Friends S03E25

歌曲 Friends S03E25
歌手 英语听力
专辑 老友记(第三季)


[03:04.-4] Am I not boyfriend material? 我不适合当男朋友吗?
[03:48.-3] ...and then my client gives me his beach house. 客人又把海滩小屋借给我
[04:12.-1] I can't have children! 我不能生育了
[05:11.-2] But,you know,the ocean is right there. 但是大海就在旁边
[05:45.-2] Phoebe,Phoebe. 菲比
[10:56.-1] I'm just making margaritas. 我只是要调玛格丽特
[13:45.-4] ...I just loved your look when you were bald. 我好喜欢你光头的样子
[13:54.-3] Really? 真的?
[16:13.-2] What were you thinking? 你在想什么?
[16:37.-3] You still love me. 你还爱我
[17:33.-1] But I made cards! 牌都做好了
[19:55.-3] And that's the truth. 这是实话
[19:59.-3] But you're right. 但是你说得对
[00:02.03] So your first sexual experience was with a woman? 你的第一次是跟女人做?
[00:06.77] I was 15. It was my best friend,Ruth. 我那年15岁 跟死党露丝在一起
[00:09.64] And we got drunk on that hard cider. 西打太浓,我们醉了
[00:12.27] And then suddenly, we were making out. 一不注意,我们已经在亲热了
[00:16.24] Tell it again. 再说一次
[00:20.82] Seriously. 我是褚的
[00:24.79] Can that woman talk about anything else but sex? 那个女人就只会聊这个吗?
[00:28.82] Yeah,sure. Earlier she was talking about geography. 不会啊,她刚才在聊地理
[00:33.73] She was listing the countries she's done it in. 她在列举她做过的国家
[00:38.93] I think we all learned something. 大家都获益匪浅
[00:42.50] Hey,you guys! Look what I found! 各位,看我找到什么
[00:44.94] That's my mom's writing. Look. 那是我妈的笔迹,看
[00:47.38] "Me and Frank and Phoebe, graduation,1965." “我、法兰克与菲比 1965年毕业典礼”
[00:51.28] -Do you know what that means? -That you're actually 50? 知道其中的含意吗? 你已经50岁了?
[00:55.45] That's not "me" Phoebe. That's her pal,Phoebe. 那个菲比不是我,是她的朋友
[00:58.42] According to her yearbook, they were BFF. 毕业纪念册上说她们是BFF
[01:02.46] Best Friends Forever. 永远的莫逆之交
[01:04.73] That's great! 太棒了
[01:06.03] I know! She probably has all kinds of stories about my parents. 我知道,她八成知道 我父母的事情
[01:10.43] She might know where my dad is. 甚至知道我爸的下落
[01:12.40] I looked her up. She lives by the beach. 我找过了,她住在海边
[01:14.74] Maybe this weekend we can go there. 我们这个周末可以去海边
[01:18.14] -Shoot,I can't go. I have to work. -That's too bad. 讨厌,我得工作 太可惜了
[01:21.94] Big fat bummer. 真是扫兴
[01:25.15] So tomorrow we'll drive out to Montauk. 那我们明天开车去莫陶克
[01:27.78] Hey,Bonnie had sex there! 邦妮在那里做过
[01:32.15] The One At the Beach 本集播出:“旧爱新欢”
[02:24.41] Would you look at them? 你看他们
[02:27.04] I'm never gonna find a boyfriend again. 我再也交不到男朋友了
[02:29.41] I'm gonna die an old maid. 我会变成老姑婆
[02:32.05] You're not gonna die an old maid. 你不会变成老姑婆
[02:34.45] Maybe an old spinster cook. 可能会变成老厨娘
[02:40.05] -Thanks. -Besides,worse comes to worse... 谢了 如果万不得已
[02:43.06] ... I'll be your boyfriend. 我会当你的男朋友
[02:48.23] Yeah,right. 是啊
[02:52.57] Why is that so funny? 有什么好笑的?
[02:54.60] You made a joke,right? 你是在开玩笑吧?
[02:56.84] So I laughed. 所以我笑了
[03:01.01] A little too hard. 笑得太厉害了吧
[03:07.65] You're Chandler. 你是钱德
[03:10.75] You know. Chandler! 你知道嘛,钱德
[03:13.49] Okay,so we've established my name,and hit me. 我们确认了我的名字 还打了我一拳
[03:17.46] But say we weren't friends. Say it's a blind date. 如果我们不认识 是别人介绍的
[03:20.43] I show up at your door and I'm, like,"Hey,nice to meet you." 我来到你家门口,说 嗨,很高兴认识你
[03:26.53] I'd probably be scared of a guy using a fake voice. 我会害怕压低声音的人
[03:31.87] Oh,good. You bought food. 真好,你买了吃的
[03:33.78] No,just my luggage. 不是,这是我的行李
[03:43.18] I am having the best karma this week. 我这个星期的气很旺
[03:45.69] I find this woman who knew my parents... 我找到认识我父母的人
[03:51.23] What about that bike messenger you hit? 被你打的快递员呢?
[03:54.20] Oh,I wasn't talking about his karma. 我不是在说他的气
[03:58.70] Hey,check out the hat! 看看这顶帽子
[04:04.01] Wait a minute,I know that hat. 慢着,我认得那顶帽子
[04:06.57] I was taken aboard that hat. 我被戴上那顶帽子
[04:09.74] They did experiments on me. 它们对我做实验
[04:14.72] Seriously,where did you get the hat? 褚的,那是哪来的?
[04:17.09] Ross gave it to me. 罗斯送的
[04:18.59] I think she looks good. 我觉得她戴起来很好看
[04:21.82] Did he buy it for you... 是他买给你的
[04:23.93] ...or win it for you? 还是抽奖抽到的?
[04:26.86] Excuse me, my fashion-impaired friends... 很抱歉,这位时尚白痴
[04:29.43] ... I'm here to tell you hats are back. 帽子又流行回来了
[04:31.70] And this time,they've ganged up and formed one giant super-hat. 这一回它们聚集成 一顶超级大帽子
[04:41.78] Go,go,go! 快快快
[04:42.84] Now everybody wants to be under the hat! 现在你们又想躲到帽子底下
[04:52.85] What's with all this sand? 怎么这么多沙子?
[04:54.69] Bob said there might be flood damage. 鲍伯说可能淹过水
[04:57.46] Either that or he has a really big cat. 不然就是他的猫很大只
[05:04.73] It's kind of an unusual house. 这个房子不太一样
[05:06.87] It has three beautiful bedrooms and no baths. 有三个漂亮的卧房,没有浴室
[05:14.81] IKnock,knock,knock. 有人在吗?
[05:16.38] Hang on. Come in,come in. 请等一下…请进
[05:18.55] Think about it and call me back. 你考虑完再打给我
[05:22.38] Are you Phoebe Abbott? 你是菲比艾博特吗?
[05:24.79] Surprise,Phoebe Abbott! I'm your best friend's daughter! 惊喜!我是你的死党的女儿
[05:30.56] You're lrwin's daughter? 你是尔文的女儿?
[05:32.09] I mean your old best friend. Here. 是以前的死党,你看
[05:35.66] -Lily? From high school? Remember? -Oh,God,Lily. Yes. 高中的莉莉,记得吗? 天哪,莉莉
[05:39.83] Of course I remember Lily. 我当然记得莉莉
[05:43.84] Then you must be 那你一定是…
[05:48.11] She named me after you,I guess. 应该是取自你的名字
[05:50.78] Wow. Well. Look,there's Frank! 看,是法兰克
[05:53.65] Yeah! Yes! Yes,yes! 对!没错!
