Friends S02E16

歌曲 Friends S02E16
歌手 英语听力
专辑 老友记(第二季)


[00:44.-3] Oh,God! Can open. Worms everywhere! 一发就不可收拾了
[00:59.-2] The next time you shower... 好吧,下一次你洗澡的时候…
[02:35.-2] -Where you getting it? -On my shoulder. 那你们要刺哪里? 我想在我肩上
[02:37.-2] What? 什么?
[13:23.-4] -You're the twinkie? -She's not a twinkie! 你是那个幼齿? 她不是个幼齿
[15:58.-2] About how I never lived alone or anything? 关于我从没一个人住过
[17:49.-4] ...he barely touched her with the needle,she screamed and that was it. …针根本都还没碰到她 她就跳起来尖叫逃走
[20:35.-4] Let's bring the rest of these down to the truck. 咱们把剩下的搬上卡车
[00:04.85] Man,this is weird. 老兄,这好畸形哦
[00:06.45] Ever realize Cap'n Crunch's eyebrows are on his hat? 你知不知道 脆脆上尉的眉毛长在帽子上?
[00:09.39] That's what's weird? 那叫畸型?
[00:10.72] The man's been captain of a cereal for 40 years. 乔伊,那傢伙 当了四十年早餐片的上尉
[00:17.93] What? 怎样?
[00:19.13] The spoon! You licked and you put. 汤匙,你舔完放回去
[00:24.27] You licked and you put. 你舔完放回去
[00:26.60] Yeah,so? 所以呢?
[00:28.31] Don't you see how gross that is? It's like you using my toothbrush! 你看不出那很恶心吗? 那就像你用我的牙刷一样
[00:33.31] You used my toothbrush? 你用我的牙刷?
[00:36.31] Only because I used the red one to unclog the drain. 那是因为 我用红的那只去通排水孔嘛
[00:41.15] Mine is the red one! 红色是我的
[00:49.39] Why can't we use the same toothbrush... 为什么牙刷不能共用…
[00:52.06] ... but we can use the same soap? …肥皂就可以共用?
[00:54.23] Because soap is soap. It's self-cleaning. 因为肥皂是肥皂,会自我清洁
[01:00.84] ...think about the last thing I wash and the first thing you wash. …想想我什么最后洗 跟你什么最先洗
[01:07.01] The One Where Joey Moves Out
[01:15.87] 六人行 第2季 第16集 乔伊搬走了
[01:56.83] Look at you fancy lads! 瞧你们打扮的
[02:00.17] What's the occasion? 有什么大事?
[02:01.43] You know that guy on my show that's in a coma? 知道我节目里 那个演昏迷不醒的?
[02:05.34] He's having a brunch. 他要请我吃饭
[02:08.27] Ready when you are. 就等你了 好的
[02:11.04] I can't believe you're actually getting tattoos. 真不敢相信 你们真的要去刺青了
[02:13.78] You guys are getting tattoos? 你们要去刺青?
[02:16.05] But you cannot tell Ross because I wanna surprise him. 对,不能告诉罗斯 我要给他一个惊喜
[02:19.62] Wow,this is wild! What are you gonna get? 好狂野哦,你们要刺什么?
[02:22.72] I'm getting a lily. 我要刺一朵百合
[02:25.89] For my mom,because her name's Lily. 因为我妈就叫百合
[02:29.69] That's lucky. What if her name was Big Ugly Splotch? 真幸运 她要是叫大污点怎么办?
[02:38.37] What's on your shoulder? 什么在你肩上?
[02:40.71] A chip. 重担
[02:44.44] -A tattoo. I'm getting a tattoo. -A tattoo? 是刺青,我要去刺青啦 刺青?
[02:47.55] Why? Why would you wanna do that? 你为什么要那么做?
[02:51.48] You don't think they're kind of cool? 你不觉得那酷吗?
[02:53.82] No. Sorry,I don't. 不,抱歉,我不觉得
[02:55.92] Why would anyone pay someone to scar their body for life? 怎么会有人 花钱去搞个一辈子的伤痕?
[02:59.42] What if it doesn't come out right? 万一要是刺得不好呢?
[03:01.73] It's like having a bad haircut all the time. 那不是变成永远在 “我头发剪丑了”吗?
[03:06.56] Why is everyone staring at me? 大家为什么都瞪着我?
[03:09.23] Sign this card for Dad. Richard will be here soon. 罗斯,过来签给爸的生日卡 理查随时会到
[03:11.94] Richard's going to the party too? 理查也要去参加派对?
[03:14.01] He's my parents' best friend. He has to go. 他是我父母最好的朋友 他必须去
[03:16.61] So is today the day you'll tell them about you two? 那你打算 今天告诉他们你们的事吗?
[03:20.11] Yeah,for my dad's birthday, I decided to give him a stroke. 对,我爸的生日 我决定送他中风
[03:25.12] No,I think you should tell them. 不,你应该告诉他们
[03:27.62] I don't know how serious he is. Until I do,I won't say anything. 我还不知道他对我有多认真 在搞清楚之前,我什么也不说
[03:31.26] I don't think Mom and Dad would mind. 我不知道,我想他们不会介意
[03:33.79] Remember when you were 9 and Richard was 30,Dad said... 记得你九岁 理查三十岁的时,爸常说…
[03:37.00] ... "God,I hope they get together." …“天啊 真希望他们在一起”
[03:44.27] Shall we? 好了,进去吧
[03:45.37] Okay,wait. 等等
[03:47.44] You know what? 你知道吗?
[03:49.14] Ross,let's switch places. You get in the middle. 罗斯,我们换位置 你来站中间
[03:52.51] This looks like we're trying to cover something up. 不,这看起来像 我们想隐瞒什么
[03:56.01] You could come in straddling him, they still wouldn't believe it. 摩妮卡,就算你骑着他进去 他们也不会相信的
[04:02.22] We're here! 我们来了
[04:03.79] -Hi,kids! -The children! 孩子们 是孩子们
[04:06.82] -Happy birthday,Dad. -Thank you. 生日快乐,爸爸 谢谢
[04:10.00] Happy birthday! 生日快乐
[04:11.16] So you kids thanked Dr. Burke for the ride? 你们谢过柏大夫 载你们来了吗?
[04:13.87] Actually,Mom,I think Monica thanked him for the both of us. 妈,事实上 摩妮卡帮我们两个谢过了
[04:19.54] So you kids take the train in? 你们搭火车来吗?
[04:21.74] No,Richard Burke gave them a ride. 不,柏理查载他们来的
[04:24.51] Speaking of whom... 谈到他呀…
[04:26.01] ... I hear he's got some 20-year-old twinkie in the city. …听说 他在城里有个二十岁的幼齿
[04:33.72] Finger cramp! Oh,God! 手指抽筋,抱歉
[04:36.05] Sorry. Here,let me get that,Mom. 来,让我来,妈
[04:40.33] So Richard's shopping in the junior section? 理查在青少年部“购物”
[04:44.33] Are we still on that? 还在讲那个吗?
[04:46.03] You just know she's got the lQ of a napkin. 想也知道她的智商一定超低
[04:50.17] She's probably not even pretty. 说不定连漂亮都谈不上
[04:51.84] Just young enough so that everything is still pointing up. 只是够年轻 所以一切都还没下垂
[05:03.88] Can you believe this place? 你相信这个地方吗?
[05:05.25] I know. This is a great apartment. 我知道,这个公寓很棒
[05:07.35] In the bathroom there's mirrors on both sides of you. 我刚去过浴室 两边墙上都有镜子
[05:10.46] When you're in there,it's like peeing with the Rockettes. 尿尿的时候 就好像有一排人在排排尿
[05:14.29] Well,there's my fantasy come true. 我的梦想实现了
[05:17.40] Seriously. 不,说真的
[05:20.63] We were just saying,great apartment! 我们正在赞美你的公寓,老兄
[05:22.90] Thanks. You want it? 谢了,你要吗?
[05:25.10] I'm moving to a bigger place. 我要搬去一个更大的
[05:26.77] You should take this one. 你真的应该租下来
[05:29.14] Can you see me in a place like this? 你看我会住这种地方吗?
[05:31.48] Why not? You hate park views and high ceilings? 有何不可呢?你讨厌公园景观 跟高天花板吗?
