Friends S03E23

歌曲 Friends S03E23
歌手 英语听力
专辑 老友记(第三季)


[02:34.-4] If Joey and I play with matches, we could get you up to an even 100. 要是乔伊和我玩火柴 就可以让你累积到一百
[05:08.-2] Oh,my God! 天哪
[06:27.-4] ...if you know what I mean. 懂我的意思吧?
[06:43.-3] Why don't you break up with one of them? 何不跟其中一个分手?
[08:16.-3] See? You just need the right command. 看到了吗?下对指令就行了
[08:48.-3] Joey,put that down. 乔伊,放下
[10:57.-4] We don't know if he'll propose. 也不知道他会不会求婚
[12:34.-1] Good deal. 很好
[18:05.-4] And I feel like I've conquered the intellectual world. 我已经征服了知识界
[18:09.-1] And now I have the most beautiful woman in the world. 现在又拥有世界上最美的女人
[18:34.-2] ...the Ultimate Fighting Champion. 终极格斗冠军
[00:03.20] Wouldn't it be cool if our duck and our chick had a baby? 要是我们的鸡鸭生小宝宝 不是很酷?
[00:06.53] We could call it Chuck. 可以叫它查克
[00:10.31] Or Dick. 或狄克
[00:15.68] Listen,I need a favor. 我要请你们帮忙
[00:19.15] I was in the shower, and as I was... 我刚才洗澡,正在…
[00:21.82] ...cleansing myself,I felt something. 洗身体时,发现一件事
[00:25.65] Was it like a sneeze,only better? 很像打喷嚏,但是感觉更爽?
[00:30.76] No. I mean,like, a thing on my body. 不是,是我身上长了东西
[00:33.73] Well,what was it? 什么东西?
[00:35.16] Well,I don't know. It's kind of in a place that's not.... 不晓得,它长在我不能…
[00:39.03] It's not visually accessible to me. And I was hoping maybe you guys... 我看不到,我想麻烦你们
[00:43.34] ...could help me out. 帮我看一下
[00:47.38] Come on,you guys! It's no big deal! 拜托,又没什么
[00:53.85] Well,what is it? Is it a mole? 是什么?是痣吗?
[00:58.29] No,it's too wrinkly to be a mole. 不是,太皱了,不是痣
[01:01.22] Is it? What,a pimple? 那是痘子吗?
[01:06.46] No,it's... 不是,它…
[01:08.23] ...fancier than a pimple. 比青春痘高级
[01:10.43] -Ross,just go see a doc -Guys,what's? 你就去看医… 你们在干…
[01:18.37] Well,it's definite. Two more weeks of winter. 确定了,冬天还有两星期
[01:21.48] Yeah,right. 没错
[01:23.58] The One With Ross' Thing 本集播出:“寡人有疾”
[02:14.66] And this is the coffeehouse. This is where I play my music. 这是咖啡馆,我都在这里表演
[02:18.53] -Good deal. -These are my friends. 漂亮 他们是我的朋友
[02:20.84] People? This is Vince. Vince,the people. 各位,这是文斯 文斯,我的朋友
[02:25.91] Vince is a fireman. 文斯是消防员
[02:28.64] Have you ever rescued anyone from a burning building? 你从燃烧的大楼里救过人吗?
[02:31.38] Ninety-eight hot saves. Highest on the force. 九十八次,队上第一高
[02:40.05] Fire safety is not a joke,son. 孩子,不能拿火灾开玩笑
[02:44.79] You're right. I know. 你说得对,我知道
[02:47.63] Look,I gotta go. I'm on call tonight. 我要走了,晚上要值班
[02:50.06] See you Saturday. 星期六见
[02:54.57] He's cute,Pheebs. 菲比,他好可爱
[02:56.00] But you just started dating that teacher. 但你不是刚和那个老师交往?
[02:58.27] Oh,Jason? 杰森?
[02:59.47] We're seeing each other tonight. 我们晚上要见面
[03:01.58] Well,Pheebs? 菲比?
[03:03.58] Two dates in one day? That's so unlike you. 脚踏两条船?你不像这种人
[03:06.41] I know,I know. I'm,like,playing the field. 我也知道 我在游戏人间
[03:09.85] I'm juggling two guys. I'm sowing my wild oats. 我在玩弄别人,搞七捻三
[03:14.19] You know,this kind of,like, oat-sowing,field-playing juggler. 我是搞七捻三的花心萝蔔
[03:18.66] So do they know about each other? 他们知道对方的存在吗?
[03:21.10] Does a dog's lips move when he reads? 狗狗念书时,嘴唇会动吗?
[03:27.80] Okay,no,they don't know. 他们不知道
[03:31.87] Hey,guys. 各位
[03:36.34] -Well? -How'd it go at the doctor's? 怎么样? 医生怎么说?
[03:38.55] He said there's definitely nothing to worry about. It's benign. 他说不用担心,是良性的
[03:42.68] -What is it? -He couldn't even tell me. 是什么? 他根本说不出来
[03:45.12] He said it was just some sort of "skin abnormality." 他只说是一种皮肤异常
[03:51.06] The worse thing is,he said, being unable to identify it... 更糟的是他说,由于无法辨认
[03:54.70] ... he was reluctant to remove it. 他不愿意为我切除
[03:56.83] You should go to my guy. 你应该去找我的医生
[03:58.47] Because when I went in there with my third nipple... 我去找他时
[04:02.14] ...he just lopped it right off. 他直接就把它给切了
[04:04.54] So I guess I'm lucky. 我蛮幸运的
[04:06.54] I mean,not as lucky as people who are born with two nipples. 虽然比不上天生两个的人
[04:11.31] At least they knew what yours was. You know? Yours had a name. 至少他们知道你长了什么 你的有名字
[04:16.18] Maybe they'll name yours after you. 也许医学界会以你为名
[04:19.32] You know? They'd call it "The Ross." 把它叫做“罗斯”
[04:22.09] And then people would be,like, "Oh,he's got a Ross." 大家会说 咳,他长了一个罗斯
[04:27.43] Yeah,that'd be cool. 是啊,真酷
[04:31.33] Pete's breaking up with me. 彼特要跟我分手
[04:33.23] What? 什么?
[04:34.90] I just checked my messages. 我刚才听留言
[04:36.77] He said that when he gets back, "We need to talk." 他说等他回来 “我们得谈一谈”
[04:40.51] -And? -Well,that's it. 然后呢? 就这样
[04:42.21] People never say,"We need to talk," unless it's something bad. 没有人会说“我们得谈一谈” 除非是坏事
[04:45.85] That doesn't necessarily mean he's breaking up with you. 那不一定代表他要跟你分手
[04:49.28] Really? 真的?
[04:50.35] Maybe he just cheated on you. 也许他只是对你不忠
[04:57.76] I won't get rich doing it, but I gotta say,it's cool... 这么做没有好处 但我还是很高兴
[05:01.46] ... knowing you're making a difference in a kid's life. 我改变了一个孩子
[05:04.57] That is so great. 真好
[05:09.77] Oh,my God! 天哪
[05:11.31] We'd better call the fire department. 赶快通知消防队
[05:14.38] Well,we don't need a fireman. 不必找消防员吧
[05:16.64] We need,like,a good mechanic. 应该找好的黑手来
[05:20.82] Here they come! We gotta get out of here! 他们来了,快逃
[05:23.82] Wait. Why? 等一下,为什么?
[05:24.92] If I wanted to see a fireman, I'd date one. 要是我想看消防员 我会找消防员约会
[05:30.33] That's all it is. A third nipple. 只是一个多出来的
[05:32.49] You know? Just your run-of-the-mill third nipple. 很普通的第三个
[05:36.26] You can take it off. Just slice that baby right off. 你可以把它切掉,直接切掉
[05:40.00] Take your shirt off. Let's see what we're dealing with. 把上衣脱掉让我看一下
[05:45.84] What are you doing? 你在干什么?
[05:48.34] Just showing you my run-of-the-mill, slice-it-right-off third nipple. 让你看那个非常普通 可以直接切掉的
[05:53.08] Well,that's not a third nipple. 这不是第三个
[05:55.85] First of all,it's on your ass
[05:59.29] Well,then what is it? 不然是什么?