[05:55.62] That's my dad. That's Frank! 那是我爸爸法兰克
[05:58.00] I'm sorry I'm getting all flingy. 抱歉我这么激动
[06:01.12] Take it easy. If you want,there's cookies. 别激动,那里有饼干
[06:03.69] Or sangria! I could make sangria! 不然我调汽泡酒果汁
[06:06.83] Sorry. Cookies are good,thanks. 不用,饼干就行了,谢谢
[06:11.63] Anyway,I've been looking for my father. 总之,我一直在找我爸
[06:16.34] -Have you heard from him or seen him? -Oh,no,I'm sorry. 你有他的消息或见过他吗? 没有,对不起
[06:20.11] I lost track of everybody after high school. 我毕了业就跟大家失去联络
[06:26.11] Well,so tell me everything about my parents. Everything. 那就把我父母的事都告诉我
[06:30.12] Oh,well,you know, we were always together. 你也知道,我们总是形影不离
[06:33.52] -The other kids had a nickname for us. -What was it? 其他人帮我们取了个绰号 什么绰号?
[06:37.19] The Three Losers. 俗辣三人行
[06:39.56] Oh,poor Lily. 可怜的莉莉
[06:43.03] I heard what happened. That must have been just terrible for you... 我听说她的事了 你一定非常难过
[06:47.50] ...Iosing your mother that way. 就这样失去母亲
[06:50.54] Yeah,no,it was great. 不会啊,很棒
[07:03.85] You know what a really good rainy-day game is? 知道下雨天玩什么最好?
[07:06.72] I mean,naked game. 要脱衣服的喔
[07:09.56] We should play strip poker. 我们应该来玩脱衣扑克牌
[07:11.86] Are you crazy? 你疯了吗?
[07:13.09] Come on. When you go away, you have to play. It's,like,a law. 拜托,出门一定要玩这个 这是一种规定
[07:18.43] -All done. -Thank you. 好了 谢谢
[07:20.33] Okay. Who's next? 下一个是谁?
[07:26.91] No way! 不行
[07:28.41] Come on,please. I'm bored. You let me do it once before. 拜托啦,我好无聊 你让我涂过一次
[07:36.92] Well,if that's the rule this weekend.... 如果这是本周末的规定…
[07:42.12] -Get away. -Take it like a man. Come on! 走开 大方一点,来
[07:47.06] Big bullies! 大坏人
[08:02.11] How are we doing? 怎么样啊?
[08:03.61] Bored and bored. 无聊到爆
[08:06.78] You know what naked card game's never boring? 玩脱衣扑克牌最不无聊
[08:12.22] So what's Phoebe like? 菲比是什么样的人?
[08:14.22] I'm kind,caring and sweet. What's Monica like? 我心肠好又体帖,摩妮卡呢?
[08:19.00] No,the other Phoebe. The one you went to see? 我是说你去找的那个菲比
[08:21.76] I think she knows where my dad is! 我觉得她知道我爸的下落
[08:24.63] Cool! 太好了
[08:25.80] Where is he? 他在哪里?
[08:26.83] She was pretending she hasn't heard from him... 她假装没有他的消息
[08:30.07] ...but I found this picture. 但是我发现这张照片
[08:32.41] Isn't this what he would look like now? 他现在不就应该长这样?
[08:35.61] Totally familiar. 很像
[08:40.18] Why would she lie to you? 她为什么要骗你?
[08:41.58] We're having dinner tomorrow. Maybe she'll tell me then. 我们明天要吃晚饭 也许她到时会告诉我
[08:45.02] Maybe she just wanted to give him time... 也许她想给他一点时间…
[08:47.66] buy me presents. I don't know. 帮我买礼物
[08:51.00] So you're all bored? 你们都很无聊?
[08:53.79] I'll close my eyes and point to someone. Whoever it is... 我闭上眼睛随便指 被指到的人
[08:57.43] ... has to think of something fun to do. And we have to do it. 要想一件好玩的事 大家就一定要做
[09:01.10] Okay! Fan out! Fan out! 好,散开来
[09:06.77] You know,we could just do this! 这样就很好玩了
[09:13.18] We all have to play strip poker? 我们要玩脱衣牌
[09:18.89] Strip Happy Days Game? 脱衣大富翁?
[09:21.32] I couldn't find cards,so it was this or Strip Bag-Of-Old-Knitting-Stuff. 我找不到扑克牌 不然就随便脱着玩
[09:27.46] Done. 好
[09:30.57] "Fonzie gives you two thumbs up. Collect two cool points." “走得漂亮,你得到两分”
[09:36.84] Get five points,you get to make someone take off one item of clothing. 累积到五分 就可以叫别人脱一件衣服
[09:40.64] It hasn't happened yet, but we're very excited. 还没人脱,但是我们很兴奋
[09:44.35] Okay,come on. 来吧
[09:46.15] Daddy needs a new electromagnetic microscope for Prehistoric Forensics. 我要替史前鉴识部 赢一台电子显微镜
[09:56.72] "Take Pinky Tuscadero up to lnspiration Point. “带粉红托斯卡罗到机会点”
[10:01.26] Collect three cool points." Yeah! “你得到三分”,漂亮!
[10:03.70] Which gives me five. 我有五分了
[10:05.67] And let's see,who is gonna lose their clothes? 我看看,谁要脱衣服啊?
[10:09.57] I think I pick our strip poker sponsor,Mr. Joey Tribbiani. 我选本游戏的发起者 乔伊崔比亚尼先生
[10:16.71] All right,relax. It's just a shoe. 放激动,只是一只鞋
[10:21.62] "Your band is playing at Arnold's. Collect three cool points." “你的乐队在音乐厅表演 你得到三分”
[10:26.25] Which means I have five and that means I get Joey's boxers. 所以我有五分 乔伊要脱四角裤了
[10:37.53] Fine. Gang up on me. 好,来对付我啊
[10:39.37] I got you all, right where I want you. 我会让你们脱得很难看
[10:42.60] Come on! Take them off! 快脱
[10:44.61] Actually,it's kind of cold. 其实有点冷
[10:46.44] What if I keep them on and give you a peek at the good stuff? 我能不能不要脱 让你们瞄一眼就好?
[10:50.44] I'm gonna make more margaritas. 我再去调玛格丽特
[10:52.78] What are you doing? Trying to get me drunk? 你干什么?想把我灌醉?
[10:59.62] Think I'll help her out. 我去帮忙
[11:05.06] What is going on here? 这是怎么回事?
[11:06.49] What? 什么?
[11:07.73] You're painting his toenails. Chasing him around the room. 你涂他的脚指甲,追着他跑
[11:11.43] Monica,please. 摩妮卡,拜托
[11:12.73] He's totally flirting with you too. 他也跟你打情骂俏
[11:15.90] He is,isn't he? 没错吧?
[11:18.81] I don't know. Maybe it's just being here at the beach together... 不晓得,也许是因为来到海边
[11:23.18] ... but it's like something 感觉上…
[11:30.35] Hi,Bonnie. 邦妮
[11:32.45] My boss let me off early, so I took the train. 老板提早放人 我就搭火车来了
[11:35.42] What are you guys doing? 你们在干什么?
[11:37.00] We're playing Strip Happy Days Game. 玩脱衣大富翁
[11:40.63] Cool! I'll catch up! 酷,我来赶进度
[11:51.67] So you still don't think... 你还是不觉得我…
[11:54.78] ...I'm boyfriend material? 适合当男朋友?