[05:34.81] Come on,I'll show you the kitchen. 来吧,我带你去看厨房
[05:38.58] That's all right, I saw a kitchen this morning. 不用了,兄弟 我今早在电视上…
[05:41.29] On TV. …看过一个厨房
[05:42.59] Stop talking. Okay! 不要再说了
[05:46.16] -Come on,tell us! -ls she really 20? 来嘛,告诉我们 对,她真只有二十?
[05:48.93] I am not telling you guys anything. 你们休想逼我说什么
[05:51.06] Come on,it's my birthday. Let me live vicariously! 来嘛,理查,今天是我生日 让我过一下干瘾嘛
[05:54.60] Dad,you really don't want to do that. 爸,你真的不会想那样做
[05:56.93] What's a little midlife crisis between friends? 跟朋友分享一下 你的中年危机嘛
[05:59.84] Would you let it go? 杰克,你别说了,好吗?
[06:01.57] I know what you're going through. When I turned 50,I got the Porsche. 我了解你在做什么 我五十时买了部保时捷
[06:05.18] You got your own little speedster. 你有自己的小“加速器”
[06:08.28] -Seriously,it's not like that. -Tell you what. 各位,说真的,不是像那样 这样吧
[06:11.42] Maybe one of these weekends you can borrow the car and I could 或许找个周末 我车子借你,你的小…
[06:15.62] Dad,I beg you not to finish that sentence! 爸,我求你不要说完那个句子
[06:18.32] What? I'm kidding! 怎么?我在逗他
[06:20.33] You know I'd never let him touch the Porsche. 我才不会让他碰我的保时捷
[06:30.77] Okay,Rach. 阿秋
[06:33.00] Which lily? This lily or that lily? 哪一朵百合? 这一朵或那一朵?
[06:36.11] -Well,l -I like this lily. 我… 我喜欢这朵
[06:38.64] It's more open and that's like my mom. 开得比较大,就像我妈
[06:41.31] She had a more open,giving spirit. 她有比较开放给予的精神
[06:44.28] Foghorn Leghorn! 雾号麦杆
[06:48.02] Blonde girl? You're in room two. 金发的,你去第二间
[06:50.46] Not-so-blonde girl,you're with me. 没那么金的,你跟我来
[06:53.66] Here we go! 走吧
[06:56.29] You're not going. 你不进去?
[06:59.16] Is this because of what Ross said? 怎么了?是因为罗斯的话吗?
[07:04.07] -Well,yeah,maybe. -I don't believe this. 是啦,或许 我真不敢相信
[07:06.84] Is this how this relationship works? Ross equals boss? 你们的关系这样维持吗? 罗斯是老板?
[07:11.84] Come on,what is this,1922? 少来了 现在是1922年吗?
[07:14.65] What's 1922? 1922年有什么?
[07:16.81] Just,you know,a long time ago. 只是很久以前嘛
[07:20.65] When men used to tell women what to do a lot. 当时是女人很多事 得听男人的时代
[07:24.16] Then there was suffrage,which was a good thing. But it sounds horrible. 然后还有投票权 那是件好事,但听起来很可怕
[07:31.16] Do you want this tattoo? 你到底要不要刺?
[07:32.76] Yes,I do. It's just that Ross 我要啊,只是罗斯他…
[07:35.87] Is your boyfriend the boss of you? 你男友是你的老板吗?
[07:41.04] Who is the boss of you? 那好,谁是你的老板?
[07:44.11] You? 你?
[07:46.88] You are the boss of you! 不,你是你的老板
[07:49.11] You march in there and get that tattoo on your hip! 你现在给我进去 把那颗红心刺上去
[07:52.68] Go! 去
[08:00.19] How you doing? 你怎么了?
[08:01.59] I'm a twinkie! 我是个幼齿
[08:04.30] Really? I'm a hero. 真的?我是英雄
[08:09.30] This is so hard. 这好难哦
[08:11.24] Yeah,I know. I hate it too. 是呀,我知道,我也讨厌这样
[08:14.57] Look,maybe we should just tell them. 听着,或许我们应该说出来
[08:17.48] Maybe we should just tell your parents first. 或许我们应该先告诉你父母
[08:20.71] My parents are dead. 我父母死了
[08:23.48] God,you are so lucky! 你真幸运
[08:27.55] I mean Well,you know what I mean. 不,我是说… 你懂我意思
[08:30.49] Just hang in there,okay? 忍耐一下,好吗?
[08:33.12] Okay,I'll go out first,all right? 我先出去,好吗?
[08:41.17] Judy! Going to the bathroom. Good for you! 茱蒂,上洗手间呀,有你的
[08:47.67] Thank you,Richard. I appreciate the support. 谢谢,理查,很感激你的支持
[08:55.58] Honey. 蜜糖
[08:57.42] Seen my Harmon Kille brew bat? Bob doesn't believe I have one. 你有没有看到我的奇哈蒙球棒 老鲍不相信我有
[09:00.69] I have no idea. 我不知道
[09:02.79] Did you know Richard has a twinkie in the city? 你知道 理查在城里有个幼齿吗?
[09:07.02] I know. He's a new man. It's like a scene from Cocoon. 我知道,他像个全新的男人 好像进了“魔茧”一样
[09:11.33] I just never would have pictured Richard with a bimbo. 我怎么也无法幻想 理查和小笨妹在一起
[09:14.77] He told Johnny Shapiro that she's quite a girl. 显然他告诉沙强尼 那个女孩不错
[09:17.84] He told Johnny that he thinks he's falling in love with her. 事实上,他告诉强尼 他想他爱上她了
[09:21.64] -Really? -I've never seen him this happy. 真的? 告诉你,我没见他这么快乐过
[09:24.38] So,Jack... 杰克…
[09:26.28] ...ever think about trading me in for a younger model? …你有没有想过 拿我去换个年轻小妞儿?
[09:29.18] Of course not. 当然没有
[09:31.48] With you,it's like I've got two 25-year-olds. 你不就等于两个二五佳人?
[09:38.56] Oh,Jack,stop! 杰克,住手
[09:40.46] Come on! 来嘛
[09:43.00] It's my birthday! 今天是我生日
[09:49.67] Can we drop this? 别说了,好吗?
[09:51.07] I am not interested in the guy's apartment. 我对那傢伙的公寓没兴趣
[09:53.57] Oh,please. I saw the way you were checking out his moldings. 拜托,我看到你 检查他房子装饰的样子
[09:58.01] You want it. 你想要
[09:59.18] Why would I want another apartment? 我干嘛要另外一个房子?
[10:01.51] I've already got an apartment that I love. 我已经有个我爱的房子了
[10:03.92] It wouldn't kill you to say it once in a while. 是嘛,偶尔这样说说又不会死
[10:09.85] All right. You want the truth? I'm thinking about it. 好吧,想听实话吗? 我的确在考虑
[10:14.93] -What? -I'm sorry. 什么? 抱歉
[10:16.76] I'm 28. I've never lived alone... 我今年28了 从没自己住过…
[10:19.83] ...and I'm at a place where I got enough money... …而我终于赚到足够的钱…
[10:23.00] ...that I don't need a roommate. …可以让我不再需要室友
[10:25.94] I don't need a roommate either. 我也不需要室友啊
[10:28.21] I can afford to live here by myself. 自己住这里我也负担得起
[10:31.01] I may have to bring in somebody once a week to lick the silverware. 我或许一个礼拜 得请一次人来舔我的餐具
[10:35.78] Why are you getting so bent out of shape? 你老兄火气干嘛那么大
[10:38.18] We didn't agree to live together forever. 我们又没说要永远住在一起
[10:40.75] We're not Bert and Ernie. 我们又不是连体婴
[10:44.46] You know what? 知道吗?
[10:45.76] If this is the way you feel... 如果你这样觉得…
[10:47.79] ...then maybe you should take it. …那或许你应该搬去
[10:50.56] -That's how I feel. -Then maybe you should take it! 我是那样觉得 那或许你应该搬去
[10:52.93] Maybe I will! 那或许我会
[10:54.07] -Fine with me! -Great! 那好 很好
[10:55.70] You can spend more quality time with your real friends... 你就有多点时间 跟你真正的朋友混…
[10:58.60] ...the spoons! …你的汤匙
[11:01.31] Whose drink can I freshen? 谁还要加点饮料?
[11:05.11] Almost time for cake! 快要切蛋糕了
[11:17.72] Mon,are you okay? 摩妮卡?你还好吗?
[11:19.59] You remember that video I found of Mom and Dad? 记得我发现 爸妈的那卷录影带吗?