[06:01.29] Wait a minute. Hold it. 等一下
[06:05.33] -Jansen,come in here. -I'm with Hamilton! 詹森,来一下 我在跟汉弥顿讲话
[06:08.36] He's good with weird things. Bring him in too. 他对怪东西很在行,叫他也来
[06:13.53] I gotta go water Pete's plants. 我得去帮彼特浇花
[06:15.80] You know what? If he's gonna break up with me,maybe I won't water them. 你们知道吗? 如果他想分手,我就不浇了
[06:20.21] If he's gonna break up with you, maybe Joey and I should do it... 如果他要分手 干脆让乔伊和我去“浇”
[06:29.52] Or... 或者…
[06:31.29] ...we could go and pee on them. 我们可以去对着花盆撒尿
[06:36.29] I can't take it,you know. 我受不了了
[06:38.23] I'm afraid one of them will catch me with the other. 我好怕会被捉到
[06:41.30] It's making me crazy! 我快疯了
[06:46.47] What happened to playing the field? 你不是在游戏人间?
[06:50.00] It doesn't feel like playing anymore. 现在不像游戏了
[06:52.37] It's feels like work. It's like I'm working in the field. 比较像工作 我好像在做田野调查
[06:56.48] So pick one of them. 那就选一个
[06:58.18] Which one do you like more? 你比较喜欢哪一个?
[06:59.51] Vince is great,you know? Because he's,like,a "guy" guy. 文斯很棒,他是男人中的男人
[07:04.19] He's just so burly, so very burly. 他好壮,真的好壮
[07:09.86] Okay,good. So there you go. Go with Vince. 好,那就选文斯吧
[07:13.06] But Jason's really sensitive. 但是杰森好感性
[07:14.90] Sensitive is important. Pick him. 感性很重要,选他
[07:18.33] Oh,sure. Go with the sissy. 是啊,听娘娘腔的话
[07:22.37] Jason is not a sissy. 杰森才不娘娘腔
[07:25.17] I meant Chandler. 我是说钱德
[07:37.75] You know,I have dinner plans. 我晚上有约
[07:41.72] Thank you so much for coming on such a short notice. 谢谢各位临时赶来
[07:45.53] Ladies and gentlemen,I've been practicing medicine for 23 years... 各位先生、女士 我行医23年
[07:50.73] ...and I'm stumped. 现在却被难倒了
[08:04.51] Okay,this is the den. 这里是书房
[08:06.08] All right,check this out. Lights! 你们看喔…灯光
[08:09.28] All right,less lights! Bad lights! 少一点光…不好的光
[08:12.39] Lights,go away! 灯光走开
[08:19.09] And the dimmer switch. 也可以用调的
[08:22.46] For a rich guy,that's a small TV. 他那么有钱,电视还真小
[08:24.83] That's the video phone. 那是视讯电话
[08:26.63] But you shouldn't be here. So don't touch anything. 你们不能来的,所以不要乱碰
[08:30.61] IKEA,this is comfortable! 宜家傢俱,好舒服
[08:34.84] This place is amazing! 这里太高级了
[08:37.25] -Oh,God! That's the nicest kitchen. -I know. 那个厨房好棒 我知道
[08:40.18] It's the nicest kitchen. 我是褚的
[08:41.68] The refrigerator told me to have a great day. 冰箱还会祝我今天愉快
[08:45.82] Look,a millionaire's checkbook. 你们看,百万富翁的支票簿
[08:51.03] Oh,my God,that's Pete. Get out! 天哪,是彼特,快出去!
[08:53.29] How the hell do you answer a video phone? 视讯电话要怎么接?
[08:59.20] I guess that's how. 原来是这样
[09:01.10] Monica,how's it going? 摩妮卡,你好吗?
[09:03.10] Oh,it's good. It's good. 很好
[09:05.54] Just here,watering the plants. 我来帮你浇花
[09:07.51] Don't forget that ficus there by Rachel. 别忘了瑞秋旁边那一盆
[09:12.38] Chandler's on the couch! 钱德在沙发上
[09:15.78] I see him. You guys are the worst hiders,ever. 我看到了,你们还真不会躲
[09:18.65] -Hi. -How you doing? 嗨 你好吗?
[09:23.56] The other day when you said you needed to talk... 那天你说要找我谈一谈
[09:26.63] ...just so I know, is it good news or bad news? 请问是好消息还是坏消息?
[09:29.56] It's good news. It's definitely good news. 好消息,绝对是好消息
[09:32.50] Hold on a second, I have another call. 等一下,有另一通电话
[09:35.14] How's it going? 你好吗?
[09:37.04] It's still me. 还是我
[09:38.54] I've got picture-in-picture here. 我这里有子画面
[09:42.74] I'm gonna have to call you back later. 我再回你电话
[09:46.48] Monica? You. I'm gonna have to call you back. 摩妮卡?我再回你电话
[09:49.72] So I'll see you soon. 改天见
[09:51.65] -Okay. I love you. -I love you. 好,我爱你 我爱你
[09:53.75] We love you too! 我们也爱你
[09:58.63] Well,it's good news. It's good news. 是好消息,是好消息
[10:01.00] -What do you think the good news is? -Look at this! 你想是什么好消息? 你们看
[10:04.37] He wrote a check for $50,000 to "Hugo Lindgren's Ring Design." 他开了一张五万元的支票 给一位戒指设计师
[10:10.84] Sorry. What do you think the good news is? 对不起,你想是什么好消息?
[10:15.71] Oh,my! 天哪
[10:17.08] Monica's gonna marry a millionaire! 摩妮卡要嫁给百万富翁了
[10:19.61] You gotta get Mom on the phone! Call Mom! Call Mom! 赶快打给妈,打给妈!打给妈
[10:25.62] And that's Pete's mom. 那是彼特的妈妈
[10:34.03] You have to make it a theme wedding. And the theme could be: 你得办一个主题婚礼 主题可以是…
[10:37.80] "Look How Much Money We've Got!" “看我们多有钱啊”
[10:41.67] I mean,you could put money in the invitations. 你可以在喜帖里放钱
[10:44.77] You could have,like, little-money place settings. 你可以用钱做成餐具
[10:47.61] And you could start with a money salad. 第一道菜可以上钞票沙拉
[10:50.44] I mean,it'll be dry, but people will like it. 虽然干了点,绝对受欢迎
[10:53.68] Would you stop? 别再说了
[10:55.05] We've only gone out a couple of weeks. 我们才交往两星期
[10:58.65] But this is Pete. He's not like other people. 他是彼特,跟别人不一样
[11:01.19] On your first date,you went to Rome. 你们第一次约会就去罗马
[11:03.22] For most guys,that's like a third or fourth date kind of thing. 对其他男人来说 那是第三、四次约会的事
[11:08.50] Well,if that's what it is, then it's crazy. 如果他要求婚,那就太夸张了
[11:11.73] Monica's right. We're talking about marriage here. 摩妮卡说得对 这可是婚姻大事
[11:14.70] She can't just rush into this. 她不能说嫁就嫁
[11:17.34] What do you know? You married a lesbian! 你懂什么?你娶了一个女同志
[11:26.15] I gotta go. I have to break up with Vince. 我要走了,我要去跟文斯分手
[11:28.75] So you're going with the teacher? 你选了那个老师?
[11:31.09] I like Vince a lot,you know? But Jason is so sensitive. 我很喜欢文斯,但杰森好感性
[11:35.09] In the long run,I think sensitive is better than having... 长期来说,感性应该比…
[11:38.76] ...a really,really,really nice body. 身材很猛来得好
[11:46.07] Jason. Definitely Jason. 杰森,绝对是杰森
[11:48.50] -Wish me luck! -Good luck! 祝我好运 祝你好运
[11:53.07] Oh,my God! 万岁!
[11:57.21] Sorry. 对不起
[11:58.28] I was imagining what it'd be like to catch the money bouquet. 我在想像接到钞票捧花的感觉
[12:07.62] Excuse me. Is Vince here? 抱歉,文斯在吗?
[12:10.12] Oh,sure. 在
[12:15.93] I didn't know you guys actually used those. 我不晓得你们会真的滑下来
[12:19.43] So what's up? 什么事?
