Friends S02E06

歌曲 Friends S02E06
歌手 英语听力
专辑 老友记(第二季)


[05:36.-1] ...and swirl it around.
[06:23.-3] Aim him at that pack of babes. Maybe one of them will break away.
[06:46.-1] ... me. …
[09:34.-4] I see someone's having a little allergic reaction.
[09:57.-2] Under these circumstances,it has to be an injection,and it has to be now.
[12:36.-2] Sorry! I got my S's back!
[15:37.-4] And Ben was definitely wearing ducks.
[16:15.-4] Right! 好的!
[21:08.-4] Hey,I have a question.
[00:02.65] Who the winny-binny boy?
[00:05.35] You the winny-winny-binny-binny boy!
[00:11.16] Don't cry.
[00:13.39] Don't cry.
[00:17.20] Why is he still crying?
[00:19.76] Let me hold him for a sec.
[00:22.03] Here we go.
[00:24.74] There we are.
[00:27.44] Maybe it's me.
[00:28.91] Don't be silly. Ben loves you. He's just being Mr. Cranky Pants.
[00:33.08] You know,I once dated a Miss Cranky Pants.
[00:36.92] Lovely girl. IKind of moody.
[00:40.29] There we go,all better.
[00:42.69] There's my little boy.
[00:51.13] Can I see something?
[01:07.21] Cool!
[01:08.31] He hates me. My nephew hates me!
[01:11.05] Come on,don't do this.
[01:12.55] What if my own baby hates me? What do I do then?
[01:15.45] Monica,stop! This is nuts.
[01:17.29] Do you know how long it'll be before you have to deal with this?
[01:22.09] You don't even have a boyfriend yet.
[01:27.07] Joey,she does not look fat.
[01:38.77] 六人行 第2季 第06集 宝宝落在巴士上了
[02:16.85] Here you go.
[02:22.82] Goo,goo,goo!
[02:27.89] That is so funny! Let me see that a sec.
[02:38.40] You okay?
[02:39.47] I don't know.
[02:42.91] What's in this pie?
[02:44.68] I don't know. Butter and eggs and flour and lime and kiwi
[02:48.58] Kiwi? Kiwi?!
[02:51.48] You said it was a key lime pie.
[02:53.15] No,I didn't. I said kiwi lime. That's what makes it so special.
[02:57.32] That's what's gonna kill me.
[03:01.26] I'm allergic to kiwi.
[03:03.16] No,you're not. You're allergic to lobster and peanuts and
[03:09.07] Oh,my God!
[03:10.54] It's definitely getting worse.
[03:13.17] Is your tongue swelling up?
[03:15.24] Either that or my mouth is getting smaller!
[03:18.68] Get your coat. We're going to the hospital.
[03:21.08] -Will he be okay? -He's gotta get a shot.
[03:23.55] You know,actually, it's getting better. It is.
[03:27.12] Let's not go. Anyone up for Scrabble?
[03:30.69] Jacket,now!
[03:32.89] What about Ben? We can't bring a baby to the hospital.
[03:36.93] We'll watch him.
[03:38.93] I don't think so.
[03:41.73] I have seven Catholic sisters. I've taken care of hundreds of kids.
[03:46.54] Come on,we want to do it. Don't we?
[03:48.71] I was gonna play basketball...
[03:51.04] ... but I guess that's out the window. …
[03:54.15] If you take him out for a walk, remember to bring his hat.
[03:57.45] There's milk in the refrigerator and diapers in the bag.
[04:00.49] Hat,milk....
[04:02.12] Got it!
[04:12.50] Consider it done!
[04:14.40] You understood?
[04:15.47] My uncle Sal has a really big tongue.
[04:20.31] Is he the one with the beautiful wife?
[04:28.65] You want to hear the song I'm singing this afternoon?
[04:32.32] I wrote it this morning in the shower.
[04:37.16] I'm in the shower And I'm writing a song
[04:42.19] Stop me if you've heard it
[04:48.30] My skin is soapy and my hair is wet
[04:52.34] And Tegrin spelled backward is nirget
[05:00.31] Rachel,sweetheart, could I see you for a minute?
[05:08.22] What's up?
[05:10.02] FYK:
[05:12.00] I've decided to pay a professional musician to play here on Sundays.
