Friends S03E09

歌曲 Friends S03E09
歌手 英语听力
专辑 老友记(第三季)


[00:11.-3] We know. 我们知道啊
[01:55.-3] I wanted to wear my bathrobe and eat peanut clusters all day. 我想整天穿着浴袍吃花生
[03:34.-3] So he took the trophy... 所以他把奖品…
[03:58.-1] I mean,come on. It's been 12 years. 我是说,都已经过了12年了
[07:19.-4] Break! 开始
[09:03.-4] Thanks. 谢了
[09:11.-3] I don't like to say it out loud... 我没有说得这么明显,不过…
[12:04.-2] Okay,good. 好,很好
[12:47.-1] -Come on,you wuss! -Okay,come on. 来吧 来
[14:29.-4] Oh,what a great argument. Exhaling! 好啊,好一声叹息
[15:02.-4] You're gonna let me play? 你会让我上场?
[15:31.-1] Well,the Pennsylvania Dutch come from Pennsylvania. 这个嘛 宾州的荷兰人来自宾州
[15:40.-1] Nice try. 勇气可嘉
[16:15.-4] Well,if I had to choose right now... 如果一定要现在选…
[19:10.-3] -Break! -Break! 比赛开始 比赛开始
[20:58.-2] So you're five feet short. So... 所以你还差了五尺,所以…
[22:09.-2] -Let go! -No,you let go! 放手 不,你放手
[00:04.18] Oh,come on! 拜托!
[00:06.38] It's your Thanksgiving too. Instead of watching football,you could help. 你们也要过感恩节 不要老看足球,来帮帮忙
[00:14.63] You wanna put the marshmallows in concentric circles. 你要把棉花糖排成同心圆
[00:19.03] No,you want to put them in concentric circles. 不,是你要把棉花糖 排成同心圆
[00:22.20] I want to do this. 我要的是这样
[00:33.61] Every year. 年年如此
[00:36.65] The One With the Football 本集播出:“足球情结”
[01:23.09] To the 10,to the 5. Touchdown,Giants! 十码、五码 触地得分,太棒了
[01:26.26] You know,for once,I am gonna try to watch one of these things. 我这倒想看足球试试看
[01:32.17] Halftime. 中场休息
[01:35.24] Who wants to throw the ball around? Get a little 3-on-3 going? 谁想出去玩玩球? 来个3对3?
[01:39.01] -That would be fun! -Can I play too? 一定很好玩 我可以参加吗?
[01:41.88] I've never played football,ever. 我从来没玩过足球
[01:44.52] Great! You can cover Chandler. 太好了,你可以防守
[01:48.59] I don't really want to play. 我不想玩球
[01:50.92] You never do anything since you and Janice broke up. 你跟珍妮丝分手之后 就一直提不起劲
[01:53.86] Not true. 才不是这样
[01:58.63] And start drinking in the morning. Don't say I don't have goals! 我还想在早上喝酒 别说我没有目标
[02:02.57] You have to start getting over her,all right? 你得把她忘了,好吗?
[02:05.24] If you play,maybe it'll take your mind off Janice. 如果你来玩球,呼吸新鲜空气 也许就会忘记珍妮丝
[02:09.31] If you don't,everyone will be mad at you because the teams won't be even. 否则大家都会生你的气 因为这样实力就不平均了
[02:14.71] All right,I'll play. 好,我参加
[02:16.61] Let's do it! Ross? 来吧,罗斯?
[02:18.48] -What? -Wanna play football? 什么? 想玩足球吗?
[02:23.42] Monica and I aren't supposed to play football. 摩妮卡跟我都不能玩足球
[02:27.13] Says who? Your mom? 谁说的?你妈?
[02:33.83] Every Thanksgiving,we used to have a touch football game... 以前每年圣诞节 我们都玩触身美式足球
[02:37.84] ...called The Geller Bowl. 叫做盖勒杯
[02:39.80] No,no,no. You say that proudly! 不…你的口气要很骄傲才对
[02:43.14] Anyway,Ross and l were always captains. 反正罗斯跟我每次都当队长
[02:46.64] It got kind of competitive, and one year,Geller Bowl Vl... 竞争越来越激烈 有一年,第六届盖勒杯
[02:50.45] ... I accidentally broke Ross' nose. 我不小心打断罗斯的鼻子
[02:55.12] It was so not an accident. 你是故意的
[02:57.49] She saw I was about to tag her, so she threw... 她看到我就快抱住她 就用她的…
[03:00.19] ... her big fat grandma-arm elbow in my face... 大胖手肘撞我的脸
[03:03.19] ...and just kept running. 然后拼命往前跑
[03:05.33] To score the winning touchdown, by the way. 因此赢得致胜的一分
[03:09.20] You did not win the game. The touchdown didn't count... 你没有赢,那次得分不算
[03:12.20] ... because of the spectacularly illegal,and savage,nose-breaking. 因为你公然犯规 野蛮地打断我的鼻子
[03:18.38] I won the game. 我赢了
[03:19.81] Yeah? Then how come you didn't get the Geller Cup? 是吗? 那你怎么没得到盖勒杯?
[03:24.72] There was a Geller Cup? 有盖勒杯?
[03:27.45] Yes,the trophy you got if you won the game. 对,这是赢球的奖品
[03:30.36] But Dad said nobody won, and he was sick of our fighting. 但爸爸说我们谁都没赢 他受够了我们打来打去
[03:42.13] ...threw it in the lake. 丢进湖里
[03:45.17] And was the curse lifted? 这个诅咒解除了没有?
[03:49.17] Anyway... 反正…
[03:51.18] ... Mom said we weren't allowed to play football again. 妈妈说我们不能再玩足球了
[03:54.85] You know what? I think we should play a game. 你知道吗? 我觉得我们应该一起去玩球
[04:00.69] Can I see you for a second? 跟你私下说句话好吗?
[04:07.33] Wuss! 哇
[04:08.43] All right,we're gonna play. 好,我们参加
[04:11.36] Wait. How we gonna get there? My mom won't let me cross the street. 等等,我们怎么过去? 我妈不准我过马路
[04:20.71] Here you go. 来
[04:23.84] -Let's bring it in. -Wait. 把球丢过来 等等
[04:25.58] Honey,throw it to me! 亲爱的,把球传给我
[04:27.11] Here you go. 来
[04:31.02] That almost hit me in the face! 你差点打中我的脸
[04:33.79] We have to pick captains. 我们要选队长
[04:35.69] And then "Tenilles." 然后挑选队员
[04:40.02] So how do we decide that? 我们怎么推派决定队长?
[04:41.76] -Why don't we just bunny up? -What? 装兔宝宝好不好? 什么?
[04:44.23] -Bunny! -Bunny! 兔子 兔子
[04:47.23] Looks like Ross and I are captains. 看来队长就是罗斯跟我了
[04:49.43] I bunnied first, so I get to pick first. Joey. 我先装兔子 所以我先挑,乔伊
[04:53.24] -Thank you. -Monica! 谢谢 摩妮卡
[04:55.54] I'm your best friend. 我是你最好的朋友
[04:57.54] Sweetie,don't worry, you'll get picked. 甜心,别担心,会有人选你的
[05:09.22] Sweetie,now I pick you. 甜心,现在我选你了
[05:11.06] You don't pick me. You're stuck with me! 你才没选我 你是没人可选了
[05:15.33] Okay. So let's see. 好,这样吧
[05:16.93] Let's play from the trash can to the light post,right? 比赛场地是 从垃圾桶到路灯,好吗?
[05:20.30] Two-hand touch. We'll kick off. 两手发球,开始吧
[05:22.00] People,listen. I've got 28 minutes... 大家听好了,28分钟后…
[05:25.07] ... before I have to baste again. 我就给你们好看
[05:27.01] Wow,just like in the pros. 哇,就跟职业球队一样
[05:29.74] Okay,huddle up! 好,临场会议
[05:31.48] -Huddle up over here! -Wait for me! Wait for me! 临场会议 等等我…
[05:35.51] Oh,cool! My first huddle. 太棒了!这是我的第一次
[05:39.52] So what do you guys really think of Chandler? 老实说 你们觉得钱德怎么样?
[05:44.29] You know what you're doing,right? 你知道自己在做什么吧?
[05:47.29] Joey will catch it. We'll block. 乔伊接球,我们阻挡
[05:49.63] What's "block"? 什么叫“阻挡”?
[05:51.50] -I thought you knew what you were doing. -I thought you meant in life! 我还以为你知道自己在做什么 我以为你是指人生的方向
[05:56.60] Break! 开始
[05:58.30] The ball is Janice. The ball is Janice. 球是珍妮丝…
[06:07.51] Son of a! 该死…
[06:09.45] -Come on! -I'm sorry. I'm sorry. 拜托 对不起…
[06:11.52] You know what? We're just gonna throw it. 这样吧,我们用丢的好了
[06:15.39] I got it! 我来接
[06:16.89] Go,go,go! 快…
[06:27.03] Score! Seven to nothing! 得分,7比0
[06:30.90] Honey,you okay? 亲爱的,你没事吧?