[11:58.61] I saw you checking me out during the game last night. 昨晚我发现你在打量我
[12:02.18] You didn't even take off your pants. 你连裤子都没脱
[12:04.29] Lucky for you. 算你走运
[12:07.12] -What? -I don't know. 什么? 我不晓得
[12:10.42] Well,is everybody else having just the best time? 大家都开心吗?
[12:15.86] Joey's asleep. 乔伊睡着了
[12:27.01] He passed out. We put sand around him to keep him warm. 他昏睡过去 我们用沙子帮他保暖
[12:33.28] Well,I assume the happy couple isn't up yet? 那对爱侣还没起床吧?
[12:37.02] Did you guys hear them last night? 你们昨晚有听到吗?
[12:39.65] I don't know what they were doing, but sea turtles came up to the house. 我不知道他们在干什么 但是海龟一度爬进屋里来
[12:46.39] Good morning. 早安
[12:48.50] -How'd you sleep? -Great. 睡得好吗? 很好
[12:50.13] Like a log. 跟木头一样
[12:51.23] Us too. 我们也是
[12:54.67] I'm going for a walk. 我要去散步
[13:01.41] Good morning. Nice breasts by the way. 早安,好丰满的胸部
[13:15.19] Hey,what happened to you? 你怎么没来?
[13:17.02] Oh,nothing. I just felt like hanging out and reading. 没什么,我想在这里看书
[13:21.06] The water was so great. We jumped off this pier and my suit came off. 海水好舒服,我们跳下桥墩 我的泳衣掉了
[13:26.87] Sorry I missed that. 可惜我没看到
[13:28.47] Joey and Chandler sure are funny. 乔伊和钱德好好玩
[13:33.07] I brought back half the beach in my hair. 我的头发里都是沙子
[13:35.61] It was easier when I shaved my head. 以前光头方便多了
[13:42.65] You know,I gotta tell you... 我一定要告诉你
[13:48.59] Really? 真的?
[13:50.66] I think about shaving it again sometimes. 我有考虑重新剃光头
[13:56.16] You definitely should do that. 你应该那样做
[13:59.07] You know what? I should do it! 我是该那样做
[14:01.30] You know what? Thank you. You are so cool. 谢谢你,你好酷
[14:04.24] Oh,stop. Go on. 别这么说
[14:06.64] -Now go shave that head. -All right. 去剃光头吧 好
[14:20.69] What's the matter? 怎么了?
[14:22.26] She canceled. My namesake canceled on me. 那个菲比取消了约会
[14:25.33] She claims she had to go out of town. She's avoiding me. 她说她得进城去,她在躲我
[14:29.03] She doesn't want to tell me where my father is. She knows! 她不想说出我爸的下落 她知道却不说
[14:32.77] Pheebs,that sucks. 好差劲喔
[14:36.04] Well,don't "Pheebs,that sucks" me yet. 先别跟我说差劲
[14:40.01] -Where are you going? -She's out of town. 你要去哪里? 她出门了
[14:42.78] Something in her house will tell me where he is. 她家里一定有我爸的线索
[14:45.88] Some people call that "breaking and entering." 有人称这种行为是闯空门
[14:49.45] Well,are any of those people here? 这里有人这么想吗?
[14:53.22] Look,I'll do something nice,okay? 我会做一些好事
[14:56.89] I'll fill her ice trays. Good? 我会把制冰盒加水,好吗?
[15:01.00] Hey,everybody! 你们看
[15:07.87] Look what you did! 你看看你
[15:10.87] You wanna touch it? 你想摸吗?
[15:12.21] No,but it's great. 不想,但是很好看
[15:14.54] Come on,touch it. 来嘛,摸嘛
[15:20.48] You can feel all the bones in your skull. 可以摸得到头骨
[15:32.19] I was having a little chat with Bonnie,and guess what? 我刚和邦妮聊了一下 你猜怎样?
[15:36.70] She brought up who was behind the head-shaving idea. 她提到整件事的幕后主使
[15:40.20] And now,who was it? Oh,that's right. It was you! 是谁呢? 对了,就是你
[15:44.84] That was her idea. 是她自己想剃
[15:47.04] I just gave her a nudge. 我只是推了她一把
[15:50.08] She said you gave her the razor. 她说你拿剃刀给她
[15:55.02] So anyone up for a midnight dip? 有人要去夜泳吗?
[15:57.42] -No,I'm good. -No,thanks. 我不要 不了
[15:59.79] -Okay,I'll see you in a bit. -Okay,have fun. 待会见 好好玩
[16:04.12] Come on,see? She doesn't look that bad. 也没那么糟嘛
[16:08.20] You can see the moonlight bouncing off her head! 她的头可以反射月光
[16:14.60] I don't know. 我不知道
[16:16.04] You balded my girlfriend! 你让我女朋友变成光头
[16:17.94] All right. 好啦
[16:21.11] Do you think it's easy for me to see you with somebody else? 看你跟别人在一起 难道我就好过?
[16:24.61] You're the one who ended it! 是你要分手的
[16:26.88] Because I was mad at you! Not because I stopped loving you! 因为我很气你 不是因为我不爱你了
[16:32.00] You still love me? 你还爱我?
[16:39.00] Yeah,so? 怎样?
[16:40.29] You love me. 你也爱我
[16:46.70] What does this mean? 什么意思?
[16:48.34] I mean,do you want to get back together? 你想复合吗?
[16:51.27] No! Maybe! 不是!也许吧
[16:53.94] I don't know. 我不知道
[17:01.38] I still can't forgive you for what you did. 我还是无法原谅你的行为
[17:05.22] But sometimes when I'm with you, I just feel so.... 但是有时和你在一起 我会觉得…
[17:08.62] What? 怎样?
[17:10.82] I just feel.... 我会觉得…
[17:14.29] -I just -What? 我… 怎样?
[17:17.23] I feel 我觉得…
[17:26.67] No! I don't care! 我不管
[17:28.61] I'm not playing one-on-one strip poker with you for practice! 我不要跟你练习一对一脱衣牌
[17:38.15] Good night. 晚安
[17:40.19] I'm going upstairs. 我要上楼去了
[17:42.32] -Good night. -Good night. 晚安 晚安
[17:51.10] Wanna play strip poker for practice? 要不要练习脱衣牌?
[18:11.02] My ass! 我的屁股
[18:51.63] Oh,it's me! It's me! 是我!
[18:53.29] -I didn't wanna make any noise! -Then don't break in! 我不想发出声音 那就不要闯进来
[18:58.13] -I'm sorry! -What are you doing here? 对不起 你来干什么?
[19:01.20] I came to fill your ice cube tray. 我来帮制冰盒加水
[19:06.21] What? 什么?
[19:10.71] Okay,look. 好,是这样的
[19:13.75] I took this picture from your fridge. I know that this is my father. 这是从你的冰箱上拿的 我认得这是我爸爸
[19:17.82] This is Frank Buffay,and you were standing next to him! 这是法兰克布非 你站在他身边
[19:21.82] I deserve to know where I came from. 我有权利知道我的身世
[19:24.46] So if you can help me find my father, then you should. 要是你能帮我找到爸爸 你就应该帮我
[19:27.83] Otherwise,you're just mean. 否则你就是坏人
[19:32.47] So just tell me the truth. 把真相告诉我
[19:35.10] All right. 好
[19:37.04] The man in that picture is Chuck Mangione. 照片上的人是查克曼吉欧尼
[19:43.14] My father is Chuck Mangione? 我爸是查克曼吉欧尼?
