Friends S03E24

歌曲 Friends S03E24
歌手 英语听力
专辑 老友记(第三季)


[06:41.-3] Average height... 不高不矮
[07:10.-3] We're adding operators all the time. Could we concentrate on my training? 我们有加派接线生 专心训练,好吗?
[08:06.-4] No boom-boom before big fight! 大赛之前不准嘿咻
[10:07.-2] I'm telling you, I need some smacks. 告诉你,我需要被打
[16:18.-2] ...the way that you occasionally... 你偶尔会…
[20:02.-3] ...and a severely bruised Adam's apple,but that really hurt. 喉结严重瘀伤 但你的话最伤人
[22:02.-1] Bruiser is charging! “重伤害”进攻了
[00:02.13] Do you think there's a town in Missouri or someplace... 会不会有哪个地方有个城镇
[00:05.77] ...called Sample? 名叫“样本”?
[00:07.40] And as you're driving into the town, there's a sign and it says: 当你开车去那里 标志上会写着
[00:11.57] "You're in Sample." “你在样本里”
[00:17.88] -How did it go with Pete? -Tell us. 你跟彼特怎样了? 快说
[00:20.08] You're not gonna believe this. So I go 你们一定不会相信,我去…
[00:22.62] I'm sorry. Excuse us. 很抱歉
[00:27.89] -It's a little crowded. Do you mind? -Could you skooch? 店里有点挤,可以一起坐吗? 挪一下
[00:31.26] Move over just a little bit. 稍微挪一下
[00:34.30] IKeep on skooching. 再挪
[00:37.17] So,guys,listen. I go over there and,you know,I'm 总之我去找他,然后…
[00:40.90] Why? What is wrong with me? 为什么?我哪里不好?
[00:43.14] -What's the matter? -Tim... 怎么了? 提姆
[00:45.24] ... I have a feeling... 我有一种感觉
[00:47.18] ... my wife is sleeping with her gynecologist. 我老婆和她的妇科医生有一腿
[00:53.75] How do you know? 你怎么知道?
[00:55.25] -He's got access. -I know. 他有管道 我知道
[00:58.85] It's a feeling you get. 我就是感觉得到
[01:00.66] Like when you're in somebody else's bowling shoes? 就像穿到别人的保龄球鞋?
[01:03.12] That's the one. 没错
[01:05.69] -So you went to Pete's. -What happened? 你去了彼特家 然后呢?
[01:08.33] Why is this happening to me? 我为什么这么倒霉?
[01:10.90] Maybe it's my wound. 也许是我的伤口害的
[01:12.93] Forget it. 算了
[01:15.70] It's not healed yet? 你的伤还没好?
[01:17.37] It's oozing! 它一直在渗血
[01:19.24] Would you pass the cream? There's the cream. 请把奶精给我…在那边
[01:21.91] Thank you very much. 谢谢你
[01:24.38] Tomas,this is gonna be hard, but I wanted it to come from me. 汤玛斯,我想亲口告诉你
[01:28.55] -What is it? -I've been sleeping with your wife. 什么事? 是我跟你老婆有一腿
[01:31.49] You're the gynecologist? 你是她的妇科医生?
[01:32.82] I'm trying to have a private conversation. 我在谈私事
[01:37.26] Can I have a napkin? Could you please hand me a napkin? 我要纸巾,请拿给我
[01:40.36] Just give me the thing,all right? 拿来啦!
[01:44.23] Enough! 够了
[01:45.37] And you are no longer my friend! 你不是我的朋友了
[01:47.90] We are finished! Nada! No more! 我们恩断义绝!一刀两断!
[01:50.17] You are a bastard for doing that! 你竟然做这种事
[01:52.37] Stay away from me! 离我远一点
[01:54.71] Come back! 你回来
[02:04.09] So what were you gonna tell us? 你刚才要说什么?
[02:07.89] I have no idea. 我忘了
[02:11.36] The One With the Ultimate Fighting Champion 本集播出:“斗阵俱乐部”
[03:00.58] What was the big news Pete wanted to tell you? 彼特想告诉你什么大消息?
[03:03.48] Or should I say,"Mrs. Monica Becker"? 我该叫你摩妮卡贝克太太吗?
[03:06.48] Oh,keep your name. Don't take his name. 保留你的姓,不要冠他的姓
[03:09.15] He didn't ask me to marry him. 他没有向我求婚
[03:11.42] Then definitely don't take his name! 那绝对不要冠他的姓
[03:15.36] He wanted to tell me he's going to compete in some Ultimate... 他要参加一个什么…
[03:19.03] ...Fighting Competition thingy. 终极格斗比赛
[03:21.03] -Pete? -Why? What is it? 彼特? 那是什么?
[03:23.67] I don't know exactly. It's sort of like wrestling. 我也不清楚,有点像摔角
[03:27.57] But without the costumes. 但不用穿表演服
[03:30.74] And it's not fake. It's totally brutal. 那是玩真的,非常野蛮
[03:33.17] It's two guys in the ring and the rules are,"There are no rules"! 两个人在场中厮杀 规则是…没有规则
[03:38.21] You can bite and pull people's hair and stuff? 可以咬人、扯别人的头发?
[03:41.02] Anything goes except eye-gouging and fish-hooking. 都可以,除了戳眼睛和鱼钩手
[03:44.52] -What's fish-hooking? -What's fish-hook 什么是鱼钩手? 就是…
[03:49.56] Thanks. That would have been hard to describe. 谢了,不然还真难形容
[03:52.89] What is that taste? 什么味道?
[03:55.10] My hands are totally clean. I just gave the duck a bath. 我的手很干净 我刚帮鸭子洗完澡
[04:02.54] Thanks for the warm welcome. 谢谢各位的热烈欢迎
[04:04.31] It's good to have you guys on my team. I come to play. I hope you do too. 很高兴有各位的加入 我要大展身手,希望你们也是
[04:08.94] Let's go out there and get them! And remember: 去给他们好看吧,记住
[04:11.65] There is no "I" in "team." 团队当中没有个人
[04:14.45] Yes,but there's two in "martini." So,everybody,back to my office. 酒后不认帐,回我那里去吧
[04:19.45] You! Chuckles. What's your name? 那个嬉皮笑脸的,你叫什么?
[04:22.56] It's Bing,sir. I'm sorry. I was just.... 我是宾,很抱歉,我只是…
[04:24.89] No,no. I heard what you said. Funny. I like funny. 我听到你说的话了 很有趣,我喜欢
[04:28.60] This team's about hard work, but it's also about having fun. 我们要努力,也要尽兴
[04:31.67] Good to have you aboard,Bing! 很高兴有你加入,宾
[04:40.91] That's right. Ryder. 对,瑞德
[04:43.14] Winona Ryder for six. 薇诺娜瑞德要订六个位子
[04:48.12] Thank you. 谢谢
[04:49.32] Yeah. We have the reservations. 订到位子了
[04:52.32] All right,buddy! Way to go! 干得好
[04:57.00] Dude,what are you doing? 老兄,你干什么?
[04:59.00] Thank you. My boss keeps slapping my butt,and acting like it's no big deal. 说得好,我上司一直拍我 还一脸不在乎
[05:03.63] What'd you do about it? 那你怎么办?
[05:05.37] I didn't do anything. I didn't want to be the guy... 没怎么办,我不想当…
[05:08.37] ...who has a problem with his boss slapping his bottom. 对上司有意见的人
[05:12.11] I gotta tell you,I think it's okay to be that guy. 我觉得当那个人无所谓
[05:16.44] Maybe it's that jock thing. 也许他在学运动员
[05:18.11] You know,how football players pat each other after touchdowns. 足球员达阵之后 都会拍来拍去
[05:24.15] You know,I don't understand guys. 我实在不了解男人
[05:26.55] I mean,I would never congratulate Monica on a great stew... 我要称赞摩妮卡煮的燉菜好吃
[05:30.19] ... by,you know,grabbing her boob.
[05:34.30] I know. For a really great stew, you'd just... 如果真的很好吃
[05:36.73] ...stick your head in between them. 应该直接把脸埋进去
[05:40.23] Can we please go eat? 可以吃饭了吗?
[05:41.90] -Yeah,what are we getting? -Anything but stew. 要吃什么? 不要吃燉菜就好
[05:46.01] So from now on,don't give your boss a chance to get you. 从今以后 别让你的上司逮到机会
[05:49.74] Don't turn your back to him. 别把背部对着他
[05:52.08] Or you could teach him a lesson,you know? 你也可以给他一个教训
[05:54.88] What you do is rub something that smells really bad on your butt,right?
