So,how often can you do it?
[01:43.75] As much as he needs.
[01:50.79] If he blows into one, does the other one get bigger?
[02:44.08] -Any muffins left? -Yeah,I forget which ones.
[02:47.25] You're busy,I'll get it.
[02:49.38] -Anyone else want one? -No,thanks.
[02:52.22] You're losing your apron. Let me get it.
[02:55.72] -There you go. -Thank you.
[02:59.39] What a bitch!
[03:04.60] I have a friend at Bloomingdale's who's quitting...
[03:07.93] ...and he wants to abuse his discount.
[03:10.37] Anyone want to come take advantage of it?
[03:12.90] I have to take my grandmother to the vet.
[03:20.25] -I'll go with you. -Great.
[03:27.75] And hello to the rest.
[03:32.72] You can't go shopping with her. What about Rachel?
[03:37.30] Will it be a problem?
[03:38.76] You're going to Bloomingdale's with Julie.
[03:41.07] It's like cheating on Rachel in her house of worship.
[03:46.07] Monica,she will kill you.
[03:49.37] She will kill you like a dog in the street!
[03:56.61] So Jules tells me you guys are going shopping tomorrow.
[04:00.89] It's actually not that big a deal.
[04:03.72] It's a big deal to me. This is great.
[04:06.06] I really appreciate this.
[04:08.29] You're welcome.
[04:24.61] Bijan for men?
[04:27.31] Bijan for men?
[04:32.28] -Hey,Annabel. -Hey,Joey.
[04:34.19] Did you hear about the new guy?
[04:36.59] Nobody knows his name. Me and the girls call him "The Hombre Man. "
[04:50.47] Hombre?
[04:56.67] What's he doing in my section?
[04:59.21] I guess he doesn't know.
[05:01.18] Well,he's gonna.
[05:03.85] I'll see you a little later,okay?
[05:09.15] Hey,how you doing?
[05:11.22] Mornin'.
[05:13.02] Listen,I know you're new...
[05:16.23] ... but it's understood that everything...
[05:18.70] ...from young men's to the escalator is my territory.
[05:23.84] "Your territory"?
[05:27.24] -Bijan for men? -No,thanks.
[05:29.14] Hombre?
[05:30.84] Yeah,all right.
[05:39.75] You were saying?
[05:44.86] Phoebe,listen. You were with me, and we were shopping all day.
[05:49.76] We shopped and we had lunch.
[05:51.66] What did I have?
[05:53.53] -You had a salad. -No wonder I don't feel full.
[05:58.00] Hi. What's up?
[05:59.37] I went shopping with Monica and I had a salad.
[06:04.58] Good,Pheebs. What'd you buy?
[06:08.38] We went shopping for....
[06:11.25] For....
[06:12.75] For fur.
[06:17.09] You went shopping for fur?
[06:20.79] And then I realized that l'm against that.
[06:24.80] So then we bought some....
[06:28.43] Boobs.
[06:35.44] You bought boobs?
[06:39.61] Bras!
[06:42.05] We bought bras!
[06:44.12] We bought bras.
[06:49.42] Bijan for men?
[06:51.26] Bijan for men?
[06:53.16] Bijan for....
[06:56.46] Hey,Annabel.
[07:02.50] Actually,I sort of have plans.
[07:09.81] You ready,Annabel?
[07:12.74] You bet.
[07:16.01] Maybe some other time.
[07:27.93] It's not the first time I lost a girl to a cowboy spraying cologne.
[07:32.26] Bijan for men?
[07:34.20] Bijan for men!
[07:37.37] And this is Funny Clown.
[07:39.47] It's only for after his naps, not before,or he won't sleep.
[07:43.17] We've been through this before. We have a good time.
[07:46.84] We laugh,we play. It's like we're father and son.
[07:55.29] Don't look so surprised. I'm a lovely person.
[08:01.23] This is so cute!
[08:03.23] I got that for him!
[08:05.13] "My Mommies Love Me. " “
[08:10.57] That's clever.
[08:14.74] Oh,hi,Jul....
[08:17.84] Hi,Jew!
[08:24.22] Okay,sure.
[08:25.85] That'd be great. See you then. Bye.
[08:29.02] Did you just say," Hi,Jew"?
[08:36.09] Yes,I did.
[08:37.86] That was my friend Eddie Moskowitz.
[08:44.24] Yeah,he likes it. Reaffirms his faith.
[08:52.71] Ben,dinner!
[08:55.58] Thanks,Aunt Pheebs.
[08:57.25] Did you microwave that? You can't do that to breast milk.
[09:07.59] What did you just do?
[09:11.93] It's breast milk!
[09:14.40] So?
[09:15.87] Phoebe,that is juice squeezed from a person.
[09:20.77] What is the big deal?
[09:24.91] What did you just do?
[09:28.81] Can people stop drinking the breast milk?
[09:33.78] You won't even taste it?
[09:36.89] Not even if you just pretend it's milk?
[09:39.46] Not even if Carol's breast had a picture of a missing child on it.
[09:51.27] -Where is everybody? -At the park. Where have you been?
[09:55.24] Just out.
[09:56.44] Had some lunch. Just me. A little quality time with me.
[10:02.08] -Thanks for your jacket. -No problem.
[10:04.58] You can borrow it,by the way.
[10:08.09] Here are your keys,honey.
[10:13.93] If you were at lunch alone, how come it cost you $53?
[10:21.13] You know what probably happened?
[10:23.60] Someone stole my credit card.
[10:27.34] And put the receipt back in your pocket?
[10:31.34] That is an excellent, excellent question.
[10:34.55] That is excellent.
[10:37.32] What's with you? Who did you have lunch with?
[10:40.48] -Judy. -Who?
[10:43.19] Jody.
[10:46.22] You were with Julie?
[10:52.80] ... because she was my brother's girlfriend.
[10:55.80] And then one thing led to another...
[10:59.67] ...and before I knew it,we were...
[11:09.01] Oh,my God!
[11:12.18] Wait,we only did it once.
[11:16.22] It meant nothing to me!
[11:21.33] Really,I was thinking of you the whole time.
[11:27.20] Look,I'm sorry,all right? I never meant for you to find out.
[11:31.57] Oh,please! Please! You wanted to get caught!
[11:35.77] That is not true!
[11:37.21] So you just happened to leave it in here?