[19:46.21] That's just Chuck Mangione. 他跟你没有关系
[19:48.15] I sold him a house last year. 我去年卖给他一栋房子
[19:50.72] And I'm very sorry,but I really don't know where your father is. 抱歉,我真的不晓得 你父亲的下落
[20:02.00] I think a person should know where they come from. 人有权利知道自己的身世
[20:05.60] Which is why l.... 所以我…
[20:16.68] I'm your mother. 我是你的母亲
[20:23.42] I wanted to tell you yesterday,but I just... 我昨天就想说,但是我…
[20:26.85] ...felt all floopy,and.... 我觉得很矬
[20:31.83] You guys are getting back together. 你们肯定要复合了
[20:34.36] She doesn't even know what she wants. 她自己都搞不清楚
[20:36.76] Rachel's still mad at me. 瑞秋还在气那件事
[20:39.00] Then you gotta back away. You don't need that kind of hurt. 那就打退堂鼓 你不需要受这种伤害
[20:42.50] Take it from a guy who's... 听我的话,我…
[20:44.67] ... never had a long-term relationship. 从来没跟别人长期交往过
[20:48.71] I know,but I really want to go up there and finish that kiss. 我知道,但我真的 很想上楼继续吻她
[20:55.52] The water is great. You should go in. 水好舒服,你们应该去游泳
[20:58.19] No,thanks. I just had an M&M. 谢了,我刚吃了M M
[21:01.89] Well,good night. 晚安
[21:03.02] Good night. 晚安
[21:05.46] Don't be too long. 早点上来
[21:06.73] Okey-dokey. 没问题
[21:09.73] There is not one hair on that head. 真是清洁溜溜啊
[21:12.30] It'll grow back,right? And she's really fun,and she's cool. 头发会长回来 而且她很风趣,很棒
[21:17.17] And I'm finally moving on. 我终于往前走了
[21:19.21] Getting over Rachel was so 要忘掉瑞秋实在…
[21:23.08] I'm finally feeling sane. And if I go up there... 我终于恢复理智,要是我上楼
[21:26.48] ...and I kiss her.... 吻了她…
[21:28.35] God,I want to kiss her! 天哪,我好想吻她
[21:31.12] And it doesn't work out. Do I wanna put myself through that again? 要是失败呢? 我真的想再心碎一次吗?
[21:35.19] Let me get this straight. 我想问一下
[21:36.76] If you go with Bonnie,you do the smart,healthy thing and move on. 选择邦妮是明智的决定 可以抛开过去
[21:41.86] Right? And if you go with Rachel, Bonnie's free tonight? 对吧?要是选择瑞秋 邦妮今晚就空下来了?
[22:10.06] Hi there. 你好
[22:12.79] That's that weird voice again. 你的声音又怪怪的了
[22:15.30] Let me try it again. 再试一次
[22:16.80] You'll wanna date this next guy, I swear! 下一个人你一定喜欢
[22:25.07] Hi,I'm Dorf! 你好,我是小矮人
[22:28.68] Your date for the evening. 你今晚的男伴
[22:33.01] Oh,come on. Dorf on dating? That's good stuff! 小矮人约会耶 多有意思啊


[03:04.-4] Am I not boyfriend material? wǒ bù shì hé dāng nán péng yǒu ma?
[03:48.-3] ... and then my client gives me his beach house. kè rén yòu bǎ hǎi tān xiǎo wū jiè gěi wǒ
[04:12.-1] I can' t have children! wǒ bù néng shēng yù le
[05:11.-2] But, you know, the ocean is right there. dàn shì dà hǎi jiù zài páng biān
[05:45.-2] Phoebe, Phoebe. fēi bǐ
[10:56.-1] I' m just making margaritas. wǒ zhǐ shì yào diào mǎ gé lì tè
[13:45.-4] ... I just loved your look when you were bald. wǒ hǎo xǐ huān nǐ guāng tóu de yàng zi
[13:54.-3] Really? zhēn de?
[16:13.-2] What were you thinking? nǐ zài xiǎng shén me?
[16:37.-3] You still love me. nǐ hái ài wǒ
[17:33.-1] But I made cards! pái dōu zuò hǎo le
[19:55.-3] And that' s the truth. zhè shì shí huà
[19:59.-3] But you' re right. dàn shì nǐ shuō de duì
[00:02.03] So your first sexual experience was with a woman? nǐ de dì yī cì shì gēn nǚ rén zuò?
[00:06.77] I was 15. It was my best friend, Ruth. wǒ nà nián 15 suì gēn sǐ dǎng lù sī zài yì qǐ
[00:09.64] And we got drunk on that hard cider. xī dá tài nóng, wǒ men zuì le
[00:12.27] And then suddenly, we were making out. yī bù zhù yì, wǒ men yǐ jīng zài qīn rè le
[00:16.24] Tell it again. zài shuō yī cì
[00:20.82] Seriously. wǒ shì chǔ de
[00:24.79] Can that woman talk about anything else but sex? nà gè nǚ rén jiù zhǐ huì liáo zhè gè ma?
[00:28.82] Yeah, sure. Earlier she was talking about geography. bú huì a, tā gāng cái zài liáo dì lǐ
[00:33.73] She was listing the countries she' s done it in. tā zài liè jǔ tā zuò guò de guó jiā
[00:38.93] I think we all learned something. dà jiā dōu huò yì fěi qiǎn
[00:42.50] Hey, you guys! Look what I found! gè wèi, kàn wǒ zhǎo dào shén me
[00:44.94] That' s my mom' s writing. Look. nà shi wǒ mā de bǐ jī, kàn
[00:47.38] " Me and Frank and Phoebe, graduation, 1965." " wǒ fǎ lán kè yǔ fēi bǐ 1965 nián bì yè diǎn lǐ"
[00:51.28] Do you know what that means? That you' re actually 50? zhī dào qí zhōng de hán yì ma? nǐ yǐ jīng 50 suì le?
[00:55.45] That' s not " me" Phoebe. That' s her pal, Phoebe. nà gè fēi bǐ bú shì wǒ, shì tā de péng yǒu
[00:58.42] According to her yearbook, they were BFF. bì yè jì niàn cè shàng shuō tā men shì BFF
[01:02.46] Best Friends Forever. yǒng yuǎn de mò nì zhī jiāo
[01:04.73] That' s great! tài bàng le
[01:06.03] I know! She probably has all kinds of stories about my parents. wǒ zhī dào, tā bā chéng zhī dào wǒ fù mǔ de shì qíng
[01:10.43] She might know where my dad is. shèn zhì zhī dào wǒ bà de xià luò
[01:12.40] I looked her up. She lives by the beach. wǒ zhǎo guò le, tā zhù zài hǎi biān
[01:14.74] Maybe this weekend we can go there. wǒ men zhè gè zhōu mò kě yǐ qù hǎi biān
[01:18.14] Shoot, I can' t go. I have to work. That' s too bad. tǎo yàn, wǒ dé gōng zuò tài kě xī le
[01:21.94] Big fat bummer. zhēn shì sǎo xìng
[01:25.15] So tomorrow we' ll drive out to Montauk. nà wǒ men míng tiān kāi chē qù mò táo kè
[01:27.78] Hey, Bonnie had sex there! bāng nī zài nà li zuò guò
[01:32.15] The One At the Beach běn jí bō chū:" jiù ài xīn huān"
[02:24.41] Would you look at them? nǐ kàn tā men
[02:27.04] I' m never gonna find a boyfriend again. wǒ zài yě jiāo bú dào nán péng yǒu le
[02:29.41] I' m gonna die an old maid. wǒ huì biàn chéng lǎo gū pó
[02:32.05] You' re not gonna die an old maid. nǐ bú huì biàn chéng lǎo gū pó
[02:34.45] Maybe an old spinster cook. kě néng huì biàn chéng lǎo chú niáng
[02:40.05] Thanks. Besides, worse comes to worse... xiè le rú guǒ wàn bù dé yǐ
[02:43.06] ... I' ll be your boyfriend. wǒ huì dāng nǐ de nán péng yǒu
[02:48.23] Yeah, right. shì a
[02:52.57] Why is that so funny? yǒu shén me hǎo xiào de?
