Friends S02E05

歌曲 Friends S02E05
歌手 英语听力
专辑 老友记(第二季)


[02:01.-2] And in case you wondered...
[06:08.-4] All right.
[06:34.-2] -How did you -I don't know.
[07:34.-2] That's fine,I'll just wait.
[09:54.-2] It's Monica's big night. She shouldn't pay.
[10:38.-1] All right,what's going on?
[12:50.-4] So,the Ebola virus. That's gotta suck,huh?
[14:30.-4] I'm just not in a very "Hootie" place right now.
[18:15.-2] What guys? Oh,yeah.
[18:25.-1] Oh,my God! Little Stevie Fisher?
[20:56.-2] And we don't work hard?
[00:07.45] Man,I sure miss Julie.
[00:09.42] Spanish midgets.
[00:11.89] Spanish midgets wrestling....
[00:15.69] Julie! Okay,I see how you got there.
[00:24.54] You ever figure out what that thing's for?
[00:27.54] I'm trying this screening thing.
[00:29.64] If I always answer the phone, people will think I have no life.
[00:33.75] My God! Rodrigo never gets pinned!
[00:36.08] At the sound of the beep, you know what to do.
[00:38.78] Hello. I'm looking for Bob.
[00:40.92] This is Jade.
[00:42.42] I don 't know if you 're still at this number,but I was thinking...
[00:46.56] ...about how great it was. I know it's been three years... …
[00:50.10] ...but I was hoping we could hook up again. …
[00:52.66] I barely had the nerve to make this call...
[00:55.93] you know what I did? -What? …
[00:58.34] I got a little drunk...
[01:00.51] ...and naked. …
[01:01.74] Bob here!
[01:51.62] So what have you been up to?
[01:54.26] Oh,you know,the usual.
[01:56.16] Teaching aerobics...
[01:58.36] ...partying way too much. …
[02:02.87] ... those are my legs on the new James Bond poster. …
[02:09.84] Can you hold on? I have another call.
[02:12.44] -I love her! -I know.
[02:15.55] -I'm back. -So are we gonna get together?
[02:18.68] Absolutely.
[02:20.35] How about tomorrow afternoon?
[02:22.15] Do you know Central Perk? Say,five-ish?
[02:25.06] Great. I'll see you then.
[02:31.63] Having a phone has finally paid off.
[02:36.17] You do a good Bob impression...
[02:38.64] ... but when she sees you tomorrow... …
[02:40.54] ...she's gonna realize you're not Bob. …
[02:44.81] I'm hoping that when Bob doesn't show up...
[02:47.75] ...she'll seek comfort in the arms of the stranger at the next table. …
[02:51.85] Oh,my God. You are pure evil.
[02:55.92] Okay,pure evil...
[02:58.36] ... horny and alone. …
[03:02.93] I've done this.
[03:10.87] Yeah,everybody's here.
[03:13.67] Hey,everybody! Say hi to Julie in New Mexico!
[03:17.58] Hi,Julie.
[03:21.08] While Ross is on the phone...
[03:23.11] ...everybody owes me 62 bucks for his birthday. …
[03:26.35] Is there any chance that you're rounding up from...
[03:31.52] know... …
[03:32.52] ...from like 20? …
[03:35.19] Hey,we got the gift, the concert and the cake.
[03:38.30] Do we need a cake?
[03:41.70] I know it's a little steep.
[03:46.40] But it's Ross.
[03:49.37] It's Ross.
[03:52.41] See you later. I gotta go...
[03:54.28] a thing! …
[03:57.28] Okay,sweetheart, I'll call you later.
[03:59.72] You're not going through with this,are you?
[04:02.59] You know,I think I might just.
[04:07.26] What are you guys doing for dinner tonight?
[04:11.30] Well,I gotta start saving up for Ross' birthday.
[04:15.23] I guess I'll just stay home and eat dust bunnies.
[04:18.47] Can you believe how much this costs?
[04:21.31] Do you guys ever get the feeling that...
[04:24.48] ... Chandler and those guys... …
[04:26.44] ...don't get that we don't make that much money? …
[04:30.82] They always say let's go here,let's go there.
[04:33.82] Like we can afford to go here and there.
[04:37.19] Yes,and we always have to go to, you know,someplace nice.
[04:41.59] And we can't say anything about it, because this is a birthday thing...
[04:46.66] ...and it's "for Ross." …
[04:48.27] For Ross.
[04:52.44] Oh,my God!
[04:55.14] I'm at work...
[04:57.14] ...just an ordinary day, chop,chop,saute,saute. …
[05:01.21] Suddenly,Leon,the manager, calls me into his office.
[05:04.52] They fired the lunch chef, and guess who got the job?
[05:07.72] If it's not you, this is a horrible story.
[05:11.89] Fortunately,it is me.
[05:14.19] And they made me head of purchasing, thank you!
[05:16.89] That's so cool!
[05:19.03] Anyway,I think we should go out and celebrate.
[05:22.13] You know,someplace nice.
[05:29.67] Someplace nice.
[05:31.58] How much you think I can get for my kidney?
[05:41.05] You can't do this.
[05:43.52] I can't get a girl like that with conventional methods.
[05:47.09] It doesn't matter.
[05:48.26] She wanted to call Bob. Bob could be who she was meant to be with.
[05:53.40] You may be destroying their chance for happiness.
[05:56.57] We don't know Bob.
[05:59.07] We know me. We like me. Please let me be happy.
[06:03.88] Go over there and tell that woman the truth.
[06:10.62] Go.
[06:22.69] Listen,I have to....
[06:24.86] I have to confess something.
[06:27.27] Yes?
[06:30.60] Whoever stood you up is a jerk.
[06:38.28] I just had this weird sense. But that's me,I'm weird and sensitive.
[06:45.62] Tissue?
[06:47.89] Thanks.
[06:50.29] No,you keep the pack.
[06:52.82] I'm all cried out today.
[07:10.31] Here is to my sister, the newly appointed head lunch chef.
[07:13.91] Also in charge of purchasing.
[07:16.08] Head lunch chef, also in charge of purchasing
[07:19.25] Who has her own little desk when Roland's not there.
[07:23.19] Lunch chef,purchasing,own little desk when Roland's not there...
[07:27.33] -... here's to my -Wait! And I got a beeper!
[07:36.13] Sorry.
[07:39.17] Monica!
[07:43.11] Are we ready to order?
[07:44.68] We haven't even looked yet.
[07:46.54] When you do,let me know.
[07:48.38] I'll be over there on the edge of my seat.
[07:56.72] Look at these prices!
[07:58.49] Yeah,these are pretty "cha-ching."
[08:02.19] I know! What are these, famous chickens?
[08:06.46] Sorry I'm late. Congratulations,Mon.
[08:09.30] I'm not sorry I'm late. How incredible was my afternoon with Jade?
[08:13.40] Pretty incredible,according to the message on my machine.
[08:17.71] Why is this woman leaving a message for you on my machine?
[08:22.15] I told her that my number was yours...
[08:24.25] ... because I couldn't tell her it was mine... …
[08:26.52] ... because she thinks my number is Bob's number. …
[08:30.72] Tell me again. What do I do when Mr. Roper calls?
[08:35.89] Do I dare ask?
[08:37.23] I'll start with the carpaccio, and then the grilled prawns.
[08:40.87] Great,same for me.
[08:42.83] And for the gentleman?
[08:44.44] I'll have the Thai chicken pizza.
[08:46.27] But if I get it without the nuts and leeks and stuff...
[08:49.61] it cheaper? …
[08:51.78] You'd think,wouldn't you?
[08:56.61] I will have the side salad.
[09:00.25] And what would that be on the side of?
[09:03.45] I don't know.
[09:04.56] Just put it right here next to my water.
[09:10.26] And for you?
[09:12.43] I'm gonna have a cup of the cucumber soup and...
[09:19.77] ...take care. …
[09:24.08] I will have the Cajun catfish.
[09:26.41] Anything else?
[09:27.45] Yes,how about a verse of "Killing Me Softly"?
[09:32.28] You're gonna sneeze in my fish,aren't you?
[09:40.66] Plus tip,divided by six....
[09:44.46] Everyone owes 28 bucks.
