Friends S02E07

歌曲 Friends S02E07
歌手 英语听力
专辑 老友记(第二季)


[00:03.-4] What is it about me? Do I not look fun enough?
[00:16.-3] What is it? Am I hideously unattractive?
[03:11.-2] It's before work,after work, and during work.
[03:40.-3] He's really interesting, and he's really sweet.
[04:41.-3] Monica's setting me up.
[04:46.-3] What? My whole insane jealousy thing?
[04:56.-2] Oh,yeah,come on! I'm moving on.
[06:21.-3] ... I am. …
[07:00.-3] It's this thing.
[10:01.-4] Whatever it takes so that you can finally say to him:
[12:49.-1] What? Why are you looking at me like that?
[21:50.-4] It's not as if you have a boyfriend's shoulder to cry on.
[00:06.22] Is there something repellent about me?
[00:10.42] How was the party?
[00:11.59] It couldn't have been worse. A woman literally passed through me.
[00:18.60] No,you are not. You are very attractive.
[00:21.63] I go through the same thing.
[00:23.50] When I put on a little weight, I question everything.
[00:31.11] I've put on weight?
[00:33.65] Did you want to...?
[00:37.68] No,not weight. More like insulation.
[00:42.65] I'm unemployed, in dire need of a project.
[00:45.69] Wanna work out? I can remake you.
[00:47.79] I would,but that might get in the way of my lying-around time.
[00:52.13] Please?
[00:53.26] Come on,let her do it!
[00:55.60] All right.
[00:56.63] If we put on spandex and my boobs are bigger than yours,I'm going home.
[01:01.37] Your boobs are fine.
[01:02.71] I shouldn't have said anything.
[01:04.48] Come here. Come here!
[01:08.88] Can't make hands meet!
[02:03.74] Let's do it!
[02:09.87] What?
[02:11.21] Nothing. Just never seen your little stretchy pants before.
[02:16.48] And we're changing.
[02:33.26] Come on,give me five more!
[02:35.53] Five more!
[02:38.84] Five more and I'll flash you.
[02:40.61] One...
[02:43.58] ...two... …
[02:46.04] ...two and a half. …
[02:50.35] Just show me one of them.
[03:08.47] She's insane!
[03:09.70] The woman is insane.
[03:13.81] She's got me doing butt-clenches at my desk.
[03:17.28] And now they won't bring me my mail anymore.
[03:21.71] Hey,Pheebs. How'd it go with Scott?
[03:23.88] It was nice. Took him to a romantic restaurant...
[03:27.32] ...ordered champagne. Nice. …
[03:29.92] He still won't put out?
[03:31.46] Nope. Zilch. Nothing.
[03:34.06] Sorry,Pheebs.
[03:36.39] Look,I don't mind taking it slow.
[03:38.50] I like him a lot.
[03:43.23] Why won't he give it up?
[03:46.34] Maybe he drives his car on the other side of the road.
[03:49.77] If you know what I mean.
[03:52.81] No. What do you mean? He's not British.
[03:58.62] Maybe he's gay.
[04:02.69] I don't think that's the problem.
[04:05.00] We went dancing the other night...
[04:07.03] ...and just the way he held me so close and looked into my eyes.... …
[04:11.46] I just definitely felt something.
[04:14.20] But how much can you tell from a look?
[04:16.77] I felt it on my hip. I could tell.
[04:22.37] Yo,Bing! Racquetball in 20 minutes.
[04:26.01] Joey,be a pal. Lift up my hand and smack her with it.
[04:31.78] Oh,Rachel! Don't look.
[04:33.45] What?
[04:36.49] I don't care. I have a date tonight.
[04:39.82] You have a date?
[04:43.73] What about Ross and....
[04:48.50] Well,you know, as much fun as that was...
[04:51.30] ... I've decided to opt for sanity. …
[04:54.21] You're okay about all this?
[04:58.58] He can press her up against that window as much as he wants.
[05:02.31] For all I care,he can throw her through the damn thing.
[05:07.69] Hi,guys.
[05:09.22] Monica,I'll come by tomorrow and pick up Fluffy's old cat toys,okay?
[05:13.86] If you say his full name.
[05:16.33] Can I come over tomorrow and pick up Fluffy Meowington's cat toys?
[05:22.83] All right.
[05:23.94] -You're getting a cat? -Actually,we're getting a cat.
[05:28.51] Together?
[05:30.07] Both of you? Together?
[05:32.38] It'll live with Ross half the time and with me half the time.
[05:36.35] Well,isn't that just lovely?
[05:40.25] That's something you'll enjoy...
[05:42.55] ...for a really,really, really long time. …
[05:45.26] Hopefully.
[05:47.19] Look at that. I gotta go! I got a date!
[05:50.60] With a man.
[05:53.20] You guys have a really good night...
[05:55.70] ...and you two have a really good cat. …
[06:03.91] We're not supposed to take these when we leave.
[06:13.38] I don't know if Monica told you,but this my first date since my divorce.
[06:18.82] If I seem a little nervous...
[06:23.06] How long do cats live?
[06:26.40] I'm sorry?
[06:27.47] Cats. How long do they live?
[06:29.77] Figuring you don't throw them under a bus or something?
[06:34.64] Maybe 1 5,1 6 years.
[06:37.18] Well,that's just great.
[06:40.48] Cheers!
[06:42.61] Right. Clink.
[06:50.92] Monica told you I was cuter than this,didn't she?
[06:55.36] No,Michael,it's not you. Sorry. It's just....
[07:01.60] It's not as bad as it sounds...
[07:03.60] ... but this friend of mine is getting a cat with his girlfriend. …
[07:07.51] Oh,that does sound....
[07:12.64] He just started going out with her.
[07:16.01] Is this guy an old boyfriend?
[07:21.45] Yeah,he wishes.
[07:26.02] I'm sorry. Look at me.
[07:28.13] Michael,let's talk about you.
[07:34.20] So....
[07:38.00] Did you ever get a pet with a girlfriend?
[07:42.31] -So I figured it out. -What?
[07:45.38] Why Scott doesn't want to sleep with me.
[07:47.85] I'm not sexy enough.
[07:50.38] Phoebe,that's crazy.
[07:52.88] When I first met you, you know what I said?
[07:55.82] I said,"Excellent butt,great rack."
[08:02.06] Really? That's so sweet.
[08:06.33] I mean,I'm officially offended. But that's so sweet.
[08:11.17] If you wanna know what the deal is, you're gonna have to ask him.
[08:15.74] You're right. You're right.
[08:18.08] You are so "yum"!
[08:39.80] I mean,it's a cat,you know? It's a cat.
[08:45.30] Why can't they get a bug? One of those fruit flies.
[08:48.81] Those things that live for a day.
[08:51.21] What are they called?
[08:54.08] Fruit flies?
[08:56.91] Thank you.
[08:58.05] Would you like dessert?
[09:00.79] No dessert.
[09:01.92] Just the check. Please.
[09:05.12] Oh,no. You're not having fun,are you?
[09:08.23] No,no,I am.
[09:10.06] But only because I've been playing the movie Diner in my head.
[09:16.60] Oh,look at me.
[09:18.40] Look at me.
