Friends S03E20

歌曲 Friends S03E20
歌手 英语听力
专辑 老友记(第三季)


[00:35.-1] Dad called this morning. 爸早上打电话来
[00:50.-3] Am I missing something? 我漏听了什么?
[02:40.-2] That's okay. No problem. 不客气
[04:48.-2] No,that's the ghost for the attic. 不是,那是阁楼里的鬼
[06:03.-2] That was... 听起来…
[06:23.-3] All right,Phoebe,you know what? That's it. That's it. 你知道吗?到此为止
[09:03.-4] Did you see my new china cabinet? 你们看到我的新瓷器柜了吗?
[10:08.-4] It's you. Just one sec. 是你,等一下
[20:39.-1] Are you gonna call her? 你会打给她吗?
[21:11.-4] I have issues with commitment, intimacy... 我害怕承诺、害怕亲密
[21:44.-4] I'll give you a call. We should do it again sometime! 我再打给你,改天再聚
[00:02.31] You're telling me this actress person... 你泡过的马子里
[00:04.68] the only woman you ever wanted who didn't want you back? 只有这个女演员没有反应?
[00:09.62] Oh,my God. 天哪
[00:11.59] Is this what it's like to be you? 这就是你的人生?
[00:15.19] -You're crazy about her,huh? -You have no idea. 你真的很喜欢她? 你有所不知
[00:18.36] When we're on stage,I get to kiss her and touch her. 上了台,我可以吻她、摸她
[00:22.60] She goes home with the director... 然后她跟导演回家
[00:24.37] ...and it's like somebody's ripping out my heart. 我就心如刀割
[00:27.04] Oh,it's so great to see you feeling like this. 看你这样,感觉真好
[00:37.85] Aunt Sylvia passed away. 施薇亚姑姑死了
[00:47.13] We were all pretty shaken up about it. 我们都很震惊
[00:51.36] I thought death was supposed to be sad,in a way. 死亡不是悲伤的事吗?
[00:55.27] Well,Aunt Sylvia was... 施薇亚姑姑…
[00:57.64] ... not a nice person. 不是一个好人
[00:59.34] She was a cruel,cranky old bitch. 她是个残忍的糟老太婆
[01:04.18] And I'm sorry she died. 我很难过
[01:07.18] Did Dad say I get the dollhouse? 我有没有得到娃娃屋?
[01:08.65] -You get the dollhouse. -I get the dollhouse! 你有 我得到娃娃屋了
[01:13.65] A house for dolls! That is so cool. 娃娃住的屋子,好酷
[01:17.66] When I was a kid,I had a barrel. 我小时候只有铁桶
[01:21.36] You had a barrel for a dollhouse? 你拿铁桶当娃娃屋?
[01:24.16] No,just a barrel. 不,就是一个铁桶
[01:27.17] You know what? You can play with my dollhouse. 你可以玩我的娃娃屋
[01:29.43] Really? 真的?
[01:30.57] Any time you want. 随时欢迎
[01:32.07] When I was young I wanted to play with this dollhouse. 我小的时候好想玩
[01:35.27] But no! It was to be looked at, never played with. 但是不行,只准看、不准碰
[01:38.84] My grandmother said the same thing to me. 我奶奶也是这样告戒我
[01:43.78] The One With the Doll House 本集播出:“约会风波”
[02:36.33] Thanks for lunch. You didn't have to walk me here. 谢谢你请我吃饭,还陪我回来
[02:45.01] You realize we don't keep the women's lingerie here. 女性内衣不会放在办公室里
[02:51.05] Yes,I realize that. 我知道
[02:53.82] -Summer catalog. -That's the stuff. 夏季型录 就是这个
[02:57.39] Rachel,I need the Versace invoice. 瑞秋,给我凡赛斯的发票
[03:00.93] You don't work for me. 你不是我的员工
[03:03.06] Joanna,this is my friend Chandler Bing. Joanna. 乔安娜,我的朋友钱德宾
[03:06.26] Bing? That's a great name. 宾?很棒的姓
[03:08.07] It's Gaelic for, "Thy turkey's done." 那是盖尔语的“火鸡煮好了”
[03:14.24] -I'm gonna go. Nice meeting you. -You too. 我走了,幸会 彼此彼此
[03:20.41] So what's wrong with him? 他怎么样?
[03:22.58] Nothing. He's just goofy like that. I actually hardly notice it anymore. 他都这样疯疯癫癫的 我都没感觉了
[03:29.25] I mean,is he married or involved with anyone? 我是说他已婚吗?有对象吗?
[03:34.26] He's not married or involved with anyone. 不,他未婚,没有对象
[03:40.47] Actually,you know what? Forget it. 我看还是算了
[03:43.43] -I'll ask him for you,if you want. -Would you? 我可以帮你问他 真的?
[03:46.17] Or is it too sad and desperate, like something Sophie would do? 会不会太可悲、太饥渴 就像苏菲会做的事?
[03:50.11] -I am here. -I know that. 我在这里 我知道
[03:55.48] Look at it! 你们看
[03:58.78] Wallpaper's a little faded. That's okay. 壁纸有点褪色,没关系
[04:01.29] Carpet's a little loose. 地毯有点翘起来
[04:02.92] Hardwood floors?! 硬木地板?
[04:10.86] -It's so beautiful! -I know! 好漂亮喔 我知道
[04:15.33] So I'm here,ready to play! 我要来玩了
[04:18.17] I brought a bunch of stuff for the house,so check it out. 我带了一堆东西来,看喔
[04:26.31] What's this? 这是什么?
[04:27.55] That's a dog. Every house should have a dog. 狗狗,每栋房子都应该有狗
[04:30.48] Not one that can pee on the roof. 不能大到可以在屋顶上撒尿
[04:34.85] Maybe it's so big because the house was built on radioactive waste. 也许是因为房子盖在 辐射废料掩埋地上
[04:41.79] And is this in case the house sneezes? 这是房子打喷嚏用的?
[04:51.57] -I don't want a ghost. -Well,nobody wants a ghost. 我不要鬼 谁都不想闹鬼
[04:56.81] But you've got one... 但是这里闹鬼
[04:58.41] ... because the house is sitting on an ancient lndian burial ground. 因为房子盖在印地安古坟场上
[05:04.42] Wait a minute. The house was built on radioactive waste... 慢着,这栋房子盖在辐射废料
[05:07.85] ...and an ancient lndian burial ground? 和印地安古坟场上?
[05:11.39] That would never happen. 那是不可能的
[05:14.39] Obviously you don't know much about the U.S. government. 你太不了解美国政府了
[05:22.00] -I need to talk to you. -Sure. What's up? 我有事找你 什么事?
[05:25.67] Oh,sorry. I meant Chandler. 抱歉,我是说钱德
[05:29.11] I know. 我知道
[05:32.28] Well,if something comes up.... 有事记得找我
[05:38.52] I'm glad you guys are past that little awkward phase. 恭喜你们度过尴尬期
[05:43.92] My boss. Joanna. When you left... 我的上司乔安娜,你一离开
[05:46.86] ...she started asking questions about you.... 她就问起你的事…
[05:49.63] Liked what she saw? 看上眼了?
[05:53.53] Dug my action,did she? 喜欢我的表现?
[05:55.90] Checking out the Chan Chan Man! 在探听小钱钱的事?
[06:04.44] ...surreal. 怪怪的
[06:06.71] What do you think? Are you interested? 怎样?有兴趣吗?