[09:48.13] Everyone?
[09:50.33] Oh! You're right,I'm sorry.
[09:52.94] Thank you.
[09:58.11] So five of us is...
[10:00.81] ...33. 50 a piece. …
[10:02.75] No. No way. Sorry,not gonna happen.
[10:06.48] Prom night flashback.
[10:10.49] Sorry,Monica. I'm happy you got promoted...
[10:13.49] ... but cold cucumber mush for 30-something bucks? …
[10:16.93] No!
[10:19.33] Rachel just had that little salad...
[10:22.03] ...and Joey with his teeny pizza! …
[10:25.94] Okay,Pheebs.
[10:28.11] How about we'll each pay for what we had?
[10:31.01] It's no big deal.
[10:32.54] Not for you.
[10:40.48] I don't wanna get into this right now.
[10:42.82] It'll make everybody uncomfortable.
[10:47.53] You can tell us.
[10:48.73] Yeah,hello? It's us. We'll be fine.
[10:59.34] We three...
[11:00.54] ...feel like that... …
[11:03.01] ...sometimes you guys don't get that.... …
[11:13.85] We don't have as much money as you.
[11:21.53] I hear you.
[11:23.23] We can talk about that.
[11:26.26] Well,then...
[11:29.27] ...Iet's. …
[11:34.21] I guess I just never think of money as an issue.
[11:37.71] -Because you have it. -Good point!
[11:42.21] So how come you guys haven't talked about this before?
[11:46.18] Because it's always something. Like with Monica's new job...
[11:50.12] ...or the whole Ross' birthday hoopla. …
[11:54.69] I don't want my birthday to be the source of any kind of negative....
[11:59.46] There's gonna be a hoopla?
[12:03.90] Basically there's the thing, and then the stuff after the thing
[12:09.21] If it makes anybody feel better, forget the thing...
[12:12.31] ...and we'll just do the gift. …
[12:14.61] Gift? The thing's not the gift?
[12:18.22] No,we were gonna go see Hootie and the Blowfish.
[12:21.22] Hootie and the “
[12:22.89] I can catch them on the radio.
[12:26.16] No. Now I feel bad. You wanna go to the concert.
[12:29.59] No,look. It's my birthday...
[12:32.16] ...and the important thing is that we're all together. …
[12:35.57] -All of us. -Together.
[12:36.77] Not at the concert.
[12:41.51] Thank you.
[12:58.00] Gee,Monica. What's in the bag?
[13:00.09] I don't know,Chandler. Let's take a look.
[13:02.83] Oh,it's like a skit.
[13:06.36] Why,it's dinner for six. Five steaks...
[13:09.37] ...and an eggplant for Phoebe. …
[13:13.84] We switched suppliers at work,and they gave me the steaks as a thank-you.
[13:17.94] But wait,there's more. Chandler,what is in that envelope?
[13:24.12] By the way,this didn't seem so dorky out in the hall.
[13:28.45] Why,it's six tickets to Hootie and the Blowfish!
[13:34.46] The Blowfish!
[13:37.90] It's on us. So don't worry. This is...
[13:40.73] ...our treat. …
[13:43.37] Thank you.
[13:47.40] Could you be less enthused?
[13:49.37] Look,it's a nice gesture. It is.
[13:52.04] But it just feels like....
[13:54.38] Like?
[13:56.08] Charity.
[13:57.15] Charity?
[13:58.52] We're just trying to do a nice thing here.
[14:01.05] But you have to understand,your "nice thing" makes us feel about this big.
[14:05.39] Actually,it makes us feel that big.
[14:11.40] I don't understand. We can't win with you guys.
[14:14.40] If you guys feel this big, maybe that's not our fault.
[14:17.70] Maybe that's just how you feel.
[14:22.44] Now you're telling us how we feel.
[14:25.41] We never should have talked about this.
[14:27.61] I'm gonna pass on the concert.
[14:35.92] -Me neither. -Me too.
[14:38.09] Guys,we bought the tickets.
[14:40.42] Then you'll have extra seats for all your tiaras and stuff.
[14:45.23] Why did you look at me when you said that?
[14:51.87] So I guess now we can't go.
[14:53.87] Do what you want. Do we always have to do everything together?
[14:59.24] You know what? You're right.
[15:01.45] Fine.
[15:06.42] All right.
[15:08.62] We're gonna go.
[15:15.46] It's not for another six hours. We're gonna go then.
[15:30.41] Are you ready?
[15:31.81] Just let me grab my jacket and tell you I had sex today.
[15:37.35] What? You had sex today?
[15:40.02] It sounds even cooler when somebody else says it!
[15:44.42] I was awesome. She was biting her lip to stop from screaming.
[15:50.13] I know it's been a while, but I took that as a good sign.
[15:58.84] Still doing the screening?
[16:00.84] I had sex today.
[16:03.44] I never have to answer that phone again.
[16:06.64] At the sound of the beep, you know what to do.
[16:09.48] Hey,Bob. It's Jade.
[16:11.05] I wanted to tell you I was really hurt when you didn 't show up yesterday.
[16:15.15] And just so you know, I ended up meeting a guy.
[16:20.46] Bob here.
[16:23.56] So you met someone,huh?
[16:25.90] Yes,I did.
[16:27.63] In fact,I had sex with him two hours ago.
[16:34.81] So how was he?
[16:46.92] Oh,Bob,he was nothing compared to you.
[16:53.49] I bit my lip to keep from screaming your name.
[16:59.16] Well,that makes me feel so good.
[17:02.57] It was just so awkward and bumpy.
[17:07.10] Maybe he had some kind of new style that you're not familiar with.
[17:12.24] You have to get used to it.
[17:13.91] There wasn 't much time to get used to it...
[17:16.45] ...if you know what I mean. …
[17:28.46] You know what? I'm not gonna be able to enjoy this.
[17:31.60] I know. It's my birthday. We all should be here.
[17:35.60] So let's go.
[17:43.64] Well,maybe we should stay for one song.
[17:46.24] It would be rude to them for us to leave now.
[17:49.31] The guys are probably having a great time.
[17:55.62] Come on,you guys. One more time.
[17:59.72] One. —
[18:11.57] -Amazing! -Excellent!
[18:13.07] I can't believe the guys missed it!
[18:18.78] Excuse me. Aren't you Monica Geller?
[18:21.68] -Do I know you? -You were my baby-sitter!
[18:27.45] How have you been?
[18:29.19] Good. I'm a lawyer now.
[18:31.46] You can't be a lawyer. You're 8.
[18:34.29] It was nice to see you. I gotta run backstage.
[18:36.93] Wait,backstage?
[18:38.30] My firm represents the band.
[18:43.77] You guys wanna meet the group?
[18:46.50] Come on.
[18:47.54] Are you one of the ones that fooled around with my Dad?
[18:56.38] Hey,you guys!
[18:57.45] Happy birthday!
[18:58.55] Oh,thank you.
[19:03.35] How was your night last night?
[19:05.69] Oh,well,it pretty much sucked. How was yours?
[19:09.46] Ours pretty much sucked too.
[19:11.36] But I ran into Stevie Fisher. Remember him?
[19:14.00] Oh,yeah! I used to baby-sit him.
[19:16.33] Hey,how's his dad?
[19:20.07] Good.
[19:21.67] Aside from that,the evening was pretty much a bust.
[19:25.14] Yeah,we really missed you guys.
[19:28.25] Yeah,we were just saying, this whole thing is so stupid.
[19:32.22] We just have to really,really not let stuff like money,get like
[19:37.75] Is that a hickey?
[19:41.06] Oh,no,I just....
[19:43.00] I fell down.
[19:46.93] On someone's lips?
[19:50.10] Where'd you get the hickey?
[19:52.00] You know,a party or
[19:53.50] What party?
[19:54.51] It wasn't a party so much as a...
[19:57.34] ...a gathering of people. …
[20:00.61] With food and music and...
[20:03.05] ...and the band. …
[20:06.08] You partied with Hootie and the Blowfish?
[20:08.45] Yes. Apparently,Stevie and Hootie are like this.
[20:12.76] Who gave you that hickey?
[20:15.13] That would be the work of a Blowfish.
[20:20.63] I can't believe it! I can't believe this!