[09:19.74] I'm on a date with a really great guy.
[09:23.57] All I can think about is Ross...
[09:26.08] ...and his cat... …
[09:28.18] ...and his Julie. …
[09:30.75] I just want to get over him. Why can't I do that?
[09:36.15] Look,I've been through a divorce. Trust me,you're gonna be fine.
[09:40.26] You can't see it because you haven't had closure
[09:44.30] Closure!
[09:46.33] That's what it is! That's what I need!
[09:48.63] God,you're brilliant!
[09:52.54] Why didn't I think of that? How do I get that?
[09:56.77] Well,there's no one way really,it's just....
[10:04.22] "I'm over you." “
[10:06.85] Over you.
[10:08.52] That's what it is.
[10:11.29] Closure.
[10:13.79] Hello? Excuse me?
[10:16.49] Excuse me. Hel
[10:19.06] -Hang on. -Excuse me?
[10:20.46] -What? -Hi. I'm sorry.
[10:22.37] I need to borrow your phone for just one minute.
[10:26.70] -I'm talking. -I see that.
[10:28.31] One phone call,I'll be very quick. I'll even pay for it myself.
[10:34.38] You're being a little weird about your phone.
[10:40.55] All right. Fine.
[10:42.65] I'll call you back.
[10:46.86] Thank you.
[10:56.20] Machine.
[10:58.20] -Just waiting for the beep. -Good.
[11:02.17] Ross! Hi,it's Rachel.
[11:05.84] I'm just calling to say that...
[11:08.61] ...everything's fine. …
[11:10.41] And I'm really happy for you...
[11:12.72] ...and your cat. …
[11:15.25] Who,by the way,I think you should name Michael.
[11:22.09] You see there, I'm thinking of names...
[11:24.76] obviously I am over you. …
[11:28.37] I am over you.
[11:31.70] And that,my friend, is what they call "closure."
[11:51.00] It's Sunday morning. I'm not running on a Sunday.
[11:54.33] -Why not? -Because it's Sunday!
[11:57.50] It's God's day.
[12:00.93] If you say stop,then we stop.
[12:04.84] Stop.
[12:06.00] No,come on! We can't stop!
[12:08.17] We got three more pounds to go!
[12:10.31] I am the energy train and you are on board!
[12:32.90] And how was the date?
[12:35.37] I think there was a restaurant.
[12:38.47] I know there was wine.
[12:43.51] Actually,Julie's getting a cab.
[12:45.58] I just need the cat toys. Did Monica say....
[12:52.15] I'm sorry. I don't know,l....
[12:54.75] I feel like I dreamed about you last night...
[12:57.32] ... but I don't remember. …
[13:03.43] There they are.
[13:06.20] Did we speak on the phone? Did you call me?
[13:08.70] No. I stayed at Julie's last night.
[13:12.87] I haven't even been home yet. Do you mind if I check my messages?
[13:16.91] Oh,yeah,go ahead.
[13:22.45] Rach,I got a message from you!
[13:29.45] Who's Michael?
[13:30.86] Oh,my God!
[13:32.26] Ross,no! Hang up the phone. Give me the phone!
[13:37.73] Give me the
[13:45.04] You're over me?
[13:47.07] Oh,God!
[13:49.57] -You're -Oh,God.
[13:51.78] You're over me?
[13:59.55] When were you...
[14:01.65] ... under me? …
[14:11.23] I mean,were you?
[14:13.46] What?
[14:17.74] Basically...
[14:19.40] ...Iately,I've.... …
[14:23.11] I've sort of had feelings for you.
[14:29.81] You've had feelings for me?
[14:33.15] So? You had feelings for me first!
[14:39.32] You know about my You know I had
[14:41.79] You know?
[14:45.40] Chandler told me.
[14:46.66] When did he? When did he? When did he?
[14:51.80] When you were in China.
[14:53.77] Meeting Julie.
[14:55.87] Julie. That's Oh,God!
[15:01.38] I need to lie down.
[15:04.05] No,I'm gonna stand.
[15:05.55] I'm gonna stand...
[15:07.45] ...and I'm gonna walk. I'm walking and I am standing. …
[15:14.73] Now you're over me?
[15:18.90] Are you over me?
[15:30.57] That's Julie.
[15:34.55] -Hi,Julie. -I've got a cab waiting.
[15:37.31] I'll be right down!
[15:43.32] Wait,so you're going?
[15:44.92] Well,okay,I have to. I can't deal with this right now.
[15:48.83] I mean,I've You know,I've got a cab.
[15:51.23] I've got a girlfriend. I'm gonna go get a cat.
[15:58.84] Cat!
[16:16.92] -Hey,Joey. -Hey,Pheebs.
[16:20.76] How come you're watching a rabbi play electric guitar?
[16:25.30] I can't find the remote.
[16:30.80] Thank you.
[16:33.57] Scott asked me to come over for lunch and I did.
[16:36.37] -And? -And we did.
[16:39.38] All right! Way to go!
[16:41.31] Yea,me!
[16:43.28] So how did it happen?
[16:45.55] I took your advice and asked him what was going on.
[16:48.59] What did he say?
[16:50.05] He understands how sex can be a very emotional thing for a woman.
[16:54.56] And he was just afraid that I was going to get all:
[16:57.80] "ls he gonna call me the next day?" and "Where is this going?" “
[17:02.57] So he said he wanted to hold off until he was prepared to be serious.
[17:09.47] So I said,"Okay. Relax,please."
[17:14.85] Sex can be just about two people right there in the moment.
[17:19.15] If he wants to see me again,he can call. If not,that's fine too.
[17:23.15] So after a lot of talking...
[17:28.86] ... I convinced him. …
[17:34.50] Let me get this straight.
[17:36.43] He got you to beg to sleep with him.
[17:39.64] He got you to say he never has to call you again.
[17:44.54] And he got you thinking this is a great idea?
[17:51.12] This man is my god!
[18:11.04] I didn't get a cat.
[18:14.64] That's interesting.
[18:17.91] No,it's not "interesting." It's very,very not interesting.
[18:22.05] It's actually 100% the opposite of interesting.
[18:25.25] I got it,Ross.
[18:26.68] You had no right to say you had feelings for me.
[18:30.69] I was doing great with Julie before I knew!
[18:33.56] I was doing great before I knew about you!
[18:35.66] You think it's easy to see you with Julie?
[18:38.23] You should've said something before!
[18:40.53] I didn't know then. And how come you never said anything?
[18:44.03] There was never a good time.
[18:45.84] You only had a year. And we only hung out every night!
[18:49.57] Not...
[18:51.58] ...every night. …
[18:54.41] It's not like I didn't try. But things got in the way.
[18:57.58] You know,like ltalian guys...
[18:59.45] ...or ex-fiances... …
[19:03.09] ...or ltalian guys. …
[19:07.22] There was one ltalian guy,okay? And do you have a point?
[19:11.06] The point is,I don't need this right now!
[19:14.03] Okay? It's too late.
[19:15.93] I'm with somebody else. I'm happy. This ship has sailed!
[19:19.10] You're just gonna put away your feelings for me?
[19:22.47] I've done it since ninth grade. I'm good at it.