[06:09.65] She seemed cool. Attractive. I'll do it. 她还不错,蛮漂亮的,好吧
[06:13.62] Thank you,Chandler. This is great. She's gonna love me. 谢谢你,太好了,她会爱死我
[06:17.42] Dinosaur attack! Quick,everybody into the house! 恐龙出击,大家快躲进屋里!
[06:26.83] No dinosaurs,no ghosts, no giant dogs,okay? 我不要恐龙、鬼 和超级大狗,好吗?
[06:30.23] They're not the right size,they're not Victorian and they don't go. 比例不对,不是维多利亚风 一点也不相衬
[06:36.84] Fine. 好
[06:39.24] Come,dinosaur. We're not welcome in the house of no imagination. 恐龙,我们走 没有想像力的房子不欢迎我们
[06:43.65] While we're on the subject, I have to say that dinosaurs... 趁这个机会,我想告诉你
[06:48.45] ...they don't go,"ruff!" 恐龙不会汪汪叫
[06:52.92] The little ones do. 小恐龙会
[06:58.16] “露西儿洛泰尔剧院”
[07:02.77] -Hey,Kate. -Morning. 凯特 早
[07:05.00] I went to that restaurant you talked about 我去了你说的那家餐厅…
[07:07.51] Hey,lovely. 美女
[07:09.07] Come,talk to me for a minute. 来跟我聊一下
[07:12.08] I ate the food. It was good. I had the fish. 我在那里吃饭 很好吃,我点了鱼
[07:18.25] I'm Lauren. Kate's understudy. 我是萝伦,凯特的候补
[07:21.09] Joey Tribbiani. 乔伊崔比亚尼
[07:22.65] I know. 我知道
[07:23.69] I'm a big fan of yours. 我是你的超级影迷
[07:25.69] What? 什么?
[07:28.59] I used to schedule my classes so I could watch Dr. Drake Ramoray... 我以前经常翘课 好回家看“我们的岁月”
[07:32.46] ...on Days of our Lives. 和拉莫瑞医生
[07:34.27] -Get out of here. Really? -Absolutely. 少来了,真的? 真的
[07:37.50] But then they dropped you down that elevator shaft. 结果他们让你掉到电梯井里
[07:40.67] They gave me the shaft,all right. 他们是把我踢掉了
[07:44.58] You're so funny. 你好幽默
[07:46.71] What are you doing after rehearsal? 你排完戏要做什么?
[07:48.55] You want to get a drink? 要不要去喝一杯?
[07:57.59] Sure. A drink sounds great. 好啊,听起来不错
[07:59.42] -Cool. I'll see you then. -All right. 酷,待会见 好
[08:06.10] All right. It's time to act, my talking props. 该演戏了,会说话的道具们
[08:16.87] Look everybody! Look at my new dollhouse! 你们看,我的新娃娃屋
[08:25.25] Look,look! 你们看
[08:29.92] Hey,what's this? 这是什么?
[08:31.46] It's a slide instead of stairs. Look. 我用溜滑梯取代楼梯,看
[08:36.93] Very interesting,Phoebe. 很有意思嘛
[08:40.36] What's this? 这是什么?
[08:41.43] The licorice room. You can eat all the furniture. 甘草房,傢俱都可以吃
[08:46.64] And when guests come over,they can stay on the Tootsie Roll-away bed. 客人来了可以睡在滑轮床上
[08:52.04] This is the coolest house ever! 这栋房子有够酷的
[08:56.11] Does anyone want to join me in the Aroma Room? 有人要跟我进芳香室吗?
[08:58.78] -All right. -I would. 漂亮 我要
[09:01.15] Hey,guys? Guys! 喂
[09:08.66] Watch. Watch. 看喔
[09:11.46] And? And? 还有喔
[09:17.60] Hey,my father's house does that. 我爸的房子也会那样
[09:22.84] How did it go? Tell me everything! 怎么样?快说
[09:24.51] The movie was great... 电影很好看
[09:26.01] ...dinner was great,and there's nothing like a cool,crisp New York evening. 晚餐很好吃 凉爽的纽约夜晚最宜人
[09:30.92] Of course,I didn't enjoy any of that because Joanna's such a dull dud! 当然啦,我一点也不尽兴 因为乔安娜好无聊
[09:36.65] Chandler is fantastic! 钱德太棒了
[09:39.79] -What? -You know how people just click? 什么? 你知道一拍即合吧?
[09:42.36] He came by to pick me up,I opened the door and it was just like,"click!" 他来接我,我打开门 感觉一拍即合
[09:46.93] Did he tell you? 他有告诉你吗?
[09:48.53] Doesn't he have a good heart? 他的心肠很好吧?
[09:51.47] And he's so sweet. He said he'd call,so put him straight through. 而且他好甜 他说他会打来,要立刻转给我
[09:55.61] -lsn't this great? -Don't spoil it. 太好了 不要扫兴
[10:00.51] Come on,baby,don't go. Please? 求求你,不要走
[10:03.35] What do you say? 好吗?
[10:12.12] I'm going to take this call. 我要接个电话
[10:15.19] When I continue, I hope there will appear on-stage... 等我回来,希望台上会出现…
[10:18.63] ...this magical thing that in the theater we call... 一种神奇的东西 在剧场称之为…
[10:23.37] ...committing to the moment! 入戏!
[10:30.54] The guy's like a cartoon. 他好可笑
[10:33.71] What do you see in him,anyway? 你到底看上他哪一点?
[10:35.81] He happens to be brilliant. 他很聪明
[10:37.48] Which is more than I can say for that sweater you're dating. 比你那位毛衣女郞好多了
[10:42.32] I'm not interested in her sweater. 我不是看上她的毛衣
[10:44.76] It's what's underneath her sweater that counts. 毛衣底下才重要
[10:50.16] And besides... 而且…
[10:52.36] ...since when do you care who I'm with? 你几时开始关心我跟谁交往?
[10:54.37] I don't care. Why,do you want me to care? 我才不关心,你希望我关心?
[10:57.94] Do you want me to want you to care? 你希望我希望你关心吗?
[11:01.24] Do you? 你呢?
[11:03.21] What? 什么?
[11:04.78] Okay. I'm afraid to say this, but let's pick up where we left off. 我实在很不想说 不过我们继续排吧
[11:16.29] Come on,baby,don't go. Please? What do you say? 求求你,不要走 好吗?
[11:20.52] I've got no reason to stay. 我没有理由要留下来
[11:25.20] Stop! 停!
[11:27.06] Stop it! You must stop! 停!别再演了
[11:32.44] You are bad actors! 你们是烂演员
[11:35.44] This is a terrible play! 这是出烂戏
[11:38.14] I'll see you in the morning. 明天早上见
[11:43.05] I can't believe we go on in a week. 居然一星期后就要上演了
[11:46.62] Hey,it's gonna be all right. 没问题的
[11:49.89] Since we're getting off early, do you want to go paint mugs? 既然提早收工 你想去画马克杯吗?
[11:55.76] What? 什么?
[11:57.43] At the place I told you about last night? 就是我昨晚说的那个地方
[12:01.47] Yeah,with the mug-painting. 对了,那里可以画马克杯
[12:04.44] I was so listening to that. 我听得很用心
[12:07.84] But you know what? I need to work on my stuff tonight. 但是我今晚想好好练戏
[12:12.84] I'll see you tomorrow. 那明天见
[12:27.02] Are you okay? 你还好吗?
[12:28.79] I guess. 还好吧
[12:32.00] What are we gonna do about the scene? 这场戏怎么办?