[05:16.39] Her name is Stephanie something. She's supposed to be very good.
[05:20.73] But what about Phoebe?
[05:23.74] It's not that your friend is bad.
[05:27.37] It's that she's so bad...
[05:31.04] ...she makes me want to put my finger through my eye into my brain...
[05:39.72] Okay,so you're not a fan.
[05:43.00] But,I mean,come on. You cannot do this to her.
[05:49.93] I have to do this to her?
[05:51.70] Lather,rinse,repeat
[05:54.00] And lather,rinse,repeat
[05:56.40] And lather,rinse,repeat
[06:00.10] As needed
[06:08.55] We didn't bring enough stuff.
[06:10.38] Did you forget to pack the baby's anvil?
[06:13.12] I'm telling you,it'll be worth it.
[06:15.62] It's a known fact that women love babies.
[06:18.29] Women love guys who love babies. It's the sensitive thing.
[06:27.47] Wait,forget them. We got one. Hard left.
[06:31.04] -Give me the baby. -No,I got him.
[06:33.10] Come on,seriously.
[06:34.47] Oh,seriously,you want him?
[06:41.08] Who is this little cutie-pie?
[06:43.11] Well,don't think me immodest,but...
[06:48.89] Want to smell him?
[06:50.05] I assume we're talking about the baby?
[06:54.83] He's got that great baby smell. Get a whiff of his head.
[07:00.40] My uterus just skipped a beat.
[07:03.47] What'd I tell you?
[07:04.90] It's great you're doing this.
[07:06.80] Well,we are great guys.
[07:09.01] My brother and his boyfriend have been trying to adopt.
[07:12.34] What agency did you two go through?
[07:19.42] But this is my gig.
[07:21.19] This is where I play.
[07:22.85] My name is written out there in chalk.
[07:25.59] You know,you can't just erase chalk.
[07:31.76] Honey,I'm sorry.
[07:33.20] And he's going to be paying this woman?
[07:35.67] Why doesn't he just give her a throne and a crown?
[07:38.80] And,like,a gold stick with a ball on top?
[07:44.61] Terry is a jerk! That's why we always say,"Terry's a jerk!"
[07:48.45] That's where that came from.
[07:53.62] You probably did everything you could.
[07:57.36] You know what? Let me just see what else I could do.
[08:04.16] Just let her go on after Stephanie whatever her name is.
[08:07.37] You won't be here. You don't pay her.
[08:10.30] I don't know.
[08:11.80] I'll clean the cappuccino machine!
[08:13.87] You don't clean the cappuccino machine?
[08:17.88] Of course I clean it.
[08:20.91] I mean,I will clean it.
[08:23.85] I mean,I will clean it.
[08:25.65] All right,fine,fine,fine!
[08:33.56] -Done. -Really?
[08:35.16] Who's working for you,babe?
[08:37.40] Oh,my God! This is so exciting! How much am I gonna get?
[08:42.23] What?
[08:44.04] He's paying the people who were playing.
[08:47.37] I meant,he's paying that other woman because she's a professional.
[08:52.74] I'm not gonna be the only one who's not getting paid.
[08:57.38] I'm sorry,no!
[08:59.08] No,I'm not some sloppy second, you know,charity band.
[09:03.62] There are thousands of places in this city...
[09:06.39] ...where people would pay to hear me play. …
[09:09.29] When I play,I play for me
[09:11.43] I don't need your charity
[09:13.70] Thank you!
[09:23.31] I'm not getting a shot. Maybe they can take the needle...
[09:26.88] ...and squirt it into my mouth. Like a squirt gun. …
[09:31.15] Hello there. I'm Dr. Carlin.
[09:37.89] Doctor,can I see you for just a moment?
[09:42.46] My brother has a slight phobia about needles.
[09:46.46] Did you tell him about my squirt gun idea?
[09:50.94] My brother,the Ph.D., would like to know...
[09:53.50] ...if there's any way to treat this orally?
[10:02.28] So?
[10:06.08] Go and have a seat. The doctor says it's got to be a needle.
[10:10.02] You're just going to have to be brave. Can you do that for me?
[10:17.86] Oh,boy! You are doing so good.
[10:22.60] You want to squeeze my hand?
[10:25.47] Ross,don't squeeze it so hard.
