Friends S02E15

歌曲 Friends S02E15
歌手 英语听力
专辑 老友记(第二季)


[00:49.-3] Oh,yes! 哦,帅
[03:59.-1] -Sorry we're late. -That's okay. Come on in. 抱歉来迟了 没关系,请进
[04:37.-3] The head tilt? 歪头?
[05:54.-2] But they're so dull! They're all ophthalmologists. 可是他们好乏味 他们都是眼科医生
[06:08.-1] But you stay out there! 不,我懂了,你留在那里
[06:47.-4] I don't think so. I mean,like,he's a grownup. 我不认为 我是说,他是个大人
[09:43.-3] Rub it? 揉呢?
[09:58.-1] ...yet somehow its expensive paint job... …可是它那昂贵的烤漆…
[11:45.-4] That sounds... …听起来…
[12:05.-2] I'm going to look into your eyes now. 我现在要看你的眼睛了
[12:25.-3] Now look at me. 现在看我
[14:21.-2] She's lying. 她说谎
[14:30.-4] Why are you dressed up? 摩妮卡,打扮得这么美干嘛?
[18:24.-1] We don't really have to decide anything right now,do we? 我们不用现在就决定什么 对吧?
[18:45.-2] I'm sorry. Why don't we find someplace else? 什么?对不起 我们…去别家餐厅好了
[21:45.-1] I can't believe I'm waking up next to you. 真不敢相信我会在你身边醒来
[00:02.55] All right,no peeking. 好了,不准偷看…
[00:04.38] No peeking. 不准偷看
[00:05.48] No peeking. No peeking! 不准偷看…
[00:07.59] All right,but you better be wearing clothes when I open my eyes. 不过我张开眼睛时 你最好穿着衣服
[00:14.06] All right. Open your eyes! 好了,张开眼睛
[00:20.93] Sweet mother of all that is good and pure! 妈妈咪呀,我的小乖乖
[00:25.24] Days of our Lives picked up my option! “我们的日子”跟我续约了
[00:27.24] -Congratulations! -I know! 恭喜 我知道!
[00:30.31] Now we can watch Green Acres the way it was meant to be seen. 现在我们终于可以 比较像样地看“绿色大地”了
[00:36.68] So which one is mine? 哪一张是我的?
[00:38.18] Whichever one you want,man. Whichever one you want! 随你喜欢哪一张 随你喜欢哪一张
[00:43.25] Not that one. 那张不行
[00:51.46] Oh,yeah! That's the stuff. 哦,帅,这才叫生活
[00:57.37] Do we dare? 我们敢吗?
[00:59.20] We dare. 我们敢
[01:06.38] The One Where Ross and Rachel...You Know
[01:15.87] 六人行 第2季 第15集 罗斯和瑞秋生米煮成...
[01:54.39] I can't believe two cows made the ultimate sacrifice... 真不敢相信两条牛的牺牲是…
[01:57.50] you could watch TV with your feet up. …让你们跷起二郞腿来看电视
[02:00.03] No,they were chair-shaped cows. 不,它们是椅形牛
[02:03.07] They never would have survived in the wild. 它们在野外无法生存的
[02:06.24] This screen is amazing. Dick Van Dyke is practically life-size. 这个荧幕太炫了 狄凡戴看起来跟真人一样大
[02:13.08] Rose Marie belongs on a smaller screen,doesn't she? 露丝玛丽不该上这么大的荧幕 对不对?
[02:17.15] Hi,you guys. 嗨,各位
[02:19.92] Hey,you. 嘿,你
[02:28.26] How was your day? 你今天怎么样?
[02:29.59] You know,pretty much the usual. 和平常没什么不同
[02:32.26] Sun shining,birds chirping. 晴空万里,鸟儿欢唱
[02:34.33] Really? Mine too. 真的?我的也是
[02:35.67] Hey,cool! Mine too! 酷,我的也是
[02:40.91] I gotta get to the museum. 我得去馆里一趟
[02:43.91] So I'll see you tonight? 我们今晚见?
[02:52.55] Bye,guys! 再见,各位
[02:56.25] Tonight? 今晚?
[03:00.26] -What's tonight? -Our first official date. 今晚怎样? 第一个正式的约会
[03:03.03] Our first date. 第一次约会
[03:06.53] Hello? 哈罗?
[03:08.63] Hi. 嗨
[03:11.54] You're supposed to waitress for me? My catering thing? 今晚你说要替我 跑堂的派对餐点那件事?
[03:14.64] -Any of that trigger anything? -Oh,God,Monica. I forgot! 我的话有没有让你想起什么? 哦,天啊,摩妮卡,我忘了
[03:18.44] This is our first date. 这是我们的第一次约会
[03:20.25] -Yes,but my mom got me this job. -I can be a waitress! 但这工作是我妈帮我找的 我可以当服务生
[03:23.45] Thank you,thank you. See? Phoebe! Phoebe! 谢谢…菲比…
[03:26.82] Really,Pheebs? You'd have to be an actual waitress. 真的,菲菲? 你必须真的当服务生
[03:30.12] This can't be like your "I can be a bear cub" thing. 这不是像 “我可以当小熊”之类的
[03:33.39] I can be a waitress. Okay,watch this. 我可以当服务生,瞧我的
[03:36.13] Give me two number ones, 86 the bacon... 给我两份一号餐 培根要八六分熟…
[03:38.63] Adam and Eve on a raft and wreck them! …一份亚当夏娃叠吐司
[03:55.61] It's James Bond! 是007
[04:02.42] Is Monica Geller coming? I was told she was. 对不起,盖勒摩妮卡来不来? 我听说她要来
[04:05.46] Dr. Burke,it's me. 柏大夫,是我
[04:07.53] Monica? 摩妮卡?
[04:09.16] My God! You used to be so.... 老天,你以前好…
[04:11.36] I mean,you've You must have lost like.... 我是说你…你一定减了…
[04:17.60] You look great. 你美极了
[04:19.10] Thank you. 谢谢…
[04:20.14] This is Phoebe. She'll be helping me. 这是我朋友菲比 她今天晚上来帮忙
[04:22.54] Nice to meet you. 菲比,幸会
[04:29.05] -So how you been? -Great. How have you been? 你近来如何? 很好呀,很好,你呢?
[04:32.45] Obviously you know Barbara and I split up... 你大概也知道 我跟芭芭拉分手了…
[04:34.79] ...or you wouldn't do the head tilt. …不然你不会来歪头那一招
[04:38.49] Since the divorce, everybody asks how I am... 对,自从离了婚 当别人向我问好时…
[04:41.03] ...with a sympathetic head tilt. "How you doing? You okay?" …他们总是同情地歪头问 “你好吗?不要紧吧?”
[04:45.53] I'm sorry. 对不起
[04:47.30] It's fine. Believe me,I do it too. 不…没关系 相信我,我也一样
[04:49.80] I always answer with the "I'm okay" head bob. "I'm okay." 我总是以点头来表示 “我没事”
[04:54.24] "You're sure?" “你确定?”
