Friends S04E21

歌曲 Friends S04E21
歌手 英语听力
专辑 老友记(第四季)


[00:03.67] All of a sudden, so much is happening. 突然间发生了好多事
[00:06.77] I know. Ross is getting married. 就是啊,罗斯要结婚
[00:09.37] Phoebe's making people. 菲比在…做人
[00:12.74] -Everybody's doing stuff. -We just sit here. 大家都在忙 只有我们坐在这里
[00:15.41] If I died, people would know I was here... 要是我死了 大家只会...
[00:18.05] ...only by the ass print on this chair! 从这张椅子的屁股印 知道我存在过
[00:22.35] -What are we doing? -Wasting our lives. 我们要干嘛? 浪费生命
[00:26.72] I meant for lunch. 我是说午餐吃什么
[00:30.39] We have to do something. Something huge! 我们得做一件大事
[00:34.33] We could climb Mt. Everest. 我们可以去爬珠峰
[00:36.90] Not something stupid. Something huge! 不是蠢事,是大事
[00:40.10] I saw an ad for this video. 不,我在录影带上看到广告
[00:42.47] People climb that thing every day. We could totally do that! 每天都有人在爬 我们也可以爬
[00:45.94] Why not? I mean,it's just climbing. 谁说不行?只不过是爬山
[00:49.41] -It's just steep! -Yeah. 只不过很陡
[00:52.75] We're going! It'd be nice to leave an ass print on Everest. 我们去攻顶 在山顶留屁股印一定很爽
[00:58.62] What's up? 在干什么?
[00:59.82] -We're gonna climb Mt. Everest. -Yeah,baby! 我们要去爬珠峰 没错
[01:02.92] I looked into that. 真的?我也去问过
[01:04.79] Yeah,but it costs like $60,000, and,you know,you could die. 但是要花6万,而且可能会死
[01:10.43] And you would die. 你们一定会死
[01:16.27] We could get that Everest video. 我们可以去借珠峰的录影带
[01:18.47] We could do that without risking our lives at all. 对,那样就不必冒生命危险
[01:22.48] While we're at the video store, we could rent Die Hard! 到了录影带店 我们还可以借“终极警探”
[01:28.15] I just remembered. 我刚想到
[01:29.75] That Everest thing is only available through mail order. 那个录影带只能邮购
[01:34.29] So you'll stay here and hang out with me? 所以你们要留下来陪我罗? 对
[01:39.69] But one of these days... 不过总有一天
[01:41.93] ...we'll get off our butts and rent Die Hard again! 我们会站起来 再去借一次“终极警探”
[01:47.54] The One with the lnvitation 本集播出:“罗斯与瑞秋”
[02:36.85] That was fast. It usually takes me hours to get Ben to go down for his nap. 真快,我通常要花2小时 才能让班乖乖睡觉
[02:41.89] He's such a sweetheart. Do you know what he said? 他好可爱 你知道他刚才说什么?
[02:44.99] -Good night,mommy. -That's because he has lots of mommies. 什么? 妈咪,晚安 因为他有很多妈咪
[02:50.50] Yeah,in fact,it's kind of become his word for "woman". 那算是他对女人的通称
[02:56.04] So does your uncle Nathan get an invite or not? 怎样,请不请你的纳森叔叔?
[02:59.64] Oh,God! Nobody likes him. 没有人喜欢他
[03:01.91] He's so cheap. He'd never fly to London in a million years. 而且他好小器 他绝不会飞去伦敦的
[03:06.18] Invite him! 好,请吧
[03:09.28] Did I do these neat enough? 我写得还可以吗?
[03:12.52] Yeah,they're fine. 可以 是吗?
[03:14.86] We'll say that Ben addressed them. 别人问就说是班写的
[03:18.59] You invited Rachel then? 你也请了瑞秋?
[03:21.43] Sure,why not? 对啊,干嘛不请?
[03:22.86] Really? 真的?
[03:25.20] I wouldn't be comfortable having any of my old lovers there. 我找旧情人去一定会觉得蹩扭
[03:29.84] Do you think we shouldn't invite her? 你觉得我们不该请她吗?