[12:24.37] This isn't gonna be easy. 这件事很难启齿
[12:28.04] I don't think we should see each other anymore. 我们还是别再见面了
[12:36.62] I'm sorry. 对不起
[12:37.75] No,it's okay. 没关系
[12:39.62] It's just that I thought we had something pretty special here. 我还以为我们之间很特别
[12:44.00] I felt like you were someone I could finally open up to. 我终于找到可以倾诉的对象
[12:48.30] There's so much in me I haven't shared with you yet. 我还有好多事没跟你分享
[12:51.93] My God! I didn't know you were so 天哪,我不知道你…
[12:53.93] I'm sorry. I can't talk. 抱歉,我说不出话来了
[12:57.77] I'm gonna go write in my journal. 我要去写日记
[13:03.58] Wait! Wait! Wait! 等一下
[13:05.85] “中央公园”
[13:07.52] If you wanna take care of that thing, go see my herbal guy. 你如果想解决那个问题 就去找我的药草师
[13:11.85] Thanks. But I wanna remove it, not make it savory. 谢了,我是想切除 不是想做成香料
[13:17.32] When girls sleep with guys with weird things on their body... 女生发现情人身上长了怪东西
[13:21.26] ...they tell their friends about it. 都会跟朋友广播
[13:24.17] Give me that. 拿来
[13:28.47] Okay,don't be mad at me, but I couldn't resist. 别生我的气,我就是忍不住
[13:32.61] Bride's Magazines? “新娘杂志”?
[13:34.04] I know you said you'd say no if he asked you... 我知道你不会答应求婚
[13:36.88] ... but how great would you look walking down the aisle... 但是穿这套唐娜凯伦走红毯
[13:40.21] this Donna Karan? 会有多美啊
[13:43.02] You so would! 一定会很美
[13:45.52] You should get that anyway. 不结婚也要买
[13:49.36] Well,for clubbing. 可以穿去俱乐部
[13:52.06] It is so weird. 很奇怪
[13:53.56] I know what I said. But this morning... 我说过不会答应 但是今天早上…
[13:56.80] ...I was lying in bed,imagining what it'd be like to say yes. 我躺在床上 想像说“愿意”的感觉
[14:03.40] I know it's a little sudden, and it's rushed... 我知道有点突然,也很匆促
[14:06.54] ...and it's not like me to do something like this. 我也不是会做这种事的人
[14:09.38] But it doesn't mean I can't. Right? 但我可以这么做,对吧?
[14:12.55] I mean,I'm crazy about Pete. 毕竟我那么爱彼特
[14:14.52] And I know that we want the same things. 我们追求同样的东西
[14:17.59] And when I thought about saying yes... 当我想到说“愿意”的感觉
[14:20.09] made me really happy. 我觉得很快乐
[14:22.06] Oh,my God! 天哪
[14:25.23] I know. 我知道
[14:27.33] I need more pie. 我还要派
[14:31.20] Mon,if you do get married, can I bring two guests? 要是你真的结婚 我可以带两个人去吗?
[14:38.04] You didn't break up with that fireman? 你没跟消防员分手?
[14:40.51] That was my way of telling you. 我就是这个意思
[14:43.18] Well,it turns out he's incredibly sensitive. 原来他非常感性
[14:45.88] He keeps a journal and he paints. 他写日记,还画画
[14:48.25] He even showed me charcoal drawings that he drew of me. 他还为我画了一幅炭笔画
[14:51.42] He'd prefer watercolors,but he has easy access to a lot of charcoal. 他比较想用水彩画 但是手边有很多黑炭
[14:58.93] So will you dump Jason? 那你要甩掉杰森吗?
[15:00.59] Yeah,because I have to break up with someone. 对,我总得跟其中一个分手
[15:04.06] So Jason is sensitive. But now,so is Vince. 杰森很感性,但文斯也是
[15:08.30] Plus,Vince has the body. You know? 而文斯又有身材
[15:10.74] So.... 所以…
[15:13.77] It's really just about the math. 这是算术问题
[15:24.12] Come on in. 请进
[15:34.30] You sounded serious on the phone. 你在电话里的语气很严肃
[15:36.46] Is anything wrong? 出了什么事吗?
[15:56.32] You must be Ross. 你一定是罗斯
[16:00.35] I am Guru Saj. 我是萨吉大师
[16:04.19] Listen,I gotta tell you,I've never been to a guru before,so.... 老实说,我没找过大师 所以…
[16:09.26] Well,relax. 放轻松
[16:10.46] If it makes you feel any better, I've attended... 我在中部念过很好的医学院
[16:13.30] ...fine medical schools in Central America. 这样你比较安心了吧
[16:16.34] Well,let's take a look at this skin abnormality of yours. 来看看你的皮肤异常吧
[16:19.94] Come on,have a seat. 请坐
[16:25.85] As I suspected,it's a kundus. 跟我想的一样,是昆度斯
[16:31.12] What's a "kundus"? 什么是昆度斯?
[16:32.45] I don't know. What's a kundus with you? 不晓得,对你来说是什么?
[16:40.39] Please lie down. 请趴下
[16:41.86] I've got a salve that ought to shrink that right up. 我有一种药膏可以让它缩小
[16:45.83] I guess it's worth a try. 值得一试
[16:47.90] Sure. We should see results 那当然,效果应该…
[16:50.24] Clearly not the way to go! 显然不能这么做
[16:54.04] What? What? 为什么?
[16:55.71] We appear to have angered it. 我们似乎惹火它了
[16:58.35] We? We angered it? 我们惹火它了?
[17:02.55] I think I see the problem. 我看到症结了
[17:05.15] And I'm afraid we're gonna have to use a much stronger tool. 我们得动用更有力的手段
[17:10.49] Love. 爱
[17:13.00] Oh,God! 拜托
[17:16.16] There is absolutely no way this is gonna come off... 它绝对不可能脱落
[17:20.03] ... unless you start to.... 除非你用…
[17:22.17] What was that? 怎么了?
[17:24.91] Well,it's gone. 它掉下来了
[17:27.84] How's that? 怎么会?
[17:29.34] Got caught in my watch. 被我的手表刮掉了
[17:36.52] Lights. 灯光
[17:39.02] Romantic lights. 浪漫的灯光
[17:42.22] Nice. 真好
[17:44.09] So there was this thing I wanted to talk to you about. 我说过有事情要告诉你
[17:48.03] Oh,right. I'd completely forgot about that. 对喔,我都忘了
[17:54.54] I've been doing a lot of thinking. 我最近想了很多
[17:57.27] And I look at my life... 我检讨我的人生
[18:00.71] ...and I feel like I've conquered the business world. 觉得我已经征服了商场
[18:15.72] But there's one thing missing. 但是还有一个缺撼
[18:18.76] What's that? 什么缺撼?
[18:21.60] It's time for me to conquer the physical world. 我该征服体育界了
[18:31.51] I wanna become... 我想成为…
[18:37.58] You wanna what? 你想怎样?
[18:40.15] I wanna be the Ultimate Fighting Champion. 我想成为终极格斗冠军
[18:42.48] It's the most intense physical competition in the world. 那是全世界最激烈的体能竞技
[18:45.52] It's banned in 49 states. 在四十九州被禁
[18:47.62] What are you talking about? 你在说什么?
[18:49.62] My trainer,Hoshi,is teaching me... 我的教练正在教我…
[18:51.76] ...Jeet Kune Do and Brazilian streetfighting. 截拳道和巴西街头搏击
[18:54.26] I even had my own octagon training ring designed. 我还请人设计了 专用的八角训练场
[18:57.70] And I suppose you used a ring designer for that. 所以你找了设计师 (戒指字同拳击场)
[19:04.00] I want you there, in the front row,when I win. 我要你在最前排看我赢得胜利
[19:07.01] I want you close enough to smell the blood. 我要你近得可以闻到血腥味
[19:11.61] What do you think? 你意下如何?
[19:14.52] My parents will be so happy. 我的父母会很高兴
[19:21.92] Crazy underwear Creeping up my butt 疯狂的内裤
[19:26.63] Crazy underwear Always in a rut 疯狂的内裤,总是一成不变
[19:30.63] Crazy underwear 疯狂的内裤…
[19:36.27] What is he doing here? 他来干什么?