[12:34.67] I don't know. 不知道
[12:40.10] Maybe if it had more heat. 也许应该再激烈一点
[12:43.17] Well,how do you mean? 怎么说?
[12:44.88] Adrianne's looking for a reason to stay,right? 爱莉安在寻找留下来的理由
[12:49.45] Victor can't just kiss her. He's gotta... 维克不能只是亲她,他必须…
[12:52.22] ... he's gotta give her a reason. 必须给她有力的理由
[12:55.52] Maybe he could slip her the tongue. 也许他可以对她舌吻
[13:03.56] Or maybe... 或者…
[13:05.46] ... maybe he could grab her and lift her up. 他可以捉住她,把她抱起来
[13:09.90] Then Adrianne could wrap her legs around his waist. 然后爱莉安用腿圈住他的腰
[13:14.00] Then she could rip off his shirt and kiss his chest and stomach. 然后她扯开他的衣服 亲吻他的胸部、肚子
[13:17.84] Then he could use his teeth to undo her dress and... 他可以用牙齿脱掉她的衣服
[13:22.18] ...and bite her! 然后咬她
[13:24.01] Then right when the scene ends, he could take her... 在结尾的部份,他可以占有她
[13:27.75] ...with this raw,animal.... 用他那原始的、兽性的…
[13:35.39] Something like that? 像这样?
[13:37.50] That's pretty much what I had in mind. 差不多
[14:02.35] It's a little early to be drinking. 现在喝酒太早了吧
[14:06.79] Things finally happened with Kate. 我跟凯特终于有进展了
[14:10.63] You're kidding? That's great. 真的?太好了
[14:12.70] It was so amazing. 感觉好棒
[14:14.37] After the lovemaking... 做完爱之后…
[14:16.77] Oh,my. 天哪
[14:19.60] ... I just watched her sleep for hours. 我看着她睡觉看了好久
[14:23.01] Just breathing in... 就这样吸气…
[14:24.68] ...and breathing out. 吐气
[14:27.21] I knew she was dreaming because... 我知道她在做梦,因为…
[14:29.05] ... her eyes kept going like this. 她的眼睛一直这样
[14:37.62] I'm telling you, she's got it all wrong. 她完全误会了
[14:40.00] All I said was,"This was fun. Let's do it again sometime. 我只是说 今晚很愉快,改天再聚
[14:43.79] I'll give you a call." 我再打给你
[14:46.80] I wonder why she thinks you're going to call her? 那她为什么觉得你会打给她?
[14:50.50] It's what you say at the end of a date. 约完会都要这么说
[14:52.60] You can't just say, "Nice to meet you. Good night?" 你就不能说 很高兴认识你,晚安?
[14:55.94] To her face? 当着她的面?
[14:59.28] I'm standing there... 一个晚上结束了
[15:01.21] ...she's waiting for me to say I'll call her... 我知道她在等我这句话
[15:03.78] ...and it comes out. I can't help it. 所以我就说了,我没办法
[15:06.25] It's a compulsion. 我不由自主
[15:09.02] When a guy says he'll call, it doesn't mean he's going to call. 男人说要联络也不见得会联络
[15:14.12] This never happened to you? 你没碰过?
[15:16.36] Well,they always called. 他们都会打给我
[15:19.53] Bite me. 杀了我吧
[15:27.24] -Did he call? -No,sorry. 他有打来吗? 没有,对不起
[15:29.71] Why? He said he'd call. Why hasn't he called? 为什么?他说要打来 怎么还不打来?
[15:33.14] Maybe he's intimidated by smart, strong,successful women. 也许被你的美丽、成功吓到了
[15:37.65] Sophie,will you please climb out of my butt. 苏菲,不要拍我的马屁
[15:42.29] Why hasn't he called,Rachel? Why? 他为什么还不打来?
[15:46.62] Maybe he feels awkward because you're my boss. 也许他会尴尬 因为你是我的上司
[15:50.39] Awkward? Why should he feel awkward? 尴尬?为什么要尴尬?
[15:53.63] You didn't tell him not to call me,did you? 你没叫他不要打给我吧?
[15:56.83] If you're uncomfortable with your friend dating me... 要是你不喜欢你朋友跟我约会
[15:59.64] ...there are always ways to fix that. 我们可以想办法解决
[16:05.58] Call her. Call her now! 现在就打给她
[16:09.01] Multiple so many paper cuts. 我满手都被纸割伤了
[16:12.82] "Why hasn't he called,Rachel? Why,why? I don't understand!" 他为什么还不打来? 为什么?我不懂
[16:17.09] I'm telling you,she's flipped out! She's gone crazy! 她很激动,她快疯了
[16:21.46] Well,give me the phone then. 把电话拿来
[16:24.09] She thinks it's my fault you haven't called her. 她觉得你不联络是我的错
[16:27.03] You have to call her. 你一定要打给她
[16:28.60] You can't call somebody after this long to say: 总不能过了这么久才打去说
[16:30.94] "In case you didn't notice, I don't like you." 你或许没发现,我不喜欢你
[16:34.51] Then you'll have to take her out again. 那就再带她出去一次
[16:37.34] She's really dull, and she gets this... 不要,她很无聊,而且在眼角
[16:39.64] ...gross mascara-goop thing in the corner of her eye! 有一大块睫毛膏印子
[16:45.18] I don't care! 我不管
[16:46.52] You'll take her out again and end it... 你再约她一次,把话说清楚
[16:48.69] a way she knows it's ended. 让她知道没希望
[16:51.36] I don't care how hard it is. Don't tell her you'll call her again! 不管有多困难 千万别说你会再联络
[16:55.53] All right,fine! 好
[16:56.63] But just lunch. From now on,I get my own dates. 但只能吃午餐 以后我自己泡马子
[17:00.06] I don't want you setting me up again! 你不要再帮我牵线了
[17:02.47] That's fine! 没问题
[17:04.90] -That's just a lot of big talk. -I know. 我只是说说 我知道
[17:11.34] I'm in the shower! 我在洗澡
[17:26.32] Fire! There's a fire! Fire! 失火了!失火了!
[18:03.29] I talked to Lauren. I told her how things were with us. 我跟萝伦说了我们的事
[18:07.46] Did you talk to Marshall? 你跟马歇尔说了吗?
[18:10.27] About what? 说什么?
[18:12.70] About what happened with us. 我们之间的事
[18:17.44] No,there's really no reason why he should find out. 没有,他没有必要知道
[18:21.41] So let's not make a big deal out of it,okay? 我们就别小题大作了
[18:26.08] What are you talking about? 你在说什么?
[18:28.09] It was a big deal. 什么小题大作?
[18:31.62] You can't tell me last night didn't mean something to you. 别说昨晚对你毫无意义
[18:34.79] I was there. You're not that good an actress. 我也在,你没那么会演
[18:41.20] I was just caught up in the moment. 我只是一时激情
[18:43.70] That's all it was. 就这样
[18:46.54] Joey,I'm sorry you feel bad,but... 抱歉让你觉得不好过
[18:49.61] ... haven't you slept with a woman and it meant more to her than to you? 你也曾经给别人这种感受吧?
[19:01.85] Hi,pig! 王八蛋
[19:07.66] Sorry I scared you in there. 抱歉吓到你了
[19:10.23] It's okay. 没关系
[19:12.76] By the way... 对了…
[19:14.06] ... I was just checking the shower massager. 我是在检查莲蓬头的功能
[19:21.61] I tried to reach you at work. 我有打去公司找你
[19:23.74] There's been a fire. 发生火灾了
[19:26.34] What? Oh,my God! 什么?天哪!