[02:54.60] You made a joke, right? nǐ shì zài kāi wán xiào ba?
[02:56.84] So I laughed. suǒ yǐ wǒ xiào le
[03:01.01] A little too hard. xiào dé tài lì hài le ba
[03:07.65] You' re Chandler. nǐ shì qián dé
[03:10.75] You know. Chandler! nǐ zhī dào ma, qián dé
[03:13.49] Okay, so we' ve established my name, and hit me. wǒ men què rèn le wǒ de míng zì hái dǎ le wǒ yī quán
[03:17.46] But say we weren' t friends. Say it' s a blind date. rú guǒ wǒ men bù rèn shi shì bié rén jiè shào de
[03:20.43] I show up at your door and I' m, like," Hey, nice to meet you." wǒ lái dào nǐ jiā mén kǒu, shuō hāi, hěn gāo xìng rèn shi nǐ
[03:26.53] I' d probably be scared of a guy using a fake voice. wǒ huì hài pà yā dī shēng yīn de rén
[03:31.87] Oh, good. You bought food. zhēn hǎo, nǐ mǎi le chī de
[03:33.78] No, just my luggage. bú shì, zhè shì wǒ de xíng lǐ
[03:43.18] I am having the best karma this week. wǒ zhè gè xīng qī de qì hěn wàng
[03:45.69] I find this woman who knew my parents... wǒ zhǎo dào rèn shi wǒ fù mǔ de rén
[03:51.23] What about that bike messenger you hit? bèi nǐ dǎ de kuài dì yuán ne?
[03:54.20] Oh, I wasn' t talking about his karma. wǒ bú shì zài shuō tā de qì
[03:58.70] Hey, check out the hat! kàn kàn zhè dǐng mào zi
[04:04.01] Wait a minute, I know that hat. màn zhe, wǒ rèn de nà dǐng mào zi
[04:06.57] I was taken aboard that hat. wǒ bèi dài shang nà dǐng mào zi
[04:09.74] They did experiments on me. tā men duì wǒ zuò shí yàn
[04:14.72] Seriously, where did you get the hat? chǔ de, nà shi nǎ lái de?
[04:17.09] Ross gave it to me. luó sī sòng de
[04:18.59] I think she looks good. wǒ jué de tā dài qǐ lái hěn hǎo kàn
[04:21.82] Did he buy it for you... shì tā mǎi gěi nǐ de
[04:23.93] ... or win it for you? hái shì chōu jiǎng chōu dào de?
[04:26.86] Excuse me, my fashionimpaired friends... hěn bào qiàn, zhè wèi shí shàng bái chī
[04:29.43] ... I' m here to tell you hats are back. mào zi yòu liú xíng huí lái le
[04:31.70] And this time, they' ve ganged up and formed one giant superhat. zhè yī huí tā men jù jí chéng yī dǐng chāo jí dà mào zi
[04:41.78] Go, go, go! kuài kuài kuài
[04:42.84] Now everybody wants to be under the hat! xiàn zài nǐ men yòu xiǎng duǒ dào mào zi dǐ xià
[04:52.85] What' s with all this sand? zěn me zhè me duō shā zi?
[04:54.69] Bob said there might be flood damage. bào bó shuō kě néng yān guò shuǐ
[04:57.46] Either that or he has a really big cat. bù rán jiù shì tā de māo hěn dà zhī
[05:04.73] It' s kind of an unusual house. zhè gè fáng zi bù tài yí yàng
[05:06.87] It has three beautiful bedrooms and no baths. yǒu sān ge piào liàng de wò fáng, méi yǒu yù shì
[05:14.81] IKnock, knock, knock. yǒu rén zài ma?
[05:16.38] Hang on. Come in, come in. qǐng děng yī xià qǐng jìn
[05:18.55] Think about it and call me back. nǐ kǎo lǜ wán zài dǎ gěi wǒ
[05:22.38] Are you Phoebe Abbott? nǐ shì fēi bǐ ài bó tè ma?
[05:24.79] Surprise, Phoebe Abbott! I' m your best friend' s daughter! jīng xǐ! wǒ shì nǐ de sǐ dǎng de nǚ ér
[05:30.56] You' re lrwin' s daughter? nǐ shì ěr wén de nǚ ér?
[05:32.09] I mean your old best friend. Here. shì yǐ qián de sǐ dǎng, nǐ kàn
[05:35.66] Lily? From high school? Remember? Oh, God, Lily. Yes. gāo zhōng de lì lì, jì de ma? tiān na, lì lì
[05:39.83] Of course I remember Lily. wǒ dāng rán jì de lì lì
[05:43.84] Then you must be nà nǐ yí dìng shì
[05:48.11] She named me after you, I guess. yīng gāi shì qǔ zì nǐ de míng zì
[05:50.78] Wow. Well. Look, there' s Frank! kàn, shì fǎ lán kè
[05:53.65] Yeah! Yes! Yes, yes! duì! méi cuò!
[05:55.62] That' s my dad. That' s Frank! nà shi wǒ bà bà fǎ lán kè
[05:58.00] I' m sorry I' m getting all flingy. bào qiàn wǒ zhè me jī dòng
[06:01.12] Take it easy. If you want, there' s cookies. bié jī dòng, nà lǐ yǒu bǐng gān
[06:03.69] Or sangria! I could make sangria! bù rán wǒ diào qì pào jiǔ guǒ zhī
[06:06.83] Sorry. Cookies are good, thanks. bù yòng, bǐng gān jiù xíng le, xiè xiè
[06:11.63] Anyway, I' ve been looking for my father. zǒng zhī, wǒ yī zhí zài zhǎo wǒ bà
[06:16.34] Have you heard from him or seen him? Oh, no, I' m sorry. nǐ yǒu tā de xiāo xī huò jiàn guò tā ma? méi yǒu, duì bù qǐ
[06:20.11] I lost track of everybody after high school. wǒ bì le yè jiù gēn dà jiā shī qù lián luò
[06:26.11] Well, so tell me everything about my parents. Everything. nà jiù bǎ wǒ fù mǔ de shì dōu gào sù wǒ
[06:30.12] Oh, well, you know, we were always together. nǐ yě zhī dào, wǒ men zǒng shì xíng yǐng bù lí
[06:33.52] The other kids had a nickname for us. What was it? qí tā rén bāng wǒ men qǔ le gè chuò hào shén me chuò hào?