[19:38.21] All right,just keep playing. 继续唱
[19:40.44] You'll get through this. You'll be fine. 你会安全过关,不会有事
[19:52.89] Okay,thank you. 谢谢大家
[19:55.56] And as always,no one talk to me after the show. 依照惯例 演唱完不要跟我说话
[20:04.33] I was passing by and saw you were playing. 我刚好路过,看到你在表演
[20:06.73] This is cool,seeing you up there. 你在台上的感觉好棒
[20:12.24] What's going on here? Who's this guy? 怎么回事?他是谁?
[20:15.41] I don't know! He just started kissing me. Get him,Vince! 我不知道,他突然跑来亲我 快捉住他
[20:20.88] What? 什么?
[20:23.42] I've been dating both of you. 我同时跟你们交往
[20:27.09] And it's been really horrible, because it's been... 这种感觉很差,因为…
[20:30.42] ...a lot of fun for me. 实在很过瘾
[20:35.40] But I like you both... 你们两个我都喜欢
[20:38.67] ...and I didn't know how to choose. 我不知道该选谁
[20:41.17] So I'm sorry. I'm terrible. I'm a terrible person. 对不起,我很差劲 我太差劲了
[20:46.04] Relax. It's okay. I mean.... 别这样,没关系
[20:48.84] We never said this was exclusive. 我们又没说只能跟彼此交往
[20:51.45] Neither did we. So give yourself a break. 我们也是,你别太自责
[20:55.18] Really? 真的?
[20:57.42] We haven't been going out that long. 我们交往的时间又不长
[20:59.92] Come on,we haven't even slept together yet. 甚至还没上过床
[21:03.36] You haven't? 你们没有?
[21:07.56] You have? 你们有?
[21:08.60] Well,this is none of my business. 这是你们的问题
[21:13.70] I can't believe this! You slept with him? 我真不敢相信 你跟他上床了?
[21:17.07] Well,I made you a candlelight dinner in the park. 我陪你在公园吃过烛光晚餐啊
[21:21.94] I'm gonna make this real easy for you. 我来替你省掉一个麻烦
[21:30.82] That could've been really awkward. 幸好没有太难看
[21:36.29] You made him a candlelight dinner in the park? 你陪他在公园吃烛光晚餐?
[21:39.73] Yeah,but I can do that for you. I'm gonna do that for you. 我也可以陪你吃,我会陪你吃
[21:43.40] I can't believe I went out with somebody... 我居然跟一个…
[21:46.13] ...who'd have an open flame in the middle of a wooded area! 在林木区点火的人交往
[21:59.05] Everything's gonna be all right. 不会有事的
[22:02.65] Okay,Dick? 好吗,狄克?
[22:07.22] Hello. I am Guru Saj. 你们好,我是萨吉大师
[22:12.66] He's a duck,right? Because otherwise... 他是鸭子吧?否则…
[22:15.33] ...this is way out of my league. 就超出我的能力范围了
[22:18.30] He's got a really bad cough, and our vet can't stop it. 他咳得很严重,兽医治不好
[22:22.47] Is there something you can do? 你有办法吗?
[22:24.64] Let me see. 我看看
[22:26.94] Let me see. 我看看
[22:30.64] Do you think you could get him to eat a bat? 你能让他吃下蝙蝠吗?


[02:34.-4] If Joey and I play with matches, we could get you up to an even 100. yào shì qiáo yī hé wǒ wán huǒ chái jiù kě yǐ ràng nǐ lěi jī dào yī bǎi
[05:08.-2] Oh, my God! tiān na
[06:27.-4] ... if you know what I mean. dǒng wǒ de yì sī ba?
[06:43.-3] Why don' t you break up with one of them? hé bù gēn qí zhōng yí gè fēn shǒu?
[08:16.-3] See? You just need the right command. kàn dào le ma? xià duì zhǐ lìng jiù xíng le
[08:48.-3] Joey, put that down. qiáo yī, fàng xià
[10:57.-4] We don' t know if he' ll propose. yě bù zhī dào tā huì bú huì qiú hūn
[12:34.-1] Good deal. hěn hǎo
[18:05.-4] And I feel like I' ve conquered the intellectual world. wǒ yǐ jīng zhēng fú le zhī shi jiè
[18:09.-1] And now I have the most beautiful woman in the world. xiàn zài yòu yōng yǒu shì jiè shang zuì měi dí nǚ rén
[18:34.-2] ... the Ultimate Fighting Champion. zhōng jí gé dòu guàn jūn
[00:03.20] Wouldn' t it be cool if our duck and our chick had a baby? yào shì wǒ men de jī yā shēng xiǎo bǎo bǎo bú shì hěn kù?
[00:06.53] We could call it Chuck. kě yǐ jiào tā chá kè
[00:10.31] Or Dick. huò dí kè
[00:15.68] Listen, I need a favor. wǒ yào qǐng nǐ men bāng máng
[00:19.15] I was in the shower, and as I was... wǒ gāng cái xǐ zǎo, zhèng zài
[00:21.82] ... cleansing myself, I felt something. xǐ shēn tǐ shí, fā xiàn yī jiàn shì
[00:25.65] Was it like a sneeze, only better? hěn xiàng dǎ pēn tì, dàn shì gǎn jué gēng shuǎng?
[00:30.76] No. I mean, like, a thing on my body. bú shì, shì wǒ shēn shàng zhǎng le dōng xī
[00:33.73] Well, what was it? shén me dōng xī?
[00:35.16] Well, I don' t know. It' s kind of in a place that' s not.... bù xiǎo de, tā zhǎng zài wǒ bù néng
[00:39.03] It' s not visually accessible to me. And I was hoping maybe you guys... wǒ kàn bú dào, wǒ xiǎng má fán nǐ men
[00:43.34] ... could help me out. bāng wǒ kàn yī xià
[00:47.38] Come on, you guys! It' s no big deal! bài tuō, yòu méi shén me
[00:53.85] Well, what is it? Is it a mole? shì shén me? shì zhì ma?
[00:58.29] No, it' s too wrinkly to be a mole. bú shì, tài zhòu le, bú shì zhì
[01:01.22] Is it? What, a pimple? nà shi dòu zǐ ma?
[01:06.46] No, it' s... bú shì, tā
[01:08.23] ... fancier than a pimple. bǐ qīng chūn dòu gāo jí
[01:10.43] Ross, just go see a doc Guys, what' s? nǐ jiù qù kàn yī nǐ men zài gàn
[01:18.37] Well, it' s definite. Two more weeks of winter. què dìng le, dōng tiān hái yǒu liǎng xīng qī
[01:21.48] Yeah, right. méi cuò
[01:23.58] The One With Ross' Thing běn jí bō chū:" guǎ rén yǒu jí"
[02:14.66] And this is the coffeehouse. This is where I play my music. zhè shì kā fēi guǎn, wǒ dōu zài zhè lǐ biǎo yǎn
[02:18.53] Good deal. These are my friends. piào liàng tā men shì wǒ de péng yǒu
[02:20.84] People? This is Vince. Vince, the people. gè wèi, zhè shì wén sī wén sī, wǒ de péng yǒu
[02:25.91] Vince is a fireman. wén sī shì xiāo fáng yuán
[02:28.64] Have you ever rescued anyone from a burning building? nǐ cóng rán shāo de dà lóu lǐ jiù guò rén ma?
[02:31.38] Ninetyeight hot saves. Highest on the force. jiǔ shí bā cì, duì shàng dì yī gāo
[02:40.05] Fire safety is not a joke, son. hái zi, bù néng ná huǒ zāi kāi wán xiào
[02:44.79] You' re right. I know. nǐ shuō de duì, wǒ zhī dào
[02:47.63] Look, I gotta go. I' m on call tonight. wǒ yào zǒu le, wǎn shàng yào zhí bān
[02:50.06] See you Saturday. xīng qī liù jiàn
[02:54.57] He' s cute, Pheebs. fēi bǐ, tā hǎo kě ài
[02:56.00] But you just started dating that teacher. dàn nǐ bú shì gāng hé nà gè lǎo shī jiāo wǎng?
