Friends S02E17

歌曲 Friends S02E17
歌手 英语听力
专辑 老友记(第二季)


[07:13.-3] But it turns out I don't have as many thoughts as you think. 但我发觉我的思想 没有你们想的那么多
[07:18.-2] Why don't you talk to Chandler about moving back? 乔伊,你跟钱德说 你想搬回去好了
[07:28.-1] He would definitely want you back. 我保证,他绝对想你搬回去的
[07:34.-1] But we had one of the greatest talks we ever had last night. 可是我们从没像昨天晚上 聊得那么开心过
[10:08.-2] Wait,hold on,Tony. Hold on. 慢着,等一下,东尼
[12:24.-2] Eddie. He just met him. 好像叫艾迪,他们刚认识
[15:19.-1] See you,pals. 再见,兄弟们
[15:57.-1] There's another carton there. 那边还有一盒果汁啊
[16:41.-3] -Quit it! -Bite me! 你…住手 你咬我呀
[17:51.-3] ... but basically,I hated your guts. …但基本上…我恨死你了
[18:24.-3] You're just gonna have to stop pissing me off. 只是你现在必须停止惹怒我
[19:29.-3] Sure. 那当然
[00:06.90] So what do you think? 你认为怎么样?
[00:08.60] Casa de Joey. 乔伊的窝
[00:12.04] -I decorated it myself. -Get out! 我自己布置的 少来了
[00:15.91] Wow,Joey,this is.... 乔伊,这个是…
[00:18.31] -Art. -Art it is. 艺术 就是艺术
[00:22.15] Check this out! Is it a coffee table? 瞧,这是一张咖啡桌呢
[00:24.89] Is it a panther? There's no need to decide. 还是一只豹?都无所谓
[00:30.16] Hey,nice pillow. 好漂亮的枕头
[00:32.49] So tell me, is this genuine Muppet skin? 这是真的布偶皮吗?
[00:36.23] Hey,excellent water,table thing. 好极,好极了的桌上型水东西
[00:39.60] Thanks. I love this. But you know what? 谢了,我很喜欢这个东西 但你知道吗?
[00:42.10] It makes me want to pee. 它会让我想尿尿
[00:45.01] Yeah,me too. I think that's the challenge. 对呀,我也是 对呀,我想挑战就在那儿
[00:49.81] How come Chandler didn't come? 为什么钱德没来?
[00:54.58] It's because he had a thing with the... 因为他有一件事…
[00:56.92] ...with the thing. …他有事
[01:00.59] Right. I got it. 我懂了
[01:03.66] So why don't you show us the rest of your casa? 带我们去参观其他的部分吧
[01:08.13] The best part! Come on. 最棒的部分,来…
[01:18.67] Nice toilet. 好帅的马桶
[01:21.11] No,no,no. Behind it. 不…后面那个
[01:22.81] -You have a phone in here? -That's right. 你这里装了电话? 没错
[01:25.68] I have a phone. 我这里装了…
[01:27.18] In here. …电话
[01:30.15] Joey,promise me something. 乔伊,答应我一件事
[01:32.19] Never call me from that phone. 别用那个电话打给我
[01:35.52] The One Where Eddie Moves ln
[01:45.87] 六人行 第2季 第17集 艾迪搬入
[02:33.92] Okay,here we go. 来了
[02:36.89] Sorry,they were all out of apple pie. Someone just got the last piece. 抱歉,苹果派卖完了 最后一片刚被干掉
[02:42.72] Oh,my God! You won't believe this! 天啊…你们绝对不会相信的
[02:45.89] I have just been discovered. 我刚刚被发现了
[02:49.60] Wait a minute. I claimed you in the name of France four years ago. 等一等,我四年前 就宣布你为法国领地了
[02:57.27] Anyway. 总而言之
[02:58.57] Don't freak out and say how great this is until I'm done. 答应我,你们不会发狂 直到我说完为止,好吗?
[03:07.22] ...who said that I have a very fresh,offbeat sound... …她说我的声音很清新 很特别…
[03:10.39] ...and she wants to do a demo of "Smelly Cat." …她要帮我录制 “臭臭猫”的试听带
[03:15.62] Okay,I told you not to do that yet. 我说过不要太兴奋的
[03:19.56] And she wants to do a video. 她还说要帮我做MTV呢
[03:23.63] I'm not done yet,okay? 我还没说完
[03:26.13] God! 天哪
[03:28.77] If that goes well, they may even want to make an album. 如果结果不错的话 他们或许还会帮我做一个专辑
[03:35.64] I'm done now. 我说完了
[03:40.48] If you care about me, get the pie out of the man's hood. 罗斯,如果你关心我的话 就把馅饼从他帽子里拿出来
[03:44.12] -Get the what? -There's a pie in the hood. Go! 拿什么? 帽子里有馅饼…快去
[03:54.10] What are you doing? 你干什么?
[03:55.13] I'm sorry. My pie was in your hood. 对不起,我的馅饼… 在…在你帽子里
[04:00.84] I have to get the coffee out of that guy's pants... 现在我得去那个傢伙的裤子上 拿我的咖啡…
[04:03.61] ...and I'll be back in the hospital by 7. …我七点以前会回医院去
[04:12.11] Damn it,Ross! Get your butt out of the bathroom! 该死,罗斯,你快给我滚出来
[04:16.15] Calm down. I'm blow-drying. 别激动,我在吹头发
[04:19.39] Blow-drying what? You have no hair. 吹什么头发呀?你没有头发啦
[04:23.79] What's going on? 怎么了?
[04:25.06] Your boyfriend has been in there for an hour! 你男朋友 在里面关了一个多小时
[04:27.70] It's like I'm living with him again. 真不敢相信 这就像我们又住在一起
[04:29.80] He's here when I go to sleep and wake up and when I want to shower. 我睡觉时他在,醒来时他在 想洗澡的时候他也在
[04:33.87] I feel like I'm 16 again. 我好像回到十六岁了
[04:35.84] Well,you're not 16. You're both adults now. 你不是十六岁 而且你们现在都是大人了
[04:39.41] Get out,you doofus! 出来呀,蠢货
[04:43.65] Or,you know, he's rubber and you're glue. 你知道啊 他是橡胶,你是胶水
[04:50.18] All yours. 该你了
[04:52.59] I hope you cleaned your hair out of the drain. 希望你清了排水孔的头发
[04:57.76] Shut up! 住口
[05:00.90] Cut it out! 住口
[05:07.90] I've never wanted you more. 我从来没有这样想要过你
[05:20.78] So what do you say,boys? Should I call him? 怎么样,孩子们 我该打电话给他吗?
[05:30.19] You know what they say: 俗语有云:
[05:31.86] Ask your slippers a question... 问你拖鞋一个问题…
[05:35.40]'re going crazy. …你疯了
[05:45.74] I'm sorry I didn't make it over there today. 乔伊,对不起 我今天没有过去
[05:49.14] That's okay. 没关系
[05:50.75] You had a thing. 你…你有事嘛
[05:53.25] I hear the place looks great. 对,听说你那里很棒
[05:55.75] Forget about it. I'm having a ball! 别提了,我开心死了
[05:59.39] How's the apartment? 你那儿怎么样了?
[06:01.46] It's terrific. I mean,it's a regular space-... 很…很棒啊 一个空间…
[06:05.79] ...-fest! …的大聚合
[06:09.30] Well,great. 那太棒了
[06:11.07] Yeah,I just... 是呀,我只是…
[06:12.93] ...wanted to call and say hey. …打个电话跟你聊一聊而已
[06:16.54] Well,okay. 好啊
[06:18.94] Was that the oven timer? 那是烤箱定时器吗?
[06:21.08] That's right,my friend. 没有错,朋友
[06:23.08] It's time for... 应该看…
[06:24.78] ...Baywatch! …“海滩游侠”
[06:29.92] Can you believe they gave Stephanie skin cancer? 你相信 他们让芬妮得皮肤癌吗?
[06:32.65] I can't believe they made her lieutenant! 我还是不敢相信 他们升她为副队长
[06:36.69] You're saying that because you love Yasmine Bleeth. 你那么说是因为 你最喜欢毕雅敏了
[06:39.63] How could anyone not love Yasmine Bleeth? 怎么可能会有人 不爱毕雅敏呢?