[06:32.07] Come on,let's go. 我们来
[06:33.91] Losers walk. 输家滚蛋
[06:35.34] Yeah? Losers talk. 是吗?输家只会说
[06:38.24] Actually,losers rhyme. 其实输家是押韵的
[06:42.75] Forty-three... 43…
[06:44.35] ...seventy-four.... 74…
[06:49.59] You wanna go shotgun? 拉开进攻阵式好吗? 好
[06:54.36] -One Mississippi,two Mississippi.... -Over here! Over here! 一秒钟、两秒钟… 这里…
[06:58.76] I almost caught it! 我差点就接到了!
[07:01.50] Great. Now the score's seven to almost seven. 太好了,我们差点就得分了
[07:05.10] On this play,I want you to do a down-and-out to the right,okay? 这场比赛,我要你往前场跑 再用假动作往右边跑,好吗?
[07:09.84] -Break! -Wait. What am I gonna do? 开始 等等,那我要干嘛?
[07:11.84] You? 你?
[07:13.28] You go long. 你跑远一点
[07:14.51] How long? 多远?
[07:15.85] Until we start to look very small. 到你几乎看不见我们为止
[07:21.62] One Mississippi 一秒钟、两秒钟…
[07:23.19] Switch! Switch! Switch! 换防守位置…
[07:36.63] Thanks for stopping our ball. 谢谢你挡住了我们的球
[07:38.27] You are playing American football? 你们在玩美式足球?
[07:41.37] Wow! You're,like, from a whole other country! 哇!你好像是外国人
[07:45.28] I'm Dutch. 我是荷兰人
[07:46.48] Hi,I'm Joey. 嗨,我是乔伊
[07:49.05] I am Margha. 我是玛嘉
[07:50.92] Sorry,Dutch,I didn't get that last little bit. 对不起,荷兰人 最后一个字我没听懂
[07:54.12] You wanna play football or Hi,I'm Chandler. 乔伊,你还玩球还是… 嗨,我是钱德
[07:56.92] Hello,Chandler. 哈罗,钱德
[07:59.00] Her name is Dutch and also "Margham." 她叫做荷兰人,又叫做玛亨
[08:10.13] Come on,guys! Let's go! Second down! 来吧,开始了 第二次十码进攻
[08:13.67] -Hello? It's third down. -No,it's not. It's second. 喂,是第三次十码进攻了 才不是,这是第二次而已
[08:17.61] Wow. 哇!
[08:18.74] "Wow" what? 哇什么?
[08:20.08] How it just amazes me that you're still pulling stuff like this. 我真没想到你现在还来这一套
[08:24.45] -Pulling what? It's second down. -Okay,it's second down. 哪一套?这是第二次进攻 好,是第二次进攻
[08:28.75] Take all the second downs you need. 你要来几个第二次进攻都可以
[08:31.79] -I heard that. -Well,I said it loud. 我听到了 我就是说给你听的
[08:36.36] It is okay if I stay and watch? 我可以留下来看吗?
[08:38.70] -Just sit right there. -Yeah,why don't you stick around? 你只管坐着看 对啊,留下来吧
[08:41.87] -That went well. -I think so. 很顺利 我想也是
[08:43.77] I was thinking about asking her for her number. 我想跟她要电话号码
[08:46.94] Thanks,man,but it makes a stronger statement if I ask for it myself. 谢了,老兄 但我自己开口比较有说服力
[08:53.04] I was thinking about for me,as part of that getting-over-Janice thing. 我是替我自己要的 好帮我忘了珍妮丝
[08:58.45] Oh,yeah. That. 对啊
[09:00.62] If it means that much, I'll let you have her. 好吧,如果这么重要 我就让给你吧
[09:05.56] "Let me have her"? 让给我?
[09:07.86] You mean if you didn't, I wouldn't have a shot? 你是说如果你不让贤 我就没有机会?
[09:14.17] ... but yeah! 没错
[09:16.40] We all have our strengths. You're better with numbers and stuff. 别难过,我们各有优点 你比较有数学头脑
[09:20.81] Math? You're giving me math? 数学?你说我数学好?
[09:24.74] All right,you know what? Forget about it. 好,这样吧,算了
[09:27.14] You go for the girl. We'll see who gets her. 你去追她,我们看谁能追到
[09:33.48] I want you to run a post-pattern to the left. And,sweetie 我要你左边防守 甜心…
[09:37.05] Yeah,I know. Go long. 对,我知道,跑远一点
[09:38.52] All I'm doing is running back and forth from the huddle. 我就只是跑来跑去而已
[09:42.83] Well,you wanna just stay out there? 你要不要干脆留在场外好了?
[09:47.40] Can I see that for a second? 我能跟你私下谈谈好吗?
[09:53.34] Okay,let's go. 好,来吧
[09:54.67] -I got Chandler! -Hike! 我来防守钱德 挡下开球
[09:56.17] One Mississippi,two Mississippi, three Mississippi. 一秒钟、两秒钟、三秒钟
[09:59.28] Fumble! 漏接
[10:06.55] What's the matter with you? This is my favorite jersey. 你是怎么搞的? 这是我最喜欢的一件毛织杉
[10:10.19] Well,now you have two. 那你现在有两件了
[10:13.69] Hey,I am good at math! 嘿,我的数学还真不赖
[10:16.53] That's it. I was still gonna let you have her. 够了,我本来还想让给你
[10:19.36] But now,prepare to feel bad about yourself. 现在你想都不要想 等着看自己出丑吧
[10:21.87] I've been preparing for that my entire life! 我已经准备了一辈子了
[10:25.87] Or something about you that's mean! 我等着看你现出你的劣根性
[10:28.64] Come on,guys. Let's go. 快点,比赛了
[10:30.64] Tie score. We're running out of time. 比数拉平,我们没时间了
[10:32.94] Forty-two,38,hike! 42、38,挡下开球
[10:35.25] I got it! 我接到了
[10:37.32] Broken boobs! 我的胸部骨折了
[10:40.79] -Pheebs,run! -Run,Phoebe,run! 菲比,快跑 快跑,菲比,快跑
[10:43.55] Touchdown! Touchdown! 触地得分!
[10:49.59] The buzzer buzzed. It doesn't count. 铃声响了,不算
[10:52.13] -After the snap. -Before the snap. 那是在传球之前 在传球之后
[10:54.13] -After. -Before. 之后 之前
[10:55.60] -Does it really matter? -Yes! 这很重要吗? 对
[10:57.57] But I made a touchdown. It was my first touchdown. 但我触地得分了 这是我的第一次
[11:01.34] Pheebs,that's great. Doesn't count. 菲比,太好了 可是不算
[11:04.08] -Does so count. -Cheater,cheater,compulsive eater. 当然算 骗子,骗子,不吃会死
[11:08.75] Oh,my God! 我的天啊
[11:11.75] That's fine. Maybe you haven't grown up,but I have. 很好,也许你还没长大 但我已经是大人了
[11:17.12] Dead leg! 踢死你这个脓包
[11:19.62] Okay,fine. You want to win by cheating,go ahead. 好,很好… 你想靠作弊赢球,随便你
[11:23.29] The touchdown does count. You win. 菲比,得分照算,你赢了
[11:28.70] I won't do this again. I wanna beat you when you can't blame it... 我不想再跟你吵 我要你输得无话可说
[11:33.00] ...on the broken nose or the buzzer or the fact that you might have mono. 不能怪罪鼻梁断掉、铃声 或是你可能白血球过多
[11:37.14] Let's just call this tie score and it's halftime. 比赛算平手,现在是中场休息
[11:40.44] First,I don't play with cheaters. 首先,我不跟作弊的人比赛
[11:42.11] Second of all, you know I had swollen glands! 第二,你知道 我以前有腺体肿大的毛病
[11:47.18] You know what? I think you'll play. 你知道吗?我看你一定会参加
[11:50.22] Oh,really? Why's that? 真的吗?为什么?
[11:52.12] Because the winner gets this. 因为赢得人可以拿到这个
[11:54.49] The Geller Cup! 盖勒杯
[11:59.16] Is everybody else seeing a troll doll nailed to a two-by-four? 你们大家也看见一个 钉在木板上的娃娃吗?
[12:11.58] Where the hell did you get that? 你是从哪里弄来的?
[12:13.68] When you went to the hospital for your nose... 你到医院去接鼻梁的时候…
[12:16.21] ...I swam into the lake and fished it out. 我游到湖里找出来的
[12:19.22] That cup is mine! 奖杯是我的
[12:20.42] No,it's not. You want it, you're gonna have to win it. 才不是,你想要 就得凭本事来赢过去
[12:23.85] So are we not having dinner at all? 那我们不吃晚饭了?