[11:40.71] Did it ever occur to you that I might just be that stupid?
[11:46.35] Okay,I just have to know one thing.
[11:52.46] Did you go to Bloomingdale's?
[12:08.47] Okay,I just really need to not be with you right now.
[12:22.35] Hi,who's this?
[12:23.75] Hi,Joanne. Is Rachel working? It's Monica.
[12:27.89] Yes,I know I did a horrible thing.
[12:30.63] Joanne,it's not as simple as all that.
[12:34.77] No,I don't care what Steve thinks. Hi,Steve.
[12:44.04] How did we do?
[12:45.48] I tasted Ben's milk and Ross freaked out.
[12:48.88] I did not freak out.
[12:50.31] -Why'd you freak out? -Because it's breast milk.
[12:54.62] It's gross!
[12:56.49] My breast milk is gross?
[12:59.82] This should be fun.
[13:03.83] There's nothing wrong with it.
[13:05.80] I just don't think breast milk is for adults.
[13:09.73] Of course,the packaging does appeal to grownups and kids.
[13:15.27] Don't be silly. I've tried it. It's no big deal.
[13:18.41] Just taste it.
[13:21.11] That would be no.
[13:23.81] -Come on. -Try it.
[13:25.08] It's natural.
[13:26.18] It doesn't taste bad.
[13:27.79] Yeah,it tastes kind of sweet. Sort of like....
[13:30.86] Like what?
[13:31.92] Cantaloupe juice.
[13:33.16] Exactly.
[13:41.80] You've tasted it.
[13:47.77] Oh,you've tasted it.
[13:51.71] You can keep saying it, but it won't stop being true.
[14:02.62] Give me the bottle.
[14:09.83] Get me the towel.
[14:36.32] Howdy.
[14:39.69] Give me a box of juice.
[14:44.09] Well,they switched me over to Hombre.
[14:46.83] Maybe it's because of the way you're dressed.
[14:51.10] Or this guy's doing so good they want to put more people on it.
[14:55.34] This guy goes through two bottles a day now.
[15:00.54] What do you care?
[15:02.91] You're an actor. This is your day job. It's nothing!
[15:06.35] I know,but I was the best.
[15:09.09] You know? I liked being the best.
[15:16.73] Maybe I should get out of the game.
[15:19.26] They need guys up in housewares to serve cheese.
[15:22.77] Say you do that.
[15:24.10] Sooner or later,somebody will come along that slices a better cheddar.
[15:30.27] Then where you gonna run?
[15:32.08] You're right.
[15:33.24] I say you show him what you're made of. Stand your ground.
[15:36.88] Show him that you're the baddest Hombre west of the lingerie!
[15:42.22] -I'm gonna do it! -All right!
[15:45.29] Now,go see Miss Kitty and she'll fix you up with a nice hooker.
[15:51.30] I don't know what to say.
[15:53.16] That's good because I'm not listening.
[15:56.17] I feel terrible. I really do.
[15:58.17] I'm sorry. Did my back hurt your knife?
[16:03.67] Say that I'm friends with her. Is that so terrible?
[16:08.61] -It's that terrible? -You don't get it!
[16:11.35] It's bad enough she stole the guy...
[16:13.32] ...who may be the person l'm supposed to be with.
[16:16.29] But now...
[16:18.69] ...she's actually....
[16:21.13] But now she's actually stealing you!
[16:27.46] What are you talking about?
[16:29.67] Nobody could steal me from you.
[16:32.20] Because I'm friends with her doesn't make me any less friends with you.
[16:38.04] You're my....
[16:41.18] And we're....
[16:45.68] -Oh,I love you! -I love you too!
[16:53.00] You guys,I know that this really doesn't have anything to do with me.
[16:58.20] But I love you guys too!
[17:05.74] I really needed that.
[17:09.74] I know that right now...
[17:14.75] But she didn't do anything wrong.
[17:18.22] She's just a girl who met a guy, and now they go out.
[17:22.89] I think that if you gave her a chance,you'd like her.
[17:28.43] Will you give it a chance?
[17:30.93] For me?
[17:34.50] I'd do anything for you, you know that.
[17:37.20] I'd do anything for you!
[17:40.60] Wait,wait,wait!
[18:00.92] Mornin'.
[18:04.29] I said,mornin'!
[18:08.60] I heard you.
[18:11.30] All right,everybody. I'm opening the doors.
[18:14.74] You boys ready?
[18:21.45] Ready.
[18:23.11] Yeah,l'm ready.
[19:11.20] You idiot! You stupid cowboy!
[19:13.86] You've blinded me! I'm suing!
[19:16.10] Oh,my God! Todd! What the hell did you do?
[19:20.17] Sorry. I'm such a doofus!
[19:22.04] I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.
[19:25.51] My God,what happened?
[19:28.21] These new kids,they never last.
[19:30.85] Sooner or later they all...
[19:36.89] What do you say I buy you that cup of coffee now?
[19:40.82] Sure.
[20:01.08] I just thought we should hang out.
[20:03.58] I mean,you know, we've never really talked.
[20:06.72] I guess you'd know that, being one of the two of us.
[20:10.02] I know.
[20:12.26] I probably shouldn't even tell you this...
[20:15.76] ... but l'm pretty much totally intimidated by you.
[20:20.00] Really?
[20:21.27] Me?
[20:22.53] Oh,my God,are you kidding?
[20:24.67] Ross is so crazy about you...
[20:26.60] ...and I really wanted you to like me,and l....
[20:30.04] It's probably me just being totally paranoid...
[20:33.08] ...but I kind of got the feeling that maybe you don't.
[20:45.92] Well,you're not totally paranoid.
[21:00.40] When you and Ross first started going out...
[21:04.07] was really hard for me...
[21:08.38] ...for many reasons of which l'm not gonna bore you with now.
[21:17.45] I see how happy he is and how good you guys are together.
[21:23.13] And Monica's always saying how nice you are...
[21:27.40] ...and God,I hate it when she's right!
[21:31.74] Thanks.
[21:33.77] Would you like to go to a movie sometime or something?
[21:37.74] Yeah,that'd be great. I'd love it.
[21:40.74] I'd love it too.
[21:43.51] Shoot,I gotta go.
[21:45.02] -So I'll talk to you later. -All right,Julie.
[21:56.83] What a manipulative bitch.