[06:44.67] Hey,they're running. 她们在跑了
[06:47.34] See,this is the brilliance of the show. 瞧,这个节目棒就棒在这里
[06:50.54] I say always keep them running. 我说她们应该不停地跑
[06:54.28] All the time running! 一直跑
[06:56.34] Run! 跑
[06:58.61] Run! 跑
[06:59.81] Run,Yasmine! Run like the wind! 跑啊,雅敏,像风一样的跑
[07:04.52] But you wanted to live by yourself. 我以为你想自己一个人住
[07:06.69] I did. I thought it'd be great. 没错,我以为会很棒
[07:09.46] I figured I'd have time alone with my thoughts. 我以为我会有时间自己思考
[07:21.14] You really think he'd take me? 你认为他会答应吗?
[07:23.30] We had a good talk last night... 我们昨晚聊得很开心…
[07:25.54] ...but when I moved out, I hurt him bad. …可是我搬走时把他伤透了
[07:30.71] I'm telling you, there's no way he's moving back. 我告诉你 他绝对不可能搬回来的
[07:38.19] I mean,it was 那就像是…
[07:39.65] It was like when we first started living together. 我们刚刚住在一起时一样
[07:43.02] I know you don't want to hear this right now... 钱德 我知道你现在听不进去…
[07:46.16] ... but we've seen him in his new place. And he's happy. …但我们看过他在新家的样子 他很快乐
[07:51.17] He's decorated. 他都装潢好了
[07:54.67] Chandler,he has moved on,okay? You have to,too. 听着,钱德 他向前走了,你也要这样
[07:58.44] You'll have to accept the fact that you're just friends now. 你必须接受 我们只是朋友这个事实
[08:02.41] You're not... 你们不再是…
[08:04.51] ... roommates anymore. …室友了
[08:07.72] Okay,Phoebe. You ready to try one? 菲比,可以试了吗?
[08:13.05] Smelly cat,smelly cat 臭臭猫,臭臭猫
[08:16.79] What are they feeding you? 他们喂你什么?
[08:20.06] Smelly,smelly,smelly Really bad smelling smelly cat 非常臭的臭臭猫
[08:23.46] Whoa! Oh,my God! 我的天啊
[08:28.10] I mean,like,who was that? 是谁在唱?
[08:32.24] They're your backup singers. Behind you,hon. 你的伴唱团,在你后面
[08:37.04] I thought they were just watching me. 我还以为她们只是在看
[08:40.11] Like at an aquarium,you know? 就像像水族馆那样
[08:42.62] All right. 好了
[08:45.15] From the top. 从头开始
[08:47.82] Smelly cat,smelly cat 臭臭猫,臭臭猫
[08:51.26] What are they feeding you? 他们喂你什么?
[08:59.50] Okay,sorry. 对不起
[09:00.90] I'm just not getting... 我没感觉到…
[09:02.60] ...that everyone gets... …大家都懂…
[09:04.74] ... how smelly this cat actually is. …这只猫到底有多臭
[09:08.61] Maybe if we could talk about this... 也许我们应该谈一谈…
[09:10.58] ... because I need to feel that you really care about the cat. …因为我必须要感觉到 你们真的…很关心那只猫
[09:16.65] We can talk. 我们可以谈的
[09:17.69] It's just that this costs $100 a minute to be in here. 只是录音间是算时间的 一分钟一百块耶
[09:21.42] So the cat stinks, but you love it. Let's go. 好,那只猫很臭 但你们非常爱它,开始
[09:25.76] No,there is no way he was a velociraptor. 不,它绝对不可能 是一只迅猛龙的
[09:29.36] Look at the cranial ridge,okay? 不,东尼,你看他的头盖脊骨
[09:31.50] If Dino was a velociraptor, he'd have eaten the Flintstones. 帝诺要是一只迅猛龙 它早吃了摩登原始人了
[09:37.94] Were you taking a nap? 你在睡觉?
[09:39.31] I was. 本来是
[09:41.28] Tony,can you hold on? That's the other line. 等等,东尼,等一下,好吗? 我有插拨
[09:45.51] Yeah,she's here, but can she call you back? 对,她在 我叫她回电话,好吗?
[09:48.78] Okay,thanks. 好,谢了
[09:50.48] Call Joanna. 打给乔安娜
[09:51.79] Did she leave a number? 她留了号码?
[09:53.05] Did you see me write one down? 你看到我写下来了吗?
[09:56.79] I don't have her number,butt-munch. 我没有她的电话,呆瓜
[10:01.00] She'll call back. Don't be such a baby. 那她会再打来的 你不要耍孩子脾气了
[10:03.40] You're the baby. 我才没有,你自己才是
[10:05.03] -Get off my back. -Get out of my face. 听着,你别烦我,好不好? 你不要碍眼,好不好?
[10:13.87] Yeah,she's right here. Hold on. 对,不,她在,等一下
[10:17.58] Tony,can I call you back? 东尼,我再打给你,好吗?
[10:20.21] That's my sister's boyfriend. 那是我妹妹的男朋友
[10:22.05] Give me that. 电话给我
[10:26.72] Sweetie,before I forget,did l leave my diaphragm at your place? 甜心,听着,趁我还记得 我的避孕器是否留在你那儿?
[10:32.56] Hi,Mom. 妈
[10:57.22] So how's the palace? 皇宫生活过得怎么样了?
[10:59.25] It's funny you should mention that because I was thinking.... 真有趣,既然你提起这个 我在想…
[11:03.22] What's with the boxes? 这些箱子怎么回事?
[11:06.93] Actually,I have some news. 事实上,我有个消息
[11:09.70] Is that Joey guy gonna pick up his moose hat or should I toss it? 那个乔伊会回来拿他的 麋鹿帽吗?还是我把它扔了?
[11:14.40] Why don't you ask him yourself? This is my new roommate,Eddie. 这个…你何不自己问他呢? 乔伊,这是我的新室友艾迪
[11:18.54] Nice to meet you. 幸会
[11:19.87] -Likewise. -How you doing? 彼此 你好吗?
[11:22.21] I'll take that. 那我带走了
[11:24.81] It's what I came for. 我就是回来拿这个的
[11:28.15] This is new. Where'd you two meet? 这倒新鲜 你们是哪儿认识的?
[11:30.58] At the supermarket in the ethnic food section. 我们在超市的民族食品区
[11:34.49] I helped him pick out a chorizo. 我帮他挑西班牙香肠
[11:39.06] We got to talking. He needed a place,and I had a spare room. 我们开始聊,他说要找地方住 而我又刚好有一个空房
[11:44.50] Now it's a spare room? 那儿成了空房了?
[11:46.10] Well,yeah. In that it's not being used... 是啊,那房间没有人用…
[11:49.14] ...and I have it to spare. …而我就把它空出来
[11:53.91] Well,I got what I came for. 我拿到我要的了
[11:59.71] I'll see you. 改天见了
[12:02.58] Hey,Joe. 乔伊
[12:04.32] When'd you start using moose in your hair? 你什么时候开始抹慕丝的?
[12:09.26] Is this guy great,or what? 他是不是很棒?
[12:12.79] Yeah,he is. 是呀,他很棒
[12:21.47] I can't believe he has a new roommate. Who is he? 真不敢相信他有新室友了 这傢伙是谁啊?
[12:25.94] It'll never last. He's just a rebound roommate. 不会长久的,他只是个替代品
[12:33.25] Check it out! Check it out! 看这个…
[12:35.55] It's "Smelly Cat," the video! 是“臭臭猫”的MTV
[12:39.75] Now,I haven't seen it yet, so if you don't like it... 我自己都还没看呢 如果你们不喜欢的话呢…
[12:44.63] what? None of you ever made a video. …那又怎么样? 你们又没有MTV
[12:55.30] Get out of here,cat! You stink! 滚出去,猫,你臭死了
[13:07.25] Smoking! 美呆了
[13:08.52] Look at me! 看看我
[13:09.75] Smelly cat,smelly cat 臭臭猫,臭臭猫
[13:13.19] What are they feeding you? 他们喂你什么?