[04:55.31] "Yeah,I'm fine." “对,我没事”
[04:57.41] I gotta set up the music. I got a new CD changer. 听着,我得去放音乐了 我有个自动换片音响
[05:00.25] Of course,the divorce only left me with four CDs to change. 当然了,离婚的结果 我只剩四张CD可换了
[05:04.42] That's too bad. 真不幸
[05:06.38] I'll survive. 死不了的
[05:11.82] Two larges,extra cheese on both. 两份大的,起士都要双份
[05:15.56] But listen... 听着…
[05:17.20] ...don't ring the buzzer for 19. …别按十九号的电铃
[05:20.03] Ring 20. Geller/Greene. 按二十号,高林寓
[05:23.00] They'll let you in,okay? 她们会开门,懂吗?
[05:28.04] If you buzz our door, there's no tip for you. 按我们的门铃就没小费
[05:32.11] Okay,thanks. 谢了
[05:35.61] Pizza's on the way. I told you we wouldn't have to get up. 薄饼马上就来 我说我们不用起来的
[05:40.35] What if we have to pee? 如果要尿尿呢?
[05:45.46] I'll cancel the sodas. 我把汽水取消
[05:51.80] Get back out there. It's your party! 你必须回去里面 这是你的派对
[05:57.60] You're an ophthalmologist. 你也是眼科医生
[05:59.10] Because my parents wanted me to be. I wanted to be a sheriff. 那是因为我父母要我那样 我本来想当警长的
[06:04.74] That's funny. Cadillac,cataract. I get it. 真好笑 白内衣,白内障,我懂了
[06:11.15] -You see? -I tell you what. 瞧 好,这样吧
[06:13.08] I'll come get you in five minutes with some sort of kebob emergency. 五分钟后我来叫你 就说烤肉出了问题好了
[06:19.42] Better. 好吧,你最好这么做
[06:20.63] Oh,God,here we go. 天,我去了
[06:22.89] Hey,want to see them go nuts? 要看他们发狂吗?
[06:25.20] Watch this. 瞧我的
[06:27.60] Who needs glasses? 谁需要杯子?
[06:36.64] You are so smitten. 你好神魂颠倒哦
[06:38.61] I am not! 我才没有
[06:40.28] Oh,you are so much the smitten kitten. 你是只神魂颠倒的小猫咪
[06:44.62] -You should ask him out. -Dr. Burke? 你应该约他 柏大夫?
[06:51.79] So? You two are totally into each other. 所以呢? 你们两个完全互相着迷
[06:55.43] He's a friend of my parents. He's like 20 years older than me. 菲比,他是我父母的朋友 他比我大二十岁
[06:59.16] So you're never gonna see him again? 那你就再也不跟他见面了?
[07:02.10] Not never. 不是永远
[07:04.30] I'm gonna see him tomorrow at my eye appointment. 我明天约好了 要去他那儿检查眼睛
[07:08.34] -Didn't you just get your eyes checked? -Yeah,but you know... 你不是才检查过眼睛吗? 是啊,但是…
[07:12.18] ... 27 is... 27是个应该…
[07:14.45] ...a dangerous eye age. …小心眼睛的年龄
[07:21.35] I'm not saying it was a bad movie. I'm just saying it was a little... 我不是说这部电影不好 我只是说这电影有一点点…
[07:25.92] ... hard to follow. …难懂
[07:27.76] I told you there'd be subtitles. 我说过会有字幕的
[07:29.93] I know. 我知道
[07:32.60] I just didn't want to wear my glasses on our first date. 我只是不想 在第一次约会戴眼镜
[07:44.31] Monica? 摩妮卡?
[07:49.05] It would help when I'm kissing if you didn't shout my sister's name. 我亲你时你不叫我老妹的名字 会很有帮助
[07:53.89] Honey,I'm just checking. 蜜糖,只是检查看看
[07:56.62] -Monica? -Mon? 摩妮卡?… 摩妮卡?
[08:29.75] What? 怎么了?
[08:31.89] I'm sorry. 抱歉
[08:33.26] It's just,when you moved your hands down to my butt... 对不起 只是当你的手滑到我屁股上时…
[08:36.56] was,like,"Whoa! Ross' hands are on my butt!" 就像“哇 罗斯在摸我屁股”,抱歉
[08:41.77] And that's funny. Why? 很好笑,为什么呢?
[08:45.44] Well,it's not. 那不好笑
[08:47.27] I'm sorry. I guess I'm just nervous. 我是说,对不起 我猜我是有点紧张
[08:49.74] I mean,it's you. 这是你啊
[08:51.94] You know,it's us. 是我们啊
[08:53.78] We're crossing that line. It's sort of a big thing. 我们在越过那条线 那是件大事
[08:57.68] Well,I know it's big. I just didn't know it was ha-ha big. 我知道很大 我只是不知道这有…哈哈大
[09:13.63] Okay,my hands were nowhere near your butt. 我的手离你屁股好远
[09:16.70] I know,I know,I know! 我知道…
[09:18.30] I was thinking about when they were there the last time. 我只是想到 你的手上次在那里那回
[09:21.71] I'm sorry,I'm sorry. Okay,look! I promise. 对不起… 听着,我保证我会乖
[09:24.44] I won't laugh anymore. Put your hands back there. 我不会再乱笑了 把手放回去
[09:27.71] No,see,now I can't. 不,现在…换我不行了
[09:31.42] -I feel self-conscious. -Just one cheek. 我觉得太不自然了 一边脸颊就好
[09:35.22] The moment's gone. 不,那一刻过去了
[09:36.39] -I'll back up into your hands. -That's romantic. 把手伸出来,我自己钻进去 好“浪漫”
[09:39.79] - Touch it. -No. 来吧,摸一下 不要
[09:40.89] -Oh,come on,squeeze it. -No! 来吧,捏一下 不要
[09:44.13] Oh,come on! Would you just grab my ass? 来嘛,你抓我屁股,好吗?
[09:54.37] Wow! Look at that! The car is on fire... 你瞧瞧,车子起火了…
[10:01.28] protected by the Miracle Wax. …却被奇迹蜡保护得毫发无伤
[10:06.45] You've got a Cheeto on your face,man. 你脸上有条起士,老兄
[10:20.03] Aren't you supposed to be out with Rachel? 你来这儿干什么? 不是要跟瑞秋出去吗?
[10:23.00] That was 14 hours ago. 那是十四个小时前
[10:26.50] So how'd it go? 那结果如何?
[10:28.64] Have you ever been,you know, fooling around with a girl... 听着,你们有没有试过 跟一个女孩亲热…
[10:33.48] ...and she started laughing? …然后她开始笑起来…
[10:37.65] But it was 1982... 有啊,不过那是1982年…
[10:39.32] ...and my Flock of Seagulls haircut was tickling her chin. …我的“天地一群鸥”发型 让她的下巴发痒
[10:46.16] She laughed at you? 怎么?她笑你吗?
[10:48.09] I've been wanting this since ninth grade typing. 我从九年级的打字课起 就想这一刻了
[10:51.33] And I just want it to be perfect... 我只是希望一切能完美…
[10:54.73] ...and right and.... …顺利,而…
[10:57.90] Why isn't that laser beam cutting through the paint? 雷射光束为什么切不断烤漆?
[11:01.34] -It's the Miracle Wax! -lt certainly is a miracle. 是奇迹蜡的关系 那绝对是一项奇迹
[11:04.68] Hi,you guys. 各位
[11:08.55] Listen,I was thinking about.... 听着,我在想…
[11:11.18] Can you guys speak up? 听着,你们可以大声点吗?
