[01:06.-1] | Remember when he'd borrow your hat... 记得有时它会跟你们借帽子… |
[01:13.-4] | When he did it,it was funny. When I did it to my boss's hat.... 它干的就叫好玩 如果我对我老板这么做的话… |
[02:15.-4] | No. My first fan mail! 不是,第一封影迷信 |
[02:19.-1] | "Dear Dr. Ramoray: 亲爱的雷医生: |
[06:58.-3] | And she's not crazy? 那她不是疯子吗? |
[09:53.-2] | These hands... 这双… |
[09:57.-2] | Just to be near them,touch them, maybe even lick one? 只要靠近,抚摸 或许甚至舔一只就好了 |
[10:14.-3] | You're good at that. 你很行耶 |
[12:06.-2] | 'Cause... 因为… |
[12:44.-2] | But...? 但…? |
[12:49.-4] | It was either "but" or "butter." 不是“但是”就是“蛋饼” |
[13:10.-2] | I'm thinking about it. 我正在考虑 |
[13:37.-3] | Your monkey was taken. 你的猴子被偷了 |
[18:30.-4] | Hans? 汉斯? |
[19:03.-4] | ...about the stuff in your songs. …你歌词里的一些内容有问题 |
[19:15.-2] | I see. 我懂了 |
[00:09.09] | Can't get the monkey off your back? 无法摆脱工作的压力? |
[00:12.82] | Then put it in your mouth... 那就来一杯… |
[00:15.23] | ... with Monkeyshine Beer! …猴子乐啤酒吧 |
[00:17.26] | Get it,monkey 喝一口猴子乐 |
[00:20.87] | Get it,get it,monkey 喝一口猴子乐 |
[00:24.90] | Monkey,monkey 猴子乐… |
[00:26.50] | Monkeyshine Beer. 猴子乐啤酒 |
[00:28.11] | Because it's a jungle out there! 因为外面是一片丛林 |
[00:31.01] | That commercial always makes me so sad. 那个广告总是让我悲从中来 |
[00:33.41] | But then the guy opens his beer and girls run at him... 但是那个傢伙一开啤酒 女人就拥上来了… |
[00:36.85] | ...so everything works out okay. …所以最后一切还好的 |
[00:39.35] | I meant because the monkey reminds me of Marcel. 我的意思是 那只猴子让我想到了马赛 |
[00:42.45] | I can see that. 我看得出来 |
[00:43.76] | Because they both have those big brown eyes and the little pouty chin. 它们都有棕色的大眼睛 还有鼓鼓的小下巴 |
[00:48.73] | And the fact that they're both monkeys? 而且它们都是猴子 |
[00:52.23] | I wonder if I did the right thing, giving him away. 有时候我怀疑我是不是做错了 不应该把它送走 |
[00:55.07] | Ross,you had to. He was humping everything in sight. 你是不得已的啊 看到什么东西都要上 |
[00:59.57] | My Malibu Barbie will no longer be wearing white to her wedding. 我的马里布芭比娃娃 结婚不能穿纯洁的白纱了 |
[01:08.45] | ...and when you got it back, there'd be monkey raisins in it? …等你要回来的时候里面会有 小小的猴子“葡萄干”? |
[01:18.09] | Suddenly,I had this big "attitude problem." 突然就变成了我的态度不好 |
[01:21.56] | The One With the Super Bowl,Part 1 |
[01:28.87] | 六人行 第2季 第12集 超级杯后(第一集) |
[02:10.08] | Hey,check it out! Guess what I got? 你们看,猜我有什么? |
[02:12.64] | Rhythm? 韵律感,对不对? |
[02:21.02] | I love you and would do anything to have you." 我爱你,为了得到你 我可以不惜一切 |
[02:24.19] | My gosh! "Your not-so-secret admirer,Erika Ford." “你不神秘的仰慕者 方艾丽” |
[02:28.79] | Oh,wait. 等一下 |
[02:30.16] | "P.S. Enclosed,please find 14 of my eyelashes." :“附注:随函附上了 我十四根的睫毛” |
[02:36.03] | In Crazy World,that means you're married. 在疯子的世界里 那就表示你结婚了 |
[02:41.87] | It's not addressed to Days Of Our Lives. This came to your apartment. 这不是寄到制作单位的 这是直接送到你家去 |
[02:46.34] | She was in our building. 她去过我们的大楼 |
[02:48.11] | Oh,my God. 我的天啊 |
[02:50.22] | I got my very own stalker! 我有我自己的变态影迷了 |
[02:57.06] | Where are you off to? 你上哪儿去了? |
[02:58.82] | There's a paleontology conference in L.A. 因为洛杉矶 有一个古生物学研讨会 |
[03:01.79] | So I figured I'd go and drive down to the zoo and surprise Marcel. 我会去,然后开车到动物园 给马赛一个惊喜 |
[03:06.00] | He will be surprised. Till he realizes he's a monkey... 我想它会很惊喜的 直到它发现它是猴子… |
[03:11.07] | ...and isn't capable of that emotion. …它根本就没办法有那种情绪 |
[03:15.87] | Phoebe? That really cute guy is here again. 菲比,那个可爱的傢伙又来了 |
[03:19.81] | Okay,so everyone... 各位… |
[03:21.38] | ... pretend I'm telling you a story and it's really funny. …假装我在讲故事给你们听 故事非常的好笑 |
[03:24.88] | So everyone just laugh. Now! 所以大家要笑 |
[03:28.89] | I know,I know! 我知道 |
[03:34.00] | I'm Rob Donan. 我叫罗伯杜南 |
[03:35.36] | Hi,Rob Donan. 罗伯杜南 |
[03:36.66] | I don't know anything about music, but I think you're really great. 我对音乐一窍不通 不过我觉得你非常棒 |
[03:43.67] | Anyway,I schedule performers for children's libraries. 我在替市里的儿童图书馆 安排艺人的演出 |
[03:47.84] | And I was thinking,have you thought about playing your songs for kids? 我在想,你有没有想过 为小孩子演唱你的歌呢? |
[03:52.74] | I would love to have kids... 我好想要小孩哦… |
[03:58.72] | ...hear me play the songs that I will write for them. 听我…听我演唱 我为他们写的歌 |
[04:04.26] | What do we do for dinner? 你今天晚饭做什么? |
[04:06.06] | We could cook for ourselves. 我们可以留在家里吃自己啊 |
[04:15.20] | It's Erika. 我是艾丽 |
[04:16.73] | My God. The stalker! 变态影迷 |
[04:18.24] | Never mind. It's open. 没关系,门没关 |
[04:22.11] | Hitting her with a frying pan is a good idea. 对,用平底锅打她是个好主意 |
[04:24.74] | But we want a backup plan, just in case she isn't a cartoon! 不过,我们应该想点别的 以防她不是卡通人物 |
[04:29.75] | Let's get out of here! 离开这里 |
[04:34.59] | The one time they're not home! 偏挑这个时候不在 |
[04:38.39] | We'll leave. When we pass her... 我们走时 在楼梯上碰到的时候… |
[04:40.56] | ...she won't know me, because we never met! …她不会知道是我 因为我们没有见过啊 |
[04:44.80] | That's how radio stars escape stalkers! 那是收音机明星的方法 |
[04:48.93] | She's coming! 她来了 |
[04:56.34] | It's me. 是我 |
[04:58.51] | This is it. This is how we're gonna die. 就这样了,我们就这样死的 |
[05:02.48] | You ready? 预备好了? |
[05:03.75] | Wait,wait,wait! 等等… |
[05:13.93] | Erika! 艾丽 |
[05:25.27] | -Mr. Geller? -Yes,hi. 盖勒先生? 是,嗨 |
[05:27.01] | Dean Lipson,zoo administrator. 黎迪恩,我是这里的行政组长 |
[05:29.94] | You had a question? 听说你有个问题,是不是? |
[05:32.21] | I can't find the monkey I donated last year. He's a capuchin... 我似乎找不到我去年捐的猴子 它是一只戴帽猿… |
[05:36.11] | ...answers to the name Marcel? …它的名字叫做马赛? |
[05:39.12] | I'm afraid I have some bad news. 我恐怕有个坏消息要告诉你 |
[05:42.39] | Marcel has passed on. 马赛它已经过世了 |
[05:46.52] | Oh,my God. What happened? 天哪,怎么会呢? |
[05:49.39] | He got sick, and then he got sicker... 它生病了,然后它病得很重… |
[05:52.20] | ...and then he got a little better. …然后它突然好了一点 |
[05:54.80] | But then he died. 然后就死了 |
[05:58.90] | I can't believe this! 我真不敢相信 |
[06:00.54] | I'm sorry,Mr. Geller. But you know,there's an old saying: 很抱歉,盖勒先生 你也知道嘛,俗话说: |
[06:05.54] | "Sometimes monkeys die." “猴子难免一死” |
[06:09.75] | It's not a great saying... 不是很好的俗语… |
[06:13.32] | ... but it certainly is fitting today. …用在今天却很帖切 |
[06:15.75] | -Someone should've called me. -I'm sorry. 那应该有人通知我才对呀 对不起 |
[06:18.86] | Look,I know this can't bring him back... 我知道这不能够让它复活… |
[06:21.93] | ... but here,it's just a gesture. …这是我一点心意,请收下 |
[06:25.83] | Zoo dollars? 动物园礼券? |
[06:27.27] | Yes,and come see the bird show at 4. The macaws wear hats. 对,四点请过来看一看鸟秀 金刚鹦鹉戴帽子 |
[06:33.10] | It's a lot cuter if your monkey hasn't just died. 你的猴子没死的话会可爱多了 |
[06:43.55] | I know. 我知道 |
[06:46.45] | I can't believe Joey's having lunch with his stalker! 真不敢相信 乔伊去跟他的变态影迷吃饭 |
[06:49.45] | What is she like? 她长得怎么样? |
[06:51.12] | You remember Kathy Bates in Misery? 你还记得“战栗游戏” 里面的凯西贝兹? |
[06:53.79] | Well,she looks the exact opposite of that. 她长得跟她完全相反 |
[07:00.10] | Oh,no,no. She's a total whack-job. 不,她的完全秀斗了 |
[07:02.73] | She thinks that Joey is actually Dr. Drake Ramoray. 她以为乔伊真的是雷崔克医生 |
[07:07.11] | Oh,my God! 我的天哪 |
[07:09.07] | And he's going out with her? 然后他还要去跟她约会? |
[07:10.94] | He cannot pursue this. 他不能这么做的 |
[07:12.91] | Just because this woman sees Joey through the magical box... 就因为这个女人以为她可以 在她的客厅黑盒里面看乔伊… |
[07:16.58] | ...in her living room doesn't mean she's not a person. …并不表示她就不是人啊 |
[07:19.38] | Does she not deserve happiness? Does she not deserve love? 我是说,她应该得到快乐 也应该得到爱呀 |
[07:24.00] | Why are you looking at me? He's the one who wants to boff the maniac! 你们看我干什么? 想上那个疯子的是乔伊耶 |
[07:29.33] | Are you okay? 你还好吧? |
[07:30.73] | No. I'm just nervous. 不,我只是很紧张 |
[07:32.90] | Maybe if I just picture them all in their underwear.... 如果我幻想他们只穿内衣… |
[07:36.40] | That's not a good idea. That's the reason the last guy got fired. 不,那个主意不好 上个傢伙就是那样被开除的 |
[07:44.34] | I'm used to playing for grownups. 我只是…我习惯为大人演唱 |
[07:47.11] | Grownups drink their coffee and do their grownup thing. 大人只是… 边喝咖啡边做他们大人做的事 |
[07:50.65] | And kids... 小孩呢… |
[07:52.08] | ...Iisten. …会专心听 |
[07:54.42] | It's just a huge responsibility. 我觉得这个责任好重大 |
[07:57.36] | What? 怎么了? |
[07:58.92] | Are you gonna kiss me? 你要亲我吗? |
[08:01.93] | I was thinking about it. 我正在考虑 |
[08:08.13] | Alrighty! Let's play some tunes! 那好,好耶,咱们来些音乐 |
[08:13.70] | -Hi,everybody. I'm Phoebe. -Hi,Phoebe! 各位,我是菲比 菲比 |
[08:20.68] | I'm gonna play some songs about grandparents,okay? 现在我要唱一首 关于祖父母的歌 |
[08:26.88] | Now Grandma's a person Who everyone likes 奶奶走到哪里都大受欢迎 |
[08:30.35] | She bought you a train And a bright shiny bike 她送你火车跟一辆簇新单车 |
[08:33.62] | But lately she hasn't Been coming to dinner 但最近她不再来共进晚餐 |
[08:36.79] | And last time you saw her She looked so much thinner 上回你看到她时 她看起来瘦多了 |
[08:41.23] | Now your mom and your dad said She moved to Peru 你妈跟你爸说她搬去秘鲁 |
[08:44.80] | But the truth is she died And someday you will too 事实上她死了,有一天你也会 |
[08:59.22] | -Oh,Drake,isn't it amazing? -Yeah,it is. 崔克,这真是太好了 是啊,没错 |
[09:04.19] | What? 怎么了? |
[09:06.32] | Well,here we sit,devil-may-care... 现在我们轻松地坐在这儿… |
[09:09.23] | ...and a while ago you were reattaching Simone's spinal cord. …但不久前 你还在重注西蒙的脊髓 |
[09:13.76] | That was a tricky one. 是啊,那实在不简单 |
[09:16.90] | In reality... 事实上… |
[09:18.17] | ...that operation takes 10 hours. But they only showed it for 2 minutes. …那个手术要花上十几个钟头 可是他们只播了两分钟而已 |
[09:23.17] | Who's "they"? “他们”是谁? |
[09:26.61] | No one. 没有啦 |
[09:29.61] | Drake,you are so talented. Let me see those hands. 崔克,你真有才华 让我看看那双手 |
[09:34.05] | Oh,these hands, these beautiful hands. 这双美丽的手 |
[09:37.46] | I could just eat them. 真想吃掉它们 |
[09:39.69] | But I won't. 但我不会 |
[09:42.19] | Otherwise my watch would fall off. 不然我的手表一定会掉下来 |
[09:50.13] | No,seriously. 不,说真的,这双手… |
[09:54.07] | ...these miracle,magical, life-giving hands. …救人无数,创造奇迹的手 |
[10:02.21] | All right. Just one. 好吧,一只就好了 |
[10:17.60] | Oh,my God! Someone! He's choking! 天哪,来人哪,他噎住了 |
[10:19.80] | Is anyone here a doctor? 这里有没有医生? |
[10:23.17] | Yes,the best doctor in Salem! 沙仑市最好的医生就在这儿 |
[10:25.47] | Dr. Drake Ramoray! 雷崔克医生 |
[10:42.65] | Meet me in the nocturnal house in 15 minutes. 你十五分钟之后到夜行馆等我 |
[10:49.66] | Hey,look. I don't really enjoy being with other men that way. 少来了 我不喜欢跟别的男人那样 |
[10:55.17] | But,zoo dollars? 要动物园礼券吗? |
[10:58.37] | It's about your monkey! 我要告诉你有关你猴子的事 |