[22:30.46] It's not bad.


[01:46.-4] Okay, I got one, I got one.
[03:25.-4] Hi, honey. Hey, sweetums.
[06:58.-3] I was wondering if after work we could grab a cup of coffee?
[07:52.-1] Honey, relax. Ross is great with him.
[09:01.-4] I think I know how to heat breast milk.
[09:10.-3] I licked my arm, what?
[10:42.-4] Julie. What?
[10:49.-3] When it started, I was just trying to be nice to her...
[13:44.-2] You' ve tasted it.
[17:12.-1] ... you really need to hate Julie' s guts.
[19:34.-4] ... stop lasting.
[00:07.82] These were expensive and he' ll grow out of them...
[00:10.92] ... in 20 minutes, but I couldn' t resist!
[00:17.50] Look at these.
[00:19.90] Hey, Ben.
[00:21.07] " Just do it"!
[00:24.90] Oh, my God!
[00:26.37] Was that too much pressure for him?
[00:30.11] ls he hungry already? I guess so.
[00:34.51] You know, it' s....
[00:39.08] Something funny about sneakers. I' ll be right back.
[00:43.39] I gotta get one too.
[00:47.76] Hey, what are you guys doing?
[00:49.93] We' re just hanging out by the spoons.
[00:53.03] Ladle?
[00:54.63] Will you guys grow up?
[00:56.07] This is the most beautiful thing in the world.
[00:59.10] Yeah, we know. But there' s a baby sucking on it.
[01:04.24] This is my son having lunch, okay? It' ll happen a lot, so get used to it.
[01:09.88] If you' re uncomfortable, just ask questions.
[01:13.49] Carol' s fine with it.
[01:18.16] Carol?
[01:21.93] I' m wondering, could Joey ask you a question about breastfeeding?
[01:28.10] Sure.
[01:31.57] Does it hurt?
[01:34.27] It did at first, but not anymore.
[01:37.18] Chandler?
[01:41.15] So, how often can you do it?
[01:43.75] As much as he needs.
[01:50.79] If he blows into one, does the other one get bigger?
[02:44.08] Any muffins left? Yeah, I forget which ones.
[02:47.25] You' re busy, I' ll get it.
[02:49.38] Anyone else want one? No, thanks.
[02:52.22] You' re losing your apron. Let me get it.
[02:55.72] There you go. Thank you.
[02:59.39] What a bitch!
[03:04.60] I have a friend at Bloomingdale' s who' s quitting...
[03:07.93] ... and he wants to abuse his discount.
[03:10.37] Anyone want to come take advantage of it?
[03:12.90] I have to take my grandmother to the vet.
[03:20.25] I' ll go with you. Great.
[03:27.75] And hello to the rest.
[03:32.72] You can' t go shopping with her. What about Rachel?
[03:37.30] Will it be a problem?
[03:38.76] You' re going to Bloomingdale' s with Julie.
[03:41.07] It' s like cheating on Rachel in her house of worship.
[03:46.07] Monica, she will kill you.
[03:49.37] She will kill you like a dog in the street!
[03:56.61] So Jules tells me you guys are going shopping tomorrow.
[04:00.89] It' s actually not that big a deal.
[04:03.72] It' s a big deal to me. This is great.
[04:06.06] I really appreciate this.
[04:08.29] You' re welcome.
[04:24.61] Bijan for men?
[04:27.31] Bijan for men?
[04:32.28] Hey, Annabel. Hey, Joey.
[04:34.19] Did you hear about the new guy?
[04:36.59] Nobody knows his name. Me and the girls call him " The Hombre Man. "
[04:50.47] Hombre?
[04:56.67] What' s he doing in my section?
[04:59.21] I guess he doesn' t know.
[05:01.18] Well, he' s gonna.
[05:03.85] I' ll see you a little later, okay?
[05:09.15] Hey, how you doing?
[05:11.22] Mornin'.
[05:13.02] Listen, I know you' re new...
[05:16.23] ... but it' s understood that everything...
[05:18.70] ... from young men' s to the escalator is my territory.
[05:23.84] " Your territory"?
[05:27.24] Bijan for men? No, thanks.
[05:29.14] Hombre?
[05:30.84] Yeah, all right.
[05:39.75] You were saying?
[05:44.86] Phoebe, listen. You were with me, and we were shopping all day.
[05:49.76] We shopped and we had lunch.
[05:51.66] What did I have?
[05:53.53] You had a salad. No wonder I don' t feel full.
[05:58.00] Hi. What' s up?
[05:59.37] I went shopping with Monica and I had a salad.
[06:04.58] Good, Pheebs. What' d you buy?
[06:08.38] We went shopping for....
[06:11.25] For....
[06:12.75] For fur.
[06:17.09] You went shopping for fur?
[06:20.79] And then I realized that l' m against that.
[06:24.80] So then we bought some....
[06:28.43] Boobs.
[06:35.44] You bought boobs?
[06:39.61] Bras!
[06:42.05] We bought bras!
[06:44.12] We bought bras.
[06:49.42] Bijan for men?
[06:51.26] Bijan for men?
[06:53.16] Bijan for....
[06:56.46] Hey, Annabel.
[07:02.50] Actually, I sort of have plans.
[07:09.81] You ready, Annabel?
[07:12.74] You bet.
[07:16.01] Maybe some other time.
[07:27.93] It' s not the first time I lost a girl to a cowboy spraying cologne.
[07:32.26] Bijan for men?
[07:34.20] Bijan for men!
[07:37.37] And this is Funny Clown.
[07:39.47] It' s only for after his naps, not before, or he won' t sleep.
[07:43.17] We' ve been through this before. We have a good time.
[07:46.84] We laugh, we play. It' s like we' re father and son.
[07:55.29] Don' t look so surprised. I' m a lovely person.
[08:01.23] This is so cute!
[08:03.23] I got that for him!
[08:05.13] " My Mommies Love Me. " "
[08:10.57] That' s clever.
[08:14.74] Oh, hi, Jul....
[08:17.84] Hi, Jew!
[08:24.22] Okay, sure.
[08:25.85] That' d be great. See you then. Bye.
[08:29.02] Did you just say," Hi, Jew"?
[08:36.09] Yes, I did.
[08:37.86] That was my friend Eddie Moskowitz.
[08:44.24] Yeah, he likes it. Reaffirms his faith.
