Friends S03E13

Friends S03E13 歌词

歌曲 Friends S03E13
歌手 英语听力
专辑 老友记(第三季)
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[02:01.-2] See that guy? He's in "Classics" now... 看到那傢伙没有? 他现在看的是经典巨片
[05:01.-4] Why do you have a copy of The Shining in your freezer? 你把一本“鬼店” 放在冷冻库干嘛?
[05:05.-1] I was reading it last night and I got scared,so.... 我昨晚越看越害怕,就…
[05:13.-3] Well,safer. 至少安全一点
[09:33.-1] I don't see how he could forgive her. 我看他永远不会原谅她
[10:41.-4] What are you doing? Get back on your side 你干嘛?回去那边坐
[12:52.-1] Just your dad. 只有你爸爸一个
[14:24.-2] Remember when the kid sees those two "blanks" in the hallway? 记得小孩在走廊 看到那两个“空白”吗?
[15:50.-3] Then why would you say that? 那你干嘛这么说?
[16:53.-3] Robert's gonna be here any second, so could one of you just tell him? 劳勃马上就要来了 你们哪个人跟他说好吗?
[18:11.-2] Hey,buddy? This is a family place. Put the mouse back in the house. 老弟?这是阖家光临的地方 把老鼠放回屋里去
[20:43.-4] Or maybe someday,friends who stood up in front of their other friends... 或许有一天 可以站在其他朋友面前
[00:06.35] Six dollars,please. 麻烦六块钱
[00:07.62] Six? I just had it for one night. It's three. 六块?我才租了一个晚上 是三块钱
[00:10.36] Eight o'clock's the cutoff. And,oh,it's 8:02. 八点钟结算,现在八点两分了
[00:15.63] You know,in a weird way, you have too much power. 不知道为什么 你的权力好像太大了
[00:19.33] You have to help me because I only have three. 你得帮帮我,我只有三块钱
[00:22.70] I can help with that. 我可以帮忙
[00:25.70] Oh,my God. Richard? 我的天,理查?
[00:32.38] Your lip went bald. 你的胡子刮掉了
[00:36.35] Thanks. 谢谢
[00:39.75] You look great! 你气色很好
[00:41.69] Right. 是啊
[00:42.79] No,you do. You.... 不,真的,你…
[00:46.49] What? 什么?
[00:47.53] You got panties stuck to your leg. 你的内裤黏在腿上了
[00:54.00] I was just grabbing some things out of the dryer,and static cling. 我刚才从烘干机里 拿出衣服,这是静电
[00:59.17] Or maybe God knew I'd be running into you and saw an opportunity. 也许老天爷知道我会碰到你 觉得这是个机会
[01:04.54] It's good to see you. 见到你真高兴
[01:05.88] It's good to see you too. 我也是
[01:12.65] The One Where Monica and Rich are Just Friends 本集播出: “摩妮卡与查理成为朋友”
[02:03.33] ... but as soon as we leave, he's going straight to the porn. 不过等我们一走 他就马上去逛色情片
[02:07.01] He'll go to the counter with Citizen Kane,Vertigo and Clockwork Orgy. 到时候他会租“大国民” “迷魂记”和“发条橘子”
[02:16.18] This is nice. 这样真好
[02:18.28] -I miss this. -Me too. 我好怀念这种时光 我也是
[02:21.12] You want to get a hamburger or something? 想一起吃个汉堡什么的吗?
[02:23.46] I don't know if that's a good idea. 我不知道这样好不好
[02:25.62] Just friends. I won't grope you. I promise. 只是朋友嘛 我保证不会毛手毛脚
[02:29.23] I think it's too soon. 我觉得太快了
[02:31.30] No,it's not too soon. I had lunch at 11. 不会太快,我十一点吃的午餐
[02:37.90] Yeah,baby! 好啊
[02:40.34] -What are you making? -Chocolate milk. Want some? 你在做什么? 巧克力牛奶,想喝吗?
[02:43.24] No,thanks. I'm 29. 不,谢了,我已经29岁了
[02:46.31] Oh,my God! I gotta go to work! 我的天,我得上班了
[02:48.31] What time will you get off tonight? 你今晚几点下班?
[02:50.92] It could be really late. 可能会很晚
[02:52.52] Not again! 拜托,怎么又这样?
[02:54.39] I know. I'm sorry. I'll make a deal with you,okay? 我知道,对不起 我们打个商量好吗?
[02:57.72] Every night that you're asleep before I get home... 只要你在我回家以前睡着…
[03:00.83] ... I will wake you up in a way that has proved popular in the past. 我就用你以前 很喜欢的方法让你起来
[03:05.10] Well,if you need to stay late, I want to be supportive of that. 如果你要加班 我很愿意支持你
[03:12.74] Look at you. Since when do you rollerblade? 看,你什么时候开始溜冰了?
[03:15.41] Since tomorrow. 明天
[03:18.08] I met a cute guy in the park. 我在公园遇到一个帅哥
[03:19.88] And he jogs and blades and swims and so we made a deal. 他是慢跑、溜冰和 游泳高手,我们说好了
[03:23.41] He's gonna teach me how to do jock stuff. 他要教我各种运动
[03:27.79] -And what are you gonna do for him? -I'm gonna let him. 那你要如何回报他? 我会让他达到目的
[03:30.79] Cool. 很好
[03:32.22] Good morning. 早安
[03:34.19] Somebody got in late last night. 有人昨晚很晚才回来哦
[03:36.59] Yeah,well,I ran into Richard. 这个嘛,我碰到理查了
[03:40.10] When did this happen? 什么时候的事?
[03:42.13] Around 8:02. 大概八点两分
[03:45.04] We talked for a while,and then we went out for an innocent burger. 我们聊了一会儿 然后一起吃了个单纯的汉堡
[03:49.54] There's no such thing as an "innocent burger." 没有所谓“单纯的汉堡”
[03:52.88] -Gonna see him again? -Tomorrow night. 你还会跟他见面吗? 明天晚上
[03:55.25] Monica,what are you doing? 摩妮卡,你这是在干什么?
[03:57.28] She spent six months getting over him... 她花了六个月才忘记他…
[03:59.78] ...and now she's celebrating that by going on a date with him. 现在她庆祝的方式 就是跟他约会
[04:05.32] It's not a date,okay? 这不是约会,好吗?
[04:07.59] I'm teaching him how to make a lasagna for a potluck dinner. 我要教他做千层面 他要在家里请客
[04:11.43] You might want to make extra,because you'll be hungry after the sex. 最好多做一点 做爱之后会很饿
[04:17.67] We're not gonna have sex. 我们不会上床
[04:19.84] Nothing's changed here. He still doesn't want children,and I still do. 一切如旧,他还是不要孩子 我还是想要孩子
[04:24.31] So we're just gonna be friends. 所以我们只能当朋友
[04:26.51] Naked friends. 赤裸裸的朋友
[04:34.02] -Do you have any ice? -Check the freezer. 你有冰吗? 打开冷冻库看看
[04:36.69] If there's none in there, we're probably out. 如果没有,那大概就是用完了
[04:39.52] Are you just getting home? It's late. 你刚下班吗?很晚了
[04:41.76] I know. I had the greatest day,though. 我知道,不过今天实在太棒了
[04:44.26] I went to a meeting with reps from Calvin Klein. 我和卡文克莱的销售代表开会
[04:47.10] I liked a line of lingerie,so my boss ordered a ton of it. And you? 我看中一款性感内衣 我老板就订了一吨,你呢?
[04:52.27] I discovered I'm able to count all my teeth using just my tongue. 我发现我可以 光用舌头数完所有牙齿
[05:10.12] But you're safe from it if it's in the freezer? 把书放进冷冻库 你就安全了吗?
[05:15.06] I never start reading it... 我每次看书的时候…
[05:17.20] ...without making sure we got room in the freezer. 都先确定冰库里有地方放…
[05:21.37] How often do you read it? 你常常看这本书吗?
[05:23.47] Haven't you ever read a book over and over again? 你从不把一本书一看再看吗?
[05:27.31] I read Little Women more than once. “小妇人”我看了好几次
[05:29.31] It's a classic. What's so great about The Shining? 那是经典作品 “鬼店”哪里好看?
[05:31.68] The question should be,what is not so great about The Shining? 你应该问 “鬼店”有哪里不好看
[05:37.22] And the answer would be, "nothing." All right? 答案是“没有”,知道吗?
[05:40.55] This is the scariest book ever. 这是有史以来最恐怖的书
[05:42.65] I bet it's better than that classic of yours. 一定比你的经典作品好看
[05:47.76] We'll just see about that,okay? 我们走着瞧,好吗?
[05:50.03] I will read The Shining, and you will read Little Women. 我看“鬼店” 你看“小妇人”
[05:55.93] All right,you got it. 好,没问题
[05:58.27] Now,Rach,these little women.... 瑞秋,这些小妇人
[06:03.07] How little are they? 到底有多小?
[06:05.01] I mean,are they,like,scary little? 会不会很恐怖?
[06:14.09] Chandler,Ross? This is Robert. 钱德、罗斯,这是劳勃
[06:18.09] You have lipstick right here. 你这里沾了唇膏
[06:20.79] That's okay,it's mine. We just kissed. 没关系,那是我的唇膏 我们刚才接吻了
[06:24.10] Isn't it a bit cold out for shorts? 穿短裤有点冷吧?
[06:27.03] Well,I'm from California. 我是加州人
[06:29.77] Right. Sometimes you guys just burst into flame. 对,有时候你们加州人会自燃
[06:43.75] I'm up. I'm up. I've gotten up now. Anybody want anything? 我起来了…我起来了 有人要什么吗?
[06:49.39] -I'll have coffee. -Me too. 我要咖啡 我也是
[06:51.06] Make that three. 三杯吧
[06:52.22] Ross,why don't you come with me? 罗斯,跟我来
[06:59.80] What's the matter? What's going on? 怎么了?怎么回事?
[07:02.10] Robert's coming out. 劳勃快出来了
[07:04.74] What do you mean? Is he gay? 什么意思?他是同性恋?
[07:12.61] He's coming out of his shorts. 他就快从短裤里掉出来了
[07:17.48] What? 什么?
[07:19.52] The man is showing brain. 这傢伙暴露重要部位
[07:26.09] Are you sure? Hold on. 你确定?等一下
[07:30.50] I'm sorry. That was a coffee and a.... 对不起 你们点的是咖啡和…
[07:32.86] Coffee. We could write it down. 咖啡,我们可以写下来
[07:34.63] No,no. That won't be necessary. 不…不用了
[07:44.21] Well? 怎么样?
[07:47.78] What do we do? What do we do? 我们该怎么办?…
[07:49.35] Well,I suppose we just try to not look directly at it. 我想只能尽量不要用正眼看
[07:56.19] Like an eclipse. 就像日食一样
[08:02.36] When people compliment my cooking tonight,what do I say? 如果今晚有人称赞我的手艺 我该怎么说?