[11:01.21] | It's alive. 它还没死 |
[11:07.61] | I don't understand. Why didn't you help that man? 我不懂,你为什么不救他? |
[11:11.32] | Because I'm a neurosurgeon... 因为我是神经外科医生… |
[11:14.12] | ...and that was clearly a case of... …他显然是患了… |
[11:18.06] | ... "foodal chokage." …“食道阻塞症” |
[11:24.90] | I gotta tell you something 好吧,听着 我要坦白一件事… |
[11:27.37] | You don't have to tell me anything. 你什么都不用告诉我 |
[11:29.53] | You don't have to explain yourself to me. 你不用向我解释什么 |
[11:32.07] | Who am I to question the great Dr. Drake Ramoray? 我算老几啊 竟然敢怀疑伟大的雷医生 |
[11:35.34] | I should be happy to be near you. 能接近你,我就该满足了 |
[11:37.64] | Hey,l 嘿,我… |
[11:42.58] | Hey what? 嘿什么? |
[11:44.32] | That's it. Just hey! 就那样,只是嘿 |
[11:47.42] | Like at the end of a dance. Hey! 像结束了一首舞那样,嘿! |
[11:57.29] | There'll be times when you get older 有一天你们会长大 |
[11:59.36] | When you'll want to sleep with people 你们会想跟别人上床 |
[12:01.27] | Just to make them like you But don't! 只为搏得他们欢心 但不要这么做 |
[12:07.10] | ... that's another thing... …那是另一件… |
[12:09.21] | ... that you don't wanna do Everybody! …你不要做的事 一起来 |
[12:11.91] | That's another thing That you don't wanna do 那是另一件你不要做的事 |
[12:18.28] | -Excellent! -Very informative! 太棒了 很有教育性 |
[12:20.38] | Not at all inappropriate! 一点也不会不恰当 |
[12:23.29] | Thank you for coming,everybody! There are cookies in the back. 谢谢各位光临 后面有饼干要送给你们 |
[12:28.66] | That was great. 真是棒透了 |
[12:30.43] | The kids loved you. 孩子们爱死你了 |
[12:32.80] | Yea! I rock! 对呀,我酷毙了 |
[12:35.50] | And you know why? Because you told the truth. 你知道为什么吗? 因为你说实话 |
[12:38.60] | Nobody ever tells kids the truth. 从来没有人对小孩子说实话 |
[12:41.07] | You were incredible! 你真是了得 |
[12:45.51] | -How'd you know there was a "but"? -I sense these things. 你怎么知道还有“但…”? 这种事情逃不过我的 |
[12:53.12] | The thing is,I think some of the parents... 我想问题是有些父母… |
[12:55.69] | ...they were hoping that... …会希望你多唱一点… |
[12:57.66] | ...you'd play more songs about barnyard animals. …农场动物那类的歌曲 |
[13:00.66] | I can do that. 这个我办得到啊 |
[13:02.19] | Really? 真的? |
[13:03.36] | Because that would be fantastic! 因为那样子会非常棒 |
[13:07.30] | What? You wanna kiss me? 怎么?你要亲我吗? |
[13:14.11] | The bat. 蝙蝠 |
[13:16.31] | Ambassador of darkness. 黑暗世界的大使 |
[13:18.78] | Flitting out of his cave like a winged messenger. 像一只插翅的信差 冲出了巢穴 |
[13:22.88] | Sightless specter of the macabre. 死神之舞的盲目幽灵 |
[13:27.55] | Buddy,my monkey? 兄弟,我的猴子呢? |
[13:29.65] | Oh,yeah,right. 对了… |
[13:32.79] | There was a break-in... 在几个月前… |
[13:34.13] | ...a few months back. Inside job. …这里被洗劫,内贼干的 |
[13:38.66] | The zoo told me that my monkey was dead! 我的天哪 可是动物园说我的猴子死了 |
[13:41.57] | The zoo! 动物园 |
[13:43.37] | You believe everything the zoo tells you? 你相信 动物园说的每一件事吗? |
[13:48.41] | That's the only thing the zoo's ever told me. 动物园只是告诉过我这件事 |
[13:52.08] | Of course they'll say that! They don't want the bad publicity. 他们当然会说它死了 他们害怕消息传出去会不好看 |
[13:55.68] | It's all a great big cover-up. 他们掩饰得密不透风 |
[13:57.68] | Do you have any idea how high up this thing goes? 你知道这件事情 牵涉到多高层吗? |
[14:01.49] | That guy Lipson? 那个黎先生? |
[14:03.65] | Lipson knows? 黎先生知道? |
[14:06.82] | Lipson knows,huh? 黎先生知道,是吗? |
[14:09.59] | Hello,Mr. Possum. 哈罗,负子鼠先生 |
[14:11.43] | Enigma of the trees, upside-down denizen of the night. 树上的谜团 上下颠倒的夜之民 |
[14:15.40] | -Taunting gravity -Buddy,my monkey. My monkey? 正在嘲弄着地心引力… 兄弟,我的猴子呢? |
[14:20.34] | Word on the street 道上的传闻… |
[14:22.41] | When I say "street," I mean those pretend streets here at the zoo. 当我说“道上”的时候 我指的是园里的游园道路 |
[14:26.68] | Of course. 当然了 |
[14:30.08] | Your monkey found a new career... 你的猴子有了新职业了… |
[14:32.78] | ...in the entertainment field. That's all I know. …往娱乐界发展去了 我只知道这一些 |
[14:37.29] | This is unbelievable! 真是令人难以置信 |
[14:39.22] | So what is this information worth to you,my friend? 好了,这个消息 对你值多少钱啊,朋友? |
[14:44.93] | Are you trying to get me to bribe you? 你是暗示我要贿赂你吗? |
[14:47.77] | Maybe. 或许吧 |
[14:50.70] | But you already told me everything. 可是你都已经告诉我了 |
[15:00.81] | Check it out. 你们看 |
[15:02.11] | He actually is the Monkeyshine monkey! 马赛就是 啤酒乐广告里的那只猴子 |
[15:05.72] | What'll you do? 那你打算怎么办? |
[15:07.15] | I'm gonna call the beer company and try to find him. 我要打电话给那家啤酒厂 问他们它在哪里啊 |
[15:10.55] | That's what I did when I lost my Clydesdales. 我丢了马儿时就是这么做的 |
[15:14.59] | Okay,hi again! 你们好 |
[15:16.29] | Hi,Phoebe! 菲比好 |
[15:19.90] | Today,we're gonna start with some songs about barnyard animals. 今天我们要先唱一些 关于农场动物的歌曲 |
[15:25.74] | Oh,the cow in the meadow goes "moo" 草地上的牛说哞 |
[15:27.94] | Oh,the cow in the meadow goes "moo" 草地上的牛说哞 |
[15:30.14] | Then the farmer hits him And grinds him up 农夫在敲它的头 把它绞成肉酱 |
[15:32.68] | And that's how we get hamburgers 汉堡就是这样来的 |
[15:37.82] | Now chickens! 现在…鸡 |
[15:42.49] | Only you who can save her,Drake! 崔克,你是唯一救得了她的人 |
[15:44.76] | Damn it! I'm a doctor. I'm not God! 该死,我是医生,我不是神 |
[15:47.59] | There goes my whole belief system. 我的信仰就是这样被推翻了的 |
[15:52.03] | It's Erika. 是艾丽 |
[15:53.53] | Quick! Shut off the TV. 老天,快,关掉电视 |
[15:55.27] | I wanna see what happens! 不,我要看结果 |
[15:57.27] | I get Leslie out of the coma then we make out. 我救丝莉脱离昏迷状态 然后我们亲热 |
[15:59.77] | How can that be? You were kissing Sabrina! 怎么可能?你刚才亲了莎宾娜 |
[16:02.34] | Rachel,it's a world where Joey is a neurosurgeon. 瑞秋,那只是乔伊 是神经外科医生的世界 |
[16:09.61] | Hey,Erika. Come in. 艾丽,请进 |
[16:11.22] | How did you get here so fast? I just saw you in Salem. 你怎么这么快就到了? 我刚刚还在沙仑看到你 |
[16:14.79] | Right,they choppered me in. 对,他们用…直升机送我 |
[16:18.19] | What's up? 什么事? |
[16:19.62] | You're having a little party too! 还有一场小派对 |
[16:21.89] | -ls she here? -Who? 她在吗? 谁啊? |
[16:24.46] | Sabrina. I know about you two! 莎宾娜,你们的事我全知道了 |
[16:26.83] | I saw you today,kissing in the doctor's lounge. 我看到你们两个 在医生休息室里接吻 |
[16:31.57] | It's not what you think 不是你想的那样子啦,那是… |
[16:33.24] | You told me I was the only one! 你说你心里只有我 |
[16:39.58] | All right,look. That's it. 好,听着,够了 |
[16:41.51] | We shouldn't see each other anymore. 我想我们不该再见面了 |
[16:43.75] | I should have told you a long time ago... 我知道我很久以前 就应该告诉你了… |
[16:46.25] | ... but I am not Drake Ramoray. …我并不是雷崔克医生 |
[16:48.49] | I'm not even a doctor. I'm an actor. I just pretend to be a doctor. 我连医生都不是,我是个演员 我只是假装我是医生而已 |
[16:52.66] | Oh,my God! Do the people at the hospital know? 天哪,那医院的人 知道这件事情吗? |
[16:59.66] | Somebody wanna help me out here? 你们谁来帮帮忙,好不好? |
[17:01.90] | Oh,I know! I know! 我知道… |
[17:04.57] | Where am I? 我在哪里? |
[17:06.17] | University Hospital... 大学的附设医院… |
[17:07.87] | ... where you've been for the last 18 years. …你已经在这里度过十八年了 |
[17:11.88] | How can you be here and there? 你怎么会在两个地方? |
[17:14.35] | Because it's a TV show! 因为那是电视节目 |
[17:16.75] | What are you getting at? 崔克,你到底要说什么? |
[17:20.75] | I'm not Drake! 我不是崔克 |
[17:22.52] | That's right! He's not Drake. He's... 没错 他不是崔克,他是… |
[17:26.12] | ... Hans Ramoray,Drake's evil twin! …雷汉斯,崔克邪恶的双胞胎 |
[17:33.80] | Is this true? 真的吗? |
[17:36.23] | Yes! Yes,it is true! 是真的 |
[17:38.54] | And I know this... 我知道因为… |
[17:40.54] | ... because he pretended to be Drake to sleep with me! …他假装他是崔克 来…来骗我上床 |
[17:50.25] | And then he told me he would run away with me! 然后他告诉我他要带我私奔 |
[17:53.25] | And he didn't! 他骗我 |
[17:56.59] | And you left the toilet seat up, you bastard! 然后你马桶盖没有放下来 你这个浑蛋 |
[18:05.16] | Is all this true? 这些都是真的吗? |
[18:11.57] | Yes,I'm afraid it is. 是,恐怕是真的了 |
[18:13.80] | You deserve much better than me. 我根本配不上你,艾丽 |
[18:16.11] | You deserve to be with the real Drake. He's the one you fell in love with. 你应该跟真正的崔克在一起 你爱上的人是他 |
[18:20.91] | Go to Salem. Find him! 去沙仑吧,去找他 |
[18:23.28] | He's the guy for you! 他才是你的王子 |
[18:25.45] | Oh,Hans! 汉斯 |
[18:31.19] | Hans! 汉斯! |
[18:33.76] | Yo,evil twin! 邪恶的双胞胎 |
[18:36.26] | Right. Goodbye,Erika. 对,再见,艾丽 |
[18:40.26] | Good luck in Salem. 一切顺利 |
[18:43.33] | Take care. 保重了 |
[18:45.34] | I'll never forget you,Hans. 我永远不会忘记你的 |
[18:52.01] | All right. The people who threw the water! 刚才是谁向我泼水! |
[18:54.81] | Helping you out! 我们只是想帮你 |
[18:56.01] | Fired? 开除? |
[18:57.78] | Why? 为什么? |
[18:59.35] | The library board got a lot of complaints from parents... 有很多父母向图书馆的 董事会投诉… |
[19:04.66] | I can't believe it! 我真不敢相信 |
[19:06.56] | Did you tell your board that the kids want to hear the truth? 难道说你没有告诉你的董事会 孩子们多么想听实话吗? |
[19:16.20] | Maybe if you just played some regular kiddy songs? 或许如果你只是唱一些 一般的儿歌 |
[19:21.14] | What do you want me to be? Like some... 不,你要…我当什么呢? |
[19:23.74] | ...stupid,big, like,purple dinosaur? …当一只愚蠢的 紫色大恐龙吗? |
[19:28.55] | You don't have to be Barney. 我又没说你必须当巴尼 |
[19:30.21] | Who's Barney? 巴尼是谁啊? |
[19:37.05] | I tracked down Marcel and get this. He's healthy,he's happy... 我是追查马赛追查到这个的 现在它很健康也很快乐… |
[19:40.86] | ...and he's in New York filming Outbreak 2: The Virus Takes Manhattan. …它在纽约拍“危机总动员二 病毒肆虐曼哈顿” |
[19:45.03] | You're kidding! 你骗人 |
[19:46.73] | -This is amazing! -I know. 简直妙绝 我知道 |
[19:48.70] | I finally get a part on TV, and the monkey's making movies. 我才终于混上电视 这猴子开始拍电影了 |
[19:54.07] | Rachel,I'm ready. 瑞秋,我好了 |
[19:59.94] | Excuse me. Is this where the singing lady is,who tells the truth? 抱歉,这是那个 说实话的唱歌小姐吗? |
[20:05.25] | I guess that's me. 对呀,我猜那就是我 |
[20:08.22] | She's here! 她在这里 |
[20:18.30] | Sometimes men love women 有时男人爱女人 |
[20:20.86] | Sometimes men love men 有时男人爱男人 |
[20:23.80] | Then there are bisexuals 然后还有双性恋 |
[20:26.44] | Though some just say They're kidding themselves 虽然有些说他们在骗自己 |
[20:39.58] | This is exciting! I haven't seen my monkey in a year. 真是令人兴奋 我都快一年没见到我的猴子了 |
[20:42.39] | What,you never look down in the shower? 你洗澡从来不往下看吗? |
[20:45.89] | I'm not allowed to make one joke in the "monkey is penis" genre? 我连说个“猴子等于 ***”的笑话都不可以吗? |
[20:50.39] | Back up,please. 好了,好了 |
[20:51.90] | Back up. Come on. 各位,往后退 |
[20:53.50] | Excuse me. Where can we find the monkey? 打扰了 那只猴子在什么地方? |
[20:56.27] | I'm sorry. It's a closed set. 抱歉,各位 这场戏不对外开放 |
[20:57.94] | I'm sorry,you don't understand. I'm a friend of his. 对不起,你不了解 我…我是它的朋友 |
[21:01.34] | We used to live together. 我们…我们以前住在一起的 |
[21:03.64] | And I have a time share in the Poconos with Flipper. 是啊,我跟海豚飞宝 还在波可若分租公寓过呢 |
[21:09.91] | There he is! 罗斯,它在那里 |