[03:32.67] You know I absolutely adore Rachel. 不,我很喜欢瑞秋
[03:35.64] It's just that I thought it might be awkward for you. 我只是怕你会尴尬
[03:39.95] But it's absolutely your decision. 不过你决定就好
[03:42.62] -More tea? -Sure. 还要茶吗? 好
[03:45.52] Earl Grey? 伯爵(茶)?
[03:47.92] Fine,invite whoever you want. 好,你想请谁就请谁
[03:54.86] I don't want to be single,okay? I just want to be married again. 我不想单身,好吗?我想再婚
[04:04.57] And I just want a million dollars! 我想要1百万
[04:10.04] Oh God,Monica. Thank God! 瑞秋? 天哪,摩妮卡,谢天谢地
[04:15.25] This is Rachel. Another Lincoln High survivor. 各位,这是瑞秋 她也念林肯高中
[04:18.75] This is Chandler. 这是钱德
[04:20.26] Phoebe. 菲比
[04:21.69] Joey. 乔伊
[04:23.02] -Do you remember Ross? -Sure. 你记得我哥罗斯吗? 当然记得
[04:28.90] Back in high school... 你或许不知道,念高中时…
[04:31.00] ...I had a major crush on you. 我非常喜欢你
[04:34.74] I knew. 我知道
[04:36.07] You did? 真的?
[04:39.27] I figured you thought I was Monica's geeky brother. 我以为你只当我是 摩妮卡的怪胎哥哥
[04:43.04] I did. 没错
[04:46.68] Listen,do you think 你觉得…
[04:48.68] Try not to let my intense vulnerability become a factor. 请别被我容易紧张的缺点影响
[04:54.29] Would it be okay if I asked you out sometime? 我改天可以约你出去吗?
[05:00.13] Maybe. 好啊…或许可以
[05:03.97] Okay,maybe I will. 好,或许我会约
[05:08.14] See,I see... 我看到...
[05:10.44] ...big passion in your future. 你会有一段火热恋情
[05:13.14] -Really? -I do. 真的? 对
[05:14.94] Ross,you're so great. 罗斯,你真好
[05:28.09] It's never gonna happen. 别做梦了
[05:31.99] I have a question. 我想问个问题
[05:35.50] Actually,it's not so much a question. 其实不算是问题
[05:38.63] It's more of a general wondering... 比较算是一个疑惑...
[05:41.97] ...ment. ...虑
[05:47.58] Well,for a while now, I've been wanting to.... 其实我一直想要…
[05:52.45] Yes,yes. 对
[05:54.28] That's right. 没错
[05:55.48] Look! 你看
[05:57.42] What? 什么?
[06:00.49] Top of the world looking …世界的顶端
[06:03.32] Down on creation 俯瞰万物
[06:05.19] And the only explanation I can find 我唯一能找到的解释
[06:10.80] Listen,missy! If you want this cart, you'll have to take me with it! 你给我听着 车在人在,车亡人亡
[06:21.01] -Did you see that? -You were incredible! 你看到了吗? 你太猛了
[06:23.14] A brand-new woman, ladies and gentlemen. 你看到了吗? 全新的瑞秋诞生了
[06:25.95] I could not have done this without you. 没有你我绝对办不到
[06:37.16] More clothes in the dryer? 好…还要烘衣服吗?
[06:41.23] I'm fine. 我没事
[06:42.53] You had no right to tell me you had feelings for me. 你没资格说你对我有感觉
[06:46.47] I was doing great with Julie before I found out. 什么? 我和茱莉原本过得很好
[06:49.30] I was doing great too. It's not easy for me to see you with Julie. 我原本过得也很好 你以为看你们在一起很好受吗
[06:54.21] I don't need this right now. 重点是我不想要这样 好吗?
[06:57.25] It's too late. 来不及了
[06:59.08] I'm with somebody else. This ship has sailed! 我有别人了,我很快乐 这艘船已经开了
[07:02.22] All right,fine! Go ahead and do that. 好,你走啊
[07:04.89] I don't need your stupid ship! 我不需要你这艘笨船
[07:07.59] 好 很好
[07:55.94] This is the first time I'm doing something I care about. 我这辈子第一次做我爱做的事
[07:59.64] I'm doing something that I'm actually good at. 做我真正在行的事
[08:03.44] If you don't get that 要是你不懂…
[08:05.11] I get that,but I'm tired of your answering machine. 我懂,我很懂,我为你高兴 但我不想再跟答录机交往了
[08:09.28] I don't know what to do. 我已经没辄了
[08:11.92] Neither do l! 我也是
[08:13.45] Is this about Mark? 跟马克有关吗?