[10:27.71] Honey,really. Don't squeeze it so hard!
[10:30.44] Let go of my hand!
[10:35.81] Good plan. Next time we want to pick up women...
[10:38.55] ...we should go to the park and make out. …
[10:41.52] Taxi! Taxi!
[10:45.29] Look at that talent.
[10:50.00] Just practicing. You're good.
[10:52.30] Carry on.
[10:54.23] Wait,wait,wait!
[10:56.47] Hey,you. He's just adorable.
[10:59.84] Can you tell him that? Because he thinks he looks too pink.
[11:05.64] -What are you guys out doing today? -We're not out.
[11:10.65] We're two heterosexual guys hanging with the son...
[11:13.82] ...of our other heterosexual friend, doing the usual straight-guy stuff. …
[11:19.42] You done?
[11:21.86] There's our stop.
[11:23.66] Get out of here! This is our stop.
[11:26.50] You guys live around here too?
[11:28.70] We live in the building by the sidewalk.
[11:33.84] You know it?
[11:36.54] Since we're neighbors,what do you say we get together for a drink?
[11:45.55] So you want to go to Markel's?
[11:48.69] Sure,they love us over there.
[11:50.86] Where's your baby?
[12:03.13] Ben! Ben!
[12:05.74] That's good. Maybe he'll hear you and pull the cord!
[12:09.44] Stop the bus!
[12:19.72] Are you sure he didn't break it? It hurts.
[12:22.32] No,it's just a good bone bruise.
[12:26.39] And right here is the puncture wound from your ring.
[12:31.30] -I'm really sorry. -It's okay.
[12:34.17] Sorry.
[12:40.14] Which we can celebrate later.
[12:43.41] Celebrate. Celebrate
[12:46.61] He was a double,double
[12:48.65] Double-jointed boy
[12:53.32] So are you the professional guitar player?
[12:57.82] Yeah,I'm Stephanie.
[13:00.02] Right. My name was on there, but now it just says carrot cake.
[13:06.60] So how many chords do you know?
[13:09.93] -All of them. -So you know D?
[13:14.44] Do you know A-minor?
[13:18.71] Do you know how to go from D to A-minor?
[13:25.62] So does your guitar have a strap?
[13:31.52] Mine does.
[13:36.46] Stephanie knows all the chords
[13:41.23] Come on! Pick up,pick up!
[13:44.74] Transit Authority?
[13:47.17] I'm doing research for a book.
[13:49.04] I was wondering what somebody might do if they left a baby on a city bus.
[13:55.01] Yes,I realize that would be a stupid character.
[13:57.88] Here's the deal: We lost a car seat on a bus.
[14:00.72] It's white plastic and it fits onto a stroller.
[14:04.36] And there was a baby in it.
[14:07.56] He wants to talk to you.
[14:10.83] Everybody,let's give a warm Central Perk welcome to
[14:14.37] Terry's a jerk And he won't let me work
[14:17.40] And I hate Central Perk
[14:24.01] To Stephanie Schiffer!
[14:31.55] I'd like to start with a song I wrote for the first man I ever loved.
[14:39.39] Zachary
[14:41.09] Are all invited to bite me
[14:53.37] We're the guys that called about the baby! Is he here?!
[14:57.58] He's here.
[15:01.75] I assume one of you is the father.
[15:03.58] -That's me. -I'm him.
[15:07.65] Actually,we're both the father.
[15:20.80] Oh,Ben! Hey,buddy.
[15:29.67] Please tell me you know which one is our baby.
[15:33.78] That one has ducks on his T-shirt and this one has clowns.
[15:39.25] Or clowns.
[15:42.75] That one's Ben! Remember he had that cute little mole by his mouth!
[15:47.59] Hey,Ben! Remember us?
[15:51.03] Okay,the mole came off.
[15:54.33] What are we gonna do?
[15:57.64] We'll flip for it. Ducks or clowns.
[15:59.67] -Flip for the baby? -You got a better idea?
[16:02.11] All right,call it in the air.
[16:05.51] Heads.
[16:06.81] Heads,it is.
[16:11.05] We have to assign heads to something!
[16:19.06] Ducks is heads because ducks have heads.
[16:27.36] What kind of scary-ass clowns came to your birthday?