[05:59.69] Then,when he goes to smack you, his hand will smell. 他拍了你之后,手就会很臭
[06:05.89] Now,what could you rub on your butt that would smell bad? 有什么很臭的东西 可以拿来涂?
[06:12.50] What if Joey was President? 如果乔伊是总统该怎么办?
[06:17.94] Can I ask you something? 能不能问你一件事?
[06:20.04] Okay,you can totally say no... 你可以反对
[06:22.01] ...but would it be okay with you if I set Ross up on a date? 我可以帮罗斯介绍女朋友吗?
[06:28.25] With who? 谁?
[06:29.38] My friend Bonnie. She always thought Ross was cute... 我的朋友邦妮 她一直觉得罗斯很可爱
[06:32.42] ...and she asked if I could set it up. 问我能不能牵线
[06:35.26] -But if that's not cool.... -Which one is Bonnie? 如果你会在意… 邦妮是哪一个?
[06:38.23] You remember her from my birthday party? 她来参加过我的庆生会
[06:43.30] ... medium build,bald.... 不瘦不胖,理光头…
[06:49.40] That's fine. 没关系
[06:51.44] Great! Okay! Good for you! All right! 太棒了,很好
[07:00.28] You are iron! You are steel! 你是铁!你是钢!
[07:03.82] Let me ask you,how come when I call your computer support line... 我问你为何打去 你的电脑客服部
[07:07.59] ... I have to wait an hour and a half? 得等上一个半小时?
[07:13.63] It's just hard when I know I have e-mail I can't get. 一想到有邮件却收不到 我就心烦
[07:23.17] Hi,honey. 亲爱的
[07:24.27] On the table. On the table,please. 趴上去
[07:30.01] So listen,my friends were telling me a little bit about... 我的朋友跟我谈到…
[07:33.45] ...this Ultimate Fighting thing. 终极格斗的事
[07:35.48] It sounds really dangerous. 听起来很危险
[07:37.69] I don't want you to get hurt because I kind of like you. 我不希望你受伤 因为我蛮喜欢你的
[07:41.00] I don't want to get hurt either. I'm being smart about this. 我也不想受伤,我很精明
[07:44.66] See these guys? They're the best trainers in the world. 你看这些人 他们是世界顶尖的教练
[07:47.93] And Hoshi here used to be a paid assassin. 星以前是职业杀手
[07:51.53] A house painter! He used to be a house painter! 粉刷工人,他以前是粉刷工人
[07:56.70] -Promise me you'll be careful. -I promise. 答应我一定要小心 我答应你
[07:59.71] Are we still on for tonight? Good. Because... 今晚照旧吗? 那好,因为…
[08:02.94] ... maybe we could have a little workout of our own. 我们也可以来运动一下
[08:12.69] How about just a boom? 能不能“嘿”就好?
[08:18.69] That was depressing. I just bought a pretzel... 真令人沮丧 刚才卖硬面包给我的
[08:21.20] ...from one of the kids from Fame. 是“名扬四海”的演员
[08:24.20] Ready to go to the movies? Oh,this is Bonnie! 可以去看电影了吗? 这是邦妮
[08:29.50] This is Bonnie? 这是邦妮?
[08:30.91] This is Bonnie? You're Bonnie? 这是邦妮?你是邦妮?
[08:33.07] I can show you an l.D. if you want. 我可以拿身份证给你看
[08:36.21] Oh,no. You look a lot different than the last time I saw you. 不是,你跟上次见面差很多
[08:40.52] Oh,yeah. Well,I just started wearing bras again. 是啊,我又开始戴胸罩了
[08:44.19] Oh,that must be it. 一定是这个原因
[08:47.49] Have fun tonight. 祝你们玩得愉快
[08:48.92] Thanks. You too. 谢了,你们也是
[08:56.90] You said she was bald. 你说她是光头
[08:58.40] She was bald. She's not now. 以前是,现在不是
[09:02.27] How could you not tell me she has hair? 你怎么没说她有长头发?
[09:04.41] I don't know. I hardly ever say that about people. 我很少提到别人有长头发
[09:07.54] Oh,well this is just perfect! 真是帅呆了
[09:10.08] Well,I'm sorry. I thought you said it was okay. 对不起,你不是说没关系?
[09:13.25] I said it was okay when I thought she was some weird bald chick. 因为我以为她是个光头怪女人
[09:17.92] That girl has got hair all over her head! 她满头都是头发
[09:22.92] -Maybe Ross won't like her personality. -Does she have a bad personality? 也许罗斯不会喜欢她的个性 她的个性不好吗?
[09:27.30] Oh,no,Bonnie's the best! 不,邦妮最随和了
[09:35.14] Bing! 宾
[09:38.21] Read your CompuTek proposal. Real home run. 我看过你的企划案了 非常精彩
[09:42.54] Barely got you that time. Get over here! 没有打中,站过来
[09:46.21] Come on. 快点
[09:47.65] Oh,yeah! Good one. 干得好
[09:49.48] That was a good one. IKeep at it,team! 这次表现得很好,要保持
[09:53.62] -What is with him? -"With him"? 他是怎么搞的? 怎么搞的?
[09:55.56] You're his favorite. You're his guy! 你是他的爱将
[09:58.16] We never get smacked. 我们没有被打过
[10:01.23] That's not true. He smacked you once. 没这回事,他打过你一次
[10:03.50] Not on purpose. He ricocheted off you and got me. 那是巧合 他打完你之后弹到我
[10:10.61] I got a kid starting Dartmouth. 我有个小孩 要上达特茅斯海军学院
[10:12.67] Dartmouth? Who went to Dartmouth? Dartmouth sucks! 达特茅斯?谁在上达特茅斯? 那里逊毙了
[10:15.74] -You go to Dartmouth? -No,sir. 你上达特茅斯? 不是
[10:17.48] There you go! 那就好
[10:27.46] God,Ross! What is that? 那是什么?
[10:29.29] The Ultimate Fighting Combo. 终极格斗超值餐
[10:31.13] I saved 30 cents. Plus,I get to keep the cup. 省30毛,还可以收藏杯子
[10:36.60] From New York City,New York... 来自纽约州,纽约市
[10:39.13] ...appearing in his Ultimate Fighting Championship debut... 首次参加终极格斗冠军赛
[10:43.54] ... he's known for his confrontational business style! 他在商场上以强硬着称
[10:48.44] Ladies and gentlemen,introducing... 各位先生、女士,让我们欢迎
[10:52.11] ... Pete Becker! 彼特贝克
[11:00.29] I love you,Pete! 彼特,我爱你
[11:05.79] And his opponent, from Huntington Beach,California... 他的对手来自加州亨丁顿滩
[11:10.03] ... he's a 300-pound streetfighter... 重达300磅的街头搏击好手
[11:14.30] ...Tank Abbott! 坦克艾博特
[11:29.58] Pete? 彼特
[11:30.65] Pete? 彼特
[11:31.89] -That guy's pretty huge. -Don't worry. 那傢伙好魁梧 你放心
[11:34.36] I'll use his strength and weight against him. 我会用他的力量反击他
[11:37.09] Well,then that guy is in serious, serious trouble. 那他的麻烦大了
[11:46.43] You go get him. Let's go! 打倒他,加油
[11:49.57] Here we go,gentlemen. 两位,来吧
[11:51.51] Are you ready? 准备好了吗?
[11:55.94] Are you ready? Then let's get it on! 准备好了吗?开战吧
[12:20.77] It's me. 是我
[12:22.87] Monica. 摩妮卡
[12:27.38] Can I just tell you how proud I am of you? 我真的很以你为荣
[12:30.18] It would be nice after hearing 20,000 people chant,"You suck!" 真窝心,刚才有两万人骂我逊
[12:35.42] I thought you were nuts at first... 我原本觉得你疯了
[12:37.65] ... but you did it. 但是你做到了
[12:39.62] Now you can just look back at this with no regrets. 现在你可以了无遗撼了
[12:42.82] Look back? 了无遗撼?
[12:45.09] You're not gonna keep going? 你不是还要打吧?
[12:47.33] Let me ask you a question: Am I the Ultimate Fighting Champion? 我问你一件事 我是终极格斗冠军吗?