[06:37.19] The Three Losers. sú là sān rén xíng
[06:39.56] Oh, poor Lily. kě lián de lì lì
[06:43.03] I heard what happened. That must have been just terrible for you... wǒ tīng shuō tā de shì le nǐ yí dìng fēi cháng nán guò
[06:47.50] ... Iosing your mother that way. jiù zhè yàng shī qù mǔ qīn
[06:50.54] Yeah, no, it was great. bú huì a, hěn bàng
[07:03.85] You know what a really good rainyday game is? zhī dào xià yǔ tiān wán shén me zuì hǎo?
[07:06.72] I mean, naked game. yào tuō yī fu de ō
[07:09.56] We should play strip poker. wǒ men yīng gāi lái wán tuō yī pū kè pái
[07:11.86] Are you crazy? nǐ fēng le ma?
[07:13.09] Come on. When you go away, you have to play. It' s, like, a law. bài tuō, chū mén yí dìng yào wán zhè gè zhè shì yī zhǒng guī dìng
[07:18.43] All done. Thank you. hǎo le xiè xiè
[07:20.33] Okay. Who' s next? xià yī ge shì shuí?
[07:26.91] No way! bù xíng
[07:28.41] Come on, please. I' m bored. You let me do it once before. bài tuō la, wǒ hǎo wú liáo nǐ ràng wǒ tú guò yī cì
[07:36.92] Well, if that' s the rule this weekend.... rú guǒ zhè shì běn zhōu mò de guī dìng
[07:42.12] Get away. Take it like a man. Come on! zǒu kāi dà fāng yì diǎn, lái
[07:47.06] Big bullies! dà huài rén
[08:02.11] How are we doing? zěn me yàng a?
[08:03.61] Bored and bored. wú liáo dào bào
[08:06.78] You know what naked card game' s never boring? wán tuō yī pū kè pái zuì bù wú liáo
[08:12.22] So what' s Phoebe like? fēi bǐ shì shén me yàng de rén?
[08:14.22] I' m kind, caring and sweet. What' s Monica like? wǒ xīn cháng hǎo yòu tǐ tiē, mó nī kǎ ne?
[08:19.00] No, the other Phoebe. The one you went to see? wǒ shì shuō nǐ qù zhǎo de nà gè fēi bǐ
[08:21.76] I think she knows where my dad is! wǒ jué de tā zhī dào wǒ bà de xià luò
[08:24.63] Cool! tài hǎo le
[08:25.80] Where is he? tā zài nǎ lǐ?
[08:26.83] She was pretending she hasn' t heard from him... tā jiǎ zhuāng méi yǒu tā de xiāo xī
[08:30.07] ... but I found this picture. dàn shì wǒ fā xiàn zhè zhāng zhào piān
[08:32.41] Isn' t this what he would look like now? tā xiàn zài bù jiù yīng gāi zhǎng zhè yàng?
[08:35.61] Totally familiar. hěn xiàng
[08:40.18] Why would she lie to you? tā wèi shí me yào piàn nǐ?
[08:41.58] We' re having dinner tomorrow. Maybe she' ll tell me then. wǒ men míng tiān yào chī wǎn fàn yě xǔ tā dào shí huì gào sù wǒ
[08:45.02] Maybe she just wanted to give him time... yě xǔ tā xiǎng gěi tā yì diǎn shí jiān
[08:47.66] ... to buy me presents. I don' t know. bāng wǒ mǎi lǐ wù
[08:51.00] So you' re all bored? nǐ men dōu hěn wú liáo?
[08:53.79] I' ll close my eyes and point to someone. Whoever it is... wǒ bì shang yǎn jīng suí biàn zhǐ bèi zhǐ dào de rén
[08:57.43] ... has to think of something fun to do. And we have to do it. yào xiǎng yī jiàn hǎo wán de shì dà jiā jiù yí dìng yào zuò
[09:01.10] Okay! Fan out! Fan out! hǎo, sàn kāi lái
[09:06.77] You know, we could just do this! zhè yàng jiù hěn hǎo wán le
[09:13.18] We all have to play strip poker? wǒ men yào wán tuō yī pái
[09:18.89] Strip Happy Days Game? tuō yī dà fù wēng?
[09:21.32] I couldn' t find cards, so it was this or Strip BagOfOldKnittingStuff. wǒ zhǎo bu dào pū kè pái bù rán jiù suí biàn tuō zhe wán
[09:27.46] Done. hǎo
[09:30.57] " Fonzie gives you two thumbs up. Collect two cool points." " zǒu dé piào liàng, nǐ dé dào liǎng fēn"
[09:36.84] Get five points, you get to make someone take off one item of clothing. lěi jī dào wǔ fēn jiù kě yǐ jiào bié rén tuō yī jiàn yī fú
[09:40.64] It hasn' t happened yet, but we' re very excited. hái méi rén tuō, dàn shì wǒ men hěn xīng fèn
[09:44.35] Okay, come on. lái ba
[09:46.15] Daddy needs a new electromagnetic microscope for Prehistoric Forensics. wǒ yào tì shǐ qián jiàn shí bù yíng yī tái diàn zǐ xiǎn wēi jìng
[09:56.72] " Take Pinky Tuscadero up to lnspiration Point. " dài fěn hóng tuō sī kǎ luó dào jī huì diǎn"
[10:01.26] Collect three cool points." Yeah! " nǐ dé dào sān fēn", piào liàng!
[10:03.70] Which gives me five. wǒ yǒu wǔ fēn le
[10:05.67] And let' s see, who is gonna lose their clothes? wǒ kàn kàn, shuí yào tuō yī fu a?
[10:09.57] I think I pick our strip poker sponsor, Mr. Joey Tribbiani. wǒ xuǎn běn yóu xì de fā qǐ zhě qiáo yī cuī bǐ yà ní xiān shēng
[10:16.71] All right, relax. It' s just a shoe. fàng jī dòng, zhǐ shì yì zhī xié
[10:21.62] " Your band is playing at Arnold' s. Collect three cool points." " nǐ de yuè duì zài yīn yuè tīng biǎo yǎn nǐ dé dào sān fēn"
[10:26.25] Which means I have five and that means I get Joey' s boxers. suǒ yǐ wǒ yǒu wǔ fēn qiáo yī yào tuō sì jiǎo kù le
[10:37.53] Fine. Gang up on me. hǎo, lái duì fù wǒ a
[10:39.37] I got you all, right where I want you. wǒ huì ràng nǐ men tuō de hěn nán kàn
[10:42.60] Come on! Take them off! kuài tuō
[10:44.61] Actually, it' s kind of cold. qí shí yǒu diǎn lěng
[10:46.44] What if I keep them on and give you a peek at the good stuff? wǒ néng bù néng bú yào tuō ràng nǐ men miáo yī yǎn jiù hǎo?
[10:50.44] I' m gonna make more margaritas. wǒ zài qù diào mǎ gé lì tè
[10:52.78] What are you doing? Trying to get me drunk? nǐ gàn shén me? xiǎng bǎ wǒ guàn zuì?
[10:59.62] Think I' ll help her out. wǒ qù bāng máng
[11:05.06] What is going on here? zhè shì zěn me huí shì?
[11:06.49] What? shén me?
[11:07.73] You' re painting his toenails. Chasing him around the room. nǐ tú tā de jiǎo zhǐ jia, zhuī zhe tā pǎo
[11:11.43] Monica, please. mó nī kǎ, bài tuō
[11:12.73] He' s totally flirting with you too. tā yě gēn nǐ dǎ qíng mà qiào
[11:15.90] He is, isn' t he? méi cuò ba?