[08:16.39] Oh,my God! 我的天哪
[08:17.63] Okay,it's not. 好,不是
[08:20.13] I can't keep having this same fight over and over again. 我的天哪 我不能为了同样的事一吵再吵
[08:23.63] You're making this too hard! 你快把我逼疯了 好,我快把你逼疯了
[08:26.47] I am? What do you want me to do? 你要我怎么做?
[08:28.84] I don't know. Look,maybe we should just take a break. 我不知道… 也许我们应该分开
[08:33.01] You're right. Let's cool off. 你说得对,我们先冷静一下
[08:36.18] Let's get some frozen yogurt or something. 去吃点冷冻优格什么的
[08:41.58] A break from us. 不,我是说分手
[08:47.99] -Why are we rushing? -The girlfriend I told you about. 我们在赶什么? 我昨晚提到的那个女朋友
[08:52.03] She wants to get back together with me. 她想跟我复合…
[08:55.26] I found it! 找到了
[08:56.50] That's so great for you guys! 真是太好了
[08:59.77] -Good luck with your girlfriend. -Thank you. 祝你复合成功 谢谢
[09:07.11] 瑞秋!
[09:11.85] -You got my message? -You are right on time. 你听到留言了吗? 你来得正好
[09:15.18] Can I be your girlfriend again? 我可以再当你的女朋友吗?
[09:17.72] You can very much. 可以得不得了
[09:23.12] I want you to leave. Get out! 你给我走,滚
[09:25.19] I want to talk about this. 不,我想留下来谈一谈
[09:27.70] All right,how was she? 好,她怎么样?
[09:35.04] -What? -Was she good? 什么? 她厉害吗?
[09:36.87] Don't answer! 不要回答
[09:40.21] You wanted to talk about it. How was she? 你说你想谈,那就谈啊 她怎么样?
[09:44.91] She was.... 她…
[09:46.15] -She was not good,not good. -Nothing compared to you. 很逊,什么也比不上你 不好
[09:50.65] She was different. 她不一样
[09:54.89] Good different? 好的不一样?
[09:57.89] Nobody likes change. 没有人喜欢改变
[10:00.86] Just stop! 别再说了
[10:03.60] The way you owned up to everything. 你这么坦然认错
[10:05.93] It's just showed me how much you've grown,you know? 证明你真的成长不少
[10:10.71] I mean,my mom never thought this would work out. 我妈一直觉得我们无法复合
[10:15.31] She was all, "Once a cheater,always a cheater." 她说:出轨一次就是一辈子
[10:22.95] I just wish we hadn't lost those four months. 真希望没有这4个月的空白
[10:26.65] But if time was what you needed just to gain a little perspective. 但要是时间能让你看清楚一点
[10:34.06] We were on a break! 我们当时分手了!
[10:42.67] (瑞秋葛林小姐收)
[10:47.94] You seem to really like her. 你似乎真的很喜欢她
[10:49.71] What do I do? We agreed it'd be a two-week thing. 我能怎么办? 我们说好只在一起2星期
[10:53.71] No commitment. 不要有承诺
[10:56.15] That girl just spent the entire evening talking to your friends... 那个女孩整晚都跟你的朋友
[11:01.06] ...asking to hear stories about you... 嚷着要听你的事
[11:03.72] ...Iooking through Monica's photo albums. 还有看摩妮卡的相簿
[11:06.56] You don't do that if you're just in it for two weeks. 只想在一起2周才不会这么做
[11:10.33] You think? 是吗?
[11:12.10] You've got 14 hours until she has to be at the airport. 她还有14个小时才要去机场
[11:16.50] And you're sitting here in a hallway... 你却坐在走廊上
[11:19.01] ...with a 28-year-old cheerleader with a fat lip. 陪一个嘴肿起来的老啦啦队长
[11:25.85] -You're right. -Yeah. 你说得对
[11:41.16] This is so amazing! 真好
[11:43.33] My brother's getting married and in London! 我哥哥居然要去伦敦结婚
[11:46.33] It's so romantic. 好浪漫喔
[11:49.70] Hey,pretty smart! 真聪明
[11:51.91] Tissue paper. 附面纸
[11:53.21] You're at the wedding. You have to cry. 参加婚礼当然会哭
[11:55.88] Handkerchief? No,I got my invitation. 需要手帕吗?不了,我有喜帖
[12:00.75] Isn't this adorable? 真可爱
[12:02.45] Ross let Ben address mine. 罗斯让班写我的信封
[12:08.26] Did you get your invitation to Ross' wedding? 你收到罗斯的喜帖了吗?