[12:53.17] Well,no. But 不是,但是…
[12:55.14] I'm not gonna stop until I'm the Ultimate Fighting Champion. 不当上冠军,我绝不罢休
[12:59.47] That guy stood on your neck until you passed out. 那傢伙踩着你的脖子 把你踩昏
[13:04.08] Let me tell you a story. 我告诉你一个故事
[13:06.68] When I set out to create MOSS 865, do you think it happened overnight? 我着手研发的摩斯865 你以为是一夕成功?
[13:11.25] No. There was MOSS 1 that burned down my dad's garage. 不是,摩斯一代 烧毁我爸的车库
[13:15.92] There was MOSS 2 that would only schedule appointments in January. 摩斯二代只能排一月的行程表
[13:20.03] And 862 others that I learned from. 此外还有862次的失败经验
[13:22.63] Just like I learned from this fight, never to let a guy stand on my neck. 我从这场比赛就学到 绝不能让对手踩我的脖子
[13:26.63] You didn't know that already? 你之前不知道?
[13:30.37] Look,I'm gonna get better. 我会越来越强
[13:33.21] Okay? I promise you. 好吗?我保证
[13:39.05] Just get a lot better. 要强很多
[13:41.82] Fast. 而且要快
[13:45.39] One other thing. 还有一件事
[13:46.69] Hoshi thinks you being ringside may have affected my concentration. 星认为你在场边 会影响我的注意力
[13:52.69] That was the problem. 对,关键就在这里
[14:01.04] -How long until Pete's fight? -About five minutes. 彼特的比赛几点开始? 还有五分钟
[14:04.17] They're interviewing his opponent. 他们在访问他的对手
[14:06.07] Apparently,he trains by going to lran and pulling the arms off thieves. 他的训练方式是 去伊朗拔断小偷的手臂
[14:11.55] -Hot dog? -Four,please. 热狗? 四根
[14:14.32] I'm really nervous. 我很紧张
[14:16.85] Thank you. 谢谢
[14:20.19] So how did it go with Bonnie? 你跟邦妮怎么样?
[14:23.56] Oh,I gotta tell you, I wasn't expecting to like her at all. 我一定要说 我没想到我会喜欢她
[14:28.03] I actually wasn't expecting to like anyone right now. 我目前根本没打算要喜欢别人
[14:31.20] But she's really terrific. 但她真的很棒
[14:33.50] It's too bad. 真糟糕
[14:36.87] No,I'm saying I liked her. 我是说我喜欢她
[14:39.54] There are other fish in the sea. 你不必单恋一枝花
[14:42.71] I think she's great,okay? We're going out again. 我觉得她很棒,我们要再见面
[14:46.58] I hear you. Are you capable of talking about anything else? 我听到了 你可以谈点别的吗?
[14:51.62] Which one's my turkey burger? 我的土鸡汉堡在哪里?
[14:53.92] The one next to my foot. Sorry. 在我脚边…抱歉
[14:57.12] -Fight's starting! -We'll be right in. 比赛开始了 马上进去
[14:59.56] So did your boss try to slap you again today? 你的上司今天又打你了吗?
[15:02.63] Nine times. 九次
[15:04.93] I had to put on lotion. 害我得擦润肤乳液
[15:08.77] But it'll be okay. Tomorrow,I conduct an experiment. 不过没关系 我明天要做个实验
[15:11.91] And if all goes as planned, my butt will be smack-free.
[15:16.54] Fight's over! 比赛结束
[15:23.35] Excuse me,Doug? 道格?
[15:27.22] Hey there,sports fan! 超级运动迷!
[15:29.59] Bing! You got those numbers for me? 宾,数据做好了吗?
[15:32.26] No. I didn't do them. 没有,我没做
[15:34.46] You forgot? 你忘了?
[15:36.60] No,I just didn't do them. 不是,我就是没做
[15:39.27] Instead,I hung out with some friends and had a couple of beers. 我跟朋友出去,喝了两杯
[15:43.24] So I certainly don't deserve praise. Verbal... 所以我不值得表扬 不管是言语上…
[15:46.14] ...or otherwise. 或其他方式
[15:48.38] I got tanked myself last night. Pretty dicey drive home. 我昨晚也醉了 是某个美眉载我回家的
[15:51.71] Tappan Zee Bridge never looked smaller. 塔本吉桥变得好小
[15:55.22] That's okay. You're still my number-one guy! Bing! 没关系,你还是我的 头号爱将,宾!
[15:59.00] Doug! 道格
[16:01.46] I'm a little bit uncomfortable with the way that you express yourself. 我对你的表达方式有点不习惯
[16:06.16] Is it the swearing? Is it the constant swearing? 你是说我经常骂脏话?
[16:08.93] Because I gotta tell you,if it is, you can just kiss my ass!
[16:15.00] It's not about the swearing. It's more about... 不是骂脏话的事,而是…
[16:20.74] ...concentrate your enthusiasm... 把注意力集中在…
[16:25.45] ...on my buttocks.
[16:29.45] Don't get me wrong. I appreciate the sentiment. 别误会,我了解你的用意
[16:32.59] It's just that I have a rather sensitive posterior.
[16:38.26] And besides,it's making all the other guys jealous. 而且别人都在嫉妒
[16:41.76] Well,say no more. You know, it takes guts to bring this up. 别再说了,你确实很有勇气
[16:46.00] Bing,you're okay. 宾,很好
[16:58.28] Would you rather live in the shirt pocket of a sweaty giant... 你要住在满身大汗的 巨人的上衣口袋
[17:02.05] ...or inside his shower drain? 还是他的排水管里?
[17:06.62] Oh,my God. 天哪
[17:08.39] Look. It's Ross and that girl. 你看,是罗斯和那个女的
[17:13.79] Look at that! It's a line of ants! They're working as a team! 你看,有一排蚂蚁 他们在同心协力
[17:20.30] Right. Oh,yeah. It looks like Ross is breaking up with her. 他们啊 罗斯好像要跟她分手了
[17:24.67] I hope he lets her down easy. 希望他不要太狠
[17:26.37] Look at that! They are not breaking up! Look at them! 你看,他们没有要分手
[17:29.58] You know what that is? A second date,that's what that is. 那只是第二次的约会
[17:33.25] Look,she just put her hand on his thigh. 你看,她把手放到他的大腿上
[17:35.75] That's nothing. She's very sexually aggressive. 小意思,她在性方面很主动
[17:38.65] Oh,God! 天哪
[17:40.00] It's your fault. Now he loves her. He'll marry her. It's all your fault. 都是你不好,他爱上她了 他会娶她,都是你的错
[17:45.43] You said it was okay. 你自己说没关系
[17:47.23] You said she was bald! 你说她是光头
[17:50.76] Was! Was,was,was! 以前!以前…
[17:54.40] We can't let it happen. We have to do something. We have to break them up. 我们得想个办法 我们得拆散他们
[17:58.71] Just go in there and shave her head! You owe me one bald girl! 进去帮她剃光头 你欠我一个光头女
[18:04.75] Okay,first of all,breathe. 你先深呼吸
[18:07.75] Second of all,I don't get it. 再来,我实在不懂
[18:10.45] Aren't you the one that decided you didn't want to be with Ross? 不是你决定要跟罗斯分手的?
[18:17.02] Well,isn't he your friend? Don't you want him to be happy? 他不是你的朋友吗? 你不希望他快乐吗?
[18:24.93] So? 所以?
[18:30.37] It's just,you know,I didn't expect him to be this happy so soon. 但是我没想到会这么快
[18:44.65] -Oh,no. -What? 完了 怎样?
[18:45.82] We killed them all! 它们被我们坐死了
[19:03.14] It's not as bad as it looks. It's a precaution. 没这么严重,这是以防万一
[19:06.27] I'm not supposed to move my spine. 我的脊椎骨不能动
[19:11.31] Please tell me you're stopping now. 你要放弃了吧?
[19:13.58] I'm fine. I'd fight tonight if they'd let me. 我没事,今晚要我上场都行
[19:18.00] Now,see this circle I'm marking off here? 你看这个圆
[19:20.82] This is my Zone of Terror. 这是我的“恐怖区”
[19:25.53] You are insane! You've got to give this up! 你疯了,你一定要放弃
[19:29.13] I can't until I'm the Ultimate Fighter. 除非我拿到格斗冠军
[19:32.27] I will do it. 我会成功的
[19:33.67] The day will come when children will argue over who will win a fight... 总有一天 小朋友会争辩我和超人…
[19:38.17] or Superman. 谁会打赢
[19:41.94] Not that I could beat Superman, but kids are stupid. 我赢不过超人 不过小孩子都很笨
[19:46.21] Just sit down. 你先坐下
[19:47.68] Please listen to me. 听我说
[19:49.78] You are terrible at this,okay? You are the worst Ultimate Fighter ever. 你打得很烂,你是史上 最烂的终极格斗手
[19:55.29] Ever! 最烂的
[19:57.66] I have a torn rotator cuff,a hairline fracture in my right forearm... 我的肌腱套破裂 右前臂有轻微骨折
[20:11.71] Well,then,you know what? 那么你知道吗?