[21:11.48] | Hey! Buddy! 兄弟 |
[21:13.45] | Marcel! Marcel! 马赛… |
[21:22.49] | In the jungle 在丛林里 |
[21:24.09] | The mighty jungle 偌大的丛林 |
[21:26.16] | The lion sleeps tonight 今夜狮子睡着了 |
[21:31.87] | In the jungle The mighty jungle 在丛林里,偌大的丛林 |
[21:35.01] | The lion sleeps tonight 今夜狮子睡着了 |
[22:06.07] | They won't take you to the vet 他们不带你去看兽医 |
[22:09.57] | You're obviously not Their favorite pet 你显然不是最受宠的宠物 |
[22:13.38] | Smelly cat Smelly cat 臭臭猫,臭臭猫 |
[22:17.21] | It's not your fault 那不是你的错 |
[22:25.59] | -What? -I'm sorry. 怎么了? 对不起 |
[22:27.46] | What's wrong with that? 那有什么不对吗? |
[22:29.36] | You might want to pick a more masculine note. 我想你应该选择一个 男性化一点的调子比较好 |
[01:06.-1] | Remember when he' d borrow your hat... ji de you shi ta hui gen ni men jie mao zi |
[01:13.-4] | When he did it, it was funny. When I did it to my boss' s hat.... ta gan de jiu jiao hao wan ru guo wo dui wo lao ban zhe me zuo de hua |
[02:15.-4] | No. My first fan mail! bu shi, di yi feng ying mi xin |
[02:19.-1] | " Dear Dr. Ramoray: qin ai de lei yi sheng: |
[06:58.-3] | And she' s not crazy? na ta bu shi feng zi ma? |
[09:53.-2] | These hands... zhe shuang |
[09:57.-2] | Just to be near them, touch them, maybe even lick one? zhi yao kao jin, fu mo huo xu shen zhi tian yi zhi jiu hao le |
[10:14.-3] | You' re good at that. ni hen xing ye |
[12:06.-2] | ' Cause... yin wei |
[12:44.-2] | But...? dan? |
[12:49.-4] | It was either " but" or " butter." bu shi" dan shi" jiu shi" dan bing" |
[13:10.-2] | I' m thinking about it. wo zheng zai kao lv |
[13:37.-3] | Your monkey was taken. ni de hou zi bei tou le |
[18:30.-4] | Hans? han si? |
[19:03.-4] | ... about the stuff in your songs. ni ge ci li de yi xie nei rong you wen ti |
[19:15.-2] | I see. wo dong le |
[00:09.09] | Can' t get the monkey off your back? wu fa bai tuo gong zuo de ya li? |
[00:12.82] | Then put it in your mouth... na jiu lai yi bei |
[00:15.23] | ... with Monkeyshine Beer! hou zi le pi jiu ba |
[00:17.26] | Get it, monkey he yi kou hou zi le |
[00:20.87] | Get it, get it, monkey he yi kou hou zi le |
[00:24.90] | Monkey, monkey hou zi le |
[00:26.50] | Monkeyshine Beer. hou zi le pi jiu |
[00:28.11] | Because it' s a jungle out there! yin wei wai mian shi yi pian cong lin |
[00:31.01] | That commercial always makes me so sad. na ge guang gao zong shi rang wo bei cong zhong lai |
[00:33.41] | But then the guy opens his beer and girls run at him... dan shi na ge jia huo yi kai pi jiu nv ren jiu yong shang lai le |
[00:36.85] | ... so everything works out okay. suo yi zui hou yi qie hai hao de |
[00:39.35] | I meant because the monkey reminds me of Marcel. wo de yi si shi na zhi hou zi rang wo xiang dao le ma sai |
[00:42.45] | I can see that. wo kan de chu lai |
[00:43.76] | Because they both have those big brown eyes and the little pouty chin. ta men dou you zong se de da yan jing hai you gu gu de xiao xia ba |
[00:48.73] | And the fact that they' re both monkeys? er qie ta men dou shi hou zi |
[00:52.23] | I wonder if I did the right thing, giving him away. you shi hou wo huai yi wo shi bu shi zuo cuo le bu ying gai ba ta song zou |
[00:55.07] | Ross, you had to. He was humping everything in sight. ni shi bu de yi de a kan dao shen me dong xi dou yao shang |
[00:59.57] | My Malibu Barbie will no longer be wearing white to her wedding. wo de ma li bu ba bi wa wa jie hun bu neng chuan chun jie de bai sha le |
[01:08.45] | ... and when you got it back, there' d be monkey raisins in it? deng ni yao hui lai de shi hou li mian hui you xiao xiao de hou zi" pu tao gan"? |
[01:18.09] | Suddenly, I had this big " attitude problem." tu ran jiu bian cheng le wo de tai du bu hao |
[01:21.56] | The One With the Super Bowl, Part 1 |
[01:28.87] | liu ren xing di 2 ji di 12 ji chao ji bei hou di yi ji |
[02:10.08] | Hey, check it out! Guess what I got? ni men kan, cai wo you shen me? |
[02:12.64] | Rhythm? yun lv gan, dui bu dui? |
[02:21.02] | I love you and would do anything to have you." wo ai ni, wei liao de dao ni wo ke yi bu xi yi qie |
[02:24.19] | My gosh! " Your notsosecret admirer, Erika Ford." " ni bu shen mi de yang mu zhe fang ai li" |
[02:28.79] | Oh, wait. deng yi xia |
[02:30.16] | " P. S. Enclosed, please find 14 of my eyelashes." :" fu zhu: sui han fu shang le wo shi si gen de jie mao" |
[02:36.03] | In Crazy World, that means you' re married. zai feng zi de shi jie li na jiu biao shi ni jie hun le |
[02:41.87] | It' s not addressed to Days Of Our Lives. This came to your apartment. zhe bu shi ji dao zhi zuo dan wei de zhe shi zhi jie song dao ni jia qu |
[02:46.34] | She was in our building. ta qu guo wo men de da lou |
[02:48.11] | Oh, my God. wo de tian a |
[02:50.22] | I got my very own stalker! wo you wo zi ji de bian tai ying mi le |
[02:57.06] | Where are you off to? ni shang na er qu le? |
[02:58.82] | There' s a paleontology conference in L. A. yin wei luo shan ji you yi ge gu sheng wu xue yan tao hui |
[03:01.79] | So I figured I' d go and drive down to the zoo and surprise Marcel. wo hui qu, ran hou kai che dao dong wu yuan gei ma sai yi ge jing xi |
[03:06.00] | He will be surprised. Till he realizes he' s a monkey... wo xiang ta hui hen jing xi de zhi dao ta fa xian ta shi hou zi |
[03:11.07] | ... and isn' t capable of that emotion. ta gen ben jiu mei ban fa you na zhong qing xu |
[03:15.87] | Phoebe? That really cute guy is here again. fei bi, na ge ke ai de jia huo you lai le |
[03:19.81] | Okay, so everyone... ge wei |
[03:21.38] | ... pretend I' m telling you a story and it' s really funny. jia zhuang wo zai jiang gu shi gei ni men ting gu shi fei chang de hao xiao |
[03:24.88] | So everyone just laugh. Now! suo yi da jia yao xiao |
[03:28.89] | I know, I know! wo zhi dao |
[03:34.00] | I' m Rob Donan. wo jiao luo bo du nan |
[03:35.36] | Hi, Rob Donan. luo bo du nan |
[03:36.66] | I don' t know anything about music, but I think you' re really great. wo dui yin yue yi qiao bu tong bu guo wo jue de ni fei chang bang |
[03:43.67] | Anyway, I schedule performers for children' s libraries. wo zai ti shi li de er tong tu shu guan an pai yi ren de yan chu |
[03:47.84] | And I was thinking, have you thought about playing your songs for kids? wo zai xiang, ni you mei you xiang guo wei xiao hai zi yan chang ni de ge ne? |
[03:52.74] | I would love to have kids... wo hao xiang yao xiao hai o |
[03:58.72] | ... hear me play the songs that I will write for them. ting wo ting wo yan chang wo wei ta men xie de ge |
[04:04.26] | What do we do for dinner? ni jin tian wan fan zuo shi mo? |
[04:06.06] | We could cook for ourselves. wo men ke yi liu zai jia li chi zi ji a |
[04:15.20] | It' s Erika. wo shi ai li |
[04:16.73] | My God. The stalker! bian tai ying mi |
[04:18.24] | Never mind. It' s open. mei guan xi, men mei guan |
[04:22.11] | Hitting her with a frying pan is a good idea. dui, yong ping di guo da ta shi ge hao zhu yi |
[04:24.74] | But we want a backup plan, just in case she isn' t a cartoon! bu guo, wo men ying gai xiang dian bie de yi fang ta bu shi ka tong ren wu |
[04:29.75] | Let' s get out of here! li kai zhe li |
[04:34.59] | The one time they' re not home! pian tiao zhe ge shi hou bu zai |
[04:38.39] | We' ll leave. When we pass her... wo men zou shi zai lou ti shang peng dao de shi hou |
[04:40.56] | ... she won' t know me, because we never met! ta bu hui zhi dao shi wo yin wei wo men mei you jian guo a |
[04:44.80] | That' s how radio stars escape stalkers! na shi shou yin ji ming xing de fang fa |
[04:48.93] | She' s coming! ta lai le |
[04:56.34] | It' s me. shi wo |
[04:58.51] | This is it. This is how we' re gonna die. jiu zhe yang le, wo men jiu zhe yang si de |
[05:02.48] | You ready? yu bei hao le? |
[05:03.75] | Wait, wait, wait! deng deng |
[05:13.93] | Erika! ai li |
[05:25.27] | Mr. Geller? Yes, hi. gai lei xian sheng? shi, hai |
[05:27.01] | Dean Lipson, zoo administrator. li di en, wo shi zhe li de xing zheng zu zhang |
[05:29.94] | You had a question? ting shuo ni you ge wen ti, shi bu shi? |
[05:32.21] | I can' t find the monkey I donated last year. He' s a capuchin... wo si hu zhao bu dao wo qu nian juan de hou zi ta shi yi zhi dai mao yuan |
[05:36.11] | ... answers to the name Marcel? ta de ming zi jiao zuo ma sai? |
[05:39.12] | I' m afraid I have some bad news. wo kong pa you ge huai xiao xi yao gao su ni |
[05:42.39] | Marcel has passed on. ma sai ta yi jing guo shi le |
[05:46.52] | Oh, my God. What happened? tian na, zen me hui ne? |
[05:49.39] | He got sick, and then he got sicker... ta sheng bing le, ran hou ta bing de hen zhong |
[05:52.20] | ... and then he got a little better. ran hou ta tu ran hao le yi dian |
[05:54.80] | But then he died. ran hou jiu si le |
[05:58.90] | I can' t believe this! wo zhen bu gan xiang xin |
[06:00.54] | I' m sorry, Mr. Geller. But you know, there' s an old saying: hen bao qian, gai lei xian sheng ni ye zhi dao ma, su hua shuo: |
[06:05.54] | " Sometimes monkeys die." " hou zi nan mian yi si" |
[06:09.75] | It' s not a great saying... bu shi hen hao de su yu |
[06:13.32] | ... but it certainly is fitting today. yong zai jin tian que hen tie qie |
[06:15.75] | Someone should' ve called me. I' m sorry. na ying gai you ren tong zhi wo cai dui ya dui bu qi |
[06:18.86] | Look, I know this can' t bring him back... wo zhi dao zhe bu neng gou rang ta fu huo |
[06:21.93] | ... but here, it' s just a gesture. zhe shi wo yi dian xin yi, qing shou xia |
[06:25.83] | Zoo dollars? dong wu yuan li quan? |
[06:27.27] | Yes, and come see the bird show at 4. The macaws wear hats. dui, si dian qing guo lai kan yi kan niao xiu jin gang ying wu dai mao zi |
[06:33.10] | It' s a lot cuter if your monkey hasn' t just died. ni de hou zi mei si de hua hui ke ai duo le |
[06:43.55] | I know. wo zhi dao |
[06:46.45] | I can' t believe Joey' s having lunch with his stalker! zhen bu gan xiang xin qiao yi qu gen ta de bian tai ying mi chi fan |
[06:49.45] | What is she like? ta zhang de zen me yang? |
[06:51.12] | You remember Kathy Bates in Misery? ni hai ji de" zhan li you xi" li mian di kai xi bei zi? |