[11:12.78] It's harder for us to hear you when you lower your voice. 你们放低声音 我们反而更听不到
[11:18.86] I'm sorry about last night. I really want to make it up to you. 昨晚的事我很抱歉 我真的真的很想补偿你
[11:23.69] There's no need to make it up 你不需要补偿我…
[11:26.20] How? …怎么个补偿法?
[11:28.90] Well,I was thinking maybe a romantic dinner... 我在想 或许来顿浪漫的晚餐…
[11:33.10] ...with candles and wine. …烛光加上美酒
[11:37.14] And then maybe going back to my place... 或许回我那边去…
[11:41.88] ...for dessert. …点心?
[11:46.62] ... perfect? …很完美?
[11:56.13] What's this? 这是什么?
[11:57.29] Would you get us a couple of beers? 帮忙买两瓶啤酒,好吗?
[12:07.67] Really? 真的?
[12:09.84] That's my job. 对,那是我的工作
[12:12.61] All right. 好
[12:13.64] Look up. 看上面
[12:16.28] Look down. 看下面
[12:17.48] Now,open your eyes and look down. 不,张开眼睛看下面
[12:20.58] That's right. 那就对了
[12:22.00] Look into the light. 看光线这里
[12:38.14] Your eyes look good. Those are good eyes. 看起来很好,很好的眼睛
[12:41.31] Good. They feel good. 很好,它们觉得很好
[12:43.94] In my head. 在我头上
[12:50.51] -lt was great to see you. -You too. 见到你真好 彼此
[12:54.19] You too. 彼此
[13:00.00] Goodbye. 再见了
[13:03.23] Drops! 眼药水
[13:05.80] Here,they're free. 眼药水,来,免费的
[13:10.30] Thanks. 谢谢
[13:13.37] I better be going. 我最好走了
[13:14.84] Yeah,I'll see you later. 对,咱们改天见
[13:16.81] Thanks again. 再次谢了
[13:32.39] We have to get you lazy boys out of these chairs. 我们得把你们 这两只懒猪弄起来
[13:38.76] You should go outside and be with the three-dimensional people. 你们应该走出这里 去跟三度空间的人打交道
[13:43.33] No. Inside good. 不,里面好
[13:47.07] Outside bad. 外面坏
[13:50.24] You guys are so pathetic. 你们真是太可悲了
[13:52.58] Oh,Xanadu! “仙纳度”
[13:58.02] She's one of us now. 她加入会员了
[14:04.76] We just wanted to stop by and say good night. 我们只是想过来跟各位道晚安
[14:07.63] Good night. 晚安
[14:10.06] They won't even turn their heads. 你瞧瞧,他们连头都不回
[14:12.13] All right,you guys. I'm taking off my shirt. 好了,各位,我要脱上衣了
[14:24.48] Stop sending food to our apartment! 别再叫吃的去我们家
[14:31.48] You're not the only one with a date. 今晚又不是只有你有约会而已
[14:33.58] -What? You have a date? Who with? -No one. 什么?你有约会?跟谁? 没有谁
[14:36.22] Come on,what's his name? 他叫什么名字嘛?
[14:38.02] Nothing. 没什么
[14:39.76] Come on,tell me. 来嘛,告诉我
[14:41.76] All right,but I'm very excited about this,okay? 好吧,不过这件事 我非常兴奋,懂吗?
[14:44.83] So promise you won't get big-brothery and judgmental. 你得保证 你不会摆出大哥架子来教训我
[14:48.10] I promise. What? 我保证,是谁?
[14:49.67] -It's Richard Burke. -Who's Richard Burke? 是柏理查 柏理查是谁?
[14:52.34] Dr. Burke? 柏大夫?
[14:54.91] You have a date with Dr. Burke? Why? Why? Why... 你要跟柏大夫约会? 为什么…
[14:58.31] ...should that bother me? …我会不高兴呢
[15:01.01] I love that man. He's like a... 我爱那傢伙他就像…
[15:03.01] ...a brother to Dad. …爸爸的兄弟
[15:06.15] He is the brightest,most sophisticated, sexiest man I've ever been with. 他正好是我交过的男人中 最聪明,最成熟,最性感的
[15:11.32] Dr. Burke is sexy? 柏大夫性感?
[15:12.69] Oh,God! Absolutely! 天啊,绝对是
[15:17.29] Damn! 该死
[15:18.80] It's the museum again. Can l? 又是馆里找我 我可以…
[15:22.37] -Dr. Burke kissed me once. -When? 柏大夫亲过我一次 什么时候?
[15:25.00] When I was 7,I crashed my bike right out in front of his house... 我七岁时我骑单车 在他家门前摔了跤…
[15:29.34] ...and to stop me from crying, he kissed me right here. …为了让我停止哭泣 他亲我这里
[15:33.34] -Oh,you are so lucky! -I know. 你好幸运 我知道
[15:36.55] Australopithecus isn't supposed to be in that display. 南方古猿不应该在那个展览的
[15:42.22] No,Homo habilis was erect. Australopithecus was never fully erect. 不…能人是挺起的 南方古猿从来不是完全挺起的
[15:46.89] Well,maybe he was nervous. 或许他是紧张罢了
[15:56.13] Oh,look! I can't believe this! 看,我真不敢相信
[15:58.80] Homo habilis can't use tools yet, and they've got him with clay pots? 能人根本还没学会使用工具 他们竟然还给他陶罐
[16:03.17] Why don't they just give him a microwave? 不如给他一个微波炉算了
[16:07.01] I'm sorry this is taking so long. 抱歉我花了那么多时间
[16:09.38] It's longer than I expected. We will have dinner. 这比我想像的还花时间 我们会吃晚饭的
[16:12.65] That's okay. 没关系,不要紧
[16:13.82] Karl! 卡尔
[16:17.52] Oh,God. 天啊
[16:31.87] -Wow! Is that Michelle? -Yep. 那是米雪吗? 对
[16:34.87] I've not seen her since high-school graduation. 高中毕业后就没见过她了
[16:37.68] Oh,my God,that night she got so dru 老天,那天晚上她好醉…
[16:43.08] Emotional. 激动
[16:44.62] You know,she's having another baby. 你知道她又要生了吗?
[16:47.28] -I thought she just had one. -No,no. Henry's almost 2. 我以为她才刚生过 不…亨利快两岁了
[16:51.56] And he's talking and everything. Here. 他讲话啊什么都会,看
[16:55.76] The other day he told me he liked me better than his other grandpa. 前几天他告诉我 他喜欢我胜过他的爷爷
[16:59.80] In all fairness,his other grandpa's a drunk,but still.... 公平说来,他的爷爷是酒鬼 但还是…
[17:06.04] You're a grandpa. 你是个爷爷
[17:17.21] Are we nuts here? 我们疯了吗?