[19:30.81] What happened? 怎么了?
[19:32.65] We believe it originated here... 我们相信起火点在这里
[19:36.52] the Aroma Room. 就是芳香室
[19:39.19] Did everyone get out okay? 大家都逃出来了吗?
[19:41.83] The giraffe's okay, and so is the pirate. 长颈鹿没事,海盗也是
[19:45.36] -What's this? -No,don't look! 这是什么? 不要看
[19:47.03] You don't want to see what's under there! 你不会想看的
[19:52.14] The foster puppets! 领养的狗狗!
[19:58.51] It's not a big deal. It's right here,and it's all the time. 其实没什么,就在这里 一直都在
[20:06.32] Thanks again for lunch. 谢谢你这顿饭
[20:11.22] -This was pleasant. -lt was,wasn't it? 很愉快 是吧?
[20:15.89] -The food there was great. -Wasn't it? 那里的东西很好吃 是吧?
[20:21.30] So take care. 保重
[20:23.73] You too. 你也是
[20:26.40] I'll give you a call. We should do it again! 我再打给你,改天再聚
[20:29.47] Great. I'm looking forward to it. 太好了,我等你
[20:32.18] -Any messages? -Sophie's desk. 有留言吗? 在苏菲桌上
[20:42.59] I'm sorry,okay? I'm weak and pathetic and sorry. 我很抱歉好吗? 我软弱、可悲又抱歉
[20:46.56] You are gonna tell her. You'll tell her now. 你去告诉她,现在就说
[20:49.26] I'm not gonna call you. 我不会打给你
[20:53.66] What? 什么?
[20:55.90] I'm sorry. 对不起
[20:58.10] I'm sorry I said I was going to when I'm not. 我不想打给你,却说要打给你
[21:03.44] This has nothing to do with you. 跟你无关
[21:05.04] And this isn't Rachel's fault. It's me. 也不是瑞秋的错,是我
[21:07.71] I have serious problems when it comes to women. 我对女人有心理障碍
[21:16.75] ... mascara goop. 害怕睫毛膏印子
[21:21.29] I'm really sorry. It's just that... 真的很抱歉,但是…
[21:24.13] ...this isn't going to work out. 我们之间是行不通的
[21:29.63] This isn't how I was hoping this would end... 我没料到会有这种结局
[21:32.44] ... but I guess I have to appreciate your honesty. 但是我得谢谢你的诚实
[21:53.62] Anyway,Beth, what I'm saying is... 贝丝,我想说的是
[21:56.59] ... I should have considered your feelings before I went home with you. 我跟你回家之前 应该先考虑你的心情
[22:03.30] I've recently learned what it's like to be on your side... 我最近体会到你的感觉
[22:06.64] ...and I'm sorry. 我很抱歉
[22:09.91] Do you think you can forgive me? 你可以原谅我吗?
[22:13.18] Great. Thanks. 太好了,谢谢
[22:25.42] Hello,Jennifer? 珍妮佛?
[22:27.36] Hi,Mrs. Laurio. Is Jennifer there? 罗里欧太太,珍妮佛在吗?
[22:30.26] She's not home,huh? 她不在?
[22:34.16] Actually I kind of need to talk to you too. 事实上,我也要找你


[00:35.-1] Dad called this morning. bà zǎo shàng dǎ diàn huà lái
[00:50.-3] Am I missing something? wǒ lòu tīng le shén me?
[02:40.-2] That' s okay. No problem. bù kè qì
[04:48.-2] No, that' s the ghost for the attic. bú shì, nà shi gé lóu lǐ de guǐ
[06:03.-2] That was... tīng qǐ lái
[06:23.-3] All right, Phoebe, you know what? That' s it. That' s it. nǐ zhī dào ma? dào cǐ wéi zhǐ
[09:03.-4] Did you see my new china cabinet? nǐ men kàn dào wǒ de xīn cí qì guì le ma?
[10:08.-4] It' s you. Just one sec. shì nǐ, děng yī xià
[20:39.-1] Are you gonna call her? nǐ huì dǎ gěi tā ma?
[21:11.-4] I have issues with commitment, intimacy... wǒ hài pà chéng nuò hài pà qīn mì
[21:44.-4] I' ll give you a call. We should do it again sometime! wǒ zài dǎ gěi nǐ, gǎi tiān zài jù
[00:02.31] You' re telling me this actress person... nǐ pào guò de mǎ zǐ lǐ
[00:04.68] ... is the only woman you ever wanted who didn' t want you back? zhǐ yǒu zhè gè nǚ yǎn yuán méi yǒu fǎn yìng?
[00:09.62] Oh, my God. tiān na
[00:11.59] Is this what it' s like to be you? zhè jiù shì nǐ de rén shēng?
[00:15.19] You' re crazy about her, huh? You have no idea. nǐ zhēn de hěn xǐ huān tā? nǐ yǒu suǒ bù zhī
[00:18.36] When we' re on stage, I get to kiss her and touch her. shàng le tái, wǒ kě yǐ wěn tā mō tā
[00:22.60] She goes home with the director... rán hòu tā gēn dǎo yǎn huí jiā
[00:24.37] ... and it' s like somebody' s ripping out my heart. wǒ jiù xīn rú dāo gē
[00:27.04] Oh, it' s so great to see you feeling like this. kàn nǐ zhè yàng, gǎn jué zhēn hǎo
[00:37.85] Aunt Sylvia passed away. shī wēi yà gū gū sǐ le
[00:47.13] We were all pretty shaken up about it. wǒ men dōu hěn zhèn jīng
[00:51.36] I thought death was supposed to be sad, in a way. sǐ wáng bú shì bēi shāng de shì ma?
[00:55.27] Well, Aunt Sylvia was... shī wēi yà gū gū
[00:57.64] ... not a nice person. bú shì yí gè hǎo rén
[00:59.34] She was a cruel, cranky old bitch. tā shì gè cán rěn de zāo lǎo tài pó
[01:04.18] And I' m sorry she died. wǒ hěn nán guò
[01:07.18] Did Dad say I get the dollhouse? wǒ yǒu méi yǒu de dào wá wa wū?
[01:08.65] You get the dollhouse. I get the dollhouse! nǐ yǒu wǒ dé dào wá wa wū le
[01:13.65] A house for dolls! That is so cool. wá wa zhù de wū zi, hǎo kù
[01:17.66] When I was a kid, I had a barrel. wǒ xiǎo shí hòu zhǐ yǒu tiě tǒng
[01:21.36] You had a barrel for a dollhouse? nǐ ná tiě tǒng dāng wá wa wū?
[01:24.16] No, just a barrel. bù, jiù shì yí gè tiě tǒng
[01:27.17] You know what? You can play with my dollhouse. nǐ kě yǐ wán wǒ de wá wa wū
[01:29.43] Really? zhēn de?