[06:53.79] | Well, she looks the exact opposite of that. ta zhang de gen ta wan quan xiang fan |
[07:00.10] | Oh, no, no. She' s a total whackjob. bu, ta de wan quan xiu dou le |
[07:02.73] | She thinks that Joey is actually Dr. Drake Ramoray. ta yi wei qiao yi zhen de shi lei cui ke yi sheng |
[07:07.11] | Oh, my God! wo de tian na |
[07:09.07] | And he' s going out with her? ran hou ta hai yao qu gen ta yue hui? |
[07:10.94] | He cannot pursue this. ta bu neng zhe me zuo de |
[07:12.91] | Just because this woman sees Joey through the magical box... jiu yin wei zhe ge nv ren yi wei ta ke yi zai ta de ke ting hei he li mian kan qiao yi |
[07:16.58] | ... in her living room doesn' t mean she' s not a person. bing bu biao shi ta jiu bu shi ren a |
[07:19.38] | Does she not deserve happiness? Does she not deserve love? wo shi shuo, ta ying gai de dao kuai le ye ying gai de dao ai ya |
[07:24.00] | Why are you looking at me? He' s the one who wants to boff the maniac! ni men kan wo gan shen me? xiang shang na ge feng zi de shi qiao yi ye |
[07:29.33] | Are you okay? ni hai hao ba? |
[07:30.73] | No. I' m just nervous. bu, wo zhi shi hen jin zhang |
[07:32.90] | Maybe if I just picture them all in their underwear.... ru guo wo huan xiang ta men zhi chuan nei yi |
[07:36.40] | That' s not a good idea. That' s the reason the last guy got fired. bu, na ge zhu yi bu hao shang ge jia huo jiu shi na yang bei kai chu de |
[07:44.34] | I' m used to playing for grownups. wo zhi shi wo xi guan wei da ren yan chang |
[07:47.11] | Grownups drink their coffee and do their grownup thing. da ren zhi shi bian he ka fei bian zuo ta men da ren zuo de shi |
[07:50.65] | And kids... xiao hai ne |
[07:52.08] | ... Iisten. hui zhuan xin ting |
[07:54.42] | It' s just a huge responsibility. wo jue de zhe ge ze ren hao zhong da |
[07:57.36] | What? zen me le? |
[07:58.92] | Are you gonna kiss me? ni yao qin wo ma? |
[08:01.93] | I was thinking about it. wo zheng zai kao lv |
[08:08.13] | Alrighty! Let' s play some tunes! na hao, hao ye, zan men lai xie yin yue |
[08:13.70] | Hi, everybody. I' m Phoebe. Hi, Phoebe! ge wei, wo shi fei bi fei bi |
[08:20.68] | I' m gonna play some songs about grandparents, okay? xian zai wo yao chang yi shou guan yu zu fu mu de ge |
[08:26.88] | Now Grandma' s a person Who everyone likes nai nai zou dao na li dou da shou huan ying |
[08:30.35] | She bought you a train And a bright shiny bike ta song ni huo che gen yi liang cu xin dan che |
[08:33.62] | But lately she hasn' t Been coming to dinner dan zui jin ta bu zai lai gong jin wan can |
[08:36.79] | And last time you saw her She looked so much thinner shang hui ni kan dao ta shi ta kan qi lai shou duo le |
[08:41.23] | Now your mom and your dad said She moved to Peru ni ma gen ni ba shuo ta ban qu bi lu |
[08:44.80] | But the truth is she died And someday you will too shi shi shang ta si le, you yi tian ni ye hui |
[08:59.22] | Oh, Drake, isn' t it amazing? Yeah, it is. cui ke, zhe zhen shi tai hao le shi a, mei cuo |
[09:04.19] | What? zen me le? |
[09:06.32] | Well, here we sit, devilmaycare... xian zai wo men qing song di zuo zai zhe er |
[09:09.23] | ... and a while ago you were reattaching Simone' s spinal cord. dan bu jiu qian ni hai zai zhong zhu xi meng de ji sui |
[09:13.76] | That was a tricky one. shi a, na shi zai bu jian dan |
[09:16.90] | In reality... shi shi shang |
[09:18.17] | ... that operation takes 10 hours. But they only showed it for 2 minutes. na ge shou shu yao hua shang shi ji ge zhong tou ke shi ta men zhi bo le liang fen zhong er yi |
[09:23.17] | Who' s " they"? " ta men" shi shui? |
[09:26.61] | No one. mei you la |
[09:29.61] | Drake, you are so talented. Let me see those hands. cui ke, ni zhen you cai hua rang wo kan kan na shuang shou |
[09:34.05] | Oh, these hands, these beautiful hands. zhe shuang mei li de shou |
[09:37.46] | I could just eat them. zhen xiang chi diao ta men |
[09:39.69] | But I won' t. dan wo bu hui |
[09:42.19] | Otherwise my watch would fall off. bu ran wo de shou biao yi ding hui diao xia lai |
[09:50.13] | No, seriously. bu, shuo zhen de, zhe shuang shou |
[09:54.07] | ... these miracle, magical, lifegiving hands. jiu ren wu shu, chuang zao qi ji de shou |
[10:02.21] | All right. Just one. hao ba, yi zhi jiu hao le |
[10:17.60] | Oh, my God! Someone! He' s choking! tian na, lai ren na, ta ye zhu le |
[10:19.80] | Is anyone here a doctor? zhe li you mei you yi sheng? |
[10:23.17] | Yes, the best doctor in Salem! sha lun shi zui hao de yi sheng jiu zai zhe er |
[10:25.47] | Dr. Drake Ramoray! lei cui ke yi sheng |
[10:42.65] | Meet me in the nocturnal house in 15 minutes. ni shi wu fen zhong zhi hou dao ye xing guan deng wo |
[10:49.66] | Hey, look. I don' t really enjoy being with other men that way. shao lai le wo bu xi huan gen bie de nan ren na yang |
[10:55.17] | But, zoo dollars? yao dong wu yuan li quan ma? |
[10:58.37] | It' s about your monkey! wo yao gao su ni you guan ni hou zi de shi |
[11:01.21] | It' s alive. ta hai mei si |
[11:07.61] | I don' t understand. Why didn' t you help that man? wo bu dong, ni wei shi me bu jiu ta? |
[11:11.32] | Because I' m a neurosurgeon... yin wei wo shi shen jing wai ke yi sheng |
[11:14.12] | ... and that was clearly a case of... ta xian ran shi huan le |
[11:18.06] | ... " foodal chokage." " shi dao zu se zheng" |
[11:24.90] | I gotta tell you something hao ba, ting zhe wo yao tan bai yi jian shi |
[11:27.37] | You don' t have to tell me anything. ni shen me dou bu yong gao su wo |
[11:29.53] | You don' t have to explain yourself to me. ni bu yong xiang wo jie shi shen me |
[11:32.07] | Who am I to question the great Dr. Drake Ramoray? wo suan lao ji a jing ran gan huai yi wei da de lei yi sheng |
[11:35.34] | I should be happy to be near you. neng jie jin ni, wo jiu gai man zu le |
[11:37.64] | Hey, l hei, wo |
[11:42.58] | Hey what? hei shen me? |
[11:44.32] | That' s it. Just hey! jiu na yang, zhi shi hei |
[11:47.42] | Like at the end of a dance. Hey! xiang jie shu le yi shou wu na yang, hei! |
[11:57.29] | There' ll be times when you get older you yi tian ni men hui chang da |
[11:59.36] | When you' ll want to sleep with people ni men hui xiang gen bie ren shang chuang |
[12:01.27] | Just to make them like you But don' t! zhi wei bo de ta men huan xin dan bu yao zhe me zuo |
[12:07.10] | ... that' s another thing... na shi ling yi jian |
[12:09.21] | ... that you don' t wanna do Everybody! ni bu yao zuo de shi yi qi lai |
[12:11.91] | That' s another thing That you don' t wanna do na shi ling yi jian ni bu yao zuo de shi |
[12:18.28] | Excellent! Very informative! tai bang le hen you jiao yu xing |
[12:20.38] | Not at all inappropriate! yi dian ye bu hui bu qia dang |
[12:23.29] | Thank you for coming, everybody! There are cookies in the back. xie xie ge wei guang lin hou mian you bing gan yao song gei ni men |
[12:28.66] | That was great. zhen shi bang tou le |
[12:30.43] | The kids loved you. hai zi men ai si ni le |
[12:32.80] | Yea! I rock! dui ya, wo ku bi le |
[12:35.50] | And you know why? Because you told the truth. ni zhi dao wei shi me ma? yin wei ni shuo shi hua |
[12:38.60] | Nobody ever tells kids the truth. cong lai mei you ren dui xiao hai zi shuo shi hua |
[12:41.07] | You were incredible! ni zhen shi liao de |
[12:45.51] | How' d you know there was a " but"? I sense these things. ni zen me zhi dao hai you" dan"? zhe zhong shi qing tao bu guo wo de |
[12:53.12] | The thing is, I think some of the parents... wo xiang wen ti shi you xie fu mu |
[12:55.69] | ... they were hoping that... hui xi wang ni duo chang yi dian |
[12:57.66] | ... you' d play more songs about barnyard animals. nong chang dong wu na lei de ge qu |
[13:00.66] | I can do that. zhe ge wo ban de dao a |
[13:02.19] | Really? zhen de? |
[13:03.36] | Because that would be fantastic! yin wei na yang zi hui fei chang bang |
[13:07.30] | What? You wanna kiss me? zen me? ni yao qin wo ma? |
[13:14.11] | The bat. bian fu |
[13:16.31] | Ambassador of darkness. hei an shi jie de da shi |
[13:18.78] | Flitting out of his cave like a winged messenger. xiang yi zhi cha chi de xin chai chong chu le chao xue |
[13:22.88] | Sightless specter of the macabre. si shen zhi wu de mang mu you ling |
[13:27.55] | Buddy, my monkey? xiong di, wo de hou zi ne? |
[13:29.65] | Oh, yeah, right. dui le |
[13:32.79] | There was a breakin... zai ji ge yue qian |
[13:34.13] | ... a few months back. Inside job. zhe li bei xi jie, nei zei gan de |
[13:38.66] | The zoo told me that my monkey was dead! wo de tian na ke shi dong wu yuan shuo wo de hou zi si le |
[13:41.57] | The zoo! dong wu yuan |
[13:43.37] | You believe everything the zoo tells you? ni xiang xin dong wu yuan shuo de mei yi jian shi ma? |
[13:48.41] | That' s the only thing the zoo' s ever told me. dong wu yuan zhi shi gao su guo wo zhe jian shi |
[13:52.08] | Of course they' ll say that! They don' t want the bad publicity. ta men dang ran hui shuo ta si le ta men hai pa xiao xi chuan chu qu hui bu hao kan |
[13:55.68] | It' s all a great big coverup. ta men yan shi de mi bu tou feng |
[13:57.68] | Do you have any idea how high up this thing goes? ni zhi dao zhe jian shi qing qian she dao duo gao ceng ma? |
[14:01.49] | That guy Lipson? na ge li xian sheng? |
[14:03.65] | Lipson knows? li xian sheng zhi dao? |
[14:06.82] | Lipson knows, huh? li xian sheng zhi dao, shi ma? |
[14:09.59] | Hello, Mr. Possum. ha luo, fu zi shu xian sheng |
[14:11.43] | Enigma of the trees, upsidedown denizen of the night. shu shang de mi tuan shang xia dian dao de ye zhi min |
[14:15.40] | Taunting gravity Buddy, my monkey. My monkey? zheng zai chao nong zhao di xin yin li xiong di, wo de hou zi ne? |
[14:20.34] | Word on the street dao shang de chuan wen |
[14:22.41] | When I say " street," I mean those pretend streets here at the zoo. dang wo shuo" dao shang" de shi hou wo zhi de shi yuan li de you yuan dao lu |
[14:26.68] | Of course. dang ran le |