[17:19.55] I don't know. Maybe. 我不知道,或许
[17:22.55] I mean,I'm dating a man whose pool I once peed in. 我是说 我在你游泳池里尿尿过
[17:26.82] I didn't need to know that. 我不需要知道那个
[17:30.00] I guess 21 years is a lot. 我猜21年是差太多了
[17:32.83] I mean,hell,I'm a whole person who can drink older than you. 去他的 我比你老了整整一个饮酒年龄
[17:47.58] So maybe we should just.... 那么,或许我们应该就…
[17:53.42] Maybe.... 对…或许…
[17:58.66] Wow. 哇
[18:02.46] This really sucks. 这真的太逊了
[18:04.00] Yeah,it sure does. 是呀,可不是吗?
[18:27.45] No,there's no rush or anything. 不…我们一点都不用急
[18:31.19] -Pizza delivery! -Oh,I'm gonna kill those guys! 送薄饼来 我要杀了那两个人
[18:39.36] I'm done. 我好了
[18:41.53] Yeah,well,you know what? So is Sorentino's. 对,不过餐厅也打烊了
[18:48.47] It's late. Everything will be closed. We'll do it another night. 很晚了,所有餐厅都打烊了 我们改天晚上再吃好了
[18:52.08] No,no,we won't. 不…不要
[18:53.71] We won't? 不要?
[18:55.75] Come on. 来吧
[18:57.68] Okay,that's dead,right? 那是死的,对吧?
[19:01.92] What are we doing? 这是什么?我们在干嘛?
[19:03.72] -Do you want Cranapple or Cran-Grape? -Grape. 你要红莓苹果或红莓葡萄? 葡萄
[19:09.53] Okay,now... 现在…
[19:11.33] ...sit. …坐下
[19:17.20] Oh,my God! 天啊
[19:20.44] Billions of years ago, Earth was only 数十亿年前,地球只是…
[19:25.91] Sorry. 抱歉
[19:32.25] So what are we looking at? 我们在看什么?
[19:34.55] Well,you see that little cluster of stars next to the big one? 你看那边… 那一大团旁边那一小堆星星
[19:39.09] That is Ursa Major. 那是大熊座
[19:42.13] -Really? -No idea. It could be. 真的? 我不知道,有可能
[19:48.40] Listen,I'm sorry I had to work tonight. 听着,抱歉我今晚必须工作
[19:51.27] Oh,that's okay. 没关系
[19:53.40] You were worth the wait. 你值得我等
[19:56.31] And I don't just mean tonight. 我指的不只是今晚
[20:08.22] You're not laughing. 你没笑
[20:10.49] This time it's not so funny. 这次没那么好笑了
[20:45.79] Oh,God! 天啊!
[20:48.43] Honey? 甜心
[20:49.83] That's okay. 没关系
[20:52.43] What? 什么?
[20:54.43] Oh,no. You just rolled over the juice box. 不,你刚刚压到了果汁
[21:05.78] Thank God! 谢天谢地
[21:37.47] Hey,you. 嘿,你
[21:48.25] I know. It is pretty unbel 我知道,是很令人难以…
[21:53.00] We're not alone. 怎么了?
[22:20.82] Is that the fire alarm? 是火警警报器吗?
[22:27.86] It's not warm yet. We still have time. 还没变热,还有时间
[22:31.90] -Cool. -Yeah,yeah. Cool! 酷 对,酷


[00:49.-3] Oh, yes! ó, shuài
[03:59.-1] Sorry we' re late. That' s okay. Come on in. bào qiàn lái chí le méi guān xì, qǐng jìn
[04:37.-3] The head tilt? wāi tóu?
[05:54.-2] But they' re so dull! They' re all ophthalmologists. kě shì tā men hǎo fá wèi tā men dōu shì yǎn kē yī shēng
[06:08.-1] But you stay out there! bù, wǒ dǒng le, nǐ liú zài nà li
[06:47.-4] I don' t think so. I mean, like, he' s a grownup. wǒ bù rèn wéi wǒ shì shuō, tā shì gè dà rén
[09:43.-3] Rub it? róu ne?
[09:58.-1] ... yet somehow its expensive paint job... kě shì tā nà áng guì de kǎo qī
[11:45.-4] That sounds... tīng qǐ lái
[12:05.-2] I' m going to look into your eyes now. wǒ xiàn zài yào kàn nǐ de yǎn jīng le
[12:25.-3] Now look at me. xiàn zài kàn wǒ
[14:21.-2] She' s lying. tā shuō huǎng
[14:30.-4] Why are you dressed up? mó nī kǎ, dǎ bàn de zhè me měi gàn ma?
[18:24.-1] We don' t really have to decide anything right now, do we? wǒ men bù yòng xiàn zài jiù jué dìng shén me duì ba?
[18:45.-2] I' m sorry. Why don' t we find someplace else? shén me? duì bù qǐ wǒ men qù bié jiā cān tīng hǎo le
[21:45.-1] I can' t believe I' m waking up next to you. zhēn bù gǎn xiāng xìn wǒ huì zài nǐ shēn biān xǐng lái
[00:02.55] All right, no peeking. hǎo le, bù zhǔn tōu kàn
[00:04.38] No peeking. bù zhǔn tōu kàn
[00:05.48] No peeking. No peeking! bù zhǔn tōu kàn
[00:07.59] All right, but you better be wearing clothes when I open my eyes. bù guò wǒ zhāng kāi yǎn jīng shí nǐ zuì hǎo chuān zhuó yī fú
[00:14.06] All right. Open your eyes! hǎo le, zhāng kāi yǎn jīng
[00:20.93] Sweet mother of all that is good and pure! mā mā mī ya, wǒ de xiǎo guāi guāi
[00:25.24] Days of our Lives picked up my option! " wǒ men de rì zi" gēn wǒ xù yuē le
[00:27.24] Congratulations! I know! gōng xǐ wǒ zhī dào!
[00:30.31] Now we can watch Green Acres the way it was meant to be seen. xiàn zài wǒ men zhōng yú kě yǐ bǐ jiào xiàng yàng dì kàn" lǜ sè dà dì" le
[00:36.68] So which one is mine? nǎ yī zhāng shì wǒ de?
[00:38.18] Whichever one you want, man. Whichever one you want! suí nǐ xǐ huān nǎ yī zhāng suí nǐ xǐ huān nǎ yī zhāng
[00:43.25] Not that one. nà zhāng bù xíng
[00:51.46] Oh, yeah! That' s the stuff. ó, shuài, zhè cái jiào shēng huó
[00:57.37] Do we dare? wǒ men gǎn ma?
[00:59.20] We dare. wǒ men gǎn
[01:06.38] The One Where Ross and Rachel... You Know
[01:15.87] liù rén xíng dì 2 jì dì 15 jí luó sī hé ruì qiū shēng mǐ zhǔ chéng...
[01:54.39] I can' t believe two cows made the ultimate sacrifice... zhēn bù gǎn xiāng xìn liǎng tiáo niú de xī shēng shì
[01:57.50] ... so you could watch TV with your feet up. ràng nǐ men qiāo qǐ èr láng tuǐ lái kàn diàn shì
[02:00.03] No, they were chairshaped cows. bù, tā men shì yǐ xíng niú
[02:03.07] They never would have survived in the wild. tā men zài yě wài wú fǎ shēng cún de
[02:06.24] This screen is amazing. Dick Van Dyke is practically lifesize. zhè gè yíng mù tài xuàn le dí fán dài kàn qǐ lái gēn zhēn rén yí yàng dà
[02:13.08] Rose Marie belongs on a smaller screen, doesn' t she? lù sī mǎ lì bù gāi shàng zhè me dà de yíng mù duì bú duì?