[16:37.71] Just call me angel Of the morning,angel
[16:42.31] Just touch my cheek Before you leave me,baby
[16:47.25] Just call me angel Of the morning,angel
[16:52.06] Then slowly turn away
[16:56.93] I won't beg you to stay
[17:01.00] With me
[17:13.71] Here. I thought you might be cold.
[17:16.61] Thank you.
[17:25.39] Look at you! You did pretty well.
[17:28.03] $8. 27.
[17:31.13] But not really,because I put in the first two.
[17:34.93] Just to get the ball rolling and to make myself feel better.
[17:39.70] Do you?
[17:42.74] You know,this whole playing for money thing is so not good for me.
[17:47.54] I don't know,when l sang "Su-su-suicide"...
[17:52.05] ... I got,like,$ 1. 75. …
[17:56.09] But then "Smelly Cat"?
[17:59.79] I got 25 cents and a condom.
[18:04.16] So,you know,now I just feel really bad for "Smelly Cat."
[18:10.50] Honey,I don't think everybody gets "Smelly Cat."
[18:14.81] I mean,if all you've ever actually had are healthy pets,then whoosh!
[18:21.85] But it's not even that,you know?
[18:24.42] I used to do my songs because it made me happy.
[18:27.45] Now it's just all about the money,you know?
[18:34.02] Well,people missed you in there.
[18:36.46] In fact,there was actually a request for "Smelly Cat."
[18:40.00] Really? From who?
[18:42.03] Well,me.
[18:45.04] And I know it's not your big money song,but it's my favorite.
[18:53.04] Did I accidentally drop a condom in your case?
[19:00.65] It's kind of an emergency.
[19:04.02] -Here you go. -Thanks a lot.
[19:05.72] Hey,Christine! I got it!
[19:14.23] I want to thank you for being there for me.
[19:17.33] And I'm sorry I almost broke your hand.
[19:19.87] That's okay. I'm sorry I poisoned you.
[19:24.64] Remember the time I jammed that pencil into your hand?
[19:28.21] Remember it? What do you think this is,a freckle?
[19:33.48] What about the time I hit you in the face with Sylvian's pumpkin?
[19:37.52] Remember when I stuck that broom in your spokes...
[19:40.32] ...and you hit your head on the curb?
[19:44.23] But I remember people telling me about it.
[19:48.40] I hope Ben has a little sister.
[19:52.20] And I hope she can kick his ass.
[19:55.74] I'm gonna get a new Band-Aid.
[19:58.58] How about the time I cut the legs off your Malibu Ken?
[20:02.25] That was you?
[20:06.12] They were infected. He wouldn't have made it.
[20:13.36] My little nephew.
[20:14.93] Come here,little one!
[20:17.39] There's my little baby,Ben!
[20:25.30] Hey,he's not crying!
[20:31.44] Hey,he's not crying!
[20:39.88] There's still pie!
[20:42.92] I'm here. I'm here.
[20:45.89] How's my little boy?
[20:48.33] You want Daddy to change your diaper? I know,I know.
[20:53.33] Did you have fun with Uncle Joey and Uncle Chandler today?
[20:58.14] He rode the bus today.
[21:04.27] Big boy riding the bus
[21:12.32] How come it says, "Property of Human Services"?
[21:20.36] You are gonna love this.
[21:23.69] Can you hold Ben for a sec?
[21:26.10] Come here. Come here.
[21:27.30] Stay back! I've got kiwi! Run,Joey,run!
[21:36.11] Smelly cat,smelly cat
[21:39.68] What are they feeding you?
[21:42.58] No,no. I'm sorry,it's:
[21:43.78] Smelly cat,smelly cat
[21:51.36] Smelly cat,smelly cat
[21:55.69] Better!
[21:56.93] Much better. Good.
[21:58.23] Don't feel bad, because it's a hard song.
[22:03.13] -You want to try it again? -From the top?
[22:05.74] There is no "top," all right?
[22:09.04] That's the beauty of "Smelly Cat."
[22:14.41] Why don't you just follow me.
[22:17.45] Smelly cat,smelly cat
[22:21.29] What are they feeding you?
[22:24.66] Smelly cat,smelly cat
[22:28.00] It's not your fault
[22:31.90] That's too much. Sorry.


[05:36.-1] ... and swirl it around.