[12:27.56] Come on,let's go. It's time to get serious. Huddle up. 过来,该认真一点了,围过来
[12:31.80] IKeep your head in the game. 乔伊,认真比赛
[12:33.90] It's hard,you know? His huddle's close to the Dutch girl. 这很难耶 他就在那个荷兰女孩旁边
[12:38.77] If I take Chandler out of the running, will you be able to focus? 如果我让钱德出局 你能够专心吗?
[12:42.41] -What are you gonna do? -Just make sure he catches the ball. 你有什么办法? 你只要让他接到球就好了
[12:45.61] I'll do the rest. 其他就交给我吧
[12:51.45] I got it! 看我的
[12:52.58] Come on! This way! Come on! 来,这里,来
[12:55.15] Look out! 小心
[13:00.29] Tackled by a girl! Bet you don't see that every day. 被女生阻截 这种画面不多见吧
[13:05.60] What's with the tackling? 你这是干嘛?
[13:07.50] What? 干嘛?
[13:09.03] I just touched him and he went over. 我碰他一下,他就倒下来了
[13:11.64] Okay. You wanna play rough? We can play rough. 好,你想玩狠的 我们也可以很野蛮
[13:15.77] Let's get ready to rumble! 准备开打罗
[13:58.08] -Go,go,go! -Get her! Get her! 加油 挡住她
[14:04.26] I love this game! 好过瘾!
[14:09.03] Where'd you get that? 你从哪里弄来的?
[14:11.06] I went really long. 我跑得很远
[14:14.27] Forty-two to 21. 42比21
[14:16.27] Like the turkey,Ross is done! 罗斯跟火鸡一样死翘翘了
[14:20.37] You got to pick first,so you got the better team. 你会赢并不奇怪,你先挑人 挑到的球员比较好
[14:23.74] Pathetic! Why can't you just accept that we're winning... 你真可悲,为什么 你不肯承认我们赢球
[14:26.94] ... because I'm better than you? 是因为我比你行?
[14:33.02] All right,I'll prove it to you. 好,我要让你心服口服
[14:35.35] I'll trade you Joey for Rachel and I'll still win the game. 我用乔伊跟你换瑞秋 还是照赢不误
[14:39.06] What? The guys against the girls? 什么?男生对女生?
[14:41.56] That's ridiculous because I'm only down by three touchdowns. 这太荒谬了,因为我只要 三次触地得分,就追上你了
[14:45.30] Then bring it on! 那就得分给我看啊
[14:47.20] Unless you're afraid you might lose to a bunch of girls. 除非你怕会输给几个女生
[14:52.70] Fine. Rachel,you're with Monica. Joey,you're with me. 很好,瑞秋,你跟摩妮卡 乔伊,你跟我一队
[14:56.37] I can't believe you're trading me. 你竟然把我交换出去
[14:58.54] Let's see what it's like to be on a winning team for a change. 我们也来尝尝看赢球的滋味
[15:04.05] All right,then! 那好
[15:06.45] The game is over? We eat now? 比赛结束了?我们要去吃饭?
[15:08.39] The game's not over. We're switching teams. 比赛还没结束 我们在交换球员
[15:10.45] Chandler finds me so intimidating that it's better if we're on the same team. 钱德觉得我对他造成威胁 还是跟他同一队比较好
[15:15.33] Okay,let's play. Let's go. 好,我们来打球吧,快
[15:17.23] Hold on a second. 等一下
[15:19.73] Where do Dutch people come from? 荷兰人是从哪里来的?
[15:34.78] And the other Dutch people? 其他的荷兰人呢?
[15:37.08] They come from somewhere near the Netherlands,right? 他们是尼德兰附近来的吧?
[15:42.00] The Netherlands is this make-believe place... 尼德兰是虚构出来的地方
[15:44.46] ...where Peter Pan and Tinker Bell live. 是潘彼得和小仙子的家
[15:48.59] Oh,my. 我的天
[15:50.79] Enough "geography for the insane." Let's play ball. 别再讲“疯子的地理学”了 我们打球吧
[15:54.33] I'm not playing with this guy. 我不跟这傢伙一起打球
[15:57.00] -Fine with me. -I've had enough of this. 我无所谓 我受够了
[15:59.44] Let's just cut to the chase. Heidi,which of my boys do you like? 干脆直接了当一点 海蒂,你喜欢哪一个?
[16:04.34] What are you doing? 你这是干嘛?
[16:05.61] What are you doing? 你这是干嘛?
[16:08.71] Which do I like? 我喜欢哪一个?
[16:10.61] Yeah,for dating,general merriment, taking back to your windmill? 对,你会挑哪一个约会 找乐子、带回家?
[16:17.69] ...which,by the way, I find really weird... 我也觉得不可思议…
[16:21.83] ... I would have to say Chandler. 不过我会说是钱德
[16:26.46] Wait a minute. She didn't understand the question. 等等,她显然没听懂你的问题
[16:30.07] Why don't you have Captain Hook explain it to her? 你可以请虎克船长 解释给她听啊
[16:34.64] I'm sorry. That is my truth. 对不起,这是我的真心话
[16:36.81] You hear that? That is her truth, Mr. "I'll Let You Have Her"! 听到没有?这是她的真心话 说什么“我把她让给你”!
[16:40.58] I win! You suck! I rule all! 我赢了,你输了 我是武林至尊
[16:43.51] Mini-wave in celebration of me! 给我来个迷你波浪舞
[16:50.00] I am now thinking I would like to change my answer to "no one." 我现在考虑要把我的答案 改成“谁都不选”
[16:55.59] What? 什么?
[16:57.59] I now find you shallow... 我现在觉得你既肤浅…
[17:00.26] ...and a dork. 又呆瓜
[17:02.60] Bye-bye. 再见
[17:05.34] Nice going. 干得好
[17:06.50] You just saved yourself a couple months of sex. 你好几个月 不必在床上浪费精力了
[17:09.84] It doesn't matter, because she picked me. 这无所谓,因为她选的是我
[17:12.44] From now on, I get the dates... 从现在起,我会跟女人约会
[17:14.51] ...and you stay home on Saturday nights watching Ready,Set,Cook! 而你周末的晚上只能 在家里看“简易烹饪”节目
[17:18.78] Save the breakthroughs for therapy. The clock is ticking. 把这些话留着告诉心理医生 比赛快结束了
[17:21.79] We have no time and we are losing to girls. 我们时间不多 目前还落后给女生
[17:24.72] We're not gonna lose to girls. 我们不会输给女生
[17:26.52] It's 42-21! 现在比数是42比21
[17:28.13] This sucks! I was just up by that much! 该死 我刚才就是领先这么多分
[17:32.76] Are we playing football or what? Come on,you hairy-backed Marys! 我们还要不要玩球? 快点,你们这些娘娘腔
[17:38.10] We have to do this. We're playing for women everywhere. 我们要采取这种战术 我们要替全世界的女人而战
[17:41.37] Think about every lousy date you ever had. 想想过去的每个烂约会
[17:44.24] Every guy who kept one eye on the TV while you were making out. 每个在亲热的时候 一只眼睛还在电视上的男人
[17:47.24] Oh,my God. You dated someone with a glass eye too? 老天,你跟装义眼的 男人约会过?
[17:52.12] Come on,okay? This is for all womankind. Let's kill them! 拜托你们,好嘛? 为了全体妇女,我们宰了他们
[17:56.45] Yeah! IKill them! 对,宰了他们
[17:59.39] All right, I want to kill them too. 好啊,我也想宰了他们
[18:01.93] But they're boys. 可是他们是男生
[18:03.73] You know,how are we gonna beat three boys? 我们怎么打败三个男生?