[02:58.27] Oh, Jason? jié sēn?
[02:59.47] We' re seeing each other tonight. wǒ men wǎn shàng yào jiàn miàn
[03:01.58] Well, Pheebs? fēi bǐ?
[03:03.58] Two dates in one day? That' s so unlike you. jiǎo tà liǎng tiáo chuán? nǐ bù xiàng zhè zhǒng rén
[03:06.41] I know, I know. I' m, like, playing the field. wǒ yě zhī dào wǒ zài yóu xì rén jiān
[03:09.85] I' m juggling two guys. I' m sowing my wild oats. wǒ zài wán nòng bié rén, gǎo qī niǎn sān
[03:14.19] You know, this kind of, like, oatsowing, fieldplaying juggler. wǒ shì gǎo qī niǎn sān de huā xīn luó bó
[03:18.66] So do they know about each other? tā men zhī dào duì fāng de cún zài ma?
[03:21.10] Does a dog' s lips move when he reads? gǒu gǒu niàn shū shí, zuǐ chún huì dòng ma?
[03:27.80] Okay, no, they don' t know. tā men bù zhī dào
[03:31.87] Hey, guys. gè wèi
[03:36.34] Well? How' d it go at the doctor' s? zěn me yàng? yī shēng zěn me shuō?
[03:38.55] He said there' s definitely nothing to worry about. It' s benign. tā shuō bù yòng dān xīn, shì liáng xìng de
[03:42.68] What is it? He couldn' t even tell me. shì shén me? tā gēn běn shuō bu chū lái
[03:45.12] He said it was just some sort of " skin abnormality." tā zhǐ shuō shì yī zhǒng pí fū yì cháng
[03:51.06] The worse thing is, he said, being unable to identify it... gèng zāo de shì tā shuō, yóu yú wú fǎ biàn rèn
[03:54.70] ... he was reluctant to remove it. tā bù yuàn yì wèi wǒ qiē chú
[03:56.83] You should go to my guy. nǐ yīng gāi qù zhǎo wǒ de yī shēng
[03:58.47] Because when I went in there with my third nipple... wǒ qù zhǎo tā shí
[04:02.14] ... he just lopped it right off. tā zhí jiē jiù bǎ tā gěi qiè le
[04:04.54] So I guess I' m lucky. wǒ mán xìng yùn de
[04:06.54] I mean, not as lucky as people who are born with two nipples. suī rán bǐ bù shǎng tiān shēng liǎng gè de rén
[04:11.31] At least they knew what yours was. You know? Yours had a name. zhì shǎo tā men zhī dào nǐ zhǎng le shén me nǐ de yǒu míng zì
[04:16.18] Maybe they' ll name yours after you. yě xǔ yī xué jiè huì yǐ nǐ wéi míng
[04:19.32] You know? They' d call it " The Ross." bǎ tā jiào zuò" luó sī"
[04:22.09] And then people would be, like, " Oh, he' s got a Ross." dà jiā huì shuō hāi, tā zhǎng le yí gè luó sī
[04:27.43] Yeah, that' d be cool. shì a, zhēn kù
[04:31.33] Pete' s breaking up with me. bǐ tè yào gēn wǒ fēn shǒu
[04:33.23] What? shén me?
[04:34.90] I just checked my messages. wǒ gāng cái tīng liú yán
[04:36.77] He said that when he gets back, " We need to talk." tā shuō děng tā huí lái " wǒ men dé tán yī tán"
[04:40.51] And? Well, that' s it. rán hòu ne? jiù zhè yàng
[04:42.21] People never say," We need to talk," unless it' s something bad. méi yǒu rén huì shuō" wǒ men dé tán yī tán" chú fēi shì huài shì
[04:45.85] That doesn' t necessarily mean he' s breaking up with you. nà bù yí dìng dài biǎo tā yào gēn nǐ fēn shǒu
[04:49.28] Really? zhēn de?
[04:50.35] Maybe he just cheated on you. yě xǔ tā zhǐ shì duì nǐ bù zhōng
[04:57.76] I won' t get rich doing it, but I gotta say, it' s cool... zhè me zuò méi yǒu hǎo chù dàn wǒ hái shì hěn gāo xìng
[05:01.46] ... knowing you' re making a difference in a kid' s life. wǒ gǎi biàn le yí gè hái zi
[05:04.57] That is so great. zhēn hǎo
[05:09.77] Oh, my God! tiān na
[05:11.31] We' d better call the fire department. gǎn kuài tōng zhī xiāo fáng duì
[05:14.38] Well, we don' t need a fireman. bù bì zhǎo xiāo fáng yuán ba
[05:16.64] We need, like, a good mechanic. yīng gāi zhǎo hǎo de hēi shǒu lái
[05:20.82] Here they come! We gotta get out of here! tā men lái le, kuài táo
[05:23.82] Wait. Why? děng yī xià, wèi shí me?
[05:24.92] If I wanted to see a fireman, I' d date one. yào shì wǒ xiǎng kàn xiāo fáng yuán wǒ huì zhǎo xiāo fáng yuán yuē huì
[05:30.33] That' s all it is. A third nipple. zhǐ shì yí gè duō chū lái de
[05:32.49] You know? Just your runofthemill third nipple. hěn pǔ tōng de dì sān ge
[05:36.26] You can take it off. Just slice that baby right off. nǐ kě yǐ bǎ tā qiè diào, zhí jiē qiè diào
[05:40.00] Take your shirt off. Let' s see what we' re dealing with. bǎ shàng yī tuō diào ràng wǒ kàn yī xià
[05:45.84] What are you doing? nǐ zài gàn shén me?
[05:48.34] Just showing you my runofthemill, sliceitrightoff third nipple. ràng nǐ kàn nà gè fēi cháng pǔ tōng kě yǐ zhí jiē qiè diào de
[05:53.08] Well, that' s not a third nipple. zhè bú shì dì sān ge
[05:55.85] First of all, it' s on your ass
[05:59.29] Well, then what is it? bù rán shì shén me?
[06:01.29] Wait a minute. Hold it. děng yī xià
[06:05.33] Jansen, come in here. I' m with Hamilton! zhān sēn, lái yī xià wǒ zài gēn hàn mí dùn jiǎng huà
[06:08.36] He' s good with weird things. Bring him in too. tā duì guài dōng xī hěn zài háng, jiào tā yě lái
[06:13.53] I gotta go water Pete' s plants. wǒ dé qù bāng bǐ tè jiāo huā
[06:15.80] You know what? If he' s gonna break up with me, maybe I won' t water them. nǐ men zhī dào ma? rú guǒ tā xiǎng fēn shǒu, wǒ jiù bù jiāo le
[06:20.21] If he' s gonna break up with you, maybe Joey and I should do it... rú guǒ tā yào fēn shǒu gān cuì ràng qiáo yī hé wǒ qù" jiāo"
[06:29.52] Or... huò zhě
[06:31.29] ... we could go and pee on them. wǒ men kě yǐ qù duì zhuó huā pén sā niào
[06:36.29] I can' t take it, you know. wǒ shòu bù liǎo le
[06:38.23] I' m afraid one of them will catch me with the other. wǒ hǎo pà huì bèi zhuō dào
[06:41.30] It' s making me crazy! wǒ kuài fēng le
[06:46.47] What happened to playing the field? nǐ bú shì zài yóu xì rén jiān?
[06:50.00] It doesn' t feel like playing anymore. xiàn zài bù xiàng yóu xì le
[06:52.37] It' s feels like work. It' s like I' m working in the field. bǐ jiào xiàng gōng zuò wǒ hǎo xiàng zài zuò tián yě diào chá
[06:56.48] So pick one of them. nà jiù xuǎn yí gè
[06:58.18] Which one do you like more? nǐ bǐ jiào xǐ huān nǎ yī ge?