[19:25.38] All right,fine. You go ahead and do that.
[19:28.08] I don't need your ship!
[19:29.58] -Good. -Good!
[19:32.15] And you know what? Now I got closure!
[20:27.77] Try the bottom one.
[20:57.20] Monica,it's 6:30 in the morning.
[21:00.94] We're not working out. It's over.
[21:04.04] No way! With one pound to go? Come on!
[21:06.71] We're workin',we're movin' We're in the zone,we're groovin'
[21:11.65] I don't mind the last pound.
[21:13.75] In fact,I kind of like the last pound.
[21:17.75] So don't make me do anything that I'll regret.
[21:21.12] What you gonna do,fat boy?
[21:24.83] What?
[21:27.83] Nothing. Except tell you it's wonderful how much energy you have.
[21:32.74] Well,thanks.
[21:34.61] Especially considering how tough it's been for you to find work.
[21:40.78] You can't tell your parents you were fired,because they'd be disappointed.
[21:55.46] Well,no. But l....
[21:57.53] If it were me,I'd have difficulty getting out of bed at all.
[22:07.37] You know,I try to stay positive.
[22:10.54] So you....
[22:12.48] You feel like going for a run?
[22:17.68] All right.
[22:19.48] Because you don't have to. You could just take a nap right here.


[00:03.-4] What is it about me? Do I not look fun enough?
[00:16.-3] What is it? Am I hideously unattractive?
[03:11.-2] It' s before work, after work, and during work.
[03:40.-3] He' s really interesting, and he' s really sweet.
[04:41.-3] Monica' s setting me up.
[04:46.-3] What? My whole insane jealousy thing?
[04:56.-2] Oh, yeah, come on! I' m moving on.
[06:21.-3] ... I am.
[07:00.-3] It' s this thing.
[10:01.-4] Whatever it takes so that you can finally say to him:
[12:49.-1] What? Why are you looking at me like that?
[21:50.-4] It' s not as if you have a boyfriend' s shoulder to cry on.
[00:06.22] Is there something repellent about me?
[00:10.42] How was the party?
[00:11.59] It couldn' t have been worse. A woman literally passed through me.
[00:18.60] No, you are not. You are very attractive.
[00:21.63] I go through the same thing.
[00:23.50] When I put on a little weight, I question everything.
[00:31.11] I' ve put on weight?
[00:33.65] Did you want to...?
[00:37.68] No, not weight. More like insulation.
[00:42.65] I' m unemployed, in dire need of a project.
[00:45.69] Wanna work out? I can remake you.
[00:47.79] I would, but that might get in the way of my lyingaround time.
[00:52.13] Please?
[00:53.26] Come on, let her do it!
[00:55.60] All right.
[00:56.63] If we put on spandex and my boobs are bigger than yours, I' m going home.
[01:01.37] Your boobs are fine.
[01:02.71] I shouldn' t have said anything.
[01:04.48] Come here. Come here!
[01:08.88] Can' t make hands meet!
[02:03.74] Let' s do it!
[02:09.87] What?
[02:11.21] Nothing. Just never seen your little stretchy pants before.
[02:16.48] And we' re changing.
[02:33.26] Come on, give me five more!
[02:35.53] Five more!
[02:38.84] Five more and I' ll flash you.
[02:40.61] One...
[02:43.58] ... two...
[02:46.04] ... two and a half.
[02:50.35] Just show me one of them.
[03:08.47] She' s insane!
[03:09.70] The woman is insane.
[03:13.81] She' s got me doing buttclenches at my desk.
[03:17.28] And now they won' t bring me my mail anymore.
[03:21.71] Hey, Pheebs. How' d it go with Scott?
[03:23.88] It was nice. Took him to a romantic restaurant...
[03:27.32] ... ordered champagne. Nice.
[03:29.92] He still won' t put out?
[03:31.46] Nope. Zilch. Nothing.
[03:34.06] Sorry, Pheebs.
[03:36.39] Look, I don' t mind taking it slow.
[03:38.50] I like him a lot.
[03:43.23] Why won' t he give it up?
[03:46.34] Maybe he drives his car on the other side of the road.
[03:49.77] If you know what I mean.
[03:52.81] No. What do you mean? He' s not British.
[03:58.62] Maybe he' s gay.
[04:02.69] I don' t think that' s the problem.
[04:05.00] We went dancing the other night...
[04:07.03] ... and just the way he held me so close and looked into my eyes....
[04:11.46] I just definitely felt something.
[04:14.20] But how much can you tell from a look?
[04:16.77] I felt it on my hip. I could tell.
[04:22.37] Yo, Bing! Racquetball in 20 minutes.
[04:26.01] Joey, be a pal. Lift up my hand and smack her with it.
[04:31.78] Oh, Rachel! Don' t look.
[04:33.45] What?
[04:36.49] I don' t care. I have a date tonight.
[04:39.82] You have a date?
[04:43.73] What about Ross and....
[04:48.50] Well, you know, as much fun as that was...
[04:51.30] ... I' ve decided to opt for sanity.
[04:54.21] You' re okay about all this?
[04:58.58] He can press her up against that window as much as he wants.
[05:02.31] For all I care, he can throw her through the damn thing.
[05:07.69] Hi, guys.
[05:09.22] Monica, I' ll come by tomorrow and pick up Fluffy' s old cat toys, okay?
[05:13.86] If you say his full name.
[05:16.33] Can I come over tomorrow and pick up Fluffy Meowington' s cat toys?
[05:22.83] All right.
[05:23.94] You' re getting a cat? Actually, we' re getting a cat.
[05:28.51] Together?
[05:30.07] Both of you? Together?
[05:32.38] It' ll live with Ross half the time and with me half the time.
[05:36.35] Well, isn' t that just lovely?
[05:40.25] That' s something you' ll enjoy...
[05:42.55] ... for a really, really, really long time.
[05:45.26] Hopefully.
[05:47.19] Look at that. I gotta go! I got a date!
[05:50.60] With a man.
[05:53.20] You guys have a really good night...
[05:55.70] ... and you two have a really good cat.
[06:03.91] We' re not supposed to take these when we leave.
[06:13.38] I don' t know if Monica told you, but this my first date since my divorce.
[06:18.82] If I seem a little nervous...
[06:23.06] How long do cats live?
[06:26.40] I' m sorry?
[06:27.47] Cats. How long do they live?
[06:29.77] Figuring you don' t throw them under a bus or something?
[06:34.64] Maybe 1 5, 1 6 years.
[06:37.18] Well, that' s just great.
[06:40.48] Cheers!
[06:42.61] Right. Clink.
[06:50.92] Monica told you I was cuter than this, didn' t she?
[06:55.36] No, Michael, it' s not you. Sorry. It' s just....
[07:01.60] It' s not as bad as it sounds...
[07:03.60] ... but this friend of mine is getting a cat with his girlfriend.
[07:07.51] Oh, that does sound....
[07:12.64] He just started going out with her.
[07:16.01] Is this guy an old boyfriend?
[07:21.45] Yeah, he wishes.
[07:26.02] I' m sorry. Look at me.
[07:28.13] Michael, let' s talk about you.
[07:34.20] So....