[06:23.-3] Aim him at that pack of babes. Maybe one of them will break away.
[06:46.-1] ... me.
[09:34.-4] I see someone' s having a little allergic reaction.
[09:57.-2] Under these circumstances, it has to be an injection, and it has to be now.
[12:36.-2] Sorry! I got my S' s back!
[15:37.-4] And Ben was definitely wearing ducks.
[16:15.-4] Right! hǎo de!
[21:08.-4] Hey, I have a question.
[00:02.65] Who the winnybinny boy?
[00:05.35] You the winnywinnybinnybinny boy!
[00:11.16] Don' t cry.
[00:13.39] Don' t cry.
[00:17.20] Why is he still crying?
[00:19.76] Let me hold him for a sec.
[00:22.03] Here we go.
[00:24.74] There we are.
[00:27.44] Maybe it' s me.
[00:28.91] Don' t be silly. Ben loves you. He' s just being Mr. Cranky Pants.
[00:33.08] You know, I once dated a Miss Cranky Pants.
[00:36.92] Lovely girl. IKind of moody.
[00:40.29] There we go, all better.
[00:42.69] There' s my little boy.
[00:51.13] Can I see something?
[01:07.21] Cool!
[01:08.31] He hates me. My nephew hates me!
[01:11.05] Come on, don' t do this.
[01:12.55] What if my own baby hates me? What do I do then?
[01:15.45] Monica, stop! This is nuts.
[01:17.29] Do you know how long it' ll be before you have to deal with this?
[01:22.09] You don' t even have a boyfriend yet.
[01:27.07] Joey, she does not look fat.
[01:38.77] liù rén xíng dì 2 jì dì 06 jí bǎo bǎo luò zài bā shì shàng le
[02:16.85] Here you go.
[02:22.82] Goo, goo, goo!
[02:27.89] That is so funny! Let me see that a sec.
[02:38.40] You okay?
[02:39.47] I don' t know.
[02:42.91] What' s in this pie?
[02:44.68] I don' t know. Butter and eggs and flour and lime and kiwi
[02:48.58] Kiwi? Kiwi?!
[02:51.48] You said it was a key lime pie.
[02:53.15] No, I didn' t. I said kiwi lime. That' s what makes it so special.
[02:57.32] That' s what' s gonna kill me.
[03:01.26] I' m allergic to kiwi.
[03:03.16] No, you' re not. You' re allergic to lobster and peanuts and
[03:09.07] Oh, my God!
[03:10.54] It' s definitely getting worse.
[03:13.17] Is your tongue swelling up?
[03:15.24] Either that or my mouth is getting smaller!
[03:18.68] Get your coat. We' re going to the hospital.
[03:21.08] Will he be okay? He' s gotta get a shot.
[03:23.55] You know, actually, it' s getting better. It is.
[03:27.12] Let' s not go. Anyone up for Scrabble?
[03:30.69] Jacket, now!
[03:32.89] What about Ben? We can' t bring a baby to the hospital.
[03:36.93] We' ll watch him.
[03:38.93] I don' t think so.
[03:41.73] I have seven Catholic sisters. I' ve taken care of hundreds of kids.
[03:46.54] Come on, we want to do it. Don' t we?
[03:48.71] I was gonna play basketball...
[03:51.04] ... but I guess that' s out the window.
[03:54.15] If you take him out for a walk, remember to bring his hat.
[03:57.45] There' s milk in the refrigerator and diapers in the bag.
[04:00.49] Hat, milk....
[04:02.12] Got it!
[04:12.50] Consider it done!
[04:14.40] You understood?
[04:15.47] My uncle Sal has a really big tongue.
[04:20.31] Is he the one with the beautiful wife?
[04:28.65] You want to hear the song I' m singing this afternoon?
[04:32.32] I wrote it this morning in the shower.
[04:37.16] I' m in the shower And I' m writing a song
[04:42.19] Stop me if you' ve heard it
[04:48.30] My skin is soapy and my hair is wet
[04:52.34] And Tegrin spelled backward is nirget
[05:00.31] Rachel, sweetheart, could I see you for a minute?
[05:08.22] What' s up?
[05:10.02] FYK:
[05:12.00] I' ve decided to pay a professional musician to play here on Sundays.
[05:16.39] Her name is Stephanie something. She' s supposed to be very good.