[13:16.42] Smelly cat,smelly cat 臭臭猫,臭臭猫
[13:20.19] It's not your fault 那不是你的错
[13:26.93] Smelly,smelly,smelly Really bad smelling smelly cat 臭臭…,非常臭的臭臭猫
[13:29.67] It's not your fault 那不是你的错
[13:32.01] Smelly cat,smelly cat 臭臭猫…
[13:34.54] -Oh,my God! -I know. 我的天啊 我知道
[13:36.94] I sound amazing! 我的声音好美喔
[13:42.28] They won't take you to the vet 他们不带你去看兽医
[13:44.89] You're obviously not their favorite pet 你显然不是他们的最爱
[13:47.39] Smelly cat,smelly cat 臭臭猫,臭臭猫
[13:50.12] It's not your fault 那不是你的错
[13:55.36] I've never heard myself sing before. 我从没听过自己唱的歌
[13:57.87] I mean,except in my own head. 除了在我的头里面
[14:00.87] This is so cool! Now I can hear what you hear! 这太酷了 我可以听到你们听到的了
[14:05.41] Pretty different,huh? 蛮不同的吧?
[14:08.64] I am sorry, but I'm incredibly talented! 不要介意,我实在太才华洋溢
[14:13.21] Smelly cat,smelly cat 臭臭猫,臭臭猫
[14:16.08] It's not your fault 那不是你的错
[14:29.33] What's going on,man? 乔伊,近来如何?
[14:31.23] Eddie. 艾迪
[14:32.43] Morning. 早安
[14:35.24] I just came by to pick up my mail. 我只是过来拿我的信
[14:39.27] -Where's the mail? -Over there on the table. 信在哪儿? 在那边那张桌上
[14:42.68] You don't keep it on this table anymore? 你不再把信放在这张桌上了?
[14:45.01] Eddie likes it over there. 不了,艾迪喜欢把信放在那边
[14:50.68] All right,here you go,my friend. Eggs a la Eddie. 好了,请用吧,朋友 这是艾迪秘方蛋
[14:59.59] That's great. 太棒了
[15:03.60] What? 干嘛?
[15:04.87] I thought you liked your eggs... 我只是以为你喜欢…
[15:06.93] ...with the bread with the hole in the middle,a la me! …面包挖一个洞,中间放蛋呢
[15:10.64] I do,but Eddie makes them this way. They're pretty darn good. 我是喜欢呀,但艾迪是这样 煎的,还真的是蛮好吃的
[15:14.78] Well,you guys... 好了,两位…
[15:16.71] ... I'm out of here. …我要出去了
[15:20.11] See you. 再见
[15:24.62] -How are you two getting along? -I couldn't be happier. 你们处得怎么样? 再快乐也不过了
[15:28.42] Great. 很好
[15:29.82] I'm happy for you. 我替你高兴
[15:35.00] All right,that's it! 好吧,够了
[15:37.40] He just comes in here, Mr. Johnny New Eggs... 那个人就这样进来 新蛋先生…
[15:43.24] ...with his moving the mail and his "See you,pals." …变了放信的地方,还有 “再见,兄弟们”
[15:50.11] And now there's no juice! 现在果汁也没有了
[15:51.58] There's no juice for the people who need the juice. I need the juice! 需要果汁跟要果汁的人没得喝 我需要果汁
[16:00.69] This isn't about juice anymore, all right,man? 这不再是关于果汁了,好吗?
[16:04.00] All right. 好呀
[16:05.13] So what's it about? 那么是关于什么呢?
[16:06.46] Eggs! 蛋
[16:08.53] Whose eggs do you like better, his or mine? 你比较喜欢谁的蛋? 他的还是我的?
[16:11.47] -Well,I like both eggs equally. -Oh,come on! 我两个一样喜欢 少来了
[16:14.70] Nobody likes two eggs equally. I wanna know which one you like better. 没人一样喜欢两种不同的蛋 我知道你比较喜欢哪一种
[16:19.27] What's the difference? Your eggs aren't here anymore. 那有什么差别呢? 你的蛋已经不在这个地方了
[16:23.61] You took your eggs and you left! 你已经带着你的蛋走了
[16:26.31] Did you expect me to never find new eggs? 你真的期望 我再也找不到一个新的蛋吗?
[16:31.49] I wanna watch Entertainment Tonight. 我要看“今夜娱乐”
[16:33.45] Tough. We're watching Predators of the Serengeti. 真不幸 我们要看“瑟伦格提掠食者”
[16:37.36] Would you guys stop! 不要吵了,好不好?
[16:38.73] It's my TV! 这是我的电视
[16:43.50] Monica keeps changing the channel. 摩妮卡她一直在转台呀
[16:46.40] That's great. Why don't you tell Mommy on me? 棒透了 你去跟妈咪打个小报告啊
[16:49.54] Now I'm Mommy in this little play? 现在我变成妈咪了
[16:52.67] Look,I refuse to get sucked into... 好,听着,我拒绝卷入…
[16:54.91] ...this weird little Geller dimension thing,okay? …这一类畸型的盖勒家庭纠纷
[16:58.38] So I'm gonna go take a nice long hot bubble bath... 我现在要去洗个 香喷喷热腾腾的泡泡浴…
[17:01.58] ...because you kids are driving me crazy! …因为妈咪快要被你们逼疯了
[17:07.35] What do we do about this? 这件事我们怎么解决?
[17:09.09] We could tape Entertainment Tonight. 我们可以 把“今夜娱乐”录下来
[17:11.26] Not that! 不是那个
[17:12.49] This! Us! 我是说这个,我们!
[17:14.56] Oh,my God,Ross,it's.... You're just.... 天啊,罗斯,你…你只是你…
[17:17.23] Since you've been here, you're driving me.... 从你到这儿开始 我都快要被你逼疯了…
[17:20.03] Mon,you've gone ultrasonic again,all right? 摩妮卡,你又开始高八度了
[17:23.70] I just can't stand you being here... 我受不了…
[17:26.94] ...all the time! …你老是在这里!
[17:28.24] Why? Why can't you stand me being here? 为什么? 你为什么受不了呢?
[17:31.68] We're just having fun. 我们只是在闹着玩而已
[17:33.08] Fun? You think this is fun? 玩?这叫好玩吗?
[17:37.08] I thought we were fooling around, like when we were kids. 少来了,我以为我们只是在闹 就像我们小时候一样
[17:40.79] I hated you when we were kids! 罗斯,小时候我恨你耶
[17:45.03] You hated me when we were kids? 小时候你恨我?
[17:47.13] I hated you. 对,我恨你
[17:48.30] I loved you in a you're-my-brother- so-l-have-to way... 我是说,我就像“你是我哥 所以我必须爱你”那样爱你…
[17:54.54] Why did you hate me? 你为什么要恨我?
[17:55.90] Because you were mean to me... 因为你对我太烂了…
[17:59.07] ...and you teased me and you always got your way. 而且…你…你嘲弄我 你总是…你总是得逞
[18:04.28] That wasn't fun for you? 你觉得那不好玩?
[18:10.15] I can't believe you hated me. 真不敢相信你恨我
[18:14.00] But now I love you. 现在我爱你
[18:17.83] And not just because I have to. 不只是因为我必须这样
[18:20.46] Really? 真的?
[18:31.61] I can do that. 我可以办得到
[18:33.51] Then I won't have to kill you. 那我就用不着杀你了
[18:38.78] So you wanna watch Entertainment Tonight?. 你要看“今天娱乐”?
[18:42.48] Thanks. 谢了
[18:47.15] You know what? 知道吗?
[18:50.00] If you really wanna watch that Serengeti thing,we can. 如果你真的想看那个节目 我还是可以让你
[19:03.34] Listen,you are not going to believe this... 听着,你们绝对不会相信的…
[19:07.17] ...but that is not me singing on the video. …但是MTV上的歌声 不是我的
[19:13.85] How did you find out? 你怎么知道的呢?
[19:15.62] The record company sent this paper for me to sign saying it's okay... 唱片公司送了一张纸条来 叫我签名,要我同意…
[19:20.19] ...for someone else to sing for me. That was my first clue. …他们找别人来替我唱的 那是我的第一个线索
[19:24.89] What will you do? 那你打算怎么办?