[18:36.16] A minute and a half left and we're down by two points. 只是下一分半钟 我们还落后两分
[18:39.66] Two points,ladies. 还落后两分,姐妹们
[18:46.37] Phoebe,you do a buttonhook again. 菲比,你再用后转身进攻法
[18:48.84] Rachel,you go long. 瑞秋,你跑远一点
[18:50.44] No,don't make me go long. Use me. They never cover me. 不要再叫我跑远一点了 让我做点事,他们从不防守我
[18:54.34] Honey,there's a reason. 亲爱的,这是有原因的
[18:57.38] I'm not lame,okay? I can do something. 我不是跛脚,好吗? 我可以发挥作用
[19:00.32] Would you let me throw? This is my game too. 你让我传球嘛 这也是我的比赛
[19:03.02] Let her throw the ball. 让她传球
[19:04.86] Sweep behind,I'll pitch it. You throw it downfield to Phoebe. 迅速到他们后面,我传球给你 你传球到前场给菲比
[19:08.73] Thank you. 谢谢
[19:11.33] All right,here we go. 好,来吧
[19:13.36] Thirty-two,71,hike! 31、71,挡下开球
[19:15.90] One Mississippi,two Mississippi, three Mississippi! 一秒钟、两秒钟、三秒钟
[19:23.71] Go,go,go! 加油…
[19:26.01] Catch it! 接球
[19:29.68] -I'm so sorry. Are you okay? -No,I'm not okay! 对不起,你还好吧? 不,我不好
[19:34.02] They were coming at me and I didn't know what to do. 他们冲着我来 我不知道该怎么办
[19:36.72] Thirty seconds left on the timer. 比赛还剩下30秒钟
[19:39.00] So we get to take that stupid troll thing home. 我们就可以 把那个呆瓜侏儒带回家了
[19:42.23] Come on! Hurry! We're running out of time. 快过来,我们没时间了
[19:45.36] Huddle up! 临场会议
[19:49.40] This is our last huddle! 这是最后一次临场会议了
[19:52.27] All right,Phoebe,get open. Rachel... 好,菲比,摆脱防守,瑞秋
[19:55.41] ...go long. 跑远一点
[19:56.51] Okay. 好
[19:58.08] Break! 比赛开始
[20:47.56] I did it! Touchdown! We did it! 我成功了,触地得分,成功了
[20:53.40] You know? Funny thing,actually. The end zone starts at that pole. 你们知道吗?很奇怪 边锋的位置是在那个柱子那里
[21:01.00] ...we win! 我们赢了
[21:04.11] Yes,yes,yes! 太好了
[21:05.78] Wait,explain something,though. 等等,请你们解释一下
[21:08.08] If nobody tagged Rachel, then isn't the play still going? 如果没有人抱住瑞秋 那比赛就还没结束吧?
[21:17.59] -Let me in,let me in! -No way! Let go! 让开… 想都别想,放手
[21:20.26] Let go?! I'm a tiny little woman! 放手?我是个小女人
[21:23.63] Come on,it's Thanksgiving! 拜托,今天是感恩节
[21:25.66] It's not important who wins or loses. 输赢并不重要
[21:28.20] The important thing is the Dutch girl picked me! 重要的是荷兰女孩选了我
[21:33.10] Me,not you! Holland loves Chandler! Thank you,Amsterdam! Good night! 是我,不是你,荷兰爱钱德 谢谢,阿姆斯特丹,晚安
[21:45.52] We should play football more often. 我们应该多抽空玩足球
[21:47.78] Maybe there's a league we could join. 也许我们可以参加哪个联盟
[21:50.52] Isn't there a "national football league"? 不是有个 “国家足球联盟”吗?
[21:54.29] Yes,there is. They play on Sundays and Monday nights. 没错,星期天 和星期一晚上比赛
[21:57.39] Oh,shoot! I work Monday nights. 太可惜了 我星期天晚上要上班
[22:02.70] This stuffing is amazing. Do you think we should bring them some? 这菜真好吃 要给他们带一些过去吗?
[22:06.74] When they're hungry, they'll come in. 他们饿了自然会进来
[22:13.84] How come it's always us left holding the ball? 为什么每次都只剩 我们两个人抱着球不放?
[22:17.05] I don't know. I guess the other people just don't care enough. 不知道,我想是因为 其他人不太在乎吧
[22:26.56] Hey,it's starting to snow. 开始下雪了
[22:33.73] -Give it to me! Let go! -Let it go! Come on,let go! 把球给我,放手 放手,快放手


[00:11.-3] We know. wǒ men zhī dào a
[01:55.-3] I wanted to wear my bathrobe and eat peanut clusters all day. wǒ xiǎng zhěng tiān chuān zhe yù páo chī huā shēng
[03:34.-3] So he took the trophy... suǒ yǐ tā bǎ jiǎng pǐn
[03:58.-1] I mean, come on. It' s been 12 years. wǒ shì shuō, dōu yǐ jīng guò le 12 nián le
[07:19.-4] Break! kāi shǐ
[09:03.-4] Thanks. xiè le
[09:11.-3] I don' t like to say it out loud... wǒ méi yǒu shuō de zhè me míng xiǎn, bù guò
[12:04.-2] Okay, good. hǎo, hěn hǎo
[12:47.-1] Come on, you wuss! Okay, come on. lái ba lái
[14:29.-4] Oh, what a great argument. Exhaling! hǎo a, hǎo yī shēng tàn xī
[15:02.-4] You' re gonna let me play? nǐ huì ràng wǒ shàng chǎng?
[15:31.-1] Well, the Pennsylvania Dutch come from Pennsylvania. zhè gè ma bīn zhōu de hé lán rén lái zì bīn zhōu
[15:40.-1] Nice try. yǒng qì kě jiā
[16:15.-4] Well, if I had to choose right now... rú guǒ yí dìng yào xiàn zài xuǎn
[19:10.-3] Break! Break! bǐ sài kāi shǐ bǐ sài kāi shǐ
[20:58.-2] So you' re five feet short. So... suǒ yǐ nǐ hái chà le wǔ chǐ, suǒ yǐ
[22:09.-2] Let go! No, you let go! fàng shǒu bù, nǐ fàng shǒu
[00:04.18] Oh, come on! bài tuō!
[00:06.38] It' s your Thanksgiving too. Instead of watching football, you could help. nǐ men yě yào guò gǎn ēn jié bú yào lǎo kàn zú qiú, lái bāng bāng máng
[00:14.63] You wanna put the marshmallows in concentric circles. nǐ yào bǎ mián huā táng pái chéng tóng xīn yuán
[00:19.03] No, you want to put them in concentric circles. bù, shì nǐ yào bǎ mián huā táng pái chéng tóng xīn yuán
[00:22.20] I want to do this. wǒ yào de shì zhè yàng
[00:33.61] Every year. nián nián rú cǐ
[00:36.65] The One With the Football běn jí bō chū:" zú qiú qíng jié"
[01:23.09] To the 10, to the 5. Touchdown, Giants! shí mǎ wǔ mǎ chù dì dé fēn, tài bàng le
[01:26.26] You know, for once, I am gonna try to watch one of these things. wǒ zhè dǎo xiǎng kàn zú qiú shì shì kàn
[01:32.17] Halftime. zhōng chǎng xiū xī
[01:35.24] Who wants to throw the ball around? Get a little 3on3 going? shuí xiǎng chū qù wán wán qiú? lái gè 3 duì 3?
[01:39.01] That would be fun! Can I play too? yí dìng hěn hǎo wán wǒ kě yǐ cān jiā ma?
[01:41.88] I' ve never played football, ever. wǒ cóng lái méi wán guò zú qiú
[01:44.52] Great! You can cover Chandler. tài hǎo le, nǐ kě yǐ fáng shǒu
[01:48.59] I don' t really want to play. wǒ bù xiǎng wán qiú
[01:50.92] You never do anything since you and Janice broke up. nǐ gēn zhēn nī sī fēn shǒu zhī hòu jiù yī zhí tí bù qǐ jìn
[01:53.86] Not true. cái bú shì zhè yàng
[01:58.63] And start drinking in the morning. Don' t say I don' t have goals! wǒ hái xiǎng zài zǎo shàng hē jiǔ bié shuō wǒ méi yǒu mù biāo
[02:02.57] You have to start getting over her, all right? nǐ dé bǎ tā wàng le, hǎo ma?
[02:05.24] If you play, maybe it' ll take your mind off Janice. rú guǒ nǐ lái wán qiú, hū xī xīn xiān kōng qì yě xǔ jiù huì wàng jì zhēn nī sī
[02:09.31] If you don' t, everyone will be mad at you because the teams won' t be even. fǒu zé dà jiā dōu huì shēng nǐ de qì yīn wèi zhè yàng shí lì jiù bù píng jūn le
[02:14.71] All right, I' ll play. hǎo, wǒ cān jiā
[02:16.61] Let' s do it! Ross? lái ba, luó sī?
[02:18.48] What? Wanna play football? shén me? xiǎng wán zú qiú ma?
[02:23.42] Monica and I aren' t supposed to play football. mó nī kǎ gēn wǒ dōu bù néng wán zú qiú
[02:27.13] Says who? Your mom? shuí shuō de? nǐ mā?