[08:05.40] You say,"Thank you." Then you buy me something pretty. 你说“多谢夸奖” 然后买礼物酬谢我
[08:09.57] Come on,we're gonna put our hands in this bowl... 来,我们把手放进这个缽里…
[08:12.37] ...and we're gonna start squishing the tomatoes. 然后开始把番茄压碎
[08:16.14] This feels very weird. 感觉怪怪的
[08:20.18] You touch people's eyeballs and this feels weird? 你整天摸人家的眼球 还说这感觉怪怪的?
[08:22.75] Sure,I touch them. But I spent years learning not to squish them. 我当然会摸人家的眼球 但我好不容易才不动手压碎
[08:33.49] That's my hand. 那是我的手
[08:38.53] -Keep squishing. -The tomatoes are squishing. 继续压 番茄吱吱响
[08:44.17] You got some on your shirt. 你的衬衫沾到了
[08:46.84] Hold on a second. 等一下
[08:48.84] Just put a little club soda on it. Get to it right away. 马上放苏打水上去
[08:53.18] It should do... 应该…
[08:56.75] ...the trick. 就可以了
[09:07.26] What? 怎么了?
[09:09.69] You've got some on your pants. 你裤子上也沾到了
[09:14.73] I'll just throw them out. 干脆丢掉算了
[09:22.61] These little women! 这些小妇人
[09:28.05] You're liking it? 你喜欢吗?
[09:29.31] Oh,yeah. Amy just burned Jo's manuscript. 喜欢,爱美刚烧了乔的稿子
[09:38.29] Jo's a girl. It's short for Josephine. 乔是女的,是约瑟芬的简称
[09:42.06] But Jo's got a crush on Laurie. 但乔喜欢劳瑞
[09:50.07] You mean it's like a girl-girl thing? 你是说这是女同性恋?
[09:52.47] That is the one thing missing from The Shining. “鬼店”可没有这种东西
[09:58.24] No,actually,Laurie's a boy. 不,其实劳瑞是男的
[10:01.65] No wonder Rachel had to read this so many times. 难怪瑞秋要看这么多次
[10:08.69] How'd the basketball go? 篮球好玩吗?
[10:11.12] I learned how to shoot a lay-up, a foul shot,and a 23-pointer. 我学会了篮板球、罚球 和23分球
[10:16.03] You mean a 3-pointer? 你是说三分球吧?
[10:17.70] I get more because I'm dainty. 我姿势优美,可以多几分
[10:21.60] Is there a phone here to check my messages? 这里有没有电话可以查留言?
[10:24.47] -ln back. Do you want a quarter? -I always carry one in my sock. 在后面,你有铜板吗? 我一向在袜子里放一个铜板
[10:43.89] Hello! 哈罗
[10:50.36] I'm Joey. We haven't met. 我是乔伊,我们还没见过面
[10:52.33] Good to meet you. Robert. 很高兴认识你,劳勃
[10:57.84] What? 怎么了?
[10:59.87] What? You guys,what is going on? 怎么了?你们怎么回事?
[11:03.41] Do you not like Robert? 你们不喜欢劳勃吗?
[11:06.24] Why are you laughing? 你们笑什么?
[11:07.91] Calm down. No reason to get testy. 平静一点,用不着激动
[11:15.49] -You guys! Come on! -We're sorry. 你们怎么回事嘛? 对不起
[11:18.69] It just seems that Robert isn't as concealed in the shorts area... 只不过你的劳勃的短裤 蔽体的的部份…
[11:24.40] one may have hoped. 好像是少了一点
[11:27.06] What do you mean? 什么意思?
[11:32.40] Could you pass me those cookies? 把饼干拿给我好吗?
[11:36.54] Sure. 没问题
[11:43.55] So how'd the lasagna go over? 他们喜不喜欢千层面?
[11:46.25] Really? Good. So you owe me three pretty things. 真的?很好 现在你欠我三样礼物了
[11:52.19] I've been thinking about you too. 我一直在想着你的事
[11:55.06] Well,no. It's hard, this "platonomy" thing. 不,这种柏拉图恋情很不容易
[11:59.86] It's a word. 这是一个词
[12:05.14] I do think it's better this way. We're being smart. 我觉得这样比较好 这样才是明智之举
[12:09.27] Yes,I'm sure. 对,我肯定
[12:13.44] You really sure? 你真的肯定?
[12:16.88] I'll call you back. 我再回你电话
[12:29.39] So we can be friends who sleep together. 我们可以当有性关系的朋友
[12:32.60] Absolutely. This'll just be something we do. 没错,这不代表什么
[12:35.77] Like racquetball. 就像打壁球一样
[12:39.47] Sounds smart and healthy to me. 我觉得聪明又健康
[12:43.07] So just out of curiosity... 不过基于好奇心
[12:47.41] you currently have any other "racquetball" buddies? 你还有几个打壁球的伙伴?
[12:55.82] Although that's actually racquetball. 虽然那是真的壁球
[12:58.72] You know,I do have a blind date... 我下星期二…
[13:02.33] ...with my sister's neighbor next Tuesday. 要和我妹妹的邻居约会
[13:08.30] Do you want me to cancel it? 你希望我取消吗?
[13:10.80] No! 不要
[13:15.41] Because if you did, that means you'd be canceling for me. 如果你取消 那就是为我取消的
[13:20.14] -And we're just friends. -Exactly. 而我们只是朋友 没错
[13:27.02] Oh,don't sit down. 不要坐
[13:29.02] -Ready to go? -You bet. 可以走了吗? 可以
[13:31.00] And first,here's a gift. 不过先送你一个礼物
[13:37.63] Stretchy pants?! 伸缩内裤?
[13:40.20] The greatest things in the world! If I were you,I'd wear them every day. 这个东西好得要命 如果是我,我会天天穿
[13:46.60] Gee,thank you. Really,that's so nice. 谢谢,真的,你太体帖了
[13:49.14] But,to be honest, I don't think I can wear these. 不过说老实话 我看我不能穿
[13:53.81] They're so tight. I'd feel like I'm on display. 太紧了,我会觉得 好像是给人家看的
[13:59.02] I'm sorry. 对不起
[14:00.52] That's all right. I'll figure.... 没关系,我再想办法…
[14:07.79] How's it going? 大家好吗?
[14:08.89] Good. 很好
[14:10.83] How's The Shining? “鬼店”好不好看?
[14:12.40] Danny just went into Room 217. 丹尼刚走进217号房
[14:15.07] The next part's the best! That dead lady in the bathtub 下面是最精彩的 浴缸里的死女人…
[14:20.14] You're gonna ruin it! 这样就不好看了
[14:21.64] I'll talk in code. 我用密码说
[14:28.41] Yeah,that's very cool. 对,那里很好看
[14:30.75] All "blank" and no "blank" makes "blank" a "blank-blank." 所有的“空白”都把 “空白”弄成“空白”
[14:36.89] No,the end! 不,讲结局
[14:38.59] Jack almost kills them with the "blank"... 杰克差点用“空白” 杀了他们
[14:41.26] ... but in the last second, they get away. 不过到最后关头 他们还是跑了
[14:44.76] I can't believe you just did that. 你居然做这种事
[14:47.10] I can't believe she cracked your code. 她居然识破你的密码
[14:54.71] Okay. Laurie proposes to Jo and she says no... 好,劳瑞跟乔求婚,她拒绝了
[14:58.51] ...even though she's in love with him. Then he ends up marrying Amy. 虽然她其实爱着他 他后来娶了爱美
[15:05.85] Mine was by accident! 我不是存心要讲的
[15:09.75] The boiler explodes and destroys the hotel and kills the dad. 锅炉爆炸,烧毁旅馆 那个爸爸也被烧死了
[15:15.53] Beth dies. 贝丝死了
[15:25.54] Beth dies? 贝丝死了?
[15:29.44] Is that true? If I keep reading,is Beth gonna die? 真的吗?如果继续看下去 贝丝就会死?
[15:33.64] No,Beth doesn't die. She doesn't die. Does she,Rachel? 不,贝丝不会死,她不会死 对不对,瑞秋?
[15:37.65] He's asking if you've ruined... 他问的是你是不是破坏了
[15:39.48] ...the first book he's ever loved that didn't star Jack Nicholson. 他喜欢的第一本不是由 杰克尼克逊当主角的小说?
[15:46.72] No. She doesn't die. 不,她不会死
[15:55.83] Because I wanted to hurt you. 因为我故意要伤害你
[16:01.44] Oh,there they are. I dropped my keys. 在这里,我的钥匙掉了
[16:06.91] Got them. 找到了
[16:15.29] Sorry. I'm sorry. 对不起,对不起
[16:17.79] You would not believe my day. 你一定不敢相信我今天有多惨
[16:20.26] I had to work two shifts. And then to top it off... 我上了两个班 除此之外…
[16:24.09] ... I lost one of my fake boobs in a grill fire. 我的义乳又被烤炉的火烧了
[16:31.64] What are you smiling at? 你在笑什么?
[16:33.37] I was thinking your day could still pick up. 我在想可能会柳暗花明又一村
[16:44.01] I love this "friend" thing! 我喜欢这种朋友关系
[16:57.73] Please,right now. 拜托,马上说
[16:59.13] Every time I see him,it's "ls it on the loose? Is it watching me?" 我一见他就想“那玩意儿 是不是晃来晃去看着我”
[17:04.87] We can't tell him. 我们不能跟他说
[17:06.14] You can't go up to a guy you barely know and talk about his "stuff." 你不能跟素昧平生的人 谈他的“那话儿”
[17:11.71] He's right. Even if it's to say something complimentary. 他说得对 就算是赞美也不行
[17:20.75] You ready for the gym? 可以去健身房了吗?
[17:22.32] There's a new rock-climbing wall. We can spot each other. 有一面新的攀岩墙 我们可以互相侦查
[17:27.19] Yeah,I can spot you from here. 我从这里就可以侦查你
[17:32.90] What? 什么?
[17:35.73] Listen,Robert.... 听我说,劳勃
[17:38.10] Hey,don't we have to...? 我们不是要…
[17:39.54] Yeah,we got.... 对,我们要
[17:48.51] I think you're really,really great. 我觉得你这个人真的很棒
[17:51.72] Oh,God. Here we go again. 老天,又来了
[17:53.88] Why does this keep happening? Is it something I'm putting out there? 为什么老是发生这种事? 我什么东西让你不高兴?
[18:00.62] Is this my fault? Or am I just nuts? 这是我的错吗?
[18:07.43] I don't know what to say. 我不知道该怎么说
[18:39.23] Really? It's just like everyone else's apartment. 真的?这间公寓很普通啊
[18:43.23] It's got rooms and walls and ceilings. 一样有房间、墙壁和天花板
[18:45.74] I just wanted to see where you live. Now give me the tour. 我只是想看看你住的地方 带我参观参观
[18:49.14] Oh,my God! 我的天
[18:51.11] -This is the living room. -That's nice. 这里是客厅 真舒适
[18:54.75] -And this is the kitchen. -That's real pretty. 这里是厨房 真漂亮
[18:57.48] Wait a minute. Don't I get to see the bedroom? 等一下 我不能参观卧室吗?