[11:24.00] Well,I just caught the live show. 我刚看了现场秀
[11:38.21] -Hey,there. -What? 嗨 怎样?
[11:41.01] Nothing. I just heard something nice about you. 没什么 我刚听到你的好话
[11:46.05] Really? 真的?
[11:50.22] -Your son isn't seeing anyone,is he? -Not that I know of. 你儿子现在没女朋友吧? 据我所知,没有
[11:53.92] I was thinking,why doesn't he give Monica a call? 我是在想… 他何不打个电话给摩妮卡?
[12:01.03] That's an idea. 那…是个主意
[12:03.10] Well,actually, I'm already seeing someone. 事实上,我已经有男友了
[12:06.40] Oh? 是吗?
[12:11.71] She never tells us anything. 这孩子什么事都不讲
[12:13.78] Ross,did you know Monica's seeing someone? 罗斯 你知道摩妮卡有男友了吗?
[12:16.48] Mom,there are so many people in my life. 妈,我周遭有好多好多人
[12:20.32] Some are seeing people and some aren't. 有些人有男朋友,有些人没有
[12:23.25] Is that crystal? 那是水晶的吗?
[12:27.66] So who's the mystery man? 那个神秘男子是谁?
[12:30.23] Well,he's a doctor. 他是个医生
[12:32.80] A real doctor? 真正的医生?
[12:34.47] No,a doctor of meat. 不,他是研究肉的
[12:37.40] Of course he's a real doctor. 他当然是真的医生
[12:39.60] And he's handsome. 他很英俊
[12:42.14] And he's sweet, and I know you'd like him. 人很好 我知道你会喜欢他
[12:45.14] Well,that's wonderful. 那太棒了
[12:53.15] Mom,it's okay. 妈,没关系
[12:55.45] It is,Judy. 没错,茱蒂
[12:56.65] Jack! 杰克
[13:00.02] Could you come in here for a moment? 请你进来一下,好吗?
[13:03.26] Now! 现在
[13:05.10] -Found it! -I'll take that,Dad. 找到了 交给我,爸
[13:11.37] It seems your daughter and Richard are something of an item. 你女儿跟理查看来似乎是一对
[13:16.44] That's impossible. He's got a twinkie in the city. 那不可能,他在城里有个幼齿
[13:21.28] I'm the twinkie. 爸,我是那个幼齿
[13:25.62] Look,this is the best relationship I've been in 好吧,听着,各位 这是我有过最棒的关系…
[13:28.62] Oh,please! A relationship? 拜托,关系?
[13:31.52] Yes,a relationship! 对,关系
[13:33.16] For your information, I'm crazy about this man. 你们请听好 我为这个男人疯狂
[13:35.63] Really? 真的?
[13:38.90] Am I supposed to stand here and listen to this on my birthday? 我生日还要站在这里 听你说这些鬼话吗?
[13:43.47] This is a good thing. You said you've never seen Richard happier. 这是件好事,你自己也说 你没见理查那么快乐过
[13:47.84] When did I say that? 我何时说的?
[13:48.87] Upstairs in the bathroom, right before you felt up Mom! 楼上的浴室啊,你摸妈之前
[13:53.58] Happy birthday to you 祝你生日快乐
[13:56.15] Happy birthday to you 祝你生日快乐
[13:59.92] Happy birthday,dear Jack 祝你生日快乐,杰克
[14:04.72] Happy birthday to you 祝你生日快乐
[14:10.56] It looks so good! Oh,I love it. 好漂亮哦,我好喜欢
[14:14.06] I know,so do l! I'm so glad you made me do this. 我知道,我也是 菲比,我好高兴你逼我刺
[14:17.40] Okay,let me see yours. 让我看你的
[14:22.94] Let's see yours again. 再瞧瞧你的
[14:25.58] We just saw mine. Let me see yours. 菲比,我的才刚看过 让我看你的
[14:31.08] Oh,no! 不…
[14:33.62] It's gone! That's so weird. 不见了,好古怪哦
[14:36.25] I don't know how,where it went. 不知道去哪里了
[14:41.13] You didn't get it? 你没刺?
[14:44.09] Why not? 你为什么没刺?
[14:45.26] I'm sorry! I'm sorry! 对不起…
[14:46.93] How could you do this to me? This was your idea! 菲比,你怎么可以这样对我? 这全是你的主意
[14:49.70] I know! I was gonna get it, but he came in with this needle. 我知道…我本来是要刺的 可是他拿着针走进来
[14:53.47] And did you know they do this with needles? 你知道他们是用针刺的吗?
[14:57.37] Really? You don't say? 真的?真的吗?
[14:59.31] Because mine was licked on by kittens! 因为我的是猫舔上去的
[15:06.62] I'm sorry about what 听着,今天的事我很抱歉…
[15:08.32] -Yeah,me too. -I know. 我也是 我知道
[15:13.66] Do we need to hug? 我们需要抱一下吗?
[15:17.00] No,we're all right. 不,没关系
[15:20.06] So I got you something. 我有东西送你
[15:22.93] Plastic spoons! 塑胶汤匙
[15:26.60] -Great! -Lick away,my man! 太棒了 舔吧,老兄
[15:30.31] These will go great in my new place till I get real ones. 这在我的新家会很好用 先应付应付
[15:34.85] What? 什么?
[15:36.41] I can't use these forever. They're no friend of the environment. 我不能永远用塑胶汤匙 这不环保
[15:41.25] No,I mean what's this about your new place? 不…我是说… 你说什么新家?
[15:44.59] I'm moving out, like we talked about. 我要搬出去,像我们谈过的
[15:46.59] I didn't think that was serious. 我不知道你是认真的
[15:50.79] You know,I thought that was just a fight. 我以为我们只是在吵架
[15:53.53] Well,it was a fight... 我们是吵架了…
[15:55.50] ... based on serious stuff,remember? …有根有据的,记得吗?
[16:00.34] I think it would be good for me. Help me to grow... 我只是想,这对我有好处 帮我成长…
[16:03.81] ...or whatever. …之类的
[16:09.15] Well,there you go. 那就是了
[16:12.55] Hey,are you cool with this? 这你没问题吧?
[16:15.05] I don't wanna leave you high and dry. 我不想让你觉得被遗弃了
[16:17.02] I've never been lower or wetter. 不,我也不会觉得更愉快的
[16:21.36] I'll be fine. I'll just turn your... 我不要紧的 我就把你的房间…
[16:23.66] ... bedroom into a game room. …改成游戏室之类的好了
[16:25.46] Put the foosball table in there. 把足球桌放在里面
[16:29.53] Why do you get to keep the table? 那桌子为什么该归你?
[16:34.34] I did pay for half of it. 我付了一半的钱
[16:39.68] I paid for the other half. 对,我付了另一半
[16:41.31] I'll tell you what. I'll play you for it. 这样吧,谁赢谁的
[16:44.88] All right,you're on. 好呀,没问题
[16:46.32] I can take two minutes out of my day to kick your ass. 我可以抽出时间来痛宰你一顿
[16:50.72] Your men will get scored on more times than your sister. 我得的分 会比你妹被上过的次数还多
[17:01.73] Which sister? 哪一个妹妹?
[17:06.77] So are you sorry that I told them? 你后悔我告诉他们吗?
[17:09.27] No. It's been a long time since your dad and I went running. 不,我跟你爸好久没去跑步了
[17:17.85] Did you get it? 你们刺了吗?给我看
[17:19.08] -ls Ross here? -He went out for pizza. 罗斯在吗? 不在,他去买披萨
[17:21.12] Okay,really quick. 一下就好
[17:24.25] That's great! 好漂亮
[17:25.56] Very tasteful. 很有品味
[17:27.86] Wanna see mine? Wanna see mine? 要看我的吗?…
[17:29.93] What? You didn't get one. 什么?你又没刺
[17:31.80] Okay. Well then,what is this? 那这是什么?
[17:36.80] What are we looking at? 我们在看什么?
[17:39.27] That blue freckle? 那颗蓝雀斑?