[05:20.73] But what about Phoebe?
[05:23.74] It' s not that your friend is bad.
[05:27.37] It' s that she' s so bad...
[05:31.04] ... she makes me want to put my finger through my eye into my brain...
[05:39.72] Okay, so you' re not a fan.
[05:43.00] But, I mean, come on. You cannot do this to her.
[05:49.93] I have to do this to her?
[05:51.70] Lather, rinse, repeat
[05:54.00] And lather, rinse, repeat
[05:56.40] And lather, rinse, repeat
[06:00.10] As needed
[06:08.55] We didn' t bring enough stuff.
[06:10.38] Did you forget to pack the baby' s anvil?
[06:13.12] I' m telling you, it' ll be worth it.
[06:15.62] It' s a known fact that women love babies.
[06:18.29] Women love guys who love babies. It' s the sensitive thing.
[06:27.47] Wait, forget them. We got one. Hard left.
[06:31.04] Give me the baby. No, I got him.
[06:33.10] Come on, seriously.
[06:34.47] Oh, seriously, you want him?
[06:41.08] Who is this little cutiepie?
[06:43.11] Well, don' t think me immodest, but...
[06:48.89] Want to smell him?
[06:50.05] I assume we' re talking about the baby?
[06:54.83] He' s got that great baby smell. Get a whiff of his head.
[07:00.40] My uterus just skipped a beat.
[07:03.47] What' d I tell you?
[07:04.90] It' s great you' re doing this.
[07:06.80] Well, we are great guys.
[07:09.01] My brother and his boyfriend have been trying to adopt.
[07:12.34] What agency did you two go through?
[07:19.42] But this is my gig.
[07:21.19] This is where I play.
[07:22.85] My name is written out there in chalk.
[07:25.59] You know, you can' t just erase chalk.
[07:31.76] Honey, I' m sorry.
[07:33.20] And he' s going to be paying this woman?
[07:35.67] Why doesn' t he just give her a throne and a crown?
[07:38.80] And, like, a gold stick with a ball on top?
[07:44.61] Terry is a jerk! That' s why we always say," Terry' s a jerk!"
[07:48.45] That' s where that came from.
[07:53.62] You probably did everything you could.
[07:57.36] You know what? Let me just see what else I could do.
[08:04.16] Just let her go on after Stephanie whatever her name is.
[08:07.37] You won' t be here. You don' t pay her.
[08:10.30] I don' t know.
[08:11.80] I' ll clean the cappuccino machine!
[08:13.87] You don' t clean the cappuccino machine?
[08:17.88] Of course I clean it.
[08:20.91] I mean, I will clean it.
[08:23.85] I mean, I will clean it.
[08:25.65] All right, fine, fine, fine!
[08:33.56] Done. Really?
[08:35.16] Who' s working for you, babe?
[08:37.40] Oh, my God! This is so exciting! How much am I gonna get?
[08:42.23] What?
[08:44.04] He' s paying the people who were playing.
[08:47.37] I meant, he' s paying that other woman because she' s a professional.
[08:52.74] I' m not gonna be the only one who' s not getting paid.
[08:57.38] I' m sorry, no!
[08:59.08] No, I' m not some sloppy second, you know, charity band.
[09:03.62] There are thousands of places in this city...
[09:06.39] ... where people would pay to hear me play.
[09:09.29] When I play, I play for me
[09:11.43] I don' t need your charity
[09:13.70] Thank you!
[09:23.31] I' m not getting a shot. Maybe they can take the needle...
[09:26.88] ... and squirt it into my mouth. Like a squirt gun.
[09:31.15] Hello there. I' m Dr. Carlin.
[09:37.89] Doctor, can I see you for just a moment?
[09:42.46] My brother has a slight phobia about needles.
[09:46.46] Did you tell him about my squirt gun idea?
[09:50.94] My brother, the Ph. D., would like to know...
[09:53.50] ... if there' s any way to treat this orally?
[10:02.28] So?
[10:06.08] Go and have a seat. The doctor says it' s got to be a needle.
[10:10.02] You' re just going to have to be brave. Can you do that for me?
[10:17.86] Oh, boy! You are doing so good.
[10:22.60] You want to squeeze my hand?
[10:25.47] Ross, don' t squeeze it so hard.