[07:38.00] Did you ever get a pet with a girlfriend?
[07:42.31] So I figured it out. What?
[07:45.38] Why Scott doesn' t want to sleep with me.
[07:47.85] I' m not sexy enough.
[07:50.38] Phoebe, that' s crazy.
[07:52.88] When I first met you, you know what I said?
[07:55.82] I said," Excellent butt, great rack."
[08:02.06] Really? That' s so sweet.
[08:06.33] I mean, I' m officially offended. But that' s so sweet.
[08:11.17] If you wanna know what the deal is, you' re gonna have to ask him.
[08:15.74] You' re right. You' re right.
[08:18.08] You are so " yum"!
[08:39.80] I mean, it' s a cat, you know? It' s a cat.
[08:45.30] Why can' t they get a bug? One of those fruit flies.
[08:48.81] Those things that live for a day.
[08:51.21] What are they called?
[08:54.08] Fruit flies?
[08:56.91] Thank you.
[08:58.05] Would you like dessert?
[09:00.79] No dessert.
[09:01.92] Just the check. Please.
[09:05.12] Oh, no. You' re not having fun, are you?
[09:08.23] No, no, I am.
[09:10.06] But only because I' ve been playing the movie Diner in my head.
[09:16.60] Oh, look at me.
[09:18.40] Look at me.
[09:19.74] I' m on a date with a really great guy.
[09:23.57] All I can think about is Ross...
[09:26.08] ... and his cat...
[09:28.18] ... and his Julie.
[09:30.75] I just want to get over him. Why can' t I do that?
[09:36.15] Look, I' ve been through a divorce. Trust me, you' re gonna be fine.
[09:40.26] You can' t see it because you haven' t had closure
[09:44.30] Closure!
[09:46.33] That' s what it is! That' s what I need!
[09:48.63] God, you' re brilliant!
[09:52.54] Why didn' t I think of that? How do I get that?
[09:56.77] Well, there' s no one way really, it' s just....
[10:04.22] " I' m over you." "
[10:06.85] Over you.
[10:08.52] That' s what it is.
[10:11.29] Closure.
[10:13.79] Hello? Excuse me?
[10:16.49] Excuse me. Hel
[10:19.06] Hang on. Excuse me?
[10:20.46] What? Hi. I' m sorry.
[10:22.37] I need to borrow your phone for just one minute.
[10:26.70] I' m talking. I see that.
[10:28.31] One phone call, I' ll be very quick. I' ll even pay for it myself.
[10:34.38] You' re being a little weird about your phone.
[10:40.55] All right. Fine.
[10:42.65] I' ll call you back.
[10:46.86] Thank you.
[10:56.20] Machine.
[10:58.20] Just waiting for the beep. Good.
[11:02.17] Ross! Hi, it' s Rachel.
[11:05.84] I' m just calling to say that...
[11:08.61] ... everything' s fine.
[11:10.41] And I' m really happy for you...
[11:12.72] ... and your cat.
[11:15.25] Who, by the way, I think you should name Michael.
[11:22.09] You see there, I' m thinking of names...
[11:24.76] ... so obviously I am over you.
[11:28.37] I am over you.
[11:31.70] And that, my friend, is what they call " closure."
[11:51.00] It' s Sunday morning. I' m not running on a Sunday.
[11:54.33] Why not? Because it' s Sunday!
[11:57.50] It' s God' s day.
[12:00.93] If you say stop, then we stop.
[12:04.84] Stop.
[12:06.00] No, come on! We can' t stop!
[12:08.17] We got three more pounds to go!
[12:10.31] I am the energy train and you are on board!
[12:32.90] And how was the date?
[12:35.37] I think there was a restaurant.
[12:38.47] I know there was wine.
[12:43.51] Actually, Julie' s getting a cab.
[12:45.58] I just need the cat toys. Did Monica say....
[12:52.15] I' m sorry. I don' t know, l....
[12:54.75] I feel like I dreamed about you last night...
[12:57.32] ... but I don' t remember.
[13:03.43] There they are.
[13:06.20] Did we speak on the phone? Did you call me?
[13:08.70] No. I stayed at Julie' s last night.
[13:12.87] I haven' t even been home yet. Do you mind if I check my messages?
[13:16.91] Oh, yeah, go ahead.
[13:22.45] Rach, I got a message from you!
[13:29.45] Who' s Michael?
[13:30.86] Oh, my God!
[13:32.26] Ross, no! Hang up the phone. Give me the phone!
[13:37.73] Give me the
[13:45.04] You' re over me?
[13:47.07] Oh, God!
[13:49.57] You' re Oh, God.
[13:51.78] You' re over me?
[13:59.55] When were you...
[14:01.65] ... under me?
[14:11.23] I mean, were you?
[14:13.46] What?
[14:17.74] Basically...
[14:19.40] ... Iately, I' ve....
[14:23.11] I' ve sort of had feelings for you.
[14:29.81] You' ve had feelings for me?
[14:33.15] So? You had feelings for me first!
[14:39.32] You know about my You know I had
[14:41.79] You know?
[14:45.40] Chandler told me.
[14:46.66] When did he? When did he? When did he?
[14:51.80] When you were in China.
[14:53.77] Meeting Julie.
[14:55.87] Julie. That' s Oh, God!
[15:01.38] I need to lie down.
[15:04.05] No, I' m gonna stand.
[15:05.55] I' m gonna stand...
[15:07.45] ... and I' m gonna walk. I' m walking and I am standing.
[15:14.73] Now you' re over me?
[15:18.90] Are you over me?
[15:30.57] That' s Julie.
[15:34.55] Hi, Julie. I' ve got a cab waiting.
[15:37.31] I' ll be right down!
[15:43.32] Wait, so you' re going?
[15:44.92] Well, okay, I have to. I can' t deal with this right now.
[15:48.83] I mean, I' ve You know, I' ve got a cab.
[15:51.23] I' ve got a girlfriend. I' m gonna go get a cat.
[15:58.84] Cat!
[16:16.92] Hey, Joey. Hey, Pheebs.
[16:20.76] How come you' re watching a rabbi play electric guitar?
[16:25.30] I can' t find the remote.
[16:30.80] Thank you.
[16:33.57] Scott asked me to come over for lunch and I did.
[16:36.37] And? And we did.
[16:39.38] All right! Way to go!
[16:41.31] Yea, me!
[16:43.28] So how did it happen?
[16:45.55] I took your advice and asked him what was going on.
[16:48.59] What did he say?
[16:50.05] He understands how sex can be a very emotional thing for a woman.
[16:54.56] And he was just afraid that I was going to get all:
[16:57.80] " ls he gonna call me the next day?" and " Where is this going?" "
[17:02.57] So he said he wanted to hold off until he was prepared to be serious.
[17:09.47] So I said," Okay. Relax, please."
[17:14.85] Sex can be just about two people right there in the moment.
[17:19.15] If he wants to see me again, he can call. If not, that' s fine too.
[17:23.15] So after a lot of talking...
[17:28.86] ... I convinced him.
[17:34.50] Let me get this straight.
[17:36.43] He got you to beg to sleep with him.
[17:39.64] He got you to say he never has to call you again.