[19:00.62] Well,it's pretty much your typical... 这是很普通的…
[19:04.79] ... bedroom. 卧室
[19:07.29] We're still on this side of the door. I didn't get to see it. 我们还在门的这一头 我还没看到
[19:11.33] Oh,shoot. Maybe next time. Thanks for a lovely evening. 要命,下次吧 今晚非常愉快
[19:33.88] So who is she? 她是谁?
[19:36.02] That was the blind date I told you about. 我跟你说过 就是我妹妹介绍的人
[19:39.22] She called and switched it from Tuesday. 她打电话来改期到今天
[19:44.13] Did you like her? 你喜欢她吗?
[19:46.20] I'm just asking as a friend, because I am totally fine with this. 我是以朋友的身份问的 因为我不会不高兴
[19:53.50] Well,you seem fine. 你看起来很高兴
[19:56.04] Okay,you know what? I'm not fine. I'm not. 好,你知道吗? 我不高兴,我很不高兴
[19:59.38] I mean,how could I be fine? Hearing you come in with her. 我怎么高兴得起来? 听到你跟她进来
[20:03.31] She wants to see your bedroom. 她还想参观你的卧室
[20:13.19] You know what? 你知道吗?
[20:17.03] What if we're friends... 我们或许可以做朋友…
[20:20.00] ...who don't see other people? 但不跟其他人交往
[20:24.33] You mean "exclusive" friends? 你是说“专属的”朋友?
[20:26.64] Why not? 有何不可?
[20:28.94] I mean,this has been the most amazing week. 我是说,这个星期美好极了
[20:33.88] Would it be so terrible? 这也没什么不好吧
[20:36.55] Even if we were friends who lived together? 我们还可以一面做朋友 一面住在一起
[20:47.69] ...and vowed to be friends forever. 发誓当一辈子的朋友
[20:57.23] You know,we're back where we were. 我们又回到原点了
[21:01.24] Honey,I would love to do all that, but nothing's changed. 亲爱的,我求之不得 但一切都没有改变
[21:06.71] That's not true. You don't have a moustache. 不是这样的 你把胡子刮掉了
[21:12.55] Okay,one thing's changed. 好吧,有一件事改变了
[21:15.49] But we still want different things, and we know how this is gonna end. 但我们生活目标仍不同 我们都知道结局会怎么样
[21:20.19] You know what? 你知道吗?
[21:22.16] I gotta walk out of here right now. 我得马上离开这个房间
[21:26.33] Because getting over you is the hardest thing I have ever had to do. 因为忘记你是我一生中 最不容易的一件事
[21:32.17] I don't think I could do it again. 我想我再也做不到了
[21:35.17] I know I couldn't. 我知道我做不到
[21:52.59] How about one last game of racquetball? 再打最后一场壁球怎么样?
[22:01.06] Watch the thorns! 小心玫瑰刺
[22:10.64] What? 怎么了?
[22:13.91] Beth is really,really sick. 贝丝病得很重很重
[22:21.12] Jo's there,but I don't think there's anything she can do. 乔在陪她 但我想她也没办法
[22:30.36] You wanna put the book in the freezer? 你要把书放在冰库里吗?
[02:01.-2] See that guy? He' s in " Classics" now... kan dao na jia huo mei you? ta xian zai kan de shi jing dian ju pian
[05:01.-4] Why do you have a copy of The Shining in your freezer? ni ba yi ben" gui dian" fang zai leng dong ku gan ma?
[05:05.-1] I was reading it last night and I got scared, so.... wo zuo wan yue kan yue hai pa, jiu
[05:13.-3] Well, safer. zhi shao an quan yi dian
[09:33.-1] I don' t see how he could forgive her. wo kan ta yong yuan bu hui yuan liang ta
[10:41.-4] What are you doing? Get back on your side ni gan ma? hui qu na bian zuo
[12:52.-1] Just your dad. zhi you ni ba ba yi ge
[14:24.-2] Remember when the kid sees those two " blanks" in the hallway? ji de xiao hai zai zou lang kan dao na liang ge" kong bai" ma?
[15:50.-3] Then why would you say that? na ni gan ma zhe me shuo?
[16:53.-3] Robert' s gonna be here any second, so could one of you just tell him? lao bo ma shang jiu yao lai le ni men nei ge ren gen ta shuo hao ma?
[18:11.-2] Hey, buddy? This is a family place. Put the mouse back in the house. lao di? zhe shi he jia guang lin de di fang ba lao shu fang hui wu li qu
[20:43.-4] Or maybe someday, friends who stood up in front of their other friends... huo xu you yi tian ke yi zhan zai qi ta peng you mian qian
[00:06.35] Six dollars, please. ma fan liu kuai qian
[00:07.62] Six? I just had it for one night. It' s three. liu kuai? wo cai zu le yi ge wan shang shi san kuai qian
[00:10.36] Eight o' clock' s the cutoff. And, oh, it' s 8: 02. ba dian zhong jie suan, xian zai ba dian liang fen le
[00:15.63] You know, in a weird way, you have too much power. bu zhi dao wei shi me ni de quan li hao xiang tai da le
[00:19.33] You have to help me because I only have three. ni de bang bang wo, wo zhi you san kuai qian
[00:22.70] I can help with that. wo ke yi bang mang
[00:25.70] Oh, my God. Richard? wo de tian, li cha?
[00:32.38] Your lip went bald. ni de hu zi gua diao le
[00:36.35] Thanks. xie xie
[00:39.75] You look great! ni qi se hen hao
[00:41.69] Right. shi a
[00:42.79] No, you do. You.... bu, zhen de, ni
[00:46.49] What? shen me?
[00:47.53] You got panties stuck to your leg. ni de nei ku nian zai tui shang le
[00:54.00] I was just grabbing some things out of the dryer, and static cling. wo gang cai cong hong gan ji li na chu yi fu, zhe shi jing dian
[00:59.17] Or maybe God knew I' d be running into you and saw an opportunity. ye xu lao tian ye zhi dao wo hui peng dao ni jue de zhe shi ge ji hui
[01:04.54] It' s good to see you. jian dao ni zhen gao xing
[01:05.88] It' s good to see you too. wo ye shi
[01:12.65] The One Where Monica and Rich are Just Friends ben ji bo chu: " mo ni ka yu zha li cheng wei peng you"
[02:03.33] ... but as soon as we leave, he' s going straight to the porn. bu guo deng wo men yi zou ta jiu ma shang qu guang se qing pian
[02:07.01] He' ll go to the counter with Citizen Kane, Vertigo and Clockwork Orgy. dao shi hou ta hui zu" da guo min" " mi hun ji" he" fa tiao ju zi"
[02:16.18] This is nice. zhe yang zhen hao
[02:18.28] I miss this. Me too. wo hao huai nian zhe zhong shi guang wo ye shi
[02:21.12] You want to get a hamburger or something? xiang yi qi chi ge han bao shen me de ma?
[02:23.46] I don' t know if that' s a good idea. wo bu zhi dao zhe yang hao bu hao
[02:25.62] Just friends. I won' t grope you. I promise. zhi shi peng you ma wo bao zheng bu hui mao shou mao jiao
[02:29.23] I think it' s too soon. wo jue de tai kuai le
[02:31.30] No, it' s not too soon. I had lunch at 11. bu hui tai kuai, wo shi yi dian chi de wu can
[02:37.90] Yeah, baby! hao a
[02:40.34] What are you making? Chocolate milk. Want some? ni zai zuo shi mo? qiao ke li niu nai, xiang he ma?
[02:43.24] No, thanks. I' m 29. bu, xie le, wo yi jing 29 sui le
[02:46.31] Oh, my God! I gotta go to work! wo de tian, wo de shang ban le
[02:48.31] What time will you get off tonight? ni jin wan ji dian xia ban?
[02:50.92] It could be really late. ke neng hui hen wan
[02:52.52] Not again! bai tuo, zen me you zhe yang?
[02:54.39] I know. I' m sorry. I' ll make a deal with you, okay? wo zhi dao, dui bu qi wo men da ge shang liang hao ma?
[02:57.72] Every night that you' re asleep before I get home... zhi yao ni zai wo hui jia yi qian shui zhao
[03:00.83] ... I will wake you up in a way that has proved popular in the past. wo jiu yong ni yi qian hen xi huan de fang fa rang ni qi lai
[03:05.10] Well, if you need to stay late, I want to be supportive of that. ru guo ni yao jia ban wo hen yuan yi zhi chi ni
[03:12.74] Look at you. Since when do you rollerblade? kan, ni shen me shi hou kai shi liu bing le?
[03:15.41] Since tomorrow. ming tian
[03:18.08] I met a cute guy in the park. wo zai gong yuan yu dao yi ge shuai ge
[03:19.88] And he jogs and blades and swims and so we made a deal. ta shi man pao liu bing he you yong gao shou, wo men shuo hao le
[03:23.41] He' s gonna teach me how to do jock stuff. ta yao jiao wo ge zhong yun dong
[03:27.79] And what are you gonna do for him? I' m gonna let him. na ni yao ru he hui bao ta? wo hui rang ta da dao mu di
[03:30.79] Cool. hen hao
[03:32.22] Good morning. zao an
[03:34.19] Somebody got in late last night. you ren zuo wan hen wan cai hui lai o
[03:36.59] Yeah, well, I ran into Richard. zhe ge ma, wo peng dao li cha le
[03:40.10] When did this happen? shen me shi hou de shi?
[03:42.13] Around 8: 02. da gai ba dian liang fen
[03:45.04] We talked for a while, and then we went out for an innocent burger. wo men liao le yi hui er ran hou yi qi chi le ge dan chun de han bao
[03:49.54] There' s no such thing as an " innocent burger." mei you suo wei" dan chun de han bao"
[03:52.88] Gonna see him again? Tomorrow night. ni hai hui gen ta jian mian ma? ming tian wan shang
[03:55.25] Monica, what are you doing? mo ni ka, ni zhe shi zai gan shen me?
[03:57.28] She spent six months getting over him... ta hua le liu ge yue cai wang ji ta
[03:59.78] ... and now she' s celebrating that by going on a date with him. xian zai ta qing zhu de fang shi jiu shi gen ta yue hui
[04:05.32] It' s not a date, okay? zhe bu shi yue hui, hao ma?
[04:07.59] I' m teaching him how to make a lasagna for a potluck dinner. wo yao jiao ta zuo qian ceng mian ta yao zai jia li qing ke
[04:11.43] You might want to make extra, because you' ll be hungry after the sex. zui hao duo zuo yi dian zuo ai zhi hou hui hen e
[04:17.67] We' re not gonna have sex. wo men bu hui shang chuang
[04:19.84] Nothing' s changed here. He still doesn' t want children, and I still do. yi qie ru jiu, ta hai shi bu yao hai zi wo hai shi xiang yao hai zi
[04:24.31] So we' re just gonna be friends. suo yi wo men zhi neng dang peng you
[04:26.51] Naked friends. chi luo luo de peng you
[04:34.02] Do you have any ice? Check the freezer. ni you bing ma? da kai leng dong ku kan kan
[04:36.69] If there' s none in there, we' re probably out. ru guo mei you, na da gai jiu shi yong wan le
[04:39.52] Are you just getting home? It' s late. ni gang xia ban ma? hen wan le
[04:41.76] I know. I had the greatest day, though. wo zhi dao, bu guo jin tian shi zai tai bang le
[04:44.26] I went to a meeting with reps from Calvin Klein. wo he ka wen ke lai de xiao shou dai biao kai hui
[04:47.10] I liked a line of lingerie, so my boss ordered a ton of it. And you? wo kan zhong yi kuan xing gan nei yi wo lao ban jiu ding le yi dun, ni ne?