[17:42.77] That's my tattoo. 那是我的刺青
[17:44.31] That is not a tattoo. That is a nothing. 那不是刺青,那什么也不是
[17:47.31] I got her in the chair... 我终于逼她回去再刺…
[17:53.05] Okay,hi! 嗨
[17:56.75] For your information, this is exactly what I wanted. 这正是我想要听到的
[18:01.23] This is a tattoo of the Earth as seen from a great,great distance. 这是个 从很远的地方看到的地球
[18:07.00] It's the way my mother sees me from heaven. 我妈从天堂看到我就是这样的
[18:10.83] Oh,what a load of crap! 真是狗屁一堆
[18:14.91] That is a dot! 那是一个点
[18:16.51] Your mother's in heaven going, "Where the hell's my lily,you wuss!" 你妈正在天堂上大叫 “我的百合在哪里?狗熊”
[18:23.18] That is not a tattoo! This is a tattoo! 菲比,那不是个刺青 这才是个刺青
[18:30.75] You got a tattoo? 你去刺青了?
[18:33.82] Maybe. 或许
[18:36.26] But just a little one. Phoebe got the whole world! 只是个小的啦 菲比刺了全世界
[18:41.20] Well,let me see. 让我看看
[18:46.27] Well? 怎样?
[18:47.81] Well,it's really... 这非常的…
[18:51.04] 性感
[18:52.71] I wouldn't have thought it would be,but... 我没想到会这样,但…
[18:56.01]! …哇
[19:00.12] Really? 真的?
[19:03.49] So is it sore? Or can you do stuff? 对,所以会酸痛吗? 你可以活动吗?
[19:09.29] I guess. 可以吧
[19:11.16] Save us some pizza. 留些披萨给我们
[19:19.20] Get it out of the corner! 别窝在角落
[19:22.47] Pass it! Pass it! 传球…
[19:24.07] Stop talking to your men! 别跟你的人讲话
[19:28.71] And the table is mine. 帅,桌子是我的了
[19:34.59] Congratulations. 恭喜了
[19:49.17] You guys will still come visit me,right? 你们还是会来看我,对吧?
[19:51.54] Oh,yeah! You got the big TV. 会呀,你有大荧幕电视
[19:53.50] We'll be over there all the time. 我们会常常去的
[19:56.44] Except when we are here. 除了在这里时
[20:03.21] I know you're just moving uptown, but I'll really miss you. 我知道你只是往北搬 我还是会很想你的
[20:06.45] How can you not be across the hall anymore? 你怎会不再是我的 对门芳邻了?
[20:09.85] Who's gonna eat all of our food and tie up our phone lines 是呀,谁来吃光我们的东西 占用我们的电话…
[20:14.19] Is that my bra? 那是我的胸罩吗?
[20:18.26] -What are you doing with my bra? -It's not what you think. 你拿我的胸罩去干嘛? 不…你想歪了
[20:22.30] We used it to fling water balloons off the roof. 我们用那个来在屋顶上弹水球
[20:26.60] Remember? Those kids couldn't even get theirs across the street. 记得吗?那些初中生 连弹到对面都办不到
[20:30.94] Yeah,I remember. 是呀,我记得
[20:50.13] You want me to... 你要我…
[20:52.23] ...give you a hand with the foosball table? …帮你搬这个足球桌下去吗?
[20:56.17] You keep it. You need the practice. 不了,你留着,你需要练习
[21:01.34] Thanks. 谢了
[21:03.41] So... 所以…
[21:05.31] ... I guess this is it. …我猜就这样了
[21:07.08] Yeah,right. 是呀,对
[21:08.31] I guess so. 大概吧
[21:15.12] When am I gonna see you? 我不知道我们何时会再见?
[21:16.82] I'm guessing tonight at the coffeehouse. 我猜今晚在咖啡馆?
[21:19.16] Right. Yeah. Okay. 对呀
[21:22.53] Take care. 保重了


[00:44.-3] Oh, God! Can open. Worms everywhere! yī fà jiù bù kě shōu shí le
[00:59.-2] The next time you shower... hǎo ba, xià yī cì nǐ xǐ zǎo de shí hòu
[02:35.-2] Where you getting it? On my shoulder. nà nǐ men yào cì nǎ lǐ? wǒ xiǎng zài wǒ jiān shàng
[02:37.-2] What? shén me?
[13:23.-4] You' re the twinkie? She' s not a twinkie! nǐ shì nà gè yòu chǐ? tā bú shì gè yòu chǐ
[15:58.-2] About how I never lived alone or anything? guān yú wǒ cóng méi yí ge rén zhù guò
[17:49.-4] ... he barely touched her with the needle, she screamed and that was it. zhēn gēn běn dōu hái méi pèng dào tā tā jiù tiào qǐ lái jiān jiào táo zǒu
[20:35.-4] Let' s bring the rest of these down to the truck. zán men bǎ shèng xià de bān shàng kǎ chē
[00:04.85] Man, this is weird. lǎo xiōng, zhè hǎo jī xíng ó
[00:06.45] Ever realize Cap' n Crunch' s eyebrows are on his hat? nǐ zhī bù zhī dào cuì cuì shàng wèi de méi máo zhǎng zài mào zi shàng?
[00:09.39] That' s what' s weird? nà jiào jī xíng?
[00:10.72] The man' s been captain of a cereal for 40 years. qiáo yī, nà jiā huǒ dāng le sì shí nián zǎo cān piàn de shàng wèi
[00:17.93] What? zěn yàng?
[00:19.13] The spoon! You licked and you put. tāng chí, nǐ tiǎn wán fàng huí qù
[00:24.27] You licked and you put. nǐ tiǎn wán fàng huí qù
[00:26.60] Yeah, so? suǒ yǐ ne?
[00:28.31] Don' t you see how gross that is? It' s like you using my toothbrush! nǐ kàn bu chū nà hěn ě xīn ma? nà jiù xiàng nǐ yòng wǒ de yá shuā yí yàng
[00:33.31] You used my toothbrush? nǐ yòng wǒ de yá shuā?
[00:36.31] Only because I used the red one to unclog the drain. nà shi yīn wèi wǒ yòng hóng de nà zhǐ qù tōng pái shuǐ kǒng ma
[00:41.15] Mine is the red one! hóng sè shì wǒ de
[00:49.39] Why can' t we use the same toothbrush... wèi shí me yá shuā bù néng gòng yòng
[00:52.06] ... but we can use the same soap? féi zào jiù kě yǐ gòng yòng?
[00:54.23] Because soap is soap. It' s selfcleaning. yīn wèi féi zào shì féi zào, huì zì wǒ qīng jié
[01:00.84] ... think about the last thing I wash and the first thing you wash. xiǎng xiǎng wǒ shén me zuì hòu xǐ gēn nǐ shén me zuì xiān xǐ
[01:07.01] The One Where Joey Moves Out
[01:15.87] liù rén xíng dì 2 jì dì 16 jí qiáo yī bān zǒu le
[01:56.83] Look at you fancy lads! qiáo nǐ men dǎ bàn de
[02:00.17] What' s the occasion? yǒu shén me dà shì?
[02:01.43] You know that guy on my show that' s in a coma? zhī dào wǒ jié mù lǐ nà gè yǎn hūn mí bù xǐng de?
[02:05.34] He' s having a brunch. tā yào qǐng wǒ chī fàn
[02:08.27] Ready when you are. jiù děng nǐ le hǎo de
[02:11.04] I can' t believe you' re actually getting tattoos. zhēn bù gǎn xiāng xìn nǐ men zhēn de yào qù cì qīng le
[02:13.78] You guys are getting tattoos? nǐ men yào qù cì qīng?
[02:16.05] But you cannot tell Ross because I wanna surprise him. duì, bù néng gào sù luó sī wǒ yào gěi tā yí gè jīng xǐ
[02:19.62] Wow, this is wild! What are you gonna get? hǎo kuáng yě ó, nǐ men yào cì shén me?
[02:22.72] I' m getting a lily. wǒ yào cì yī duǒ bǎi hé
[02:25.89] For my mom, because her name' s Lily. yīn wèi wǒ mā jiù jiào bǎi hé
[02:29.69] That' s lucky. What if her name was Big Ugly Splotch? zhēn xìng yùn tā yào shì jiào dà wū diǎn zěn me bàn?
[02:38.37] What' s on your shoulder? shén me zài nǐ jiān shàng?
[02:40.71] A chip. zhòng dàn
[02:44.44] A tattoo. I' m getting a tattoo. A tattoo? shì cì qīng, wǒ yào qù cì qīng la cì qīng?
[02:47.55] Why? Why would you wanna do that? nǐ wèi shí me yào nà me zuò?
[02:51.48] You don' t think they' re kind of cool? nǐ bù jué de nà kù ma?
[02:53.82] No. Sorry, I don' t. bù, bào qiàn, wǒ bù jué de
[02:55.92] Why would anyone pay someone to scar their body for life? zěn me huì yǒu rén huā qián qù gǎo gè yī bèi zi de shāng hén?