[20:23.63] We're just sitting at home, trying to guess Joey's fingers...
[20:30.77] ...and you're partying and having fun and all:
[20:33.61] "Hey,Blowfish,suck on my neck!" “
[20:39.42] Don't blame us. You could've been there.
[20:42.22] What? As part of your "poor friends outreach program"?
[20:47.06] Oh,great. It's work.
[20:48.56] I don't know what to say. I'm sorry we make more than you.
[20:52.43] But we're not gonna feel guilty. We work really hard.
[20:57.63] It's Monica. I got a page.
[20:59.47] It's just that sometimes we like to do stuff that costs a little more.
[21:03.67] And you feel like we hold you back.
[21:11.75] Leon,wait.
[21:13.02] Guys!
[21:14.79] I don't understand.
[21:16.12] The steaks were a gift from the meat vendor.
[21:18.52] That was not a kickback.
[21:20.76] I'll just replace them, and we can forget the whole thing.
[21:27.10] What corporate policy?
[21:42.61] I just got fired.
[21:50.19] Here's your check. That'll be $4. 1 2.
[21:52.52] Let me get that.
[21:57.66] You got 5 bucks?
[22:08.84] Here comes the beep. You know what to do.
[22:12.24] Hi,it's me.
[22:17.45] Listen,Bob. I'm probably way out of line here.
[22:20.75] It's been three years,and you 're probably seeing someone else now...
[22:24.79] ...but if we could have one night together,for old time 's sake.... …
[22:28.86] One hot,steamy,wild night....


[02:01.-2] And in case you wondered...
[06:08.-4] All right.
[06:34.-2] How did you I don' t know.
[07:34.-2] That' s fine, I' ll just wait.
[09:54.-2] It' s Monica' s big night. She shouldn' t pay.
[10:38.-1] All right, what' s going on?
[12:50.-4] So, the Ebola virus. That' s gotta suck, huh?
[14:30.-4] I' m just not in a very " Hootie" place right now.
[18:15.-2] What guys? Oh, yeah.
[18:25.-1] Oh, my God! Little Stevie Fisher?
[20:56.-2] And we don' t work hard?
[00:07.45] Man, I sure miss Julie.
[00:09.42] Spanish midgets.
[00:11.89] Spanish midgets wrestling....
[00:15.69] Julie! Okay, I see how you got there.
[00:24.54] You ever figure out what that thing' s for?
[00:27.54] I' m trying this screening thing.
[00:29.64] If I always answer the phone, people will think I have no life.
[00:33.75] My God! Rodrigo never gets pinned!
[00:36.08] At the sound of the beep, you know what to do.
[00:38.78] Hello. I' m looking for Bob.
[00:40.92] This is Jade.
[00:42.42] I don ' t know if you ' re still at this number, but I was thinking...
[00:46.56] ... about how great it was. I know it' s been three years...
[00:50.10] ... but I was hoping we could hook up again.
[00:52.66] I barely had the nerve to make this call...
[00:55.93] ... so you know what I did? What?
[00:58.34] I got a little drunk...
[01:00.51] ... and naked.
[01:01.74] Bob here!
[01:51.62] So what have you been up to?
[01:54.26] Oh, you know, the usual.
[01:56.16] Teaching aerobics...
[01:58.36] ... partying way too much.
[02:02.87] ... those are my legs on the new James Bond poster.
[02:09.84] Can you hold on? I have another call.
[02:12.44] I love her! I know.
[02:15.55] I' m back. So are we gonna get together?
[02:18.68] Absolutely.
[02:20.35] How about tomorrow afternoon?
[02:22.15] Do you know Central Perk? Say, fiveish?
[02:25.06] Great. I' ll see you then.
[02:31.63] Having a phone has finally paid off.
[02:36.17] You do a good Bob impression...
[02:38.64] ... but when she sees you tomorrow...
[02:40.54] ... she' s gonna realize you' re not Bob.
[02:44.81] I' m hoping that when Bob doesn' t show up...
[02:47.75] ... she' ll seek comfort in the arms of the stranger at the next table.
[02:51.85] Oh, my God. You are pure evil.
[02:55.92] Okay, pure evil...
[02:58.36] ... horny and alone.
[03:02.93] I' ve done this.
[03:10.87] Yeah, everybody' s here.
[03:13.67] Hey, everybody! Say hi to Julie in New Mexico!
[03:17.58] Hi, Julie.
[03:21.08] While Ross is on the phone...
[03:23.11] ... everybody owes me 62 bucks for his birthday.
[03:26.35] Is there any chance that you' re rounding up from...
[03:31.52] ... you know...
[03:32.52] ... from like 20?
[03:35.19] Hey, we got the gift, the concert and the cake.
[03:38.30] Do we need a cake?
[03:41.70] I know it' s a little steep.
[03:46.40] But it' s Ross.
[03:49.37] It' s Ross.
[03:52.41] See you later. I gotta go...
[03:54.28] ... do a thing!
[03:57.28] Okay, sweetheart, I' ll call you later.
[03:59.72] You' re not going through with this, are you?
[04:02.59] You know, I think I might just.
[04:07.26] What are you guys doing for dinner tonight?
[04:11.30] Well, I gotta start saving up for Ross' birthday.
[04:15.23] I guess I' ll just stay home and eat dust bunnies.
[04:18.47] Can you believe how much this costs?
[04:21.31] Do you guys ever get the feeling that...
[04:24.48] ... Chandler and those guys...
[04:26.44] ... don' t get that we don' t make that much money?
[04:30.82] They always say let' s go here, let' s go there.
[04:33.82] Like we can afford to go here and there.
[04:37.19] Yes, and we always have to go to, you know, someplace nice.
[04:41.59] And we can' t say anything about it, because this is a birthday thing...
[04:46.66] ... and it' s " for Ross."
[04:48.27] For Ross.
[04:52.44] Oh, my God!
[04:55.14] I' m at work...
[04:57.14] ... just an ordinary day, chop, chop, saute, saute.
[05:01.21] Suddenly, Leon, the manager, calls me into his office.
[05:04.52] They fired the lunch chef, and guess who got the job?
[05:07.72] If it' s not you, this is a horrible story.
[05:11.89] Fortunately, it is me.
[05:14.19] And they made me head of purchasing, thank you!
[05:16.89] That' s so cool!
[05:19.03] Anyway, I think we should go out and celebrate.
[05:22.13] You know, someplace nice.
[05:29.67] Someplace nice.
[05:31.58] How much you think I can get for my kidney?
[05:41.05] You can' t do this.
[05:43.52] I can' t get a girl like that with conventional methods.
[05:47.09] It doesn' t matter.
[05:48.26] She wanted to call Bob. Bob could be who she was meant to be with.
[05:53.40] You may be destroying their chance for happiness.
[05:56.57] We don' t know Bob.
[05:59.07] We know me. We like me. Please let me be happy.
[06:03.88] Go over there and tell that woman the truth.
[06:10.62] Go.
[06:22.69] Listen, I have to....
[06:24.86] I have to confess something.
[06:27.27] Yes?
[06:30.60] Whoever stood you up is a jerk.
[06:38.28] I just had this weird sense. But that' s me, I' m weird and sensitive.
[06:45.62] Tissue?
[06:47.89] Thanks.
[06:50.29] No, you keep the pack.
[06:52.82] I' m all cried out today.
[07:10.31] Here is to my sister, the newly appointed head lunch chef.
[07:13.91] Also in charge of purchasing.
[07:16.08] Head lunch chef, also in charge of purchasing
[07:19.25] Who has her own little desk when Roland' s not there.
[07:23.19] Lunch chef, purchasing, own little desk when Roland' s not there...
[07:27.33] ... here' s to my Wait! And I got a beeper!
[07:36.13] Sorry.
[07:39.17] Monica!
[07:43.11] Are we ready to order?
[07:44.68] We haven' t even looked yet.
[07:46.54] When you do, let me know.
[07:48.38] I' ll be over there on the edge of my seat.
[07:56.72] Look at these prices!
[07:58.49] Yeah, these are pretty " chaching."
[08:02.19] I know! What are these, famous chickens?
[08:06.46] Sorry I' m late. Congratulations, Mon.