[01:30.57] Any time you want. suí shí huān yíng
[01:32.07] When I was young I wanted to play with this dollhouse. wǒ xiǎo de shí hòu hǎo xiǎng wán
[01:35.27] But no! It was to be looked at, never played with. dàn shì bù xíng, zhǐ zhǔn kàn bù zhǔn pèng
[01:38.84] My grandmother said the same thing to me. wǒ nǎi nǎi yě shì zhè yàng gào jiè wǒ
[01:43.78] The One With the Doll House běn jí bō chū:" yuē huì fēng bō"
[02:36.33] Thanks for lunch. You didn' t have to walk me here. xiè xiè nǐ qǐng wǒ chī fàn, hái péi wǒ huí lái
[02:45.01] You realize we don' t keep the women' s lingerie here. nǚ xìng nèi yī bú huì fàng zài bàn gōng shì lǐ
[02:51.05] Yes, I realize that. wǒ zhī dào
[02:53.82] Summer catalog. That' s the stuff. xià jì xíng lù jiù shì zhè gè
[02:57.39] Rachel, I need the Versace invoice. ruì qiū, gěi wǒ fán sài sī de fā piào
[03:00.93] You don' t work for me. nǐ bú shì wǒ de yuán gōng
[03:03.06] Joanna, this is my friend Chandler Bing. Joanna. qiáo ān nà, wǒ de péng yǒu qián dé bīn
[03:06.26] Bing? That' s a great name. bīn? hěn bàng de xìng
[03:08.07] It' s Gaelic for, " Thy turkey' s done." nà shi gài ěr yǔ de" huǒ jī zhǔ hǎo le"
[03:14.24] I' m gonna go. Nice meeting you. You too. wǒ zǒu le, xìng huì bǐ cǐ bǐ cǐ
[03:20.41] So what' s wrong with him? tā zěn me yàng?
[03:22.58] Nothing. He' s just goofy like that. I actually hardly notice it anymore. tā dōu zhè yàng fēng fēng diān diān de wǒ dōu méi gǎn jué le
[03:29.25] I mean, is he married or involved with anyone? wǒ shì shuō tā yǐ hūn ma? yǒu duì xiàng ma?
[03:34.26] He' s not married or involved with anyone. bù, tā wèi hūn, méi yǒu duì xiàng
[03:40.47] Actually, you know what? Forget it. wǒ kàn hái shì suàn le
[03:43.43] I' ll ask him for you, if you want. Would you? wǒ kě yǐ bāng nǐ wèn tā zhēn de?
[03:46.17] Or is it too sad and desperate, like something Sophie would do? huì bú huì tài kě bēi tài jī kě jiù xiàng sū fēi huì zuò de shì?
[03:50.11] I am here. I know that. wǒ zài zhè lǐ wǒ zhī dào
[03:55.48] Look at it! nǐ men kàn
[03:58.78] Wallpaper' s a little faded. That' s okay. bì zhǐ yǒu diǎn tuì shǎi, méi guān xì
[04:01.29] Carpet' s a little loose. dì tǎn yǒu diǎn qiào qǐ lái
[04:02.92] Hardwood floors?! yìng mù dì bǎn?
[04:10.86] It' s so beautiful! I know! hǎo piào liàng ō wǒ zhī dào
[04:15.33] So I' m here, ready to play! wǒ yào lái wán le
[04:18.17] I brought a bunch of stuff for the house, so check it out. wǒ dài le yī duī dōng xī lái, kàn ō
[04:26.31] What' s this? zhè shì shén me?
[04:27.55] That' s a dog. Every house should have a dog. gǒu gǒu, měi dòng fáng zǐ dōu yīng gāi yǒu gǒu
[04:30.48] Not one that can pee on the roof. bù néng dà dào kě yǐ zài wū dǐng shàng sā niào
[04:34.85] Maybe it' s so big because the house was built on radioactive waste. yě xǔ shì yīn wèi fáng zi gài zài fú shè fèi liào yǎn mái dì shàng
[04:41.79] And is this in case the house sneezes? zhè shì fáng zi dǎ pēn tì yòng de?
[04:51.57] I don' t want a ghost. Well, nobody wants a ghost. wǒ bú yào guǐ shuí dōu bù xiǎng nào guǐ
[04:56.81] But you' ve got one... dàn shì zhè lǐ nào guǐ
[04:58.41] ... because the house is sitting on an ancient lndian burial ground. yīn wèi fáng zi gài zài yìn dì ān gǔ fén chǎng shàng
[05:04.42] Wait a minute. The house was built on radioactive waste... màn zhe, zhè dòng fáng zi gài zài fú shè fèi liào
[05:07.85] ... and an ancient lndian burial ground? hé yìn dì ān gǔ fén chǎng shàng?
[05:11.39] That would never happen. nà shi bù kě néng de
[05:14.39] Obviously you don' t know much about the U. S. government. nǐ tài bù liǎo jiě měi guó zhèng fǔ le
[05:22.00] I need to talk to you. Sure. What' s up? wǒ yǒu shì zhǎo nǐ shén me shì?
[05:25.67] Oh, sorry. I meant Chandler. bào qiàn, wǒ shì shuō qián dé
[05:29.11] I know. wǒ zhī dào
[05:32.28] Well, if something comes up.... yǒu shì jì de zhǎo wǒ
[05:38.52] I' m glad you guys are past that little awkward phase. gōng xǐ nǐ men dù guò gān gà qī
[05:43.92] My boss. Joanna. When you left... wǒ de shàng sī qiáo ān nà, nǐ yī lí kāi
[05:46.86] ... she started asking questions about you.... tā jiù wèn qǐ nǐ de shì
[05:49.63] Liked what she saw? kàn shàng yǎn le?
[05:53.53] Dug my action, did she? xǐ huān wǒ de biǎo xiàn?
[05:55.90] Checking out the Chan Chan Man! zài tàn tīng xiǎo qián qián de shì?
[06:04.44] ... surreal. guài guài de
[06:06.71] What do you think? Are you interested? zěn yàng? yǒu xìng qù ma?
[06:09.65] She seemed cool. Attractive. I' ll do it. tā hái bù cuò, mán piào liang de, hǎo ba
[06:13.62] Thank you, Chandler. This is great. She' s gonna love me. xiè xiè nǐ, tài hǎo le, tā huì ài sǐ wǒ
[06:17.42] Dinosaur attack! Quick, everybody into the house! kǒng lóng chū jī, dà jiā kuài duǒ jìn wū lǐ!
[06:26.83] No dinosaurs, no ghosts, no giant dogs, okay? wǒ bú yào kǒng lóng guǐ hé chāo jí dà gǒu, hǎo ma?
[06:30.23] They' re not the right size, they' re not Victorian and they don' t go. bǐ lì bú duì, bú shì wéi duō lì yà fēng yì diǎn yě bù xiāng chèn
[06:36.84] Fine. hǎo
[06:39.24] Come, dinosaur. We' re not welcome in the house of no imagination. kǒng lóng, wǒ men zǒu méi yǒu xiǎng xiàng lì de fáng zi bù huān yíng wǒ men
[06:43.65] While we' re on the subject, I have to say that dinosaurs... chèn zhè gè jī huì, wǒ xiǎng gào sù nǐ
[06:48.45] ... they don' t go," ruff!" kǒng lóng bú huì wāng wāng jiào
[06:52.92] The little ones do. xiǎo kǒng lóng huì
[06:58.16] " lù xī ér luò tài ěr jù yuàn"
[07:02.77] Hey, Kate. Morning. kǎi tè zǎo
[07:05.00] I went to that restaurant you talked about wǒ qù le nǐ shuō de nà jiā cān tīng
[07:07.51] Hey, lovely. měi nǚ
[07:09.07] Come, talk to me for a minute. lái gēn wǒ liáo yī xià
[07:12.08] I ate the food. It was good. I had the fish. wǒ zài nà li chī fàn hěn hǎo chī, wǒ diǎn le yú
[07:18.25] I' m Lauren. Kate' s understudy. wǒ shì luó lún, kǎi tè de hòu bǔ
[07:21.09] Joey Tribbiani. qiáo yī cuī bǐ yà ní
[07:22.65] I know. wǒ zhī dào
[07:23.69] I' m a big fan of yours. wǒ shì nǐ de chāo jí yǐng mí
[07:25.69] What? shén me?
