Friends S02E13

歌曲 Friends S02E13
歌手 英语听力
专辑 老友记(第二季)


[00:19.90] GUARD: Ah, excuse me, this is a...
[00:21.36] Closed set. We know. But we're friends with the monkey, hmm?
[00:27.16] Good morning.
[00:29.37] Look who I brought!
[00:30.82] Your old friend, Harry Elafonte!
[00:35.66] Whoa, dude. Burn!
[00:39.43] I don't get it.
[00:40.54] He seemed so happy to see me yesterday.
[00:43.20] Don't take it personal. He's under pressure, starring in a movie and all.
[00:49.10] Oh.
[00:49.42] How big of a star is Marcel?
[00:51.46] In human terms? I'd say...
[00:54.32] ...Cybill Shepherd. ROSS: Whoa.
[00:56.27] RACHEL: Really? JOEY: Whoa.
[00:59.23] So you guys in the movie or you just really paranoid?
[01:04.32] - Hey, Sal? - Mm-hm?
[01:05.68] Jerry wants to know if the monkey's ready.
[01:08.39] JOEY: Excuse me?
[01:09.53] Jerry is the director? Which one's he?
[01:12.12] - The one in the director's chair? JOEY: Gotcha.
[01:15.36] Pheebs, walk with me.
[01:17.77] Okay.
[01:19.40] Um, why am I walking with you?
[01:21.39] Well, uh, we're just going over here so that we can get away from...
[01:23.55] ...the horrible flesh-eating virus!
[01:27.46] For the love of God, woman, listen to me!
[01:30.33] Is he looking? Is he looking?
[02:26.19] SUSIE: We've got a problem. - Tell me.
[02:28.57] I can't do Chris' makeup.
[02:30.07] She refuses to acknowledge her mustache.
[02:32.77] Is it bad? - It looks like her eyebrow fell down.
[02:36.27] Unless we convince her to let me bleach it...
[02:38.91] ...Jean-Claude Van Damme will be making out with Gabe Kaplan.
[02:42.58] I'll talk to her.
[02:45.05] I hate actors.
[02:47.85] Nice camouflage. For a minute there, I almost didn't see you.
[02:54.79] - Excuse me. Whoa. - Ah!
[02:58.04] Uh, is your name Chandler?
[03:00.27] Uh, yes, it is.
[03:02.07] Chandler Bing.
[03:03.93] Do you know me or are you just really good at this game?
[03:07.06] I'm Susie Moss.
[03:08.61] Fourth grade? Glasses?
[03:12.91] I carried a box of animal crackers like a purse?
[03:14.66] Susie Moss!
[03:16.48] Right! Yeah! Wow!
[03:18.75] You look...
[03:19.91] Great job growing up.
[03:23.02] It's nice to see you don't still wear the cap with the mirrors on it.
[03:26.70] Oh, I graduated fourth grade and realized I wasn't a pimp.
[03:31.46] Heh, heh. Remember the class play?
[03:33.55] You pulled up my skirt and the entire auditorium saw my underpants?
[03:39.55] Yes. Back then, I, uh, used humor as a defense mechanism.
[03:43.66] Thank God I don't do that anymore.
[03:50.65] - Oh, my God! - What? What?-
[03:53.24] It's Jean-Claude Van Damme.
[03:55.02] I didn't know he was in this movie. He is so hot!
[03:58.55] You think?
[04:00.11] The Muscles from Brussels? Wham-Bam-Van-Damme?
[04:03.08] Did you see Timecop?
[04:04.81] No. Was he any good in it?
[04:06.64] Rachel, he totally changed time!
[04:09.87] WoW
[04:11.27] - So why don't you go talk to him? - Oh. Yeah.-
[04:14.53] Go tell him he's cute. What's the worst that could happen?
[04:17.64] He could hear me.
[04:19.23] Oh.
[04:20.87] I'm doing it for you. - Don't you dare! Don't!
[04:23.11] Don't!
[04:24.82] Tell him I cook!
[04:27.70] RACHEL: Excuse me.
[04:29.25] - Hi. Ha, ha. - Hi.-
[04:30.61] Um, this is gonna sound kind of goofy. Ha, ha.
[04:33.44] But, um, my friend over there...
[04:38.29] ...who cooks, by the way...
[04:41.21] Um, she thinks you're cute. Heh.
[04:43.01] You don't think I'm cute?
[04:46.24] I don't know. Um...
[04:48.56] Do you think you're cute?
[04:52.53] We're getting off the track. Um, I was supposed to tell you...
[04:56.21] friend thinks you're cute.
[04:58.90] What should I tell her?
[05:00.82] You can tell her I think her friend is cute.