[08:09.30] I' m not sorry I' m late. How incredible was my afternoon with Jade?
[08:13.40] Pretty incredible, according to the message on my machine.
[08:17.71] Why is this woman leaving a message for you on my machine?
[08:22.15] I told her that my number was yours...
[08:24.25] ... because I couldn' t tell her it was mine...
[08:26.52] ... because she thinks my number is Bob' s number.
[08:30.72] Tell me again. What do I do when Mr. Roper calls?
[08:35.89] Do I dare ask?
[08:37.23] I' ll start with the carpaccio, and then the grilled prawns.
[08:40.87] Great, same for me.
[08:42.83] And for the gentleman?
[08:44.44] I' ll have the Thai chicken pizza.
[08:46.27] But if I get it without the nuts and leeks and stuff...
[08:49.61] ... is it cheaper?
[08:51.78] You' d think, wouldn' t you?
[08:56.61] I will have the side salad.
[09:00.25] And what would that be on the side of?
[09:03.45] I don' t know.
[09:04.56] Just put it right here next to my water.
[09:10.26] And for you?
[09:12.43] I' m gonna have a cup of the cucumber soup and...
[09:19.77] ... take care.
[09:24.08] I will have the Cajun catfish.
[09:26.41] Anything else?
[09:27.45] Yes, how about a verse of " Killing Me Softly"?
[09:32.28] You' re gonna sneeze in my fish, aren' t you?
[09:40.66] Plus tip, divided by six....
[09:44.46] Everyone owes 28 bucks.
[09:48.13] Everyone?
[09:50.33] Oh! You' re right, I' m sorry.
[09:52.94] Thank you.
[09:58.11] So five of us is...
[10:00.81] ... 33. 50 a piece.
[10:02.75] No. No way. Sorry, not gonna happen.
[10:06.48] Prom night flashback.
[10:10.49] Sorry, Monica. I' m happy you got promoted...
[10:13.49] ... but cold cucumber mush for 30something bucks?
[10:16.93] No!
[10:19.33] Rachel just had that little salad...
[10:22.03] ... and Joey with his teeny pizza!
[10:25.94] Okay, Pheebs.
[10:28.11] How about we' ll each pay for what we had?
[10:31.01] It' s no big deal.
[10:32.54] Not for you.
[10:40.48] I don' t wanna get into this right now.
[10:42.82] It' ll make everybody uncomfortable.
[10:47.53] You can tell us.
[10:48.73] Yeah, hello? It' s us. We' ll be fine.
[10:59.34] We three...
[11:00.54] ... feel like that...
[11:03.01] ... sometimes you guys don' t get that....
[11:13.85] We don' t have as much money as you.
[11:21.53] I hear you.
[11:23.23] We can talk about that.
[11:26.26] Well, then...
[11:29.27] ... Iet' s.
[11:34.21] I guess I just never think of money as an issue.
[11:37.71] Because you have it. Good point!
[11:42.21] So how come you guys haven' t talked about this before?
[11:46.18] Because it' s always something. Like with Monica' s new job...
[11:50.12] ... or the whole Ross' birthday hoopla.
[11:54.69] I don' t want my birthday to be the source of any kind of negative....
[11:59.46] There' s gonna be a hoopla?
[12:03.90] Basically there' s the thing, and then the stuff after the thing
[12:09.21] If it makes anybody feel better, forget the thing...
[12:12.31] ... and we' ll just do the gift.
[12:14.61] Gift? The thing' s not the gift?
[12:18.22] No, we were gonna go see Hootie and the Blowfish.
[12:21.22] Hootie and the "
[12:22.89] I can catch them on the radio.
[12:26.16] No. Now I feel bad. You wanna go to the concert.
[12:29.59] No, look. It' s my birthday...
[12:32.16] ... and the important thing is that we' re all together.
[12:35.57] All of us. Together.
[12:36.77] Not at the concert.
[12:41.51] Thank you.
[12:58.00] Gee, Monica. What' s in the bag?
[13:00.09] I don' t know, Chandler. Let' s take a look.
[13:02.83] Oh, it' s like a skit.
[13:06.36] Why, it' s dinner for six. Five steaks...
[13:09.37] ... and an eggplant for Phoebe.
[13:13.84] We switched suppliers at work, and they gave me the steaks as a thankyou.
[13:17.94] But wait, there' s more. Chandler, what is in that envelope?
[13:24.12] By the way, this didn' t seem so dorky out in the hall.
[13:28.45] Why, it' s six tickets to Hootie and the Blowfish!
[13:34.46] The Blowfish!
[13:37.90] It' s on us. So don' t worry. This is...
[13:40.73] ... our treat.
[13:43.37] Thank you.
[13:47.40] Could you be less enthused?
[13:49.37] Look, it' s a nice gesture. It is.
[13:52.04] But it just feels like....
[13:54.38] Like?
[13:56.08] Charity.
[13:57.15] Charity?
[13:58.52] We' re just trying to do a nice thing here.
[14:01.05] But you have to understand, your " nice thing" makes us feel about this big.
[14:05.39] Actually, it makes us feel that big.
[14:11.40] I don' t understand. We can' t win with you guys.
[14:14.40] If you guys feel this big, maybe that' s not our fault.
[14:17.70] Maybe that' s just how you feel.
[14:22.44] Now you' re telling us how we feel.
[14:25.41] We never should have talked about this.
[14:27.61] I' m gonna pass on the concert.
[14:35.92] Me neither. Me too.
[14:38.09] Guys, we bought the tickets.
[14:40.42] Then you' ll have extra seats for all your tiaras and stuff.
[14:45.23] Why did you look at me when you said that?
[14:51.87] So I guess now we can' t go.
[14:53.87] Do what you want. Do we always have to do everything together?
[14:59.24] You know what? You' re right.
[15:01.45] Fine.
[15:06.42] All right.
[15:08.62] We' re gonna go.
[15:15.46] It' s not for another six hours. We' re gonna go then.
[15:30.41] Are you ready?
[15:31.81] Just let me grab my jacket and tell you I had sex today.
[15:37.35] What? You had sex today?
[15:40.02] It sounds even cooler when somebody else says it!
[15:44.42] I was awesome. She was biting her lip to stop from screaming.
[15:50.13] I know it' s been a while, but I took that as a good sign.
[15:58.84] Still doing the screening?
[16:00.84] I had sex today.
[16:03.44] I never have to answer that phone again.
[16:06.64] At the sound of the beep, you know what to do.
[16:09.48] Hey, Bob. It' s Jade.
[16:11.05] I wanted to tell you I was really hurt when you didn ' t show up yesterday.
[16:15.15] And just so you know, I ended up meeting a guy.
[16:20.46] Bob here.
[16:23.56] So you met someone, huh?
[16:25.90] Yes, I did.
[16:27.63] In fact, I had sex with him two hours ago.
[16:34.81] So how was he?
[16:46.92] Oh, Bob, he was nothing compared to you.
[16:53.49] I bit my lip to keep from screaming your name.
[16:59.16] Well, that makes me feel so good.
[17:02.57] It was just so awkward and bumpy.
[17:07.10] Maybe he had some kind of new style that you' re not familiar with.
[17:12.24] You have to get used to it.
[17:13.91] There wasn ' t much time to get used to it...
[17:16.45] ... if you know what I mean.
[17:28.46] You know what? I' m not gonna be able to enjoy this.
[17:31.60] I know. It' s my birthday. We all should be here.
[17:35.60] So let' s go.
[17:43.64] Well, maybe we should stay for one song.
[17:46.24] It would be rude to them for us to leave now.
[17:49.31] The guys are probably having a great time.
[17:55.62] Come on, you guys. One more time.
[17:59.72] One.
[18:11.57] Amazing! Excellent!
[18:13.07] I can' t believe the guys missed it!
[18:18.78] Excuse me. Aren' t you Monica Geller?
[18:21.68] Do I know you? You were my babysitter!
[18:27.45] How have you been?
[18:29.19] Good. I' m a lawyer now.
[18:31.46] You can' t be a lawyer. You' re 8.
[18:34.29] It was nice to see you. I gotta run backstage.
[18:36.93] Wait, backstage?
[18:38.30] My firm represents the band.
[18:43.77] You guys wanna meet the group?