[08:52.71] Ben, dinner!
[08:55.58] Thanks, Aunt Pheebs.
[08:57.25] Did you microwave that? You can' t do that to breast milk.
[09:07.59] What did you just do?
[09:11.93] It' s breast milk!
[09:14.40] So?
[09:15.87] Phoebe, that is juice squeezed from a person.
[09:20.77] What is the big deal?
[09:24.91] What did you just do?
[09:28.81] Can people stop drinking the breast milk?
[09:33.78] You won' t even taste it?
[09:36.89] Not even if you just pretend it' s milk?
[09:39.46] Not even if Carol' s breast had a picture of a missing child on it.
[09:51.27] Where is everybody? At the park. Where have you been?
[09:55.24] Just out.
[09:56.44] Had some lunch. Just me. A little quality time with me.
[10:02.08] Thanks for your jacket. No problem.
[10:04.58] You can borrow it, by the way.
[10:08.09] Here are your keys, honey.
[10:13.93] If you were at lunch alone, how come it cost you 53?
[10:21.13] You know what probably happened?
[10:23.60] Someone stole my credit card.
[10:27.34] And put the receipt back in your pocket?
[10:31.34] That is an excellent, excellent question.
[10:34.55] That is excellent.
[10:37.32] What' s with you? Who did you have lunch with?
[10:40.48] Judy. Who?
[10:43.19] Jody.
[10:46.22] You were with Julie?
[10:52.80] ... because she was my brother' s girlfriend.
[10:55.80] And then one thing led to another...
[10:59.67] ... and before I knew it, we were...
[11:02.64] ... shopping.
[11:09.01] Oh, my God!
[11:12.18] Wait, we only did it once.
[11:16.22] It meant nothing to me!
[11:21.33] Really, I was thinking of you the whole time.
[11:27.20] Look, I' m sorry, all right? I never meant for you to find out.
[11:31.57] Oh, please! Please! You wanted to get caught!
[11:35.77] That is not true!
[11:37.21] So you just happened to leave it in here?
[11:40.71] Did it ever occur to you that I might just be that stupid?
[11:46.35] Okay, I just have to know one thing.
[11:52.46] Did you go to Bloomingdale' s?
[12:08.47] Okay, I just really need to not be with you right now.
[12:22.35] Hi, who' s this?
[12:23.75] Hi, Joanne. Is Rachel working? It' s Monica.
[12:27.89] Yes, I know I did a horrible thing.
[12:30.63] Joanne, it' s not as simple as all that.
[12:34.77] No, I don' t care what Steve thinks. Hi, Steve.
[12:44.04] How did we do?
[12:45.48] I tasted Ben' s milk and Ross freaked out.
[12:48.88] I did not freak out.
[12:50.31] Why' d you freak out? Because it' s breast milk.
[12:54.62] It' s gross!
[12:56.49] My breast milk is gross?
[12:59.82] This should be fun.
[13:03.83] There' s nothing wrong with it.
[13:05.80] I just don' t think breast milk is for adults.
[13:09.73] Of course, the packaging does appeal to grownups and kids.
[13:15.27] Don' t be silly. I' ve tried it. It' s no big deal.
[13:18.41] Just taste it.
[13:21.11] That would be no.
[13:23.81] Come on. Try it.
[13:25.08] It' s natural.
[13:26.18] It doesn' t taste bad.
[13:27.79] Yeah, it tastes kind of sweet. Sort of like....
[13:30.86] Like what?
[13:31.92] Cantaloupe juice.
[13:33.16] Exactly.
[13:41.80] You' ve tasted it.
[13:47.77] Oh, you' ve tasted it.
[13:51.71] You can keep saying it, but it won' t stop being true.
[14:02.62] Give me the bottle.
[14:09.83] Get me the towel.
[14:36.32] Howdy.
[14:39.69] Give me a box of juice.
[14:44.09] Well, they switched me over to Hombre.
[14:46.83] Maybe it' s because of the way you' re dressed.
[14:51.10] Or this guy' s doing so good they want to put more people on it.
[14:55.34] This guy goes through two bottles a day now.
[15:00.54] What do you care?
[15:02.91] You' re an actor. This is your day job. It' s nothing!
[15:06.35] I know, but I was the best.
[15:09.09] You know? I liked being the best.
[15:16.73] Maybe I should get out of the game.
[15:19.26] They need guys up in housewares to serve cheese.
[15:22.77] Say you do that.
[15:24.10] Sooner or later, somebody will come along that slices a better cheddar.
[15:30.27] Then where you gonna run?
[15:32.08] You' re right.
[15:33.24] I say you show him what you' re made of. Stand your ground.
[15:36.88] Show him that you' re the baddest Hombre west of the lingerie!
[15:42.22] I' m gonna do it! All right!
[15:45.29] Now, go see Miss Kitty and she' ll fix you up with a nice hooker.
[15:51.30] I don' t know what to say.
[15:53.16] That' s good because I' m not listening.
[15:56.17] I feel terrible. I really do.
[15:58.17] I' m sorry. Did my back hurt your knife?
[16:03.67] Say that I' m friends with her. Is that so terrible?
[16:08.61] It' s that terrible? You don' t get it!
[16:11.35] It' s bad enough she stole the guy...
[16:13.32] ... who may be the person l' m supposed to be with.
[16:16.29] But now...
[16:18.69] ... she' s actually....
[16:21.13] But now she' s actually stealing you!
[16:27.46] What are you talking about?
[16:29.67] Nobody could steal me from you.
[16:32.20] Because I' m friends with her doesn' t make me any less friends with you.
[16:38.04] You' re my....
[16:41.18] And we' re....
[16:45.68] Oh, I love you! I love you too!
[16:53.00] You guys, I know that this really doesn' t have anything to do with me.
[16:58.20] But I love you guys too!
[17:05.74] I really needed that.
[17:09.74] I know that right now...
[17:14.75] But she didn' t do anything wrong.
[17:18.22] She' s just a girl who met a guy, and now they go out.
[17:22.89] I think that if you gave her a chance, you' d like her.
[17:28.43] Will you give it a chance?
[17:30.93] For me?
[17:34.50] I' d do anything for you, you know that.
[17:37.20] I' d do anything for you!
[17:40.60] Wait, wait, wait!
[18:00.92] Mornin'.