[14:30.08] | Your monkey found a new career... ni de hou zi you le xin zhi ye le |
[14:32.78] | ... in the entertainment field. That' s all I know. wang yu le jie fa zhan qu le wo zhi zhi dao zhe yi xie |
[14:37.29] | This is unbelievable! zhen shi ling ren nan yi zhi xin |
[14:39.22] | So what is this information worth to you, my friend? hao le, zhe ge xiao xi dui ni zhi duo shao qian a, peng you? |
[14:44.93] | Are you trying to get me to bribe you? ni shi an shi wo yao hui lu ni ma? |
[14:47.77] | Maybe. huo xu ba |
[14:50.70] | But you already told me everything. ke shi ni dou yi jing gao su wo le |
[15:00.81] | Check it out. ni men kan |
[15:02.11] | He actually is the Monkeyshine monkey! ma sai jiu shi pi jiu le guang gao li de na zhi hou zi |
[15:05.72] | What' ll you do? na ni da suan zen me ban? |
[15:07.15] | I' m gonna call the beer company and try to find him. wo yao da dian hua gei na jia pi jiu chang wen ta men ta zai na li a |
[15:10.55] | That' s what I did when I lost my Clydesdales. wo diu le ma er shi jiu shi zhe me zuo de |
[15:14.59] | Okay, hi again! ni men hao |
[15:16.29] | Hi, Phoebe! fei bi hao |
[15:19.90] | Today, we' re gonna start with some songs about barnyard animals. jin tian wo men yao xian chang yi xie guan yu nong chang dong wu de ge qu |
[15:25.74] | Oh, the cow in the meadow goes " moo" cao di shang de niu shuo mou |
[15:27.94] | Oh, the cow in the meadow goes " moo" cao di shang de niu shuo mou |
[15:30.14] | Then the farmer hits him And grinds him up nong fu zai qiao ta de tou ba ta jiao cheng rou jiang |
[15:32.68] | And that' s how we get hamburgers han bao jiu shi zhe yang lai de |
[15:37.82] | Now chickens! xian zai ji |
[15:42.49] | Only you who can save her, Drake! cui ke, ni shi wei yi jiu de le ta de ren |
[15:44.76] | Damn it! I' m a doctor. I' m not God! gai si, wo shi yi sheng, wo bu shi shen |
[15:47.59] | There goes my whole belief system. wo de xin yang jiu shi zhe yang bei tui fan le de |
[15:52.03] | It' s Erika. shi ai li |
[15:53.53] | Quick! Shut off the TV. lao tian, kuai, guan diao dian shi |
[15:55.27] | I wanna see what happens! bu, wo yao kan jie guo |
[15:57.27] | I get Leslie out of the coma then we make out. wo jiu si li tuo li hun mi zhuang tai ran hou wo men qin re |
[15:59.77] | How can that be? You were kissing Sabrina! zen me ke neng? ni gang cai qin le sha bin na |
[16:02.34] | Rachel, it' s a world where Joey is a neurosurgeon. rui qiu, na zhi shi qiao yi shi shen jing wai ke yi sheng de shi jie |
[16:09.61] | Hey, Erika. Come in. ai li, qing jin |
[16:11.22] | How did you get here so fast? I just saw you in Salem. ni zen me zhe me kuai jiu dao le? wo gang gang hai zai sha lun kan dao ni |
[16:14.79] | Right, they choppered me in. dui, ta men yong zhi sheng ji song wo |
[16:18.19] | What' s up? shen me shi? |
[16:19.62] | You' re having a little party too! hai you yi chang xiao pai dui |
[16:21.89] | ls she here? Who? ta zai ma? shui a? |
[16:24.46] | Sabrina. I know about you two! sha bin na, ni men de shi wo quan zhi dao le |
[16:26.83] | I saw you today, kissing in the doctor' s lounge. wo kan dao ni men liang ge zai yi sheng xiu xi shi li jie wen |
[16:31.57] | It' s not what you think bu shi ni xiang de na yang zi la, na shi |
[16:33.24] | You told me I was the only one! ni shuo ni xin li zhi you wo |
[16:39.58] | All right, look. That' s it. hao, ting zhe, gou le |
[16:41.51] | We shouldn' t see each other anymore. wo xiang wo men bu gai zai jian mian le |
[16:43.75] | I should have told you a long time ago... wo zhi dao wo hen jiu yi qian jiu ying gai gao su ni le |
[16:46.25] | ... but I am not Drake Ramoray. wo bing bu shi lei cui ke yi sheng |
[16:48.49] | I' m not even a doctor. I' m an actor. I just pretend to be a doctor. wo lian yi sheng dou bu shi, wo shi ge yan yuan wo zhi shi jia zhuang wo shi yi sheng er yi |
[16:52.66] | Oh, my God! Do the people at the hospital know? tian na, na yi yuan de ren zhi dao zhe jian shi qing ma? |
[16:59.66] | Somebody wanna help me out here? ni men shui lai bang bang mang, hao bu hao? |
[17:01.90] | Oh, I know! I know! wo zhi dao |
[17:04.57] | Where am I? wo zai na li? |
[17:06.17] | University Hospital... da xue de fu she yi yuan |
[17:07.87] | ... where you' ve been for the last 18 years. ni yi jing zai zhe li du guo shi ba nian le |
[17:11.88] | How can you be here and there? ni zen me hui zai liang ge di fang? |
[17:14.35] | Because it' s a TV show! yin wei na shi dian shi jie mu |
[17:16.75] | What are you getting at? cui ke, ni dao di yao shuo shi mo? |
[17:20.75] | I' m not Drake! wo bu shi cui ke |
[17:22.52] | That' s right! He' s not Drake. He' s... mei cuo ta bu shi cui ke, ta shi |
[17:26.12] | ... Hans Ramoray, Drake' s evil twin! lei han si, cui ke xie e de shuang bao tai |
[17:33.80] | Is this true? zhen de ma? |
[17:36.23] | Yes! Yes, it is true! shi zhen de |
[17:38.54] | And I know this... wo zhi dao yin wei |
[17:40.54] | ... because he pretended to be Drake to sleep with me! ta jia zhuang ta shi cui ke lai lai pian wo shang chuang |
[17:50.25] | And then he told me he would run away with me! ran hou ta gao su wo ta yao dai wo si ben |
[17:53.25] | And he didn' t! ta pian wo |
[17:56.59] | And you left the toilet seat up, you bastard! ran hou ni ma tong gai mei you fang xia lai ni zhe ge hun dan |
[18:05.16] | Is all this true? zhei xie dou shi zhen de ma? |
[18:11.57] | Yes, I' m afraid it is. shi, kong pa shi zhen de le |
[18:13.80] | You deserve much better than me. wo gen ben pei bu shang ni, ai li |
[18:16.11] | You deserve to be with the real Drake. He' s the one you fell in love with. ni ying gai gen zhen zheng de cui ke zai yi qi ni ai shang de ren shi ta |
[18:20.91] | Go to Salem. Find him! qu sha lun ba, qu zhao ta |
[18:23.28] | He' s the guy for you! ta cai shi ni de wang zi |
[18:25.45] | Oh, Hans! han si |
[18:31.19] | Hans! han si! |
[18:33.76] | Yo, evil twin! xie e de shuang bao tai |
[18:36.26] | Right. Goodbye, Erika. dui, zai jian, ai li |
[18:40.26] | Good luck in Salem. yi qie shun li |
[18:43.33] | Take care. bao zhong le |
[18:45.34] | I' ll never forget you, Hans. wo yong yuan bu hui wang ji ni de |
[18:52.01] | All right. The people who threw the water! gang cai shi shui xiang wo po shui! |
[18:54.81] | Helping you out! wo men zhi shi xiang bang ni |
[18:56.01] | Fired? kai chu? |
[18:57.78] | Why? wei shi me? |
[18:59.35] | The library board got a lot of complaints from parents... you hen duo fu mu xiang tu shu guan de dong shi hui tou su |
[19:04.66] | I can' t believe it! wo zhen bu gan xiang xin |
[19:06.56] | Did you tell your board that the kids want to hear the truth? nan dao shuo ni mei you gao su ni de dong shi hui hai zi men duo me xiang ting shi hua ma? |
[19:16.20] | Maybe if you just played some regular kiddy songs? huo xu ru guo ni zhi shi chang yi xie yi ban de er ge |
[19:21.14] | What do you want me to be? Like some... bu, ni yao wo dang shen me ne? |
[19:23.74] | ... stupid, big, like, purple dinosaur? dang yi zhi yu chun de zi se da kong long ma? |
[19:28.55] | You don' t have to be Barney. wo you mei shuo ni bi xu dang ba ni |
[19:30.21] | Who' s Barney? ba ni shi shui a? |
[19:37.05] | I tracked down Marcel and get this. He' s healthy, he' s happy... wo shi zhui zha ma sai zhui zha dao zhe ge de xian zai ta hen jian kang ye hen kuai le |
[19:40.86] | ... and he' s in New York filming Outbreak 2: The Virus Takes Manhattan. ta zai niu yue pai" wei ji zong dong yuan er bing du si nue man ha dun" |
[19:45.03] | You' re kidding! ni pian ren |
[19:46.73] | This is amazing! I know. jian zhi miao jue wo zhi dao |
[19:48.70] | I finally get a part on TV, and the monkey' s making movies. wo cai zhong yu hun shang dian shi zhe hou zi kai shi pai dian ying le |
[19:54.07] | Rachel, I' m ready. rui qiu, wo hao le |
[19:59.94] | Excuse me. Is this where the singing lady is, who tells the truth? bao qian, zhe shi na ge shuo shi hua de chang ge xiao jie ma? |
[20:05.25] | I guess that' s me. dui ya, wo cai na jiu shi wo |
[20:08.22] | She' s here! ta zai zhe li |
[20:18.30] | Sometimes men love women you shi nan ren ai nv ren |
[20:20.86] | Sometimes men love men you shi nan ren ai nan ren |
[20:23.80] | Then there are bisexuals ran hou hai you shuang xing lian |
[20:26.44] | Though some just say They' re kidding themselves sui ran you xie shuo ta men zai pian zi ji |
[20:39.58] | This is exciting! I haven' t seen my monkey in a year. zhen shi ling ren xing fen wo dou kuai yi nian mei jian dao wo de hou zi le |
[20:42.39] | What, you never look down in the shower? ni xi zao cong lai bu wang xia kan ma? |
[20:45.89] | I' m not allowed to make one joke in the " monkey is penis" genre? wo lian shuo ge" hou zi deng yu " de xiao hua dou bu ke yi ma? |
[20:50.39] | Back up, please. hao le, hao le |
[20:51.90] | Back up. Come on. ge wei, wang hou tui |
[20:53.50] | Excuse me. Where can we find the monkey? da rao le na zhi hou zi zai shen me di fang? |
[20:56.27] | I' m sorry. It' s a closed set. bao qian, ge wei zhe chang xi bu dui wai kai fang |
[20:57.94] | I' m sorry, you don' t understand. I' m a friend of his. dui bu qi, ni bu liao jie wo wo shi ta de peng you |
[21:01.34] | We used to live together. wo men wo men yi qian zhu zai yi qi de |
[21:03.64] | And I have a time share in the Poconos with Flipper. shi a, wo gen hai tun fei bao hai zai bo ke ruo fen zu gong yu guo ne |
[21:09.91] | There he is! luo si, ta zai na li |
[21:11.48] | Hey! Buddy! xiong di |
[21:13.45] | Marcel! Marcel! ma sai |
[21:22.49] | In the jungle zai cong lin li |
[21:24.09] | The mighty jungle ruo da de cong lin |
[21:26.16] | The lion sleeps tonight jin ye shi zi shui zhao le |
[21:31.87] | In the jungle The mighty jungle zai cong lin li, ruo da de cong lin |
[21:35.01] | The lion sleeps tonight jin ye shi zi shui zhao le |
[22:06.07] | They won' t take you to the vet ta men bu dai ni qu kan shou yi |
[22:09.57] | You' re obviously not Their favorite pet ni xian ran bu shi zui shou chong de chong wu |
[22:13.38] | Smelly cat Smelly cat chou chou mao, chou chou mao |