[20:16.04] I care about you too much to watch you hurt yourself like this. 我没办法看你这样伤害自己
[20:20.68] So if you have to do this, you'll have to do it without me. 要是你非打不可 我就不奉陪了
[20:24.59] If you're asking me to quit... 如果你要我放弃
[20:26.82] ...then you're asking me to be someone I'm not. 就是要我违背本性
[20:29.89] I've got to do this. 我非打不可
[20:35.70] Then I've gotta go. 那我要走了
[20:39.40] Bye. 再见
[20:48.68] Could you leave a note? I'm on painkillers... 你可以留张字条吗? 我服了止痛药
[20:51.04] ...and I might not remember this tomorrow. 明天可能会忘记这件事
[20:58.62] So,in conclusion,the lines all go up,so I'm happy. 总而言之,曲线节节上升 我很满意
[21:04.52] Great job,team! Tomorrow at 8:30. 干得好,明天八点半见
[21:07.46] Phil,nice job! Stevens,way to go! 菲尔,干得好 史蒂芬,漂亮
[21:10.73] Goldberg,you maniac! 戈博,你这个疯子
[21:13.20] I love you! 我爱你
[21:18.07] -Couldn't have done it without you. -Thank you,sir. 宾,没有你可不行 谢谢
[21:21.07] Oh,excuse me. 抱歉
[21:22.58] I forgot my briefcase,you know, by accident. 我忘了拿公事包,不小心的
[21:26.58] Of course,you did. Forgot something else too,you bastard! 当然是不小心的 你还忘了一件事
[21:32.79] Well,what about you? 你呢?
[21:35.12] You're not feeling left out,are you? 不会觉得被冷落了吧?
[21:38.93] No,not at all. That's ridiculous. 一点也不会,开什么玩笑
[21:41.80] Everybody else got one, and you want one too. Don't you? 大家都有 你也想来一下,对吧?
[21:48.34] Yes,I do. 没错
[21:49.94] Now,get on out of here,you! 给我滚吧
[21:57.34] Pete Becker circles the ring. 彼特贝克绕着格斗场
[21:59.31] Looks like he's just trying to feel him out. 似乎想弄清楚自己的情势
[22:03.78] Run,you crazy,rich freak! 快逃啊,死有钱人
[22:08.09] I can't watch this. 我不敢看
[22:09.62] Check it out! Pete's winning! 你看,彼特要赢了
[22:11.49] Really? 真的?
[22:16.03] Bruiser has Becker on the canvas and is going for his favorite area! “重伤害”把贝克打倒在地 向他最喜欢的部位进攻
[22:22.27] Wait! If that's his favorite area, why is he being so mean to it? 既然是最喜欢的部位 为何要下这种毒手?
[22:26.84] This is ironic. 真是讽刺
[22:28.34] Your last boyfriend,Richard, didn't want to have kids. 你的前任男友李察不想生小孩
[22:31.28] And from the looks of it, now Pete can't. 现在看情况,彼特是不能生


[06:41.-3] Average height... bù gāo bù ǎi
[07:10.-3] We' re adding operators all the time. Could we concentrate on my training? wǒ men yǒu jiā pài jiē xiàn shēng zhuān xīn xùn liàn, hǎo ma?
[08:06.-4] No boomboom before big fight! dà sài zhī qián bù zhǔn hēi xiū
[10:07.-2] I' m telling you, I need some smacks. gào sù nǐ, wǒ xū yào bèi dǎ
[16:18.-2] ... the way that you occasionally... nǐ ǒu ěr huì
[20:02.-3] ... and a severely bruised Adam' s apple, but that really hurt. hóu jié yán zhòng yū shāng dàn nǐ de huà zuì shāng rén
[22:02.-1] Bruiser is charging! " zhòng shāng hài" jìn gōng le
[00:02.13] Do you think there' s a town in Missouri or someplace... huì bú huì yǒu něi gè dì fāng yǒu gè chéng zhèn
[00:05.77] ... called Sample? míng jiào" yàng běn"?
[00:07.40] And as you' re driving into the town, there' s a sign and it says: dāng nǐ kāi chē qù nà lǐ biāo zhì shàng huì xiě zhe
[00:11.57] " You' re in Sample." " nǐ zài yàng běn lǐ"
[00:17.88] How did it go with Pete? Tell us. nǐ gēn bǐ tè zěn yàng le? kuài shuō
[00:20.08] You' re not gonna believe this. So I go nǐ men yí dìng bú huì xiāng xìn, wǒ qù
[00:22.62] I' m sorry. Excuse us. hěn bào qiàn
[00:27.89] It' s a little crowded. Do you mind? Could you skooch? diàn lǐ yǒu diǎn jǐ, kě yǐ yì qǐ zuò ma? nuó yī xià
[00:31.26] Move over just a little bit. shāo wēi nuó yī xià
[00:34.30] IKeep on skooching. zài nuó
[00:37.17] So, guys, listen. I go over there and, you know, I' m zǒng zhī wǒ qù zhǎo tā, rán hòu
[00:40.90] Why? What is wrong with me? wèi shí me? wǒ nǎ lǐ bù hǎo?
[00:43.14] What' s the matter? Tim... zěn me le? tí mǔ
[00:45.24] ... I have a feeling... wǒ yǒu yī zhǒng gǎn jué
[00:47.18] ... my wife is sleeping with her gynecologist. wǒ lǎo pó hé tā de fù kē yī shēng yǒu yī tuǐ
[00:53.75] How do you know? nǐ zěn me zhī dào?
[00:55.25] He' s got access. I know. tā yǒu guǎn dào wǒ zhī dào
[00:58.85] It' s a feeling you get. wǒ jiù shì gǎn jué de dào
[01:00.66] Like when you' re in somebody else' s bowling shoes? jiù xiàng chuān dào bié rén de bǎo líng qiú xié?
[01:03.12] That' s the one. méi cuò
[01:05.69] So you went to Pete' s. What happened? nǐ qù le bǐ tè jiā rán hòu ne?
[01:08.33] Why is this happening to me? wǒ wèi shí me zhè me dǎo méi?
[01:10.90] Maybe it' s my wound. yě xǔ shì wǒ de shāng kǒu hài de
[01:12.93] Forget it. suàn le
[01:15.70] It' s not healed yet? nǐ de shāng hái méi hǎo?
[01:17.37] It' s oozing! tā yī zhí zài shèn xuè
[01:19.24] Would you pass the cream? There' s the cream. qǐng bǎ nǎi jīng gěi wǒ zài nà biān
[01:21.91] Thank you very much. xiè xiè nǐ
[01:24.38] Tomas, this is gonna be hard, but I wanted it to come from me. tāng mǎ sī, wǒ xiǎng qīn kǒu gào sù nǐ
[01:28.55] What is it? I' ve been sleeping with your wife. shén me shì? shì wǒ gēn nǐ lǎo pó yǒu yī tuǐ
[01:31.49] You' re the gynecologist? nǐ shì tā de fù kē yī shēng?
[01:32.82] I' m trying to have a private conversation. wǒ zài tán sī shì
[01:37.26] Can I have a napkin? Could you please hand me a napkin? wǒ yào zhǐ jīn, qǐng ná gěi wǒ
[01:40.36] Just give me the thing, all right? ná lái la!
[01:44.23] Enough! gòu le
[01:45.37] And you are no longer my friend! nǐ bú shì wǒ de péng yǒu le
[01:47.90] We are finished! Nada! No more! wǒ men ēn duàn yì jué! yī dāo liǎng duàn!
[01:50.17] You are a bastard for doing that! nǐ jìng rán zuò zhè zhǒng shì
[01:52.37] Stay away from me! lí wǒ yuǎn yì diǎn
[01:54.71] Come back! nǐ huí lái
[02:04.09] So what were you gonna tell us? nǐ gāng cái yào shuō shí mǒ?