[06:59.51] Vince is great, you know? Because he' s, like, a " guy" guy. wén sī hěn bàng, tā shì nán rén zhōng de nán rén
[07:04.19] He' s just so burly, so very burly. tā hǎo zhuàng, zhēn de hǎo zhuàng
[07:09.86] Okay, good. So there you go. Go with Vince. hǎo, nà jiù xuǎn wén sī ba
[07:13.06] But Jason' s really sensitive. dàn shì jié sēn hǎo gǎn xìng
[07:14.90] Sensitive is important. Pick him. gǎn xìng hěn zhòng yào, xuǎn tā
[07:18.33] Oh, sure. Go with the sissy. shì a, tīng niáng niang qiāng de huà
[07:22.37] Jason is not a sissy. jié sēn cái bù niáng niang qiāng
[07:25.17] I meant Chandler. wǒ shì shuō qián dé
[07:37.75] You know, I have dinner plans. wǒ wǎn shàng yǒu yuē
[07:41.72] Thank you so much for coming on such a short notice. xiè xiè gè wèi lín shí gǎn lái
[07:45.53] Ladies and gentlemen, I' ve been practicing medicine for 23 years... gè wèi xiān shēng nǚ shì wǒ xíng yī 23 nián
[07:50.73] ... and I' m stumped. xiàn zài què bèi nàn dào le
[08:04.51] Okay, this is the den. zhè lǐ shì shū fáng
[08:06.08] All right, check this out. Lights! nǐ men kàn ō dēng guāng
[08:09.28] All right, less lights! Bad lights! shǎo yì diǎn guāng bù hǎo de guāng
[08:12.39] Lights, go away! dēng guāng zǒu kāi
[08:19.09] And the dimmer switch. yě kě yǐ yòng diào de
[08:22.46] For a rich guy, that' s a small TV. tā nà me yǒu qián, diàn shì hái zhēn xiǎo
[08:24.83] That' s the video phone. nà shi shì xùn diàn huà
[08:26.63] But you shouldn' t be here. So don' t touch anything. nǐ men bù néng lái de, suǒ yǐ bú yào luàn pèng
[08:30.61] IKEA, this is comfortable! yí jiā jiā jù, hǎo shū fú
[08:34.84] This place is amazing! zhè lǐ tài gāo jí le
[08:37.25] Oh, God! That' s the nicest kitchen. I know. nà gè chú fáng hǎo bàng wǒ zhī dào
[08:40.18] It' s the nicest kitchen. wǒ shì chǔ de
[08:41.68] The refrigerator told me to have a great day. bīng xiāng hái huì zhù wǒ jīn tiān yú kuài
[08:45.82] Look, a millionaire' s checkbook. nǐ men kàn, bǎi wàn fù wēng de zhī piào bù
[08:51.03] Oh, my God, that' s Pete. Get out! tiān na, shì bǐ tè, kuài chū qù!
[08:53.29] How the hell do you answer a video phone? shì xùn diàn huà yào zěn me jiē?
[08:59.20] I guess that' s how. yuán lái shì zhè yàng
[09:01.10] Monica, how' s it going? mó nī kǎ, nǐ hǎo ma?
[09:03.10] Oh, it' s good. It' s good. hěn hǎo
[09:05.54] Just here, watering the plants. wǒ lái bāng nǐ jiāo huā
[09:07.51] Don' t forget that ficus there by Rachel. bié wàng le ruì qiū páng biān nà yī pén
[09:12.38] Chandler' s on the couch! qián dé zài shā fā shàng
[09:15.78] I see him. You guys are the worst hiders, ever. wǒ kàn dào le, nǐ men hái zhēn bú huì duǒ
[09:18.65] Hi. How you doing? hāi nǐ hǎo ma?
[09:23.56] The other day when you said you needed to talk... nà tiān nǐ shuō yào zhǎo wǒ tán yī tán
[09:26.63] ... just so I know, is it good news or bad news? qǐng wèn shì hǎo xiāo xī hái shì huài xiāo xī?
[09:29.56] It' s good news. It' s definitely good news. hǎo xiāo xī, jué duì shì hǎo xiāo xī
[09:32.50] Hold on a second, I have another call. děng yī xià, yǒu lìng yī tòng diàn huà
[09:35.14] How' s it going? nǐ hǎo ma?
[09:37.04] It' s still me. hái shì wǒ
[09:38.54] I' ve got pictureinpicture here. wǒ zhè lǐ yǒu zi huà miàn
[09:42.74] I' m gonna have to call you back later. wǒ zài huí nǐ diàn huà
[09:46.48] Monica? You. I' m gonna have to call you back. mó nī kǎ? wǒ zài huí nǐ diàn huà
[09:49.72] So I' ll see you soon. gǎi tiān jiàn
[09:51.65] Okay. I love you. I love you. hǎo, wǒ ài nǐ wǒ ài nǐ
[09:53.75] We love you too! wǒ men yě ài nǐ
[09:58.63] Well, it' s good news. It' s good news. shì hǎo xiāo xī, shì hǎo xiāo xī
[10:01.00] What do you think the good news is? Look at this! nǐ xiǎng shì shén me hǎo xiāo xī? nǐ men kàn
[10:04.37] He wrote a check for 50, 000 to " Hugo Lindgren' s Ring Design." tā kāi le yī zhāng wǔ wàn yuán de zhī piào gěi yī wèi jiè zhǐ shè jì shī
[10:10.84] Sorry. What do you think the good news is? duì bù qǐ, nǐ xiǎng shì shén me hǎo xiāo xī?
[10:15.71] Oh, my! tiān na
[10:17.08] Monica' s gonna marry a millionaire! mó nī kǎ yào jià gěi bǎi wàn fù wēng le
[10:19.61] You gotta get Mom on the phone! Call Mom! Call Mom! gǎn kuài dǎ gěi mā, dǎ gěi mā! dǎ gěi mā
[10:25.62] And that' s Pete' s mom. nà shi bǐ tè de mā mā
[10:34.03] You have to make it a theme wedding. And the theme could be: nǐ dé bàn yí gè zhǔ tí hūn lǐ zhǔ tí kě yǐ shì
[10:37.80] " Look How Much Money We' ve Got!" " kàn wǒ men duō yǒu qián a"
[10:41.67] I mean, you could put money in the invitations. nǐ kě yǐ zài xǐ tiě lǐ fàng qián
[10:44.77] You could have, like, littlemoney place settings. nǐ kě yǐ yòng qián zuò chéng cān jù
[10:47.61] And you could start with a money salad. dì yī dào cài kě yǐ shàng chāo piào shā là
[10:50.44] I mean, it' ll be dry, but people will like it. suī rán gàn le diǎn, jué duì shòu huān yíng
[10:53.68] Would you stop? bié zài shuō le
[10:55.05] We' ve only gone out a couple of weeks. wǒ men cái jiāo wǎng liǎng xīng qī
[10:58.65] But this is Pete. He' s not like other people. tā shì bǐ tè, gēn bié rén bù yí yàng
[11:01.19] On your first date, you went to Rome. nǐ men dì yī cì yuē huì jiù qù luó mǎ
[11:03.22] For most guys, that' s like a third or fourth date kind of thing. duì qí tā nán rén lái shuō nà shi dì sān sì cì yuē huì de shì
[11:08.50] Well, if that' s what it is, then it' s crazy. rú guǒ tā yāo qiú hūn, nà jiù tài kuā zhāng le
[11:11.73] Monica' s right. We' re talking about marriage here. mó nī kǎ shuō de duì zhè kě shì hūn yīn dà shì
[11:14.70] She can' t just rush into this. tā bù néng shuō jià jiù jià
[11:17.34] What do you know? You married a lesbian! nǐ dǒng shén me? nǐ qǔ le yí gè nǚ tóng zhì
[11:26.15] I gotta go. I have to break up with Vince. wǒ yào zǒu le, wǒ yào qù gēn wén sī fēn shǒu
[11:28.75] So you' re going with the teacher? nǐ xuǎn le nà gè lǎo shī?
[11:31.09] I like Vince a lot, you know? But Jason is so sensitive. wǒ hěn xǐ huān wén sī, dàn jié sēn hǎo gǎn xìng
[11:35.09] In the long run, I think sensitive is better than having... cháng qī lái shuō, gǎn xìng yīng gāi bǐ
[11:38.76] ... a really, really, really nice body. shēn cái hěn měng lái de hǎo
[11:46.07] Jason. Definitely Jason. jié sēn, jué duì shì jié sēn
[11:48.50] Wish me luck! Good luck! zhù wǒ hǎo yùn zhù nǐ hǎo yùn
[11:53.07] Oh, my God! wàn suì!