[17:44.54] And he got you thinking this is a great idea?
[17:51.12] This man is my god!
[18:11.04] I didn' t get a cat.
[18:14.64] That' s interesting.
[18:17.91] No, it' s not " interesting." It' s very, very not interesting.
[18:22.05] It' s actually 100 the opposite of interesting.
[18:25.25] I got it, Ross.
[18:26.68] You had no right to say you had feelings for me.
[18:30.69] I was doing great with Julie before I knew!
[18:33.56] I was doing great before I knew about you!
[18:35.66] You think it' s easy to see you with Julie?
[18:38.23] You should' ve said something before!
[18:40.53] I didn' t know then. And how come you never said anything?
[18:44.03] There was never a good time.
[18:45.84] You only had a year. And we only hung out every night!
[18:49.57] Not...
[18:51.58] ... every night.
[18:54.41] It' s not like I didn' t try. But things got in the way.
[18:57.58] You know, like ltalian guys...
[18:59.45] ... or exfiances...
[19:03.09] ... or ltalian guys.
[19:07.22] There was one ltalian guy, okay? And do you have a point?
[19:11.06] The point is, I don' t need this right now!
[19:14.03] Okay? It' s too late.
[19:15.93] I' m with somebody else. I' m happy. This ship has sailed!
[19:19.10] You' re just gonna put away your feelings for me?
[19:22.47] I' ve done it since ninth grade. I' m good at it.
[19:25.38] All right, fine. You go ahead and do that.
[19:28.08] I don' t need your ship!
[19:29.58] Good. Good!
[19:32.15] And you know what? Now I got closure!
[20:27.77] Try the bottom one.
[20:57.20] Monica, it' s 6: 30 in the morning.
[21:00.94] We' re not working out. It' s over.
[21:04.04] No way! With one pound to go? Come on!
[21:06.71] We' re workin', we' re movin' We' re in the zone, we' re groovin'
[21:11.65] I don' t mind the last pound.
[21:13.75] In fact, I kind of like the last pound.
[21:17.75] So don' t make me do anything that I' ll regret.
[21:21.12] What you gonna do, fat boy?
[21:24.83] What?
[21:27.83] Nothing. Except tell you it' s wonderful how much energy you have.
[21:32.74] Well, thanks.
[21:34.61] Especially considering how tough it' s been for you to find work.
[21:40.78] You can' t tell your parents you were fired, because they' d be disappointed.
[21:55.46] Well, no. But l....
[21:57.53] If it were me, I' d have difficulty getting out of bed at all.
[22:07.37] You know, I try to stay positive.
[22:10.54] So you....
[22:12.48] You feel like going for a run?
[22:17.68] All right.
[22:19.48] Because you don' t have to. You could just take a nap right here.


[00:03.-4] wǒ shì nǎ lǐ bú duì? wǒ kàn qǐ lái bù gòu yǒu qù ma?
[00:06.22] wǒ shì yǒu nǎ lǐ tǎo rén yàn ma?
[00:10.42] pài duì hǎo wán ma?
[00:11.59] nán wán sǐ le yǒu gè nǚ rén duì wǒ dà sòng qiū bō
[00:16.-3] wǒ yǒu nà me bù tǎo rén xǐ huān ma?
[00:18.60] bù, cái guài
[00:21.63] wǒ yě shì yí yàng
[00:23.50] měi dāng wǒ zēng jiā le yì diǎn diǎn zhòng liàng wǒ jiù kāi shǐ zhì yí yī qiè le
[00:31.11] nǐ shuō wǒ biàn pàng le?
[00:33.65] nǐ yào?
[00:37.68] bú shì, bú shì zhòng liàng shuō jué yuán tǐ bǐ jiào qià dàng
[00:42.65] qián dé, wǒ zhèng zài shī yè pò qiè xū yào zuò diǎn shì qíng
[00:45.69] nǐ yào bú yào yùn dòng? wǒ kě yǐ chóng sù nǐ
[00:47.79] wǒ hěn xiǎng, dàn nà huò xǔ huì fáng ài wǒ nèi xiē wú suǒ shì shì de shí jiān
[00:52.13] bài tuō la
[00:53.26] duì la, ràng tā zuò yī xià ma
[00:55.60] hǎo ba
[00:56.63] dàn wǒ chuān shang jǐn shēn yī hòu xiōng bù bǐ nǐ dà de huà, wǒ jiù bù lái le
[01:01.37] nǐ de xiōng bù hěn hǎo ya
[01:02.71] tīng zhe, wǒ men bù gāi luàn kāi wū yā zuǐ de
[01:04.48] guò lái
[01:08.88] shuāng shǒu dōu hé bù qǐ lái le
[01:14.61] liù rén xíng dì 2 jì dì 07 jí luó sī fā xiàn ruì qiū duì tā yǒu yì sī
[02:03.74] hǎo, kāi shǐ ba
[02:09.87] zěn me le?
[02:11.21] méi shén me zhǐ shì méi kàn guò nǐ chuān jǐn shēn kù ér yǐ ya
[02:16.48] wǒ qù huàn yī fú
[02:33.26] jiā yóu, zài zuò wǔ gè
[02:35.53] zài wǔ gè
[02:38.84] zuò jiù gěi nǐ kàn bō bō
[02:43.58] èr
[02:46.04] èr diǎn wǔ
[02:50.35] hǎo le, gěi wǒ kàn yī biān ba
[02:54.45] zhōng yāng gōng yuán
[03:08.47] tā fēng le
[03:09.70] nà gè nǚ rén fēng le
[03:11.-2] shàng bān qián, shàng bān hòu, shàng bān zhōng
[03:13.81] tā jiào wǒ zài gōng sī zuò shōu tún yùn dòng
[03:17.28] xiàn zài, tā men bù zài sòng yóu jiàn gěi wǒ le
[03:21.71] fēi fēi, nǐ zuó wǎn gēn shǐ kǎo zěn me yàng?
[03:23.88] bù cuò ya dài tā qù yī jiā làng màn de cān tīng
[03:27.32] diǎn le xiāng bīn, hěn hǎo
[03:29.92] nà gè jiā huǒ hái shì bù xíng dòng a?
[03:31.46] bù, líng dàn, méi yǒu
[03:34.06] zhēn yí hàn, fēi fēi
[03:36.39] wǒ bù zài hu màn màn de lái
[03:38.50] wǒ hěn xǐ huān tā
[03:40.-3] tā zhè gè rén hěn yǒu qù, rén yě hěn tián
[03:43.23] tā gàn ma nà me jīn chí ne?
[03:46.34] huò xǔ tā gēn wǒ men fǎn fāng xiàng kāi chē
[03:49.77] nǐ dǒng wǒ de yì sī ba?
[03:52.81] bù dǒng, tā yòu bú shì yīng guó rén
[03:58.62] tā huò xǔ shì tóng xìng liàn
[04:02.69] bù, wǒ jué de wèn tí bù zài na r
[04:05.00] yīn wèi wǒ men qián jǐ tiān qù tiào wǔ
[04:07.03] tā jǐn jǐn bào zhù wǒ de nà gè yàng zi hái yǒu tā níng shì wǒ yǎn jīng de yàng zi
[04:11.46] wǒ jué de tā duì wǒ jué duì yǒu yì sī
[04:14.20] shì a, cóng yǎn shén néng kàn chū duō shǎo ne?