[12:11.73] No. 没有
[12:14.03] Don't worry,I get to bring a guest. We'll show him. 放心,我可以带一位亲友 看他怎么说
[12:17.90] I'm so jealous you're all going. 好嫉妒你们都要去
[12:19.73] I never knew you can't fly in your third trimester. 怀孕9个月居然不能坐飞机
[12:23.07] I didn't,either. 我也不知道
[12:24.44] I knew that. 我知道
[12:26.87] So I didn't know that. But you should see your faces. 我不知道,但你们的表情好妙
[12:31.41] What's up? 你们在干嘛?
[12:33.38] Just hanging out. 也没干嘛
[12:40.55] What's this? Ross' wedding invitation? 这是什么?罗斯的喜帖?
[12:44.13] Maybe that's the one we should have hidden. 也许该藏的是那一张
[12:47.86] No,you guys,come on. You don't have to do that. 不,不必那样
[12:51.23] I'm happy for him. 我很替他高兴
[12:53.27] I am. I really 真的,我很…
[12:56.14] I'll work on it. 我会调适的
[12:58.77] I'm sorry. 对不起
[13:02.34] You're going to come,though, aren't you? 不过你会去吧?
[13:05.18] I don't know. 我不知道
[13:07.18] This isn't one of those "lf she doesn't come,we don't come"? 该不会她不去我们就不去吧?
[13:10.85] -I bought my ticket. -You're not even invited. 我已经买票了 他根本没请你
[13:15.96] You know what would be real weird? If you weren't there. 你不去会很奇怪
[13:20.39] -Just say you'll think about it. -I'll think about it. 你就考虑一下吧 我会的
[13:27.50] -Who's this from? -That's Ross'. 这是谁送的? 罗斯送的
[13:35.78] Oh,my God! 天哪
[13:38.61] He remembered. 他记得
[13:40.25] Remembered what? 记得什么?
[13:41.68] It was months ago. We were walking by this antique store. 好几个月前 我们经过一家古董店
[13:45.65] I saw this and told him it was like one my grandmother had... 我看到这个别针对他说
[13:49.42] ...when I was a little girl. 小时我奶奶有一个一模一样的
[13:52.03] I can't believe he remembered! 他居然记得
[13:54.33] This must've cost a fortune. 他一定花了很多钱
[13:56.10] I can't believe he did this. 他居然这么大方
[13:57.50] Remember when he fell in love with Carol... 罗斯耶,他大学爱上卡萝时
[14:00.40] ...and got her that expensive crystal duck? 就送了她一只超贵的水晶鸭
[14:04.74] What did you just say? 你刚才说什么?
[14:17.42] Oh,my God! 我的天哪
[14:20.52] Flight number 457 from Beijing now arriving. 来自北京的457号班机 刚刚抵达
[14:27.66] Oh,my God! 天哪
[14:28.86] -We were in school together. -We haven't seen each other since. 我们是老同学 毕业后就没见过
[14:31.93] I land in China. Guess who's in charge of the dig? 到了中国 你们猜是谁主持挖掘工作?
[14:35.97] Julie! 茱莉
[14:38.67] Isn't that great? 很棒吧?
[14:40.67] Isn't that just kick-you-in-the-crotch, spit-on-your-neck fantastic? 真是老二被踹到腰去闪到的爽
[14:48.02] That is so sweet! 你真好
[14:54.72] No,you hang up. 不…不,你先挂
[14:56.16] No,you 不,你…
[14:59.26] One,two,three. 好 一,二,三
[15:04.37] You didn't hang up! 你也没挂
[15:05.83] She didn't hang up either. 她也没挂
[15:11.91] Okay,no. No,you hang up. 不,你挂 你挂
[15:14.68] You! 你挂…
[15:21.45] Ross,hi. 罗斯,嗨
[15:23.45] It's Rachel. 我是瑞秋
[15:25.45] I'm just calling to say that everything's fine. 我只是打来告诉你一切都很好
[15:29.96] And I'm really happy for you... 我很替你...