[02:17.15] Hi, you guys. hāi, gè wèi
[02:19.92] Hey, you. hēi, nǐ
[02:28.26] How was your day? nǐ jīn tiān zěn me yàng?
[02:29.59] You know, pretty much the usual. hé píng cháng méi shén me bù tóng
[02:32.26] Sun shining, birds chirping. qíng kōng wàn lǐ, niǎo ér huān chàng
[02:34.33] Really? Mine too. zhēn de? wǒ de yě shì
[02:35.67] Hey, cool! Mine too! kù, wǒ de yě shì
[02:40.91] I gotta get to the museum. wǒ dé qù guǎn lǐ yī tàng
[02:43.91] So I' ll see you tonight? wǒ men jīn wǎn jiàn?
[02:52.55] Bye, guys! zài jiàn, gè wèi
[02:56.25] Tonight? jīn wǎn?
[03:00.26] What' s tonight? Our first official date. jīn wǎn zěn yàng? dì yí gè zhèng shì de yuē huì
[03:03.03] Our first date. dì yī cì yuē huì
[03:06.53] Hello? hā luó?
[03:08.63] Hi. hāi
[03:11.54] You' re supposed to waitress for me? My catering thing? jīn wǎn nǐ shuō yào tì wǒ pǎo táng de pài duì cān diǎn nà jiàn shì?
[03:14.64] Any of that trigger anything? Oh, God, Monica. I forgot! wǒ de huà yǒu méi yǒu ràng nǐ xiǎng qǐ shén me? ó, tiān a, mó nī kǎ, wǒ wàng le
[03:18.44] This is our first date. zhè shì wǒ men de dì yī cì yuē huì
[03:20.25] Yes, but my mom got me this job. I can be a waitress! dàn zhè gōng zuò shì wǒ mā bāng wǒ zhǎo de wǒ kě yǐ dāng fú wù shēng
[03:23.45] Thank you, thank you. See? Phoebe! Phoebe! xiè xiè fēi bǐ
[03:26.82] Really, Pheebs? You' d have to be an actual waitress. zhēn de, fēi fēi? nǐ bì xū zhēn dí dàng fú wù shēng
[03:30.12] This can' t be like your " I can be a bear cub" thing. zhè bú shì xiàng " wǒ kě yǐ dāng xiǎo xióng" zhī lèi de
[03:33.39] I can be a waitress. Okay, watch this. wǒ kě yǐ dāng fú wù shēng, qiáo wǒ de
[03:36.13] Give me two number ones, 86 the bacon... gěi wǒ liǎng fèn yī hào cān péi gēn yào bā liù fēn shú
[03:38.63] ... one Adam and Eve on a raft and wreck them! yī fèn yà dāng xià wá dié tǔ sī
[03:55.61] It' s James Bond! shì 007
[04:02.42] Is Monica Geller coming? I was told she was. duì bù qǐ, gài lēi mó nī kǎ lái bù lái? wǒ tīng shuō tā yào lái
[04:05.46] Dr. Burke, it' s me. bǎi dài fū, shì wǒ
[04:07.53] Monica? mó nī kǎ?
[04:09.16] My God! You used to be so.... lǎo tiān, nǐ yǐ qián hǎo
[04:11.36] I mean, you' ve You must have lost like.... wǒ shì shuō nǐ nǐ yí dìng jiǎn le
[04:17.60] You look great. nǐ měi jí le
[04:19.10] Thank you. xiè xiè
[04:20.14] This is Phoebe. She' ll be helping me. zhè shì wǒ péng yǒu fēi bǐ tā jīn tiān wǎn shàng lái bāng máng
[04:22.54] Nice to meet you. fēi bǐ, xìng huì
[04:29.05] So how you been? Great. How have you been? nǐ jìn lái rú hé? hěn hǎo ya, hěn hǎo, nǐ ne?
[04:32.45] Obviously you know Barbara and I split up... nǐ dà gài yě zhī dào wǒ gēn bā bā lā fēn shǒu le
[04:34.79] ... or you wouldn' t do the head tilt. bù rán nǐ bú huì lái wāi tóu nà yī zhāo
[04:38.49] Since the divorce, everybody asks how I am... duì, zì cóng lí le hūn dāng bié rén xiàng wǒ wèn hǎo shí
[04:41.03] ... with a sympathetic head tilt. " How you doing? You okay?" tā men zǒng shì tóng qíng dì wāi tóu wèn " nǐ hǎo ma? bú yào jǐn ba?"
[04:45.53] I' m sorry. duì bù qǐ
[04:47.30] It' s fine. Believe me, I do it too. bù méi guān xì xiāng xìn wǒ, wǒ yě yí yàng
[04:49.80] I always answer with the " I' m okay" head bob. " I' m okay." wǒ zǒng shì yǐ diǎn tóu lái biǎo shì " wǒ méi shì"
[04:54.24] " You' re sure?" " nǐ què dìng?"
[04:55.31] " Yeah, I' m fine." " duì, wǒ méi shì"
[04:57.41] I gotta set up the music. I got a new CD changer. tīng zhe, wǒ dé qù fàng yīn yuè le wǒ yǒu gè zì dòng huàn piàn yīn xiǎng
[05:00.25] Of course, the divorce only left me with four CDs to change. dāng rán le, lí hūn de jié guǒ wǒ zhǐ shèng sì zhāng CD kě huàn le
[05:04.42] That' s too bad. zhēn bù xìng
[05:06.38] I' ll survive. sǐ bù liǎo de
[05:11.82] Two larges, extra cheese on both. liǎng fèn dà de, qǐ shì dōu yào shuāng fèn
[05:15.56] But listen... tīng zhe
[05:17.20] ... don' t ring the buzzer for 19. bié àn shí jiǔ hào de diàn líng
[05:20.03] Ring 20. Geller Greene. àn èr shí hào, gāo lín yù
[05:23.00] They' ll let you in, okay? tā men huì kāi mén, dǒng ma?
[05:28.04] If you buzz our door, there' s no tip for you. àn wǒ men de mén líng jiù méi xiǎo fèi
[05:32.11] Okay, thanks. xiè le
[05:35.61] Pizza' s on the way. I told you we wouldn' t have to get up. báo bǐng mǎ shàng jiù lái wǒ shuō wǒ men bù yòng qǐ lái de
[05:40.35] What if we have to pee? rú guǒ yào niào niào ne?
[05:45.46] I' ll cancel the sodas. wǒ bǎ qì shuǐ qǔ xiāo
[05:51.80] Get back out there. It' s your party! nǐ bì xū huí qù lǐ miàn zhè shì nǐ de pài duì
[05:57.60] You' re an ophthalmologist. nǐ yě shì yǎn kē yī shēng
[05:59.10] Because my parents wanted me to be. I wanted to be a sheriff. nà shi yīn wèi wǒ fù mǔ yào wǒ nà yàng wǒ běn lái xiǎng dāng jǐng cháng de
[06:04.74] That' s funny. Cadillac, cataract. I get it. zhēn hǎo xiào bái nèi yī, bái nèi zhàng, wǒ dǒng le
[06:11.15] You see? I tell you what. qiáo hǎo, zhè yàng ba
[06:13.08] I' ll come get you in five minutes with some sort of kebob emergency. wǔ fēn zhōng hòu wǒ lái jiào nǐ jiù shuō kǎo ròu chū le wèn tí hǎo le
[06:19.42] Better. hǎo ba, nǐ zuì hǎo zhè me zuò
[06:20.63] Oh, God, here we go. tiān, wǒ qù le
[06:22.89] Hey, want to see them go nuts? yào kàn tā men fā kuáng ma?