[02:07.89] I have no idea. wǒ wàng le
[02:11.36] The One With the Ultimate Fighting Champion běn jí bō chū:" dòu zhèn jù lè bù"
[03:00.58] What was the big news Pete wanted to tell you? bǐ tè xiǎng gào sù nǐ shén me dà xiāo xī?
[03:03.48] Or should I say," Mrs. Monica Becker"? wǒ gāi jiào nǐ mó nī kǎ bèi kè tài tài ma?
[03:06.48] Oh, keep your name. Don' t take his name. bǎo liú nǐ de xìng, bú yào guān tā de xìng
[03:09.15] He didn' t ask me to marry him. tā méi yǒu xiàng wǒ qiú hūn
[03:11.42] Then definitely don' t take his name! nà jué duì bú yào guān tā de xìng
[03:15.36] He wanted to tell me he' s going to compete in some Ultimate... tā yào cān jiā yí gè shén me
[03:19.03] ... Fighting Competition thingy. zhōng jí gé dòu bǐ sài
[03:21.03] Pete? Why? What is it? bǐ tè? nà shi shén me?
[03:23.67] I don' t know exactly. It' s sort of like wrestling. wǒ yě bù qīng chǔ, yǒu diǎn xiàng shuāi jiǎo
[03:27.57] But without the costumes. dàn bù yòng chuān biǎo yǎn fú
[03:30.74] And it' s not fake. It' s totally brutal. nà shi wán zhēn de, fēi cháng yě mán
[03:33.17] It' s two guys in the ring and the rules are," There are no rules"! liǎng gè rén zài chǎng zhōng sī shā guī zé shì méi yǒu guī zé
[03:38.21] You can bite and pull people' s hair and stuff? kě yǐ yǎo rén chě bié rén de tóu fà?
[03:41.02] Anything goes except eyegouging and fishhooking. dōu kě yǐ, chú le chuō yǎn jīng hé yú gōu shǒu
[03:44.52] What' s fishhooking? What' s fishhook shén me shì yú gōu shǒu? jiù shì
[03:49.56] Thanks. That would have been hard to describe. xiè le, bù rán hái zhēn nán xíng róng
[03:52.89] What is that taste? shén me wèi dào?
[03:55.10] My hands are totally clean. I just gave the duck a bath. wǒ de shǒu hěn gān jìng wǒ gāng bāng yā zǐ xǐ wán zǎo
[04:02.54] Thanks for the warm welcome. xiè xiè gè wèi de rè liè huān yíng
[04:04.31] It' s good to have you guys on my team. I come to play. I hope you do too. hěn gāo xìng yǒu gè wèi de jiā rù wǒ yào dà zhǎn shēn shǒu, xī wàng nǐ men yě shì
[04:08.94] Let' s go out there and get them! And remember: qù gěi tā men hǎo kàn ba, jì zhù
[04:11.65] There is no " I" in " team." tuán duì dāng zhōng méi yǒu gè rén
[04:14.45] Yes, but there' s two in " martini." So, everybody, back to my office. jiǔ hòu bù rèn zhàng, huí wǒ nà lǐ qù ba
[04:19.45] You! Chuckles. What' s your name? nà gè xī pí xiào liǎn de, nǐ jiào shén me?
[04:22.56] It' s Bing, sir. I' m sorry. I was just.... wǒ shì bīn, hěn bào qiàn, wǒ zhǐ shì
[04:24.89] No, no. I heard what you said. Funny. I like funny. wǒ tīng dào nǐ shuō de huà le hěn yǒu qù, wǒ xǐ huān
[04:28.60] This team' s about hard work, but it' s also about having fun. wǒ men yào nǔ lì, yě yào jìn xìng
[04:31.67] Good to have you aboard, Bing! hěn gāo xìng yǒu nǐ jiā rù, bīn
[04:40.91] That' s right. Ryder. duì, ruì dé
[04:43.14] Winona Ryder for six. wēi nuò nà ruì dé yào dìng liù ge wèi zi
[04:48.12] Thank you. xiè xiè
[04:49.32] Yeah. We have the reservations. dìng dào wèi zi le
[04:52.32] All right, buddy! Way to go! gàn dé hǎo
[04:57.00] Dude, what are you doing? lǎo xiōng, nǐ gàn shén me?
[04:59.00] Thank you. My boss keeps slapping my butt, and acting like it' s no big deal. shuō de hǎo, wǒ shàng sī yī zhí pāi wǒ hái yī liǎn bù zài hu
[05:03.63] What' d you do about it? nà nǐ zěn me bàn?
[05:05.37] I didn' t do anything. I didn' t want to be the guy... méi zěn me bàn, wǒ bù xiǎng dāng
[05:08.37] ... who has a problem with his boss slapping his bottom. duì shàng sī yǒu yì jiàn de rén
[05:12.11] I gotta tell you, I think it' s okay to be that guy. wǒ jué de dāng nà gè rén wú suǒ wèi
[05:16.44] Maybe it' s that jock thing. yě xǔ tā zài xué yùn dòng yuán
[05:18.11] You know, how football players pat each other after touchdowns. zú qiú yuán dá zhèn zhī hòu dōu huì pāi lái pāi qù
[05:24.15] You know, I don' t understand guys. wǒ shí zài bù liǎo jiě nán rén
[05:26.55] I mean, I would never congratulate Monica on a great stew... wǒ yào chēng zàn mó nī kǎ zhǔ de dùn cài hǎo chī
[05:30.19] ... by, you know, grabbing her boob.
[05:34.30] I know. For a really great stew, you' d just... rú guǒ zhēn de hěn hǎo chī
[05:36.73] ... stick your head in between them. yīng gāi zhí jiē bǎ liǎn mái jìn qù
[05:40.23] Can we please go eat? kě yǐ chī fàn le ma?
[05:41.90] Yeah, what are we getting? Anything but stew. yào chī shén me? bú yào chī dùn cài jiù hǎo
[05:46.01] So from now on, don' t give your boss a chance to get you. cóng jīn yǐ hòu bié ràng nǐ de shàng sī dǎi dào jī huì
[05:49.74] Don' t turn your back to him. bié bǎ bèi bù duì zhe tā
[05:52.08] Or you could teach him a lesson, you know? nǐ yě kě yǐ gěi tā yí gè jiào xùn
[05:54.88] What you do is rub something that smells really bad on your butt, right?
[05:59.69] Then, when he goes to smack you, his hand will smell. tā pāi le nǐ zhī hòu, shǒu jiù huì hěn chòu
[06:05.89] Now, what could you rub on your butt that would smell bad? yǒu shén me hěn chòu de dōng xī kě yǐ ná lái tú?
[06:12.50] What if Joey was President? rú guǒ qiáo yī shì zǒng tǒng gāi zěn me bàn?
[06:17.94] Can I ask you something? néng bù néng wèn nǐ yī jiàn shì?
[06:20.04] Okay, you can totally say no... nǐ kě yǐ fǎn duì
[06:22.01] ... but would it be okay with you if I set Ross up on a date? wǒ kě yǐ bāng luó sī jiè shào nǚ péng yǒu ma?
[06:28.25] With who? shuí?
[06:29.38] My friend Bonnie. She always thought Ross was cute... wǒ de péng yǒu bāng nī tā yī zhí jué de luó sī hěn kě ài
[06:32.42] ... and she asked if I could set it up. wèn wǒ néng bù néng qiān xiàn
[06:35.26] But if that' s not cool.... Which one is Bonnie? rú guǒ nǐ huì zài yì bāng nī shì nǎ yī ge?
[06:38.23] You remember her from my birthday party? tā lái cān jiā guò wǒ de qìng shēng huì
[06:43.30] ... medium build, bald.... bù shòu bù pàng, lǐ guāng tóu
[06:49.40] That' s fine. méi guān xì
[06:51.44] Great! Okay! Good for you! All right! tài bàng le, hěn hǎo
[07:00.28] You are iron! You are steel! nǐ shì tiě! nǐ shì gāng!
[07:03.82] Let me ask you, how come when I call your computer support line... wǒ wèn nǐ wèi hé dǎ qù nǐ de diàn nǎo kè fú bù
[07:07.59] ... I have to wait an hour and a half? dé děng shàng yī ge bàn xiǎo shí?