[02:33.83] Every Thanksgiving, we used to have a touch football game... yǐ qián měi nián shèng dàn jié wǒ men dōu wán chù shēn měi shì zú qiú
[02:37.84] ... called The Geller Bowl. jiào zuò gài lēi bēi
[02:39.80] No, no, no. You say that proudly! bù nǐ de kǒu qì yào hěn jiāo ào cái duì
[02:43.14] Anyway, Ross and l were always captains. fǎn zhèng luó sī gēn wǒ měi cì dōu dāng duì zhǎng
[02:46.64] It got kind of competitive, and one year, Geller Bowl Vl... jìng zhēng yuè lái yuè jī liè yǒu yī nián, dì liù jiè gài lēi bēi
[02:50.45] ... I accidentally broke Ross' nose. wǒ bù xiǎo xīn dǎ duàn luó sī de bí zi
[02:55.12] It was so not an accident. nǐ shì gù yì de
[02:57.49] She saw I was about to tag her, so she threw... tā kàn dào wǒ jiù kuài bào zhù tā jiù yòng tā de
[03:00.19] ... her big fat grandmaarm elbow in my face... dà pàng shǒu zhǒu zhuàng wǒ de liǎn
[03:03.19] ... and just kept running. rán hòu pīn mìng wǎng qián pǎo
[03:05.33] To score the winning touchdown, by the way. yīn cǐ yíng de zhì shèng de yī fēn
[03:09.20] You did not win the game. The touchdown didn' t count... nǐ méi yǒu yíng, nà cì dé fēn bù suàn
[03:12.20] ... because of the spectacularly illegal, and savage, nosebreaking. yīn wèi nǐ gōng rán fàn guī yě mán dì dǎ duàn wǒ de bí zi
[03:18.38] I won the game. wǒ yíng le
[03:19.81] Yeah? Then how come you didn' t get the Geller Cup? shì ma? nà nǐ zěn me méi de dào gài lēi bēi?
[03:24.72] There was a Geller Cup? yǒu gài lēi bēi?
[03:27.45] Yes, the trophy you got if you won the game. duì, zhè shì yíng qiú de jiǎng pǐn
[03:30.36] But Dad said nobody won, and he was sick of our fighting. dàn bà bà shuō wǒ men shuí dōu méi yíng tā shòu gòu le wǒ men dǎ lái dǎ qù
[03:42.13] ... threw it in the lake. diū jìn hú lǐ
[03:45.17] And was the curse lifted? zhè gè zǔ zhòu jiě chú le méi yǒu?
[03:49.17] Anyway... fǎn zhèng
[03:51.18] ... Mom said we weren' t allowed to play football again. mā mā shuō wǒ men bù néng zài wán zú qiú le
[03:54.85] You know what? I think we should play a game. nǐ zhī dào ma? wǒ jué de wǒ men yīng gāi yì qǐ qù wán qiú
[04:00.69] Can I see you for a second? gēn nǐ sī xià shuō jù huà hǎo ma?
[04:07.33] Wuss! wa
[04:08.43] All right, we' re gonna play. hǎo, wǒ men cān jiā
[04:11.36] Wait. How we gonna get there? My mom won' t let me cross the street. děng děng, wǒ men zěn me guò qù? wǒ mā bù zhǔn wǒ guò mǎ lù
[04:20.71] Here you go. lái
[04:23.84] Let' s bring it in. Wait. bǎ qiú diū guò lái děng děng
[04:25.58] Honey, throw it to me! qīn ài de, bǎ qiú chuán gěi wǒ
[04:27.11] Here you go. lái
[04:31.02] That almost hit me in the face! nǐ chà diǎn dǎ zhòng wǒ de liǎn
[04:33.79] We have to pick captains. wǒ men yào xuǎn duì zhǎng
[04:35.69] And then " Tenilles." rán hòu tiāo xuǎn duì yuán
[04:40.02] So how do we decide that? wǒ men zěn me tuī pài jué dìng duì zhǎng?
[04:41.76] Why don' t we just bunny up? What? zhuāng tù bǎo bǎo hǎo bù hǎo? shén me?
[04:44.23] Bunny! Bunny! tù zi tù zi
[04:47.23] Looks like Ross and I are captains. kàn lái duì zhǎng jiù shì luó sī gēn wǒ le
[04:49.43] I bunnied first, so I get to pick first. Joey. wǒ xiān zhuāng tù zi suǒ yǐ wǒ xiān tiāo, qiáo yī
[04:53.24] Thank you. Monica! xiè xiè mó nī kǎ
[04:55.54] I' m your best friend. wǒ shì nǐ zuì hǎo de péng yǒu
[04:57.54] Sweetie, don' t worry, you' ll get picked. tián xīn, bié dān xīn, huì yǒu rén xuǎn nǐ de
[05:09.22] Sweetie, now I pick you. tián xīn, xiàn zài wǒ xuǎn nǐ le
[05:11.06] You don' t pick me. You' re stuck with me! nǐ cái méi xuǎn wǒ nǐ shì méi rén kě xuǎn le
[05:15.33] Okay. So let' s see. hǎo, zhè yàng ba
[05:16.93] Let' s play from the trash can to the light post, right? bǐ sài chǎng dì shì cóng lā jī tǒng dào lù dēng, hǎo ma?
[05:20.30] Twohand touch. We' ll kick off. liǎng shǒu fā qiú, kāi shǐ ba
[05:22.00] People, listen. I' ve got 28 minutes... dà jiā tīng hǎo le, 28 fēn zhōng hòu
[05:25.07] ... before I have to baste again. wǒ jiù gěi nǐ men hǎo kàn
[05:27.01] Wow, just like in the pros. wa, jiù gēn zhí yè qiú duì yí yàng
[05:29.74] Okay, huddle up! hǎo, lín chǎng huì yì
[05:31.48] Huddle up over here! Wait for me! Wait for me! lín chǎng huì yì děng děng wǒ
[05:35.51] Oh, cool! My first huddle. tài bàng le! zhè shì wǒ de dì yī cì
[05:39.52] So what do you guys really think of Chandler? lǎo shí shuō nǐ men jué de qián dé zěn me yàng?
[05:44.29] You know what you' re doing, right? nǐ zhī dào zì jǐ zài zuò shí mǒ ba?
[05:47.29] Joey will catch it. We' ll block. qiáo yī jiē qiú, wǒ men zǔ dǎng
[05:49.63] What' s " block"? shén me jiào" zǔ dǎng"?
[05:51.50] I thought you knew what you were doing. I thought you meant in life! wǒ hái yǐ wéi nǐ zhī dào zì jǐ zài zuò shí mǒ wǒ yǐ wéi nǐ shì zhǐ rén shēng de fāng xiàng
[05:56.60] Break! kāi shǐ
[05:58.30] The ball is Janice. The ball is Janice. qiú shì zhēn nī sī
[06:07.51] Son of a! gāi sǐ
[06:09.45] Come on! I' m sorry. I' m sorry. bài tuō duì bù qǐ
[06:11.52] You know what? We' re just gonna throw it. zhè yàng ba, wǒ men yòng diū de hǎo le
[06:15.39] I got it! wǒ lái jiē
[06:16.89] Go, go, go! kuài
[06:27.03] Score! Seven to nothing! dé fēn, 7 bǐ 0
[06:30.90] Honey, you okay? qīn ài de, nǐ méi shì ba?
[06:32.07] Come on, let' s go. wǒ men lái
[06:33.91] Losers walk. shū jiā gǔn dàn
[06:35.34] Yeah? Losers talk. shì ma? shū jiā zhǐ huì shuō
[06:38.24] Actually, losers rhyme. qí shí shū jiā shì yā yùn de
[06:42.75] Fortythree... 43
[06:44.35] ... seventyfour.... 74
[06:49.59] You wanna go shotgun? lā kāi jìn gōng zhèn shì hǎo ma? hǎo
[06:54.36] One Mississippi, two Mississippi.... Over here! Over here! yī miǎo zhōng liǎng miǎo zhōng zhè lǐ
[06:58.76] I almost caught it! wǒ chà diǎn jiù jiē dào le!
[07:01.50] Great. Now the score' s seven to almost seven. tài hǎo le, wǒ men chà diǎn jiù dé fēn le
[07:05.10] On this play, I want you to do a downandout to the right, okay? zhè chǎng bǐ sài, wǒ yào nǐ wǎng qián chǎng pǎo zài yòng jiǎ dòng zuò wǎng yòu biān pǎo, hǎo ma?
[07:09.84] Break! Wait. What am I gonna do? kāi shǐ děng děng, nà wǒ yào gàn ma?
[07:11.84] You? nǐ?
[07:13.28] You go long. nǐ pǎo yuǎn yì diǎn
[07:14.51] How long? duō yuǎn?
[07:15.85] Until we start to look very small. dào nǐ jī hū kàn bú jiàn wǒ men wéi zhǐ
[07:21.62] One Mississippi yī miǎo zhōng liǎng miǎo zhōng
[07:23.19] Switch! Switch! Switch! huàn fáng shǒu wèi zhì
[07:36.63] Thanks for stopping our ball. xiè xiè nǐ dǎng zhù le wǒ men de qiú
[07:38.27] You are playing American football? nǐ men zài wán měi shì zú qiú?