[18:04.29] I said, mornin'!
[18:08.60] I heard you.
[18:11.30] All right, everybody. I' m opening the doors.
[18:14.74] You boys ready?
[18:21.45] Ready.
[18:23.11] Yeah, l' m ready.
[19:11.20] You idiot! You stupid cowboy!
[19:13.86] You' ve blinded me! I' m suing!
[19:16.10] Oh, my God! Todd! What the hell did you do?
[19:20.17] Sorry. I' m such a doofus!
[19:22.04] I' m so sorry. I' m so sorry.
[19:25.51] My God, what happened?
[19:28.21] These new kids, they never last.
[19:30.85] Sooner or later they all...
[19:36.89] What do you say I buy you that cup of coffee now?
[19:40.82] Sure.
[20:01.08] I just thought we should hang out.
[20:03.58] I mean, you know, we' ve never really talked.
[20:06.72] I guess you' d know that, being one of the two of us.
[20:10.02] I know.
[20:12.26] I probably shouldn' t even tell you this...
[20:15.76] ... but l' m pretty much totally intimidated by you.
[20:20.00] Really?
[20:21.27] Me?
[20:22.53] Oh, my God, are you kidding?
[20:24.67] Ross is so crazy about you...
[20:26.60] ... and I really wanted you to like me, and l....
[20:30.04] It' s probably me just being totally paranoid...
[20:33.08] ... but I kind of got the feeling that maybe you don' t.
[20:45.92] Well, you' re not totally paranoid.
[21:00.40] When you and Ross first started going out...
[21:04.07] ... it was really hard for me...
[21:08.38] ... for many reasons of which l' m not gonna bore you with now.
[21:17.45] I see how happy he is and how good you guys are together.
[21:23.13] And Monica' s always saying how nice you are...
[21:27.40] ... and God, I hate it when she' s right!
[21:31.74] Thanks.
[21:33.77] Would you like to go to a movie sometime or something?
[21:37.74] Yeah, that' d be great. I' d love it.
[21:40.74] I' d love it too.
[21:43.51] Shoot, I gotta go.
[21:45.02] So I' ll talk to you later. All right, Julie.
[21:56.83] What a manipulative bitch.
[22:30.46] It' s not bad.


[00:07.82] zhèi xiē fēi cháng áng guì wǒ zhī dào tā hěn kuài jiù chuān bù xià
[00:10.92] dàn shì wǒ jiù shì wú fǎ kàng jù!
[00:17.50] kàn kàn zhèi xiē!
[00:19.90] hāi, bān
[00:21.07] zuò le jiù duì! nài jí guǎng gào cí
[00:24.90] ō, tiān a!
[00:26.37] shì bú shì duì tā yā lì tài dà?
[00:30.11] tā yǐ jīng è le ma? wǒ xiǎng shì de
[00:34.51] nǐ zhī dào, nà gè
[00:39.08] qiú xié zhēn de hěn yǒu qù wǒ mǎ shàng jiù huí lái!
[00:43.39] wǒ yě yào yí gè
[00:47.76] nǐ men zài gàn shén me?
[00:49.93] wǒ men zhǐ shì lái kàn kàn tāng chí
[00:53.03] yào tiáo gēng ma?
[00:54.63] nǐ men chéng shú yì diǎn hǎo ma?
[00:56.07] zhè shì shì shàng zuì zì rán měi lì de
[00:59.10] wǒ men zhī dào dàn xiàn zài yǒu gè yīng ér zài xī tā
[01:04.24] zhè shì wǒ ér zi zài chī wǔ cān nǐ men zuì hǎo xí guàn
[01:09.88] rú guǒ nǐ men gǎn dào bù zì zài fā wèn jiù hǎo
[01:13.49] kǎ luó bù jiè yì de
[01:18.16] kǎ luó?
[01:21.93] wǒ xiǎng wèn wèn qiáo yī néng bù néng tí chū guān yú bǔ rǔ de wèn tí?
[01:28.10] dāng rán kě yǐ
[01:31.57] huì bú huì tòng?
[01:34.27] gāng kāi shǐ huì, xiàn zài bú huì le
[01:37.18] qián dé?
[01:41.15] nǐ néng duō jiǔ wèi yī cì?
[01:43.75] zhǐ yào tā xū yào jiù kě yǐ
[01:46.-4] wǒ xiǎng dào le yí gè wèn tí
[01:50.79] rú guǒ tā duì yí gè chuī qì lìng yí gè huì bú huì biàn dà?
[02:02.86] liù rén xíng dì 2 jì dì 02 jí mǔ rǔ
[02:44.08] hái yǒu sōng gāo ma? hái yǒu, wǒ wàng jì shì nǎ yī zhǒng
[02:47.25] nǐ tài máng le, wǒ lái ná
[02:49.38] shuí hái yào? bù yòng, xiè xiè
[02:52.22] nǐ de wéi qún sōng le, wǒ bāng nǐ xì hǎo
[02:55.72] hǎo le xiè xiè
[02:59.39] zhēn shì gè è pó niáng!
[03:04.60] wǒ yǒu péng yǒu zài bù míng dài ěr bǎi huò shàng bān míng tiān jiù bù gàn le
[03:07.93] tā xiǎng yào huā diào tā de zhé kòu yōu dài
[03:10.37] shuí xiǎng gēn wǒ qù jiǎn pián yí?
[03:12.90] wǒ bù xíng wǒ yào dài wǒ zǔ mǔ qù kàn shòu yī
[03:20.25] wǒ gēn nǐ qù hǎo jí le
[03:25.-4] hāi, tián xīn hāi, mì táng
[03:27.75] hā luó, gè wèi
[03:32.72] nǐ bù néng gēn tā qù guàng bǎi huò ruì qiū zěn me bàn?
[03:37.30] huì yǒu wèn tí, duì bú duì?
[03:38.76] nǐ yào gēn zhū lì qù bù míng dài ěr
[03:41.07] jiù xiàng shì dào ruì qiū jiā zhōng tōu hàn zi!
[03:46.07] tā huì zǎi le nǐ
[03:49.37] tā huì zǎi le nǐ jiù xiàng zǎi jiē shàng de liú làng gǒu!