[07:28.59] I used to schedule my classes so I could watch Dr. Drake Ramoray... wǒ yǐ qián jīng cháng qiào kè hǎo huí jiā kàn" wǒ men de suì yuè"
[07:32.46] ... on Days of our Lives. hé lā mò ruì yī shēng
[07:34.27] Get out of here. Really? Absolutely. shǎo lái le, zhēn de? zhēn de
[07:37.50] But then they dropped you down that elevator shaft. jié guǒ tā men ràng nǐ diào dào diàn tī jǐng lǐ
[07:40.67] They gave me the shaft, all right. tā men shì bǎ wǒ tī diào le
[07:44.58] You' re so funny. nǐ hǎo yōu mò
[07:46.71] What are you doing after rehearsal? nǐ pái wán xì yào zuò shí mǒ?
[07:48.55] You want to get a drink? yào bú yào qù hē yī bēi?
[07:57.59] Sure. A drink sounds great. hǎo a, tīng qǐ lái bù cuò
[07:59.42] Cool. I' ll see you then. All right. kù, dāi huì jiàn hǎo
[08:06.10] All right. It' s time to act, my talking props. gāi yǎn xì le, huì shuō huà de dào jù men
[08:16.87] Look everybody! Look at my new dollhouse! nǐ men kàn, wǒ de xīn wá wa wū
[08:25.25] Look, look! nǐ men kàn
[08:29.92] Hey, what' s this? zhè shì shén me?
[08:31.46] It' s a slide instead of stairs. Look. wǒ yòng liū huá tī qǔ dài lóu tī, kàn
[08:36.93] Very interesting, Phoebe. hěn yǒu yì sī ma
[08:40.36] What' s this? zhè shì shén me?
[08:41.43] The licorice room. You can eat all the furniture. gān cǎo fáng, jiā jù dōu kě yǐ chī
[08:46.64] And when guests come over, they can stay on the Tootsie Rollaway bed. kè rén lái le kě yǐ shuì zài huá lún chuáng shàng
[08:52.04] This is the coolest house ever! zhè dòng fáng zi yǒu gòu kù de
[08:56.11] Does anyone want to join me in the Aroma Room? yǒu rén yào gēn wǒ jìn fāng xiāng shì ma?
[08:58.78] All right. I would. piào liàng wǒ yào
[09:01.15] Hey, guys? Guys! wèi
[09:08.66] Watch. Watch. kàn ō
[09:11.46] And? And? hái yǒu ō
[09:17.60] Hey, my father' s house does that. wǒ bà de fáng zi yě huì nà yàng
[09:22.84] How did it go? Tell me everything! zěn me yàng? kuài shuō
[09:24.51] The movie was great... diàn yǐng hěn hǎo kàn
[09:26.01] ... dinner was great, and there' s nothing like a cool, crisp New York evening. wǎn cān hěn hǎo chī liáng shuǎng de niǔ yuē yè wǎn zuì yí rén
[09:30.92] Of course, I didn' t enjoy any of that because Joanna' s such a dull dud! dāng rán la, wǒ yì diǎn yě bù jìn xìng yīn wèi qiáo ān nà hǎo wú liáo
[09:36.65] Chandler is fantastic! qián dé tài bàng le
[09:39.79] What? You know how people just click? shén me? nǐ zhī dào yī pāi jí hé ba?
[09:42.36] He came by to pick me up, I opened the door and it was just like," click!" tā lái jiē wǒ, wǒ dǎ kāi mén gǎn jué yī pāi jí hé
[09:46.93] Did he tell you? tā yǒu gào sù nǐ ma?
[09:48.53] Doesn' t he have a good heart? tā de xīn cháng hěn hǎo ba?
[09:51.47] And he' s so sweet. He said he' d call, so put him straight through. ér qiě tā hǎo tián tā shuō tā huì dǎ lái, yào lì kè zhuǎn gěi wǒ
[09:55.61] lsn' t this great? Don' t spoil it. tài hǎo le bú yào sǎo xìng
[10:00.51] Come on, baby, don' t go. Please? qiú qiú nǐ, bú yào zǒu
[10:03.35] What do you say? hǎo ma?
[10:12.12] I' m going to take this call. wǒ yào jiē gè diàn huà
[10:15.19] When I continue, I hope there will appear onstage... děng wǒ huí lái, xī wàng tái shàng huì chū xiàn
[10:18.63] ... this magical thing that in the theater we call... yī zhǒng shén qí de dōng xī zài jù chǎng chēng zhī wéi
[10:23.37] ... committing to the moment! rù xì!
[10:30.54] The guy' s like a cartoon. tā hǎo kě xiào
[10:33.71] What do you see in him, anyway? nǐ dào dǐ kàn shàng tā nǎ yì diǎn?
[10:35.81] He happens to be brilliant. tā hěn cōng míng
[10:37.48] Which is more than I can say for that sweater you' re dating. bǐ nǐ nà wèi máo yī nǚ láng hǎo duō le
[10:42.32] I' m not interested in her sweater. wǒ bú shì kàn shàng tā de máo yī
[10:44.76] It' s what' s underneath her sweater that counts. máo yī dǐ xià cái zhòng yào
[10:50.16] And besides... ér qiě
[10:52.36] ... since when do you care who I' m with? nǐ jǐ shí kāi shǐ guān xīn wǒ gēn shuí jiāo wǎng?
[10:54.37] I don' t care. Why, do you want me to care? wǒ cái bù guān xīn, nǐ xī wàng wǒ guān xīn?
[10:57.94] Do you want me to want you to care? nǐ xī wàng wǒ xī wàng nǐ guān xīn ma?
[11:01.24] Do you? nǐ ne?
[11:03.21] What? shén me?
[11:04.78] Okay. I' m afraid to say this, but let' s pick up where we left off. wǒ shí zài hěn bù xiǎng shuō bù guò wǒ men jì xù pái ba
[11:16.29] Come on, baby, don' t go. Please? What do you say? qiú qiú nǐ, bú yào zǒu hǎo ma?
[11:20.52] I' ve got no reason to stay. wǒ méi yǒu lǐ yóu yào liú xià lái
[11:25.20] Stop! tíng!
[11:27.06] Stop it! You must stop! tíng! bié zài yǎn le
[11:32.44] You are bad actors! nǐ men shì làn yǎn yuán
[11:35.44] This is a terrible play! zhè shì chū làn xì
[11:38.14] I' ll see you in the morning. míng tiān zǎo shàng jiàn
[11:43.05] I can' t believe we go on in a week. jū rán yī xīng qī hòu jiù yào shàng yǎn le
[11:46.62] Hey, it' s gonna be all right. méi wèn tí de
[11:49.89] Since we' re getting off early, do you want to go paint mugs? jì rán tí zǎo shōu gōng nǐ xiǎng qù huà mǎ kè bēi ma?
[11:55.76] What? shén me?
[11:57.43] At the place I told you about last night? jiù shì wǒ zuó wǎn shuō de nà gè dì fāng
[12:01.47] Yeah, with the mugpainting. duì le, nà lǐ kě yǐ huà mǎ kè bēi
[12:04.44] I was so listening to that. wǒ tīng de hěn yòng xīn
[12:07.84] But you know what? I need to work on my stuff tonight. dàn shì wǒ jīn wǎn xiǎng hǎo hǎo liàn xì
[12:12.84] I' ll see you tomorrow. nà míng tiān jiàn
[12:27.02] Are you okay? nǐ hái hǎo ma?