[04:16.77] bù, wǒ shì cóng pì gǔ gǎn jué dào de
[04:22.37] qián xiōng dì, èr shí fēn zhōng hòu dǎ bì qiú
[04:26.01] qiáo yī, hǎo xiōng dì jǔ qǐ wǒ de shǒu shǎng tā yī bā zhǎng
[04:31.78] ruì qiū, nǐ bié kàn
[04:33.45] shén me?
[04:36.49] wǒ cái bù zài hu wǒ jīn wǎn yǒu yuē huì
[04:39.82] nǐ yǒu yuē huì?
[04:41.-3] duì ya, mó nī kǎ jiè shào de
[04:43.73] nà luó sī gēn
[04:46.-3] wǒ dǎ fān cù tán zi nà mǎ zǐ shì a?
[04:48.50] suī rán nà hái tǐng yǒu qù de
[04:51.30] wǒ jué dìng bù zài fēng xià qù le
[04:54.21] nǐ zhēn de bù jiè yì nèi xiē le?
[04:56.-2] shǎo lái le, wǒ hái yào guò wǒ de rì zi ne
[04:58.58] tā ài zěn me bǎ tā yā zài nà shàn chuāng zi shàng jiù zěn me yā ba
[05:02.31] gān cuì bǎ tā shuāi guò chuāng zi suàn le
[05:07.69] gè wèi
[05:09.22] mó nī kǎ, wǒ xiǎng míng tiān zǎo shàng guò lái ná péng zhàng yǐ qián de māo wán jù
[05:13.86] bù jiǎng quán míng jiù bù gěi ō
[05:16.33] hǎo ba, nà wǒ míng tiān kě bù kě yǐ guò lái ná miāo miāo péng péng de māo wán jù?
[05:22.83] méi wèn tí
[05:23.94] nǐ yào yǎng māo a? shì shí shàng, shì wǒ men yào yǎng māo
[05:28.51] yì qǐ yǎng?
[05:30.07] nǐ men liǎng gè? yì qǐ?
[05:32.38] wǒ men xiǎng tā huì yī bàn shí jiān gēn luó sī zhù yī bàn gēn wǒ zhù
[05:36.35] nà shì bú shì hěn bàng ne
[05:40.25] nà shi yī jiàn nǐ men liǎng gè
[05:42.55] kě yǐ téng ài fēi cháng fēi cháng jiǔ de dōng xī
[05:45.26] xī wàng rú cǐ
[05:47.19] wǒ dé zǒu le wǒ yǒu yuē huì
[05:50.60] gēn gè nán rén ō
[05:53.20] zhù gè wèi jīn wǎn shùn lì
[05:55.70] ér nǐ men liǎng gè dé dào yì zhī hǎo māo
[06:03.91] shùn shǒu qiān yáng shì bú duì de
[06:13.38] wǒ bù xiǎo de mó nī kǎ yǒu méi yǒu gào sù nǐ zhè shì wǒ lí hūn zhī hòu de dì yī cì yuē huì
[06:18.82] wǒ xiǎn de yǒu yì diǎn jǐn zhāng
[06:21.-3] nà shi zhēn de
[06:23.06] māo néng huó duō jiǔ a?
[06:26.40] nǐ shuō shí mǒ?
[06:27.47] māo, māo néng huó duō jiǔ?
[06:29.77] rú guǒ bù bǎ tā men diū dào bā shì xià miàn qù sòng sǐ de huà
[06:34.64] dà gài shì shí wǔ, liù nián ba
[06:37.18] nà zhēn shì tài bàng le
[06:40.48] gān bēi
[06:42.61] hǎo, gān bēi
[06:50.92] mó nī kǎ bǎ wǒ chuī dé bǐ běn rén kě ài duì bú duì?
[06:55.36] bù, mài kè bú shì yīn wèi nǐ
[07:00.-3] wǒ shì wǒ lìng wài yǒu xīn shì
[07:01.60] shì qíng shuō bù dìng méi nà me zāo la
[07:03.60] wǒ yǒu yí gè péng yǒu tā gēn tā de nǚ péng yǒu yào yǎng māo
[07:07.51] tīng qǐ lái dí què shì
[07:12.64] tā men liǎng gè cái gāng gāng kāi shǐ jiāo wǎng bù jiǔ
[07:16.01] tā shì nǐ yǐ qián de nán péng yǒu ma?
[07:21.45] tā xiǎng dé měi ō
[07:26.02] duì bù qǐ, nǐ qiáo qiáo wǒ
[07:28.13] hǎo le, mài kè, tán tán nǐ ba
[07:34.20] nà me
[07:38.00] yǐ qián nǐ gēn nǚ péng yǒu yì qǐ yǎng guò chǒng wù ma?
[07:42.31] wǒ zhī dào wèi shí me le shén me?
[07:45.38] shǐ kǎo wèi shí me bù xiǎng gēn wǒ shàng chuáng
[07:47.85] yīn wèi wǒ bù gòu xìng gǎn
[07:50.38] fēi bǐ, bié shǎ le
[07:52.88] dì yī cì kàn dào nǐ zhī hòu nǐ zhī dào wǒ duì qián dé shuō shí mǒ ma?
[07:55.82] wǒ shuō" qián tū hòu qiào, yǒu kàn tou"
[08:02.06] zhēn de? zuǐ hǎo tián
[08:06.33] shuō shí zài de, wǒ bèi mào fàn le kě shì gǎn jué zhēn hǎo
[08:11.17] fēi fēi, nǐ xiǎng zhī dào wèi shí me de huà nǐ bì xū kāi kǒu qù wèn tā
[08:15.74] nǐ shuō de duì
[08:18.08] nǐ zhēn bàng yé
[08:39.80] nà shi zhǐ māo nǐ zhī dào de, māo
[08:45.30] tā men gàn ma bù yǎng zhǐ kūn chóng yǎng zhǐ guǒ yíng jiù hǎo le
[08:48.81] nà zhǒng zhǐ huó yī, liǎng tiān de dōng xī
[08:51.21] tā men jiào shén me?
[08:54.08] guǒ yíng?
[08:56.91] xiè xiè
[08:58.05] yào bú yào diǎn tián diǎn a?
[09:00.79] bù, bú yào le
[09:01.92] wǒ xiǎng jié zhàng
[09:05.12] nǐ wán dé bù kāi xīn?
[09:08.23] bù wǒ hěn kāi xīn
[09:10.06] bù guò gāng cái nà yí gè bàn xiǎo shí wǒ dōu zài huí yì" cān guǎn" de qíng jié
[09:16.60] nǐ kàn wǒ
[09:18.40] nǐ kàn wǒ
[09:19.74] wǒ zài gēn yí gè hěn bàng de nán rén yuē huì
[09:23.57] què mǎn nǎo zi shì luó sī
[09:26.08] gēn tā de māo
[09:28.18] hái yǒu tā de zhū lì
[09:30.75] wǒ zhǐ shì xiǎng wàng le tā tiān a, wèi shí me wǒ bù néng ne?