[05:07.32] - Oh. Ha, ha. - Huh?
[05:12.20] Whoa. Ha, ha.
[05:13.26] MAN: Makeup! - Oh, that's me. I gotta go.
[05:15.26] Oh, uh...
[05:15.31] Okay.
[05:17.10] Um, how many times do I have to touch you on the arm before you ask me on a date?
[05:26.14] Well, uh, let's try one more.
[05:29.98] There you go. Ernie's, 8:00?
[05:32.35] I'll be there.
[05:34.04] And if things go well, maybe this time...
[05:36.74] ...I'll get to see your underwear.
[05:44.64] No one was around to hear that?
[05:52.18] - So, what'd he say? - Ugh!
[05:53.89] What a jerk!
[05:55.28] I kept talking about you, and he kept asking me out.
[06:01.26] Oh.
[06:01.83] Naturally, you know, I said no.
[06:06.45] Well...
[06:07.84] Thanks, anyway.
[06:09.04] He just kept asking...
[06:10.90] ...and asking, asking, asking...
[06:14.07] If you want to go out with him, you can.
[06:17.68] Sounds like a jerk to me, but...
[06:19.70] Jean-Claude, she said yes! I'll see you tonight!
[06:25.41] Thank you.
[06:32.80] Then Jean-Claude took me to Crossroads...
[06:36.30] ...and we hung out with Drew Barrymore.
[06:39.47] Oh, man. She's so smoking!
[06:41.21] She's got the greatest set of...
[06:46.76] No guys around, huh?
[06:50.28] Anybody need anything? - Oh, I'll have an espresso.
[06:54.19] Oh, I'll get it.
[06:56.04] If I ask you to, you'll end up drinking it yourself.
[07:01.95] That is so unfair. - I know.
[07:04.37] Like you'd drink her coffee after what you did to her with Van Damme?
[07:10.08] I have to cancel racquetball tonight.
[07:16.21] You're blowing me off for a monkey?
[07:18.16] We can reschedule for Saturday.
[07:20.45] Yeah, unless you hook up with a bunch of pigeons.
[07:24.47] Hey.
[07:25.58] Stick a fork in me...
[07:27.34] ...I am done!
[07:30.75] PHOEBE: Uh...
[07:31.04] Stick a fork what?
[07:32.37] Like when you're cooking a steak.
[07:33.71] Oh, I don't eat meat.
[07:37.62] How do you know vegetables are done?
[07:39.33] Well, you don't. You eat them and you can tell.
[07:42.63] Okay, then eat me, I'm done!
[07:44.74] Mm.
[07:48.59] I've met the perfect woman. - What?
[07:50.58] We're sitting on her couch, fooling around...
[07:52.97] ...and then she turns to me and says:
[07:55.82] "Did you ever want to do it in an elevator?"〝
[07:59.47] What did you say?
[08:00.21] I believe my exact words were:
[08:05.15] How do you know if you wanna do that?
[08:08.06] Oh, you just know.
[08:16.95] Oh, we gotta go. Got a reservation in 30 minutes.
[08:19.88] No, no, no.
[08:22.12] WhatI had planned shouldn't take more than two, three minutes, tops.
[08:27.09] Two hundred seconds of passion! We gotta go.
[08:31.24] But, um...
[08:32.57]'s an idea.
[08:36.75] Have you ever worn women's underwear?
[08:40.33] Well, yes, actually...
[08:42.36] ...but, uh, they were my Aunt Edna's.
[08:46.91] And there were three of us in there.
[08:50.21] I was thinking it would be, um, kind of ***y...
[08:53.28] ...if you wore mine tonight at dinner.
[09:00.76] You want me to wear your panties?
[09:04.22] Could you?
[09:05.69] If I was wearing your underwear...
[09:08.15] ...then, uh, what would you be wearing?
[09:17.31] You're swell!
[09:21.89] I made Marcel's favorite dish, banana cake...
[09:24.43] Ooh. ...with mealworm.
[09:25.71] Ah.
[09:30.96] Candle. Ha, ha. - Ha, ha.
[09:33.66] What do you think is gonna happen here tonight?
[09:41.29] Hello.
[09:42.92] Oh, hi, are you on your way over...?
[09:46.91] Oh.
[09:50.02] No, I understand. A monkey's gotta work.
[09:54.44] It's no big deal.
[09:55.78] It's not like I, uh, had anything special planned, you know.
[10:02.34] Yeah, okay. Okay. Okay, bye.
[10:11.30] Okay. Rachel, why don't you start talking first?
[10:14.97] All right. I feel that this is totally unjustified.
[10:18.38] She gave me the green light, I did nothing...
[10:23.63] Do you think I can't see you in the TV set?