[04:52.27] I discovered I' m able to count all my teeth using just my tongue. wo fa xian wo ke yi guang yong she tou shu wan suo you ya chi
[05:10.12] But you' re safe from it if it' s in the freezer? ba shu fang jin leng dong ku ni jiu an quan le ma?
[05:15.06] I never start reading it... wo mei ci kan shu de shi hou
[05:17.20] ... without making sure we got room in the freezer. dou xian que ding bing ku li you di fang fang
[05:21.37] How often do you read it? ni chang chang kan zhe ben shu ma?
[05:23.47] Haven' t you ever read a book over and over again? ni cong bu ba yi ben shu yi kan zai kan ma?
[05:27.31] I read Little Women more than once. " xiao fu ren" wo kan le hao ji ci
[05:29.31] It' s a classic. What' s so great about The Shining? na shi jing dian zuo pin " gui dian" na li hao kan?
[05:31.68] The question should be, what is not so great about The Shining? ni ying gai wen " gui dian" you na li bu hao kan
[05:37.22] And the answer would be, " nothing." All right? da an shi" mei you", zhi dao ma?
[05:40.55] This is the scariest book ever. zhe shi you shi yi lai zui kong bu de shu
[05:42.65] I bet it' s better than that classic of yours. yi ding bi ni de jing dian zuo pin hao kan
[05:47.76] We' ll just see about that, okay? wo men zou zhe qiao, hao ma?
[05:50.03] I will read The Shining, and you will read Little Women. wo kan" gui dian" ni kan" xiao fu ren"
[05:55.93] All right, you got it. hao, mei wen ti
[05:58.27] Now, Rach, these little women.... rui qiu, zhei xie xiao fu ren
[06:03.07] How little are they? dao di you duo xiao?
[06:05.01] I mean, are they, like, scary little? hui bu hui hen kong bu?
[06:14.09] Chandler, Ross? This is Robert. qian de luo si, zhe shi lao bo
[06:18.09] You have lipstick right here. ni zhe li zhan le chun gao
[06:20.79] That' s okay, it' s mine. We just kissed. mei guan xi, na shi wo de chun gao wo men gang cai jie wen le
[06:24.10] Isn' t it a bit cold out for shorts? chuan duan ku you dian leng ba?
[06:27.03] Well, I' m from California. wo shi jia zhou ren
[06:29.77] Right. Sometimes you guys just burst into flame. dui, you shi hou ni men jia zhou ren hui zi ran
[06:43.75] I' m up. I' m up. I' ve gotten up now. Anybody want anything? wo qi lai le wo qi lai le you ren yao shen me ma?
[06:49.39] I' ll have coffee. Me too. wo yao ka fei wo ye shi
[06:51.06] Make that three. san bei ba
[06:52.22] Ross, why don' t you come with me? luo si, gen wo lai
[06:59.80] What' s the matter? What' s going on? zen me le? zen me hui shi?
[07:02.10] Robert' s coming out. lao bo kuai chu lai le
[07:04.74] What do you mean? Is he gay? shen me yi si? ta shi tong xing lian?
[07:12.61] He' s coming out of his shorts. ta jiu kuai cong duan ku li diao chu lai le
[07:17.48] What? shen me?
[07:19.52] The man is showing brain. zhe jia huo bao lu zhong yao bu wei
[07:26.09] Are you sure? Hold on. ni que ding? deng yi xia
[07:30.50] I' m sorry. That was a coffee and a.... dui bu qi ni men dian de shi ka fei he
[07:32.86] Coffee. We could write it down. ka fei, wo men ke yi xie xia lai
[07:34.63] No, no. That won' t be necessary. bu bu yong le
[07:44.21] Well? zen me yang?
[07:47.78] What do we do? What do we do? wo men gai zen me ban?
[07:49.35] Well, I suppose we just try to not look directly at it. wo xiang zhi neng jin liang bu yao yong zheng yan kan
[07:56.19] Like an eclipse. jiu xiang ri shi yi yang
[08:02.36] When people compliment my cooking tonight, what do I say? ru guo jin wan you ren cheng zan wo de shou yi wo gai zen me shuo?
[08:05.40] You say," Thank you." Then you buy me something pretty. ni shuo" duo xie kua jiang" ran hou mai li wu chou xie wo
[08:09.57] Come on, we' re gonna put our hands in this bowl... lai, wo men ba shou fang jin zhe ge bo li
[08:12.37] ... and we' re gonna start squishing the tomatoes. ran hou kai shi ba fan qie ya sui
[08:16.14] This feels very weird. gan jue guai guai de
[08:20.18] You touch people' s eyeballs and this feels weird? ni zheng tian mo ren jia de yan qiu hai shuo zhe gan jue guai guai de?
[08:22.75] Sure, I touch them. But I spent years learning not to squish them. wo dang ran hui mo ren jia de yan qiu dan wo hao bu rong yi cai bu dong shou ya sui
[08:33.49] That' s my hand. na shi wo de shou
[08:38.53] Keep squishing. The tomatoes are squishing. ji xu ya fan qie zhi zhi xiang
[08:44.17] You got some on your shirt. ni de chen shan zhan dao le
[08:46.84] Hold on a second. deng yi xia
[08:48.84] Just put a little club soda on it. Get to it right away. ma shang fang su da shui shang qu
[08:53.18] It should do... ying gai
[08:56.75] ... the trick. jiu ke yi le
[09:07.26] What? zen me le?
[09:09.69] You' ve got some on your pants. ni ku zi shang ye zhan dao le
[09:14.73] I' ll just throw them out. gan cui diu diao suan le
[09:22.61] These little women! zhei xie xiao fu ren
[09:28.05] You' re liking it? ni xi huan ma?
[09:29.31] Oh, yeah. Amy just burned Jo' s manuscript. xi huan, ai mei gang shao le qiao de gao zi
[09:38.29] Jo' s a girl. It' s short for Josephine. qiao shi nv de, shi yue se fen de jian cheng
[09:42.06] But Jo' s got a crush on Laurie. dan qiao xi huan lao rui
[09:50.07] You mean it' s like a girlgirl thing? ni shi shuo zhe shi nv tong xing lian?
[09:52.47] That is the one thing missing from The Shining. " gui dian" ke mei you zhe zhong dong xi
[09:58.24] No, actually, Laurie' s a boy. bu, qi shi lao rui shi nan de
[10:01.65] No wonder Rachel had to read this so many times. nan guai rui qiu yao kan zhe me duo ci
[10:08.69] How' d the basketball go? lan qiu hao wan ma?
[10:11.12] I learned how to shoot a layup, a foul shot, and a 23pointer. wo xue hui le lan ban qiu fa qiu he 23 fen qiu
[10:16.03] You mean a 3pointer? ni shi shuo san fen qiu ba?
[10:17.70] I get more because I' m dainty. wo zi shi you mei, ke yi duo ji fen
[10:21.60] Is there a phone here to check my messages? zhe li you mei you dian hua ke yi cha liu yan?
[10:24.47] ln back. Do you want a quarter? I always carry one in my sock. zai hou mian, ni you tong ban ma? wo yi xiang zai wa zi li fang yi ge tong ban
[10:43.89] Hello! ha luo
[10:50.36] I' m Joey. We haven' t met. wo shi qiao yi, wo men hai mei jian guo mian
[10:52.33] Good to meet you. Robert. hen gao xing ren shi ni, lao bo
[10:57.84] What? zen me le?
[10:59.87] What? You guys, what is going on? zen me le? ni men zen me hui shi?
[11:03.41] Do you not like Robert? ni men bu xi huan lao bo ma?
[11:06.24] Why are you laughing? ni men xiao shen me?
[11:07.91] Calm down. No reason to get testy. ping jing yi dian, yong bu zhao ji dong
[11:15.49] You guys! Come on! We' re sorry. ni men zen me hui shi ma? dui bu qi
[11:18.69] It just seems that Robert isn' t as concealed in the shorts area... zhi bu guo ni de lao bo de duan ku bi ti de de bu fen
[11:24.40] ... as one may have hoped. hao xiang shi shao le yi dian
[11:27.06] What do you mean? shen me yi si?
[11:32.40] Could you pass me those cookies? ba bing gan na gei wo hao ma?
[11:36.54] Sure. mei wen ti
[11:43.55] So how' d the lasagna go over? ta men xi bu xi huan qian ceng mian?
[11:46.25] Really? Good. So you owe me three pretty things. zhen de? hen hao xian zai ni qian wo san yang li wu le
[11:52.19] I' ve been thinking about you too. wo yi zhi zai xiang zhe ni de shi
[11:55.06] Well, no. It' s hard, this " platonomy" thing. bu, zhe zhong bo la tu lian qing hen bu rong yi
[11:59.86] It' s a word. zhe shi yi ge ci
[12:05.14] I do think it' s better this way. We' re being smart. wo jue de zhe yang bi jiao hao zhe yang cai shi ming zhi zhi ju
[12:09.27] Yes, I' m sure. dui, wo ken ding
[12:13.44] You really sure? ni zhen de ken ding?
[12:16.88] I' ll call you back. wo zai hui ni dian hua
[12:29.39] So we can be friends who sleep together. wo men ke yi dang you xing guan xi de peng you
[12:32.60] Absolutely. This' ll just be something we do. mei cuo, zhe bu dai biao shen me
[12:35.77] Like racquetball. jiu xiang da bi qiu yi yang
[12:39.47] Sounds smart and healthy to me. wo jue de cong ming you jian kang
[12:43.07] So just out of curiosity... bu guo ji yu hao qi xin
[12:47.41] ... do you currently have any other " racquetball" buddies? ni hai you ji ge da bi qiu de huo ban?
[12:55.82] Although that' s actually racquetball. sui ran na shi zhen de bi qiu
[12:58.72] You know, I do have a blind date... wo xia xing qi er
[13:02.33] ... with my sister' s neighbor next Tuesday. yao he wo mei mei de lin ju yue hui
[13:08.30] Do you want me to cancel it? ni xi wang wo qu xiao ma?
[13:10.80] No! bu yao
[13:15.41] Because if you did, that means you' d be canceling for me. ru guo ni qu xiao na jiu shi wei wo qu xiao de
[13:20.14] And we' re just friends. Exactly. er wo men zhi shi peng you mei cuo
[13:27.02] Oh, don' t sit down. bu yao zuo
[13:29.02] Ready to go? You bet. ke yi zou le ma? ke yi
[13:31.00] And first, here' s a gift. bu guo xian song ni yi ge li wu
[13:37.63] Stretchy pants?! shen suo nei ku?