[02:59.42] What if it doesn' t come out right? wàn yī yào shì cì dé bù hǎo ne?
[03:01.73] It' s like having a bad haircut all the time. nà bú shì biàn chéng yǒng yuǎn zài " wǒ tóu fà jiǎn chǒu le" ma?
[03:06.56] Why is everyone staring at me? dà jiā wèi shí me dōu dèng zhe wǒ?
[03:09.23] Sign this card for Dad. Richard will be here soon. luó sī, guò lái qiān gěi bà de shēng rì kǎ lǐ chá suí shí huì dào
[03:11.94] Richard' s going to the party too? lǐ chá yě yào qù cān jiā pài duì?
[03:14.01] He' s my parents' best friend. He has to go. tā shì wǒ fù mǔ zuì hǎo de péng yǒu tā bì xū qù
[03:16.61] So is today the day you' ll tell them about you two? nà nǐ dǎ suàn jīn tiān gào sù tā men nǐ men de shì ma?
[03:20.11] Yeah, for my dad' s birthday, I decided to give him a stroke. duì, wǒ bà de shēng rì wǒ jué dìng sòng tā zhòng fēng
[03:25.12] No, I think you should tell them. bù, nǐ yīng gāi gào sù tā men
[03:27.62] I don' t know how serious he is. Until I do, I won' t say anything. wǒ hái bù zhī dào tā duì wǒ yǒu duō rèn zhēn zài gǎo qīng chǔ zhī qián, wǒ shén me yě bù shuō
[03:31.26] I don' t think Mom and Dad would mind. wǒ bù zhī dào, wǒ xiǎng tā men bú huì jiè yì
[03:33.79] Remember when you were 9 and Richard was 30, Dad said... jì de nǐ jiǔ suì lǐ chá sān shí suì de shí, bà cháng shuō
[03:37.00] ... " God, I hope they get together." " tiān a zhēn xī wàng tā men zài yì qǐ"
[03:44.27] Shall we? hǎo le, jìn qù ba
[03:45.37] Okay, wait. děng děng
[03:47.44] You know what? nǐ zhī dào ma?
[03:49.14] Ross, let' s switch places. You get in the middle. luó sī, wǒ men huàn wèi zhì nǐ lái zhàn zhōng jiān
[03:52.51] This looks like we' re trying to cover something up. bù, zhè kàn qǐ lái xiàng wǒ men xiǎng yǐn mán shén me
[03:56.01] You could come in straddling him, they still wouldn' t believe it. mó nī kǎ, jiù suàn nǐ qí zhe tā jìn qù tā men yě bú huì xiāng xìn de
[04:02.22] We' re here! wǒ men lái le
[04:03.79] Hi, kids! The children! hái zi men shì hái zi men
[04:06.82] Happy birthday, Dad. Thank you. shēng rì kuài lè, bà bà xiè xiè
[04:10.00] Happy birthday! shēng rì kuài lè
[04:11.16] So you kids thanked Dr. Burke for the ride? nǐ men xiè guò bǎi dài fū zài nǐ men lái le ma?
[04:13.87] Actually, Mom, I think Monica thanked him for the both of us. mā, shì shí shàng mó nī kǎ bāng wǒ men liǎng gè xiè guò le
[04:19.54] So you kids take the train in? nǐ men dā huǒ chē lái ma?
[04:21.74] No, Richard Burke gave them a ride. bù, bǎi lǐ chá zài tā men lái de
[04:24.51] Speaking of whom... tán dào tā ya
[04:26.01] ... I hear he' s got some 20yearold twinkie in the city. tīng shuō tā zài chéng lǐ yǒu gè èr shí suì de yòu chǐ
[04:33.72] Finger cramp! Oh, God! shǒu zhǐ chōu jīn, bào qiàn
[04:36.05] Sorry. Here, let me get that, Mom. lái, ràng wǒ lái, mā
[04:40.33] So Richard' s shopping in the junior section? lǐ chá zài qīng shào nián bù" gòu wù"
[04:44.33] Are we still on that? hái zài jiǎng nà gè ma?
[04:46.03] You just know she' s got the lQ of a napkin. xiǎng yě zhī dào tā de zhì shāng yí dìng chāo dī
[04:50.17] She' s probably not even pretty. shuō bù dìng lián piào liàng dōu tán bù shàng
[04:51.84] Just young enough so that everything is still pointing up. zhǐ shì gòu nián qīng suǒ yǐ yī qiè dōu hái méi xià chuí
[05:03.88] Can you believe this place? nǐ xiāng xìn zhè gè dì fāng ma?
[05:05.25] I know. This is a great apartment. wǒ zhī dào, zhè gè gōng yù hěn bàng
[05:07.35] In the bathroom there' s mirrors on both sides of you. wǒ gāng qù guò yù shì liǎng biān qiáng shàng dōu yǒu jìng zi
[05:10.46] When you' re in there, it' s like peeing with the Rockettes. niào niào de shí hòu jiù hǎo xiàng yǒu yī pái rén zài pái pái niào
[05:14.29] Well, there' s my fantasy come true. wǒ de mèng xiǎng shí xiàn le
[05:17.40] Seriously. bù, shuō zhēn de
[05:20.63] We were just saying, great apartment! wǒ men zhèng zài zàn měi nǐ de gōng yù, lǎo xiōng
[05:22.90] Thanks. You want it? xiè le, nǐ yào ma?
[05:25.10] I' m moving to a bigger place. wǒ yào bān qù yí gè gèng dà de
[05:26.77] You should take this one. nǐ zhēn de yìng gāi zū xià lái
[05:29.14] Can you see me in a place like this? nǐ kàn wǒ huì zhù zhè zhòng dì fāng ma?
[05:31.48] Why not? You hate park views and high ceilings? yǒu hé bù kě ne? nǐ tǎo yàn gōng yuán jǐng guān gēn gāo tiān huā bǎn ma?
[05:34.81] Come on, I' ll show you the kitchen. lái ba, wǒ dài nǐ qù kàn chú fáng
[05:38.58] That' s all right, I saw a kitchen this morning. bù yòng le, xiōng dì wǒ jīn zǎo zài diàn shì shàng
[05:41.29] On TV. kàn guò yí gè chú fáng
[05:42.59] Stop talking. Okay! bú yào zài shuō le
[05:46.16] Come on, tell us! ls she really 20? lái ma, gào sù wǒ men duì, tā zhēn zhǐ yǒu èr shí?
[05:48.93] I am not telling you guys anything. nǐ men xiū xiǎng bī wǒ shuō shí mǒ
[05:51.06] Come on, it' s my birthday. Let me live vicariously! lái ma, lǐ chá, jīn tiān shì wǒ shēng rì ràng wǒ guò yī xià gàn yǐn ma
[05:54.60] Dad, you really don' t want to do that. bà, nǐ zhēn de bú huì xiǎng nà yàng zuò
[05:56.93] What' s a little midlife crisis between friends? gēn péng yǒu fēn xiǎng yī xià nǐ de zhōng nián wēi jī ma
[05:59.84] Would you let it go? jié kè, nǐ bié shuō le, hǎo ma?
[06:01.57] I know what you' re going through. When I turned 50, I got the Porsche. wǒ liǎo jiě nǐ zài zuò shí mǒ wǒ wǔ shí shí mǎi le bù bǎo shí jié
[06:05.18] You got your own little speedster. nǐ yǒu zì jǐ de xiǎo" jiā sù qì"
[06:08.28] Seriously, it' s not like that. Tell you what. gè wèi, shuō zhēn de, bú shì xiàng nà yàng zhè yàng ba
[06:11.42] Maybe one of these weekends you can borrow the car and I could huò xǔ zhǎo gè zhōu mò wǒ chē zi jiè nǐ, nǐ de xiǎo
[06:15.62] Dad, I beg you not to finish that sentence! bà, wǒ qiú nǐ bú yào shuō wán nà gè jù zi
[06:18.32] What? I' m kidding! zěn me? wǒ zài dòu tā
[06:20.33] You know I' d never let him touch the Porsche. wǒ cái bú huì ràng tā pèng wǒ de bǎo shí jié
[06:30.77] Okay, Rach. ā qiū
[06:33.00] Which lily? This lily or that lily? nǎ yī duǒ bǎi hé? zhè yī duǒ huò nà yī duǒ?