[10:30.53] Monica, if there's something you'd like to share...
[10:32.95] You had no right to date him!
[10:35.02] That's the most ridiculous... - You sold me out!
[10:38.00] I did not! - You absolutely...
[10:39.28] Would you let me talk!
[10:45.47] Did you just flick me?
[10:48.71] Well, you wouldn't let me finish and I was...
[10:50.99] Ow, that hurt! - Ow.
[10:55.13] Quit flicking!
[10:56.64] Ow! Stop flicking!
[10:58.40] You flicked me first!
[10:59.37] Ow!
[11:00.26] BOTH: Ow!
[11:05.57] PHOEBE: Okay, no, no.
[11:06.38] Let's not do this!
[11:07.84] Come on. Happy thoughts. RACHEL: No! No!
[11:10.70] Happy thoughts! Happy thoughts!
[11:13.14] No! Ow! No!
[11:16.10] PHOEBE: Oh! Oh! RACHEL: Oh, God!
[11:18.26] Oh! Ow!
[11:21.73] Now I'm gonna kick some ass!
[11:24.02] - Ow. - Ow.-
[11:25.82] BOTH: Ow, ow, ow.
[11:32.91] All right. Now, I will let go if you both stop.
[11:37.20] Oh! You want me to stop seeing him? - Uh-huh.
[11:40.88] You want me to just tell him you're seeing him instead?
[11:45.12] Is that what you want? - Okay.
[11:48.91] Oh, that's what you want?
[11:50.90] Yes.
[11:53.58] Fine! - Fine!
[11:55.79] There we go.
[11:57.59] - Ow. - Oh.-
[11:58.88] Ha. If we were in prison, you guys would be, like, my *******.
[12:11.04] Thanks for letting me tag along.
[12:13.34] Forget about it.
[12:17.29] - How you doing there, squirmy? - I'm hanging in.
[12:20.28] And a little out.
[12:24.34] So assistant to the director?
[12:27.80] That's an exciting job. You must have a ton of responsibilities...
[12:31.44] I don't do the casting.
[12:33.50] So, what are you guys gonna eat?
[12:37.25] How come all I can think about is putting that ice in my mouth...
[12:40.91] ...and licking you all over?
[12:46.42] Because I went to an all-boys high school, and God is making up for it?
[12:54.81] I want you right here...
[12:56.88] ...right now.
[12:58.99] Right now, right here?
[13:01.21] Don't you think we're in kind of a public place?
[13:06.67] They do have the shrimp.
[13:10.63] - Oh. - Meet me in the bathroom.
[13:19.17] I'm going to the bathroom now.
[13:34.30] All right, mister.
[13:36.23] Let's see those panties.
[13:39.40] Alrighty.
[13:42.43] SUSIE: Ooh. Ooh.
[13:46.47] But you know what would be even ***ier?
[13:48.92] CHANDLER: What?
[13:50.39] SUSIE: If you didn't have your shirt tucked into them.
[13:53.75] CHANDLER: Oh.
[13:56.70] SUSIE: All right. Now, I would like to see you wearing nothing but them.
[14:00.82] Take your clothes off.
[14:03.12] CHANDLER: But, uh, I hope you realize this means...
[14:09.43] ...we'll miss hearing about the specials.
[14:10.53] SUSIE: Come on, hurry!
[14:13.43] CHANDLER: Do you want this done quick or done right?
[14:17.67] SUSIE: All right, turn around. I wanna see you from behind.
[14:19.05] Oh, oh. Somebody's been doing his Buns of Steel video.
[14:22.21] CHANDLER: So you want me to, uh, clench anything or?
[14:28.19] Susie?
[14:30.28] Susie?
[14:31.73] This, ha, ha, is for the fourth grade.
[14:36.73] Huh? What do you mean? - What do I mean?
[14:39.37] What do I mean?
[14:41.87] I mean underpants, mister! That's what I mean!
[14:44.73] What? What do you mean?
[14:46.39] My skirt...
[14:47.85] lifted. Kids laughing!
[14:50.68] I was Susie Underpants till I was 18!
[14:55.68] That was in fourth grade! How could you still be upset?
[14:59.16] Well, um...
[15:00.26] Call me in 20 years and tell me if you're still upset about this.
[15:09.35] I hope you realize you're not getting these underpants back!
[15:23.21] I can't believe this. Ha, ha.
[15:24.65] Just two weeks ago, I was watching Sudden Death...
[15:27.31] ...and now I'm on a date with Jean-Claude Van Damme.
[15:32.18] Can you beat up that guy?
[15:36.69] Can you beat up that guy? - Sure.
[15:38.34] Oh, this is so wild.