[22:17.21] | It' s not your fault na bu shi ni de cuo |
[22:25.59] | What? I' m sorry. zen me le? dui bu qi |
[22:27.46] | What' s wrong with that? na you shen me bu dui ma? |
[22:29.36] | You might want to pick a more masculine note. wo xiang ni ying gai xuan ze yi ge nan xing hua yi dian de diao zi bi jiao hao |
[01:06.-1] | Remember when he' d borrow your hat... jì de yǒu shí tā huì gēn nǐ men jiè mào zi |
[01:13.-4] | When he did it, it was funny. When I did it to my boss' s hat.... tā gàn de jiù jiào hǎo wán rú guǒ wǒ duì wǒ lǎo bǎn zhè me zuò de huà |
[02:15.-4] | No. My first fan mail! bú shì, dì yī fēng yǐng mí xìn |
[02:19.-1] | " Dear Dr. Ramoray: qīn ài de léi yī shēng: |
[06:58.-3] | And she' s not crazy? nà tā bú shì fēng zi ma? |
[09:53.-2] | These hands... zhè shuāng |
[09:57.-2] | Just to be near them, touch them, maybe even lick one? zhǐ yào kào jìn, fǔ mō huò xǔ shèn zhì tiǎn yì zhī jiù hǎo le |
[10:14.-3] | You' re good at that. nǐ hěn xíng yé |
[12:06.-2] | ' Cause... yīn wèi |
[12:44.-2] | But...? dàn? |
[12:49.-4] | It was either " but" or " butter." bú shì" dàn shì" jiù shì" dàn bǐng" |
[13:10.-2] | I' m thinking about it. wǒ zhèng zài kǎo lǜ |
[13:37.-3] | Your monkey was taken. nǐ de hóu zi bèi tōu le |
[18:30.-4] | Hans? hàn sī? |
[19:03.-4] | ... about the stuff in your songs. nǐ gē cí lǐ de yī xiē nèi róng yǒu wèn tí |
[19:15.-2] | I see. wǒ dǒng le |
[00:09.09] | Can' t get the monkey off your back? wú fǎ bǎi tuō gōng zuò de yā lì? |
[00:12.82] | Then put it in your mouth... nà jiù lái yī bēi |
[00:15.23] | ... with Monkeyshine Beer! hóu zi lè pí jiǔ bā |
[00:17.26] | Get it, monkey hē yī kǒu hóu zi lè |
[00:20.87] | Get it, get it, monkey hē yī kǒu hóu zi lè |
[00:24.90] | Monkey, monkey hóu zi lè |
[00:26.50] | Monkeyshine Beer. hóu zi lè pí jiǔ |
[00:28.11] | Because it' s a jungle out there! yīn wèi wài miàn shì yī piàn cóng lín |
[00:31.01] | That commercial always makes me so sad. nà gè guǎng gào zǒng shì ràng wǒ bēi cóng zhōng lái |
[00:33.41] | But then the guy opens his beer and girls run at him... dàn shì nà gè jiā huǒ yī kāi pí jiǔ nǚ rén jiù yōng shàng lái le |
[00:36.85] | ... so everything works out okay. suǒ yǐ zuì hòu yī qiè hái hǎo de |
[00:39.35] | I meant because the monkey reminds me of Marcel. wǒ de yì sī shì nà zhǐ hóu zi ràng wǒ xiǎng dào le mǎ sài |
[00:42.45] | I can see that. wǒ kàn de chū lái |
[00:43.76] | Because they both have those big brown eyes and the little pouty chin. tā men dōu yǒu zōng sè de dà yǎn jīng hái yǒu gǔ gǔ de xiǎo xià bā |
[00:48.73] | And the fact that they' re both monkeys? ér qiě tā men dōu shì hóu zi |
[00:52.23] | I wonder if I did the right thing, giving him away. yǒu shí hou wǒ huái yí wǒ shì bú shì zuò cuò le bù yīng gāi bǎ tā sòng zǒu |
[00:55.07] | Ross, you had to. He was humping everything in sight. nǐ shì bù dé yǐ de a kàn dào shén me dōng xī dōu yào shàng |
[00:59.57] | My Malibu Barbie will no longer be wearing white to her wedding. wǒ de mǎ lǐ bù bā bǐ wá wa jié hūn bù néng chuān chún jié de bái shā le |
[01:08.45] | ... and when you got it back, there' d be monkey raisins in it? děng nǐ yào huí lái de shí hòu lǐ miàn huì yǒu xiǎo xiǎo de hóu zi" pú táo gān"? |
[01:18.09] | Suddenly, I had this big " attitude problem." tū rán jiù biàn chéng le wǒ de tài dù bù hǎo |
[01:21.56] | The One With the Super Bowl, Part 1 |
[01:28.87] | liù rén xíng dì 2 jì dì 12 jí chāo jí bēi hòu dì yī jí |
[02:10.08] | Hey, check it out! Guess what I got? nǐ men kàn, cāi wǒ yǒu shén me? |
[02:12.64] | Rhythm? yùn lǜ gǎn, duì bú duì? |
[02:21.02] | I love you and would do anything to have you." wǒ ài nǐ, wèi liǎo de dào nǐ wǒ kě yǐ bù xī yī qiè |
[02:24.19] | My gosh! " Your notsosecret admirer, Erika Ford." " nǐ bù shén mì de yǎng mù zhě fāng ài lì" |
[02:28.79] | Oh, wait. děng yī xià |
[02:30.16] | " P. S. Enclosed, please find 14 of my eyelashes." :" fù zhù: suí hán fù shàng le wǒ shí sì gēn de jié máo" |
[02:36.03] | In Crazy World, that means you' re married. zài fēng zi de shì jiè lǐ nà jiù biǎo shì nǐ jié hūn le |
[02:41.87] | It' s not addressed to Days Of Our Lives. This came to your apartment. zhè bú shì jì dào zhì zuò dān wèi de zhè shì zhí jiē sòng dào nǐ jiā qù |
[02:46.34] | She was in our building. tā qù guò wǒ men de dà lóu |
[02:48.11] | Oh, my God. wǒ de tiān a |
[02:50.22] | I got my very own stalker! wǒ yǒu wǒ zì jǐ de biàn tài yǐng mí le |
[02:57.06] | Where are you off to? nǐ shàng nǎ ér qù le? |
[02:58.82] | There' s a paleontology conference in L. A. yīn wèi luò shān jī yǒu yí gè gǔ shēng wù xué yán tǎo huì |
[03:01.79] | So I figured I' d go and drive down to the zoo and surprise Marcel. wǒ huì qù, rán hòu kāi chē dào dòng wù yuán gěi mǎ sài yí gè jīng xǐ |
[03:06.00] | He will be surprised. Till he realizes he' s a monkey... wǒ xiǎng tā huì hěn jīng xǐ de zhí dào tā fā xiàn tā shì hóu zi |
[03:11.07] | ... and isn' t capable of that emotion. tā gēn běn jiù méi bàn fǎ yǒu nà zhǒng qíng xù |
[03:15.87] | Phoebe? That really cute guy is here again. fēi bǐ, nà gè kě ài de jiā huǒ yòu lái le |
[03:19.81] | Okay, so everyone... gè wèi |
[03:21.38] | ... pretend I' m telling you a story and it' s really funny. jiǎ zhuāng wǒ zài jiǎng gù shì gěi nǐ men tīng gù shì fēi cháng de hǎo xiào |
[03:24.88] | So everyone just laugh. Now! suǒ yǐ dà jiā yào xiào |
[03:28.89] | I know, I know! wǒ zhī dào |
[03:34.00] | I' m Rob Donan. wǒ jiào luó bó dù nán |
[03:35.36] | Hi, Rob Donan. luó bó dù nán |
[03:36.66] | I don' t know anything about music, but I think you' re really great. wǒ duì yīn yuè yī qiào bù tōng bù guò wǒ jué de nǐ fēi cháng bàng |
[03:43.67] | Anyway, I schedule performers for children' s libraries. wǒ zài tì shì lǐ de ér tóng tú shū guǎn ān pái yì rén de yǎn chū |
[03:47.84] | And I was thinking, have you thought about playing your songs for kids? wǒ zài xiǎng, nǐ yǒu méi yǒu xiǎng guò wèi xiǎo hái zi yǎn chàng nǐ de gē ne? |
[03:52.74] | I would love to have kids... wǒ hǎo xiǎng yào xiǎo hái ó |
[03:58.72] | ... hear me play the songs that I will write for them. tīng wǒ tīng wǒ yǎn chàng wǒ wèi tā men xiě de gē |
[04:04.26] | What do we do for dinner? nǐ jīn tiān wǎn fàn zuò shí mǒ? |
[04:06.06] | We could cook for ourselves. wǒ men kě yǐ liú zài jiā lǐ chī zì jǐ a |
[04:15.20] | It' s Erika. wǒ shì ài lì |
[04:16.73] | My God. The stalker! biàn tài yǐng mí |
[04:18.24] | Never mind. It' s open. méi guān xì, mén méi guān |
[04:22.11] | Hitting her with a frying pan is a good idea. duì, yòng píng dǐ guō dǎ tā shì gè hǎo zhǔ yì |
[04:24.74] | But we want a backup plan, just in case she isn' t a cartoon! bù guò, wǒ men yīng gāi xiǎng diǎn bié de yǐ fáng tā bú shì kǎ tōng rén wù |
[04:29.75] | Let' s get out of here! lí kāi zhè lǐ |
[04:34.59] | The one time they' re not home! piān tiāo zhè gè shí hòu bù zài |
[04:38.39] | We' ll leave. When we pass her... wǒ men zǒu shí zài lóu tī shàng pèng dào de shí hòu |
[04:40.56] | ... she won' t know me, because we never met! tā bú huì zhī dào shì wǒ yīn wèi wǒ men méi yǒu jiàn guò a |
[04:44.80] | That' s how radio stars escape stalkers! nà shi shōu yīn jī míng xīng de fāng fǎ |
[04:48.93] | She' s coming! tā lái le |
[04:56.34] | It' s me. shì wǒ |
[04:58.51] | This is it. This is how we' re gonna die. jiù zhè yàng le, wǒ men jiù zhè yàng sǐ de |
[05:02.48] | You ready? yù bèi hǎo le? |
[05:03.75] | Wait, wait, wait! děng děng |
[05:13.93] | Erika! ài lì |
[05:25.27] | Mr. Geller? Yes, hi. gài lēi xiān shēng? shì, hāi |
[05:27.01] | Dean Lipson, zoo administrator. lí dí ēn, wǒ shì zhè lǐ de xíng zhèng zǔ zhǎng |
[05:29.94] | You had a question? tīng shuō nǐ yǒu gè wèn tí, shì bú shì? |
[05:32.21] | I can' t find the monkey I donated last year. He' s a capuchin... wǒ sì hū zhǎo bu dào wǒ qù nián juān de hóu zi tā shì yì zhī dài mào yuán |
[05:36.11] | ... answers to the name Marcel? tā de míng zì jiào zuò mǎ sài? |
[05:39.12] | I' m afraid I have some bad news. wǒ kǒng pà yǒu gè huài xiāo xī yào gào sù nǐ |
[05:42.39] | Marcel has passed on. mǎ sài tā yǐ jīng guò shì le |
[05:46.52] | Oh, my God. What happened? tiān na, zěn me huì ne? |
[05:49.39] | He got sick, and then he got sicker... tā shēng bìng le, rán hòu tā bìng de hěn zhòng |
[05:52.20] | ... and then he got a little better. rán hòu tā tū rán hǎo le yì diǎn |
[05:54.80] | But then he died. rán hòu jiù sǐ le |
[05:58.90] | I can' t believe this! wǒ zhēn bù gǎn xiāng xìn |
[06:00.54] | I' m sorry, Mr. Geller. But you know, there' s an old saying: hěn bào qiàn, gài lēi xiān shēng nǐ yě zhī dào ma, sú huà shuō: |
[06:05.54] | " Sometimes monkeys die." " hóu zi nán miǎn yī sǐ" |
[06:09.75] | It' s not a great saying... bú shì hěn hǎo de sú yǔ |
[06:13.32] | ... but it certainly is fitting today. yòng zài jīn tiān què hěn tiē qiè |
[06:15.75] | Someone should' ve called me. I' m sorry. nà yīng gāi yǒu rén tōng zhī wǒ cái duì ya duì bù qǐ |
[06:18.86] | Look, I know this can' t bring him back... wǒ zhī dào zhè bù néng gòu ràng tā fù huó |
[06:21.93] | ... but here, it' s just a gesture. zhè shì wǒ yì diǎn xīn yì, qǐng shōu xià |
[06:25.83] | Zoo dollars? dòng wù yuán lǐ quàn? |
[06:27.27] | Yes, and come see the bird show at 4. The macaws wear hats. duì, sì diǎn qǐng guò lái kàn yī kàn niǎo xiù jīn gāng yīng wǔ dài mào zi |
[06:33.10] | It' s a lot cuter if your monkey hasn' t just died. nǐ de hóu zi méi sǐ de huà huì kě ài duō le |
[06:43.55] | I know. wǒ zhī dào |
[06:46.45] | I can' t believe Joey' s having lunch with his stalker! zhēn bù gǎn xiāng xìn qiáo yī qù gēn tā de biàn tài yǐng mí chī fàn |
[06:49.45] | What is she like? tā zhǎng de zěn me yàng? |
[06:51.12] | You remember Kathy Bates in Misery? nǐ hái jì de" zhàn lì yóu xì" lǐ miàn dí kǎi xī bèi zī? |
[06:53.79] | Well, she looks the exact opposite of that. tā zhǎng de gēn tā wán quán xiāng fǎn |
[07:00.10] | Oh, no, no. She' s a total whackjob. bù, tā de wán quán xiù dòu le |
[07:02.73] | She thinks that Joey is actually Dr. Drake Ramoray. tā yǐ wéi qiáo yī zhēn de shì léi cuī kè yī shēng |