[07:41.37] Wow! You' re, like, from a whole other country! wa! nǐ hǎo xiàng shì wài guó rén
[07:45.28] I' m Dutch. wǒ shì hé lán rén
[07:46.48] Hi, I' m Joey. hāi, wǒ shì qiáo yī
[07:49.05] I am Margha. wǒ shì mǎ jiā
[07:50.92] Sorry, Dutch, I didn' t get that last little bit. duì bù qǐ, hé lán rén zuì hòu yí gè zì wǒ méi tīng dǒng
[07:54.12] You wanna play football or Hi, I' m Chandler. qiáo yī, nǐ hái wán qiú hái shì hāi, wǒ shì qián dé
[07:56.92] Hello, Chandler. hā luó, qián dé
[07:59.00] Her name is Dutch and also " Margham." tā jiào zuò hé lán rén, yòu jiào zuò mǎ hēng
[08:10.13] Come on, guys! Let' s go! Second down! lái ba, kāi shǐ le dì èr cì shí mǎ jìn gōng
[08:13.67] Hello? It' s third down. No, it' s not. It' s second. wèi, shì dì sān cì shí mǎ jìn gōng le cái bú shì, zhè shì dì èr cì ér yǐ
[08:17.61] Wow. wa!
[08:18.74] " Wow" what? wa shén me?
[08:20.08] How it just amazes me that you' re still pulling stuff like this. wǒ zhēn méi xiǎng dào nǐ xiàn zài hái lái zhè yī tào
[08:24.45] Pulling what? It' s second down. Okay, it' s second down. nǎ yī tào? zhè shì dì èr cì jìn gōng hǎo, shì dì èr cì jìn gōng
[08:28.75] Take all the second downs you need. nǐ yào lái jǐ gè dì èr cì jìn gōng dōu kě yǐ
[08:31.79] I heard that. Well, I said it loud. wǒ tīng dào le wǒ jiù shì shuō gěi nǐ tīng de
[08:36.36] It is okay if I stay and watch? wǒ kě yǐ liú xià lái kàn ma?
[08:38.70] Just sit right there. Yeah, why don' t you stick around? nǐ zhǐ guǎn zuò zhe kàn duì a, liú xià lái ba
[08:41.87] That went well. I think so. hěn shùn lì wǒ xiǎng yě shì
[08:43.77] I was thinking about asking her for her number. wǒ xiǎng gēn tā yào diàn huà hào mǎ
[08:46.94] Thanks, man, but it makes a stronger statement if I ask for it myself. xiè le, lǎo xiōng dàn wǒ zì jǐ kāi kǒu bǐ jiào yǒu shuō fú lì
[08:53.04] I was thinking about for me, as part of that gettingoverJanice thing. wǒ shì tì wǒ zì jǐ yào de hǎo bāng wǒ wàng le zhēn nī sī
[08:58.45] Oh, yeah. That. duì a
[09:00.62] If it means that much, I' ll let you have her. hǎo ba, rú guǒ zhè me zhòng yào wǒ jiù ràng gěi nǐ ba
[09:05.56] " Let me have her"? ràng gěi wǒ?
[09:07.86] You mean if you didn' t, I wouldn' t have a shot? nǐ shì shuō rú guǒ nǐ bù ràng xián wǒ jiù méi yǒu jī huì?
[09:14.17] ... but yeah! méi cuò
[09:16.40] We all have our strengths. You' re better with numbers and stuff. bié nán guò, wǒ men gè yǒu yōu diǎn nǐ bǐ jiào yǒu shù xué tóu nǎo
[09:20.81] Math? You' re giving me math? shù xué? nǐ shuō wǒ shù xué hǎo?
[09:24.74] All right, you know what? Forget about it. hǎo, zhè yàng ba, suàn le
[09:27.14] You go for the girl. We' ll see who gets her. nǐ qù zhuī tā, wǒ men kàn shuí néng zhuī dào
[09:33.48] I want you to run a postpattern to the left. And, sweetie wǒ yào nǐ zuǒ biān fáng shǒu tián xīn
[09:37.05] Yeah, I know. Go long. duì, wǒ zhī dào, pǎo yuǎn yì diǎn
[09:38.52] All I' m doing is running back and forth from the huddle. wǒ jiù zhǐ shì pǎo lái pǎo qù ér yǐ
[09:42.83] Well, you wanna just stay out there? nǐ yào bú yào gān cuì liú zài chǎng wài hǎo le?
[09:47.40] Can I see that for a second? wǒ néng gēn nǐ sī xià tán tán hǎo ma?
[09:53.34] Okay, let' s go. hǎo, lái ba
[09:54.67] I got Chandler! Hike! wǒ lái fáng shǒu qián dé dǎng xià kāi qiú
[09:56.17] One Mississippi, two Mississippi, three Mississippi. yī miǎo zhōng liǎng miǎo zhōng sān miǎo zhōng
[09:59.28] Fumble! lòu jiē
[10:06.55] What' s the matter with you? This is my favorite jersey. nǐ shì zěn me gǎo de? zhè shì wǒ zuì xǐ huān de yī jiàn máo zhī shān
[10:10.19] Well, now you have two. nà nǐ xiàn zài yǒu liǎng jiàn le
[10:13.69] Hey, I am good at math! hēi, wǒ de shù xué hái zhēn bù lài
[10:16.53] That' s it. I was still gonna let you have her. gòu le, wǒ běn lái huán xiǎng ràng gěi nǐ
[10:19.36] But now, prepare to feel bad about yourself. xiàn zài nǐ xiǎng dōu bú yào xiǎng děng zhe kàn zì jǐ chū chǒu ba
[10:21.87] I' ve been preparing for that my entire life! wǒ yǐ jīng zhǔn bèi le yī bèi zi le
[10:25.87] Or something about you that' s mean! wǒ děng zhe kàn nǐ xiàn chū nǐ de liè gēn xìng
[10:28.64] Come on, guys. Let' s go. kuài diǎn, bǐ sài le
[10:30.64] Tie score. We' re running out of time. bǐ shù lā píng, wǒ men méi shí jiān le
[10:32.94] Fortytwo, 38, hike! 42 38, dǎng xià kāi qiú
[10:35.25] I got it! wǒ jiē dào le
[10:37.32] Broken boobs! wǒ de xiōng bù gǔ zhé le
[10:40.79] Pheebs, run! Run, Phoebe, run! fēi bǐ, kuài pǎo kuài pǎo, fēi bǐ, kuài pǎo
[10:43.55] Touchdown! Touchdown! chù dì dé fēn!
[10:49.59] The buzzer buzzed. It doesn' t count. líng shēng xiǎng le, bù suàn
[10:52.13] After the snap. Before the snap. nà shi zài chuán qiú zhī qián zài chuán qiú zhī hòu
[10:54.13] After. Before. zhī hòu zhī qián
[10:55.60] Does it really matter? Yes! zhè hěn zhòng yào ma? duì
[10:57.57] But I made a touchdown. It was my first touchdown. dàn wǒ chù dì dé fēn le zhè shì wǒ de dì yī cì
[11:01.34] Pheebs, that' s great. Doesn' t count. fēi bǐ, tài hǎo le kě shì bù suàn
[11:04.08] Does so count. Cheater, cheater, compulsive eater. dāng rán suàn piàn zi, piàn zi, bù chī huì sǐ
[11:08.75] Oh, my God! wǒ de tiān a
[11:11.75] That' s fine. Maybe you haven' t grown up, but I have. hěn hǎo, yě xǔ nǐ hái méi zhǎng dà dàn wǒ yǐ jīng shì dà rén le
[11:17.12] Dead leg! tī sǐ nǐ zhè gè nóng bāo
[11:19.62] Okay, fine. You want to win by cheating, go ahead. hǎo, hěn hǎo nǐ xiǎng kào zuò bì yíng qiú, suí biàn nǐ
[11:23.29] The touchdown does count. You win. fēi bǐ, dé fēn zhào suàn, nǐ yíng le
[11:28.70] I won' t do this again. I wanna beat you when you can' t blame it... wǒ bù xiǎng zài gēn nǐ chǎo wǒ yào nǐ shū dé wú huà kě shuō
[11:33.00] ... on the broken nose or the buzzer or the fact that you might have mono. bù néng guài zuì bí liáng duàn diào líng shēng huò shì nǐ kě néng bái xuè qiú guò duō
[11:37.14] Let' s just call this tie score and it' s halftime. bǐ sài suàn píng shǒu, xiàn zài shì zhōng chǎng xiū xī
[11:40.44] First, I don' t play with cheaters. shǒu xiān, wǒ bù gēn zuò bì de rén bǐ sài
[11:42.11] Second of all, you know I had swollen glands! dì èr, nǐ zhī dào wǒ yǐ qián yǒu xiàn tǐ zhǒng dà de máo bìng
[11:47.18] You know what? I think you' ll play. nǐ zhī dào ma? wǒ kàn nǐ yí dìng huì cān jiā
[11:50.22] Oh, really? Why' s that? zhēn de ma? wèi shí me?
[11:52.12] Because the winner gets this. yīn wèi yíng de rén kě yǐ ná dào zhè gè
[11:54.49] The Geller Cup! gài lēi bēi
[11:59.16] Is everybody else seeing a troll doll nailed to a twobyfour? nǐ men dà jiā yě kàn jiàn yí gè dīng zài mù bǎn shàng de wá wa ma?