[15:41.17] I gotta admit, I was surprised that you agreed to go on a blind date.
[15:45.77] Normally, I would not do it.
[15:50.31] Yeah?
[15:51.75] What made you make the exception for me?
[15:53.02] Rachel told me, uh...
[15:54.27] were dying to have a threesome with me and, uh, Drew Barrymore.
[15:57.82] By the way, Drew has some ground rules and...
[16:02.75] Say you're sorry! - No!
[16:04.05] MONICA: Say it!
[16:06.35] No! I'm not gonna!
[16:09.70] Say it! Say it! Great! - Oh!
[16:13.05] MONICA: Rachel.
[16:14.42] Say you're sorry or your sweater gets it.
[16:18.29] That is my favorite sweater! That is my third-date sweater!
[16:23.92] Say you're sorry.
[16:26.76] You wanna play? Okay, let's play.
[16:29.81] Let's play.
[16:36.74] What are you gonna do?
[16:37.81] Give me back my sweater or it's handbag marinara.
[16:44.12] You don't have the guts.
[16:46.15] Yeah? At least I wasn't too chicken to tell some guy he was cute.
[16:59.99] Oh, all right, stop! Stop the madness!
[17:06.69] This is crazy!
[17:08.60] Who can remember why you're fighting in the first place?
[17:16.21] Yes, that's right.
[17:19.88] But still...
[17:22.08] Look at your purse!
[17:24.61] Look at your sweater!
[17:27.40] Look at yourselves!
[17:32.97] I'll help you fix your sweater.
[17:35.13] I'll help you...
[17:36.66] ...throw out your purse.
[17:40.51] I'm sorry I made you stop seeing him.
[17:44.21] I'm sorry I went out with him when I knew you liked him.
[17:49.86] I'm sorry that I borrowed your gloves.
[18:12.90] CHANDLER: Joey?
[18:14.08] Ma?
[18:17.73] CHANDLER: Joey!
[18:19.78] What are you doing here? I thought you guys took off.
[18:23.38] CHANDLER: She took off with my clothes!
[18:27.83] Are you naked in there? - Well, not exactly.
[18:32.23] I'm wearing panties.
[18:35.30] Huh.
[18:37.48] You, uh, always wear panties?
[18:41.29] No, no. This is the first time.
[18:44.84] Wow. Talk about your bad luck!
[18:48.28] I mean, the first time you try panties and someone walks off with your clothes.
[18:54.39] CHANDLER: I was not trying them out. Susie asked me to wear them.
[18:58.84] Let me see!
[19:00.15] No! I'm not letting you or anybody else see, ever!
[19:03.54] All right, all right!
[19:07.64] Whoa.
[19:10.90] Someone's flossing!
[19:18.45] Joey, some people don't like that.
[19:22.83] Chandler's wearing panties.
[19:25.48] What?
[19:27.56] Let me see! CHANDLER: You don't have to see!
[19:31.80] Hi, tushy!
[19:36.11] One of you give me your underpants. - Oh, no.
[19:39.18] I'm not wearing any.
[19:42.35] How can you not be wearing any?
[19:44.37] Oh. I'm getting heat from the guy in the hot-pink thong.
[19:49.34] Look, Ross. I'll give you $50 for your underpants.
[19:53.18] ALL: Hey.
[20:20.88] Can I have the milk? - I'm almost done with it.
[20:23.71] Keep your panties on.
[20:29.91] Hey. Hey.
[20:31.46] And I'm in the movie! - Hey.
[20:33.21] What happened? - A virus victim called in sick...
[20:35.80] Cathy recommended me and boom! I'm dying on a gurney!
[20:39.85] - Hey! - Oh.
[20:41.65] Oh, Marcel just finished his last scene, if you wanna go say goodbye.
[20:47.05] Uh, that's okay. He's probably got parties to go to and stuff.
[20:52.34] You know, he's moved on. That's the way it goes, right?
[20:58.90] Oh, my God!
[21:00.66] What?
[21:48.90] I think I want to write a song about all this.
[21:50.70] RACHEL: Oh, yeah? PHOEBE: Yeah.
[21:52.76] Ooh, except one of the strings on my guitar is broken.
[21:56.60] Chandler, can I borrow your G-string?
[22:00.04] How long you been waiting to say that? - About 20 minutes!
[22:08.83] Can't you see what's going on here? This man is dying!
[22:13.27] DIRECTOR: Cut!
[22:15.52] Can't you see what's going on here? This man is dying!
[22:20.39] DIRECTOR: Cut!
[22:22.95] Can't you see what's going on here? This man is dying!
[22:28.25] Mommy! - Ah.
[22:31.79] Can't you see what's going on? This man is dead!