[13:40.20] The greatest things in the world! If I were you, I' d wear them every day. zhe ge dong xi hao de yao ming ru guo shi wo, wo hui tian tian chuan
[13:46.60] Gee, thank you. Really, that' s so nice. xie xie, zhen de, ni tai ti tie le
[13:49.14] But, to be honest, I don' t think I can wear these. bu guo shuo lao shi hua wo kan wo bu neng chuan
[13:53.81] They' re so tight. I' d feel like I' m on display. tai jin le, wo hui jue de hao xiang shi gei ren jia kan de
[13:59.02] I' m sorry. dui bu qi
[14:00.52] That' s all right. I' ll figure.... mei guan xi, wo zai xiang ban fa
[14:07.79] How' s it going? da jia hao ma?
[14:08.89] Good. hen hao
[14:10.83] How' s The Shining? " gui dian" hao bu hao kan?
[14:12.40] Danny just went into Room 217. dan ni gang zou jin 217 hao fang
[14:15.07] The next part' s the best! That dead lady in the bathtub xia mian shi zui jing cai de yu gang li de si nv ren
[14:20.14] You' re gonna ruin it! zhe yang jiu bu hao kan le
[14:21.64] I' ll talk in code. wo yong mi ma shuo
[14:28.41] Yeah, that' s very cool. dui, na li hen hao kan
[14:30.75] All " blank" and no " blank" makes " blank" a " blankblank." suo you de" kong bai" dou ba " kong bai" nong cheng" kong bai"
[14:36.89] No, the end! bu, jiang jie ju
[14:38.59] Jack almost kills them with the " blank"... jie ke cha dian yong" kong bai" sha le ta men
[14:41.26] ... but in the last second, they get away. bu guo dao zui hou guan tou ta men hai shi pao le
[14:44.76] I can' t believe you just did that. ni ju ran zuo zhe zhong shi
[14:47.10] I can' t believe she cracked your code. ta ju ran shi po ni de mi ma
[14:54.71] Okay. Laurie proposes to Jo and she says no... hao, lao rui gen qiao qiu hun, ta ju jue le
[14:58.51] ... even though she' s in love with him. Then he ends up marrying Amy. sui ran ta qi shi ai zhe ta ta hou lai qu le ai mei
[15:05.85] Mine was by accident! wo bu shi cun xin yao jiang de
[15:09.75] The boiler explodes and destroys the hotel and kills the dad. guo lu bao zha, shao hui lv guan na ge ba ba ye bei shao si le
[15:15.53] Beth dies. bei si si le
[15:25.54] Beth dies? bei si si le?
[15:29.44] Is that true? If I keep reading, is Beth gonna die? zhen de ma? ru guo ji xu kan xia qu bei si jiu hui si?
[15:33.64] No, Beth doesn' t die. She doesn' t die. Does she, Rachel? bu, bei si bu hui si, ta bu hui si dui bu dui, rui qiu?
[15:37.65] He' s asking if you' ve ruined... ta wen de shi ni shi bu shi po huai le
[15:39.48] ... the first book he' s ever loved that didn' t star Jack Nicholson. ta xi huan de di yi ben bu shi you jie ke ni ke xun dang zhu jue de xiao shuo?
[15:46.72] No. She doesn' t die. bu, ta bu hui si
[15:55.83] Because I wanted to hurt you. yin wei wo gu yi yao shang hai ni
[16:01.44] Oh, there they are. I dropped my keys. zai zhe li, wo de yao shi diao le
[16:06.91] Got them. zhao dao le
[16:15.29] Sorry. I' m sorry. dui bu qi, dui bu qi
[16:17.79] You would not believe my day. ni yi ding bu gan xiang xin wo jin tian you duo can
[16:20.26] I had to work two shifts. And then to top it off... wo shang le liang ge ban chu ci zhi wai
[16:24.09] ... I lost one of my fake boobs in a grill fire. wo de yi ru you bei kao lu de huo shao le
[16:31.64] What are you smiling at? ni zai xiao shen me?
[16:33.37] I was thinking your day could still pick up. wo zai xiang ke neng hui liu an hua ming you yi cun
[16:44.01] I love this " friend" thing! wo xi huan zhe zhong peng you guan xi
[16:57.73] Please, right now. bai tuo, ma shang shuo
[16:59.13] Every time I see him, it' s " ls it on the loose? Is it watching me?" wo yi jian ta jiu xiang" na wan yi er shi bu shi huang lai huang qu kan zhe wo"
[17:04.87] We can' t tell him. wo men bu neng gen ta shuo
[17:06.14] You can' t go up to a guy you barely know and talk about his " stuff." ni bu neng gen su mei ping sheng de ren tan ta de" na hua r"
[17:11.71] He' s right. Even if it' s to say something complimentary. ta shuo de dui jiu suan shi zan mei ye bu xing
[17:20.75] You ready for the gym? ke yi qu jian shen fang le ma?
[17:22.32] There' s a new rockclimbing wall. We can spot each other. you yi mian xin de pan yan qiang wo men ke yi hu xiang zhen cha
[17:27.19] Yeah, I can spot you from here. wo cong zhe li jiu ke yi zhen cha ni
[17:32.90] What? shen me?
[17:35.73] Listen, Robert.... ting wo shuo, lao bo
[17:38.10] Hey, don' t we have to...? wo men bu shi yao
[17:39.54] Yeah, we got.... dui, wo men yao
[17:48.51] I think you' re really, really great. wo jue de ni zhe ge ren zhen de hen bang
[17:51.72] Oh, God. Here we go again. lao tian, you lai le
[17:53.88] Why does this keep happening? Is it something I' m putting out there? wei shi me lao shi fa sheng zhe zhong shi? wo shen me dong xi rang ni bu gao xing?
[18:00.62] Is this my fault? Or am I just nuts? zhe shi wo de cuo ma?
[18:07.43] I don' t know what to say. wo bu zhi dao gai zen me shuo
[18:39.23] Really? It' s just like everyone else' s apartment. zhen de? zhe jian gong yu hen pu tong a
[18:43.23] It' s got rooms and walls and ceilings. yi yang you fang jian qiang bi he tian hua ban
[18:45.74] I just wanted to see where you live. Now give me the tour. wo zhi shi xiang kan kan ni zhu de di fang dai wo can guan can guan
[18:49.14] Oh, my God! wo de tian
[18:51.11] This is the living room. That' s nice. zhe li shi ke ting zhen shu shi
[18:54.75] And this is the kitchen. That' s real pretty. zhe li shi chu fang zhen piao liang
[18:57.48] Wait a minute. Don' t I get to see the bedroom? deng yi xia wo bu neng can guan wo shi ma?
[19:00.62] Well, it' s pretty much your typical... zhe shi hen pu tong de
[19:04.79] ... bedroom. wo shi
[19:07.29] We' re still on this side of the door. I didn' t get to see it. wo men hai zai men de zhe yi tou wo hai mei kan dao
[19:11.33] Oh, shoot. Maybe next time. Thanks for a lovely evening. yao ming, xia ci ba jin wan fei chang yu kuai
[19:33.88] So who is she? ta shi shui?
[19:36.02] That was the blind date I told you about. wo gen ni shuo guo jiu shi wo mei mei jie shao de ren
[19:39.22] She called and switched it from Tuesday. ta da dian hua lai gai qi dao jin tian
[19:44.13] Did you like her? ni xi huan ta ma?
[19:46.20] I' m just asking as a friend, because I am totally fine with this. wo shi yi peng you de shen fen wen de yin wei wo bu hui bu gao xing
[19:53.50] Well, you seem fine. ni kan qi lai hen gao xing
[19:56.04] Okay, you know what? I' m not fine. I' m not. hao, ni zhi dao ma? wo bu gao xing, wo hen bu gao xing
[19:59.38] I mean, how could I be fine? Hearing you come in with her. wo zen me gao xing de qi lai? ting dao ni gen ta jin lai
[20:03.31] She wants to see your bedroom. ta hai xiang can guan ni de wo shi
[20:13.19] You know what? ni zhi dao ma?
[20:17.03] What if we' re friends... wo men huo xu ke yi zuo peng you
[20:20.00] ... who don' t see other people? dan bu gen qi ta ren jiao wang
[20:24.33] You mean " exclusive" friends? ni shi shuo" zhuan shu de" peng you?
[20:26.64] Why not? you he bu ke?
[20:28.94] I mean, this has been the most amazing week. wo shi shuo, zhe ge xing qi mei hao ji le
[20:33.88] Would it be so terrible? zhe ye mei shen me bu hao ba
[20:36.55] Even if we were friends who lived together? wo men hai ke yi yi mian zuo peng you yi mian zhu zai yi qi
[20:47.69] ... and vowed to be friends forever. fa shi dang yi bei zi de peng you
[20:57.23] You know, we' re back where we were. wo men you hui dao yuan dian le
[21:01.24] Honey, I would love to do all that, but nothing' s changed. qin ai de, wo qiu zhi bu de dan yi qie dou mei you gai bian
[21:06.71] That' s not true. You don' t have a moustache. bu shi zhe yang de ni ba hu zi gua diao le
[21:12.55] Okay, one thing' s changed. hao ba, you yi jian shi gai bian le
[21:15.49] But we still want different things, and we know how this is gonna end. dan wo men sheng huo mu biao reng bu tong wo men dou zhi dao jie ju hui zen me yang
[21:20.19] You know what? ni zhi dao ma?
[21:22.16] I gotta walk out of here right now. wo de ma shang li kai zhe ge fang jian
[21:26.33] Because getting over you is the hardest thing I have ever had to do. yin wei wang ji ni shi wo yi sheng zhong zui bu rong yi de yi jian shi
[21:32.17] I don' t think I could do it again. wo xiang wo zai ye zuo bu dao le
[21:35.17] I know I couldn' t. wo zhi dao wo zuo bu dao
[21:52.59] How about one last game of racquetball? zai da zui hou yi chang bi qiu zen me yang?
[22:01.06] Watch the thorns! xiao xin mei gui ci
[22:10.64] What? zen me le?
[22:13.91] Beth is really, really sick. bei si bing de hen zhong hen zhong
[22:21.12] Jo' s there, but I don' t think there' s anything she can do. qiao zai pei ta dan wo xiang ta ye mei ban fa
[22:30.36] You wanna put the book in the freezer? ni yao ba shu fang zai bing ku li ma?
[02:01.-2] See that guy? He' s in " Classics" now... kàn dào nà jiā huǒ méi yǒu? tā xiàn zài kàn de shì jīng diǎn jù piàn
[05:01.-4] Why do you have a copy of The Shining in your freezer? nǐ bǎ yī běn" guǐ diàn" fàng zài lěng dòng kù gàn ma?
[05:05.-1] I was reading it last night and I got scared, so.... wǒ zuó wǎn yuè kàn yuè hài pà, jiù
[05:13.-3] Well, safer. zhì shǎo ān quán yì diǎn
[09:33.-1] I don' t see how he could forgive her. wǒ kàn tā yǒng yuǎn bú huì yuán liàng tā
[10:41.-4] What are you doing? Get back on your side nǐ gàn ma? huí qù nà biān zuò
[12:52.-1] Just your dad. zhǐ yǒu nǐ bà bà yí gè
[14:24.-2] Remember when the kid sees those two " blanks" in the hallway? jì de xiǎo hái zài zǒu láng kàn dào nà liǎng gè" kòng bái" ma?