[11:18.81] I don' t know. Maybe it' s just being here at the beach together... bù xiǎo de, yě xǔ shì yīn wèi lái dào hǎi biān
[11:23.18] ... but it' s like something gǎn jué shàng
[11:30.35] Hi, Bonnie. bāng nī
[11:32.45] My boss let me off early, so I took the train. lǎo bǎn tí zǎo fàng rén wǒ jiù dā huǒ chē lái le
[11:35.42] What are you guys doing? nǐ men zài gàn shén me?
[11:37.00] We' re playing Strip Happy Days Game. wán tuō yī dà fù wēng
[11:40.63] Cool! I' ll catch up! kù, wǒ lái gǎn jìn dù
[11:51.67] So you still don' t think... nǐ hái shì bù jué de wǒ
[11:54.78] ... I' m boyfriend material? shì hé dāng nán péng yǒu?
[11:58.61] I saw you checking me out during the game last night. zuó wǎn wǒ fā xiàn nǐ zài dǎ liang wǒ
[12:02.18] You didn' t even take off your pants. nǐ lián kù zǐ dōu méi tuō
[12:04.29] Lucky for you. suàn nǐ zǒu yùn
[12:07.12] What? I don' t know. shén me? wǒ bù xiǎo de
[12:10.42] Well, is everybody else having just the best time? dà jiā dōu kāi xīn ma?
[12:15.86] Joey' s asleep. qiáo yī shuì zháo le
[12:27.01] He passed out. We put sand around him to keep him warm. tā hūn shuì guò qù wǒ men yòng shā zi bāng tā bǎo nuǎn
[12:33.28] Well, I assume the happy couple isn' t up yet? nà duì ài lǚ hái méi qǐ chuáng ba?
[12:37.02] Did you guys hear them last night? nǐ men zuó wǎn yǒu tīng dào ma?
[12:39.65] I don' t know what they were doing, but sea turtles came up to the house. wǒ bù zhī dào tā men zài gàn shén me dàn shì hǎi guī yí dù pá jìn wū lǐ lái
[12:46.39] Good morning. zǎo ān
[12:48.50] How' d you sleep? Great. shuì dé hǎo ma? hěn hǎo
[12:50.13] Like a log. gēn mù tou yí yàng
[12:51.23] Us too. wǒ men yě shì
[12:54.67] I' m going for a walk. wǒ yào qù sàn bù
[13:01.41] Good morning. Nice breasts by the way. zǎo ān, hǎo fēng mǎn de xiōng bù
[13:15.19] Hey, what happened to you? nǐ zěn me méi lái?
[13:17.02] Oh, nothing. I just felt like hanging out and reading. méi shén me, wǒ xiǎng zài zhè lǐ kàn shū
[13:21.06] The water was so great. We jumped off this pier and my suit came off. hǎi shuǐ hǎo shū fú, wǒ men tiào xià qiáo dūn wǒ de yǒng yī diào le
[13:26.87] Sorry I missed that. kě xī wǒ méi kàn dào
[13:28.47] Joey and Chandler sure are funny. qiáo yī hé qián dé hǎo hǎo wán
[13:33.07] I brought back half the beach in my hair. wǒ de tóu fà lǐ dōu shì shā zi
[13:35.61] It was easier when I shaved my head. yǐ qián guāng tóu fāng biàn duō le
[13:42.65] You know, I gotta tell you... wǒ yí dìng yào gào sù nǐ
[13:48.59] Really? zhēn de?
[13:50.66] I think about shaving it again sometimes. wǒ yǒu kǎo lǜ chóng xīn tì guāng tóu
[13:56.16] You definitely should do that. nǐ yīng gāi nà yàng zuò
[13:59.07] You know what? I should do it! wǒ shì gāi nà yàng zuò
[14:01.30] You know what? Thank you. You are so cool. xiè xiè nǐ, nǐ hǎo kù
[14:04.24] Oh, stop. Go on. bié zhè me shuō
[14:06.64] Now go shave that head. All right. qù tì guāng tóu ba hǎo
[14:20.69] What' s the matter? zěn me le?
[14:22.26] She canceled. My namesake canceled on me. nà gè fēi bǐ qǔ xiāo le yuē huì
[14:25.33] She claims she had to go out of town. She' s avoiding me. tā shuō tā dé jìn chéng qù, tā zài duǒ wǒ
[14:29.03] She doesn' t want to tell me where my father is. She knows! tā bù xiǎng shuō chū wǒ bà de xià luò tā zhī dào què bù shuō
[14:32.77] Pheebs, that sucks. hǎo chà jìn ō
[14:36.04] Well, don' t " Pheebs, that sucks" me yet. xiān bié gēn wǒ shuō chà jìn
[14:40.01] Where are you going? She' s out of town. nǐ yào qù nǎ lǐ? tā chū mén le
[14:42.78] Something in her house will tell me where he is. tā jiā lǐ yí dìng yǒu wǒ bà de xiàn suǒ
[14:45.88] Some people call that " breaking and entering." yǒu rén chēng zhè zhǒng xíng wéi shì chuǎng kōng mén
[14:49.45] Well, are any of those people here? zhè lǐ yǒu rén zhè me xiǎng ma?
[14:53.22] Look, I' ll do something nice, okay? wǒ huì zuò yī xiē hǎo shì
[14:56.89] I' ll fill her ice trays. Good? wǒ huì bǎ zhì bīng hé jiā shuǐ, hǎo ma?
[15:01.00] Hey, everybody! nǐ men kàn
[15:07.87] Look what you did! nǐ kàn kàn nǐ
[15:10.87] You wanna touch it? nǐ xiǎng mō ma?
[15:12.21] No, but it' s great. bù xiǎng, dàn shì hěn hǎo kàn
[15:14.54] Come on, touch it. lái ma, mō ma
[15:20.48] You can feel all the bones in your skull. kě yǐ mō dé dào tóu gǔ
[15:32.19] I was having a little chat with Bonnie, and guess what? wǒ gāng hé bāng nī liáo le yī xià nǐ cāi zěn yàng?
[15:36.70] She brought up who was behind the headshaving idea. tā tí dào zhěng jiàn shì de mù hòu zhǔ shǐ
[15:40.20] And now, who was it? Oh, that' s right. It was you! shì shuí ne? duì le, jiù shì nǐ
[15:44.84] That was her idea. shì tā zì jǐ xiǎng tì
[15:47.04] I just gave her a nudge. wǒ zhǐ shì tuī le tā yī bǎ
[15:50.08] She said you gave her the razor. tā shuō nǐ ná tì dāo gěi tā
[15:55.02] So anyone up for a midnight dip? yǒu rén yào qù yè yǒng ma?
[15:57.42] No, I' m good. No, thanks. wǒ bú yào bù liǎo
[15:59.79] Okay, I' ll see you in a bit. Okay, have fun. dāi huì jiàn hǎo hǎo wán
[16:04.12] Come on, see? She doesn' t look that bad. yě méi nà me zāo ma
[16:08.20] You can see the moonlight bouncing off her head! tā de tóu kě yǐ fǎn shè yuè guāng
[16:14.60] I don' t know. wǒ bù zhī dào
[16:16.04] You balded my girlfriend! nǐ ràng wǒ nǚ péng yǒu biàn chéng guāng tóu
[16:17.94] All right. hǎo la
[16:21.11] Do you think it' s easy for me to see you with somebody else? kàn nǐ gēn bié rén zài yì qǐ nán dào wǒ jiù hǎo guò?
[16:24.61] You' re the one who ended it! shì nǐ yào fēn shǒu de
[16:26.88] Because I was mad at you! Not because I stopped loving you! yīn wèi wǒ hěn qì nǐ bú shì yīn wèi wǒ bù ài nǐ le
[16:32.00] You still love me? nǐ hái ài wǒ?