[00:19.90] GUARD: Ah, excuse me, this is a...
[00:21.36] Closed set. We know. But we' re friends with the monkey, hmm?
[00:27.16] Good morning.
[00:29.37] Look who I brought!
[00:30.82] Your old friend, Harry Elafonte!
[00:35.66] Whoa, dude. Burn!
[00:39.43] I don' t get it.
[00:40.54] He seemed so happy to see me yesterday.
[00:43.20] Don' t take it personal. He' s under pressure, starring in a movie and all.
[00:49.10] Oh.
[00:49.42] How big of a star is Marcel?
[00:51.46] In human terms? I' d say...
[00:54.32] ... Cybill Shepherd. ROSS: Whoa.
[00:56.27] RACHEL: Really? JOEY: Whoa.
[00:59.23] So you guys in the movie or you just really paranoid?
[01:04.32] Hey, Sal? Mmhm?
[01:05.68] Jerry wants to know if the monkey' s ready.
[01:08.39] JOEY: Excuse me?
[01:09.53] Jerry is the director? Which one' s he?
[01:12.12] The one in the director' s chair? JOEY: Gotcha.
[01:15.36] Pheebs, walk with me.
[01:17.77] Okay.
[01:19.40] Um, why am I walking with you?
[01:21.39] Well, uh, we' re just going over here so that we can get away from...
[01:23.55] ... the horrible flesheating virus!
[01:27.46] For the love of God, woman, listen to me!
[01:30.33] Is he looking? Is he looking?
[02:26.19] SUSIE: We' ve got a problem. Tell me.
[02:28.57] I can' t do Chris' makeup.
[02:30.07] She refuses to acknowledge her mustache.
[02:32.77] Is it bad? It looks like her eyebrow fell down.
[02:36.27] Unless we convince her to let me bleach it...
[02:38.91] ... JeanClaude Van Damme will be making out with Gabe Kaplan.
[02:42.58] I' ll talk to her.
[02:45.05] I hate actors.
[02:47.85] Nice camouflage. For a minute there, I almost didn' t see you.
[02:54.79] Excuse me. Whoa. Ah!
[02:58.04] Uh, is your name Chandler?
[03:00.27] Uh, yes, it is.
[03:02.07] Chandler Bing.
[03:03.93] Do you know me or are you just really good at this game?
[03:07.06] I' m Susie Moss.
[03:08.61] Fourth grade? Glasses?
[03:12.91] I carried a box of animal crackers like a purse?
[03:14.66] Susie Moss!
[03:16.48] Right! Yeah! Wow!
[03:18.75] You look...
[03:19.91] Great job growing up.
[03:23.02] It' s nice to see you don' t still wear the cap with the mirrors on it.
[03:26.70] Oh, I graduated fourth grade and realized I wasn' t a pimp.
[03:31.46] Heh, heh. Remember the class play?
[03:33.55] You pulled up my skirt and the entire auditorium saw my underpants?
[03:39.55] Yes. Back then, I, uh, used humor as a defense mechanism.
[03:43.66] Thank God I don' t do that anymore.
[03:50.65] Oh, my God! What? What?
[03:53.24] It' s JeanClaude Van Damme.
[03:55.02] I didn' t know he was in this movie. He is so hot!
[03:58.55] You think?
[04:00.11] The Muscles from Brussels? WhamBamVanDamme?
[04:03.08] Did you see Timecop?
[04:04.81] No. Was he any good in it?
[04:06.64] Rachel, he totally changed time!
[04:09.87] WoW
[04:11.27] So why don' t you go talk to him? Oh. Yeah.
[04:14.53] Go tell him he' s cute. What' s the worst that could happen?
[04:17.64] He could hear me.
[04:19.23] Oh.
[04:20.87] I' m doing it for you. Don' t you dare! Don' t!
[04:23.11] Don' t!
[04:24.82] Tell him I cook!
[04:27.70] RACHEL: Excuse me.
[04:29.25] Hi. Ha, ha. Hi.
[04:30.61] Um, this is gonna sound kind of goofy. Ha, ha.
[04:33.44] But, um, my friend over there...
[04:38.29] ... who cooks, by the way...
[04:41.21] Um, she thinks you' re cute. Heh.
[04:43.01] You don' t think I' m cute?
[04:46.24] I don' t know. Um...
[04:48.56] Do you think you' re cute?
[04:52.53] We' re getting off the track. Um, I was supposed to tell you...
[04:56.21] ... my friend thinks you' re cute.
[04:58.90] What should I tell her?
[05:00.82] You can tell her I think her friend is cute.
[05:07.32] Oh. Ha, ha. Huh?
[05:12.20] Whoa. Ha, ha.