[03:56.61] zhū lì shuō nǐ men míng tiān yào qù guàng jiē
[04:00.89] qí shí méi yǒu shén me
[04:03.72] duì wǒ hěn zhòng yào, fēi cháng zhòng yào
[04:06.06] wǒ fēi cháng gǎn jī nǐ zhè me zuò
[04:08.29] bié kè qi
[04:24.61] bì ér quán nán xìng xiāng shuǐ?
[04:27.31] bì ér quán nán xìng xiāng shuǐ?
[04:32.28] hāi, ān nà bèi hāi, qiáo yī
[04:34.19] tīng shuō guò xīn lái de rén ma?
[04:36.59] méi rén zhī dào tā de míng zì wǒ men nǚ shēng dōu jiào tā" yuán yě qí xiá"
[04:50.47] yuán yě qí xiá?
[04:56.67] tā dào wǒ zhè yī qū gàn shén me?
[04:59.21] wǒ xiǎng tā bù zhī dào
[05:01.18] tā bì xū zhī dào
[05:03.85] dāi huì jiàn
[05:09.15] nǐ hǎo ma?
[05:11.22] zǎo
[05:13.02] tīng zhe, wǒ zhī dào nǐ shì xīn lái de
[05:16.23] dàn zhòng suǒ jiē zhī zhè fù jìn de yī qiè
[05:18.70] cóng nián qīng rén bù mén dào diàn tī dōu shì wǒ de dì pán
[05:23.84] nǐ de dì pán?
[05:27.24] bì ér quán nán xìng xiāng shuǐ? bù, xiè le
[05:29.14] yuán yě qí xiá?
[05:30.84] hǎo a
[05:39.75] nǐ gāng cái shuō shí mǒ?
[05:44.86] fēi bǐ, tīng zhe, nǐ gēn wǒ yì qǐ guàng le zhěng tiān jiē mǎi dōng xi
[05:49.76] wǒ men mǎi dōng xi, chī wǔ cān
[05:51.66] wǒ chī le shén me?
[05:53.53] nǐ chī le shā là nán guài wǒ jué de è
[05:58.00] hāi, zěn me yàng?
[05:59.37] wǒ zhěng tiān dū gēn mó nī kǎ mǎi dōng xi chī le yī kè shā là
[06:04.58] hěn hǎo, fēi bǐ nǐ men mǎi le shén me?
[06:08.38] wǒ men qù mǎi le
[06:12.75] mǎi le pí máo
[06:17.09] nǐ qù mǎi pí máo?
[06:20.79] rán hòu wǒ fā xiàn wǒ fǎn duì mǎi pí máo
[06:24.80] yú shì wǒ men mǎi le yī xiē
[06:28.43] bō bà
[06:35.44] nǐ mǎi le bō bà?
[06:39.61] xiōng zhào!
[06:42.05] wǒ men mǎi le xiōng zhào!
[06:44.12] wǒ men mǎi le xiōng zhào
[06:49.42] bì ér quán nán xìng xiāng shuǐ?
[06:51.26] bì ér quán nán xìng xiāng shuǐ?
[06:53.16] bì ér quán
[06:56.46] hāi, ān nà bèi
[06:58.-3] xià bān hòu wǒ men kě yǐ hē gè kā fēi ma?
[07:02.50] wǒ yǐ jīng yǒu jì huà le
[07:09.81] zhǔn bèi hǎo le ma, ān nà bèi?
[07:12.74] hǎo le
[07:16.01] yǐ hòu zài yuē ba
[07:27.93] wǒ yòu bú shì méi bèi pèn xiāng shuǐ de niú zǎi qiǎng zǒu nǚ hái zi guò
[07:32.26] bì ér quán nán xìng xiāng shuǐ?
[07:34.20] bì ér quán nán xìng xiāng shuǐ!
[07:37.37] zhè shì huá jī xiǎo chǒu
[07:39.47] zhǐ yǒu shuì guò wǔ jiào cái kě yǐ gěi tā wán fǒu zé tā huì shuì bù zháo
[07:43.17] wǒ dài guò tā, wǒ men wán de hěn gāo xìng
[07:46.84] wǒ men yòu xiào yòu wán jiù xiàng fù qīn gēn ér zi yí yàng
[07:52.-1] tián xīn, fàng qīng sōng luó sī hěn huì dài tā
[07:55.29] bié zhè me jīng yà wǒ shì gè hěn hǎo de rén
[08:01.23] hǎo kě ài!
[08:03.23] wǒ wèi tā mǎi de!
[08:05.13] wǒ de mā mā men ài wǒ"
[08:10.57] zhēn cōng míng
[08:14.74] hāi, zhū
[08:17.84] hāi, yóu tài rén!
[08:24.22] hǎo de, kě yǐ
[08:25.85] hěn hǎo, dāi huì jiàn
[08:29.02] nǐ gāng cái shì bú shì shuō: hāi, yóu tài rén?
[08:36.09] duì, wǒ shì zhè me shuō
[08:37.86] nà shi wǒ de yóu tài péng yǒu ài dí mò sī kǎo wéi zī
[08:44.24] tā hěn xǐ huān zhè chēng hū néng jiā qiáng tā de xìn yǎng
[08:52.71] bān, chī wǎn cān le!
[08:55.58] xiè xiè, fēi bǐ gū mā
[08:57.25] nǐ méi yǒu yòng wēi bō lú ba? bù yīng gāi zhè yàng chǔ lǐ mǔ rǔ
[09:01.-4] wǒ xiǎng wǒ zhī dào rú hé jiā rè mǔ rǔ
[09:07.59] nǐ zài gàn shén me?
[09:10.-3] wǒ tiǎn le wǒ de shǒu bì, zěn me yàng?
[09:11.93] nà shi mǔ rǔ!
[09:14.40] yòu zěn me yàng?
[09:15.87] fēi bǐ nà shi cóng lìng yí ge rén shēn shàng jǐ chū de zhī
[09:20.77] yǒu shén me liǎo bù qǐ?
[09:24.91] nǐ yòu zài gàn shén me?
[09:28.81] dà jiā néng bù néng bú yào hē mǔ rǔ?
[09:33.78] nǐ lián cháng dōu bù cháng?
[09:36.89] bù néng jiǎ zhuāng nà shi niú nǎi ma?
[09:39.46] jiù suàn kǎ luó de rǔ fáng tiē le niú nǎi xún rén guǎng gào dōu bù xíng!