[10:27.71] Honey, really. Don' t squeeze it so hard!
[10:30.44] Let go of my hand!
[10:35.81] Good plan. Next time we want to pick up women...
[10:38.55] ... we should go to the park and make out.
[10:41.52] Taxi! Taxi!
[10:45.29] Look at that talent.
[10:50.00] Just practicing. You' re good.
[10:52.30] Carry on.
[10:54.23] Wait, wait, wait!
[10:56.47] Hey, you. He' s just adorable.
[10:59.84] Can you tell him that? Because he thinks he looks too pink.
[11:05.64] What are you guys out doing today? We' re not out.
[11:10.65] We' re two heterosexual guys hanging with the son...
[11:13.82] ... of our other heterosexual friend, doing the usual straightguy stuff.
[11:19.42] You done?
[11:21.86] There' s our stop.
[11:23.66] Get out of here! This is our stop.
[11:26.50] You guys live around here too?
[11:28.70] We live in the building by the sidewalk.
[11:33.84] You know it?
[11:36.54] Since we' re neighbors, what do you say we get together for a drink?
[11:45.55] So you want to go to Markel' s?
[11:48.69] Sure, they love us over there.
[11:50.86] Where' s your baby?
[12:03.13] Ben! Ben!
[12:05.74] That' s good. Maybe he' ll hear you and pull the cord!
[12:09.44] Stop the bus!
[12:19.72] Are you sure he didn' t break it? It hurts.
[12:22.32] No, it' s just a good bone bruise.
[12:26.39] And right here is the puncture wound from your ring.
[12:31.30] I' m really sorry. It' s okay.
[12:34.17] Sorry.
[12:40.14] Which we can celebrate later.
[12:43.41] Celebrate. Celebrate
[12:46.61] He was a double, double
[12:48.65] Doublejointed boy
[12:53.32] So are you the professional guitar player?
[12:57.82] Yeah, I' m Stephanie.
[13:00.02] Right. My name was on there, but now it just says carrot cake.
[13:06.60] So how many chords do you know?
[13:09.93] All of them. So you know D?
[13:14.44] Do you know Aminor?
[13:18.71] Do you know how to go from D to Aminor?
[13:25.62] So does your guitar have a strap?
[13:31.52] Mine does.
[13:36.46] Stephanie knows all the chords
[13:41.23] Come on! Pick up, pick up!
[13:44.74] Transit Authority?
[13:47.17] I' m doing research for a book.
[13:49.04] I was wondering what somebody might do if they left a baby on a city bus.
[13:55.01] Yes, I realize that would be a stupid character.
[13:57.88] Here' s the deal: We lost a car seat on a bus.
[14:00.72] It' s white plastic and it fits onto a stroller.
[14:04.36] And there was a baby in it.
[14:07.56] He wants to talk to you.
[14:10.83] Everybody, let' s give a warm Central Perk welcome to
[14:14.37] Terry' s a jerk And he won' t let me work
[14:17.40] And I hate Central Perk
[14:24.01] To Stephanie Schiffer!
[14:31.55] I' d like to start with a song I wrote for the first man I ever loved.
[14:39.39] Zachary
[14:41.09] Are all invited to bite me
[14:53.37] We' re the guys that called about the baby! Is he here?!
[14:57.58] He' s here.
[15:01.75] I assume one of you is the father.
[15:03.58] That' s me. I' m him.
[15:07.65] Actually, we' re both the father.
[15:20.80] Oh, Ben! Hey, buddy.
[15:29.67] Please tell me you know which one is our baby.
[15:33.78] That one has ducks on his Tshirt and this one has clowns.
[15:39.25] Or clowns.
[15:42.75] That one' s Ben! Remember he had that cute little mole by his mouth!
[15:47.59] Hey, Ben! Remember us?
[15:51.03] Okay, the mole came off.
[15:54.33] What are we gonna do?
[15:57.64] We' ll flip for it. Ducks or clowns.
[15:59.67] Flip for the baby? You got a better idea?
[16:02.11] All right, call it in the air.
[16:05.51] Heads.
[16:06.81] Heads, it is.
[16:11.05] We have to assign heads to something!
[16:19.06] Ducks is heads because ducks have heads.
[16:27.36] What kind of scaryass clowns came to your birthday?