[05:13.26] MAN: Makeup! Oh, that' s me. I gotta go.
[05:15.26] Oh, uh...
[05:15.31] Okay.
[05:17.10] Um, how many times do I have to touch you on the arm before you ask me on a date?
[05:26.14] Well, uh, let' s try one more.
[05:29.98] There you go. Ernie' s, 8: 00?
[05:32.35] I' ll be there.
[05:34.04] And if things go well, maybe this time...
[05:36.74] ... I' ll get to see your underwear.
[05:44.64] No one was around to hear that?
[05:52.18] So, what' d he say? Ugh!
[05:53.89] What a jerk!
[05:55.28] I kept talking about you, and he kept asking me out.
[06:01.26] Oh.
[06:01.83] Naturally, you know, I said no.
[06:06.45] Well...
[06:07.84] Thanks, anyway.
[06:09.04] He just kept asking...
[06:10.90] ... and asking, asking, asking...
[06:14.07] If you want to go out with him, you can.
[06:17.68] Sounds like a jerk to me, but...
[06:19.70] JeanClaude, she said yes! I' ll see you tonight!
[06:25.41] Thank you.
[06:32.80] Then JeanClaude took me to Crossroads...
[06:36.30] ... and we hung out with Drew Barrymore.
[06:39.47] Oh, man. She' s so smoking!
[06:41.21] She' s got the greatest set of...
[06:46.76] No guys around, huh?
[06:50.28] Anybody need anything? Oh, I' ll have an espresso.
[06:54.19] Oh, I' ll get it.
[06:56.04] If I ask you to, you' ll end up drinking it yourself.
[07:01.95] That is so unfair. I know.
[07:04.37] Like you' d drink her coffee after what you did to her with Van Damme?
[07:10.08] I have to cancel racquetball tonight.
[07:16.21] You' re blowing me off for a monkey?
[07:18.16] We can reschedule for Saturday.
[07:20.45] Yeah, unless you hook up with a bunch of pigeons.
[07:24.47] Hey.
[07:25.58] Stick a fork in me...
[07:27.34] ... I am done!
[07:30.75] PHOEBE: Uh...
[07:31.04] Stick a fork what?
[07:32.37] Like when you' re cooking a steak.
[07:33.71] Oh, I don' t eat meat.
[07:37.62] How do you know vegetables are done?
[07:39.33] Well, you don' t. You eat them and you can tell.
[07:42.63] Okay, then eat me, I' m done!
[07:44.74] Mm.
[07:48.59] I' ve met the perfect woman. What?
[07:50.58] We' re sitting on her couch, fooling around...
[07:52.97] ... and then she turns to me and says:
[07:55.82] " Did you ever want to do it in an elevator?"
[07:59.47] What did you say?
[08:00.21] I believe my exact words were:
[08:05.15] How do you know if you wanna do that?
[08:08.06] Oh, you just know.
[08:16.95] Oh, we gotta go. Got a reservation in 30 minutes.
[08:19.88] No, no, no.
[08:22.12] WhatI had planned shouldn' t take more than two, three minutes, tops.
[08:27.09] Two hundred seconds of passion! We gotta go.
[08:31.24] But, um...
[08:32.57] ... here' s an idea.
[08:36.75] Have you ever worn women' s underwear?
[08:40.33] Well, yes, actually...
[08:42.36] ... but, uh, they were my Aunt Edna' s.
[08:46.91] And there were three of us in there.
[08:50.21] I was thinking it would be, um, kind of y...
[08:53.28] ... if you wore mine tonight at dinner.
[09:00.76] You want me to wear your panties?
[09:04.22] Could you?
[09:05.69] If I was wearing your underwear...
[09:08.15] ... then, uh, what would you be wearing?
[09:17.31] You' re swell!
[09:21.89] I made Marcel' s favorite dish, banana cake...
[09:24.43] Ooh. ... with mealworm.
[09:25.71] Ah.
[09:30.96] Candle. Ha, ha. Ha, ha.
[09:33.66] What do you think is gonna happen here tonight?
[09:41.29] Hello.
[09:42.92] Oh, hi, are you on your way over...?
[09:46.91] Oh.
[09:50.02] No, I understand. A monkey' s gotta work.
[09:54.44] It' s no big deal.
[09:55.78] It' s not like I, uh, had anything special planned, you know.
[10:02.34] Yeah, okay. Okay. Okay, bye.
[10:11.30] Okay. Rachel, why don' t you start talking first?
[10:14.97] All right. I feel that this is totally unjustified.
[10:18.38] She gave me the green light, I did nothing...
[10:23.63] Do you think I can' t see you in the TV set?
[10:30.53] Monica, if there' s something you' d like to share...