[06:36.11] Well, l I like this lily. wǒ wǒ xǐ huān zhè duǒ
[06:38.64] It' s more open and that' s like my mom. kāi dé bǐ jiào dà, jiù xiàng wǒ mā
[06:41.31] She had a more open, giving spirit. tā yǒu bǐ jiào kāi fàng jǐ yǔ de jīng shén
[06:44.28] Foghorn Leghorn! wù hào mài gān
[06:48.02] Blonde girl? You' re in room two. jīn fà de, nǐ qù dì èr jiān
[06:50.46] Notsoblonde girl, you' re with me. méi nà me jīn de, nǐ gēn wǒ lái
[06:53.66] Here we go! zǒu ba
[06:56.29] You' re not going. nǐ bù jìn qù?
[06:59.16] Is this because of what Ross said? zěn me le? shì yīn wèi luó sī de huà ma?
[07:04.07] Well, yeah, maybe. I don' t believe this. shì la, huò xǔ wǒ zhēn bù gǎn xiāng xìn
[07:06.84] Is this how this relationship works? Ross equals boss? nǐ men de guān xì zhè yàng wéi chí ma? luó sī shì lǎo bǎn?
[07:11.84] Come on, what is this, 1922? shǎo lái le xiàn zài shì 1922 nián ma?
[07:14.65] What' s 1922? 1922 nián yǒu shén me?
[07:16.81] Just, you know, a long time ago. zhǐ shì hěn jiǔ yǐ qián ma
[07:20.65] When men used to tell women what to do a lot. dāng shí shì nǚ rén hěn duō shì dé tīng nán rén de shí dài
[07:24.16] Then there was suffrage, which was a good thing. But it sounds horrible. rán hòu hái yǒu tóu piào quán nà shi jiàn hǎo shì, dàn tīng qǐ lái hěn kě pà
[07:31.16] Do you want this tattoo? nǐ dào dǐ yào bú yào cì?
[07:32.76] Yes, I do. It' s just that Ross wǒ yào a, zhǐ shì luó sī tā
[07:35.87] Is your boyfriend the boss of you? nǐ nán yǒu shì nǐ de lǎo bǎn ma?
[07:41.04] Who is the boss of you? nà hǎo, shuí shì nǐ de lǎo bǎn?
[07:44.11] You? nǐ?
[07:46.88] You are the boss of you! bù, nǐ shì nǐ de lǎo bǎn
[07:49.11] You march in there and get that tattoo on your hip! nǐ xiàn zài gěi wǒ jìn qù bǎ nà kē hóng xīn cì shǎng qù
[07:52.68] Go! qù
[08:00.19] How you doing? nǐ zěn me le?
[08:01.59] I' m a twinkie! wǒ shì gè yòu chǐ
[08:04.30] Really? I' m a hero. zhēn de? wǒ shì yīng xióng
[08:09.30] This is so hard. zhè hǎo nán ó
[08:11.24] Yeah, I know. I hate it too. shì ya, wǒ zhī dào, wǒ yě tǎo yàn zhè yàng
[08:14.57] Look, maybe we should just tell them. tīng zhe, huò xǔ wǒ men yīng gāi shuō chū lái
[08:17.48] Maybe we should just tell your parents first. huò xǔ wǒ men yīng gāi xiān gào sù nǐ fù mǔ
[08:20.71] My parents are dead. wǒ fù mǔ sǐ le
[08:23.48] God, you are so lucky! nǐ zhēn xìng yùn
[08:27.55] I mean Well, you know what I mean. bù, wǒ shì shuō nǐ dǒng wǒ yì sī
[08:30.49] Just hang in there, okay? rěn nài yī xià, hǎo ma?
[08:33.12] Okay, I' ll go out first, all right? wǒ xiān chū qù, hǎo ma?
[08:41.17] Judy! Going to the bathroom. Good for you! zhū dì, shàng xǐ shǒu jiān ya, yǒu nǐ de
[08:47.67] Thank you, Richard. I appreciate the support. xiè xiè, lǐ chá, hěn gǎn jī nǐ de zhī chí
[08:55.58] Honey. mì táng
[08:57.42] Seen my Harmon Kille brew bat? Bob doesn' t believe I have one. nǐ yǒu méi yǒu kàn dào wǒ de qí hā méng qiú bàng lǎo bào bù xiāng xìn wǒ yǒu
[09:00.69] I have no idea. wǒ bù zhī dào
[09:02.79] Did you know Richard has a twinkie in the city? nǐ zhī dào lǐ chá zài chéng lǐ yǒu gè yòu chǐ ma?
[09:07.02] I know. He' s a new man. It' s like a scene from Cocoon. wǒ zhī dào, tā xiàng gè quán xīn de nán rén hǎo xiàng jìn le" mó jiǎn" yí yàng
[09:11.33] I just never would have pictured Richard with a bimbo. wǒ zěn me yě wú fǎ huàn xiǎng lǐ chá hé xiǎo bèn mèi zài yì qǐ
[09:14.77] He told Johnny Shapiro that she' s quite a girl. xiǎn rán tā gào sù shā qiáng ní nà gè nǚ hái bù cuò
[09:17.84] He told Johnny that he thinks he' s falling in love with her. shì shí shàng, tā gào sù qiáng ní tā xiǎng tā ài shàng tā le
[09:21.64] Really? I' ve never seen him this happy. zhēn de? gào sù nǐ, wǒ méi jiàn tā zhè me kuài lè guò
[09:24.38] So, Jack... jié kè
[09:26.28] ... ever think about trading me in for a younger model? nǐ yǒu méi yǒu xiǎng guò ná wǒ qù huàn gè nián qīng xiǎo niū ér?
[09:29.18] Of course not. dāng rán méi yǒu
[09:31.48] With you, it' s like I' ve got two 25yearolds. nǐ bù jiù děng yú liǎng gè èr wǔ jiā rén?
[09:38.56] Oh, Jack, stop! jié kè, zhù shǒu
[09:40.46] Come on! lái ma
[09:43.00] It' s my birthday! jīn tiān shì wǒ shēng rì
[09:49.67] Can we drop this? bié shuō le, hǎo ma?
[09:51.07] I am not interested in the guy' s apartment. wǒ duì nà jiā huǒ de gōng yù méi xìng qù
[09:53.57] Oh, please. I saw the way you were checking out his moldings. bài tuō, wǒ kàn dào nǐ jiǎn chá tā fáng zi zhuāng shì de yàng zi
[09:58.01] You want it. nǐ xiǎng yào
[09:59.18] Why would I want another apartment? wǒ gàn ma yào lìng wài yí gè fáng zi?
[10:01.51] I' ve already got an apartment that I love. wǒ yǐ jīng yǒu gè wǒ ài de fáng zi le
[10:03.92] It wouldn' t kill you to say it once in a while. shì ma, ǒu ěr zhè yàng shuō shuō yòu bú huì sǐ
[10:09.85] All right. You want the truth? I' m thinking about it. hǎo ba, xiǎng tīng shí huà ma? wǒ dí què zài kǎo lǜ
[10:14.93] What? I' m sorry. shén me? bào qiàn
[10:16.76] I' m 28. I' ve never lived alone... wǒ jīn nián 28 le cóng méi zì jǐ zhù guò
[10:19.83] ... and I' m at a place where I got enough money... ér wǒ zhōng yú zhuàn dào zú gòu de qián
[10:23.00] ... that I don' t need a roommate. kě yǐ ràng wǒ bù zài xū yào shì yǒu
[10:25.94] I don' t need a roommate either. wǒ yě bù xū yào shì yǒu a
[10:28.21] I can afford to live here by myself. zì jǐ zhù zhè lǐ wǒ yě fù dān dé qǐ
[10:31.01] I may have to bring in somebody once a week to lick the silverware. wǒ huò xǔ yí gè lǐ bài de qǐng yī cì rén lái tiǎn wǒ de cān jù
[10:35.78] Why are you getting so bent out of shape? nǐ lǎo xiōng huǒ qì gàn ma nà me dà
[10:38.18] We didn' t agree to live together forever. wǒ men yòu méi shuō yào yǒng yuǎn zhù zài yì qǐ
[10:40.75] We' re not Bert and Ernie. wǒ men yòu bú shì lián tǐ yīng
[10:44.46] You know what? zhī dào ma?