[06:25.20] Watch this. qiáo wǒ de
[06:27.60] Who needs glasses? shuí xū yào bēi zi?
[06:36.64] You are so smitten. nǐ hǎo shén hún diān dǎo ó
[06:38.61] I am not! wǒ cái méi yǒu
[06:40.28] Oh, you are so much the smitten kitten. nǐ shì zhǐ shén hún diān dǎo de xiǎo māo mī
[06:44.62] You should ask him out. Dr. Burke? nǐ yīng gāi yuē tā bǎi dài fū?
[06:51.79] So? You two are totally into each other. suǒ yǐ ne? nǐ men liǎng gè wán quán hù xiāng zháo mí
[06:55.43] He' s a friend of my parents. He' s like 20 years older than me. fēi bǐ, tā shì wǒ fù mǔ de péng yǒu tā bǐ wǒ dà èr shí suì
[06:59.16] So you' re never gonna see him again? nà nǐ jiù zài yě bù gēn tā jiàn miàn le?
[07:02.10] Not never. bú shì yǒng yuǎn
[07:04.30] I' m gonna see him tomorrow at my eye appointment. wǒ míng tiān yuē hǎo le yào qù tā nà ér jiǎn chá yǎn jīng
[07:08.34] Didn' t you just get your eyes checked? Yeah, but you know... nǐ bú shì cái jiǎn chá guò yǎn jīng ma? shì a, dàn shì
[07:12.18] ... 27 is... 27 shì gè yīng gāi
[07:14.45] ... a dangerous eye age. xiǎo xīn yǎn jīng de nián líng
[07:21.35] I' m not saying it was a bad movie. I' m just saying it was a little... wǒ bú shì shuō zhè bù diàn yǐng bù hǎo wǒ zhǐ shì shuō zhè diàn yǐng yǒu yì diǎn diǎn
[07:25.92] ... hard to follow. nán dǒng
[07:27.76] I told you there' d be subtitles. wǒ shuō guò huì yǒu zì mù de
[07:29.93] I know. wǒ zhī dào
[07:32.60] I just didn' t want to wear my glasses on our first date. wǒ zhǐ shì bù xiǎng zài dì yī cì yuē huì dài yǎn jìng
[07:44.31] Monica? mó nī kǎ?
[07:49.05] It would help when I' m kissing if you didn' t shout my sister' s name. wǒ qīn nǐ shí nǐ bù jiào wǒ lǎo mèi de míng zì huì hěn yǒu bāng zhù
[07:53.89] Honey, I' m just checking. mì táng, zhǐ shì jiǎn zhā kàn kàn
[07:56.62] Monica? Mon? mó nī kǎ? mó nī kǎ?
[08:29.75] What? zěn me le?
[08:31.89] I' m sorry. bào qiàn
[08:33.26] It' s just, when you moved your hands down to my butt... duì bù qǐ zhǐ shì dāng nǐ de shǒu huá dào wǒ pì gǔ shàng shí
[08:36.56] ... it was, like," Whoa! Ross' hands are on my butt!" jiù xiàng" wa luó sī zài mō wǒ pì gǔ", bào qiàn
[08:41.77] And that' s funny. Why? hěn hǎo xiào, wèi shí me ne?
[08:45.44] Well, it' s not. nà bù hǎo xiào
[08:47.27] I' m sorry. I guess I' m just nervous. wǒ shì shuō, duì bù qǐ wǒ cāi wǒ shì yǒu diǎn jǐn zhāng
[08:49.74] I mean, it' s you. zhè shì nǐ a
[08:51.94] You know, it' s us. shì wǒ men a
[08:53.78] We' re crossing that line. It' s sort of a big thing. wǒ men zài yuè guò nà tiáo xiàn nà shi jiàn dà shì
[08:57.68] Well, I know it' s big. I just didn' t know it was haha big. wǒ zhī dào hěn dà wǒ zhǐ shì bù zhī dào zhè yǒu hā hā dà
[09:13.63] Okay, my hands were nowhere near your butt. wǒ de shǒu lí nǐ pì gǔ hǎo yuǎn
[09:16.70] I know, I know, I know! wǒ zhī dào
[09:18.30] I was thinking about when they were there the last time. wǒ zhǐ shì xiǎng dào nǐ de shǒu shàng cì zài nà li nà huí
[09:21.71] I' m sorry, I' m sorry. Okay, look! I promise. duì bù qǐ tīng zhe, wǒ bǎo zhèng wǒ huì guāi
[09:24.44] I won' t laugh anymore. Put your hands back there. wǒ bú huì zài luàn xiào le bǎ shǒu fàng huí qù
[09:27.71] No, see, now I can' t. bù, xiàn zài huàn wǒ bù xíng le
[09:31.42] I feel selfconscious. Just one cheek. wǒ jué de tài bù zì rán le yī biān liǎn jiá jiù hǎo
[09:35.22] The moment' s gone. bù, nà yī kè guò qù le
[09:36.39] I' ll back up into your hands. That' s romantic. bǎ shǒu shēn chū lái, wǒ zì jǐ zuān jìn qù hǎo" làng màn"
[09:39.79] Touch it. No. lái ba, mō yī xià bú yào
[09:40.89] Oh, come on, squeeze it. No! lái ba, niē yī xià bú yào
[09:44.13] Oh, come on! Would you just grab my ass? lái ma, nǐ zhuā wǒ pì gǔ, hǎo ma?
[09:54.37] Wow! Look at that! The car is on fire... nǐ qiáo qiáo, chē zi qǐ huǒ le
[10:01.28] ... is protected by the Miracle Wax. què bèi qí jī là bǎo hù dé háo fà wú shāng
[10:06.45] You' ve got a Cheeto on your face, man. nǐ liǎn shàng yǒu tiáo qǐ shì, lǎo xiōng
[10:20.03] Aren' t you supposed to be out with Rachel? nǐ lái zhè ér gàn shén me? bú shì yào gēn ruì qiū chū qù ma?
[10:23.00] That was 14 hours ago. nà shi shí sì gè xiǎo shí qián
[10:26.50] So how' d it go? nà jié guǒ rú hé?
[10:28.64] Have you ever been, you know, fooling around with a girl... tīng zhe, nǐ men yǒu méi yǒu shì guò gēn yí gè nǚ hái qīn rè
[10:33.48] ... and she started laughing? rán hòu tā kāi shǐ xiào qǐ lái
[10:37.65] But it was 1982... yǒu a, bù guò nà shi 1982 nián
[10:39.32] ... and my Flock of Seagulls haircut was tickling her chin. wǒ de" tiān dì yī qún ōu" fà xíng ràng tā de xià bā fā yǎng
[10:46.16] She laughed at you? zěn me? tā xiào nǐ ma?