[15:50.-3] Then why would you say that? nà nǐ gàn ma zhè me shuō?
[16:53.-3] Robert' s gonna be here any second, so could one of you just tell him? láo bó mǎ shàng jiù yào lái le nǐ men něi gè rén gēn tā shuō hǎo ma?
[18:11.-2] Hey, buddy? This is a family place. Put the mouse back in the house. lǎo dì? zhè shì hé jiā guāng lín de dì fāng bǎ lǎo shǔ fàng huí wū lǐ qù
[20:43.-4] Or maybe someday, friends who stood up in front of their other friends... huò xǔ yǒu yì tiān kě yǐ zhàn zài qí tā péng yǒu miàn qián
[00:06.35] Six dollars, please. má fán liù kuài qián
[00:07.62] Six? I just had it for one night. It' s three. liù kuài? wǒ cái zū le yí gè wǎn shàng shì sān kuài qián
[00:10.36] Eight o' clock' s the cutoff. And, oh, it' s 8: 02. bā diǎn zhōng jié suàn, xiàn zài bā diǎn liǎng fēn le
[00:15.63] You know, in a weird way, you have too much power. bù zhī dào wèi shí me nǐ de quán lì hǎo xiàng tài dà le
[00:19.33] You have to help me because I only have three. nǐ dé bāng bāng wǒ, wǒ zhǐ yǒu sān kuài qián
[00:22.70] I can help with that. wǒ kě yǐ bāng máng
[00:25.70] Oh, my God. Richard? wǒ de tiān, lǐ chá?
[00:32.38] Your lip went bald. nǐ de hú zǐ guā diào le
[00:36.35] Thanks. xiè xiè
[00:39.75] You look great! nǐ qì sè hěn hǎo
[00:41.69] Right. shì a
[00:42.79] No, you do. You.... bù, zhēn de, nǐ
[00:46.49] What? shén me?
[00:47.53] You got panties stuck to your leg. nǐ de nèi kù nián zài tuǐ shàng le
[00:54.00] I was just grabbing some things out of the dryer, and static cling. wǒ gāng cái cóng hōng gān jī lǐ ná chū yī fú, zhè shì jìng diàn
[00:59.17] Or maybe God knew I' d be running into you and saw an opportunity. yě xǔ lǎo tiān yé zhī dào wǒ huì pèng dào nǐ jué de zhè shì gè jī huì
[01:04.54] It' s good to see you. jiàn dào nǐ zhēn gāo xìng
[01:05.88] It' s good to see you too. wǒ yě shì
[01:12.65] The One Where Monica and Rich are Just Friends běn jí bō chū: " mó nī kǎ yǔ zhā lǐ chéng wéi péng yǒu"
[02:03.33] ... but as soon as we leave, he' s going straight to the porn. bù guò děng wǒ men yī zǒu tā jiù mǎ shǎng qù guàng sè qíng piàn
[02:07.01] He' ll go to the counter with Citizen Kane, Vertigo and Clockwork Orgy. dào shí hòu tā huì zū" dà guó mín" " mí hún jì" hé" fā tiáo jú zi"
[02:16.18] This is nice. zhè yàng zhēn hǎo
[02:18.28] I miss this. Me too. wǒ hǎo huái niàn zhè zhǒng shí guāng wǒ yě shì
[02:21.12] You want to get a hamburger or something? xiǎng yì qǐ chī gè hàn bǎo shén me de ma?
[02:23.46] I don' t know if that' s a good idea. wǒ bù zhī dào zhè yàng hǎo bù hǎo
[02:25.62] Just friends. I won' t grope you. I promise. zhǐ shì péng yǒu ma wǒ bǎo zhèng bú huì máo shǒu máo jiǎo
[02:29.23] I think it' s too soon. wǒ jué de tài kuài le
[02:31.30] No, it' s not too soon. I had lunch at 11. bú huì tài kuài, wǒ shí yì diǎn chī de wǔ cān
[02:37.90] Yeah, baby! hǎo a
[02:40.34] What are you making? Chocolate milk. Want some? nǐ zài zuò shí mǒ? qiǎo kè lì niú nǎi, xiǎng hē ma?
[02:43.24] No, thanks. I' m 29. bù, xiè le, wǒ yǐ jīng 29 suì le
[02:46.31] Oh, my God! I gotta go to work! wǒ de tiān, wǒ dé shàng bān le
[02:48.31] What time will you get off tonight? nǐ jīn wǎn jǐ diǎn xià bān?
[02:50.92] It could be really late. kě néng huì hěn wǎn
[02:52.52] Not again! bài tuō, zěn me yòu zhè yàng?
[02:54.39] I know. I' m sorry. I' ll make a deal with you, okay? wǒ zhī dào, duì bù qǐ wǒ men dǎ gè shāng liáng hǎo ma?
[02:57.72] Every night that you' re asleep before I get home... zhǐ yào nǐ zài wǒ huí jiā yǐ qián shuì zháo
[03:00.83] ... I will wake you up in a way that has proved popular in the past. wǒ jiù yòng nǐ yǐ qián hěn xǐ huān de fāng fǎ ràng nǐ qǐ lái
[03:05.10] Well, if you need to stay late, I want to be supportive of that. rú guǒ nǐ yào jiā bān wǒ hěn yuàn yì zhī chí nǐ
[03:12.74] Look at you. Since when do you rollerblade? kàn, nǐ shén me shí hòu kāi shǐ liū bīng le?
[03:15.41] Since tomorrow. míng tiān
[03:18.08] I met a cute guy in the park. wǒ zài gōng yuán yù dào yí gè shuài gē
[03:19.88] And he jogs and blades and swims and so we made a deal. tā shì màn pǎo liū bīng hé yóu yǒng gāo shǒu, wǒ men shuō hǎo le
[03:23.41] He' s gonna teach me how to do jock stuff. tā yào jiào wǒ gè zhǒng yùn dòng
[03:27.79] And what are you gonna do for him? I' m gonna let him. nà nǐ yào rú hé huí bào tā? wǒ huì ràng tā dá dào mù dì
[03:30.79] Cool. hěn hǎo
[03:32.22] Good morning. zǎo ān
[03:34.19] Somebody got in late last night. yǒu rén zuó wǎn hěn wǎn cái huí lái ó
[03:36.59] Yeah, well, I ran into Richard. zhè gè ma, wǒ pèng dào lǐ chá le
[03:40.10] When did this happen? shén me shí hòu de shì?
[03:42.13] Around 8: 02. dà gài bā diǎn liǎng fēn
[03:45.04] We talked for a while, and then we went out for an innocent burger. wǒ men liáo le yī huì ér rán hòu yì qǐ chī le gè dān chún de hàn bǎo
[03:49.54] There' s no such thing as an " innocent burger." méi yǒu suǒ wèi" dān chún de hàn bǎo"
[03:52.88] Gonna see him again? Tomorrow night. nǐ hái huì gēn tā jiàn miàn ma? míng tiān wǎn shàng
[03:55.25] Monica, what are you doing? mó nī kǎ, nǐ zhè shì zài gàn shén me?
[03:57.28] She spent six months getting over him... tā huā le liù ge yuè cái wàng jì tā
[03:59.78] ... and now she' s celebrating that by going on a date with him. xiàn zài tā qìng zhù de fāng shì jiù shì gēn tā yuē huì
[04:05.32] It' s not a date, okay? zhè bú shì yuē huì, hǎo ma?
[04:07.59] I' m teaching him how to make a lasagna for a potluck dinner. wǒ yào jiào tā zuò qiān céng miàn tā yào zài jiā lǐ qǐng kè
[04:11.43] You might want to make extra, because you' ll be hungry after the sex. zuì hǎo duō zuò yì diǎn zuò ài zhī hòu huì hěn è
[04:17.67] We' re not gonna have sex. wǒ men bú huì shàng chuáng
[04:19.84] Nothing' s changed here. He still doesn' t want children, and I still do. yī qiè rú jiù, tā hái shì bú yào hái zi wǒ hái shì xiǎng yào hái zi
[04:24.31] So we' re just gonna be friends. suǒ yǐ wǒ men zhǐ néng dāng péng yǒu
[04:26.51] Naked friends. chì luǒ luǒ de péng yǒu
[04:34.02] Do you have any ice? Check the freezer. nǐ yǒu bīng ma? dǎ kāi lěng dòng kù kàn kàn
[04:36.69] If there' s none in there, we' re probably out. rú guǒ méi yǒu, nà dà gài jiù shì yòng wán le
[04:39.52] Are you just getting home? It' s late. nǐ gāng xià bān ma? hěn wǎn le
[04:41.76] I know. I had the greatest day, though. wǒ zhī dào, bù guò jīn tiān shí zài tài bàng le
[04:44.26] I went to a meeting with reps from Calvin Klein. wǒ hé kǎ wén kè lái de xiāo shòu dài biǎo kāi huì
[04:47.10] I liked a line of lingerie, so my boss ordered a ton of it. And you? wǒ kàn zhòng yī kuǎn xìng gǎn nèi yī wǒ lǎo bǎn jiù dìng le yī dūn, nǐ ne?
[04:52.27] I discovered I' m able to count all my teeth using just my tongue. wǒ fā xiàn wǒ kě yǐ guāng yòng shé tou shù wán suǒ yǒu yá chǐ
[05:10.12] But you' re safe from it if it' s in the freezer? bǎ shū fàng jìn lěng dòng kù nǐ jiù ān quán le ma?
[05:15.06] I never start reading it... wǒ měi cì kàn shū de shí hòu
[05:17.20] ... without making sure we got room in the freezer. dōu xiān què dìng bīng kù lǐ yǒu dì fāng fàng
[05:21.37] How often do you read it? nǐ cháng cháng kàn zhè běn shū ma?
[05:23.47] Haven' t you ever read a book over and over again? nǐ cóng bù bǎ yī běn shū yī kàn zài kàn ma?
[05:27.31] I read Little Women more than once. " xiǎo fù rén" wǒ kàn le hǎo jǐ cì
[05:29.31] It' s a classic. What' s so great about The Shining? nà shi jīng diǎn zuò pǐn " guǐ diàn" nǎ lǐ hǎo kàn?
[05:31.68] The question should be, what is not so great about The Shining? nǐ yīng gāi wèn " guǐ diàn" yǒu nǎ lǐ bù hǎo kàn
[05:37.22] And the answer would be, " nothing." All right? dá àn shì" méi yǒu", zhī dào ma?
[05:40.55] This is the scariest book ever. zhè shì yǒu shǐ yǐ lái zuì kǒng bù de shū
[05:42.65] I bet it' s better than that classic of yours. yí dìng bǐ nǐ de jīng diǎn zuò pǐn hǎo kàn
[05:47.76] We' ll just see about that, okay? wǒ men zǒu zhe qiáo, hǎo ma?
[05:50.03] I will read The Shining, and you will read Little Women. wǒ kàn" guǐ diàn" nǐ kàn" xiǎo fù rén"
[05:55.93] All right, you got it. hǎo, méi wèn tí
[05:58.27] Now, Rach, these little women.... ruì qiū, zhèi xiē xiǎo fù rén
[06:03.07] How little are they? dào dǐ yǒu duō xiǎo?