[19:26.19] I can't work with people who would do this. 我没有办法跟这种人一起工作
[19:30.23] I mean,this poor woman. 这个…这个可怜的女人
[19:33.00] What woman? 什么女人?
[19:34.07] The voice woman. 那个代唱的女人
[19:35.57] She has a great voice, but she doesn't have a video. 她的声音真是棒透了 可是她没有MTV啊
[19:39.21] Okay,Pheebs,but what about you? 菲菲,那你呢?
[19:41.54] I have a video. Pay attention. 我有MTV,你得要留心听
[19:46.88] This voice woman,she's so talented. 这个代唱的人她很有才华
[19:55.49] She's like one of those animals at the pound... 她就像那种 动物收容所里面的动物…
[19:58.43] ...who nobody wants because they're not pretty. …没有人要就因为 她长得不够漂亮而已
[20:01.16] Or you know,like some old dog who's kind of like stinky and 或者是像只老狗,浑身发臭…
[20:05.77] Oh,my God! She's "smelly cat"! 我的天啊,它就是“臭臭猫”
[20:11.27] That song has so many levels. 那首歌具有深度
[20:16.04] Hey,Eddie. 艾迪
[20:17.38] You wanna play some foosball? 来玩桌上足球怎么样?
[20:19.45] No,thanks,man. I'm not really into sports. 不,谢了,老兄 我不太喜欢运动
[20:27.75] Yeah,okay. All right. 好吧…
[20:31.36] Doesn't matter. Time for Baywatch! 没关系 “霹雳游龙”要开演了
[20:36.13] You like that show? 你喜欢看那个节目?
[20:40.10] You don't? 你不喜欢吗?
[20:43.20] It's just pretty people running around on the beach. 不,那只是一群俊男美女 在海滩上跑来跑去
[20:47.04] That's the brilliance of it. 棒就棒在那里啊
[20:51.48] The pretty people. 俊男美女
[20:54.62] And the running. 跑来跑去
[20:58.09] I'm gonna go read in my room for a little while. 我要进我房间看书了
[21:02.26] Okay,man. 好的,老兄
[21:14.13] I think of all the friends I've known 我想到和我相知相惜的友人
[21:20.51] But when I dial the telephone 但我拨电话时
[21:26.75] No one's home 没有人在家
[21:37.00] All by myself 孤孤单单
[21:43.46] Don't wanna live 我不想要一个人
[21:45.33] All by myself 孤孤单单
[21:50.47] Anymore 不想再孤单
[21:53.61] All by myself 孤孤单单
[21:59.35] Smelly cat,smelly cat 臭臭猫,臭臭猫
[22:02.35] What are they feeding you? Everybody! 他们喂你什么? 一起唱
[22:05.42] Smelly cat,smelly cat 臭臭猫,臭臭猫
[22:08.52] It's not your fault 那不是你的错
[22:11.76] They won't take you to the vet 他们不带你去看兽医
[22:18.07] You're obviously not their favorite pet 你显然不是他们的最爱
[22:21.54] You may not be a bed of roses 你或许不是一床玫瑰
[22:24.54] And you're no friend To those with noses 也没有人会喜欢闻你
[22:28.54] Ross,those are the only lines we have. Back to the chorus! 罗斯,歌词都唱完了,抱歉 好了,回到合唱的部分


[07:13.-3] But it turns out I don' t have as many thoughts as you think. dàn wǒ fā jué wǒ de sī xiǎng méi yǒu nǐ men xiǎng de nà me duō
[07:18.-2] Why don' t you talk to Chandler about moving back? qiáo yī, nǐ gēn qián dé shuō nǐ xiǎng bān huí qù hǎo le
[07:28.-1] He would definitely want you back. wǒ bǎo zhèng, tā jué duì xiǎng nǐ bān huí qù de
[07:34.-1] But we had one of the greatest talks we ever had last night. kě shì wǒ men cóng méi xiàng zuó tiān wǎn shàng liáo dé nà me kāi xīn guò
[10:08.-2] Wait, hold on, Tony. Hold on. màn zhe, děng yī xià, dōng ní
[12:24.-2] Eddie. He just met him. hǎo xiàng jiào ài dí, tā men gāng rèn shi
[15:19.-1] See you, pals. zài jiàn, xiōng dì men
[15:57.-1] There' s another carton there. nà biān hái yǒu yī hé guǒ zhī a
[16:41.-3] Quit it! Bite me! nǐ zhù shǒu nǐ yǎo wǒ ya
[17:51.-3] ... but basically, I hated your guts. dàn jī běn shàng wǒ hèn sǐ nǐ le
[18:24.-3] You' re just gonna have to stop pissing me off. zhǐ shì nǐ xiàn zài bì xū tíng zhǐ rě nù wǒ
[19:29.-3] Sure. nà dāng rán
[00:06.90] So what do you think? nǐ rèn wéi zěn me yàng?
[00:08.60] Casa de Joey. qiáo yī de wō
[00:12.04] I decorated it myself. Get out! wǒ zì jǐ bù zhì de shǎo lái le
[00:15.91] Wow, Joey, this is.... qiáo yī, zhè gè shì
[00:18.31] Art. Art it is. yì shù jiù shì yì shù
[00:22.15] Check this out! Is it a coffee table? qiáo, zhè shì yī zhāng kā fēi zhuō ne
[00:24.89] Is it a panther? There' s no need to decide. hái shì yì zhī bào? dōu wú suǒ wèi
[00:30.16] Hey, nice pillow. hǎo piào liàng de zhěn tou
[00:32.49] So tell me, is this genuine Muppet skin? zhè shì zhēn de bù ǒu pí ma?
[00:36.23] Hey, excellent water, table thing. hǎo jí, hǎo jí le de zhuō shàng xíng shuǐ dōng xī
[00:39.60] Thanks. I love this. But you know what? xiè le, wǒ hěn xǐ huān zhè gè dōng xī dàn nǐ zhī dào ma?
[00:42.10] It makes me want to pee. tā huì ràng wǒ xiǎng niào niào
[00:45.01] Yeah, me too. I think that' s the challenge. duì ya, wǒ yě shì duì ya, wǒ xiǎng tiǎo zhàn jiù zài na r
[00:49.81] How come Chandler didn' t come? wèi shí me qián dé méi lái?
[00:54.58] It' s because he had a thing with the... yīn wèi tā yǒu yī jiàn shì
[00:56.92] ... with the thing. tā yǒu shì
[01:00.59] Right. I got it. wǒ dǒng le
[01:03.66] So why don' t you show us the rest of your casa? dài wǒ men qù cān guān qí tā de bù fèn ba
[01:08.13] The best part! Come on. zuì bàng de bù fèn, lái
[01:18.67] Nice toilet. hǎo shuài de mǎ tǒng
[01:21.11] No, no, no. Behind it. bù hòu miàn nà gè
[01:22.81] You have a phone in here? That' s right. nǐ zhè lǐ zhuāng le diàn huà? méi cuò
[01:25.68] I have a phone. wǒ zhè lǐ zhuāng le
[01:27.18] In here. diàn huà
[01:30.15] Joey, promise me something. qiáo yī, dā yìng wǒ yī jiàn shì
[01:32.19] Never call me from that phone. bié yòng nà gè diàn huà dǎ gěi wǒ
[01:35.52] The One Where Eddie Moves ln
[01:45.87] liù rén xíng dì 2 jì dì 17 jí ài dí bān rù
[02:33.92] Okay, here we go. lái le
[02:36.89] Sorry, they were all out of apple pie. Someone just got the last piece. bào qiàn, píng guǒ pài mài wán le zuì hòu yī piàn gāng bèi gàn diào
[02:42.72] Oh, my God! You won' t believe this! tiān a nǐ men jué duì bú huì xiāng xìn de
[02:45.89] I have just been discovered. wǒ gāng gāng bèi fā xiàn le
[02:49.60] Wait a minute. I claimed you in the name of France four years ago. děng yī děng, wǒ sì nián qián jiù xuān bù nǐ wèi fǎ guó lǐng dì le
[02:57.27] Anyway. zǒng ér yán zhī
[02:58.57] Don' t freak out and say how great this is until I' m done. dā yìng wǒ, nǐ men bú huì fā kuáng zhí dào wǒ shuō wán wéi zhǐ, hǎo ma?