[09:51.27] dà jiā dào nǎ lǐ qù le? dài bān qù gōng yuán le, nǐ qù nǎ lǐ le?
[09:55.24] chū qù
[09:56.44] chī le wǔ cān, zhǐ yǒu wǒ yí ge rén yǔ zì jǐ gòng dù měi hǎo shí guāng
[10:02.08] xiè xiè nǐ de wài tào bié kè qi
[10:04.58] nǐ yě kě yǐ xiàng wǒ jiè
[10:08.09] zhè shì nǐ de yào shi
[10:13.93] rú guǒ nǐ yí ge rén chī wǔ cān zěn me huì yào wǔ shí sān kuài?
[10:21.13] nǐ zhī dào dà gài fā shēng shén me shì ma?
[10:23.60] yí dìng yǒu rén tōu le wǒ de xìn yòng kǎ
[10:27.34] rán hòu bǎ shōu jù fàng huí nǐ kǒu dài?
[10:31.34] zhè shì gè fēi cháng hǎo de wèn tí
[10:34.55] zhēn de fēi cháng hǎo
[10:37.32] nǐ zěn me le? gēn shuí chī wǔ cān?
[10:40.48] zhū dì shuí?
[10:42.-4] zhū lì shén me?
[10:43.19] qiú dí
[10:46.22] nǐ gēn zhū lì zài yì qǐ?
[10:49.-3] gāng kāi shǐ wǒ zhǐ shì xiǎng duì tā yǒu shàn diǎn
[10:52.80] yīn wèi tā shì wǒ gē ge de nǚ yǒu
[10:55.80] rán hòu shì qíng jiē zhe fā shēng
[10:59.67] wǒ hái bù qīng chǔ, wǒ men jiù
[11:02.64] qù xiā pīn le
[11:09.01] wǒ de tiān!
[11:12.18] màn zhe, wǒ men zhǐ zuò le yī cì
[11:16.22] duì wǒ méi yǒu rèn hé yì yì!
[11:21.33] wǒ yī zhí xiǎng de shì nǐ!
[11:27.20] duì bù qǐ, hǎo ma? wǒ bù xī wàng nǐ zhī dào de
[11:31.57] bài tuō! nǐ xī wàng bèi dǎi dào!
[11:35.77] cái bú shì!
[11:37.21] suǒ yǐ nǐ bù xiǎo xīn liú shōu jù zài zhè lǐ?
[11:40.71] nǐ yǒu méi yǒu xiǎng dào wǒ huì zhè me bèn?
[11:46.35] hǎo, wǒ bì xū zhī dào yī jiàn shì
[11:52.46] nǐ shì bú shì gēn tā qù bù míng dài ěr?
[12:08.47] wǒ xiàn zài bù néng gēn nǐ zài yì qǐ le
[12:22.35] hāi, nǎ yī wèi?
[12:23.75] hāi, qióng ān, ruì qiū zài ma? wǒ shì mó nī kǎ
[12:27.89] wǒ zhī dào wǒ zuò le hěn zāo gāo de shì
[12:30.63] qióng ān, shì qíng méi zhè me jiǎn dān
[12:34.77] wǒ cái bù zài hu shǐ tí fū zěn me xiǎng hāi, shǐ tí fū
[12:44.04] qíng kuàng rú hé?
[12:45.48] wǒ cháng le bān de nǎi shuǐ luó sī fā diān le
[12:48.88] wǒ méi yǒu fā diān
[12:50.31] nǐ wèi shí me fā diān? yīn wèi nà shi mǔ rǔ
[12:54.62] hěn ě xīn!
[12:56.49] wǒ de nǎi shuǐ hěn ě xīn?
[12:59.82] zhè huì hěn hǎo wán
[13:03.83] zhè méi shén me bú duì
[13:05.80] wǒ zhǐ shì bù rèn wéi mǔ rǔ shì gěi dà rén hē de
[13:09.73] dāng rán mǔ rǔ de róng qì hěn xī yǐn dà rén yǔ xiǎo hái
[13:15.27] bié shǎ le, wǒ shì guò, méi shén me
[13:18.41] cháng yī cháng
[13:21.11] bù xíng
[13:23.81] lái ma cháng yī cháng
[13:25.08] hěn zì rán
[13:26.18] yòu bù nán chī
[13:27.79] yǒu yì diǎn tián, hěn xiàng
[13:30.86] xiàng shén me?
[13:31.92] hā mì guā zhī
[13:33.16] méi cuò
[13:41.80] nǐ cháng guò le
[13:44.-2] nǐ cháng guò le
[13:47.77] ō, nǐ cháng guò le
[13:51.71] nǐ kě yǐ yī zhí shuō xià qù yě bú huì biàn chéng jiǎ huà
[14:02.62] bǎ nǎi píng gěi wǒ
[14:09.83] bǎ máo jīn gěi wǒ
[14:36.32] chī bǎo méi?
[14:39.69] gěi wǒ yī guàn guǒ zhī
[14:44.09] tā men bǎ wǒ diào dào yuán yě qí xiá le
[14:46.83] yě xǔ shì yīn wèi nǐ de chuān zhe
[14:51.10] huò yīn wèi nà jiā huǒ biǎo xiàn tài hǎo le tā men yào zēng jiā rén shǒu
[14:55.34] nà jiā huǒ yì tiān yòng diào liǎng píng
[15:00.54] nǐ zài hu shén me?
[15:02.91] nǐ shì gè yǎn yuán zhè zhǐ shì nǐ de fù yè, méi shén me
[15:06.35] wǒ zhī dào, dàn wǒ běn lái shì zuì bàng de
[15:09.09] wǒ xǐ huān dāng zuì bàng de
[15:16.73] yě xǔ wǒ yīng gāi tuì chū jiāng hú
[15:19.26] chú jù bù mén xū yào yǒu rén qiè rǔ lào
[15:22.77] jiǎ rú nǐ zhè me zuò le
[15:24.10] jiāng lái chí zǎo yǒu rén huì chū xiàn rǔ lào qiè dé bǐ nǐ gèng hǎo
[15:30.27] nà shí hou nǐ yào táo dào nǎ lǐ?
[15:32.08] yě xǔ nǐ shuō de duì
[15:33.24] wǒ shuō nǐ yīng gāi fā huī dà zhàng fū qì gài
[15:36.88] ràng tā zhī dào nǐ shì nèi yī bù xī biān zuì lì hài de yuán yě qí xiá!