[12:11.58] Where the hell did you get that? nǐ shì cóng nǎ lǐ lòng lái de?
[12:13.68] When you went to the hospital for your nose... nǐ dào yī yuàn qù jiē bí liáng de shí hòu
[12:16.21] ... I swam into the lake and fished it out. wǒ yóu dào hú lǐ zhǎo chū lái de
[12:19.22] That cup is mine! jiǎng bēi shì wǒ de
[12:20.42] No, it' s not. You want it, you' re gonna have to win it. cái bú shì, nǐ xiǎng yào jiù dé píng běn shì lái yíng guò qù
[12:23.85] So are we not having dinner at all? nà wǒ men bù chī wǎn fàn le?
[12:27.56] Come on, let' s go. It' s time to get serious. Huddle up. guò lái, gāi rèn zhēn yì diǎn le, wéi guò lái
[12:31.80] IKeep your head in the game. qiáo yī, rèn zhēn bǐ sài
[12:33.90] It' s hard, you know? His huddle' s close to the Dutch girl. zhè hěn nán yé tā jiù zài nà gè hé lán nǚ hái páng biān
[12:38.77] If I take Chandler out of the running, will you be able to focus? rú guǒ wǒ ràng qián dé chū jú nǐ néng gòu zhuān xīn ma?
[12:42.41] What are you gonna do? Just make sure he catches the ball. nǐ yǒu shén me bàn fǎ? nǐ zhǐ yào ràng tā jiē dào qiú jiù hǎo le
[12:45.61] I' ll do the rest. qí tā jiù jiāo gěi wǒ ba
[12:51.45] I got it! kàn wǒ de
[12:52.58] Come on! This way! Come on! lái, zhè lǐ, lái
[12:55.15] Look out! xiǎo xīn
[13:00.29] Tackled by a girl! Bet you don' t see that every day. bèi nǚ shēng zǔ jié zhè zhǒng huà miàn bù duō jiàn ba
[13:05.60] What' s with the tackling? nǐ zhè shì gàn ma?
[13:07.50] What? gàn ma?
[13:09.03] I just touched him and he went over. wǒ pèng tā yī xià, tā jiù dǎo xià lái le
[13:11.64] Okay. You wanna play rough? We can play rough. hǎo, nǐ xiǎng wán hěn de wǒ men yě kě yǐ hěn yě mán
[13:15.77] Let' s get ready to rumble! zhǔn bèi kāi dǎ luó
[13:58.08] Go, go, go! Get her! Get her! jiā yóu dǎng zhù tā
[14:04.26] I love this game! hǎo guò yǐn!
[14:09.03] Where' d you get that? nǐ cóng nǎ lǐ lòng lái de?
[14:11.06] I went really long. wǒ pǎo de hěn yuǎn
[14:14.27] Fortytwo to 21. 42 bǐ 21
[14:16.27] Like the turkey, Ross is done! luó sī gēn huǒ jī yí yàng sǐ qiào qiào le
[14:20.37] You got to pick first, so you got the better team. nǐ huì yíng bìng bù qí guài, nǐ xiān tiāo rén tiāo dào de qiú yuán bǐ jiào hǎo
[14:23.74] Pathetic! Why can' t you just accept that we' re winning... nǐ zhēn kě bēi, wèi shí me nǐ bù kěn chéng rèn wǒ men yíng qiú
[14:26.94] ... because I' m better than you? shì yīn wèi wǒ bǐ nǐ xíng?
[14:33.02] All right, I' ll prove it to you. hǎo, wǒ yào ràng nǐ xīn fú kǒu fú
[14:35.35] I' ll trade you Joey for Rachel and I' ll still win the game. wǒ yòng qiáo yī gēn nǐ huàn ruì qiū hái shì zhào yíng bù wù
[14:39.06] What? The guys against the girls? shén me? nán shēng duì nǚ shēng?
[14:41.56] That' s ridiculous because I' m only down by three touchdowns. zhè tài huāng miù le, yīn wèi wǒ zhǐ yào sān cì chù dì dé fēn, jiù zhuī shàng nǐ le
[14:45.30] Then bring it on! nà jiù dé fēn gěi wǒ kàn a
[14:47.20] Unless you' re afraid you might lose to a bunch of girls. chú fēi nǐ pà huì shū gěi jǐ gè nǚ shēng
[14:52.70] Fine. Rachel, you' re with Monica. Joey, you' re with me. hěn hǎo, ruì qiū, nǐ gēn mó nī kǎ qiáo yī, nǐ gēn wǒ yī duì
[14:56.37] I can' t believe you' re trading me. nǐ jìng rán bǎ wǒ jiāo huàn chū qù
[14:58.54] Let' s see what it' s like to be on a winning team for a change. wǒ men yě lái cháng cháng kàn yíng qiú de zī wèi
[15:04.05] All right, then! nà hǎo
[15:06.45] The game is over? We eat now? bǐ sài jié shù le? wǒ men yào qù chī fàn?
[15:08.39] The game' s not over. We' re switching teams. bǐ sài hái méi jié shù wǒ men zài jiāo huàn qiú yuán
[15:10.45] Chandler finds me so intimidating that it' s better if we' re on the same team. qián dé jué de wǒ duì tā zào chéng wēi xié hái shì gēn tā tóng yī duì bǐ jiào hǎo
[15:15.33] Okay, let' s play. Let' s go. hǎo, wǒ men lái dǎ qiú ba, kuài
[15:17.23] Hold on a second. děng yī xià
[15:19.73] Where do Dutch people come from? hé lán rén shì cóng nǎ lǐ lái de?
[15:34.78] And the other Dutch people? qí tā de hé lán rén ne?
[15:37.08] They come from somewhere near the Netherlands, right? tā men shì ní dé lán fù jìn lái de ba?
[15:42.00] The Netherlands is this makebelieve place... ní dé lán shì xū gòu chū lái de dì fāng
[15:44.46] ... where Peter Pan and Tinker Bell live. shì pān bǐ dé hé xiǎo xiān zǐ de jiā
[15:48.59] Oh, my. wǒ de tiān
[15:50.79] Enough " geography for the insane." Let' s play ball. bié zài jiǎng" fēng zi de dì lǐ xué" le wǒ men dǎ qiú ba
[15:54.33] I' m not playing with this guy. wǒ bù gēn zhè jiā huǒ yì qǐ dǎ qiú
[15:57.00] Fine with me. I' ve had enough of this. wǒ wú suǒ wèi wǒ shòu gòu le
[15:59.44] Let' s just cut to the chase. Heidi, which of my boys do you like? gān cuì zhí jiē liǎo dàng yì diǎn hǎi dì, nǐ xǐ huān nǎ yī ge?
[16:04.34] What are you doing? nǐ zhè shì gàn ma?
[16:05.61] What are you doing? nǐ zhè shì gàn ma?
[16:08.71] Which do I like? wǒ xǐ huān nǎ yī ge?
[16:10.61] Yeah, for dating, general merriment, taking back to your windmill? duì, nǐ huì tiāo nǎ yī ge yuē huì zhǎo lè zǐ dài huí jiā?
[16:17.69] ... which, by the way, I find really weird... wǒ yě jué de bù kě sī yì
[16:21.83] ... I would have to say Chandler. bù guò wǒ huì shuō shì qián dé
[16:26.46] Wait a minute. She didn' t understand the question. děng děng, tā xiǎn rán méi tīng dǒng nǐ de wèn tí
[16:30.07] Why don' t you have Captain Hook explain it to her? nǐ kě yǐ qǐng hǔ kè chuán zhǎng jiě shì gěi tā tīng a
[16:34.64] I' m sorry. That is my truth. duì bù qǐ, zhè shì wǒ dí zhēn xīn huà
[16:36.81] You hear that? That is her truth, Mr. " I' ll Let You Have Her"! tīng dào méi yǒu? zhè shì tā dí zhēn xīn huà shuō shí mǒ" wǒ bǎ tā ràng gěi nǐ"!
[16:40.58] I win! You suck! I rule all! wǒ yíng le, nǐ shū le wǒ shì wǔ lín zhì zūn
[16:43.51] Miniwave in celebration of me! gěi wǒ lái gè mí nǐ bō làng wǔ
[16:50.00] I am now thinking I would like to change my answer to " no one." wǒ xiàn zài kǎo lǜ yào bǎ wǒ de dá àn gǎi chéng" shuí dōu bù xuǎn"
[16:55.59] What? shén me?