[10:45.76] If this is the way you feel... rú guǒ nǐ zhè yàng jué de
[10:47.79] ... then maybe you should take it. nà huò xǔ nǐ yīng gāi bān qù
[10:50.56] That' s how I feel. Then maybe you should take it! wǒ shì nà yàng jué de nà huò xǔ nǐ yīng gāi bān qù
[10:52.93] Maybe I will! nà huò xǔ wǒ huì
[10:54.07] Fine with me! Great! nà hǎo hěn hǎo
[10:55.70] You can spend more quality time with your real friends... nǐ jiù yǒu duō diǎn shí jiān gēn nǐ zhēn zhèng de péng yǒu hùn
[10:58.60] ... the spoons! nǐ de tāng chí
[11:01.31] Whose drink can I freshen? shuí hái yào jiā diǎn yǐn liào?
[11:05.11] Almost time for cake! kuài yào qiē dàn gāo le
[11:17.72] Mon, are you okay? mó nī kǎ? nǐ hái hǎo ma?
[11:19.59] You remember that video I found of Mom and Dad? jì de wǒ fā xiàn bà mā de nà juǎn lù yǐng dài ma?
[11:24.00] Well, I just caught the live show. wǒ gāng kàn le xiàn chǎng xiù
[11:38.21] Hey, there. What? hāi zěn yàng?
[11:41.01] Nothing. I just heard something nice about you. méi shén me wǒ gāng tīng dào nǐ de hǎo huà
[11:46.05] Really? zhēn de?
[11:50.22] Your son isn' t seeing anyone, is he? Not that I know of. nǐ ér zi xiàn zài méi nǚ péng yǒu ba? jù wǒ suǒ zhī, méi yǒu
[11:53.92] I was thinking, why doesn' t he give Monica a call? wǒ shì zài xiǎng tā hé bù dǎ gè diàn huà gěi mó nī kǎ?
[12:01.03] That' s an idea. nà shì gè zhǔ yì
[12:03.10] Well, actually, I' m already seeing someone. shì shí shàng, wǒ yǐ jīng yǒu nán yǒu le
[12:06.40] Oh? shì ma?
[12:11.71] She never tells us anything. zhè hái zi shén me shì dōu bù jiǎng
[12:13.78] Ross, did you know Monica' s seeing someone? luó sī nǐ zhī dào mó nī kǎ yǒu nán yǒu le ma?
[12:16.48] Mom, there are so many people in my life. mā, wǒ zhōu zāo yǒu hǎo duō hǎo duō rén
[12:20.32] Some are seeing people and some aren' t. yǒu xiē rén yǒu nán péng yǒu, yǒu xiē rén méi yǒu
[12:23.25] Is that crystal? nà shi shuǐ jīng de ma?
[12:27.66] So who' s the mystery man? nà gè shén mì nán zǐ shì shuí?
[12:30.23] Well, he' s a doctor. tā shì gè yī shēng
[12:32.80] A real doctor? zhēn zhèng de yī shēng?
[12:34.47] No, a doctor of meat. bù, tā shì yán jiū ròu de
[12:37.40] Of course he' s a real doctor. tā dāng rán shì zhēn de yī shēng
[12:39.60] And he' s handsome. tā hěn yīng jùn
[12:42.14] And he' s sweet, and I know you' d like him. rén hěn hǎo wǒ zhī dào nǐ huì xǐ huān tā
[12:45.14] Well, that' s wonderful. nà tài bàng le
[12:53.15] Mom, it' s okay. mā, méi guān xì
[12:55.45] It is, Judy. méi cuò, zhū dì
[12:56.65] Jack! jié kè
[13:00.02] Could you come in here for a moment? qǐng nǐ jìn lái yī xià, hǎo ma?
[13:03.26] Now! xiàn zài
[13:05.10] Found it! I' ll take that, Dad. zhǎo dào le jiāo gěi wǒ, bà
[13:11.37] It seems your daughter and Richard are something of an item. nǐ nǚ ér gēn lǐ zhā kàn lái sì hū shì yī duì
[13:16.44] That' s impossible. He' s got a twinkie in the city. nà bù kě néng, tā zài chéng lǐ yǒu gè yòu chǐ
[13:21.28] I' m the twinkie. bà, wǒ shì nà gè yòu chǐ
[13:25.62] Look, this is the best relationship I' ve been in hǎo ba, tīng zhe, gè wèi zhè shì wǒ yǒu guò zuì bàng de guān xì
[13:28.62] Oh, please! A relationship? bài tuō, guān xì?
[13:31.52] Yes, a relationship! duì, guān xì
[13:33.16] For your information, I' m crazy about this man. nǐ men qǐng tīng hǎo wǒ wèi zhè gè nán rén fēng kuáng
[13:35.63] Really? zhēn de?
[13:38.90] Am I supposed to stand here and listen to this on my birthday? wǒ shēng rì hái yào zhàn zài zhè lǐ tīng nǐ shuō zhèi xiē guǐ huà ma?
[13:43.47] This is a good thing. You said you' ve never seen Richard happier. zhè shì jiàn hǎo shì, nǐ zì jǐ yě shuō nǐ méi jiàn lǐ chá nà me kuài lè guò
[13:47.84] When did I say that? wǒ hé shí shuō de?
[13:48.87] Upstairs in the bathroom, right before you felt up Mom! lóu shàng de yù shì a, nǐ mō mā zhī qián
[13:53.58] Happy birthday to you zhù nǐ shēng rì kuài lè
[13:56.15] Happy birthday to you zhù nǐ shēng rì kuài lè
[13:59.92] Happy birthday, dear Jack zhù nǐ shēng rì kuài lè, jié kè
[14:04.72] Happy birthday to you zhù nǐ shēng rì kuài lè
[14:10.56] It looks so good! Oh, I love it. hǎo piào liàng ó, wǒ hǎo xǐ huān
[14:14.06] I know, so do l! I' m so glad you made me do this. wǒ zhī dào, wǒ yě shì fēi bǐ, wǒ hào gāo xìng nǐ bī wǒ cì
[14:17.40] Okay, let me see yours. ràng wǒ kàn nǐ de
[14:22.94] Let' s see yours again. zài qiáo qiáo nǐ de
[14:25.58] We just saw mine. Let me see yours. fēi bǐ, wǒ de cái gāng kàn guò ràng wǒ kàn nǐ de
[14:31.08] Oh, no! bù
[14:33.62] It' s gone! That' s so weird. bú jiàn le, hào gǔ guài ó
[14:36.25] I don' t know how, where it went. bù zhī dào qù nǎ lǐ le
[14:41.13] You didn' t get it? nǐ méi cì?
[14:44.09] Why not? nǐ wèi shí me méi cì?
[14:45.26] I' m sorry! I' m sorry! duì bù qǐ
[14:46.93] How could you do this to me? This was your idea! fēi bǐ, nǐ zěn me kě yǐ zhè yàng duì wǒ? zhè quán shì nǐ de zhǔ yì
[14:49.70] I know! I was gonna get it, but he came in with this needle. wǒ zhī dào wǒ běn lái shì yào cì de kě shì tā ná zhe zhēn zǒu jìn lái
[14:53.47] And did you know they do this with needles? nǐ zhī dào tā men shì yòng zhēn cì de ma?
[14:57.37] Really? You don' t say? zhēn de? zhēn de ma?
[14:59.31] Because mine was licked on by kittens! yīn wèi wǒ de shì māo tiǎn shǎng qù de
[15:06.62] I' m sorry about what tīng zhe, jīn tiān de shì wǒ hěn bào qiàn
[15:08.32] Yeah, me too. I know. wǒ yě shì wǒ zhī dào
[15:13.66] Do we need to hug? wǒ men xū yào bào yī xià ma?
[15:17.00] No, we' re all right. bù, méi guān xì
[15:20.06] So I got you something. wǒ yǒu dōng xī sòng nǐ
[15:22.93] Plastic spoons! sù jiāo tāng chí
[15:26.60] Great! Lick away, my man! tài bàng le tiǎn ba, lǎo xiōng
[15:30.31] These will go great in my new place till I get real ones. zhè zài wǒ de xīn jiā huì hěn hǎo yòng xiān yìng fù yìng fù
[15:34.85] What? shén me?
[15:36.41] I can' t use these forever. They' re no friend of the environment. wǒ bù néng yǒng yuǎn yòng sù jiāo tāng chí zhè bù huán bǎo
[15:41.25] No, I mean what' s this about your new place? bù wǒ shì shuō nǐ shuō shí mǒ xīn jiā?