[03:07.22] ... who said that I have a very fresh, offbeat sound... tā shuō wǒ de shēng yīn hěn qīng xīn hěn tè bié
[03:10.39] ... and she wants to do a demo of " Smelly Cat." tā yào bāng wǒ lù zhì " chòu chòu māo" de shì tīng dài
[03:15.62] Okay, I told you not to do that yet. wǒ shuō guò bú yào tài xīng fèn de
[03:19.56] And she wants to do a video. tā hái shuō yào bāng wǒ zuò MTV ne
[03:23.63] I' m not done yet, okay? wǒ hái méi shuō wán
[03:26.13] God! tiān na
[03:28.77] If that goes well, they may even want to make an album. rú guǒ jié guǒ bù cuò de huà tā men huò xǔ hái huì bāng wǒ zuò yí gè zhuān jí
[03:35.64] I' m done now. wǒ shuō wán le
[03:40.48] If you care about me, get the pie out of the man' s hood. luó sī, rú guǒ nǐ guān xīn wǒ de huà jiù bǎ xiàn bǐng cóng tā mào zi lǐ ná chū lái
[03:44.12] Get the what? There' s a pie in the hood. Go! ná shén me? mào zi lǐ yǒu xiàn bǐng kuài qù
[03:54.10] What are you doing? nǐ gàn shén me?
[03:55.13] I' m sorry. My pie was in your hood. duì bù qǐ, wǒ de xiàn bǐng zài zài nǐ mào zi lǐ
[04:00.84] I have to get the coffee out of that guy' s pants... xiàn zài wǒ dé qù nà gè jiā huǒ de kù zi shàng ná wǒ de kā fēi
[04:03.61] ... and I' ll be back in the hospital by 7. wǒ qī diǎn yǐ qián huì huí yī yuàn qù
[04:12.11] Damn it, Ross! Get your butt out of the bathroom! gāi sǐ, luó sī, nǐ kuài gěi wǒ gǔn chū lái
[04:16.15] Calm down. I' m blowdrying. bié jī dòng, wǒ zài chuī tóu fà
[04:19.39] Blowdrying what? You have no hair. chuī shén me tóu fà ya? nǐ méi yǒu tóu fà la
[04:23.79] What' s going on? zěn me le?
[04:25.06] Your boyfriend has been in there for an hour! nǐ nán péng yǒu zài lǐ miàn guān le yí gè duō xiǎo shí
[04:27.70] It' s like I' m living with him again. zhēn bù gǎn xiāng xìn zhè jiù xiàng wǒ men yòu zhù zài yì qǐ
[04:29.80] He' s here when I go to sleep and wake up and when I want to shower. wǒ shuì jiào shí tā zài, xǐng lái shí tā zài xiǎng xǐ zǎo de shí hòu tā yě zài
[04:33.87] I feel like I' m 16 again. wǒ hǎo xiàng huí dào shí liù suì le
[04:35.84] Well, you' re not 16. You' re both adults now. nǐ bú shì shí liù suì ér qiě nǐ men xiàn zài dōu shì dà rén le
[04:39.41] Get out, you doofus! chū lái ya, chǔn huò
[04:43.65] Or, you know, he' s rubber and you' re glue. nǐ zhī dào a tā shì xiàng jiāo, nǐ shì jiāo shuǐ
[04:50.18] All yours. gāi nǐ le
[04:52.59] I hope you cleaned your hair out of the drain. xī wàng nǐ qīng le pái shuǐ kǒng de tóu fà
[04:57.76] Shut up! zhù kǒu
[05:00.90] Cut it out! zhù kǒu
[05:07.90] I' ve never wanted you more. wǒ cóng lái méi yǒu zhè yàng xiǎng yào guò nǐ
[05:20.78] So what do you say, boys? Should I call him? zěn me yàng, hái zi men wǒ gāi dǎ diàn huà gěi tā ma?
[05:30.19] You know what they say: sú yǔ yǒu yún:
[05:31.86] Ask your slippers a question... wèn nǐ tuō xié yí gè wèn tí
[05:35.40] ... you' re going crazy. nǐ fēng le
[05:45.74] I' m sorry I didn' t make it over there today. qiáo yī, duì bù qǐ wǒ jīn tiān méi yǒu guò qù
[05:49.14] That' s okay. méi guān xì
[05:50.75] You had a thing. nǐ nǐ yǒu shì ma
[05:53.25] I hear the place looks great. duì, tīng shuō nǐ nà lǐ hěn bàng
[05:55.75] Forget about it. I' m having a ball! bié tí le, wǒ kāi xīn sǐ le
[05:59.39] How' s the apartment? nǐ nà ér zěn me yàng le?
[06:01.46] It' s terrific. I mean, it' s a regular space... hěn hěn bàng a yí gè kōng jiān
[06:05.79] ... fest! de dà jù hé
[06:09.30] Well, great. nà tài bàng le
[06:11.07] Yeah, I just... shì ya, wǒ zhǐ shì
[06:12.93] ... wanted to call and say hey. dǎ gè diàn huà gēn nǐ liáo yī liáo ér yǐ
[06:16.54] Well, okay. hǎo a
[06:18.94] Was that the oven timer? nà shi kǎo xiāng dìng shí qì ma?
[06:21.08] That' s right, my friend. méi yǒu cuò, péng yǒu
[06:23.08] It' s time for... yīng gāi kàn
[06:24.78] ... Baywatch! " hǎi tān yóu xiá"
[06:29.92] Can you believe they gave Stephanie skin cancer? nǐ xiāng xìn tā men ràng fēn nī dé pí fū ái ma?
[06:32.65] I can' t believe they made her lieutenant! wǒ hái shì bù gǎn xiāng xìn tā men shēng tā wèi fù duì zhǎng
[06:36.69] You' re saying that because you love Yasmine Bleeth. nǐ nà me shuō shì yīn wèi nǐ zuì xǐ huān bì yǎ mǐn le
[06:39.63] How could anyone not love Yasmine Bleeth? zěn me kě néng huì yǒu rén bù ài bì yǎ mǐn ne?
[06:44.67] Hey, they' re running. tā men zài pǎo le
[06:47.34] See, this is the brilliance of the show. qiáo, zhè gè jié mù bàng jiù bàng zài zhè lǐ
[06:50.54] I say always keep them running. wǒ shuō tā men yīng gāi bù tíng dì pǎo
[06:54.28] All the time running! yī zhí pǎo
[06:56.34] Run! pǎo
[06:58.61] Run! pǎo
[06:59.81] Run, Yasmine! Run like the wind! pǎo a, yǎ mǐn, xiàng fēng yí yàng de pǎo
[07:04.52] But you wanted to live by yourself. wǒ yǐ wéi nǐ xiǎng zì jǐ yí ge rén zhù
[07:06.69] I did. I thought it' d be great. méi cuò, wǒ yǐ wéi huì hěn bàng
[07:09.46] I figured I' d have time alone with my thoughts. wǒ yǐ wéi wǒ huì yǒu shí jiān zì jǐ sī kǎo
[07:21.14] You really think he' d take me? nǐ rèn wéi tā huì dā yìng ma?
[07:23.30] We had a good talk last night... wǒ men zuó wǎn liáo de hěn kāi xīn
[07:25.54] ... but when I moved out, I hurt him bad. kě shì wǒ bān zǒu shí bǎ tā shāng tòu le
[07:30.71] I' m telling you, there' s no way he' s moving back. wǒ gào sù nǐ tā jué duì bù kě néng bān huí lái de
[07:38.19] I mean, it was nà jiù xiàng shì
[07:39.65] It was like when we first started living together. wǒ men gāng gāng zhù zài yì qǐ shí yí yàng
[07:43.02] I know you don' t want to hear this right now... qián dé wǒ zhī dào nǐ xiàn zài tīng bù jìn qù
[07:46.16] ... but we' ve seen him in his new place. And he' s happy. dàn wǒ men kàn guò tā zài xīn jiā de yàng zi tā hěn kuài lè
[07:51.17] He' s decorated. tā dōu zhuāng huáng hǎo le
[07:54.67] Chandler, he has moved on, okay? You have to, too. tīng zhe, qián dé tā xiàng qián zǒu le, nǐ yě yào zhè yàng
[07:58.44] You' ll have to accept the fact that you' re just friends now. nǐ bì xū jiē shòu wǒ men zhǐ shì péng yǒu zhè gè shì shí
[08:02.41] You' re not... nǐ men bù zài shì
[08:04.51] ... roommates anymore. shì yǒu le
[08:07.72] Okay, Phoebe. You ready to try one? fēi bǐ, kě yǐ shì le ma?