[07:07.11] | Oh, my God! wǒ de tiān na |
[07:09.07] | And he' s going out with her? rán hòu tā hái yào qù gēn tā yuē huì? |
[07:10.94] | He cannot pursue this. tā bù néng zhè me zuò de |
[07:12.91] | Just because this woman sees Joey through the magical box... jiù yīn wèi zhè gè nǚ rén yǐ wéi tā kě yǐ zài tā de kè tīng hēi hé lǐ miàn kàn qiáo yī |
[07:16.58] | ... in her living room doesn' t mean she' s not a person. bìng bù biǎo shì tā jiù bú shì rén a |
[07:19.38] | Does she not deserve happiness? Does she not deserve love? wǒ shì shuō, tā yīng gāi dé dào kuài lè yě yīng gāi dé dào ài ya |
[07:24.00] | Why are you looking at me? He' s the one who wants to boff the maniac! nǐ men kàn wǒ gàn shén me? xiǎng shàng nà gè fēng zi de shì qiáo yī yé |
[07:29.33] | Are you okay? nǐ hái hǎo ba? |
[07:30.73] | No. I' m just nervous. bù, wǒ zhǐ shì hěn jǐn zhāng |
[07:32.90] | Maybe if I just picture them all in their underwear.... rú guǒ wǒ huàn xiǎng tā men zhǐ chuān nèi yī |
[07:36.40] | That' s not a good idea. That' s the reason the last guy got fired. bù, nà gè zhǔ yì bù hǎo shàng ge jiā huǒ jiù shì nà yàng bèi kāi chú de |
[07:44.34] | I' m used to playing for grownups. wǒ zhǐ shì wǒ xí guàn wèi dà rén yǎn chàng |
[07:47.11] | Grownups drink their coffee and do their grownup thing. dà rén zhǐ shì biān hē kā fēi biān zuò tā men dà rén zuò de shì |
[07:50.65] | And kids... xiǎo hái ne |
[07:52.08] | ... Iisten. huì zhuān xīn tīng |
[07:54.42] | It' s just a huge responsibility. wǒ jué de zhè gè zé rèn hǎo zhòng dà |
[07:57.36] | What? zěn me le? |
[07:58.92] | Are you gonna kiss me? nǐ yào qīn wǒ ma? |
[08:01.93] | I was thinking about it. wǒ zhèng zài kǎo lǜ |
[08:08.13] | Alrighty! Let' s play some tunes! nà hǎo, hǎo yé, zán men lái xiē yīn yuè |
[08:13.70] | Hi, everybody. I' m Phoebe. Hi, Phoebe! gè wèi, wǒ shì fēi bǐ fēi bǐ |
[08:20.68] | I' m gonna play some songs about grandparents, okay? xiàn zài wǒ yào chàng yī shǒu guān yú zǔ fù mǔ de gē |
[08:26.88] | Now Grandma' s a person Who everyone likes nǎi nǎi zǒu dào nǎ lǐ dōu dà shòu huān yíng |
[08:30.35] | She bought you a train And a bright shiny bike tā sòng nǐ huǒ chē gēn yī liàng cù xīn dān chē |
[08:33.62] | But lately she hasn' t Been coming to dinner dàn zuì jìn tā bù zài lái gòng jìn wǎn cān |
[08:36.79] | And last time you saw her She looked so much thinner shàng huí nǐ kàn dào tā shí tā kàn qǐ lái shòu duō le |
[08:41.23] | Now your mom and your dad said She moved to Peru nǐ mā gēn nǐ bà shuō tā bān qù bì lǔ |
[08:44.80] | But the truth is she died And someday you will too shì shí shàng tā sǐ le, yǒu yì tiān nǐ yě huì |
[08:59.22] | Oh, Drake, isn' t it amazing? Yeah, it is. cuī kè, zhè zhēn shì tài hǎo le shì a, méi cuò |
[09:04.19] | What? zěn me le? |
[09:06.32] | Well, here we sit, devilmaycare... xiàn zài wǒ men qīng sōng dì zuò zài zhè ér |
[09:09.23] | ... and a while ago you were reattaching Simone' s spinal cord. dàn bù jiǔ qián nǐ hái zài zhòng zhù xī méng de jǐ suǐ |
[09:13.76] | That was a tricky one. shì a, nà shí zài bù jiǎn dān |
[09:16.90] | In reality... shì shí shàng |
[09:18.17] | ... that operation takes 10 hours. But they only showed it for 2 minutes. nà gè shǒu shù yào huā shàng shí jǐ gè zhōng tóu kě shì tā men zhǐ bō le liǎng fēn zhōng ér yǐ |
[09:23.17] | Who' s " they"? " tā men" shì shuí? |
[09:26.61] | No one. méi yǒu la |
[09:29.61] | Drake, you are so talented. Let me see those hands. cuī kè, nǐ zhēn yǒu cái huá ràng wǒ kàn kàn nà shuāng shǒu |
[09:34.05] | Oh, these hands, these beautiful hands. zhè shuāng měi lì de shǒu |
[09:37.46] | I could just eat them. zhēn xiǎng chī diào tā men |
[09:39.69] | But I won' t. dàn wǒ bú huì |
[09:42.19] | Otherwise my watch would fall off. bù rán wǒ de shǒu biǎo yí dìng huì diào xià lái |
[09:50.13] | No, seriously. bù, shuō zhēn de, zhè shuāng shǒu |
[09:54.07] | ... these miracle, magical, lifegiving hands. jiù rén wú shù, chuàng zào qí jī de shǒu |
[10:02.21] | All right. Just one. hǎo ba, yì zhī jiù hǎo le |
[10:17.60] | Oh, my God! Someone! He' s choking! tiān na, lái rén nǎ, tā yē zhù le |
[10:19.80] | Is anyone here a doctor? zhè lǐ yǒu méi yǒu yī shēng? |
[10:23.17] | Yes, the best doctor in Salem! shā lún shì zuì hǎo de yī shēng jiù zài zhè ér |
[10:25.47] | Dr. Drake Ramoray! léi cuī kè yī shēng |
[10:42.65] | Meet me in the nocturnal house in 15 minutes. nǐ shí wǔ fēn zhōng zhī hòu dào yè xíng guǎn děng wǒ |
[10:49.66] | Hey, look. I don' t really enjoy being with other men that way. shǎo lái le wǒ bù xǐ huān gēn bié de nán rén nà yàng |
[10:55.17] | But, zoo dollars? yào dòng wù yuán lǐ quàn ma? |
[10:58.37] | It' s about your monkey! wǒ yào gào sù nǐ yǒu guān nǐ hóu zi de shì |
[11:01.21] | It' s alive. tā hái méi sǐ |
[11:07.61] | I don' t understand. Why didn' t you help that man? wǒ bù dǒng, nǐ wèi shí me bù jiù tā? |
[11:11.32] | Because I' m a neurosurgeon... yīn wèi wǒ shì shén jīng wài kē yī shēng |
[11:14.12] | ... and that was clearly a case of... tā xiǎn rán shì huàn le |
[11:18.06] | ... " foodal chokage." " shí dào zǔ sè zhèng" |
[11:24.90] | I gotta tell you something hǎo ba, tīng zhe wǒ yào tǎn bái yī jiàn shì |
[11:27.37] | You don' t have to tell me anything. nǐ shén me dōu bù yòng gào sù wǒ |
[11:29.53] | You don' t have to explain yourself to me. nǐ bù yòng xiàng wǒ jiě shì shén me |
[11:32.07] | Who am I to question the great Dr. Drake Ramoray? wǒ suàn lǎo jǐ a jìng rán gǎn huái yí wěi dà de léi yī shēng |
[11:35.34] | I should be happy to be near you. néng jiē jìn nǐ, wǒ jiù gāi mǎn zú le |
[11:37.64] | Hey, l hēi, wǒ |
[11:42.58] | Hey what? hēi shén me? |
[11:44.32] | That' s it. Just hey! jiù nà yàng, zhǐ shì hēi |
[11:47.42] | Like at the end of a dance. Hey! xiàng jié shù le yī shǒu wǔ nà yàng, hēi! |
[11:57.29] | There' ll be times when you get older yǒu yì tiān nǐ men huì cháng dà |
[11:59.36] | When you' ll want to sleep with people nǐ men huì xiǎng gēn bié rén shàng chuáng |
[12:01.27] | Just to make them like you But don' t! zhǐ wèi bó dé tā men huān xīn dàn bú yào zhè me zuò |
[12:07.10] | ... that' s another thing... nà shi lìng yī jiàn |
[12:09.21] | ... that you don' t wanna do Everybody! nǐ bú yào zuò de shì yì qǐ lái |
[12:11.91] | That' s another thing That you don' t wanna do nà shi lìng yī jiàn nǐ bú yào zuò de shì |
[12:18.28] | Excellent! Very informative! tài bàng le hěn yǒu jiào yù xìng |
[12:20.38] | Not at all inappropriate! yì diǎn yě bú huì bù qià dàng |
[12:23.29] | Thank you for coming, everybody! There are cookies in the back. xiè xiè gè wèi guāng lín hòu miàn yǒu bǐng gān yào sòng gěi nǐ men |
[12:28.66] | That was great. zhēn shì bàng tòu le |
[12:30.43] | The kids loved you. hái zi men ài sǐ nǐ le |
[12:32.80] | Yea! I rock! duì ya, wǒ kù bì le |
[12:35.50] | And you know why? Because you told the truth. nǐ zhī dào wèi shí me ma? yīn wèi nǐ shuō shí huà |
[12:38.60] | Nobody ever tells kids the truth. cóng lái méi yǒu rén duì xiǎo hái zi shuō shí huà |
[12:41.07] | You were incredible! nǐ zhēn shì liǎo de |
[12:45.51] | How' d you know there was a " but"? I sense these things. nǐ zěn me zhī dào hái yǒu" dàn"? zhè zhǒng shì qíng táo bù guò wǒ de |
[12:53.12] | The thing is, I think some of the parents... wǒ xiǎng wèn tí shì yǒu xiē fù mǔ |
[12:55.69] | ... they were hoping that... huì xī wàng nǐ duō chàng yì diǎn |
[12:57.66] | ... you' d play more songs about barnyard animals. nóng chǎng dòng wù nà lèi de gē qǔ |
[13:00.66] | I can do that. zhè gè wǒ bàn dé dào a |
[13:02.19] | Really? zhēn de? |
[13:03.36] | Because that would be fantastic! yīn wèi nà yàng zi huì fēi cháng bàng |
[13:07.30] | What? You wanna kiss me? zěn me? nǐ yào qīn wǒ ma? |
[13:14.11] | The bat. biān fú |
[13:16.31] | Ambassador of darkness. hēi àn shì jiè de dà shǐ |
[13:18.78] | Flitting out of his cave like a winged messenger. xiàng yì zhī chā chì de xìn chāi chōng chū le cháo xué |
[13:22.88] | Sightless specter of the macabre. sǐ shén zhī wǔ de máng mù yōu líng |
[13:27.55] | Buddy, my monkey? xiōng dì, wǒ de hóu zi ne? |
[13:29.65] | Oh, yeah, right. duì le |
[13:32.79] | There was a breakin... zài jǐ gè yuè qián |
[13:34.13] | ... a few months back. Inside job. zhè lǐ bèi xǐ jié, nèi zéi gàn de |
[13:38.66] | The zoo told me that my monkey was dead! wǒ de tiān na kě shì dòng wù yuán shuō wǒ de hóu zi sǐ le |
[13:41.57] | The zoo! dòng wù yuán |
[13:43.37] | You believe everything the zoo tells you? nǐ xiāng xìn dòng wù yuán shuō de měi yī jiàn shì ma? |
[13:48.41] | That' s the only thing the zoo' s ever told me. dòng wù yuán zhǐ shì gào sù guò wǒ zhè jiàn shì |
[13:52.08] | Of course they' ll say that! They don' t want the bad publicity. tā men dāng rán huì shuō tā sǐ le tā men hài pà xiāo xī chuán chū qù huì bù hǎo kàn |
[13:55.68] | It' s all a great big coverup. tā men yǎn shì dé mì bù tòu fēng |
[13:57.68] | Do you have any idea how high up this thing goes? nǐ zhī dào zhè jiàn shì qíng qiān shè dào duō gāo céng ma? |
[14:01.49] | That guy Lipson? nà gè lí xiān shēng? |
[14:03.65] | Lipson knows? lí xiān shēng zhī dào? |
[14:06.82] | Lipson knows, huh? lí xiān shēng zhī dào, shì ma? |
[14:09.59] | Hello, Mr. Possum. hā luó, fù zǐ shǔ xiān shēng |
[14:11.43] | Enigma of the trees, upsidedown denizen of the night. shù shàng de mí tuán shàng xià diān dǎo de yè zhī mín |
[14:15.40] | Taunting gravity Buddy, my monkey. My monkey? zhèng zài cháo nòng zháo dì xīn yǐn lì xiōng dì, wǒ de hóu zi ne? |
[14:20.34] | Word on the street dào shàng de chuán wén |
[14:22.41] | When I say " street," I mean those pretend streets here at the zoo. dāng wǒ shuō" dào shàng" de shí hòu wǒ zhǐ de shì yuán lǐ de yóu yuán dào lù |
[14:26.68] | Of course. dāng rán le |
[14:30.08] | Your monkey found a new career... nǐ de hóu zi yǒu le xīn zhí yè le |
[14:32.78] | ... in the entertainment field. That' s all I know. wǎng yú lè jiè fā zhǎn qù le wǒ zhǐ zhī dào zhè yī xiē |
[14:37.29] | This is unbelievable! zhēn shì lìng rén nán yǐ zhì xìn |
[14:39.22] | So what is this information worth to you, my friend? hǎo le, zhè gè xiāo xī duì nǐ zhí duō shǎo qián a, péng yǒu? |