[06:05.01] I mean, are they, like, scary little? huì bú huì hěn kǒng bù?
[06:14.09] Chandler, Ross? This is Robert. qián dé luó sī, zhè shì láo bó
[06:18.09] You have lipstick right here. nǐ zhè lǐ zhān le chún gāo
[06:20.79] That' s okay, it' s mine. We just kissed. méi guān xì, nà shi wǒ de chún gāo wǒ men gāng cái jiē wěn le
[06:24.10] Isn' t it a bit cold out for shorts? chuān duǎn kù yǒu diǎn lěng ba?
[06:27.03] Well, I' m from California. wǒ shì jiā zhōu rén
[06:29.77] Right. Sometimes you guys just burst into flame. duì, yǒu shí hou nǐ men jiā zhōu rén huì zì rán
[06:43.75] I' m up. I' m up. I' ve gotten up now. Anybody want anything? wǒ qǐ lái le wǒ qǐ lái le yǒu rén yào shén me ma?
[06:49.39] I' ll have coffee. Me too. wǒ yào kā fēi wǒ yě shì
[06:51.06] Make that three. sān bēi ba
[06:52.22] Ross, why don' t you come with me? luó sī, gēn wǒ lái
[06:59.80] What' s the matter? What' s going on? zěn me le? zěn me huí shì?
[07:02.10] Robert' s coming out. láo bó kuài chū lái le
[07:04.74] What do you mean? Is he gay? shén me yì sī? tā shì tóng xìng liàn?
[07:12.61] He' s coming out of his shorts. tā jiù kuài cóng duǎn kù lǐ diào chū lái le
[07:17.48] What? shén me?
[07:19.52] The man is showing brain. zhè jiā huǒ bào lù zhòng yào bù wèi
[07:26.09] Are you sure? Hold on. nǐ què dìng? děng yī xià
[07:30.50] I' m sorry. That was a coffee and a.... duì bù qǐ nǐ men diǎn de shì kā fēi hé
[07:32.86] Coffee. We could write it down. kā fēi, wǒ men kě yǐ xiě xià lái
[07:34.63] No, no. That won' t be necessary. bù bù yòng le
[07:44.21] Well? zěn me yàng?
[07:47.78] What do we do? What do we do? wǒ men gāi zěn me bàn?
[07:49.35] Well, I suppose we just try to not look directly at it. wǒ xiǎng zhǐ néng jǐn liàng bú yào yòng zhèng yǎn kàn
[07:56.19] Like an eclipse. jiù xiàng rì shí yí yàng
[08:02.36] When people compliment my cooking tonight, what do I say? rú guǒ jīn wǎn yǒu rén chēng zàn wǒ de shǒu yì wǒ gāi zěn me shuō?
[08:05.40] You say," Thank you." Then you buy me something pretty. nǐ shuō" duō xiè kuā jiǎng" rán hòu mǎi lǐ wù chóu xiè wǒ
[08:09.57] Come on, we' re gonna put our hands in this bowl... lái, wǒ men bǎ shǒu fàng jìn zhè gè bō lǐ
[08:12.37] ... and we' re gonna start squishing the tomatoes. rán hòu kāi shǐ bǎ fān qié yā suì
[08:16.14] This feels very weird. gǎn jué guài guài de
[08:20.18] You touch people' s eyeballs and this feels weird? nǐ zhěng tiān mō rén jiā de yǎn qiú hái shuō zhè gǎn jué guài guài de?
[08:22.75] Sure, I touch them. But I spent years learning not to squish them. wǒ dāng rán huì mō rén jiā de yǎn qiú dàn wǒ hǎo bù róng yì cái bù dòng shǒu yā suì
[08:33.49] That' s my hand. nà shi wǒ de shǒu
[08:38.53] Keep squishing. The tomatoes are squishing. jì xù yā fān qié zhī zhī xiǎng
[08:44.17] You got some on your shirt. nǐ de chèn shān zhān dào le
[08:46.84] Hold on a second. děng yī xià
[08:48.84] Just put a little club soda on it. Get to it right away. mǎ shàng fàng sū dá shuǐ shǎng qù
[08:53.18] It should do... yīng gāi
[08:56.75] ... the trick. jiù kě yǐ le
[09:07.26] What? zěn me le?
[09:09.69] You' ve got some on your pants. nǐ kù zi shàng yě zhān dào le
[09:14.73] I' ll just throw them out. gān cuì diū diào suàn le
[09:22.61] These little women! zhèi xiē xiǎo fù rén
[09:28.05] You' re liking it? nǐ xǐ huān ma?
[09:29.31] Oh, yeah. Amy just burned Jo' s manuscript. xǐ huān, ài měi gāng shāo le qiáo de gǎo zi
[09:38.29] Jo' s a girl. It' s short for Josephine. qiáo shì nǚ de, shì yuē sè fēn de jiǎn chēng
[09:42.06] But Jo' s got a crush on Laurie. dàn qiáo xǐ huān láo ruì
[09:50.07] You mean it' s like a girlgirl thing? nǐ shì shuō zhè shì nǚ tóng xìng liàn?
[09:52.47] That is the one thing missing from The Shining. " guǐ diàn" kě méi yǒu zhè zhǒng dōng xī
[09:58.24] No, actually, Laurie' s a boy. bù, qí shí láo ruì shì nán de
[10:01.65] No wonder Rachel had to read this so many times. nán guài ruì qiū yào kàn zhè me duō cì
[10:08.69] How' d the basketball go? lán qiú hǎo wán ma?
[10:11.12] I learned how to shoot a layup, a foul shot, and a 23pointer. wǒ xué huì le lán bǎn qiú fá qiú hé 23 fēn qiú
[10:16.03] You mean a 3pointer? nǐ shì shuō sān fēn qiú ba?
[10:17.70] I get more because I' m dainty. wǒ zī shì yōu měi, kě yǐ duō jǐ fēn
[10:21.60] Is there a phone here to check my messages? zhè lǐ yǒu méi yǒu diàn huà kě yǐ chá liú yán?
[10:24.47] ln back. Do you want a quarter? I always carry one in my sock. zài hòu miàn, nǐ yǒu tóng bǎn ma? wǒ yī xiàng zài wà zi lǐ fàng yí gè tóng bǎn
[10:43.89] Hello! hā luó
[10:50.36] I' m Joey. We haven' t met. wǒ shì qiáo yī, wǒ men hái méi jiàn guò miàn
[10:52.33] Good to meet you. Robert. hěn gāo xìng rèn shi nǐ, láo bó
[10:57.84] What? zěn me le?
[10:59.87] What? You guys, what is going on? zěn me le? nǐ men zěn me huí shì?
[11:03.41] Do you not like Robert? nǐ men bù xǐ huān láo bó ma?
[11:06.24] Why are you laughing? nǐ men xiào shén me?
[11:07.91] Calm down. No reason to get testy. píng jìng yì diǎn, yòng bù zháo jī dòng
[11:15.49] You guys! Come on! We' re sorry. nǐ men zěn me huí shì ma? duì bù qǐ
[11:18.69] It just seems that Robert isn' t as concealed in the shorts area... zhǐ bù guò nǐ de láo bó de duǎn kù bì tǐ de de bù fèn
[11:24.40] ... as one may have hoped. hǎo xiàng shì shǎo le yì diǎn
[11:27.06] What do you mean? shén me yì sī?
[11:32.40] Could you pass me those cookies? bǎ bǐng gān ná gěi wǒ hǎo ma?
[11:36.54] Sure. méi wèn tí
[11:43.55] So how' d the lasagna go over? tā men xǐ bù xǐ huān qiān céng miàn?
[11:46.25] Really? Good. So you owe me three pretty things. zhēn de? hěn hǎo xiàn zài nǐ qiàn wǒ sān yàng lǐ wù le
[11:52.19] I' ve been thinking about you too. wǒ yī zhí zài xiǎng zhe nǐ de shì
[11:55.06] Well, no. It' s hard, this " platonomy" thing. bù, zhè zhǒng bó lā tú liàn qíng hěn bù róng yì
[11:59.86] It' s a word. zhè shì yí gè cí
[12:05.14] I do think it' s better this way. We' re being smart. wǒ jué de zhè yàng bǐ jiào hǎo zhè yàng cái shì míng zhì zhī jǔ
[12:09.27] Yes, I' m sure. duì, wǒ kěn dìng
[12:13.44] You really sure? nǐ zhēn de kěn dìng?
[12:16.88] I' ll call you back. wǒ zài huí nǐ diàn huà
[12:29.39] So we can be friends who sleep together. wǒ men kě yǐ dāng yǒu xìng guān xì de péng yǒu
[12:32.60] Absolutely. This' ll just be something we do. méi cuò, zhè bù dài biǎo shén me
[12:35.77] Like racquetball. jiù xiàng dǎ bì qiú yí yàng
[12:39.47] Sounds smart and healthy to me. wǒ jué de cōng míng yòu jiàn kāng
[12:43.07] So just out of curiosity... bù guò jī yú hào qí xīn
[12:47.41] ... do you currently have any other " racquetball" buddies? nǐ hái yǒu jǐ gè dǎ bì qiú de huǒ bàn?
[12:55.82] Although that' s actually racquetball. suī rán nà shi zhēn de bì qiú
[12:58.72] You know, I do have a blind date... wǒ xià xīng qī èr
[13:02.33] ... with my sister' s neighbor next Tuesday. yào hé wǒ mèi mei de lín jū yuē huì
[13:08.30] Do you want me to cancel it? nǐ xī wàng wǒ qǔ xiāo ma?
[13:10.80] No! bú yào
[13:15.41] Because if you did, that means you' d be canceling for me. rú guǒ nǐ qǔ xiāo nà jiù shì wèi wǒ qǔ xiāo de
[13:20.14] And we' re just friends. Exactly. ér wǒ men zhǐ shì péng yǒu méi cuò
[13:27.02] Oh, don' t sit down. bú yào zuò
[13:29.02] Ready to go? You bet. kě yǐ zǒu le ma? kě yǐ
[13:31.00] And first, here' s a gift. bù guò xiān sòng nǐ yí gè lǐ wù
[13:37.63] Stretchy pants?! shēn suō nèi kù?
[13:40.20] The greatest things in the world! If I were you, I' d wear them every day. zhè gè dōng xī hǎo de yào mìng rú guǒ shì wǒ, wǒ huì tiān tiān chuān
[13:46.60] Gee, thank you. Really, that' s so nice. xiè xiè, zhēn de, nǐ tài tǐ tiē le
[13:49.14] But, to be honest, I don' t think I can wear these. bù guò shuō lǎo shí huà wǒ kàn wǒ bù néng chuān
[13:53.81] They' re so tight. I' d feel like I' m on display. tài jǐn le, wǒ huì jué de hǎo xiàng shì gěi rén jiā kàn de
[13:59.02] I' m sorry. duì bù qǐ
[14:00.52] That' s all right. I' ll figure.... méi guān xì, wǒ zài xiǎng bàn fǎ
[14:07.79] How' s it going? dà jiā hǎo ma?