[18:46.50] Come on.
[18:47.54] Are you one of the ones that fooled around with my Dad?
[18:56.38] Hey, you guys!
[18:57.45] Happy birthday!
[18:58.55] Oh, thank you.
[19:03.35] How was your night last night?
[19:05.69] Oh, well, it pretty much sucked. How was yours?
[19:09.46] Ours pretty much sucked too.
[19:11.36] But I ran into Stevie Fisher. Remember him?
[19:14.00] Oh, yeah! I used to babysit him.
[19:16.33] Hey, how' s his dad?
[19:20.07] Good.
[19:21.67] Aside from that, the evening was pretty much a bust.
[19:25.14] Yeah, we really missed you guys.
[19:28.25] Yeah, we were just saying, this whole thing is so stupid.
[19:32.22] We just have to really, really not let stuff like money, get like
[19:37.75] Is that a hickey?
[19:41.06] Oh, no, I just....
[19:43.00] I fell down.
[19:46.93] On someone' s lips?
[19:50.10] Where' d you get the hickey?
[19:52.00] You know, a party or
[19:53.50] What party?
[19:54.51] It wasn' t a party so much as a...
[19:57.34] ... a gathering of people.
[20:00.61] With food and music and...
[20:03.05] ... and the band.
[20:06.08] You partied with Hootie and the Blowfish?
[20:08.45] Yes. Apparently, Stevie and Hootie are like this.
[20:12.76] Who gave you that hickey?
[20:15.13] That would be the work of a Blowfish.
[20:20.63] I can' t believe it! I can' t believe this!
[20:23.63] We' re just sitting at home, trying to guess Joey' s fingers...
[20:30.77] ... and you' re partying and having fun and all:
[20:33.61] " Hey, Blowfish, suck on my neck!" "
[20:39.42] Don' t blame us. You could' ve been there.
[20:42.22] What? As part of your " poor friends outreach program"?
[20:47.06] Oh, great. It' s work.
[20:48.56] I don' t know what to say. I' m sorry we make more than you.
[20:52.43] But we' re not gonna feel guilty. We work really hard.
[20:57.63] It' s Monica. I got a page.
[20:59.47] It' s just that sometimes we like to do stuff that costs a little more.
[21:03.67] And you feel like we hold you back.
[21:11.75] Leon, wait.
[21:13.02] Guys!
[21:14.79] I don' t understand.
[21:16.12] The steaks were a gift from the meat vendor.
[21:18.52] That was not a kickback.
[21:20.76] I' ll just replace them, and we can forget the whole thing.
[21:27.10] What corporate policy?
[21:42.61] I just got fired.
[21:50.19] Here' s your check. That' ll be 4. 1 2.
[21:52.52] Let me get that.
[21:57.66] You got 5 bucks?
[22:08.84] Here comes the beep. You know what to do.
[22:12.24] Hi, it' s me.
[22:17.45] Listen, Bob. I' m probably way out of line here.
[22:20.75] It' s been three years, and you ' re probably seeing someone else now...
[22:24.79] ... but if we could have one night together, for old time ' s sake....
[22:28.86] One hot, steamy, wild night....


[00:07.45] wǒ hǎo xiǎng niàn zhū lì
[00:09.42] xī bān yá zhū rú
[00:11.89] xī bān yá zhū rú shuāi jiǎo
[00:15.69] zhū lì! wǒ míng bái shì zěn me xiǎng dào tā de
[00:24.54] nǐ yǒu xiǎng guò diàn huà yòng lái zuò shí mǒ ma?
[00:27.54] wǒ zài guò lǜ diàn huà
[00:29.64] wǒ xiǎng rú guǒ wǒ lǎo shì qù jiē de huà dà jiā huì yǐ wéi wǒ méi yǒu shēng huó
[00:33.75] lǎo tiān a, luó lǐ gē zhēn shì xī fāng bù bài
[00:36.08] tīng dào bì shēng hòu zhī dào gāi zěn me zuò ba?
[00:38.78] wǒ yào zhǎo xiǎo bāo
[00:40.92] wǒ shì xiǎo jié
[00:42.42] wǒ bù zhī dào nǐ de diàn huà gǎi le méi yǒu bù guò wǒ bù duàn zài xiǎng
[00:46.56] wǒ men guò qù nà duàn měi hǎo de shí guāng wǒ zhī dào dōu yǐ jīng sān nián le la
[00:50.10] kě shì wǒ xī wàng wǒ men néng gòu chóng xiū jiù hǎo
[00:52.66] wǒ tí bù qǐ yǒng qì dǎ diàn huà
[00:55.93] nǐ zhī dào wǒ zěn me yàng ma? zěn me yàng?
[00:58.34] wǒ hē dé máng máng de
[01:00.51] hái yī sī bù guà
[01:01.74] wǒ shì xiǎo bāo
[01:12.87] liù rén xíng dì 2 jì dì 05 jí wǔ kuài niú pái hé yī gēn qié zi
[01:51.62] nǐ jìn lái dōu zài gàn shén me ne?
[01:54.26] gēn píng cháng yí yàng a
[01:56.16] jiào yǒu qì wǔ dǎo
[01:58.36] wán dé tài fēng kuáng
[02:01.-2] rú guǒ nǐ xiǎng zhī dào de huà
[02:02.87] xīn 007 diàn yǐng hǎi bào shàng nà shuāng tuǐ shì wǒ de
[02:09.84] nǐ qǐng děng yī xià, wǒ yǒu chā bō
[02:12.44] wǒ ài tā wǒ zhī dào
[02:15.55] wǒ huí lái le nà wǒ men dào dǐ yào bú yào jù yī jù a?
[02:18.68] dāng rán yào le
[02:20.35] míng tiān xià wǔ zěn me yàng?
[02:22.15] nǐ zhī dào gé lín wēi zhì cūn zhōng yāng gōng yuán kā fēi ma? wǔ diǎn zhōng zuǒ yòu
[02:25.06] tài bàng le, dào shí hòu jiàn
[02:31.63] wǒ zhuāng shàng diàn huà, zhōng yú wù yǒu suǒ zhí le
[02:36.17] jiù suàn nǐ zhuāng xiǎo bāo zhuāng de hěn xiàng
[02:38.64] děng dào tā míng tiān yī kàn dào nǐ
[02:40.54] jiù huì fā xiàn nǐ bú shì xiǎo bāo le
[02:44.81] wǒ zhǐ xī wàng dāng tā zhī dào xiǎo bāo fàng tā gē zi de shí hòu
[02:47.75] tā huì tóu xiàng lín zhuō de mò shēng rén de huái bào
[02:51.85] lǎo tiān, nǐ zhēn shì xié è dào jiā
[02:55.92] xié è dào jiā
[02:58.36] jī kě jiān gū dān
[03:02.93] zhè wǒ dū shì guò le
[03:10.87] duì, dà jiā dōu zài
[03:13.67] gè wèi, gēn xīn mò xī gē de zhū lì dǎ shēng zhāo hū ba
[03:17.58] zhū lì
[03:21.08] chèn luó sī zài jiǎng diàn huà
[03:23.11] měi rén jiǎo 62 kuài qìng zhù tā de shēng rì
[03:26.35] nǐ kě bù kě yǐ jiāng jiù yī xià
[03:31.52] pì rú shuō
[03:32.52] měi ge rén jiǎo 20 kuài jiù hǎo le
[03:35.19] shǎo lái le yào yǒu lǐ wù, yǎn chàng huì, hái yǒu dàn gāo
[03:38.30] dàn gāo xū yào ma?
[03:41.70] gè wèi, wǒ zhī dào zhè shù mù duō le yì diǎn
[03:46.40] bù guò shì luó sī de shēng rì ya
[03:49.37] bù guò shì luó sī ya
[03:52.41] hǎo le, zán men dāi huì r jiàn wǒ hái dé qù
[03:54.28] zuò yī jiàn shì
[03:57.28] hǎo le, tián xīn, wǒ wǎn shàng zài dǎ gěi nǐ
[03:59.72] nǐ bú shì zhēn de yào nà me zuò ba, lǎo xiōng
[04:02.59] wǒ fēi zuò bù kě
[04:07.26] nǐ men wǎn shàng chī shén me?