[08:13.05] Smelly cat, smelly cat chòu chòu māo, chòu chòu māo
[08:16.79] What are they feeding you? tā men wèi nǐ shén me?
[08:20.06] Smelly, smelly, smelly Really bad smelling smelly cat fēi cháng chòu de chòu chòu māo
[08:23.46] Whoa! Oh, my God! wǒ de tiān a
[08:28.10] I mean, like, who was that? shì shuí zài chàng?
[08:32.24] They' re your backup singers. Behind you, hon. nǐ de bàn chàng tuán, zài nǐ hòu miàn
[08:37.04] I thought they were just watching me. wǒ hái yǐ wéi tā men zhǐ shì zài kàn
[08:40.11] Like at an aquarium, you know? jiù xiàng xiàng shuǐ zú guǎn nà yàng
[08:42.62] All right. hǎo le
[08:45.15] From the top. cóng tóu kāi shǐ
[08:47.82] Smelly cat, smelly cat chòu chòu māo, chòu chòu māo
[08:51.26] What are they feeding you? tā men wèi nǐ shén me?
[08:59.50] Okay, sorry. duì bù qǐ
[09:00.90] I' m just not getting... wǒ méi gǎn jué dào
[09:02.60] ... that everyone gets... dà jiā dōu dǒng
[09:04.74] ... how smelly this cat actually is. zhè zhǐ māo dào dǐ yǒu duō chòu
[09:08.61] Maybe if we could talk about this... yě xǔ wǒ men yīng gāi tán yī tán
[09:10.58] ... because I need to feel that you really care about the cat. yīn wèi wǒ bì xū yào gǎn jué dào nǐ men zhēn de hěn guān xīn nà zhǐ māo
[09:16.65] We can talk. wǒ men kě yǐ tán de
[09:17.69] It' s just that this costs 100 a minute to be in here. zhǐ shì lù yīn jiān shì suàn shí jiān de yī fēn zhōng yī bǎi kuài yé
[09:21.42] So the cat stinks, but you love it. Let' s go. hǎo, nà zhǐ māo hěn chòu dàn nǐ men fēi cháng ài tā, kāi shǐ
[09:25.76] No, there is no way he was a velociraptor. bù, tā jué duì bù kě néng shì yì zhī xùn měng lóng de
[09:29.36] Look at the cranial ridge, okay? bù, dōng ní, nǐ kàn tā de tóu gài jǐ gǔ
[09:31.50] If Dino was a velociraptor, he' d have eaten the Flintstones. dì nuò yào shì yì zhī xùn měng lóng tā zǎo chī le mó dēng yuán shǐ rén le
[09:37.94] Were you taking a nap? nǐ zài shuì jiào?
[09:39.31] I was. běn lái shì
[09:41.28] Tony, can you hold on? That' s the other line. děng děng, dōng ní, děng yī xià, hǎo ma? wǒ yǒu chā bō
[09:45.51] Yeah, she' s here, but can she call you back? duì, tā zài wǒ jiào tā huí diàn huà, hǎo ma?
[09:48.78] Okay, thanks. hǎo, xiè le
[09:50.48] Call Joanna. dǎ gěi qiáo ān nà
[09:51.79] Did she leave a number? tā liú le hào mǎ?
[09:53.05] Did you see me write one down? nǐ kàn dào wǒ xiě xià lái le ma?
[09:56.79] I don' t have her number, buttmunch. wǒ méi yǒu tā de diàn huà, dāi guā
[10:01.00] She' ll call back. Don' t be such a baby. nà tā huì zài dǎ lái de nǐ bú yào shuǎ hái zi pí qì le
[10:03.40] You' re the baby. wǒ cái méi yǒu, nǐ zì jǐ cái shì
[10:05.03] Get off my back. Get out of my face. tīng zhe, nǐ bié fán wǒ, hǎo bù hǎo? nǐ bú yào ài yǎn, hǎo bù hǎo?
[10:13.87] Yeah, she' s right here. Hold on. duì, bù, tā zài, děng yī xià
[10:17.58] Tony, can I call you back? dōng ní, wǒ zài dǎ gěi nǐ, hǎo ma?
[10:20.21] That' s my sister' s boyfriend. nà shi wǒ mèi mei de nán péng yǒu
[10:22.05] Give me that. diàn huà gěi wǒ
[10:26.72] Sweetie, before I forget, did l leave my diaphragm at your place? tián xīn, tīng zhe, chèn wǒ hái jì de wǒ de bì yùn qì shì fǒu liú zài nǐ nà ér?
[10:32.56] Hi, Mom. mā
[10:57.22] So how' s the palace? huáng gōng shēng huó guò de zěn me yàng le?
[10:59.25] It' s funny you should mention that because I was thinking.... zhēn yǒu qù, jì rán nǐ tí qǐ zhè gè wǒ zài xiǎng
[11:03.22] What' s with the boxes? zhèi xiē xiāng zi zěn me huí shì?
[11:06.93] Actually, I have some news. shì shí shàng, wǒ yǒu gè xiāo xī
[11:09.70] Is that Joey guy gonna pick up his moose hat or should I toss it? nà gè qiáo yī huì huí lái ná tā de mí lù mào ma? hái shì wǒ bǎ tā rēng le?
[11:14.40] Why don' t you ask him yourself? This is my new roommate, Eddie. zhè gè nǐ hé bù zì jǐ wèn tā ne? qiáo yī, zhè shì wǒ de xīn shì yǒu ài dí
[11:18.54] Nice to meet you. xìng huì
[11:19.87] Likewise. How you doing? bǐ cǐ nǐ hǎo ma?
[11:22.21] I' ll take that. nà wǒ dài zǒu le
[11:24.81] It' s what I came for. wǒ jiù shì huí lái ná zhè gè de
[11:28.15] This is new. Where' d you two meet? zhè dào xīn xiān nǐ men shì nǎ ér rèn shi de?
[11:30.58] At the supermarket in the ethnic food section. wǒ men zài chāo shì de mín zú shí pǐn qū
[11:34.49] I helped him pick out a chorizo. wǒ bāng tā tiāo xī bān yá xiāng cháng
[11:39.06] We got to talking. He needed a place, and I had a spare room. wǒ men kāi shǐ liáo, tā shuō yào zhǎo dì fāng zhù ér wǒ yòu gāng hǎo yǒu yí gè kōng fáng
[11:44.50] Now it' s a spare room? nà ér chéng le kōng fáng le?
[11:46.10] Well, yeah. In that it' s not being used... shì a, nà fáng jiān méi yǒu rén yòng
[11:49.14] ... and I have it to spare. ér wǒ jiù bǎ tā kōng chū lái
[11:53.91] Well, I got what I came for. wǒ ná dào wǒ yào de le
[11:59.71] I' ll see you. gǎi tiān jiàn le
[12:02.58] Hey, Joe. qiáo yī
[12:04.32] When' d you start using moose in your hair? nǐ shén me shí hòu kāi shǐ mǒ mù sī de?
[12:09.26] Is this guy great, or what? tā shì bú shì hěn bàng?
[12:12.79] Yeah, he is. shì ya, tā hěn bàng
[12:21.47] I can' t believe he has a new roommate. Who is he? zhēn bù gǎn xiāng xìn tā yǒu xīn shì yǒu le zhè jiā huǒ shì shuí a?