[15:32.26] ...and your cat. ...和你的猫高兴
[15:36.90] Obviously,I am over you. 所以显然的,我已经放下你了
[15:40.13] I am over you. 我已经放下你了
[15:43.47] And that,my friend, is what they call closure. 而那样,就是所谓的了结
[15:51.31] I got a message from you. 瑞秋,有你的留言
[15:53.28] Oh,my God! Hang up the phone! 完了,罗斯,挂掉
[15:56.05] Give me the phone! 电话给我…
[16:05.96] You're over me? 你放下我了?
[16:08.10] Oh,God. 天哪
[16:12.43] You're over me? 你放下我了?
[16:16.44] When were you... 你什么时候…
[16:18.67] ...under me? 举起我的?
[16:23.48] Basically... 基本上…
[16:24.98] ...Iately,I've.... 最近…我…
[16:28.85] I've sort of had feelings for you. 我有点对你有感觉
[16:32.59] I need to lie down. 好,我得躺下
[16:35.66] He broke up with Julie! 他跟茱莉分手了
[16:38.66] Go hug her,for God's sakes! 过去抱她啊
[16:43.13] -Really? -Really. 真的? 真的
[16:46.43] It's always been you,Rach. 我一直都只要你
[16:48.97] Oh,God. 天哪
[16:58.75] Listen,I'm sorry I had to work tonight. 抱歉今晚还得工作
[17:01.98] That's okay. 没关系
[17:03.68] You're worth the wait. 你值得我等
[17:06.65] And I don't just mean tonight. 我不只是指今晚
[17:35.72] Oh,God! 天哪
[17:38.35] Honey. 亲爱的
[17:39.72] That's okay. 没关系
[17:42.39] No,you just rolled over the juice box. 不是,你压到果汁了
[17:48.80] Did you say anything to Rachel about me and the girl from the copy place? 阿甘,你没告诉瑞秋 我跟影印店女生的事吧?
[17:54.23] I'm sorry. 对不起
[17:55.80] Was I not supposed to? 我不该说吗?
[18:04.65] You ended it! 是你要分手的
[18:06.41] Because I was mad at you. Not because I stopped loving you. 因为我很气你 不是因为我不爱你了
[18:11.59] You still love me? 你还爱我? 没有
[18:16.12] What does this mean? Do you want to get back together? 什么意思?你想复合吗?
[18:21.53] Maybe. 不是…也许吧
[18:24.10] I don't know. 我不知道
[18:26.77] I just,I feel.... 我只是觉得…
[18:37.91] I can't believe I even thought of getting back together. We're so over! 我居然会想跟你复合 我们根本就完了
[18:44.45] Fine by me! 无所谓
[18:47.39] And hey! Just so you know, it's not that common. 顺便告诉你 这种事并不常见
[18:51.16] It doesn't happen to every guy, and it is a big deal. 并非男人都会这样 这是很严重的
[18:55.76] I knew it! 我就知道
[19:08.21] Rachel's coming up. Doesn't she look pretty? 瑞秋来了,她是不是很美啊?
[19:13.61] Oh,my God! 天哪
[19:15.18] This is us getting ready for the prom. 这是我们准备要去参加舞会
[19:18.12] We don't have to watch this. 这种带子就别看了
[19:20.29] Yeah,we do! 当然要看
[19:21.56] Come on! 拜托啦
[19:23.19] -Get a shot of Monica. -How do you zoom out? 拍一下摩妮卡 怎么拉远?
[19:26.63] There she is! 有了
[19:30.13] Shut up! The camera adds 10 pounds. 闭嘴,上镜头会多10磅
[19:33.23] So how many cameras are actually on you? 所以是有几个镜头对着你?
[19:37.07] Dad,turn it off! 爸,关掉啦
[19:39.14] It is off. 我关了
[19:40.57] Right,Ross? 对吧,罗斯?