[15:42.22] wǒ yào zhè me zuò! hǎo jí le
[15:45.29] xiàn zài qù zhǎo māo mī xiǎo jiě tā huì jiè shào gè hǎo jì nǚ gěi nǐ
[15:51.30] wǒ bù zhī dào gāi shuō shí mǒ
[15:53.16] hěn hǎo, yīn wèi wǒ bú huì tīng
[15:56.17] wǒ jué de hěn zāo gāo, zhēn de
[15:58.17] duì bù qǐ wǒ de bèi shāng hài le nǐ de dāo ma?
[16:03.67] wǒ gēn tā jiāo péng yǒu, yì qǐ qù guàng jiē zhè yǒu shén me bù hǎo?
[16:08.61] zhēn de hěn bù hǎo ma? shì de, nǐ hái bù dǒng ma?
[16:11.35] tā tōu zǒu wǒ de nán rén yǐ jīng gòu zāo le
[16:13.32] wǒ kě néng huì gēn tā zhǎng xiàng sī shǒu
[16:16.29] dàn xiàn zài
[16:18.69] tā jìng rán
[16:21.13] xiàn zài tā jìng rán lián nǐ yě qiǎng zǒu le!
[16:27.46] nǐ zài shuō shí mǒ?
[16:29.67] méi rén néng bǎ wǒ cóng nǐ nà lǐ qiǎng zǒu
[16:32.20] wǒ yǔ tā jiāo péng yǒu bú huì yǐng xiǎng wǒ yǔ nǐ de gǎn qíng
[16:38.04] nǐ shì wǒ de
[16:41.18] wǒ men shì
[16:45.68] ō, wǒ ài nǐ! wǒ yě ài nǐ!
[16:53.00] wèi, wǒ zhī dào zhè yǔ wǒ wán quán wú guān
[16:58.20] dàn wǒ yě ài nǐ men!
[17:05.74] wǒ hěn xū yào zhè yàng
[17:09.74] wǒ zhī dào xiàn zài
[17:12.-1] nǐ hěn xiǎng hèn sǐ zhū lì
[17:14.75] dàn tā méi yǒu zuò shí mǒ cuò shì
[17:18.22] tā zhǐ shì rèn shi le yí gè nán shēng xiàn zài tā men zài jiāo wǎng
[17:22.89] wǒ xiǎng rú guǒ nǐ gěi tā yí gè jī huì nǐ huì xǐ huān tā de
[17:28.43] nǐ yuàn yì gěi tā yí gè jī huì ma?
[17:30.93] wèi le wǒ?
[17:34.50] wǒ yuàn yì wèi nǐ zuò rèn hé shì nǐ zhī dào de
[17:37.20] wǒ shén me dōu yuàn yì wèi nǐ zuò!
[17:40.60] děng yī xià!
[18:00.92] zǎo
[18:04.29] wǒ shuō: zǎo!
[18:08.60] wǒ tīng jiàn le
[18:11.30] hǎo, gè wèi wǒ yào kāi mén le
[18:14.74] nǐ men zhǔn bèi hǎo le ma?
[18:21.45] hǎo le
[18:23.11] wǒ yě hǎo le
[19:11.20] nǐ zhè gè bái chī! bèn niú zǎi!
[19:13.86] nǐ nòng xiā wǒ le! wǒ yào gào nǐ men!
[19:16.10] tiān a! táo dé! nǐ zài gǎo shén me guǐ!
[19:20.17] duì bù qǐ, wǒ zhēn shì bèn shǒu bèn jiǎo!
[19:22.04] duì bù qǐ, fēi cháng duì bù qǐ
[19:25.51] lǎo tiān, fā shēng shén me shì?
[19:28.21] zhèi xiē cài niǎo, dōu chēng bù liǎo hěn jiǔ
[19:30.85] chí zǎo tā men jiù huì
[19:34.-4] tǒng chū pī lòu
[19:36.89] wǒ men qù hē bēi kā fēi zěn me yàng?
[19:40.82] hǎo a
[20:01.08] wǒ xiǎng wǒ men yīng gāi qīn jìn qīn jìn
[20:03.58] nǐ zhī dào de wǒ men cóng lái méi yǒu zhēn zhèng tán guò huà
[20:06.72] wǒ xiǎng nǐ shuō de duì yīn wèi nǐ shì wǒ men liǎng gè zhī yī
[20:10.02] wǒ zhī dào
[20:12.26] wǒ yě xǔ bù gāi gào sù nǐ
[20:15.76] dàn wǒ shí zài hěn pà nǐ
[20:20.00] zhēn de?
[20:21.27] pà wǒ?
[20:22.53] nǐ zài kāi wán xiào ma?
[20:24.67] luó sī hái shì duì nǐ hěn zháo mí
[20:26.60] wǒ zhēn de xī wàng nǐ xǐ huān wǒ
[20:30.04] yě xǔ wǒ zhǐ shì hú sī luàn xiǎng
[20:33.08] dàn wǒ hǎo xiàng jué de nǐ bù xǐ huān wǒ
[20:45.92] nǐ bú shì wán quán hú sī luàn xiǎng
[21:00.40] dāng nǐ yǔ luó sī gāng kāi shǐ jiāo wǎng shí
[21:04.07] wǒ zhēn de hěn nán guò
[21:08.38] yǒu tài duō lǐ yóu, wǒ bú yào fán nǐ
[21:17.45] dàn wǒ kàn dào tā fēi cháng kuài lè ér qiě nǐ men zài yì qǐ shì duō me xiāng pèi
[21:23.13] mó nī kǎ yī zhí shuō nǐ yǒu duō hǎo
[21:27.40] wǒ zhēn tǎo yàn tā shuō de duì!
[21:31.74] xiè xiè
[21:33.77] nǐ xiǎng bù xiǎng yì qǐ qù kàn diàn yǐng huò chū qù wán?
[21:37.74] zhè yàng hěn hǎo, wǒ hěn lè yì
[21:40.74] wǒ yě shì
[21:43.51] wǒ bì xū yào zǒu le
[21:45.02] dāi huì jiàn hǎo, zhū lì
[21:56.83] zhēn shì gè wán nòng rén de jiàn rén!
[22:30.46] zhēn bù lài