[12:25.94] It' ll never last. He' s just a rebound roommate. bú huì cháng jiǔ de, tā zhǐ shì gè tì dài pǐn
[12:33.25] Check it out! Check it out! kàn zhè gè
[12:35.55] It' s " Smelly Cat," the video! shì" chòu chòu māo" de MTV
[12:39.75] Now, I haven' t seen it yet, so if you don' t like it... wǒ zì jǐ dōu hái méi kàn ne rú guǒ nǐ men bù xǐ huān de huà ne
[12:44.63] ... so what? None of you ever made a video. nà yòu zěn me yàng? nǐ men yòu méi yǒu MTV
[12:55.30] Get out of here, cat! You stink! gǔn chū qù, māo, nǐ chòu sǐ le
[13:07.25] Smoking! měi dāi le
[13:08.52] Look at me! kàn kàn wǒ
[13:09.75] Smelly cat, smelly cat chòu chòu māo, chòu chòu māo
[13:13.19] What are they feeding you? tā men wèi nǐ shén me?
[13:16.42] Smelly cat, smelly cat chòu chòu māo, chòu chòu māo
[13:20.19] It' s not your fault nà bú shì nǐ de cuò
[13:26.93] Smelly, smelly, smelly Really bad smelling smelly cat chòu chòu, fēi cháng chòu de chòu chòu māo
[13:29.67] It' s not your fault nà bú shì nǐ de cuò
[13:32.01] Smelly cat, smelly cat chòu chòu māo
[13:34.54] Oh, my God! I know. wǒ de tiān a wǒ zhī dào
[13:36.94] I sound amazing! wǒ de shēng yīn hǎo měi ō
[13:42.28] They won' t take you to the vet tā men bù dài nǐ qù kàn shòu yī
[13:44.89] You' re obviously not their favorite pet nǐ xiǎn rán bú shì tā men de zuì ài
[13:47.39] Smelly cat, smelly cat chòu chòu māo, chòu chòu māo
[13:50.12] It' s not your fault nà bú shì nǐ de cuò
[13:55.36] I' ve never heard myself sing before. wǒ cóng méi tīng guò zì jǐ chàng de gē
[13:57.87] I mean, except in my own head. chú le zài wǒ de tóu lǐ miàn
[14:00.87] This is so cool! Now I can hear what you hear! zhè tài kù le wǒ kě yǐ tīng dào nǐ men tīng dào de le
[14:05.41] Pretty different, huh? mán bù tóng de ba?
[14:08.64] I am sorry, but I' m incredibly talented! bú yào jiè yì, wǒ shí zài tài cái huá yáng yì
[14:13.21] Smelly cat, smelly cat chòu chòu māo, chòu chòu māo
[14:16.08] It' s not your fault nà bú shì nǐ de cuò
[14:29.33] What' s going on, man? qiáo yī, jìn lái rú hé?
[14:31.23] Eddie. ài dí
[14:32.43] Morning. zǎo ān
[14:35.24] I just came by to pick up my mail. wǒ zhǐ shì guò lái ná wǒ de xìn
[14:39.27] Where' s the mail? Over there on the table. xìn zài nǎ ér? zài nà biān nà zhāng zhuō shàng
[14:42.68] You don' t keep it on this table anymore? nǐ bù zài bǎ xìn fàng zài zhè zhāng zhuō shàng le?
[14:45.01] Eddie likes it over there. bù liǎo, ài dí xǐ huān bǎ xìn fàng zài nà biān
[14:50.68] All right, here you go, my friend. Eggs a la Eddie. hǎo le, qǐng yòng ba, péng yǒu zhè shì ài dí mì fāng dàn
[14:59.59] That' s great. tài bàng le
[15:03.60] What? gàn ma?
[15:04.87] I thought you liked your eggs... wǒ zhǐ shì yǐ wéi nǐ xǐ huān
[15:06.93] ... with the bread with the hole in the middle, a la me! miàn bāo wā yí gè dòng, zhōng jiān fàng dàn ne
[15:10.64] I do, but Eddie makes them this way. They' re pretty darn good. wǒ shì xǐ huān ya, dàn ài dí shì zhè yàng jiān de, hái zhēn de shì mán hǎo chī de
[15:14.78] Well, you guys... hǎo le, liǎng wèi
[15:16.71] ... I' m out of here. wǒ yào chū qù le
[15:20.11] See you. zài jiàn
[15:24.62] How are you two getting along? I couldn' t be happier. nǐ men chù dé zěn me yàng? zài kuài lè yě bù guò le
[15:28.42] Great. hěn hǎo
[15:29.82] I' m happy for you. wǒ tì nǐ gāo xìng
[15:35.00] All right, that' s it! hǎo ba, gòu le
[15:37.40] He just comes in here, Mr. Johnny New Eggs... nà gè rén jiù zhè yàng jìn lái xīn dàn xiān shēng
[15:43.24] ... with his moving the mail and his " See you, pals." biàn le fàng xìn de dì fāng, hái yǒu " zài jiàn, xiōng dì men"
[15:50.11] And now there' s no juice! xiàn zài guǒ zhī yě méi yǒu le
[15:51.58] There' s no juice for the people who need the juice. I need the juice! xū yào guǒ zhī gēn yào guǒ zhī de rén méi de hē wǒ xū yào guǒ zhī
[16:00.69] This isn' t about juice anymore, all right, man? zhè bù zài shì guān yú guǒ zhī le, hǎo ma?
[16:04.00] All right. hǎo ya
[16:05.13] So what' s it about? nà me shì guān yú shén me ne?
[16:06.46] Eggs! dàn
[16:08.53] Whose eggs do you like better, his or mine? nǐ bǐ jiào xǐ huān shuí de dàn? tā de hái shì wǒ de?
[16:11.47] Well, I like both eggs equally. Oh, come on! wǒ liǎng gè yí yàng xǐ huān shǎo lái le
[16:14.70] Nobody likes two eggs equally. I wanna know which one you like better. méi rén yí yàng xǐ huān liǎng zhǒng bù tóng de dàn wǒ zhī dào nǐ bǐ jiào xǐ huān nǎ yī zhǒng
[16:19.27] What' s the difference? Your eggs aren' t here anymore. nà yǒu shén me chā bié ne? nǐ de dàn yǐ jīng bù zài zhè gè dì fāng le
[16:23.61] You took your eggs and you left! nǐ yǐ jīng dài zhe nǐ de dàn zǒu le
[16:26.31] Did you expect me to never find new eggs? nǐ zhēn de qī wàng wǒ zài yě zhǎo bu dào yí gè xīn de dàn ma?
[16:31.49] I wanna watch Entertainment Tonight. wǒ yào kàn" jīn yè yú lè"
[16:33.45] Tough. We' re watching Predators of the Serengeti. zhēn bù xìng wǒ men yào kàn" sè lún gé tí lüè shí zhě"
[16:37.36] Would you guys stop! bú yào chǎo le, hǎo bù hǎo?
[16:38.73] It' s my TV! zhè shì wǒ de diàn shì
[16:43.50] Monica keeps changing the channel. mó nī kǎ tā yī zhí zài zhuàn tái ya
[16:46.40] That' s great. Why don' t you tell Mommy on me? bàng tòu le nǐ qù gēn mā mī dǎ gè xiǎo bào gào a
[16:49.54] Now I' m Mommy in this little play? xiàn zài wǒ biàn chéng mā mī le
[16:52.67] Look, I refuse to get sucked into... hǎo, tīng zhe, wǒ jù jué juǎn rù
[16:54.91] ... this weird little Geller dimension thing, okay? zhè yī lèi jī xíng de gài lēi jiā tíng jiū fēn
[16:58.38] So I' m gonna go take a nice long hot bubble bath... wǒ xiàn zài yào qù xǐ gè xiāng pēn pēn rè téng téng de pào pào yù
[17:01.58] ... because you kids are driving me crazy! yīn wèi mā mī kuài yào bèi nǐ men bī fēng le
[17:07.35] What do we do about this? zhè jiàn shì wǒ men zěn me jiě jué?
[17:09.09] We could tape Entertainment Tonight. wǒ men kě yǐ bǎ" jīn yè yú lè" lù xià lái
[17:11.26] Not that! bú shì nà gè
[17:12.49] This! Us! wǒ shì shuō zhè gè, wǒ men!