[07:13.63] It' s just hard when I know I have email I can' t get. yī xiǎng dào yǒu yóu jiàn què shōu bú dào wǒ jiù xīn fán
[07:23.17] Hi, honey. qīn ài de
[07:24.27] On the table. On the table, please. pā shǎng qù
[07:30.01] So listen, my friends were telling me a little bit about... wǒ de péng yǒu gēn wǒ tán dào
[07:33.45] ... this Ultimate Fighting thing. zhōng jí gé dòu de shì
[07:35.48] It sounds really dangerous. tīng qǐ lái hěn wēi xiǎn
[07:37.69] I don' t want you to get hurt because I kind of like you. wǒ bù xī wàng nǐ shòu shāng yīn wèi wǒ mán xǐ huān nǐ de
[07:41.00] I don' t want to get hurt either. I' m being smart about this. wǒ yě bù xiǎng shòu shāng, wǒ hěn jīng míng
[07:44.66] See these guys? They' re the best trainers in the world. nǐ kàn zhèi xiē rén tā men shì shì jiè dǐng jiān de jiào liàn
[07:47.93] And Hoshi here used to be a paid assassin. xīng yǐ qián shì zhí yè shā shǒu
[07:51.53] A house painter! He used to be a house painter! fěn shuā gōng rén, tā yǐ qián shì fěn shuā gōng rén
[07:56.70] Promise me you' ll be careful. I promise. dā yìng wǒ yí dìng yào xiǎo xīn wǒ dā yìng nǐ
[07:59.71] Are we still on for tonight? Good. Because... jīn wǎn zhào jiù ma? nà hǎo, yīn wèi
[08:02.94] ... maybe we could have a little workout of our own. wǒ men yě kě yǐ lái yùn dòng yī xià
[08:12.69] How about just a boom? néng bù néng" hēi" jiù hǎo?
[08:18.69] That was depressing. I just bought a pretzel... zhēn lìng rén jǔ sàng gāng cái mài yìng miàn bāo gěi wǒ de
[08:21.20] ... from one of the kids from Fame. shì" míng yáng sì hǎi" de yǎn yuán
[08:24.20] Ready to go to the movies? Oh, this is Bonnie! kě yǐ qù kàn diàn yǐng le ma? zhè shì bāng nī
[08:29.50] This is Bonnie? zhè shì bāng nī?
[08:30.91] This is Bonnie? You' re Bonnie? zhè shì bāng nī? nǐ shì bāng nī?
[08:33.07] I can show you an l. D. if you want. wǒ kě yǐ ná shēn fèn zhèng gěi nǐ kàn
[08:36.21] Oh, no. You look a lot different than the last time I saw you. bú shì, nǐ gēn shàng cì jiàn miàn chà hěn duō
[08:40.52] Oh, yeah. Well, I just started wearing bras again. shì a, wǒ yòu kāi shǐ dài xiōng zhào le
[08:44.19] Oh, that must be it. yí dìng shì zhè gè yuán yīn
[08:47.49] Have fun tonight. zhù nǐ men wán dé yú kuài
[08:48.92] Thanks. You too. xiè le, nǐ men yě shì
[08:56.90] You said she was bald. nǐ shuō tā shì guāng tóu
[08:58.40] She was bald. She' s not now. yǐ qián shì, xiàn zài bú shì
[09:02.27] How could you not tell me she has hair? nǐ zěn me méi shuō tā yǒu cháng tóu fā?
[09:04.41] I don' t know. I hardly ever say that about people. wǒ hěn shǎo tí dào bié rén yǒu cháng tóu fā
[09:07.54] Oh, well this is just perfect! zhēn shì shuài dāi le
[09:10.08] Well, I' m sorry. I thought you said it was okay. duì bù qǐ, nǐ bú shì shuō méi guān xì?
[09:13.25] I said it was okay when I thought she was some weird bald chick. yīn wèi wǒ yǐ wéi tā shì gè guāng tóu guài nǚ rén
[09:17.92] That girl has got hair all over her head! tā mǎn tóu dōu shì tóu fà
[09:22.92] Maybe Ross won' t like her personality. Does she have a bad personality? yě xǔ luó sī bú huì xǐ huān tā de gè xìng tā de gè xìng bù hǎo ma?
[09:27.30] Oh, no, Bonnie' s the best! bù, bāng nī zuì suí hé le
[09:35.14] Bing! bīn
[09:38.21] Read your CompuTek proposal. Real home run. wǒ kàn guò nǐ de qǐ huá àn le fēi cháng jīng cǎi
[09:42.54] Barely got you that time. Get over here! méi yǒu dǎ zhòng, zhàn guò lái
[09:46.21] Come on. kuài diǎn
[09:47.65] Oh, yeah! Good one. gàn dé hǎo
[09:49.48] That was a good one. IKeep at it, team! zhè cì biǎo xiàn de hěn hǎo, yào bǎo chí
[09:53.62] What is with him? " With him"? tā shì zěn me gǎo de? zěn me gǎo de?
[09:55.56] You' re his favorite. You' re his guy! nǐ shì tā de ài jiàng
[09:58.16] We never get smacked. wǒ men méi yǒu bèi dǎ guò
[10:01.23] That' s not true. He smacked you once. méi zhè huí shì, tā dǎ guò nǐ yī cì
[10:03.50] Not on purpose. He ricocheted off you and got me. nà shi qiǎo hé tā dǎ wán nǐ zhī hòu dàn dào wǒ
[10:10.61] I got a kid starting Dartmouth. wǒ yǒu gè xiǎo hái yào shàng dá tè máo sī hǎi jūn xué yuàn
[10:12.67] Dartmouth? Who went to Dartmouth? Dartmouth sucks! dá tè máo sī? shuí zài shàng dá tè máo sī? nà lǐ xùn bì le
[10:15.74] You go to Dartmouth? No, sir. nǐ shàng dá tè máo sī? bú shì
[10:17.48] There you go! nà jiù hǎo
[10:27.46] God, Ross! What is that? nà shi shén me?
[10:29.29] The Ultimate Fighting Combo. zhōng jí gé dòu chāo zhí cān
[10:31.13] I saved 30 cents. Plus, I get to keep the cup. shěng 30 máo, hái kě yǐ shōu cáng bēi zi
[10:36.60] From New York City, New York... lái zì niǔ yuē zhōu, niǔ yuē shì
[10:39.13] ... appearing in his Ultimate Fighting Championship debut... shǒu cì cān jiā zhōng jí gé dòu guàn jūn sài
[10:43.54] ... he' s known for his confrontational business style! tā zài shāng chǎng shàng yǐ qiáng yìng zhe chēng
[10:48.44] Ladies and gentlemen, introducing... gè wèi xiān shēng nǚ shì, ràng wǒ men huān yíng
[10:52.11] ... Pete Becker! bǐ tè bèi kè
[11:00.29] I love you, Pete! bǐ tè, wǒ ài nǐ
[11:05.79] And his opponent, from Huntington Beach, California... tā de duì shǒu lái zì jiā zhōu hēng dīng dùn tān
[11:10.03] ... he' s a 300pound streetfighter... zhòng dá 300 bàng de jiē tóu bó jī hǎo shǒu
[11:14.30] ... Tank Abbott! tǎn kè ài bó tè
[11:29.58] Pete? bǐ tè
[11:30.65] Pete? bǐ tè
[11:31.89] That guy' s pretty huge. Don' t worry. nà jiā huǒ hǎo kuí wú nǐ fàng xīn
[11:34.36] I' ll use his strength and weight against him. wǒ huì yòng tā de lì liàng fǎn jī tā
[11:37.09] Well, then that guy is in serious, serious trouble. nà tā de má fán dà le
[11:46.43] You go get him. Let' s go! dǎ dǎo tā, jiā yóu
[11:49.57] Here we go, gentlemen. liǎng wèi, lái ba
[11:51.51] Are you ready? zhǔn bèi hǎo le ma?
[11:55.94] Are you ready? Then let' s get it on! zhǔn bèi hǎo le ma? kāi zhàn ba
[12:20.77] It' s me. shì wǒ
[12:22.87] Monica. mó nī kǎ
[12:27.38] Can I just tell you how proud I am of you? wǒ zhēn de hěn yǐ nǐ wèi róng
[12:30.18] It would be nice after hearing 20, 000 people chant," You suck!" zhēn wō xīn, gāng cái yǒu liǎng wàn rén mà wǒ xùn
[12:35.42] I thought you were nuts at first... wǒ yuán běn jué de nǐ fēng le
[12:37.65] ... but you did it. dàn shì nǐ zuò dào le
[12:39.62] Now you can just look back at this with no regrets. xiàn zài nǐ kě yǐ liǎo wú yí hàn le
[12:42.82] Look back? liǎo wú yí hàn?