[09:36.15] tīng wǒ shuō, wǒ jīng lì guò lí hūn xiāng xìn wǒ, bú huì yǒu shì de
[09:40.26] nǐ hái kàn bu chū lái yīn wèi nǐ gēn tā hái méi yǒu liǎo jié ma
[09:44.30] liǎo jié!
[09:46.33] jiù shì nà gè, wǒ jiù xū yào nà gè
[09:48.63] tiān a, nǐ tài bàng le
[09:52.54] wǒ wèi shí me méi yǒu xiǎng dào? wǒ yào zěn me liǎo jié?
[09:56.77] zhè méi yǒu yí dìng de fāng fǎ, zhè zhǐ shì
[10:01.-4] nǐ yào yòng rèn hé de fāng fǎ zhǐ yào néng ràng nǐ duì tā shuō:
[10:04.22] wǒ bù zài hu nǐ le" jiù xíng le
[10:06.85] bù zài hu nǐ
[10:08.52] jiù shì zhè gè
[10:11.29] liǎo jié
[10:13.79] bào qiàn
[10:16.49] bào qiàn
[10:19.06] qǐng shāo děng duì bù qǐ a
[10:20.46] shén me? duì bù qǐ
[10:22.37] wǒ xū yào gēn nǐ jiè yī xià diàn huà
[10:26.70] wǒ zhèng zài jiǎng yé wǒ kàn de chū lái
[10:28.31] wǒ dǎ yí gè diàn huà jiù kě yǐ le hěn kuài de, wǒ shèn zhì huì fù qián gěi nǐ
[10:34.38] nǐ duì nǐ de diàn huà yǒu diǎn guǐ yì yé
[10:40.55] hǎo
[10:42.65] wǒ dāi huì r zài dǎ gěi nǐ
[10:46.86] xiè le
[10:56.20] dá lù jī
[10:58.20] wǒ zài děng bì bì tài hǎo le
[11:02.17] luó sī, wǒ shì ruì qiū
[11:05.84] wǒ zhǐ shì dǎ lái shuō
[11:08.61] yī qiè dōu hěn hǎo
[11:10.41] wǒ wèi nǐ
[11:12.72] hái yǒu nǐ de māo gǎn dào gāo xìng
[11:15.25] duì le, wǒ rèn wéi nǐ yīng gāi jiào tā mài kè
[11:22.09] zhī dào ma? nǐ qiáo wǒ zài xiǎng míng zì
[11:24.76] suǒ yǐ xiǎn rán wǒ bù zài hu nǐ le
[11:28.37] wǒ bù zài hu nǐ le
[11:31.70] zhè jiù shì wǒ nà wèi péng yǒu suǒ wèi de" liǎo jié"
[11:51.00] mó nī kǎ, jīn tiān shì lǐ bài tiān zǎo shàng lǐ bài tiān wǒ jué bù pǎo bù
[11:54.33] wèi shí me? yīn wéi shì lǐ bài tiān
[11:57.50] shì shén de rì zi
[12:00.93] nǐ shuō tíng wǒ men jiù tíng
[12:04.84] tíng
[12:06.00] bù, bié zhè yàng la, wǒ men bù néng tíng
[12:08.17] hái yǒu sān bàng yào jiǎn
[12:10.31] wǒ shì jīng lì huǒ chē ér nǐ zài chē shàng
[12:32.90] nǐ de yuē huì zěn me yàng a?
[12:35.37] wǒ jì de yǒu jiā cān tīng
[12:38.47] wǒ hái jì de yǒu jiǔ
[12:43.51] shì shí shàng, zhū lì zài lóu xià jiào jì chéng chē
[12:45.58] wǒ xiǎng yào ná māo wán jù mó nī kǎ yǒu méi yǒu shuō
[12:49.-1] nǐ wèi shí me nà yàng kàn wǒ?
[12:52.15] duì bù qǐ, wǒ bù zhī dào
[12:54.75] wǒ jué de wǒ zuó wǎn hǎo xiàng mèng dào nǐ
[12:57.32] dàn wǒ bù jì de le
[13:03.43] zài zhè ér
[13:06.20] wǒ men zuó wǎn yǒu tōng diàn huà ma? nǐ yǒu méi yǒu dǎ gěi wǒ?
[13:08.70] méi yǒu, wǒ zuó wǎn zhù zài zhū lì nà lǐ
[13:12.87] shì shí shàng, wǒ gēn běn hái méi huí jiā ne nǐ jiè yì wǒ tīng yī xià liú yán ma?
[13:16.91] qǐng biàn a
[13:22.45] ā qiū, wǒ yǒu nǐ de liú yán
[13:29.45] mài kè shì shuí a?
[13:30.86] tiān a
[13:32.26] tiān a, luó sī, bǎ diàn huà guà diào
[13:37.73] diàn huà gěi wǒ
[13:45.04] nǐ bù zài hu wǒ le
[13:47.07] tiān a
[13:49.57] nǐ wǒ de tiān a
[13:51.78] nǐ bù zài hu wǒ le?
[13:59.55] nǐ shì shén me shí hòu
[14:01.65] zài hu wǒ de?
[14:09.-3] ā qiū, nǐ?
[14:11.23] wǒ shì shuō, nǐ nǐ?
[14:13.46] shén me?
[14:17.74] jī běn shàng
[14:19.40] zuì jìn wǒ
[14:23.11] wǒ duì nǐ yǒu yī xiē gǎn jué
[14:29.81] nǐ duì wǒ yǒu gǎn jué?
[14:33.15] nà yòu zěn yàng? nǐ xiān duì wǒ yǒu gǎn jué de
[14:39.32] nǐ zhī dào wǒ
[14:41.79] wǒ shì shuō, nǐ zhī dào wǒ yǒu
[14:45.40] qián dé gào sù wǒ de
[14:46.66] qián dé, tā shén me shí hòu, tā
[14:51.80] nǐ zài zhōng guó de shí hòu
[14:53.77] rèn shi zhū lì shí
[14:55.87] zhū lì? zhū lì? nà tiān a
[15:01.38] wǒ xū yào tǎng xià lái
[15:04.05] bù, nǐ zhī dào, wǒ yào zhàn zhe
[15:05.55] wǒ yào zhàn zhe
[15:07.45] wǒ yào duó bù wǒ duó bù, ér qiě wǒ zhàn zhe
[15:14.73] xiàn zài nǐ bù zài hu wǒ le?
[15:18.90] nǐ hái zài hu wǒ ma?
[15:30.57] nà nà shi zhū lì
[15:34.55] zhū lì tián xīn, jì chéng chē zài děng ō
[15:37.31] wǒ mǎ shàng xià lái
[15:43.32] děng děng, nǐ yào zǒu le?
[15:44.92] duì, wǒ dé zǒu wǒ xiàn zài méi yǒu bàn fǎ tán zhè gè
[15:48.83] jì chéng chē zài děng zhe
[15:51.23] wǒ yǒu nǚ péng yǒu wǒ yào qù lǐng yǎng yì zhī māo
[15:58.84] māo
[16:16.92] qiáo yī fēi bǐ
[16:20.76] nǐ wèi shí me zài kàn yóu tài mù shī dàn diàn jí tā?