[16:37.71] Just call me angel Of the morning, angel
[16:42.31] Just touch my cheek Before you leave me, baby
[16:47.25] Just call me angel Of the morning, angel
[16:52.06] Then slowly turn away
[16:56.93] I won' t beg you to stay
[17:01.00] With me
[17:13.71] Here. I thought you might be cold.
[17:16.61] Thank you.
[17:25.39] Look at you! You did pretty well.
[17:28.03] 8. 27.
[17:31.13] But not really, because I put in the first two.
[17:34.93] Just to get the ball rolling and to make myself feel better.
[17:39.70] Do you?
[17:42.74] You know, this whole playing for money thing is so not good for me.
[17:47.54] I don' t know, when l sang " Sususuicide"...
[17:52.05] ... I got, like, 1. 75.
[17:56.09] But then " Smelly Cat"?
[17:59.79] I got 25 cents and a condom.
[18:04.16] So, you know, now I just feel really bad for " Smelly Cat."
[18:10.50] Honey, I don' t think everybody gets " Smelly Cat."
[18:14.81] I mean, if all you' ve ever actually had are healthy pets, then whoosh!
[18:21.85] But it' s not even that, you know?
[18:24.42] I used to do my songs because it made me happy.
[18:27.45] Now it' s just all about the money, you know?
[18:34.02] Well, people missed you in there.
[18:36.46] In fact, there was actually a request for " Smelly Cat."
[18:40.00] Really? From who?
[18:42.03] Well, me.
[18:45.04] And I know it' s not your big money song, but it' s my favorite.
[18:53.04] Did I accidentally drop a condom in your case?
[19:00.65] It' s kind of an emergency.
[19:04.02] Here you go. Thanks a lot.
[19:05.72] Hey, Christine! I got it!
[19:14.23] I want to thank you for being there for me.
[19:17.33] And I' m sorry I almost broke your hand.
[19:19.87] That' s okay. I' m sorry I poisoned you.
[19:24.64] Remember the time I jammed that pencil into your hand?
[19:28.21] Remember it? What do you think this is, a freckle?
[19:33.48] What about the time I hit you in the face with Sylvian' s pumpkin?
[19:37.52] Remember when I stuck that broom in your spokes...
[19:40.32] ... and you hit your head on the curb?
[19:44.23] But I remember people telling me about it.
[19:48.40] I hope Ben has a little sister.
[19:52.20] And I hope she can kick his ass.
[19:55.74] I' m gonna get a new BandAid.
[19:58.58] How about the time I cut the legs off your Malibu Ken?
[20:02.25] That was you?
[20:06.12] They were infected. He wouldn' t have made it.
[20:13.36] My little nephew.
[20:14.93] Come here, little one!
[20:17.39] There' s my little baby, Ben!
[20:25.30] Hey, he' s not crying!
[20:31.44] Hey, he' s not crying!
[20:39.88] There' s still pie!
[20:42.92] I' m here. I' m here.
[20:45.89] How' s my little boy?
[20:48.33] You want Daddy to change your diaper? I know, I know.
[20:53.33] Did you have fun with Uncle Joey and Uncle Chandler today?
[20:58.14] He rode the bus today.
[21:04.27] Big boy riding the bus
[21:12.32] How come it says, " Property of Human Services"?
[21:20.36] You are gonna love this.
[21:23.69] Can you hold Ben for a sec?
[21:26.10] Come here. Come here.
[21:27.30] Stay back! I' ve got kiwi! Run, Joey, run!
[21:36.11] Smelly cat, smelly cat
[21:39.68] What are they feeding you?
[21:42.58] No, no. I' m sorry, it' s:
[21:43.78] Smelly cat, smelly cat
[21:51.36] Smelly cat, smelly cat
[21:55.69] Better!
[21:56.93] Much better. Good.
[21:58.23] Don' t feel bad, because it' s a hard song.
[22:03.13] You want to try it again? From the top?
[22:05.74] There is no " top," all right?
[22:09.04] That' s the beauty of " Smelly Cat."
[22:14.41] Why don' t you just follow me.
[22:17.45] Smelly cat, smelly cat
[22:21.29] What are they feeding you?
[22:24.66] Smelly cat, smelly cat
[22:28.00] It' s not your fault
[22:31.90] That' s too much. Sorry.