[10:48.09] I' ve been wanting this since ninth grade typing. wǒ cóng jiǔ nián jí de dǎ zì kè qǐ jiù xiǎng zhè yī kè le
[10:51.33] And I just want it to be perfect... wǒ zhǐ shì xī wàng yī qiè néng wán měi
[10:54.73] ... and right and.... shùn lì, ér
[10:57.90] Why isn' t that laser beam cutting through the paint? léi shè guāng shù wèi shí me qiè bù duàn kǎo qī?
[11:01.34] It' s the Miracle Wax! lt certainly is a miracle. shì qí jī là de guān xì nà jué duì shì yī xiàng qí jī
[11:04.68] Hi, you guys. gè wèi
[11:08.55] Listen, I was thinking about.... tīng zhe, wǒ zài xiǎng
[11:11.18] Can you guys speak up? tīng zhe, nǐ men kě yǐ dà shēng diǎn ma?
[11:12.78] It' s harder for us to hear you when you lower your voice. nǐ men fàng dī shēng yīn wǒ men fǎn ér gèng tīng bu dào
[11:18.86] I' m sorry about last night. I really want to make it up to you. zuó wǎn de shì wǒ hěn bào qiàn wǒ zhēn dí zhēn de hěn xiǎng bǔ cháng nǐ
[11:23.69] There' s no need to make it up nǐ bù xū yào bǔ cháng wǒ
[11:26.20] How? zěn me gè bǔ cháng fǎ?
[11:28.90] Well, I was thinking maybe a romantic dinner... wǒ zài xiǎng huò xǔ lái dùn làng màn de wǎn cān
[11:33.10] ... with candles and wine. zhú guāng jiā shang měi jiǔ
[11:37.14] And then maybe going back to my place... huò xǔ huí wǒ nà biān qù
[11:41.88] ... for dessert. diǎn xīn?
[11:46.62] ... perfect? hěn wán měi?
[11:56.13] What' s this? zhè shì shén me?
[11:57.29] Would you get us a couple of beers? bāng máng mǎi liǎng píng pí jiǔ, hǎo ma?
[12:07.67] Really? zhēn de?
[12:09.84] That' s my job. duì, nà shi wǒ de gōng zuò
[12:12.61] All right. hǎo
[12:13.64] Look up. kàn shàng miàn
[12:16.28] Look down. kàn xià miàn
[12:17.48] Now, open your eyes and look down. bù, zhāng kāi yǎn jīng kàn xià miàn
[12:20.58] That' s right. nà jiù duì le
[12:22.00] Look into the light. kàn guāng xiàn zhè lǐ
[12:38.14] Your eyes look good. Those are good eyes. kàn qǐ lái hěn hǎo, hěn hǎo de yǎn jīng
[12:41.31] Good. They feel good. hěn hǎo, tā men jué de hěn hǎo
[12:43.94] In my head. zài wǒ tóu shàng
[12:50.51] lt was great to see you. You too. jiàn dào nǐ zhēn hǎo bǐ cǐ
[12:54.19] You too. bǐ cǐ
[13:00.00] Goodbye. zài jiàn le
[13:03.23] Drops! yǎn yào shuǐ
[13:05.80] Here, they' re free. yǎn yào shuǐ, lái, miǎn fèi de
[13:10.30] Thanks. xiè xiè
[13:13.37] I better be going. wǒ zuì hǎo zǒu le
[13:14.84] Yeah, I' ll see you later. duì, zán men gǎi tiān jiàn
[13:16.81] Thanks again. zài cì xiè le
[13:32.39] We have to get you lazy boys out of these chairs. wǒ men dé bǎ nǐ men zhè liǎng zhǐ lǎn zhū nòng qǐ lái
[13:38.76] You should go outside and be with the threedimensional people. nǐ men yīng gāi zǒu chū zhè lǐ qù gēn sān dù kōng jiān de rén dǎ jiāo dào
[13:43.33] No. Inside good. bù, lǐ miàn hǎo
[13:47.07] Outside bad. wài miàn huài
[13:50.24] You guys are so pathetic. nǐ men zhēn shì tài kě bēi le
[13:52.58] Oh, Xanadu! " xiān nà dù"
[13:58.02] She' s one of us now. tā jiā rù huì yuán le
[14:04.76] We just wanted to stop by and say good night. wǒ men zhǐ shì xiǎng guò lái gēn gè wèi dào wǎn ān
[14:07.63] Good night. wǎn ān
[14:10.06] They won' t even turn their heads. nǐ qiáo qiáo, tā men lián tóu dōu bù huí
[14:12.13] All right, you guys. I' m taking off my shirt. hǎo le, gè wèi, wǒ yào tuō shàng yī le
[14:24.48] Stop sending food to our apartment! bié zài jiào chī de qù wǒ men jiā
[14:31.48] You' re not the only one with a date. jīn wǎn yòu bú shì zhǐ yǒu nǐ yǒu yuē huì ér yǐ
[14:33.58] What? You have a date? Who with? No one. shén me? nǐ yǒu yuē huì? gēn shuí? méi yǒu shuí
[14:36.22] Come on, what' s his name? tā jiào shén me míng zì ma?
[14:38.02] Nothing. méi shén me
[14:39.76] Come on, tell me. lái ma, gào sù wǒ
[14:41.76] All right, but I' m very excited about this, okay? hǎo ba, bù guò zhè jiàn shì wǒ fēi cháng xīng fèn, dǒng ma?
[14:44.83] So promise you won' t get bigbrothery and judgmental. nǐ dé bǎo zhèng nǐ bú huì bǎi chū dà gē jià zi lái jiào xùn wǒ
[14:48.10] I promise. What? wǒ bǎo zhèng, shì shuí?
[14:49.67] It' s Richard Burke. Who' s Richard Burke? shì bǎi lǐ chá bǎi lǐ chá shì shuí?
[14:52.34] Dr. Burke? bǎi dài fū?
[14:54.91] You have a date with Dr. Burke? Why? Why? Why... nǐ yào gēn bǎi dài fū yuē huì? wèi shí me
[14:58.31] ... should that bother me? wǒ huì bù gāo xìng ne
[15:01.01] I love that man. He' s like a... wǒ ài nà jiā huǒ tā jiù xiàng
[15:03.01] ... a brother to Dad. bà bà de xiōng dì
[15:06.15] He is the brightest, most sophisticated, sexiest man I' ve ever been with. tā zhèng hǎo shì wǒ jiāo guò de nán rén zhōng zuì cōng míng, zuì chéng shú, zuì xìng gǎn de
[15:11.32] Dr. Burke is sexy? bǎi dài fū xìng gǎn?
[15:12.69] Oh, God! Absolutely! tiān a, jué duì shì
[15:17.29] Damn! gāi sǐ
[15:18.80] It' s the museum again. Can l? yòu shì guǎn lǐ zhǎo wǒ wǒ kě yǐ
[15:22.37] Dr. Burke kissed me once. When? bǎi dài fū qīn guò wǒ yī cì shén me shí hòu?