[14:44.93] | Are you trying to get me to bribe you? nǐ shì àn shì wǒ yào huì lù nǐ ma? |
[14:47.77] | Maybe. huò xǔ ba |
[14:50.70] | But you already told me everything. kě shì nǐ dōu yǐ jīng gào sù wǒ le |
[15:00.81] | Check it out. nǐ men kàn |
[15:02.11] | He actually is the Monkeyshine monkey! mǎ sài jiù shì pí jiǔ lè guǎng gào lǐ de nà zhǐ hóu zi |
[15:05.72] | What' ll you do? nà nǐ dǎ suàn zěn me bàn? |
[15:07.15] | I' m gonna call the beer company and try to find him. wǒ yào dǎ diàn huà gěi nà jiā pí jiǔ chǎng wèn tā men tā zài nǎ lǐ a |
[15:10.55] | That' s what I did when I lost my Clydesdales. wǒ diū le mǎ ér shí jiù shì zhè me zuò de |
[15:14.59] | Okay, hi again! nǐ men hǎo |
[15:16.29] | Hi, Phoebe! fēi bǐ hǎo |
[15:19.90] | Today, we' re gonna start with some songs about barnyard animals. jīn tiān wǒ men yào xiān chàng yī xiē guān yú nóng chǎng dòng wù de gē qǔ |
[15:25.74] | Oh, the cow in the meadow goes " moo" cǎo dì shàng de niú shuō mōu |
[15:27.94] | Oh, the cow in the meadow goes " moo" cǎo dì shàng de niú shuō mōu |
[15:30.14] | Then the farmer hits him And grinds him up nóng fū zài qiāo tā de tóu bǎ tā jiǎo chéng ròu jiàng |
[15:32.68] | And that' s how we get hamburgers hàn bǎo jiù shì zhè yàng lái de |
[15:37.82] | Now chickens! xiàn zài jī |
[15:42.49] | Only you who can save her, Drake! cuī kè, nǐ shì wéi yī jiù dé le tā de rén |
[15:44.76] | Damn it! I' m a doctor. I' m not God! gāi sǐ, wǒ shì yī shēng, wǒ bú shì shén |
[15:47.59] | There goes my whole belief system. wǒ de xìn yǎng jiù shì zhè yàng bèi tuī fān le de |
[15:52.03] | It' s Erika. shì ài lì |
[15:53.53] | Quick! Shut off the TV. lǎo tiān, kuài, guān diào diàn shì |
[15:55.27] | I wanna see what happens! bù, wǒ yào kàn jié guǒ |
[15:57.27] | I get Leslie out of the coma then we make out. wǒ jiù sī lì tuō lí hūn mí zhuàng tài rán hòu wǒ men qīn rè |
[15:59.77] | How can that be? You were kissing Sabrina! zěn me kě néng? nǐ gāng cái qīn le shā bīn nà |
[16:02.34] | Rachel, it' s a world where Joey is a neurosurgeon. ruì qiū, nà zhǐ shì qiáo yī shì shén jīng wài kē yī shēng de shì jiè |
[16:09.61] | Hey, Erika. Come in. ài lì, qǐng jìn |
[16:11.22] | How did you get here so fast? I just saw you in Salem. nǐ zěn me zhè me kuài jiù dào le? wǒ gāng gāng hái zài shā lún kàn dào nǐ |
[16:14.79] | Right, they choppered me in. duì, tā men yòng zhí shēng jī sòng wǒ |
[16:18.19] | What' s up? shén me shì? |
[16:19.62] | You' re having a little party too! hái yǒu yī chǎng xiǎo pài duì |
[16:21.89] | ls she here? Who? tā zài ma? shuí a? |
[16:24.46] | Sabrina. I know about you two! shā bīn nà, nǐ men de shì wǒ quán zhī dào le |
[16:26.83] | I saw you today, kissing in the doctor' s lounge. wǒ kàn dào nǐ men liǎng gè zài yī shēng xiū xī shì lǐ jiē wěn |
[16:31.57] | It' s not what you think bú shì nǐ xiǎng de nà yàng zi la, nà shi |
[16:33.24] | You told me I was the only one! nǐ shuō nǐ xīn lǐ zhǐ yǒu wǒ |
[16:39.58] | All right, look. That' s it. hǎo, tīng zhe, gòu le |
[16:41.51] | We shouldn' t see each other anymore. wǒ xiǎng wǒ men bù gāi zài jiàn miàn le |
[16:43.75] | I should have told you a long time ago... wǒ zhī dào wǒ hěn jiǔ yǐ qián jiù yīng gāi gào sù nǐ le |
[16:46.25] | ... but I am not Drake Ramoray. wǒ bìng bú shì léi cuī kè yī shēng |
[16:48.49] | I' m not even a doctor. I' m an actor. I just pretend to be a doctor. wǒ lián yī shēng dōu bú shì, wǒ shì gè yǎn yuán wǒ zhǐ shì jiǎ zhuāng wǒ shì yī shēng ér yǐ |
[16:52.66] | Oh, my God! Do the people at the hospital know? tiān na, nà yī yuàn de rén zhī dào zhè jiàn shì qíng ma? |
[16:59.66] | Somebody wanna help me out here? nǐ men shuí lái bāng bāng máng, hǎo bù hǎo? |
[17:01.90] | Oh, I know! I know! wǒ zhī dào |
[17:04.57] | Where am I? wǒ zài nǎ lǐ? |
[17:06.17] | University Hospital... dà xué de fù shè yī yuàn |
[17:07.87] | ... where you' ve been for the last 18 years. nǐ yǐ jīng zài zhè lǐ dù guò shí bā nián le |
[17:11.88] | How can you be here and there? nǐ zěn me huì zài liǎng gè dì fāng? |
[17:14.35] | Because it' s a TV show! yīn wèi nà shi diàn shì jié mù |
[17:16.75] | What are you getting at? cuī kè, nǐ dào dǐ yào shuō shí mǒ? |
[17:20.75] | I' m not Drake! wǒ bú shì cuī kè |
[17:22.52] | That' s right! He' s not Drake. He' s... méi cuò tā bú shì cuī kè, tā shì |
[17:26.12] | ... Hans Ramoray, Drake' s evil twin! léi hàn sī, cuī kè xié è de shuāng bāo tāi |
[17:33.80] | Is this true? zhēn de ma? |
[17:36.23] | Yes! Yes, it is true! shì zhēn de |
[17:38.54] | And I know this... wǒ zhī dào yīn wèi |
[17:40.54] | ... because he pretended to be Drake to sleep with me! tā jiǎ zhuāng tā shì cuī kè lái lái piàn wǒ shàng chuáng |
[17:50.25] | And then he told me he would run away with me! rán hòu tā gào sù wǒ tā yào dài wǒ sī bēn |
[17:53.25] | And he didn' t! tā piàn wǒ |
[17:56.59] | And you left the toilet seat up, you bastard! rán hòu nǐ mǎ tǒng gài méi yǒu fàng xià lái nǐ zhè gè hún dàn |
[18:05.16] | Is all this true? zhèi xiē dōu shì zhēn de ma? |
[18:11.57] | Yes, I' m afraid it is. shì, kǒng pà shì zhēn de le |
[18:13.80] | You deserve much better than me. wǒ gēn běn pèi bù shàng nǐ, ài lì |
[18:16.11] | You deserve to be with the real Drake. He' s the one you fell in love with. nǐ yīng gāi gēn zhēn zhèng de cuī kè zài yì qǐ nǐ ài shàng de rén shì tā |
[18:20.91] | Go to Salem. Find him! qù shā lún ba, qù zhǎo tā |
[18:23.28] | He' s the guy for you! tā cái shì nǐ de wáng zǐ |
[18:25.45] | Oh, Hans! hàn sī |
[18:31.19] | Hans! hàn sī! |
[18:33.76] | Yo, evil twin! xié è de shuāng bāo tāi |
[18:36.26] | Right. Goodbye, Erika. duì, zài jiàn, ài lì |
[18:40.26] | Good luck in Salem. yī qiè shùn lì |
[18:43.33] | Take care. bǎo zhòng le |
[18:45.34] | I' ll never forget you, Hans. wǒ yǒng yuǎn bú huì wàng jì nǐ de |
[18:52.01] | All right. The people who threw the water! gāng cái shì shuí xiàng wǒ pō shuǐ! |
[18:54.81] | Helping you out! wǒ men zhǐ shì xiǎng bāng nǐ |
[18:56.01] | Fired? kāi chú? |
[18:57.78] | Why? wèi shí me? |
[18:59.35] | The library board got a lot of complaints from parents... yǒu hěn duō fù mǔ xiàng tú shū guǎn de dǒng shì huì tóu sù |
[19:04.66] | I can' t believe it! wǒ zhēn bù gǎn xiāng xìn |
[19:06.56] | Did you tell your board that the kids want to hear the truth? nán dào shuō nǐ méi yǒu gào sù nǐ de dǒng shì huì hái zi men duō me xiǎng tīng shí huà ma? |
[19:16.20] | Maybe if you just played some regular kiddy songs? huò xǔ rú guǒ nǐ zhǐ shì chàng yī xiē yì bān de ér gē |
[19:21.14] | What do you want me to be? Like some... bù, nǐ yào wǒ dāng shén me ne? |
[19:23.74] | ... stupid, big, like, purple dinosaur? dāng yì zhī yú chǔn de zǐ sè dà kǒng lóng ma? |
[19:28.55] | You don' t have to be Barney. wǒ yòu méi shuō nǐ bì xū dāng bā ní |
[19:30.21] | Who' s Barney? bā ní shì shuí a? |
[19:37.05] | I tracked down Marcel and get this. He' s healthy, he' s happy... wǒ shì zhuī zhā mǎ sài zhuī zhā dào zhè gè de xiàn zài tā hěn jiàn kāng yě hěn kuài lè |
[19:40.86] | ... and he' s in New York filming Outbreak 2: The Virus Takes Manhattan. tā zài niǔ yuē pāi" wēi jī zǒng dòng yuán èr bìng dú sì nüè màn hā dùn" |
[19:45.03] | You' re kidding! nǐ piàn rén |
[19:46.73] | This is amazing! I know. jiǎn zhí miào jué wǒ zhī dào |
[19:48.70] | I finally get a part on TV, and the monkey' s making movies. wǒ cái zhōng yú hùn shàng diàn shì zhè hóu zi kāi shǐ pāi diàn yǐng le |
[19:54.07] | Rachel, I' m ready. ruì qiū, wǒ hǎo le |
[19:59.94] | Excuse me. Is this where the singing lady is, who tells the truth? bào qiàn, zhè shì nà gè shuō shí huà de chàng gē xiǎo jiě ma? |
[20:05.25] | I guess that' s me. duì ya, wǒ cāi nà jiù shì wǒ |
[20:08.22] | She' s here! tā zài zhè lǐ |
[20:18.30] | Sometimes men love women yǒu shí nán rén ài nǚ rén |
[20:20.86] | Sometimes men love men yǒu shí nán rén ài nán rén |
[20:23.80] | Then there are bisexuals rán hòu hái yǒu shuāng xìng liàn |
[20:26.44] | Though some just say They' re kidding themselves suī rán yǒu xiē shuō tā men zài piàn zì jǐ |
[20:39.58] | This is exciting! I haven' t seen my monkey in a year. zhēn shì lìng rén xīng fèn wǒ dōu kuài yī nián méi jiàn dào wǒ de hóu zi le |
[20:42.39] | What, you never look down in the shower? nǐ xǐ zǎo cóng lái bù wǎng xià kàn ma? |
[20:45.89] | I' m not allowed to make one joke in the " monkey is penis" genre? wǒ lián shuō gè" hóu zi děng yú " de xiào huà dōu bù kě yǐ ma? |
[20:50.39] | Back up, please. hǎo le, hǎo le |
[20:51.90] | Back up. Come on. gè wèi, wǎng hòu tuì |
[20:53.50] | Excuse me. Where can we find the monkey? dǎ rǎo le nà zhǐ hóu zi zài shén me dì fang? |
[20:56.27] | I' m sorry. It' s a closed set. bào qiàn, gè wèi zhè chǎng xì bú duì wài kāi fàng |
[20:57.94] | I' m sorry, you don' t understand. I' m a friend of his. duì bù qǐ, nǐ bù liǎo jiě wǒ wǒ shì tā de péng yǒu |
[21:01.34] | We used to live together. wǒ men wǒ men yǐ qián zhù zài yì qǐ de |
[21:03.64] | And I have a time share in the Poconos with Flipper. shì a, wǒ gēn hǎi tún fēi bǎo hái zài bō kě ruò fēn zū gōng yù guò ne |
[21:09.91] | There he is! luó sī, tā zài nà li |
[21:11.48] | Hey! Buddy! xiōng dì |
[21:13.45] | Marcel! Marcel! mǎ sài |
[21:22.49] | In the jungle zài cóng lín lǐ |
[21:24.09] | The mighty jungle ruò dà de cóng lín |
[21:26.16] | The lion sleeps tonight jīn yè shī zi shuì zháo le |
[21:31.87] | In the jungle The mighty jungle zài cóng lín lǐ, ruò dà de cóng lín |
[21:35.01] | The lion sleeps tonight jīn yè shī zi shuì zháo le |
[22:06.07] | They won' t take you to the vet tā men bù dài nǐ qù kàn shòu yī |
[22:09.57] | You' re obviously not Their favorite pet nǐ xiǎn rán bú shì zuì shòu chǒng de chǒng wù |
[22:13.38] | Smelly cat Smelly cat chòu chòu māo, chòu chòu māo |
[22:17.21] | It' s not your fault nà bú shì nǐ de cuò |
[22:25.59] | What? I' m sorry. zěn me le? duì bù qǐ |
[22:27.46] | What' s wrong with that? nà yǒu shén me bú duì ma? |
[22:29.36] | You might want to pick a more masculine note. wǒ xiǎng nǐ yīng gāi xuǎn zé yí gè nán xìng huà yì diǎn de diào zi bǐ jiào hǎo |