[14:08.89] Good. hěn hǎo
[14:10.83] How' s The Shining? " guǐ diàn" hǎo bù hǎo kàn?
[14:12.40] Danny just went into Room 217. dān ní gāng zǒu jìn 217 hào fáng
[14:15.07] The next part' s the best! That dead lady in the bathtub xià miàn shì zuì jīng cǎi de yù gāng lǐ de sǐ nǚ rén
[14:20.14] You' re gonna ruin it! zhè yàng jiù bù hǎo kàn le
[14:21.64] I' ll talk in code. wǒ yòng mì mǎ shuō
[14:28.41] Yeah, that' s very cool. duì, nà lǐ hěn hǎo kàn
[14:30.75] All " blank" and no " blank" makes " blank" a " blankblank." suǒ yǒu de" kòng bái" dōu bǎ " kòng bái" nòng chéng" kòng bái"
[14:36.89] No, the end! bù, jiǎng jié jú
[14:38.59] Jack almost kills them with the " blank"... jié kè chà diǎn yòng" kòng bái" shā le tā men
[14:41.26] ... but in the last second, they get away. bù guò dào zuì hòu guān tóu tā men hái shì pǎo le
[14:44.76] I can' t believe you just did that. nǐ jū rán zuò zhè zhǒng shì
[14:47.10] I can' t believe she cracked your code. tā jū rán shí pò nǐ de mì mǎ
[14:54.71] Okay. Laurie proposes to Jo and she says no... hǎo, láo ruì gēn qiáo qiú hūn, tā jù jué le
[14:58.51] ... even though she' s in love with him. Then he ends up marrying Amy. suī rán tā qí shí ài zhe tā tā hòu lái qǔ le ài měi
[15:05.85] Mine was by accident! wǒ bú shì cún xīn yào jiǎng de
[15:09.75] The boiler explodes and destroys the hotel and kills the dad. guō lú bào zhà, shāo huǐ lǚ guǎn nà gè bà bà yě bèi shāo sǐ le
[15:15.53] Beth dies. bèi sī sǐ le
[15:25.54] Beth dies? bèi sī sǐ le?
[15:29.44] Is that true? If I keep reading, is Beth gonna die? zhēn de ma? rú guǒ jì xù kàn xià qù bèi sī jiù huì sǐ?
[15:33.64] No, Beth doesn' t die. She doesn' t die. Does she, Rachel? bù, bèi sī bú huì sǐ, tā bú huì sǐ duì bú duì, ruì qiū?
[15:37.65] He' s asking if you' ve ruined... tā wèn de shì nǐ shì bú shì pò huài le
[15:39.48] ... the first book he' s ever loved that didn' t star Jack Nicholson. tā xǐ huān de dì yī běn bú shì yóu jié kè ní kè xùn dāng zhǔ jué de xiǎo shuō?
[15:46.72] No. She doesn' t die. bù, tā bú huì sǐ
[15:55.83] Because I wanted to hurt you. yīn wèi wǒ gù yì yào shāng hài nǐ
[16:01.44] Oh, there they are. I dropped my keys. zài zhè lǐ, wǒ de yào shi diào le
[16:06.91] Got them. zhǎo dào le
[16:15.29] Sorry. I' m sorry. duì bù qǐ, duì bù qǐ
[16:17.79] You would not believe my day. nǐ yí dìng bù gǎn xiāng xìn wǒ jīn tiān yǒu duō cǎn
[16:20.26] I had to work two shifts. And then to top it off... wǒ shàng le liǎng gè bān chú cǐ zhī wài
[16:24.09] ... I lost one of my fake boobs in a grill fire. wǒ de yì rǔ yòu bèi kǎo lú de huǒ shāo le
[16:31.64] What are you smiling at? nǐ zài xiào shén me?
[16:33.37] I was thinking your day could still pick up. wǒ zài xiǎng kě néng huì liǔ àn huā míng yòu yī cūn
[16:44.01] I love this " friend" thing! wǒ xǐ huān zhè zhǒng péng yǒu guān xì
[16:57.73] Please, right now. bài tuō, mǎ shàng shuō
[16:59.13] Every time I see him, it' s " ls it on the loose? Is it watching me?" wǒ yī jiàn tā jiù xiǎng" nà wán yì ér shì bú shì huǎng lái huǎng qù kàn zhe wǒ"
[17:04.87] We can' t tell him. wǒ men bù néng gēn tā shuō
[17:06.14] You can' t go up to a guy you barely know and talk about his " stuff." nǐ bù néng gēn sù mèi píng shēng de rén tán tā de" nà huà r"
[17:11.71] He' s right. Even if it' s to say something complimentary. tā shuō de duì jiù suàn shì zàn měi yě bù xíng
[17:20.75] You ready for the gym? kě yǐ qù jiàn shēn fáng le ma?
[17:22.32] There' s a new rockclimbing wall. We can spot each other. yǒu yī miàn xīn de pān yán qiáng wǒ men kě yǐ hù xiāng zhēn chá
[17:27.19] Yeah, I can spot you from here. wǒ cóng zhè lǐ jiù kě yǐ zhēn chá nǐ
[17:32.90] What? shén me?
[17:35.73] Listen, Robert.... tīng wǒ shuō, láo bó
[17:38.10] Hey, don' t we have to...? wǒ men bú shì yào
[17:39.54] Yeah, we got.... duì, wǒ men yào
[17:48.51] I think you' re really, really great. wǒ jué de nǐ zhè gè rén zhēn de hěn bàng
[17:51.72] Oh, God. Here we go again. lǎo tiān, yòu lái le
[17:53.88] Why does this keep happening? Is it something I' m putting out there? wèi shí me lǎo shì fā shēng zhè zhǒng shì? wǒ shén me dōng xī ràng nǐ bù gāo xìng?
[18:00.62] Is this my fault? Or am I just nuts? zhè shì wǒ de cuò ma?
[18:07.43] I don' t know what to say. wǒ bù zhī dào gāi zěn me shuō
[18:39.23] Really? It' s just like everyone else' s apartment. zhēn de? zhè jiān gōng yù hěn pǔ tōng a
[18:43.23] It' s got rooms and walls and ceilings. yí yàng yǒu fáng jiān qiáng bì hé tiān huā bǎn
[18:45.74] I just wanted to see where you live. Now give me the tour. wǒ zhǐ shì xiǎng kàn kàn nǐ zhù de dì fāng dài wǒ cān guān cān guān
[18:49.14] Oh, my God! wǒ de tiān
[18:51.11] This is the living room. That' s nice. zhè lǐ shì kè tīng zhēn shū shì
[18:54.75] And this is the kitchen. That' s real pretty. zhè lǐ shì chú fáng zhēn piào liàng
[18:57.48] Wait a minute. Don' t I get to see the bedroom? děng yī xià wǒ bù néng cān guān wò shì ma?
[19:00.62] Well, it' s pretty much your typical... zhè shì hěn pǔ tōng de
[19:04.79] ... bedroom. wò shì
[19:07.29] We' re still on this side of the door. I didn' t get to see it. wǒ men hái zài mén de zhè yī tóu wǒ hái méi kàn dào
[19:11.33] Oh, shoot. Maybe next time. Thanks for a lovely evening. yào mìng, xià cì ba jīn wǎn fēi cháng yú kuài
[19:33.88] So who is she? tā shì shuí?
[19:36.02] That was the blind date I told you about. wǒ gēn nǐ shuō guò jiù shì wǒ mèi mei jiè shào de rén
[19:39.22] She called and switched it from Tuesday. tā dǎ diàn huà lái gǎi qī dào jīn tiān
[19:44.13] Did you like her? nǐ xǐ huān tā ma?
[19:46.20] I' m just asking as a friend, because I am totally fine with this. wǒ shì yǐ péng yǒu de shēn fèn wèn de yīn wèi wǒ bú huì bù gāo xìng
[19:53.50] Well, you seem fine. nǐ kàn qǐ lái hěn gāo xìng
[19:56.04] Okay, you know what? I' m not fine. I' m not. hǎo, nǐ zhī dào ma? wǒ bù gāo xìng, wǒ hěn bù gāo xìng
[19:59.38] I mean, how could I be fine? Hearing you come in with her. wǒ zěn me gāo xìng dé qǐ lái? tīng dào nǐ gēn tā jìn lái
[20:03.31] She wants to see your bedroom. tā hái xiǎng cān guān nǐ de wò shì
[20:13.19] You know what? nǐ zhī dào ma?
[20:17.03] What if we' re friends... wǒ men huò xǔ kě yǐ zuò péng yǒu
[20:20.00] ... who don' t see other people? dàn bù gēn qí tā rén jiāo wǎng
[20:24.33] You mean " exclusive" friends? nǐ shì shuō" zhuān shǔ de" péng yǒu?
[20:26.64] Why not? yǒu hé bù kě?
[20:28.94] I mean, this has been the most amazing week. wǒ shì shuō, zhè gè xīng qī měi hǎo jí le
[20:33.88] Would it be so terrible? zhè yě méi shén me bù hǎo ba
[20:36.55] Even if we were friends who lived together? wǒ men hái kě yǐ yī miàn zuò péng yǒu yī miàn zhù zài yì qǐ
[20:47.69] ... and vowed to be friends forever. fā shì dāng yī bèi zi de péng yǒu
[20:57.23] You know, we' re back where we were. wǒ men yòu huí dào yuán diǎn le
[21:01.24] Honey, I would love to do all that, but nothing' s changed. qīn ài de, wǒ qiú zhī bù dé dàn yī qiè dōu méi yǒu gǎi biàn
[21:06.71] That' s not true. You don' t have a moustache. bú shì zhè yàng de nǐ bǎ hú zǐ guā diào le
[21:12.55] Okay, one thing' s changed. hǎo ba, yǒu yī jiàn shì gǎi biàn le
[21:15.49] But we still want different things, and we know how this is gonna end. dàn wǒ men shēng huó mù biāo réng bù tóng wǒ men dōu zhī dào jié jú huì zěn me yàng
[21:20.19] You know what? nǐ zhī dào ma?
[21:22.16] I gotta walk out of here right now. wǒ dé mǎ shàng lí kāi zhè gè fáng jiān
[21:26.33] Because getting over you is the hardest thing I have ever had to do. yīn wèi wàng jì nǐ shì wǒ yī shēng zhōng zuì bù róng yì de yī jiàn shì
[21:32.17] I don' t think I could do it again. wǒ xiǎng wǒ zài yě zuò bú dào le
[21:35.17] I know I couldn' t. wǒ zhī dào wǒ zuò bú dào
[21:52.59] How about one last game of racquetball? zài dǎ zuì hòu yī chǎng bì qiú zěn me yàng?
[22:01.06] Watch the thorns! xiǎo xīn méi guī cì
[22:10.64] What? zěn me le?
[22:13.91] Beth is really, really sick. bèi sī bìng de hěn zhòng hěn zhòng
[22:21.12] Jo' s there, but I don' t think there' s anything she can do. qiáo zài péi tā dàn wǒ xiǎng tā yě méi bàn fǎ
[22:30.36] You wanna put the book in the freezer? nǐ yào bǎ shū fàng zài bīng kù lǐ ma?
Friends S03E13 歌词
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