[12:45.09] You' re not gonna keep going? nǐ bú shì hái yào dǎ ba?
[12:47.33] Let me ask you a question: Am I the Ultimate Fighting Champion? wǒ wèn nǐ yī jiàn shì wǒ shì zhōng jí gé dòu guàn jūn ma?
[12:53.17] Well, no. But bú shì, dàn shì
[12:55.14] I' m not gonna stop until I' m the Ultimate Fighting Champion. bù dàng shàng guàn jūn, wǒ jué bù bà xiū
[12:59.47] That guy stood on your neck until you passed out. nà jiā huǒ cǎi zhe nǐ de bó zi bǎ nǐ cǎi hūn
[13:04.08] Let me tell you a story. wǒ gào sù nǐ yí gè gù shì
[13:06.68] When I set out to create MOSS 865, do you think it happened overnight? wǒ zhuó shǒu yán fā de mó sī 865 nǐ yǐ wéi shì yī xī chéng gōng?
[13:11.25] No. There was MOSS 1 that burned down my dad' s garage. bú shì, mó sī yī dài shāo huǐ wǒ bà de chē kù
[13:15.92] There was MOSS 2 that would only schedule appointments in January. mó sī èr dài zhǐ néng pái yī yuè de xíng chéng biǎo
[13:20.03] And 862 others that I learned from. cǐ wài hái yǒu 862 cì de shī bài jīng yàn
[13:22.63] Just like I learned from this fight, never to let a guy stand on my neck. wǒ cóng zhè chǎng bǐ sài jiù xué dào jué bù néng ràng duì shǒu cǎi wǒ de bó zi
[13:26.63] You didn' t know that already? nǐ zhī qián bù zhī dào?
[13:30.37] Look, I' m gonna get better. wǒ huì yuè lái yuè qiáng
[13:33.21] Okay? I promise you. hǎo ma? wǒ bǎo zhèng
[13:39.05] Just get a lot better. yào qiáng hěn duō
[13:41.82] Fast. ér qiě yào kuài
[13:45.39] One other thing. hái yǒu yī jiàn shì
[13:46.69] Hoshi thinks you being ringside may have affected my concentration. xīng rèn wéi nǐ zài chǎng biān huì yǐng xiǎng wǒ de zhù yì lì
[13:52.69] That was the problem. duì, guān jiàn jiù zài zhè lǐ
[14:01.04] How long until Pete' s fight? About five minutes. bǐ tè de bǐ sài jǐ diǎn kāi shǐ? hái yǒu wǔ fēn zhōng
[14:04.17] They' re interviewing his opponent. tā men zài fǎng wèn tā de duì shǒu
[14:06.07] Apparently, he trains by going to lran and pulling the arms off thieves. tā de xùn liàn fāng shì shì qù yī lǎng bá duàn xiǎo tōu de shǒu bì
[14:11.55] Hot dog? Four, please. rè gǒu? sì gēn
[14:14.32] I' m really nervous. wǒ hěn jǐn zhāng
[14:16.85] Thank you. xiè xiè
[14:20.19] So how did it go with Bonnie? nǐ gēn bāng nī zěn me yàng?
[14:23.56] Oh, I gotta tell you, I wasn' t expecting to like her at all. wǒ yí dìng yào shuō wǒ méi xiǎng dào wǒ huì xǐ huān tā
[14:28.03] I actually wasn' t expecting to like anyone right now. wǒ mù qián gēn běn méi dǎ suàn yào xǐ huān bié rén
[14:31.20] But she' s really terrific. dàn tā zhēn de hěn bàng
[14:33.50] It' s too bad. zhēn zāo gāo
[14:36.87] No, I' m saying I liked her. wǒ shì shuō wǒ xǐ huān tā
[14:39.54] There are other fish in the sea. nǐ bù bì dān liàn yī zhī huā
[14:42.71] I think she' s great, okay? We' re going out again. wǒ jué de tā hěn bàng, wǒ men yào zài jiàn miàn
[14:46.58] I hear you. Are you capable of talking about anything else? wǒ tīng dào le nǐ kě yǐ tán diǎn bié de ma?
[14:51.62] Which one' s my turkey burger? wǒ de tǔ jī hàn bǎo zài nǎ lǐ?
[14:53.92] The one next to my foot. Sorry. zài wǒ jiǎo biān bào qiàn
[14:57.12] Fight' s starting! We' ll be right in. bǐ sài kāi shǐ le mǎ shàng jìn qù
[14:59.56] So did your boss try to slap you again today? nǐ de shàng sī jīn tiān yòu dǎ nǐ le ma?
[15:02.63] Nine times. jiǔ cì
[15:04.93] I had to put on lotion. hài wǒ dé cā rùn fū rǔ yè
[15:08.77] But it' ll be okay. Tomorrow, I conduct an experiment. bù guò méi guān xì wǒ míng tiān yào zuò gè shí yàn
[15:11.91] And if all goes as planned, my butt will be smackfree.
[15:16.54] Fight' s over! bǐ sài jié shù
[15:23.35] Excuse me, Doug? dào gé?
[15:27.22] Hey there, sports fan! chāo jí yùn dòng mí!
[15:29.59] Bing! You got those numbers for me? bīn, shù jù zuò hǎo le ma?
[15:32.26] No. I didn' t do them. méi yǒu, wǒ méi zuò
[15:34.46] You forgot? nǐ wàng le?
[15:36.60] No, I just didn' t do them. bú shì, wǒ jiù shì méi zuò
[15:39.27] Instead, I hung out with some friends and had a couple of beers. wǒ gēn péng yǒu chū qù, hē le liǎng bēi
[15:43.24] So I certainly don' t deserve praise. Verbal... suǒ yǐ wǒ bù zhí de biǎo yáng bù guǎn shì yán yǔ shàng
[15:46.14] ... or otherwise. huò qí tā fāng shì
[15:48.38] I got tanked myself last night. Pretty dicey drive home. wǒ zuó wǎn yě zuì le shì mǒu gè měi méi zài wǒ huí jiā de
[15:51.71] Tappan Zee Bridge never looked smaller. tǎ běn jí qiáo biàn de hǎo xiǎo
[15:55.22] That' s okay. You' re still my numberone guy! Bing! méi guān xì, nǐ hái shì wǒ de tóu hào ài jiàng, bīn!
[15:59.00] Doug! dào gé
[16:01.46] I' m a little bit uncomfortable with the way that you express yourself. wǒ duì nǐ de biǎo dá fāng shì yǒu diǎn bù xí guàn
[16:06.16] Is it the swearing? Is it the constant swearing? nǐ shì shuō wǒ jīng cháng mà zāng huà?
[16:08.93] Because I gotta tell you, if it is, you can just kiss my ass!
[16:15.00] It' s not about the swearing. It' s more about... bú shì mà zāng huà de shì, ér shì
[16:20.74] ... concentrate your enthusiasm... bǎ zhù yì lì jí zhōng zài
[16:25.45] ... on my buttocks.
[16:29.45] Don' t get me wrong. I appreciate the sentiment. bié wù huì, wǒ liǎo jiě nǐ de yòng yì
[16:32.59] It' s just that I have a rather sensitive posterior.
[16:38.26] And besides, it' s making all the other guys jealous. ér qiě bié rén dōu zài jí dù
[16:41.76] Well, say no more. You know, it takes guts to bring this up. bié zài shuō le, nǐ què shí hěn yǒu yǒng qì
[16:46.00] Bing, you' re okay. bīn, hěn hǎo
[16:58.28] Would you rather live in the shirt pocket of a sweaty giant... nǐ yào zhù zài mǎn shēn dà hàn de jù rén de shàng yī kǒu dài
[17:02.05] ... or inside his shower drain? hái shì tā de pái shuǐ guǎn lǐ?