[16:25.30] wǒ zhǎo bu dào yáo kòng qì
[16:30.80] xiè xiè
[16:33.57] duì le, shǐ kǎo yuē wǒ qù tā jiā wǔ cān wǒ qù le
[16:36.37] rán hòu wǒ men zuò le
[16:39.38] zhèng diǎn, fēi bǐ hǎo yé
[16:41.31] duì ya
[16:43.28] zěn me fā shēng de?
[16:45.55] wǒ tīng le nǐ de jiàn yì wèn tā dào dǐ zěn me huí shì a?
[16:48.59] nà tā shuō shí mǒ?
[16:50.05] tā liǎo jiě xìng duì nǚ rén ér yán ne kě yǐ shuō shì yī jiàn fēi cháng qíng xù huà de shì
[16:54.56] tā zhǐ shì pà wǒ huì biàn de xiàng
[16:57.80] dì èr tiān shì fǒu huì dǎ diàn huà gěi wǒ" " wǒ men huì yǒu jié jú ma" zhī lèi de
[17:02.57] suǒ yǐ tā shuō tā xiǎng děng dào tā zhǔn bèi kāi shǐ rèn zhēn le yǐ hòu zài shuō
[17:09.47] suǒ yǐ wǒ shuō" fàng qīng sōng hǎo ma?"
[17:14.85] wǒ shì shuō, xìng kě yǐ zhǐ shì liǎng gè rén yī shí de gǎn jué
[17:19.15] ruò tā xiǎng zài jiàn wǒ kě yǐ dǎ diàn huà gěi wǒ rú guǒ bù xiǎng de huà yě méi guān xì
[17:23.15] suǒ yǐ zài cháng tán zhī hòu
[17:28.86] wǒ shuō fú tā le
[17:34.50] ràng wǒ xiān gǎo qīng chǔ
[17:36.43] tā ràng nǐ qiú tā gēn nǐ shàng chuáng
[17:39.64] tā ràng nǐ shuō tā yǒng yuǎn bù yòng zài dǎ diàn huà gěi nǐ
[17:44.54] ér qiě hái ràng nǐ jué de zhè shì yí gè hǎo zhǔ yì?
[17:51.12] wǒ jiǎn zhí chóng bài tā
[18:11.04] wǒ méi yǒu lǐng yǎng māo
[18:14.64] zhēn yǒu qù
[18:17.91] bù, nà yì diǎn dōu méi yǒu qù nà fēi cháng fēi cháng méi yǒu qù
[18:22.05] shì shí shàng nà bǎi fēn zhī bǎi shì yǒu qù de xiāng fǎn, ruì qiū
[18:25.25] hǎo, wǒ dǒng le, luó sī
[18:26.68] nǐ méi yǒu quán lì gào sù wǒ shuō nǐ céng jīng xǐ huān guò wǒ
[18:30.69] zài wǒ fā xiàn zhī qián wǒ gēn zhū lì guò de hěn kuài lè
[18:33.56] zài wǒ fā xiàn zhī qián wǒ yě guò de hěn kuài lè
[18:35.66] nǐ yǐ wéi kàn nǐ gēn zhū lì nà yàng wǒ xīn lǐ hǎo shòu ma?
[18:38.23] nǐ yīng gāi zài wǒ rèn shi tā zhī qián shuō chū lái
[18:40.53] nà shí wǒ bù zhī dào a nà nǐ wèi hé cóng bù shuō shí mǒ ne?
[18:44.03] yīn wèi zǒng méi yǒu jī huì
[18:45.84] duì, nǐ yǒu yī nián jī huì wǒ men měi wǎn dōu zài yì qǐ hùn
[18:49.57] bú shì
[18:51.58] měi gè wǎn shàng
[18:54.41] ér qiě wǒ yě bú shì méi shì guò, ruì qiū dàn shì měi cì dōu yǒu shì qíng fā shēng
[18:57.58] jiù xiàng shì yì dà lì rén a
[18:59.45] huò zhě shì qián rèn de wèi hūn fū la
[19:03.09] huò zhě yì dà lì rén a
[19:07.22] zhǐ yǒu yí gè yì dà lì rén nǐ dào dǐ yǒu méi yǒu zhòng diǎn a?
[19:11.06] zhòng diǎn shì wǒ xiàn zài yǐ jīng bù xū yào zhè gè le
[19:14.03] tài chí le
[19:15.93] wǒ zài gēn bié rén jiāo wǎng, wǒ hěn kuài lè zhè sōu chuán kāi háng le
[19:19.10] nǐ xǐ huān shén me shí hòu gē kāi gǎn qíng dōu kě yǐ ma?
[19:22.47] wǒ cóng chū sān jiù kāi shǐ zhè yàng le wǒ zǎo jià qīng jiù shú le
[19:25.38] nà hǎo, nǐ jǐn guǎn qù zuò ba, luó sī
[19:28.08] wǒ gào sù nǐ, wǒ bù xū yào nǐ de chǔn chuán
[19:29.58] hǎo hǎo
[19:32.15] nǐ zhī dào ma? wǒ xiàn zài liǎo jié le
[20:27.77] shì shì xià miàn nà gè
[20:57.20] mó nī kǎ, xiàn zài shì zǎo shàng liù diǎn bàn
[21:00.94] wǒ men bù zài qù yùn dòng, jié shù le
[21:04.04] zěn me la? zhǐ shèng yī bàng, lái la
[21:06.71] wǒ men yùn dòng, wǒ men yí dòng wǒ men zài qí zhōng wǔ dòng
[21:11.65] wǒ bù zài hu wǒ de zuì hòu yī bàng
[21:13.75] wǒ hěn xǐ huān zhè zuì hòu yī bàng
[21:17.75] suǒ yǐ bú yào bī wǒ zuò xià zhōng shēng yí hàn de shì
[21:21.12] nà nǐ yào zuò shí mǒ, féi zǐ?
[21:24.83] shén me?
[21:27.83] méi shén me, chú le gào sù nǐ wǒ jué de nǐ jīng lì zhè me chōng pèi zhēn bàng
[21:32.74] xiè le
[21:34.61] yóu qí shì nǐ xiàn zài qù zhǎo gōng zuò zhǎo dé jiāo tóu làn é
[21:40.78] nǐ bù néng gào sù nǐ fù mǔ nǐ bèi kāi chú le yīn wèi tā men huì fēi cháng de shī wàng
[21:50.-4] yóu qí nǐ yòu méi yǒu nán péng yǒu kě yǐ jiè jiān bǎng ràng nǐ kū
[21:55.46] méi yǒu, dàn shì wǒ
[21:57.53] wǒ shì shuō, rú guǒ shì wǒ de huà wǒ xiǎng wǒ huì lián qǐ chuáng dōu huì hěn kùn nán
[22:07.37] wǒ shì zhe bǎo chí jī jí
[22:10.54] nà me
[22:12.48] nǐ xiǎng chū qù pǎo yī pǎo ma?
[22:17.68] hǎo ba
[22:19.48] nǐ zhī dào nǐ bù yí dìng yào qù pǎo de nǐ kě yǐ zài zhè lǐ shuì yī xià