[15:44.59] I' m moving out, like we talked about. wǒ yào bān chū qù, xiàng wǒ men tán guò de
[15:46.59] I didn' t think that was serious. wǒ bù zhī dào nǐ shì rèn zhēn de
[15:50.79] You know, I thought that was just a fight. wǒ yǐ wéi wǒ men zhǐ shì zài chǎo jià
[15:53.53] Well, it was a fight... wǒ men shì chǎo jià le
[15:55.50] ... based on serious stuff, remember? yǒu gēn yǒu jù de, jì de ma?
[16:00.34] I think it would be good for me. Help me to grow... wǒ zhǐ shì xiǎng, zhè duì wǒ yǒu hǎo chù bāng wǒ chéng zhǎng
[16:03.81] ... or whatever. zhī lèi de
[16:09.15] Well, there you go. nà jiù shì le
[16:12.55] Hey, are you cool with this? zhè nǐ méi wèn tí ba?
[16:15.05] I don' t wanna leave you high and dry. wǒ bù xiǎng ràng nǐ jué de bèi yí qì le
[16:17.02] I' ve never been lower or wetter. bù, wǒ yě bú huì jué de gèng yú kuài de
[16:21.36] I' ll be fine. I' ll just turn your... wǒ bú yào jǐn de wǒ jiù bǎ nǐ de fáng jiān
[16:23.66] ... bedroom into a game room. gǎi chéng yóu xì shì zhī lèi de hǎo le
[16:25.46] Put the foosball table in there. bǎ zú qiú zhuō fàng zài lǐ miàn
[16:29.53] Why do you get to keep the table? nà zhuō zi wèi shí me gāi guī nǐ?
[16:34.34] I did pay for half of it. wǒ fù le yī bàn de qián
[16:39.68] I paid for the other half. duì, wǒ fù le lìng yī bàn
[16:41.31] I' ll tell you what. I' ll play you for it. zhè yàng ba, shuí yíng shuí de
[16:44.88] All right, you' re on. hǎo ya, méi wèn tí
[16:46.32] I can take two minutes out of my day to kick your ass. wǒ kě yǐ chōu chū shí jiān lái tòng zǎi nǐ yī dùn
[16:50.72] Your men will get scored on more times than your sister. wǒ dé de fēn huì bǐ nǐ mèi bèi shàng guò de cì shù hái duō
[17:01.73] Which sister? nǎ yī ge mèi mei?
[17:06.77] So are you sorry that I told them? nǐ hòu huǐ wǒ gào sù tā men ma?
[17:09.27] No. It' s been a long time since your dad and I went running. bù, wǒ gēn nǐ bà hǎo jiǔ méi qù pǎo bù le
[17:17.85] Did you get it? nǐ men cì le ma? gěi wǒ kàn
[17:19.08] ls Ross here? He went out for pizza. luó sī zài ma? bù zài, tā qù mǎi pī sà
[17:21.12] Okay, really quick. yī xià jiù hǎo
[17:24.25] That' s great! hǎo piào liàng
[17:25.56] Very tasteful. hěn yǒu pǐn wèi
[17:27.86] Wanna see mine? Wanna see mine? yào kàn wǒ de ma?
[17:29.93] What? You didn' t get one. shén me? nǐ yòu méi cì
[17:31.80] Okay. Well then, what is this? nà zhè shì shén me?
[17:36.80] What are we looking at? wǒ men zài kàn shén me?
[17:39.27] That blue freckle? nà kē lán què bān?
[17:42.77] That' s my tattoo. nà shi wǒ de cì qīng
[17:44.31] That is not a tattoo. That is a nothing. nà bú shì cì qīng, nà shén me yě bú shì
[17:47.31] I got her in the chair... wǒ zhōng yú bī tā huí qù zài cì
[17:53.05] Okay, hi! hāi
[17:56.75] For your information, this is exactly what I wanted. zhè zhèng shì wǒ xiǎng yào tīng dào de
[18:01.23] This is a tattoo of the Earth as seen from a great, great distance. zhè shì gè cóng hěn yuǎn de dì fāng kàn dào de dì qiú
[18:07.00] It' s the way my mother sees me from heaven. wǒ mā cóng tiān táng kàn dào wǒ jiù shì zhè yàng de
[18:10.83] Oh, what a load of crap! zhēn shì gǒu pì yī duī
[18:14.91] That is a dot! nà shi yí gè diǎn
[18:16.51] Your mother' s in heaven going, " Where the hell' s my lily, you wuss!" nǐ mā zhèng zài tiān táng shàng dà jiào " wǒ de bǎi hé zài nǎ lǐ? gǒu xióng"
[18:23.18] That is not a tattoo! This is a tattoo! fēi bǐ, nà bú shì gè cì qīng zhè cái shì gè cì qīng
[18:30.75] You got a tattoo? nǐ qù cì qīng le?
[18:33.82] Maybe. huò xǔ
[18:36.26] But just a little one. Phoebe got the whole world! zhǐ shì gè xiǎo de la fēi bǐ cì le quán shì jiè
[18:41.20] Well, let me see. ràng wǒ kàn kàn
[18:46.27] Well? zěn yàng?
[18:47.81] Well, it' s really... zhè fēi cháng de
[18:51.04] ... sexy. xìng gǎn
[18:52.71] I wouldn' t have thought it would be, but... wǒ méi xiǎng dào huì zhè yàng, dàn
[18:56.01] ... wow! wa
[19:00.12] Really? zhēn de?
[19:03.49] So is it sore? Or can you do stuff? duì, suǒ yǐ huì suān tòng ma? nǐ kě yǐ huó dòng ma?
[19:09.29] I guess. kě yǐ ba
[19:11.16] Save us some pizza. liú xiē pī sà gěi wǒ men
[19:19.20] Get it out of the corner! bié wō zài jiǎo luò
[19:22.47] Pass it! Pass it! chuán qiú
[19:24.07] Stop talking to your men! bié gēn nǐ de rén jiǎng huà
[19:28.71] And the table is mine. shuài, zhuō zi shì wǒ de le
[19:34.59] Congratulations. gōng xǐ le
[19:49.17] You guys will still come visit me, right? nǐ men hái shì huì lái kàn wǒ, duì ba?
[19:51.54] Oh, yeah! You got the big TV. huì ya, nǐ yǒu dà yíng mù diàn shì
[19:53.50] We' ll be over there all the time. wǒ men huì cháng cháng qù de
[19:56.44] Except when we are here. chú le zài zhè lǐ shí
[20:03.21] I know you' re just moving uptown, but I' ll really miss you. wǒ zhī dào nǐ zhǐ shì wǎng běi bān wǒ hái shì huì hěn xiǎng nǐ de
[20:06.45] How can you not be across the hall anymore? nǐ zěn huì bù zài shì wǒ de duì mén fāng lín le?
[20:09.85] Who' s gonna eat all of our food and tie up our phone lines shì ya, shuí lái chī guāng wǒ men de dōng xī zhàn yòng wǒ men de diàn huà
[20:14.19] Is that my bra? nà shi wǒ de xiōng zhào ma?
[20:18.26] What are you doing with my bra? It' s not what you think. nǐ ná wǒ de xiōng zhào qù gàn ma? bù nǐ xiǎng wāi le
[20:22.30] We used it to fling water balloons off the roof. wǒ men yòng nà gè lái zài wū dǐng shàng dàn shuǐ qiú
[20:26.60] Remember? Those kids couldn' t even get theirs across the street. jì de ma? nèi xiē chū zhōng shēng lián dàn dào duì miàn dōu bàn bú dào
[20:30.94] Yeah, I remember. shì ya, wǒ jì de
[20:50.13] You want me to... nǐ yào wǒ
[20:52.23] ... give you a hand with the foosball table? bāng nǐ bān zhè gè zú qiú zhuō xià qù ma?
[20:56.17] You keep it. You need the practice. bù liǎo, nǐ liú zhe, nǐ xū yào liàn xí
[21:01.34] Thanks. xiè le
[21:03.41] So... suǒ yǐ
[21:05.31] ... I guess this is it. wǒ cāi jiù zhè yàng le
[21:07.08] Yeah, right. shì ya, duì
[21:08.31] I guess so. dà gài ba
[21:15.12] When am I gonna see you? wǒ bù zhī dào wǒ men hé shí huì zài jiàn?
[21:16.82] I' m guessing tonight at the coffeehouse. wǒ cāi jīn wǎn zài kā fēi guǎn?
[21:19.16] Right. Yeah. Okay. duì ya
[21:22.53] Take care. bǎo zhòng le