[17:14.56] Oh, my God, Ross, it' s.... You' re just.... tiān a, luó sī, nǐ nǐ zhǐ shì nǐ
[17:17.23] Since you' ve been here, you' re driving me.... cóng nǐ dào zhè ér kāi shǐ wǒ dōu kuài yào bèi nǐ bī fēng le
[17:20.03] Mon, you' ve gone ultrasonic again, all right? mó nī kǎ, nǐ yòu kāi shǐ gāo bā dù le
[17:23.70] I just can' t stand you being here... wǒ shòu bù liǎo
[17:26.94] ... all the time! nǐ lǎo shì zài zhè lǐ!
[17:28.24] Why? Why can' t you stand me being here? wèi shí me? nǐ wèi shí me shòu bù liǎo ne?
[17:31.68] We' re just having fun. wǒ men zhǐ shì zài nào zhe wán ér yǐ
[17:33.08] Fun? You think this is fun? wán? zhè jiào hǎo wán ma?
[17:37.08] I thought we were fooling around, like when we were kids. shǎo lái le, wǒ yǐ wéi wǒ men zhǐ shì zài nào jiù xiàng wǒ men xiǎo shí hòu yí yàng
[17:40.79] I hated you when we were kids! luó sī, xiǎo shí hòu wǒ hèn nǐ yé
[17:45.03] You hated me when we were kids? xiǎo shí hòu nǐ hèn wǒ?
[17:47.13] I hated you. duì, wǒ hèn nǐ
[17:48.30] I loved you in a you' remybrother solhaveto way... wǒ shì shuō, wǒ jiù xiàng" nǐ shì wǒ gē suǒ yǐ wǒ bì xū ài nǐ" nà yàng ài nǐ
[17:54.54] Why did you hate me? nǐ wèi shí me yào hèn wǒ?
[17:55.90] Because you were mean to me... yīn wèi nǐ duì wǒ tài làn le
[17:59.07] ... and you teased me and you always got your way. ér qiě nǐ nǐ cháo nòng wǒ nǐ zǒng shì nǐ zǒng shì de chěng
[18:04.28] That wasn' t fun for you? nǐ jué de nà bù hǎo wán?
[18:10.15] I can' t believe you hated me. zhēn bù gǎn xiāng xìn nǐ hèn wǒ
[18:14.00] But now I love you. xiàn zài wǒ ài nǐ
[18:17.83] And not just because I have to. bù zhǐ shì yīn wèi wǒ bì xū zhè yàng
[18:20.46] Really? zhēn de?
[18:31.61] I can do that. wǒ kě yǐ bàn dé dào
[18:33.51] Then I won' t have to kill you. nà wǒ jiù yòng bù zháo shā nǐ le
[18:38.78] So you wanna watch Entertainment Tonight?. nǐ yào kàn" jīn tiān yú lè"?
[18:42.48] Thanks. xiè le
[18:47.15] You know what? zhī dào ma?
[18:50.00] If you really wanna watch that Serengeti thing, we can. rú guǒ nǐ zhēn de xiǎng kàn nà gè jié mù wǒ hái shì kě yǐ ràng nǐ
[19:03.34] Listen, you are not going to believe this... tīng zhe, nǐ men jué duì bú huì xiāng xìn de
[19:07.17] ... but that is not me singing on the video. dàn shì MTV shàng de gē shēng bú shì wǒ de
[19:13.85] How did you find out? nǐ zěn me zhī dào de ne?
[19:15.62] The record company sent this paper for me to sign saying it' s okay... chàng piān gōng sī sòng le yī zhāng zhǐ tiáo lái jiào wǒ qiān míng, yào wǒ tóng yì
[19:20.19] ... for someone else to sing for me. That was my first clue. tā men zhǎo bié rén lái tì wǒ chàng de nà shi wǒ de dì yí gè xiàn suǒ
[19:24.89] What will you do? nà nǐ dǎ suàn zěn me bàn?
[19:26.19] I can' t work with people who would do this. wǒ méi yǒu bàn fǎ gēn zhè zhǒng rén yì qǐ gōng zuò
[19:30.23] I mean, this poor woman. zhè gè zhè gè kě lián de nǚ rén
[19:33.00] What woman? shén me nǚ rén?
[19:34.07] The voice woman. nà gè dài chàng de nǚ rén
[19:35.57] She has a great voice, but she doesn' t have a video. tā de shēng yīn zhēn shì bàng tòu le kě shì tā méi yǒu MTV a
[19:39.21] Okay, Pheebs, but what about you? fēi fēi, nà nǐ ne?
[19:41.54] I have a video. Pay attention. wǒ yǒu MTV, nǐ de yào liú xīn tīng
[19:46.88] This voice woman, she' s so talented. zhè gè dài chàng de rén tā hěn yǒu cái huá
[19:55.49] She' s like one of those animals at the pound... tā jiù xiàng nà zhǒng dòng wù shōu róng suǒ lǐ miàn dí dòng wù
[19:58.43] ... who nobody wants because they' re not pretty. méi yǒu rén yào jiù yīn wèi tā zhǎng de bù gòu piào liàng ér yǐ
[20:01.16] Or you know, like some old dog who' s kind of like stinky and huò zhě shì xiàng zhǐ lǎo gǒu, hún shēn fā chòu
[20:05.77] Oh, my God! She' s " smelly cat"! wǒ de tiān a, tā jiù shì" chòu chòu māo"
[20:11.27] That song has so many levels. nà shǒu gē jù yǒu shēn dù
[20:16.04] Hey, Eddie. ài dí
[20:17.38] You wanna play some foosball? lái wán zhuō shàng zú qiú zěn me yàng?
[20:19.45] No, thanks, man. I' m not really into sports. bù, xiè le, lǎo xiōng wǒ bù tài xǐ huān yùn dòng
[20:27.75] Yeah, okay. All right. hǎo ba
[20:31.36] Doesn' t matter. Time for Baywatch! méi guān xì " pī lì yóu lóng" yào kāi yǎn le
[20:36.13] You like that show? nǐ xǐ huān kàn nà gè jié mù?
[20:40.10] You don' t? nǐ bù xǐ huān ma?
[20:43.20] It' s just pretty people running around on the beach. bù, nà zhǐ shì yī qún jùn nán měi nǚ zài hǎi tān shàng pǎo lái pǎo qù
[20:47.04] That' s the brilliance of it. bàng jiù bàng zài nà li a
[20:51.48] The pretty people. jùn nán měi nǚ
[20:54.62] And the running. pǎo lái pǎo qù
[20:58.09] I' m gonna go read in my room for a little while. wǒ yào jìn wǒ fáng jiān kàn shū le
[21:02.26] Okay, man. hǎo de, lǎo xiōng
[21:14.13] I think of all the friends I' ve known wǒ xiǎng dào hé wǒ xiāng zhī xiāng xī de yǒu rén
[21:20.51] But when I dial the telephone dàn wǒ bō diàn huà shí
[21:26.75] No one' s home méi yǒu rén zài jiā
[21:37.00] All by myself gū gū dān dān
[21:43.46] Don' t wanna live wǒ bù xiǎng yào yí ge rén
[21:45.33] All by myself gū gū dān dān
[21:50.47] Anymore bù xiǎng zài gū dān
[21:53.61] All by myself gū gū dān dān
[21:59.35] Smelly cat, smelly cat chòu chòu māo, chòu chòu māo
[22:02.35] What are they feeding you? Everybody! tā men wèi nǐ shén me? yì qǐ chàng
[22:05.42] Smelly cat, smelly cat chòu chòu māo, chòu chòu māo
[22:08.52] It' s not your fault nà bú shì nǐ de cuò
[22:11.76] They won' t take you to the vet tā men bù dài nǐ qù kàn shòu yī
[22:18.07] You' re obviously not their favorite pet nǐ xiǎn rán bú shì tā men de zuì ài
[22:21.54] You may not be a bed of roses nǐ huò xǔ bú shì yī chuáng méi guī
[22:24.54] And you' re no friend To those with noses yě méi yǒu rén huì xǐ huān wén nǐ
[22:28.54] Ross, those are the only lines we have. Back to the chorus! luó sī, gē cí dōu chàng wán le, bào qiàn hǎo le, huí dào hé chàng de bù fèn