[04:11.30] wǒ xiǎng wǒ yào kāi shǐ wèi luó sī de shēng rì cún qián le
[04:15.23] wǒ de cài dān shì zài jiā lǐ chī xī běi fēng
[04:18.47] zhè gè kě yào huā hěn duō qián a
[04:21.31] nǐ men yǒu shí hou huì bú huì jué de
[04:24.48] qián dé, tā men
[04:26.44] gēn běn bù míng bái wǒ men zhuàn de qián méi tā men duō
[04:30.82] tā men zǒng shì shuō " zán men qù zhè ér, qù nà ér"
[04:33.82] hǎo xiàng wǒ men zhēn de yǒu nà gè xián qián yí yàng
[04:37.19] ér qiě wǒ men zǒng shì de qù" hǎo dì fāng" nǐ zhī dào ma?
[04:41.59] wǒ men lián fǎn duì de quán lì dōu méi yǒu yīn wèi zhè shì luó sī de shēng rì
[04:46.66] luó sī de
[04:48.27] luó sī de
[04:52.44] lǎo tiān
[04:55.14] wǒ zài shàng bān
[04:57.14] gēn píng cháng de yì tiān yí yàng qiē qiē qiè, jiān jiān jiān
[05:01.21] tū rán jiān ne, wǒ men jīng lǐ lǐ áng jiào wǒ qù tā de bàn gōng shì
[05:04.52] yuán lái tā men kāi chú le wǔ cān dà chú nǐ men cāi shuí qǔ dài tā de zhí wèi le?
[05:07.72] rú guǒ bú shì nǐ de huà zhè kě shì gè zāo tòu de gù shì
[05:11.89] xìng hǎo, nà gè rén shì wǒ
[05:14.19] tā men hái shēng wǒ wèi cǎi gòu zhǔ rèn gǎn jī bù jìn
[05:16.89] tài bàng le
[05:19.03] wǒ rèn wéi wǒ men gāi chū qù qìng zhù yī xià
[05:22.13] qù gè hǎo dì fāng
[05:29.67] qù gè hǎo dì fāng
[05:31.58] nǐ men xiǎng wǒ de shèn néng gòu mài duō shǎo qián?
[05:41.05] shuō zhēn de, nǐ bù néng gòu zhè me zuò
[05:43.52] shǎo lái le, jū nì yú nà zhǒng chuán tǒng fāng fǎ wǒ yǒng yuǎn bǎ bú dào nà zhǒng yóu wù
[05:47.09] nà yǒu shén me guān xì ne?
[05:48.26] tā yào zhǎo de shì xiǎo bāo xiǎo bāo yí dìng shì tā lǐ xiǎng de duì xiàng
[05:53.40] nǐ zhè me zuò huò xǔ huì huǐ le liǎng gè rén kuài lè de jī huì
[05:56.57] wǒ men bù rèn shi xiǎo bāo
[05:59.07] wǒ men rèn shi wǒ, wǒ men xǐ huān wǒ bài tuō, ràng wǒ kuài lè qǐ lái
[06:03.88] nǐ guò qù gào sù nà gè nǚ rén shí huà
[06:08.-4] hǎo a
[06:10.62] qù a
[06:22.69] xiǎo jiě, wǒ yào
[06:24.86] wǒ yào gēn nǐ zhāo rèn yī jiàn shì
[06:27.27] shén me shì?
[06:30.60] fàng nǐ gē zi de rén shì hún dàn
[06:34.-2] nǐ zěn me huì wǒ bù zhī dào
[06:38.28] wǒ jiù shì yǒu zhè zhǒng guài guài de gǎn yìng wǒ jiù zhè yàng, guài guài de yòu mǐn gǎn
[06:45.62] miàn zhǐ?
[06:47.89] xiè xiè
[06:50.29] bù yòng, nǐ zhěng bāo liú zhe ba
[06:52.82] wǒ jīn tiān yǐ jīng" kū" gàn le
[07:10.31] wǒ jìng wǒ gāng gāng bèi shēng wèi wǔ cān dà chú de lǎo mèi yī bēi
[07:13.91] ér qiě tā hái jiē zhǎng le cǎi mǎi dà quán
[07:16.08] gōng hè tā shēng wèi wǔ cān dà chú bìng qiě jiē zhǎng cǎi mǎi dà quán
[07:19.25] luó bù zài de shí hòu tā yǒu zì jǐ de xiǎo bàn gōng zhuō
[07:23.19] wǔ cān dà chú, cǎi gòu, luó bù zài shí yǒu zì jǐ de xiǎo bàn gōng zhuō
[07:27.33] zán men jìng wǒ de lǎo mèi děng děng wǒ hái yǒu chuán hū qì
[07:34.-2] méi guān xì, wǒ děng hǎo le
[07:36.13] bào qiàn
[07:39.17] jìng mó nī kǎ
[07:43.11] gè wèi kě yǐ diǎn cài le ma?
[07:44.68] duì bù qǐ, wǒ men hái méi kàn cài dān
[07:46.54] nà nǐ men kàn guò zhī hòu zài jiào wǒ
[07:48.38] wǒ huì zài nà biān yǐn jǐng qǐ pàn de
[07:56.72] nǐ men kàn kàn zhè shàng miàn dí jià qián
[07:58.49] shì ya, dōu shì shén me jī de
[08:02.19] zhè shén me? míng pái jī ma?
[08:06.46] bào qiàn, wǒ chí dào le mó nī kǎ, gōng xǐ nǐ
[08:09.30] wǒ bù hòu huǐ wǒ chí dào, wǒ gēn xiǎo jié de wǔ hòu yuē huì tài bù kě sī yì le
[08:13.40] gēn jù tā zài wǒ dá lù jī shàng liú gěi nǐ de huà dí què hěn bù kě sī yì
[08:17.71] qián dé, zhè gè nǚ rén wéi shén me huì zài wǒ de dá lù jī liú huà gěi nǐ ne?
[08:22.15] wǒ bì xū yào gào sù tā wǒ de hào mǎ shì nǐ de hào mǎ
[08:24.25] yīn wèi wǒ bù néng gào sù tā wǒ de hào mǎ shì wǒ de hào mǎ
[08:26.52] yīn wèi tā yǐ wéi wǒ de hào mǎ shì xiǎo bāo de hào mǎ
[08:30.72] nǐ zài gào sù wǒ yī cì luó xiān shēng dǎ lái de shí hòu wǒ zěn me bàn?
[08:35.89] kě yǐ diǎn cài le ma?
[08:37.23] hǎo, wǒ yào xiān lái yī fèn shēng niú ròu rán hòu zài lái yī fèn kǎo xiā
[08:40.87] tīng qǐ lái bù cuò, wǒ yě yí yàng
[08:42.83] nà zhè wèi xiān shēng ne?
[08:44.44] wǒ yào tài guó jī ròu pī sà
[08:46.27] rú guǒ wǒ de pī sà shǎo jiā gān guǒ, dà suàn
[08:49.61] huì bú huì bǐ jiào pián yí a?
[08:51.78] nǐ shì nà me xiǎng ma?
[08:56.61] hǎo le, wǒ xiǎng yào diǎn bàn dié shā là
[09:00.25] nà yào bàn zài shén me cài páng biān ne?
[09:03.45] wǒ bù zhī dào
[09:04.56] nǐ jiù bāng wǒ fàng zài wǒ de shuǐ páng biān hǎo le
[09:10.26] nà nǐ ne?
[09:12.43] wǒ xiǎng wǒ yào lái yī wǎn huáng guā tāng
[09:19.77] bǎo zhòng le
[09:24.08] wǒ yào yī fèn niǔ ào liáng nián yú
[09:26.41] jiù zhè yàng ma?
[09:27.45] hái yǒu yī shǒu" qíng gē mí sǐ rén" zěn me yàng?
[09:32.28] nǐ huì cháo wǒ de yú dǎ pēn tì duì bú duì?
[09:40.66] jiā shang xiǎo fèi zài chú yǐ liù
[09:44.46] hǎo le, měi ge rén gěi wǒ 28 kuài qián
[09:48.13] měi ge rén?