[17:06.62] Oh, my God. tiān na
[17:08.39] Look. It' s Ross and that girl. nǐ kàn, shì luó sī hé nà gè nǚ de
[17:13.79] Look at that! It' s a line of ants! They' re working as a team! nǐ kàn, yǒu yī pái mǎ yǐ tā men zài tóng xīn xié lì
[17:20.30] Right. Oh, yeah. It looks like Ross is breaking up with her. tā men a luó sī hǎo xiàng yào gēn tā fēn shǒu le
[17:24.67] I hope he lets her down easy. xī wàng tā bú yào tài hěn
[17:26.37] Look at that! They are not breaking up! Look at them! nǐ kàn, tā men méi yǒu yào fēn shǒu
[17:29.58] You know what that is? A second date, that' s what that is. nà zhǐ shì dì èr cì de yuē huì
[17:33.25] Look, she just put her hand on his thigh. nǐ kàn, tā bǎ shǒu fàng dào tā de dà tuǐ shàng
[17:35.75] That' s nothing. She' s very sexually aggressive. xiǎo yì sī, tā zài xìng fāng miàn hěn zhǔ dòng
[17:38.65] Oh, God! tiān na
[17:40.00] It' s your fault. Now he loves her. He' ll marry her. It' s all your fault. dōu shì nǐ bù hǎo, tā ài shàng tā le tā huì qǔ tā, dōu shì nǐ de cuò
[17:45.43] You said it was okay. nǐ zì jǐ shuō méi guān xì
[17:47.23] You said she was bald! nǐ shuō tā shì guāng tóu
[17:50.76] Was! Was, was, was! yǐ qián! yǐ qián
[17:54.40] We can' t let it happen. We have to do something. We have to break them up. wǒ men dé xiǎng gè bàn fǎ wǒ men dé chāi sàn tā men
[17:58.71] Just go in there and shave her head! You owe me one bald girl! jìn qù bāng tā tì guāng tóu nǐ qiàn wǒ yí gè guāng tóu nǚ
[18:04.75] Okay, first of all, breathe. nǐ xiān shēn hū xī
[18:07.75] Second of all, I don' t get it. zài lái, wǒ shí zài bù dǒng
[18:10.45] Aren' t you the one that decided you didn' t want to be with Ross? bú shì nǐ jué dìng yào gēn luó sī fēn shǒu de?
[18:17.02] Well, isn' t he your friend? Don' t you want him to be happy? tā bú shì nǐ de péng yǒu ma? nǐ bù xī wàng tā kuài lè ma?
[18:24.93] So? suǒ yǐ?
[18:30.37] It' s just, you know, I didn' t expect him to be this happy so soon. dàn shì wǒ méi xiǎng dào huì zhè me kuài
[18:44.65] Oh, no. What? wán le zěn yàng?
[18:45.82] We killed them all! tā men bèi wǒ men zuò sǐ le
[19:03.14] It' s not as bad as it looks. It' s a precaution. méi zhè me yán zhòng, zhè shì yǐ fáng wàn yī
[19:06.27] I' m not supposed to move my spine. wǒ de jǐ zhuī gǔ bù néng dòng
[19:11.31] Please tell me you' re stopping now. nǐ yào fàng qì le ba?
[19:13.58] I' m fine. I' d fight tonight if they' d let me. wǒ méi shì, jīn wǎn yào wǒ shàng chǎng dōu xíng
[19:18.00] Now, see this circle I' m marking off here? nǐ kàn zhè gè yuán
[19:20.82] This is my Zone of Terror. zhè shì wǒ de" kǒng bù qū"
[19:25.53] You are insane! You' ve got to give this up! nǐ fēng le, nǐ yí dìng yào fàng qì
[19:29.13] I can' t until I' m the Ultimate Fighter. chú fēi wǒ ná dào gé dòu guàn jūn
[19:32.27] I will do it. wǒ huì chéng gōng de
[19:33.67] The day will come when children will argue over who will win a fight... zǒng yǒu yì tiān xiǎo péng yǒu huì zhēng biàn wǒ hé chāo rén
[19:38.17] ... me or Superman. shuí huì dǎ yíng
[19:41.94] Not that I could beat Superman, but kids are stupid. wǒ yíng bù guò chāo rén bù guò xiǎo hái zǐ dōu hěn bèn
[19:46.21] Just sit down. nǐ xiān zuò xià
[19:47.68] Please listen to me. tīng wǒ shuō
[19:49.78] You are terrible at this, okay? You are the worst Ultimate Fighter ever. nǐ dǎ de hěn làn, nǐ shì shǐ shàng zuì làn de zhōng jí gé dòu shǒu
[19:55.29] Ever! zuì làn de
[19:57.66] I have a torn rotator cuff, a hairline fracture in my right forearm... wǒ de jī jiàn tào pò liè yòu qián bì yǒu qīng wēi gǔ zhé
[20:11.71] Well, then, you know what? nà me nǐ zhī dào ma?
[20:16.04] I care about you too much to watch you hurt yourself like this. wǒ méi bàn fǎ kàn nǐ zhè yàng shāng hài zì jǐ
[20:20.68] So if you have to do this, you' ll have to do it without me. yào shì nǐ fēi dǎ bù kě wǒ jiù bù fèng péi le
[20:24.59] If you' re asking me to quit... rú guǒ nǐ yào wǒ fàng qì
[20:26.82] ... then you' re asking me to be someone I' m not. jiù shì yào wǒ wéi bèi běn xìng
[20:29.89] I' ve got to do this. wǒ fēi dǎ bù kě
[20:35.70] Then I' ve gotta go. nà wǒ yào zǒu le
[20:39.40] Bye. zài jiàn
[20:48.68] Could you leave a note? I' m on painkillers... nǐ kě yǐ liú zhāng zì tiáo ma? wǒ fú le zhǐ tòng yào
[20:51.04] ... and I might not remember this tomorrow. míng tiān kě néng huì wàng jì zhè jiàn shì
[20:58.62] So, in conclusion, the lines all go up, so I' m happy. zǒng ér yán zhī, qū xiàn jié jié shàng shēng wǒ hěn mǎn yì
[21:04.52] Great job, team! Tomorrow at 8: 30. gàn dé hǎo, míng tiān bā diǎn bàn jiàn
[21:07.46] Phil, nice job! Stevens, way to go! fēi ěr, gàn dé hǎo shǐ dì fēn, piào liàng
[21:10.73] Goldberg, you maniac! gē bó, nǐ zhè gè fēng zi
[21:13.20] I love you! wǒ ài nǐ
[21:18.07] Couldn' t have done it without you. Thank you, sir. bīn, méi yǒu nǐ kě bù xíng xiè xiè
[21:21.07] Oh, excuse me. bào qiàn
[21:22.58] I forgot my briefcase, you know, by accident. wǒ wàng le ná gōng shì bāo, bù xiǎo xīn de
[21:26.58] Of course, you did. Forgot something else too, you bastard! dāng rán shì bù xiǎo xīn de nǐ hái wàng le yī jiàn shì
[21:32.79] Well, what about you? nǐ ne?
[21:35.12] You' re not feeling left out, are you? bú huì jué de bèi lěng luò le ba?
[21:38.93] No, not at all. That' s ridiculous. yì diǎn yě bú huì, kāi shén me wán xiào
[21:41.80] Everybody else got one, and you want one too. Don' t you? dà jiā dōu yǒu nǐ yě xiǎng lái yī xià, duì ba?
[21:48.34] Yes, I do. méi cuò
[21:49.94] Now, get on out of here, you! gěi wǒ gǔn ba
[21:57.34] Pete Becker circles the ring. bǐ tè bèi kè rào zhe gé dòu chǎng
[21:59.31] Looks like he' s just trying to feel him out. sì hū xiǎng nòng qīng chǔ zì jǐ de qíng shì
[22:03.78] Run, you crazy, rich freak! kuài táo a, sǐ yǒu qián rén
[22:08.09] I can' t watch this. wǒ bù gǎn kàn
[22:09.62] Check it out! Pete' s winning! nǐ kàn, bǐ tè yào yíng le
[22:11.49] Really? zhēn de?
[22:16.03] Bruiser has Becker on the canvas and is going for his favorite area! " zhòng shāng hài" bǎ bèi kè dǎ dǎo zài dì xiàng tā zuì xǐ huān de bù wèi jìn gōng
[22:22.27] Wait! If that' s his favorite area, why is he being so mean to it? jì rán shì zuì xǐ huān de bù wèi wèi hé yào xià zhè zhǒng dú shǒu?
[22:26.84] This is ironic. zhēn shì fěng cì
[22:28.34] Your last boyfriend, Richard, didn' t want to have kids. nǐ de qián rèn nán yǒu lǐ chá bù xiǎng shēng xiǎo hái
[22:31.28] And from the looks of it, now Pete can' t. xiàn zài kàn qíng kuàng, bǐ tè shì bù néng shēng