[19:46.75] Looking good,Mr. Kotter! 粉帅喔,麦克风头
[19:51.22] I can't go to my prom without a date. It's too late. 我没舞伴不能去舞会 时间来不及了
[19:55.49] If you're not going, then I don't want to go either. 要是你不去,我也不想去了
[19:58.99] I have a wonderful idea. 我有个好主意
[20:01.16] You should take Rachel to the prom. 你带瑞秋去参加舞会
[20:03.63] We've seen enough. Let's turn it off. 看够了,关掉吧
[20:05.63] -I want to see! -Fine,I'm not going to watch. 我想看嘛! 那我不看,行吧?
[20:08.90] Come on,kid. Let's go. 走吧
[20:11.14] Are you handsome! 你好帅
[20:13.14] Let's show them! 去让他们瞧瞧
[20:18.91] -Okay,Dad. -Rachel,ready or not. 行了 瑞秋,不管你好了没
[20:21.65] Here comes your knight in shining 解救你的白马王…糟了
[20:25.62] 再见 奇普,快点
[20:31.26] Oh,dear! 天哪…
[20:33.16] How do I turn this off? 要怎么关掉?
[20:37.10] I can't believe you did that. 你居然真的这样做了
[20:39.90] Yeah,well.... 我就…
[20:59.25] See? He's her lobster! 看吧,他是她的龙虾
[21:10.93] No. 不会吧…
[21:13.47] You're really not going? 你真的不去?
[21:16.54] It's just going to be too hard. 对,我会很难面对
[21:19.41] You know,I mean... 毕竟…
[21:21.74]'s Ross. 他是罗斯
[21:24.24] How can I watch him get married? 我怎么能看着他结婚?
[21:28.22] It's just for the best. You know? It is. 这样最好,真的
[21:31.69] Plus somebody's got to stay here with Phoebe. 而且总得有人陪菲比
[21:34.59] She's going to be pretty big by then. 到时她的肚子会很大
[21:37.59] She'll need someone to help her tie her shoes. 她会需要别人绑鞋带
[21:41.40] Drive her to the hospital if she goes into labor. 在她要生的时候送她去医院
[21:45.00] You don't have a car. 你没有车
[21:46.77] And your license expired. 驾照也过期了
[21:50.50] There's so much to do, and I have so little time! 看吧,事情那么多 时间却那么少
[21:58.95] Check this out. 你们看
[22:00.55] There's a place you can go to rent videos of all the museums. 这里有完整的博物馆录影带
[22:04.22] "It's almost as good as being there." “几乎如同身历其境”
[22:07.39] It's better! You can't go to a museum in your underwear. 更棒,去博物馆不能穿内裤
[22:12.09] You could,but just the one time. 可以,但之后你会被封杀
[22:16.50] We could get videos of the sights... 我们可以去租景点录影带
[22:18.87] ...get a VCR in our hotel room and never have to go outside! 搬台录放影机就不必出房间了
[22:23.04] -lf we do that,we've got to rent Die Hard. -I bet the British version is good! 那一定要租“终极警探”
[22:27.57] 英国版一定很赞


[00:03.67] All of a sudden, so much is happening. tū rán jiān fā shēng le hǎo duō shì
[00:06.77] I know. Ross is getting married. jiù shì a, luó sī yào jié hūn
[00:09.37] Phoebe' s making people. fēi bǐ zài zuò rén
[00:12.74] Everybody' s doing stuff. We just sit here. dà jiā dōu zài máng zhǐ yǒu wǒ men zuò zài zhè lǐ
[00:15.41] If I died, people would know I was here... yào shì wǒ sǐ le dà jiā zhǐ huì...
[00:18.05] ... only by the ass print on this chair! cóng zhè zhāng yǐ zi de pì gǔ yìn zhī dào wǒ cún zài guò
[00:22.35] What are we doing? Wasting our lives. wǒ men yào gàn ma? làng fèi shēng mìng
[00:26.72] I meant for lunch. wǒ shì shuō wǔ cān chī shén me
[00:30.39] We have to do something. Something huge! wǒ men dé zuò yī jiàn dà shì
[00:34.33] We could climb Mt. Everest. wǒ men kě yǐ qù pá zhū fēng
[00:36.90] Not something stupid. Something huge! bú shì chǔn shì, shì dà shì
[00:40.10] I saw an ad for this video. bù, wǒ zài lù yǐng dài shàng kàn dào guǎng gào
[00:42.47] People climb that thing every day. We could totally do that! měi tiān dū yǒu rén zài pá wǒ men yě kě yǐ pá
[00:45.94] Why not? I mean, it' s just climbing. shuí shuō bù xíng? zhǐ bù guò shì pá shān
[00:49.41] It' s just steep! Yeah. zhǐ bù guò hěn dǒu
[00:52.75] We' re going! It' d be nice to leave an ass print on Everest. wǒ men qù gōng dǐng zài shān dǐng liú pì gǔ yìn yí dìng hěn shuǎng
[00:58.62] What' s up? zài gàn shén me?