[16:57.59] I now find you shallow... wǒ xiàn zài jué de nǐ jì fū qiǎn
[17:00.26] ... and a dork. yòu dāi guā
[17:02.60] Byebye. zài jiàn
[17:05.34] Nice going. gàn dé hǎo
[17:06.50] You just saved yourself a couple months of sex. nǐ hǎo jǐ gè yuè bù bì zài chuáng shàng làng fèi jīng lì le
[17:09.84] It doesn' t matter, because she picked me. zhè wú suǒ wèi, yīn wèi tā xuǎn de shì wǒ
[17:12.44] From now on, I get the dates... cóng xiàn zài qǐ, wǒ huì gēn nǚ rén yuē huì
[17:14.51] ... and you stay home on Saturday nights watching Ready, Set, Cook! ér nǐ zhōu mò de wǎn shàng zhǐ néng zài jiā lǐ kàn" jiǎn yì pēng rèn" jié mù
[17:18.78] Save the breakthroughs for therapy. The clock is ticking. bǎ zhèi xiē huà liú zhe gào sù xīn lǐ yī shēng bǐ sài kuài jié shù le
[17:21.79] We have no time and we are losing to girls. wǒ men shí jiān bù duō mù qián hái luò hòu gěi nǚ shēng
[17:24.72] We' re not gonna lose to girls. wǒ men bú huì shū gěi nǚ shēng
[17:26.52] It' s 4221! xiàn zài bǐ shù shì 42 bǐ 21
[17:28.13] This sucks! I was just up by that much! gāi sǐ wǒ gāng cái jiù shì lǐng xiān zhè me duō fēn
[17:32.76] Are we playing football or what? Come on, you hairybacked Marys! wǒ men hái yào bú yào wán qiú? kuài diǎn, nǐ men zhèi xiē niáng niang qiāng
[17:38.10] We have to do this. We' re playing for women everywhere. wǒ men yào cǎi qǔ zhè zhǒng zhàn shù wǒ men yào tì quán shì jiè de nǚ rén ér zhàn
[17:41.37] Think about every lousy date you ever had. xiǎng xiǎng guò qù de měi gè làn yuē huì
[17:44.24] Every guy who kept one eye on the TV while you were making out. měi gè zài qīn rè de shí hòu yì zhī yǎn jīng hái zài diàn shì shàng de nán rén
[17:47.24] Oh, my God. You dated someone with a glass eye too? lǎo tiān, nǐ gēn zhuāng yì yǎn de nán rén yuē huì guò?
[17:52.12] Come on, okay? This is for all womankind. Let' s kill them! bài tuō nǐ men, hǎo ma? wèi le quán tǐ fù nǚ, wǒ men zǎi le tā men
[17:56.45] Yeah! IKill them! duì, zǎi le tā men
[17:59.39] All right, I want to kill them too. hǎo a, wǒ yě xiǎng zǎi le tā men
[18:01.93] But they' re boys. kě shì tā men shì nán shēng
[18:03.73] You know, how are we gonna beat three boys? wǒ men zěn me dǎ bài sān ge nán shēng?
[18:36.16] A minute and a half left and we' re down by two points. zhǐ shì xià yī fēn bàn zhōng wǒ men hái luò hòu liǎng fēn
[18:39.66] Two points, ladies. hái luò hòu liǎng fēn, jiě mèi men
[18:46.37] Phoebe, you do a buttonhook again. fēi bǐ, nǐ zài yòng hòu zhuǎn shēn jìn gōng fǎ
[18:48.84] Rachel, you go long. ruì qiū, nǐ pǎo yuǎn yì diǎn
[18:50.44] No, don' t make me go long. Use me. They never cover me. bú yào zài jiào wǒ pǎo yuǎn yì diǎn le ràng wǒ zuò diǎn shì, tā men cóng bù fáng shǒu wǒ
[18:54.34] Honey, there' s a reason. qīn ài de, zhè shì yǒu yuán yīn de
[18:57.38] I' m not lame, okay? I can do something. wǒ bú shì bǒ jiǎo, hǎo ma? wǒ kě yǐ fā huī zuò yòng
[19:00.32] Would you let me throw? This is my game too. nǐ ràng wǒ chuán qiú ma zhè yě shì wǒ de bǐ sài
[19:03.02] Let her throw the ball. ràng tā chuán qiú
[19:04.86] Sweep behind, I' ll pitch it. You throw it downfield to Phoebe. xùn sù dào tā men hòu miàn, wǒ chuán qiú gěi nǐ nǐ chuán qiú dào qián chǎng gěi fēi bǐ
[19:08.73] Thank you. xiè xiè
[19:11.33] All right, here we go. hǎo, lái ba
[19:13.36] Thirtytwo, 71, hike! 31 71, dǎng xià kāi qiú
[19:15.90] One Mississippi, two Mississippi, three Mississippi! yī miǎo zhōng liǎng miǎo zhōng sān miǎo zhōng
[19:23.71] Go, go, go! jiā yóu
[19:26.01] Catch it! jiē qiú
[19:29.68] I' m so sorry. Are you okay? No, I' m not okay! duì bù qǐ, nǐ hái hǎo ba? bù, wǒ bù hǎo
[19:34.02] They were coming at me and I didn' t know what to do. tā men chōng zhe wǒ lái wǒ bù zhī dào gāi zěn me bàn
[19:36.72] Thirty seconds left on the timer. bǐ sài hái shèng xià 30 miǎo zhōng
[19:39.00] So we get to take that stupid troll thing home. wǒ men jiù kě yǐ bǎ nà gè dāi guā zhū rú dài huí jiā le
[19:42.23] Come on! Hurry! We' re running out of time. kuài guò lái, wǒ men méi shí jiān le
[19:45.36] Huddle up! lín chǎng huì yì
[19:49.40] This is our last huddle! zhè shì zuì hòu yī cì lín chǎng huì yì le
[19:52.27] All right, Phoebe, get open. Rachel... hǎo, fēi bǐ, bǎi tuō fáng shǒu, ruì qiū
[19:55.41] ... go long. pǎo yuǎn yì diǎn
[19:56.51] Okay. hǎo
[19:58.08] Break! bǐ sài kāi shǐ
[20:47.56] I did it! Touchdown! We did it! wǒ chéng gōng le, chù dì dé fēn, chéng gōng le
[20:53.40] You know? Funny thing, actually. The end zone starts at that pole. nǐ men zhī dào ma? hěn qí guài biān fēng de wèi zhì shì zài nà gè zhù zi nà lǐ
[21:01.00] ... we win! wǒ men yíng le
[21:04.11] Yes, yes, yes! tài hǎo le
[21:05.78] Wait, explain something, though. děng děng, qǐng nǐ men jiě shì yī xià
[21:08.08] If nobody tagged Rachel, then isn' t the play still going? rú guǒ méi yǒu rén bào zhù ruì qiū nà bǐ sài jiù hái méi jié shù ba?
[21:17.59] Let me in, let me in! No way! Let go! ràng kāi xiǎng dōu bié xiǎng, fàng shǒu
[21:20.26] Let go?! I' m a tiny little woman! fàng shǒu? wǒ shì gè xiǎo nǚ rén
[21:23.63] Come on, it' s Thanksgiving! bài tuō, jīn tiān shì gǎn ēn jié
[21:25.66] It' s not important who wins or loses. shū yíng bìng bù zhòng yào
[21:28.20] The important thing is the Dutch girl picked me! zhòng yào de shì hé lán nǚ hái xuǎn le wǒ
[21:33.10] Me, not you! Holland loves Chandler! Thank you, Amsterdam! Good night! shì wǒ, bú shì nǐ, hé lán ài qián dé xiè xiè, ā mǔ sī tè dān, wǎn ān
[21:45.52] We should play football more often. wǒ men yīng gāi duō chōu kōng wán zú qiú
[21:47.78] Maybe there' s a league we could join. yě xǔ wǒ men kě yǐ cān jiā něi gè lián méng
[21:50.52] Isn' t there a " national football league"? bú shì yǒu gè " guó jiā zú qiú lián méng" ma?
[21:54.29] Yes, there is. They play on Sundays and Monday nights. méi cuò, xīng qī tiān hé xīng qī yī wǎn shàng bǐ sài
[21:57.39] Oh, shoot! I work Monday nights. tài kě xī le wǒ xīng qī tiān wǎn shàng yào shàng bān
[22:02.70] This stuffing is amazing. Do you think we should bring them some? zhè cài zhēn hǎo chī yào gěi tā men dài yī xiē guò qù ma?
[22:06.74] When they' re hungry, they' ll come in. tā men è le zì rán huì jìn lái
[22:13.84] How come it' s always us left holding the ball? wèi shí me měi cì dōu zhǐ shèng wǒ men liǎng gè rén bào zhe qiú bù fàng?
[22:17.05] I don' t know. I guess the other people just don' t care enough. bù zhī dào, wǒ xiǎng shì yīn wèi qí tā rén bù tài zài hu ba
[22:26.56] Hey, it' s starting to snow. kāi shǐ xià xuě le
[22:33.73] Give it to me! Let go! Let it go! Come on, let go! bǎ qiú gěi wǒ, fàng shǒu fàng shǒu, kuài fàng shǒu