[11:57.21] Sorry. duì bù qǐ
[11:58.28] I was imagining what it' d be like to catch the money bouquet. wǒ zài xiǎng xiàng jiē dào chāo piào pěng huā de gǎn jué
[12:07.62] Excuse me. Is Vince here? bào qiàn, wén sī zài ma?
[12:10.12] Oh, sure. zài
[12:15.93] I didn' t know you guys actually used those. wǒ bù xiǎo de nǐ men huì zhēn de huá xià lái
[12:19.43] So what' s up? shén me shì?
[12:24.37] This isn' t gonna be easy. zhè jiàn shì hěn nán qǐ chǐ
[12:28.04] I don' t think we should see each other anymore. wǒ men hái shì bié zài jiàn miàn le
[12:36.62] I' m sorry. duì bù qǐ
[12:37.75] No, it' s okay. méi guān xì
[12:39.62] It' s just that I thought we had something pretty special here. wǒ hái yǐ wéi wǒ men zhī jiān hěn tè bié
[12:44.00] I felt like you were someone I could finally open up to. wǒ zhōng yú zhǎo dào kě yǐ qīng sù de duì xiàng
[12:48.30] There' s so much in me I haven' t shared with you yet. wǒ hái yǒu hǎo duō shì méi gēn nǐ fēn xiǎng
[12:51.93] My God! I didn' t know you were so tiān na, wǒ bù zhī dào nǐ
[12:53.93] I' m sorry. I can' t talk. bào qiàn, wǒ shuō bu chū huà lái le
[12:57.77] I' m gonna go write in my journal. wǒ yào qù xiě rì jì
[13:03.58] Wait! Wait! Wait! děng yī xià
[13:05.85] " zhōng yāng gōng yuán"
[13:07.52] If you wanna take care of that thing, go see my herbal guy. nǐ rú guǒ xiǎng jiě jué nà gè wèn tí jiù qù zhǎo wǒ de yào cǎo shī
[13:11.85] Thanks. But I wanna remove it, not make it savory. xiè le, wǒ shì xiǎng qiē chú bú shì xiǎng zuò chéng xiāng liào
[13:17.32] When girls sleep with guys with weird things on their body... nǚ shēng fà xiàn qíng rén shēn shàng zhǎng le guài dōng xī
[13:21.26] ... they tell their friends about it. dōu huì gēn péng yǒu guǎng bō
[13:24.17] Give me that. ná lái
[13:28.47] Okay, don' t be mad at me, but I couldn' t resist. bié shēng wǒ de qì, wǒ jiù shì rěn bú zhù
[13:32.61] Bride' s Magazines? " xīn niáng zá zhì"?
[13:34.04] I know you said you' d say no if he asked you... wǒ zhī dào nǐ bú huì dā yìng qiú hūn
[13:36.88] ... but how great would you look walking down the aisle... dàn shì chuān zhè tào táng nà kǎi lún zǒu hóng tǎn
[13:40.21] ... in this Donna Karan? huì yǒu duō měi a
[13:43.02] You so would! yí dìng huì hěn měi
[13:45.52] You should get that anyway. bù jié hūn yě yào mǎi
[13:49.36] Well, for clubbing. kě yǐ chuān qù jù lè bù
[13:52.06] It is so weird. hěn qí guài
[13:53.56] I know what I said. But this morning... wǒ shuō guò bú huì dā yìng dàn shì jīn tiān zǎo shàng
[13:56.80] ... I was lying in bed, imagining what it' d be like to say yes. wǒ tǎng zài chuáng shàng xiǎng xiàng shuō" yuàn yì" de gǎn jué
[14:03.40] I know it' s a little sudden, and it' s rushed... wǒ zhī dào yǒu diǎn tū rán, yě hěn cōng cù
[14:06.54] ... and it' s not like me to do something like this. wǒ yě bú shì huì zuò zhè zhǒng shì de rén
[14:09.38] But it doesn' t mean I can' t. Right? dàn wǒ kě yǐ zhè me zuò, duì ba?
[14:12.55] I mean, I' m crazy about Pete. bì jìng wǒ nà me ài bǐ tè
[14:14.52] And I know that we want the same things. wǒ men zhuī qiú tóng yàng de dōng xī
[14:17.59] And when I thought about saying yes... dāng wǒ xiǎng dào shuō" yuàn yì" de gǎn jué
[14:20.09] ... it made me really happy. wǒ jué de hěn kuài lè
[14:22.06] Oh, my God! tiān na
[14:25.23] I know. wǒ zhī dào
[14:27.33] I need more pie. wǒ hái yào pài
[14:31.20] Mon, if you do get married, can I bring two guests? yào shì nǐ zhēn de jié hūn wǒ kě yǐ dài liǎng gè rén qù ma?
[14:38.04] You didn' t break up with that fireman? nǐ méi gēn xiāo fáng yuán fēn shǒu?
[14:40.51] That was my way of telling you. wǒ jiù shì zhè gè yì sī
[14:43.18] Well, it turns out he' s incredibly sensitive. yuán lái tā fēi cháng gǎn xìng
[14:45.88] He keeps a journal and he paints. tā xiě rì jì, hái huà huà
[14:48.25] He even showed me charcoal drawings that he drew of me. tā hái wèi wǒ huà le yī fú tàn bǐ huà
[14:51.42] He' d prefer watercolors, but he has easy access to a lot of charcoal. tā bǐ jiào xiǎng yòng shuǐ cǎi huà dàn shì shǒu biān yǒu hěn duō hēi tàn
[14:58.93] So will you dump Jason? nà nǐ yào shuǎi diào jié sēn ma?
[15:00.59] Yeah, because I have to break up with someone. duì, wǒ zǒng děi gēn qí zhōng yí gè fēn shǒu
[15:04.06] So Jason is sensitive. But now, so is Vince. jié sēn hěn gǎn xìng, dàn wén sī yě shì
[15:08.30] Plus, Vince has the body. You know? ér wén sī yòu yǒu shēn cái
[15:10.74] So.... suǒ yǐ
[15:13.77] It' s really just about the math. zhè shì suàn shù wèn tí
[15:24.12] Come on in. qǐng jìn
[15:34.30] You sounded serious on the phone. nǐ zài diàn huà lǐ de yǔ qì hěn yán sù
[15:36.46] Is anything wrong? chū le shén me shì ma?
[15:56.32] You must be Ross. nǐ yí dìng shì luó sī
[16:00.35] I am Guru Saj. wǒ shì sà jí dà shī
[16:04.19] Listen, I gotta tell you, I' ve never been to a guru before, so.... lǎo shí shuō, wǒ méi zhǎo guò dà shī suǒ yǐ
[16:09.26] Well, relax. fàng qīng sōng
[16:10.46] If it makes you feel any better, I' ve attended... wǒ zài zhōng bù niàn guò hěn hǎo de yī xué yuàn
[16:13.30] ... fine medical schools in Central America. zhè yàng nǐ bǐ jiào ān xīn le ba
[16:16.34] Well, let' s take a look at this skin abnormality of yours. lái kàn kàn nǐ de pí fū yì cháng ba
[16:19.94] Come on, have a seat. qǐng zuò
[16:25.85] As I suspected, it' s a kundus. gēn wǒ xiǎng de yí yàng, shì kūn dù sī
[16:31.12] What' s a " kundus"? shén me shì kūn dù sī?
[16:32.45] I don' t know. What' s a kundus with you? bù xiǎo de, duì nǐ lái shuō shì shén me?
[16:40.39] Please lie down. qǐng pā xià
[16:41.86] I' ve got a salve that ought to shrink that right up. wǒ yǒu yī zhǒng yào gāo kě yǐ ràng tā suō xiǎo
[16:45.83] I guess it' s worth a try. zhí de yī shì
[16:47.90] Sure. We should see results nà dāng rán, xiào guǒ yīng gāi
[16:50.24] Clearly not the way to go! xiǎn rán bù néng zhè me zuò
[16:54.04] What? What? wèi shí me?
[16:55.71] We appear to have angered it. wǒ men sì hū rě huǒ tā le
[16:58.35] We? We angered it? wǒ men rě huǒ tā le?