[00:59.82] We' re gonna climb Mt. Everest. Yeah, baby! wǒ men yào qù pá zhū fēng méi cuò
[01:02.92] I looked into that. zhēn de? wǒ yě qù wèn guò
[01:04.79] Yeah, but it costs like 60, 000, and, you know, you could die. dàn shì yào huā 6 wàn, ér qiě kě néng huì sǐ
[01:10.43] And you would die. nǐ men yí dìng huì sǐ
[01:16.27] We could get that Everest video. wǒ men kě yǐ qù jiè zhū fēng de lù yǐng dài
[01:18.47] We could do that without risking our lives at all. duì, nà yàng jiù bù bì mào shēng mìng wēi xiǎn
[01:22.48] While we' re at the video store, we could rent Die Hard! dào le lù yǐng dài diàn wǒ men hái kě yǐ jiè" zhōng jí jǐng tàn"
[01:28.15] I just remembered. wǒ gāng xiǎng dào
[01:29.75] That Everest thing is only available through mail order. nà gè lù yǐng dài zhǐ néng yóu gòu
[01:34.29] So you' ll stay here and hang out with me? suǒ yǐ nǐ men yào liú xià lái péi wǒ luó? duì
[01:39.69] But one of these days... bù guò zǒng yǒu yì tiān
[01:41.93] ... we' ll get off our butts and rent Die Hard again! wǒ men huì zhàn qǐ lái zài qù jiè yī cì" zhōng jí jǐng tàn"
[01:47.54] The One with the lnvitation běn jí bō chū:" luó sī yǔ ruì qiū"
[02:36.85] That was fast. It usually takes me hours to get Ben to go down for his nap. zhēn kuài, wǒ tōng cháng yào huā 2 xiǎo shí cái néng ràng bān guāi guāi shuì jiào
[02:41.89] He' s such a sweetheart. Do you know what he said? tā hǎo kě ài nǐ zhī dào tā gāng cái shuō shí mǒ?
[02:44.99] Good night, mommy. That' s because he has lots of mommies. shén me? mā mī, wǎn ān yīn wèi tā yǒu hěn duō mā mī
[02:50.50] Yeah, in fact, it' s kind of become his word for " woman". nà suàn shì tā duì nǚ rén de tōng chēng
[02:56.04] So does your uncle Nathan get an invite or not? zěn yàng, qǐng bù qǐng nǐ de nà sēn shū shū?
[02:59.64] Oh, God! Nobody likes him. méi yǒu rén xǐ huān tā
[03:01.91] He' s so cheap. He' d never fly to London in a million years. ér qiě tā hǎo xiǎo qì tā jué bú huì fēi qù lún dūn de
[03:06.18] Invite him! hǎo, qǐng ba
[03:09.28] Did I do these neat enough? wǒ xiě dé hái kě yǐ ma?
[03:12.52] Yeah, they' re fine. kě yǐ shì ma?
[03:14.86] We' ll say that Ben addressed them. bié rén wèn jiù shuō shì bān xiě de
[03:18.59] You invited Rachel then? nǐ yě qǐng le ruì qiū?
[03:21.43] Sure, why not? duì a, gàn ma bù qǐng?
[03:22.86] Really? zhēn de?
[03:25.20] I wouldn' t be comfortable having any of my old lovers there. wǒ zhǎo jiù qíng rén qù yí dìng huì jué de bié niǔ
[03:29.84] Do you think we shouldn' t invite her? nǐ jué de wǒ men bù gāi qǐng tā ma?