[12:28.79] I guess. hái hǎo ba
[12:32.00] What are we gonna do about the scene? zhè chǎng xì zěn me bàn?
[12:34.67] I don' t know. bù zhī dào
[12:40.10] Maybe if it had more heat. yě xǔ yīng gāi zài jī liè yì diǎn
[12:43.17] Well, how do you mean? zěn me shuō?
[12:44.88] Adrianne' s looking for a reason to stay, right? ài lì ān zài xún zhǎo liú xià lái de lǐ yóu
[12:49.45] Victor can' t just kiss her. He' s gotta... wéi kè bù néng zhǐ shì qīn tā, tā bì xū
[12:52.22] ... he' s gotta give her a reason. bì xū gěi tā yǒu lì de lǐ yóu
[12:55.52] Maybe he could slip her the tongue. yě xǔ tā kě yǐ duì tā shé wěn
[13:03.56] Or maybe... huò zhě
[13:05.46] ... maybe he could grab her and lift her up. tā kě yǐ zhuō zhù tā, bǎ tā bào qǐ lái
[13:09.90] Then Adrianne could wrap her legs around his waist. rán hòu ài lì ān yòng tuǐ quān zhù tā de yāo
[13:14.00] Then she could rip off his shirt and kiss his chest and stomach. rán hòu tā chě kāi tā de yī fú qīn wěn tā de xiōng bù dǔ zi
[13:17.84] Then he could use his teeth to undo her dress and... tā kě yǐ yòng yá chǐ tuō diào tā de yī fú
[13:22.18] ... and bite her! rán hòu yǎo tā
[13:24.01] Then right when the scene ends, he could take her... zài jié wěi de bù fèn, tā kě yǐ zhàn yǒu tā
[13:27.75] ... with this raw, animal.... yòng tā nà yuán shǐ de shòu xìng de
[13:35.39] Something like that? xiàng zhè yàng?
[13:37.50] That' s pretty much what I had in mind. chà bù duō
[14:02.35] It' s a little early to be drinking. xiàn zài hē jiǔ tài zǎo le ba
[14:06.79] Things finally happened with Kate. wǒ gēn kǎi tè zhōng yú yǒu jìn zhǎn le
[14:10.63] You' re kidding? That' s great. zhēn de? tài hǎo le
[14:12.70] It was so amazing. gǎn jué hǎo bàng
[14:14.37] After the lovemaking... zuò wán ài zhī hòu
[14:16.77] Oh, my. tiān na
[14:19.60] ... I just watched her sleep for hours. wǒ kàn zhe tā shuì jiào kàn le hǎo jiǔ
[14:23.01] Just breathing in... jiù zhè yàng xī qì
[14:24.68] ... and breathing out. tǔ qì
[14:27.21] I knew she was dreaming because... wǒ zhī dào tā zài zuò mèng, yīn wèi
[14:29.05] ... her eyes kept going like this. tā de yǎn jīng yī zhí zhè yàng
[14:37.62] I' m telling you, she' s got it all wrong. tā wán quán wù huì le
[14:40.00] All I said was," This was fun. Let' s do it again sometime. wǒ zhǐ shì shuō jīn wǎn hěn yú kuài, gǎi tiān zài jù
[14:43.79] I' ll give you a call." wǒ zài dǎ gěi nǐ
[14:46.80] I wonder why she thinks you' re going to call her? nà tā wèi shí me jué de nǐ huì dǎ gěi tā?
[14:50.50] It' s what you say at the end of a date. yuē wán huì dōu yào zhè me shuō
[14:52.60] You can' t just say, " Nice to meet you. Good night?" nǐ jiù bù néng shuō hěn gāo xìng rèn shi nǐ, wǎn ān?
[14:55.94] To her face? dāng zhe tā de miàn?
[14:59.28] I' m standing there... yí gè wǎn shàng jié shù le
[15:01.21] ... she' s waiting for me to say I' ll call her... wǒ zhī dào tā zài děng wǒ zhè jù huà
[15:03.78] ... and it comes out. I can' t help it. suǒ yǐ wǒ jiù shuō le, wǒ méi bàn fǎ
[15:06.25] It' s a compulsion. wǒ bù yóu zì zhǔ
[15:09.02] When a guy says he' ll call, it doesn' t mean he' s going to call. nán rén shuō yào lián luò yě bú jiàn de huì lián luò
[15:14.12] This never happened to you? nǐ méi pèng guò?
[15:16.36] Well, they always called. tā men dōu huì dǎ gěi wǒ
[15:19.53] Bite me. shā le wǒ ba
[15:27.24] Did he call? No, sorry. tā yǒu dǎ lái ma? méi yǒu, duì bù qǐ
[15:29.71] Why? He said he' d call. Why hasn' t he called? wèi shí me? tā shuō yào dǎ lái zěn me hái bù dǎ lái?
[15:33.14] Maybe he' s intimidated by smart, strong, successful women. yě xǔ bèi nǐ de měi lì chéng gōng xià dào le
[15:37.65] Sophie, will you please climb out of my butt. sū fēi, bú yào pāi wǒ de mǎ pì
[15:42.29] Why hasn' t he called, Rachel? Why? tā wèi shí me hái bù dǎ lái?
[15:46.62] Maybe he feels awkward because you' re my boss. yě xǔ tā huì gān gà yīn wèi nǐ shì wǒ de shàng sī
[15:50.39] Awkward? Why should he feel awkward? gān gà? wèi shí me yào gān gà?
[15:53.63] You didn' t tell him not to call me, did you? nǐ méi jiào tā bú yào dǎ gěi wǒ ba?
[15:56.83] If you' re uncomfortable with your friend dating me... yào shì nǐ bù xǐ huān nǐ péng yǒu gēn wǒ yuē huì
[15:59.64] ... there are always ways to fix that. wǒ men kě yǐ xiǎng bàn fǎ jiě jué
[16:05.58] Call her. Call her now! xiàn zài jiù dǎ gěi tā
[16:09.01] Multiple so many paper cuts. wǒ mǎn shǒu dōu bèi zhǐ gē shāng le
[16:12.82] " Why hasn' t he called, Rachel? Why, why? I don' t understand!" tā wèi shí me hái bù dǎ lái? wèi shí me? wǒ bù dǒng
[16:17.09] I' m telling you, she' s flipped out! She' s gone crazy! tā hěn jī dòng, tā kuài fēng le
[16:21.46] Well, give me the phone then. bǎ diàn huà ná lái
[16:24.09] She thinks it' s my fault you haven' t called her. tā jué de nǐ bù lián luò shì wǒ de cuò
[16:27.03] You have to call her. nǐ yí dìng yào dǎ gěi tā
[16:28.60] You can' t call somebody after this long to say: zǒng bù néng guò le zhè me jiǔ cái dǎ qù shuō
[16:30.94] " In case you didn' t notice, I don' t like you." nǐ huò xǔ méi fā xiàn, wǒ bù xǐ huān nǐ
[16:34.51] Then you' ll have to take her out again. nà jiù zài dài tā chū qù yī cì
[16:37.34] She' s really dull, and she gets this... bú yào, tā hěn wú liáo, ér qiě zài yǎn jiǎo
[16:39.64] ... gross mascaragoop thing in the corner of her eye! yǒu yī dà kuài jié máo gāo yìn zǐ
[16:45.18] I don' t care! wǒ bù guǎn
[16:46.52] You' ll take her out again and end it... nǐ zài yuē tā yī cì, bǎ huà shuō qīng chǔ
[16:48.69] ... in a way she knows it' s ended. ràng tā zhī dào méi xī wàng
[16:51.36] I don' t care how hard it is. Don' t tell her you' ll call her again! bù guǎn yǒu duō kùn nán qiān wàn bié shuō nǐ huì zài lián luò
[16:55.53] All right, fine! hǎo
[16:56.63] But just lunch. From now on, I get my own dates. dàn zhǐ néng chī wǔ cān yǐ hòu wǒ zì jǐ pào mǎ zǐ
[17:00.06] I don' t want you setting me up again! nǐ bú yào zài bāng wǒ qiān xiàn le
[17:02.47] That' s fine! méi wèn tí
[17:04.90] That' s just a lot of big talk. I know. wǒ zhǐ shì shuō shuō wǒ zhī dào
[17:11.34] I' m in the shower! wǒ zài xǐ zǎo
[17:26.32] Fire! There' s a fire! Fire! shī huǒ le! shī huǒ le!