[10:32.95] You had no right to date him!
[10:35.02] That' s the most ridiculous... You sold me out!
[10:38.00] I did not! You absolutely...
[10:39.28] Would you let me talk!
[10:45.47] Did you just flick me?
[10:48.71] Well, you wouldn' t let me finish and I was...
[10:50.99] Ow, that hurt! Ow.
[10:55.13] Quit flicking!
[10:56.64] Ow! Stop flicking!
[10:58.40] You flicked me first!
[10:59.37] Ow!
[11:00.26] BOTH: Ow!
[11:05.57] PHOEBE: Okay, no, no.
[11:06.38] Let' s not do this!
[11:07.84] Come on. Happy thoughts. RACHEL: No! No!
[11:10.70] Happy thoughts! Happy thoughts!
[11:13.14] No! Ow! No!
[11:16.10] PHOEBE: Oh! Oh! RACHEL: Oh, God!
[11:18.26] Oh! Ow!
[11:21.73] Now I' m gonna kick some ass!
[11:24.02] Ow. Ow.
[11:25.82] BOTH: Ow, ow, ow.
[11:32.91] All right. Now, I will let go if you both stop.
[11:37.20] Oh! You want me to stop seeing him? Uhhuh.
[11:40.88] You want me to just tell him you' re seeing him instead?
[11:45.12] Is that what you want? Okay.
[11:48.91] Oh, that' s what you want?
[11:50.90] Yes.
[11:53.58] Fine! Fine!
[11:55.79] There we go.
[11:57.59] Ow. Oh.
[11:58.88] Ha. If we were in prison, you guys would be, like, my .
[12:11.04] Thanks for letting me tag along.
[12:13.34] Forget about it.
[12:17.29] How you doing there, squirmy? I' m hanging in.
[12:20.28] And a little out.
[12:24.34] So assistant to the director?
[12:27.80] That' s an exciting job. You must have a ton of responsibilities...
[12:31.44] I don' t do the casting.
[12:33.50] So, what are you guys gonna eat?
[12:37.25] How come all I can think about is putting that ice in my mouth...
[12:40.91] ... and licking you all over?
[12:46.42] Because I went to an allboys high school, and God is making up for it?
[12:54.81] I want you right here...
[12:56.88] ... right now.
[12:58.99] Right now, right here?
[13:01.21] Don' t you think we' re in kind of a public place?
[13:06.67] They do have the shrimp.
[13:10.63] Oh. Meet me in the bathroom.
[13:19.17] I' m going to the bathroom now.
[13:34.30] All right, mister.
[13:36.23] Let' s see those panties.
[13:39.40] Alrighty.
[13:42.43] SUSIE: Ooh. Ooh.
[13:46.47] But you know what would be even ier?
[13:48.92] CHANDLER: What?
[13:50.39] SUSIE: If you didn' t have your shirt tucked into them.
[13:53.75] CHANDLER: Oh.
[13:56.70] SUSIE: All right. Now, I would like to see you wearing nothing but them.
[14:00.82] Take your clothes off.
[14:03.12] CHANDLER: But, uh, I hope you realize this means...
[14:09.43] ... we' ll miss hearing about the specials.
[14:10.53] SUSIE: Come on, hurry!
[14:13.43] CHANDLER: Do you want this done quick or done right?
[14:17.67] SUSIE: All right, turn around. I wanna see you from behind.
[14:19.05] Oh, oh. Somebody' s been doing his Buns of Steel video.
[14:22.21] CHANDLER: So you want me to, uh, clench anything or?
[14:28.19] Susie?
[14:30.28] Susie?
[14:31.73] This, ha, ha, is for the fourth grade.
[14:36.73] Huh? What do you mean? What do I mean?
[14:39.37] What do I mean?
[14:41.87] I mean underpants, mister! That' s what I mean!
[14:44.73] What? What do you mean?
[14:46.39] My skirt...
[14:47.85] ... you lifted. Kids laughing!
[14:50.68] I was Susie Underpants till I was 18!
[14:55.68] That was in fourth grade! How could you still be upset?
[14:59.16] Well, um...
[15:00.26] Call me in 20 years and tell me if you' re still upset about this.
[15:09.35] I hope you realize you' re not getting these underpants back!
[15:23.21] I can' t believe this. Ha, ha.
[15:24.65] Just two weeks ago, I was watching Sudden Death...
[15:27.31] ... and now I' m on a date with JeanClaude Van Damme.
[15:32.18] Can you beat up that guy?
[15:36.69] Can you beat up that guy? Sure.
[15:38.34] Oh, this is so wild.
[15:41.17] I gotta admit, I was surprised that you agreed to go on a blind date.