[16:39.00] Yeah, so? zěn yàng?
[16:40.29] You love me. nǐ yě ài wǒ
[16:46.70] What does this mean? shén me yì sī?
[16:48.34] I mean, do you want to get back together? nǐ xiǎng fù hé ma?
[16:51.27] No! Maybe! bú shì! yě xǔ ba
[16:53.94] I don' t know. wǒ bù zhī dào
[17:01.38] I still can' t forgive you for what you did. wǒ hái shì wú fǎ yuán liàng nǐ de xíng wéi
[17:05.22] But sometimes when I' m with you, I just feel so.... dàn shì yǒu shí hé nǐ zài yì qǐ wǒ huì jué de
[17:08.62] What? zěn yàng?
[17:10.82] I just feel.... wǒ huì jué de
[17:14.29] I just What? wǒ zěn yàng?
[17:17.23] I feel wǒ jué de
[17:26.67] No! I don' t care! wǒ bù guǎn
[17:28.61] I' m not playing oneonone strip poker with you for practice! wǒ bú yào gēn nǐ liàn xí yī duì yī tuō yī pái
[17:38.15] Good night. wǎn ān
[17:40.19] I' m going upstairs. wǒ yào shàng lóu qù le
[17:42.32] Good night. Good night. wǎn ān wǎn ān
[17:51.10] Wanna play strip poker for practice? yào bú yào liàn xí tuō yī pái?
[18:11.02] My ass! wǒ de pì gǔ
[18:51.63] Oh, it' s me! It' s me! shì wǒ!
[18:53.29] I didn' t wanna make any noise! Then don' t break in! wǒ bù xiǎng fā chū shēng yīn nà jiù bú yào chuǎng jìn lái
[18:58.13] I' m sorry! What are you doing here? duì bù qǐ nǐ lái gàn shén me?
[19:01.20] I came to fill your ice cube tray. wǒ lái bāng zhì bīng hé jiā shuǐ
[19:06.21] What? shén me?
[19:10.71] Okay, look. hǎo, shì zhè yàng de
[19:13.75] I took this picture from your fridge. I know that this is my father. zhè shì cóng nǐ de bīng xiāng shàng ná de wǒ rèn de zhè shì wǒ bà bà
[19:17.82] This is Frank Buffay, and you were standing next to him! zhè shì fǎ lán kè bù fēi nǐ zhàn zài tā shēn biān
[19:21.82] I deserve to know where I came from. wǒ yǒu quán lì zhī dào wǒ de shēn shì
[19:24.46] So if you can help me find my father, then you should. yào shì nǐ néng bāng wǒ zhǎo dào bà bà nǐ jiù yīng gāi bāng wǒ
[19:27.83] Otherwise, you' re just mean. fǒu zé nǐ jiù shì huài rén
[19:32.47] So just tell me the truth. bǎ zhēn xiàng gào sù wǒ
[19:35.10] All right. hǎo
[19:37.04] The man in that picture is Chuck Mangione. zhào piān shàng de rén shì chá kè màn jí ōu ní
[19:43.14] My father is Chuck Mangione? wǒ bà shì chá kè màn jí ōu ní?
[19:46.21] That' s just Chuck Mangione. tā gēn nǐ méi yǒu guān xi
[19:48.15] I sold him a house last year. wǒ qù nián mài gěi tā yī dòng fáng zi
[19:50.72] And I' m very sorry, but I really don' t know where your father is. bào qiàn, wǒ zhēn de bù xiǎo de nǐ fù qīn de xià luò
[20:02.00] I think a person should know where they come from. rén yǒu quán lì zhī dào zì jǐ de shēn shì
[20:05.60] Which is why l.... suǒ yǐ wǒ
[20:16.68] I' m your mother. wǒ shì nǐ de mǔ qīn
[20:23.42] I wanted to tell you yesterday, but I just... wǒ zuó tiān jiù xiǎng shuō, dàn shì wǒ
[20:26.85] ... felt all floopy, and.... wǒ jué de hěn cuó
[20:31.83] You guys are getting back together. nǐ men kěn dìng yào fù hé le
[20:34.36] She doesn' t even know what she wants. tā zì jǐ dōu gǎo bù qīng chǔ
[20:36.76] Rachel' s still mad at me. ruì qiū hái zài qì nà jiàn shì
[20:39.00] Then you gotta back away. You don' t need that kind of hurt. nà jiù dǎ tuì táng gǔ nǐ bù xū yào shòu zhè zhǒng shāng hài
[20:42.50] Take it from a guy who' s... tīng wǒ de huà, wǒ
[20:44.67] ... never had a longterm relationship. cóng lái méi gēn bié rén cháng qī jiāo wǎng guò
[20:48.71] I know, but I really want to go up there and finish that kiss. wǒ zhī dào, dàn wǒ zhēn de hěn xiǎng shàng lóu jì xù wěn tā
[20:55.52] The water is great. You should go in. shuǐ hǎo shū fú, nǐ men yīng gāi qù yóu yǒng
[20:58.19] No, thanks. I just had an M M. xiè le, wǒ gāng chī le M M
[21:01.89] Well, good night. wǎn ān
[21:03.02] Good night. wǎn ān
[21:05.46] Don' t be too long. zǎo diǎn shàng lái
[21:06.73] Okeydokey. méi wèn tí
[21:09.73] There is not one hair on that head. zhēn shì qīng jié liū liū a
[21:12.30] It' ll grow back, right? And she' s really fun, and she' s cool. tóu fà huì cháng huí lái ér qiě tā hěn fēng qù, hěn bàng
[21:17.17] And I' m finally moving on. wǒ zhōng yú wǎng qián zǒu le
[21:19.21] Getting over Rachel was so yào wàng diào ruì qiū shí zài
[21:23.08] I' m finally feeling sane. And if I go up there... wǒ zhōng yú huī fù lǐ zhì, yào shì wǒ shàng lóu
[21:26.48] ... and I kiss her.... wěn le tā
[21:28.35] God, I want to kiss her! tiān na, wǒ hǎo xiǎng wěn tā
[21:31.12] And it doesn' t work out. Do I wanna put myself through that again? yào shì shī bài ne? wǒ zhēn de xiǎng zài xīn suì yī cì ma?
[21:35.19] Let me get this straight. wǒ xiǎng wèn yī xià
[21:36.76] If you go with Bonnie, you do the smart, healthy thing and move on. xuǎn zé bāng nī shì míng zhì de jué dìng kě yǐ pāo kāi guò qù
[21:41.86] Right? And if you go with Rachel, Bonnie' s free tonight? duì ba? yào shì xuǎn zé ruì qiū bāng nī jīn wǎn jiù kōng xià lái le?
[22:10.06] Hi there. nǐ hǎo
[22:12.79] That' s that weird voice again. nǐ de shēng yīn yòu guài guài de le
[22:15.30] Let me try it again. zài shì yī cì
[22:16.80] You' ll wanna date this next guy, I swear! xià yī ge rén nǐ yí dìng xǐ huān
[22:25.07] Hi, I' m Dorf! nǐ hǎo, wǒ shì xiǎo ǎi rén
[22:28.68] Your date for the evening. nǐ jīn wǎn de nán bàn
[22:33.01] Oh, come on. Dorf on dating? That' s good stuff! xiǎo ǎi rén yuē huì yé duō yǒu yì sī a