[18:03.29] I talked to Lauren. I told her how things were with us. wǒ gēn luó lún shuō le wǒ men de shì
[18:07.46] Did you talk to Marshall? nǐ gēn mǎ xiē ěr shuō le ma?
[18:10.27] About what? shuō shí mǒ?
[18:12.70] About what happened with us. wǒ men zhī jiān de shì
[18:17.44] No, there' s really no reason why he should find out. méi yǒu, tā méi yǒu bì yào zhī dào
[18:21.41] So let' s not make a big deal out of it, okay? wǒ men jiù bié xiǎo tí dà zuò le
[18:26.08] What are you talking about? nǐ zài shuō shí mǒ?
[18:28.09] It was a big deal. shén me xiǎo tí dà zuò?
[18:31.62] You can' t tell me last night didn' t mean something to you. bié shuō zuó wǎn duì nǐ háo wú yì yì
[18:34.79] I was there. You' re not that good an actress. wǒ yě zài, nǐ méi nà me huì yǎn
[18:41.20] I was just caught up in the moment. wǒ zhǐ shì yī shí jī qíng
[18:43.70] That' s all it was. jiù zhè yàng
[18:46.54] Joey, I' m sorry you feel bad, but... bào qiàn ràng nǐ jué de bù hǎo guò
[18:49.61] ... haven' t you slept with a woman and it meant more to her than to you? nǐ yě zēng jīng gěi bié rén zhè zhǒng gǎn shòu ba?
[19:01.85] Hi, pig! wáng bā dàn
[19:07.66] Sorry I scared you in there. bào qiàn xià dào nǐ le
[19:10.23] It' s okay. méi guān xì
[19:12.76] By the way... duì le
[19:14.06] ... I was just checking the shower massager. wǒ shì zài jiǎn chá lián péng tóu de gōng néng
[19:21.61] I tried to reach you at work. wǒ yǒu dǎ qù gōng sī zhǎo nǐ
[19:23.74] There' s been a fire. fā shēng huǒ zāi le
[19:26.34] What? Oh, my God! shén me? tiān na!
[19:30.81] What happened? zěn me le?
[19:32.65] We believe it originated here... wǒ men xiāng xìn qǐ huǒ diǎn zài zhè lǐ
[19:36.52] ... in the Aroma Room. jiù shì fāng xiāng shì
[19:39.19] Did everyone get out okay? dà jiā dōu táo chū lái le ma?
[19:41.83] The giraffe' s okay, and so is the pirate. cháng jǐng lù méi shì, hǎi dào yě shì
[19:45.36] What' s this? No, don' t look! zhè shì shén me? bú yào kàn
[19:47.03] You don' t want to see what' s under there! nǐ bú huì xiǎng kàn de
[19:52.14] The foster puppets! lǐng yǎng de gǒu gǒu!
[19:58.51] It' s not a big deal. It' s right here, and it' s all the time. qí shí méi shén me, jiù zài zhè lǐ yī zhí dōu zài
[20:06.32] Thanks again for lunch. xiè xiè nǐ zhè dùn fàn
[20:11.22] This was pleasant. lt was, wasn' t it? hěn yú kuài shì ba?
[20:15.89] The food there was great. Wasn' t it? nà lǐ de dōng xī hěn hǎo chī shì ba?
[20:21.30] So take care. bǎo zhòng
[20:23.73] You too. nǐ yě shì
[20:26.40] I' ll give you a call. We should do it again! wǒ zài dǎ gěi nǐ, gǎi tiān zài jù
[20:29.47] Great. I' m looking forward to it. tài hǎo le, wǒ děng nǐ
[20:32.18] Any messages? Sophie' s desk. yǒu liú yán ma? zài sū fēi zhuō shàng
[20:42.59] I' m sorry, okay? I' m weak and pathetic and sorry. wǒ hěn bào qiàn hǎo ma? wǒ ruǎn ruò kě bēi yòu bào qiàn
[20:46.56] You are gonna tell her. You' ll tell her now. nǐ qù gào sù tā, xiàn zài jiù shuō
[20:49.26] I' m not gonna call you. wǒ bú huì dǎ gěi nǐ
[20:53.66] What? shén me?
[20:55.90] I' m sorry. duì bù qǐ
[20:58.10] I' m sorry I said I was going to when I' m not. wǒ bù xiǎng dǎ gěi nǐ, què shuō yào dǎ gěi nǐ
[21:03.44] This has nothing to do with you. gēn nǐ wú guān
[21:05.04] And this isn' t Rachel' s fault. It' s me. yě bú shì ruì qiū de cuò, shì wǒ
[21:07.71] I have serious problems when it comes to women. wǒ duì nǚ rén yǒu xīn lǐ zhàng ài
[21:16.75] ... mascara goop. hài pà jié máo gāo yìn zǐ
[21:21.29] I' m really sorry. It' s just that... zhēn de hěn bào qiàn, dàn shì
[21:24.13] ... this isn' t going to work out. wǒ men zhī jiān shì xíng bù tōng de
[21:29.63] This isn' t how I was hoping this would end... wǒ méi liào dào huì yǒu zhè zhǒng jié jú
[21:32.44] ... but I guess I have to appreciate your honesty. dàn shì wǒ dé xiè xiè nǐ de chéng shí
[21:53.62] Anyway, Beth, what I' m saying is... bèi sī, wǒ xiǎng shuō de shì
[21:56.59] ... I should have considered your feelings before I went home with you. wǒ gēn nǐ huí jiā zhī qián yīng gāi xiān kǎo lǜ nǐ de xīn qíng
[22:03.30] I' ve recently learned what it' s like to be on your side... wǒ zuì jìn tǐ huì dào nǐ de gǎn jué
[22:06.64] ... and I' m sorry. wǒ hěn bào qiàn
[22:09.91] Do you think you can forgive me? nǐ kě yǐ yuán liàng wǒ ma?
[22:13.18] Great. Thanks. tài hǎo le, xiè xiè
[22:25.42] Hello, Jennifer? zhēn nī fú?
[22:27.36] Hi, Mrs. Laurio. Is Jennifer there? luó lǐ ōu tài tài, zhēn nī fú zài ma?
[22:30.26] She' s not home, huh? tā bù zài?
[22:34.16] Actually I kind of need to talk to you too. shì shí shàng, wǒ yě yào zhǎo nǐ