[15:45.77] Normally, I would not do it.
[15:50.31] Yeah?
[15:51.75] What made you make the exception for me?
[15:53.02] Rachel told me, uh...
[15:54.27] ... you were dying to have a threesome with me and, uh, Drew Barrymore.
[15:57.82] By the way, Drew has some ground rules and...
[16:02.75] Say you' re sorry! No!
[16:04.05] MONICA: Say it!
[16:06.35] No! I' m not gonna!
[16:09.70] Say it! Say it! Great! Oh!
[16:13.05] MONICA: Rachel.
[16:14.42] Say you' re sorry or your sweater gets it.
[16:18.29] That is my favorite sweater! That is my thirddate sweater!
[16:23.92] Say you' re sorry.
[16:26.76] You wanna play? Okay, let' s play.
[16:29.81] Let' s play.
[16:36.74] What are you gonna do?
[16:37.81] Give me back my sweater or it' s handbag marinara.
[16:44.12] You don' t have the guts.
[16:46.15] Yeah? At least I wasn' t too chicken to tell some guy he was cute.
[16:59.99] Oh, all right, stop! Stop the madness!
[17:06.69] This is crazy!
[17:08.60] Who can remember why you' re fighting in the first place?
[17:16.21] Yes, that' s right.
[17:19.88] But still...
[17:22.08] Look at your purse!
[17:24.61] Look at your sweater!
[17:27.40] Look at yourselves!
[17:32.97] I' ll help you fix your sweater.
[17:35.13] I' ll help you...
[17:36.66] ... throw out your purse.
[17:40.51] I' m sorry I made you stop seeing him.
[17:44.21] I' m sorry I went out with him when I knew you liked him.
[17:49.86] I' m sorry that I borrowed your gloves.
[18:12.90] CHANDLER: Joey?
[18:14.08] Ma?
[18:17.73] CHANDLER: Joey!
[18:19.78] What are you doing here? I thought you guys took off.
[18:23.38] CHANDLER: She took off with my clothes!
[18:27.83] Are you naked in there? Well, not exactly.
[18:32.23] I' m wearing panties.
[18:35.30] Huh.
[18:37.48] You, uh, always wear panties?
[18:41.29] No, no. This is the first time.
[18:44.84] Wow. Talk about your bad luck!
[18:48.28] I mean, the first time you try panties and someone walks off with your clothes.
[18:54.39] CHANDLER: I was not trying them out. Susie asked me to wear them.
[18:58.84] Let me see!
[19:00.15] No! I' m not letting you or anybody else see, ever!
[19:03.54] All right, all right!
[19:07.64] Whoa.
[19:10.90] Someone' s flossing!
[19:18.45] Joey, some people don' t like that.
[19:22.83] Chandler' s wearing panties.
[19:25.48] What?
[19:27.56] Let me see! CHANDLER: You don' t have to see!
[19:31.80] Hi, tushy!
[19:36.11] One of you give me your underpants. Oh, no.
[19:39.18] I' m not wearing any.
[19:42.35] How can you not be wearing any?
[19:44.37] Oh. I' m getting heat from the guy in the hotpink thong.
[19:49.34] Look, Ross. I' ll give you 50 for your underpants.
[19:53.18] ALL: Hey.
[20:20.88] Can I have the milk? I' m almost done with it.
[20:23.71] Keep your panties on.
[20:29.91] Hey. Hey.
[20:31.46] And I' m in the movie! Hey.
[20:33.21] What happened? A virus victim called in sick...
[20:35.80] ... so Cathy recommended me and boom! I' m dying on a gurney!
[20:39.85] Hey! Oh.
[20:41.65] Oh, Marcel just finished his last scene, if you wanna go say goodbye.
[20:47.05] Uh, that' s okay. He' s probably got parties to go to and stuff.
[20:52.34] You know, he' s moved on. That' s the way it goes, right?
[20:58.90] Oh, my God!
[21:00.66] What?
[21:48.90] I think I want to write a song about all this.
[21:50.70] RACHEL: Oh, yeah? PHOEBE: Yeah.
[21:52.76] Ooh, except one of the strings on my guitar is broken.
[21:56.60] Chandler, can I borrow your Gstring?
[22:00.04] How long you been waiting to say that? About 20 minutes!
[22:08.83] Can' t you see what' s going on here? This man is dying!
[22:13.27] DIRECTOR: Cut!
[22:15.52] Can' t you see what' s going on here? This man is dying!
[22:20.39] DIRECTOR: Cut!
[22:22.95] Can' t you see what' s going on here? This man is dying!
[22:28.25] Mommy! Ah.
[22:31.79] Can' t you see what' s going on? This man is dead!