[09:50.33] nǐ shuō de duì, duì bù qǐ
[09:52.94] xiè xiè
[09:54.-2] jīn tiān shì mó nī kǎ de dà rì zi tā bù xū yào fù a
[09:58.11] yòng wǔ gè rén qù chú
[10:00.81] měi ge rén 33. 5 yuán
[10:02.75] bù xíng, bào qiàn nà shi bù kě néng de shì
[10:06.48] bì yè wǔ huì chóng yǎn
[10:10.49] duì bù qǐ, mó nī kǎ nǐ shēng le zhí wǒ tì nǐ gāo xìng
[10:13.49] kě shì lěng huáng guā hú yào sān shí jǐ kuài?
[10:16.93] bù xíng
[10:19.33] ruì qiū zhǐ diǎn le nà pán xiǎo shā là
[10:22.03] qiáo yī zhǐ chī le nà piàn xiǎo pī sà
[10:25.94] hǎo ba, fēi bǐ
[10:28.11] nà wǒ men jiù gè fù gè de, hǎo ma?
[10:31.01] xiǎo shì yī zhuāng ma
[10:32.54] duì nǐ lái jiǎng jiù shì
[10:38.-1] dào dǐ zěn me le?
[10:40.48] suàn le, gè wèi wǒ xiàn zài zhēn de bù xiǎng tán zhè gè
[10:42.82] wǒ jué de zhè yàng zhǐ huì ràng dà jiā xīn lǐ yǒu gē da
[10:47.53] bài tuō, shuō chū lái ba
[10:48.73] duì a, shì wǒ men, méi guān xì de
[10:59.34] wǒ men sān ge
[11:00.54] jué de
[11:03.01] nǐ men yǒu shí hou bù tài míng bái
[11:13.85] wǒ men méi nǐ men nà me yǒu qián
[11:21.53] wǒ dǒng le
[11:23.23] nà wǒ men kě yǐ tán a
[11:26.26] nà me
[11:29.27] wǒ men jiù
[11:34.21] wǒ cāi wǒ zhǐ shì cóng méi xiǎng guò qián shì gè wèn tí
[11:37.71] nà shi yīn wèi nǐ yǒu qián nǐ shuō de hǎo
[11:42.21] nǐ men yǐ qián wèi hé tí chū lái tǎo lùn ne?
[11:46.18] yīn wèi zǒng shì yǒu tè bié de shì qíng xiàng mó nī kǎ de xīn gōng zuò
[11:50.12] huò shì luó sī de shén me la
[11:54.69] wǒ kě bù xī wàng wǒ de shēng rì zào chéng rèn hé de bù yú kuài
[11:59.46] nǐ men yào wèi wǒ gǎo shén me ma?
[12:03.90] jī běn shàng yǒu zhè jiàn shì la rán hòu yòu shì nà jiàn shì
[12:09.21] rú guǒ dà jiā jué de hǎo guò yì diǎn de huà wǒ men kě yǐ wàng le nà jiàn shì
[12:12.31] zhǐ sòng lǐ wù jiù hǎo le
[12:14.61] lǐ wù? lǐ wù bù jiù shì nà jiàn shì ma?
[12:18.22] bù, nà jiàn shì jiù shì wǒ men yào qù kàn " hùn hùn yǔ zì dà kuáng"
[12:21.22] hùn hùn yǔ zì dà kuáng"
[12:22.89] wǒ kě yǐ tīng shōu yīn jī jiù hǎo le
[12:26.16] bù, xiàn zài wǒ kuì jiù le nǐ xiǎng qù tīng nà chǎng yǎn chàng huì de?
[12:29.59] bù, tīng zhe, nà shi wǒ de shēng rì
[12:32.16] zuì zhòng yào de shì wǒ men dà jiā yì qǐ guò
[12:35.57] quán bù yì qǐ guò
[12:36.77] bú shì qù yǎn chàng huì
[12:41.51] xiè xiè
[12:50.-4] nà gè yī bō lā bìng dú dé dào yí dìng hěn cǎn
[12:58.00] mó nī kǎ, dài zi lǐ yǒu shén me?
[13:00.09] bù zhī dào, qián dé zán men kàn yī xià ba
[13:02.83] xiàng zài yǎn duǎn jù
[13:06.36] shì liù ge rén de wǎn cān wǔ kuài niú pái
[13:09.37] gēn fēi bǐ de qié zi
[13:13.84] wǒ men cān tīng huàn le ròu shí gōng yìng shāng xīn gōng yìng shāng sòng le wǒ zhèi xiē niú pái xiè wǒ
[13:17.94] děng děng, hái yǒu a qián dé, nà xìn fēng lǐ tou hái yǒu shén me?
[13:24.12] duì le, gāng cái zài wài miàn pái yǎn nà méi me lǘ de
[13:28.45] shì liù zhāng qù kàn " hùn hùn yǔ zì dà kuáng" de piào
[13:34.46] shì" zì dà kuáng" ya
[13:37.90] shì wǒ men fù qián de, suǒ yǐ bié dān xīn wǒ men
[13:40.73] qǐng kè
[13:43.37] xiè le
[13:47.40] nǐ men néng bù néng gèng bù qǐ jìn r a
[13:49.37] gè wèi, nǐ men yī fān hǎo yì
[13:52.04] kě shì wǒ men jué de zhè xiàng
[13:54.38] xiàng
[13:56.08] shī shě
[13:57.15] shī shě?
[13:58.52] wǒ men zhǐ shì xiǎng ràng dà jiā gāo xìng
[14:01.05] duì, luó sī dàn shì nǐ zhè me zuò ràng wǒ men jué de wǒ men hěn miǎo xiǎo
[14:05.39] shì shí shàng, wǒ men shì zhè me xiǎo
[14:11.40] wǒ bù dǒng wǒ shì shuō, wǒ men zěn yàng zuò dōu bú duì
[14:14.40] ruò nǐ men jué de nà me miǎo xiǎo de huà nà huò xǔ bú shì wǒ men de cuò
[14:17.70] huò xǔ nà zhǐ shì nǐ men de gǎn jué
[14:22.44] nǐ yào gào sù wǒ men yǒu shén me gǎn shòu
[14:25.41] nǐ kàn ma, wǒ men gēn běn jiù bù gāi tí de
[14:27.61] wǒ xiǎng wǒ bù qù yǎn chàng huì le
[14:30.-4] yīn wèi wǒ xiàn zài bù tài yǒu xīn qíng qù" hùn"
[14:35.92] wǒ yě shì wǒ yě shì
[14:38.09] gè wèi, wǒ men piào dōu yǐ jīng mǎi hǎo le
[14:40.42] nà nǐ men jiù yǒu zuò wèi kě yǐ fàng tóu guān a shén me de
[14:45.23] nǐ shuō de shí hòu gàn ma dèng zhe wǒ kàn?
[14:51.87] zhè xià zǐ wǒ men dōu bù néng qù le
[14:53.87] nǐ men qù zuò nǐ men yào zuò de shì a wǒ men fēi děi jí tǐ xíng dòng bù kě ma?
[14:59.24] zhī dào ma? nǐ shuō de duì yé
[15:01.45] hěn hǎo
[15:06.42] hǎo ba
[15:08.62] wǒ men jiù qù
[15:15.46] bù guò hái yǒu liù ge xiǎo shí wǒ men dào shí hòu zài qù
[15:30.41] tiān a, nǐ zhǔn bèi hǎo le ma?
[15:31.81] hǎo le, děng wǒ xiān ná gè wài tào hái yǒu wǒ jīn tiān shàng chuáng le
[15:37.35] shén me? nǐ jīn tiān shàng chuáng le?
[15:40.02] cóng bié rén zuǐ lǐ shuō chū lái gèng kù yé
[15:44.42] wǒ bàng tòu le, wǒ hài de tā bì xū yào yǎo zhù zuǐ chún rěn zhù jiān jiào
[15:50.13] wǒ zhī dào wǒ hěn jiǔ méi yǒu zhè yàng le dàn wǒ rèn wéi nà shi gè hǎo xiàn xiàng
[15:58.84] nǐ hái zài guò lǜ diàn huà ma?