[15:25.00] When I was 7, I crashed my bike right out in front of his house... wǒ qī suì shí wǒ qí dān chē zài tā jiā mén qián shuāi le jiāo
[15:29.34] ... and to stop me from crying, he kissed me right here. wèi le ràng wǒ tíng zhǐ kū qì tā qīn wǒ zhè lǐ
[15:33.34] Oh, you are so lucky! I know. nǐ hǎo xìng yùn wǒ zhī dào
[15:36.55] Australopithecus isn' t supposed to be in that display. nán fāng gǔ yuán bù yīng gāi zài nà gè zhǎn lǎn de
[15:42.22] No, Homo habilis was erect. Australopithecus was never fully erect. bù néng rén shì tǐng qǐ de nán fāng gǔ yuán cóng lái bú shì wán quán tǐng qǐ de
[15:46.89] Well, maybe he was nervous. huò xǔ tā shì jǐn zhāng bà le
[15:56.13] Oh, look! I can' t believe this! kàn, wǒ zhēn bù gǎn xiāng xìn
[15:58.80] Homo habilis can' t use tools yet, and they' ve got him with clay pots? néng rén gēn běn hái méi xué huì shǐ yòng gōng jù tā men jìng rán huán gěi tā táo guàn
[16:03.17] Why don' t they just give him a microwave? bù rú gěi tā yí gè wēi bō lú suàn le
[16:07.01] I' m sorry this is taking so long. bào qiàn wǒ huā le nà me duō shí jiān
[16:09.38] It' s longer than I expected. We will have dinner. zhè bǐ wǒ xiǎng xiàng de hái huā shí jiān wǒ men huì chī wǎn fàn de
[16:12.65] That' s okay. méi guān xì, bú yào jǐn
[16:13.82] Karl! kǎ ěr
[16:17.52] Oh, God. tiān a
[16:31.87] Wow! Is that Michelle? Yep. nà shi mǐ xuě ma? duì
[16:34.87] I' ve not seen her since highschool graduation. gāo zhōng bì yè hòu jiù méi jiàn guò tā le
[16:37.68] Oh, my God, that night she got so dru lǎo tiān, nà tiān wǎn shàng tā hǎo zuì
[16:43.08] Emotional. jī dòng
[16:44.62] You know, she' s having another baby. nǐ zhī dào tā yòu yào shēng le ma?
[16:47.28] I thought she just had one. No, no. Henry' s almost 2. wǒ yǐ wéi tā cái gāng shēng guò bù hēng lì kuài liǎng suì le
[16:51.56] And he' s talking and everything. Here. tā jiǎng huà a shén me dōu huì, kàn
[16:55.76] The other day he told me he liked me better than his other grandpa. qián jǐ tiān tā gào sù wǒ tā xǐ huān wǒ shèng guò tā de yé ye
[16:59.80] In all fairness, his other grandpa' s a drunk, but still.... gōng píng shuō lái, tā de yé ye shì jiǔ guǐ dàn hái shì
[17:06.04] You' re a grandpa. nǐ shì gè yé ye
[17:17.21] Are we nuts here? wǒ men fēng le ma?
[17:19.55] I don' t know. Maybe. wǒ bù zhī dào, huò xǔ
[17:22.55] I mean, I' m dating a man whose pool I once peed in. wǒ shì shuō wǒ zài nǐ yóu yǒng chí lǐ niào niào guò
[17:26.82] I didn' t need to know that. wǒ bù xū yào zhī dào nà gè
[17:30.00] I guess 21 years is a lot. wǒ cāi 21 nián shì chà tài duō le
[17:32.83] I mean, hell, I' m a whole person who can drink older than you. qù tā de wǒ bǐ nǐ lǎo le zhěng zhěng yí gè yǐn jiǔ nián líng
[17:47.58] So maybe we should just.... nà me, huò xǔ wǒ men yīng gāi jiù
[17:53.42] Maybe.... duì huò xǔ
[17:58.66] Wow. wa
[18:02.46] This really sucks. zhè zhēn de tài xùn le
[18:04.00] Yeah, it sure does. shì ya, kě bú shì ma?
[18:27.45] No, there' s no rush or anything. bù wǒ men yì diǎn dōu bù yòng jí
[18:31.19] Pizza delivery! Oh, I' m gonna kill those guys! sòng báo bǐng lái wǒ yào shā le nà liǎng gè rén
[18:39.36] I' m done. wǒ hǎo le
[18:41.53] Yeah, well, you know what? So is Sorentino' s. duì, bù guò cān tīng yě dǎ yàng le
[18:48.47] It' s late. Everything will be closed. We' ll do it another night. hěn wǎn le, suǒ yǒu cān tīng dōu dǎ yàng le wǒ men gǎi tiān wǎn shàng zài chī hǎo le
[18:52.08] No, no, we won' t. bù bú yào
[18:53.71] We won' t? bú yào?
[18:55.75] Come on. lái ba
[18:57.68] Okay, that' s dead, right? nà shi sǐ de, duì ba?
[19:01.92] What are we doing? zhè shì shén me? wǒ men zài gàn ma?
[19:03.72] Do you want Cranapple or CranGrape? Grape. nǐ yào hóng méi píng guǒ huò hóng méi pú táo? pú táo
[19:09.53] Okay, now... xiàn zài
[19:11.33] ... sit. zuò xià
[19:17.20] Oh, my God! tiān a
[19:20.44] Billions of years ago, Earth was only shù shí yì nián qián, dì qiú zhǐ shì
[19:25.91] Sorry. bào qiàn
[19:32.25] So what are we looking at? wǒ men zài kàn shén me?
[19:34.55] Well, you see that little cluster of stars next to the big one? nǐ kàn nà biān nà yī dà tuán páng biān nà yī xiǎo duī xīng xīng
[19:39.09] That is Ursa Major. nà shi dà xióng zuò
[19:42.13] Really? No idea. It could be. zhēn de? wǒ bù zhī dào, yǒu kě néng
[19:48.40] Listen, I' m sorry I had to work tonight. tīng zhe, bào qiàn wǒ jīn wǎn bì xū gōng zuò
[19:51.27] Oh, that' s okay. méi guān xì
[19:53.40] You were worth the wait. nǐ zhí de wǒ děng
[19:56.31] And I don' t just mean tonight. wǒ zhǐ de bù zhǐ shì jīn wǎn
[20:08.22] You' re not laughing. nǐ méi xiào
[20:10.49] This time it' s not so funny. zhè cì méi nà me hǎo xiào le
[20:45.79] Oh, God! tiān a!
[20:48.43] Honey? tián xīn
[20:49.83] That' s okay. méi guān xì
[20:52.43] What? shén me?
[20:54.43] Oh, no. You just rolled over the juice box. bù, nǐ gāng gāng yā dào le guǒ zhī
[21:05.78] Thank God! xiè tiān xiè dì
[21:37.47] Hey, you. hēi, nǐ
[21:48.25] I know. It is pretty unbel wǒ zhī dào, shì hěn lìng rén nán yǐ
[21:53.00] We' re not alone. zěn me le?
[22:20.82] Is that the fire alarm? shì huǒ jǐng jǐng bào qì ma?
[22:27.86] It' s not warm yet. We still have time. hái méi biàn rè, hái yǒu shí jiān
[22:31.90] Cool. Yeah, yeah. Cool! kù duì, kù