[17:02.55] I think I see the problem. wǒ kàn dào zhēng jié le
[17:05.15] And I' m afraid we' re gonna have to use a much stronger tool. wǒ men dé dòng yòng gèng yǒu lì de shǒu duàn
[17:10.49] Love. ài
[17:13.00] Oh, God! bài tuō
[17:16.16] There is absolutely no way this is gonna come off... tā jué duì bù kě néng tuō luò
[17:20.03] ... unless you start to.... chú fēi nǐ yòng
[17:22.17] What was that? zěn me le?
[17:24.91] Well, it' s gone. tā diào xià lái le
[17:27.84] How' s that? zěn me huì?
[17:29.34] Got caught in my watch. bèi wǒ de shǒu biǎo guā diào le
[17:36.52] Lights. dēng guāng
[17:39.02] Romantic lights. làng màn de dēng guāng
[17:42.22] Nice. zhēn hǎo
[17:44.09] So there was this thing I wanted to talk to you about. wǒ shuō guò yǒu shì qíng yào gào sù nǐ
[17:48.03] Oh, right. I' d completely forgot about that. duì ō, wǒ dōu wàng le
[17:54.54] I' ve been doing a lot of thinking. wǒ zuì jìn xiǎng le hěn duō
[17:57.27] And I look at my life... wǒ jiǎn tǎo wǒ de rén shēng
[18:00.71] ... and I feel like I' ve conquered the business world. jué de wǒ yǐ jīng zhēng fú le shāng chǎng
[18:15.72] But there' s one thing missing. dàn shì hái yǒu yí gè quē hàn
[18:18.76] What' s that? shén me quē hàn?
[18:21.60] It' s time for me to conquer the physical world. wǒ gāi zhēng fú tǐ yù jiè le
[18:31.51] I wanna become... wǒ xiǎng chéng wéi
[18:37.58] You wanna what? nǐ xiǎng zěn yàng?
[18:40.15] I wanna be the Ultimate Fighting Champion. wǒ xiǎng chéng wéi zhōng jí gé dòu guàn jūn
[18:42.48] It' s the most intense physical competition in the world. nà shi quán shì jiè zuì jī liè de tǐ néng jìng jì
[18:45.52] It' s banned in 49 states. zài sì shí jiǔ zhōu bèi jìn
[18:47.62] What are you talking about? nǐ zài shuō shí mǒ?
[18:49.62] My trainer, Hoshi, is teaching me... wǒ de jiào liàn zhèng zài jiào wǒ
[18:51.76] ... Jeet Kune Do and Brazilian streetfighting. jié quán dào hé bā xī jiē tóu bó jī
[18:54.26] I even had my own octagon training ring designed. wǒ hái qǐng rén shè jì le zhuān yòng de bā jiǎo xùn liàn chǎng
[18:57.70] And I suppose you used a ring designer for that. suǒ yǐ nǐ zhǎo le shè jì shī jiè zhǐ zì tóng quán jī chǎng
[19:04.00] I want you there, in the front row, when I win. wǒ yào nǐ zài zuì qián pái kàn wǒ yíng de shèng lì
[19:07.01] I want you close enough to smell the blood. wǒ yào nǐ jìn dé kě yǐ wén dào xuè xīng wèi
[19:11.61] What do you think? nǐ yì xià rú hé?
[19:14.52] My parents will be so happy. wǒ de fù mǔ huì hěn gāo xìng
[19:21.92] Crazy underwear Creeping up my butt fēng kuáng de nèi kù
[19:26.63] Crazy underwear Always in a rut fēng kuáng de nèi kù, zǒng shì yī chéng bù biàn
[19:30.63] Crazy underwear fēng kuáng de nèi kù
[19:36.27] What is he doing here? tā lái gàn shén me?
[19:38.21] All right, just keep playing. jì xù chàng
[19:40.44] You' ll get through this. You' ll be fine. nǐ huì ān quán guò guān, bú huì yǒu shì
[19:52.89] Okay, thank you. xiè xiè dà jiā
[19:55.56] And as always, no one talk to me after the show. yī zhào guàn lì yǎn chàng wán bú yào gēn wǒ shuō huà
[20:04.33] I was passing by and saw you were playing. wǒ gāng hǎo lù guò, kàn dào nǐ zài biǎo yǎn
[20:06.73] This is cool, seeing you up there. nǐ zài tái shàng de gǎn jué hǎo bàng
[20:12.24] What' s going on here? Who' s this guy? zěn me huí shì? tā shì shuí?
[20:15.41] I don' t know! He just started kissing me. Get him, Vince! wǒ bù zhī dào, tā tū rán pǎo lái qīn wǒ kuài zhuō zhù tā
[20:20.88] What? shén me?
[20:23.42] I' ve been dating both of you. wǒ tóng shí gēn nǐ men jiāo wǎng
[20:27.09] And it' s been really horrible, because it' s been... zhè zhǒng gǎn jué hěn chà, yīn wèi
[20:30.42] ... a lot of fun for me. shí zài hěn guò yǐn
[20:35.40] But I like you both... nǐ men liǎng gè wǒ dōu xǐ huān
[20:38.67] ... and I didn' t know how to choose. wǒ bù zhī dào gāi xuǎn shuí
[20:41.17] So I' m sorry. I' m terrible. I' m a terrible person. duì bù qǐ, wǒ hěn chà jìn wǒ tài chà jìn le
[20:46.04] Relax. It' s okay. I mean.... bié zhè yàng, méi guān xì
[20:48.84] We never said this was exclusive. wǒ men yòu méi shuō zhǐ néng gēn bǐ cǐ jiāo wǎng
[20:51.45] Neither did we. So give yourself a break. wǒ men yě shì, nǐ bié tài zì zé
[20:55.18] Really? zhēn de?
[20:57.42] We haven' t been going out that long. wǒ men jiāo wǎng de shí jiān yòu bù zhǎng
[20:59.92] Come on, we haven' t even slept together yet. shèn zhì hái méi shàng guò chuáng
[21:03.36] You haven' t? nǐ men méi yǒu?
[21:07.56] You have? nǐ men yǒu?
[21:08.60] Well, this is none of my business. zhè shì nǐ men de wèn tí
[21:13.70] I can' t believe this! You slept with him? wǒ zhēn bù gǎn xiāng xìn nǐ gēn tā shàng chuáng le?
[21:17.07] Well, I made you a candlelight dinner in the park. wǒ péi nǐ zài gōng yuán chī guò zhú guāng wǎn cān a
[21:21.94] I' m gonna make this real easy for you. wǒ lái tì nǐ shěng diào yí gè má fán
[21:30.82] That could' ve been really awkward. xìng hǎo méi yǒu tài nán kàn
[21:36.29] You made him a candlelight dinner in the park? nǐ péi tā zài gōng yuán chī zhú guāng wǎn cān?
[21:39.73] Yeah, but I can do that for you. I' m gonna do that for you. wǒ yě kě yǐ péi nǐ chī, wǒ huì péi nǐ chī
[21:43.40] I can' t believe I went out with somebody... wǒ jū rán gēn yí gè
[21:46.13] ... who' d have an open flame in the middle of a wooded area! zài lín mù qū diǎn huǒ de rén jiāo wǎng
[21:59.05] Everything' s gonna be all right. bú huì yǒu shì de
[22:02.65] Okay, Dick? hǎo ma, dí kè?
[22:07.22] Hello. I am Guru Saj. nǐ men hǎo, wǒ shì sà jí dà shī
[22:12.66] He' s a duck, right? Because otherwise... tā shì yā zǐ ba? fǒu zé
[22:15.33] ... this is way out of my league. jiù chāo chū wǒ de néng lì fàn wéi le
[22:18.30] He' s got a really bad cough, and our vet can' t stop it. tā hāi de hěn yán zhòng, shòu yī zhì bù hǎo
[22:22.47] Is there something you can do? nǐ yǒu bàn fǎ ma?
[22:24.64] Let me see. wǒ kàn kàn
[22:26.94] Let me see. wǒ kàn kàn
[22:30.64] Do you think you could get him to eat a bat? nǐ néng ràng tā chī xià biān fú ma?