[16:00.84] wǒ jīn tiān shàng chuáng le
[16:03.44] wǒ zài yě bù yòng qù jiē nà gè diàn huà
[16:06.64] bì yī shēng guò hòu, nǐ zhī dào zěn me zuò
[16:09.48] xiǎo bāo, wǒ shì xiǎo jié, tīng zhe
[16:11.05] nǐ nà tiān fàng wǒ gē zi wǒ xīn lǐ nán guò jí le
[16:15.15] jié guǒ nǐ zhī dào ma? wǒ rèn shi le lìng yí ge rén
[16:20.46] wǒ shì xiǎo bāo
[16:23.56] nǐ rèn shi le bié rén?
[16:25.90] méi cuò
[16:27.63] shì shí shàng wǒ liǎng xiǎo shí qián gēn tā shàng chuáng le
[16:34.81] tā zěn me yàng ne?
[16:46.92] xiǎo bāo, gēn nǐ bǐ tā suàn shén me
[16:53.49] wǒ dé yǎo zhù zuǐ chún cái néng bù jiào chū nǐ de míng zì
[16:59.16] hěn gāo xìng tīng nǐ zhè me jiǎng
[17:02.57] wǒ shì jué de tā hǎo méi jì qiǎo
[17:07.10] huò xǔ shì yīn wèi tā cǎi qǔ le yī xiē nǐ bù shú xī de xīn de kù zī shì
[17:12.24] nǐ yīng gāi yào xí guàn tā de zuò fǎ ya
[17:13.91] gēn běn méi duō shǎo shí jiān kě yǐ ràng wǒ xí guàn
[17:16.45] dǒng wǒ de yì sī ma?
[17:28.46] zhī dào ma? wǒ xiǎng wǒ gēn běn méi yǒu xīn qíng tīng zhè gè
[17:31.60] wǒ zhī dào, zhè shì wǒ de shēng rì wǒ men yīng gāi quán bù zài yì qǐ de
[17:35.60] nà me zǒu ba
[17:43.64] huò xǔ wǒ men yīng gāi tīng yī shǒu zài zǒu
[17:46.24] duì ya, fǎn zhèng xiàn zài lí kāi duì tā men yǒu diǎn bù jìng
[17:49.31] shuō bù dìng tā men xiàn zài zhèng wán de hěn kāi xīn ne
[17:55.62] lái ba, zài lái yī cì ma
[18:11.57] bù kě sī yì bàng tòu le
[18:13.07] zhēn bù néng xiāng xìn tā men cuò guò zhè gè
[18:15.-2] nǐ shuō shuí? duì le
[18:18.78] qǐng wèn, nǐ shì gài lēi mó nī kǎ, duì ba?
[18:21.68] wǒ rèn shi nǐ ma? nǐ yǐ qián dāng guò wǒ de bǎo mǔ ya
[18:25.-1] tiān a, wǒ de xiǎo fèi shǐ tí
[18:27.45] jìn lái hǎo bù hǎo a?
[18:29.19] hěn hǎo, wǒ xiàn zài shì lǜ shī le
[18:31.46] nǐ bù kě néng shì lǜ shī, nǐ cái bā suì
[18:34.29] tīng zhe, hěn gāo xìng jiàn dào nǐ wǒ yào qù hòu tái le
[18:36.93] děng děng, hòu tái?
[18:38.30] tā men shì wǒ gōng sī dài lǐ de
[18:43.77] nǐ men xiǎng rèn shi tā men ma?
[18:46.50] nà zǒu ba
[18:47.54] duì le nǐ yǐ qián yě yǒu gēn wǒ bà luàn gǎo ma?
[18:56.38] gè wèi
[18:57.45] shēng rì kuài lè
[18:58.55] xiè xiè
[19:03.35] nǐ men zuó tiān wǎn shàng guò de zěn me yàng?
[19:05.69] zuó wǎn zhēn shì làn dé kě yǐ le nǐ men ne?
[19:09.46] wǒ men yě shì làn dé kě yǐ a
[19:11.36] dàn shì wǒ pèng dào le xiǎo fèi shǐ tí nǐ jì de ma?
[19:14.00] jì de, wǒ yǐ qián dāng guò tā de bǎo mǔ
[19:16.33] tā bà hǎo ma?
[19:20.07] hěn hǎo
[19:21.67] chú cǐ zhī wài wǒ men zuó tiān zhěng gè wǎn shàng dōu mǎn qī cǎn de
[19:25.14] duì, wǒ men hěn xiǎng niàn nǐ men
[19:28.25] duì ya, wǒ men gāng cái hái shuō zhè jiàn shì tài yú chǔn le
[19:32.22] wǒ men bì xū zhēn dí zhēn de bù ràng qián zhè zhǒng shì qíng jiè rù
[19:37.75] nà shi gè wěn hén ma?
[19:41.06] bù, wǒ zhǐ shì
[19:43.00] wǒ diē dǎo le
[19:46.93] diē zài bié rén zuǐ shàng?
[19:50.10] nǐ nà wěn hén nǎ ér lái de?
[19:52.00] nǐ zhī dào, pài duì a
[19:53.50] shén me pài duì?
[19:54.51] nà bù suàn shì pài duì
[19:57.34] zhǐ néng shuō shì yī qún rén jù zài yì qǐ
[20:00.61] yǒu chī de, yǒu yīn yuè, hái yǒu
[20:03.05] yuè tuán
[20:06.08] nǐ men gēn" hùn hùn yǔ zì dà kuáng" hùn?
[20:08.45] duì, hěn xiǎn rán shǐ tí gēn hùn hùn shì sǐ dǎng
[20:12.76] nà wěn hén shì shuí gěi de?
[20:15.13] shì qí zhōng yí gè zì dà kuáng nòng de
[20:20.63] wǒ zhēn bù gǎn xiāng xìn
[20:23.63] wǒ men zhǐ shì zuò zài jiā lǐ tou cāi qiáo yī de shǒu zhí tou
[20:30.77] ér nǐ men què pǎo chū qù fēng kuáng zuò yuè shuō:
[20:33.61] zì dà kuáng xī wǒ bó zi"
[20:39.42] bú yào guài wǒ men běn lái nǐ men yě kě yǐ qù de
[20:42.22] shén me? dāng bèi nǐ men shī shě de qióng péng yǒu, shì bú shì?
[20:47.06] shuài, shì gōng sī
[20:48.56] wǒ bù xiǎo de gāi shuō shí mǒ hěn bào qiàn wǒ men zhuàn de qián bǐ nǐ men duō
[20:52.43] kě shì wǒ men bù xiǎng yīn cǐ yǒu zuì è gǎn wǒ men hěn nǔ lì de zhuàn qián a
[20:56.-2] wǒ men jiù bù nǔ lì?
[20:57.63] wǒ shì mó nī kǎ gāng gāng yǒu rén CALL wǒ
[20:59.47] yǒu shí hou wǒ men huì xiǎng zuò bǐ jiào huā qián de shì qíng ma
[21:03.67] shì wǒ men tuō zhù nǐ le
[21:11.75] děng děng
[21:13.02] gè wèi!
[21:14.79] wǒ bù míng bái
[21:16.12] nèi xiē niú pái zhǐ shì ròu shāng sòng lái de lǐ wù
[21:18.52] kě bú shì huí kòu a
[21:20.76] nà wǒ mǎi huí qù hái tā men wǒ men bǎ zhè jiàn shì wàng diào hǎo le
[21:27.10] shén me gōng sī zhèng cè a?
[21:42.61] wǒ bèi kāi chú le
[21:50.19] nǐ men de zhàng dān, yī gòng sì kuài liǎng máo
[21:52.52] wǒ lái fù
[21:57.66] nǐ yǒu méi yǒu wǔ kuài a?
[22:08.84] bì yī shēng guò hòu, nǐ zhī dào zěn me zuò
[22:12.24] shì wǒ
[22:17.45] xiǎo bāo yě xǔ wǒ bù gāi zuò zhè yàng de yāo qiú
[22:20.75] wǒ shì shuō dōu guò sān nián le shuō bù dìng nǐ lìng wài yǒu nǚ péng yǒu le
[22:24.79] wǒ men rú guǒ néng zài yì qǐ yí gè wǎn shàng kàn zài wǎng rì de fèn shàng
[22:28.86] gān chái liè huǒ de yī wǎn