[03:32.67] You know I absolutely adore Rachel. bù, wǒ hěn xǐ huān ruì qiū
[03:35.64] It' s just that I thought it might be awkward for you. wǒ zhǐ shì pà nǐ huì gān gà
[03:39.95] But it' s absolutely your decision. bù guò nǐ jué dìng jiù hǎo
[03:42.62] More tea? Sure. hái yào chá ma? hǎo
[03:45.52] Earl Grey? bó jué chá?
[03:47.92] Fine, invite whoever you want. hǎo, nǐ xiǎng qǐng shuí jiù qǐng shuí
[03:54.86] I don' t want to be single, okay? I just want to be married again. wǒ bù xiǎng dān shēn, hǎo ma? wǒ xiǎng zài hūn
[04:04.57] And I just want a million dollars! wǒ xiǎng yào 1 bǎi wàn
[04:10.04] Oh God, Monica. Thank God! ruì qiū? tiān na, mó nī kǎ, xiè tiān xiè dì
[04:15.25] This is Rachel. Another Lincoln High survivor. gè wèi, zhè shì ruì qiū tā yě niàn lín kěn gāo zhōng
[04:18.75] This is Chandler. zhè shì qián dé
[04:20.26] Phoebe. fēi bǐ
[04:21.69] Joey. qiáo yī
[04:23.02] Do you remember Ross? Sure. nǐ jì de wǒ gē luó sī ma? dāng rán jì de
[04:28.90] Back in high school... nǐ huò xǔ bù zhī dào, niàn gāo zhōng shí
[04:31.00] ... I had a major crush on you. wǒ fēi cháng xǐ huān nǐ
[04:34.74] I knew. wǒ zhī dào
[04:36.07] You did? zhēn de?
[04:39.27] I figured you thought I was Monica' s geeky brother. wǒ yǐ wéi nǐ zhǐ dāng wǒ shì mó nī kǎ de guài tāi gē ge
[04:43.04] I did. méi cuò
[04:46.68] Listen, do you think nǐ jué de
[04:48.68] Try not to let my intense vulnerability become a factor. qǐng bié bèi wǒ róng yì jǐn zhāng de quē diǎn yǐng xiǎng
[04:54.29] Would it be okay if I asked you out sometime? wǒ gǎi tiān kě yǐ yuē nǐ chū qù ma?
[05:00.13] Maybe. hǎo a huò xǔ kě yǐ
[05:03.97] Okay, maybe I will. hǎo, huò xǔ wǒ huì yuē
[05:08.14] See, I see... wǒ kàn dào...
[05:10.44] ... big passion in your future. nǐ huì yǒu yī duàn huǒ rè liàn qíng
[05:13.14] Really? I do. zhēn de? duì
[05:14.94] Ross, you' re so great. luó sī, nǐ zhēn hǎo
[05:28.09] It' s never gonna happen. bié zuò mèng le
[05:31.99] I have a question. wǒ xiǎng wèn gè wèn tí
[05:35.50] Actually, it' s not so much a question. qí shí bù suàn shì wèn tí
[05:38.63] It' s more of a general wondering... bǐ jiào suàn shì yí gè yí huò...
[05:41.97] ... ment. ... lǜ
[05:47.58] Well, for a while now, I' ve been wanting to.... qí shí wǒ yī zhí xiǎng yào
[05:52.45] Yes, yes. duì
[05:54.28] That' s right. méi cuò
[05:55.48] Look! nǐ kàn
[05:57.42] What? shén me?
[06:00.49] Top of the world looking shì jiè de dǐng duān
[06:03.32] Down on creation fǔ kàn wàn wù
[06:05.19] And the only explanation I can find wǒ wéi yī néng zhǎo dào de jiě shì
[06:10.80] Listen, missy! If you want this cart, you' ll have to take me with it! nǐ gěi wǒ tīng zhe chē zài rén zài, chē wáng rén wáng
[06:21.01] Did you see that? You were incredible! nǐ kàn dào le ma? nǐ tài měng le
[06:23.14] A brandnew woman, ladies and gentlemen. nǐ kàn dào le ma? quán xīn de ruì qiū dàn shēng le
[06:25.95] I could not have done this without you. méi yǒu nǐ wǒ jué duì bàn bú dào
[06:37.16] More clothes in the dryer? hǎo hái yào hōng yī fú ma?
[06:41.23] I' m fine. wǒ méi shì
[06:42.53] You had no right to tell me you had feelings for me. nǐ méi zī gé shuō nǐ duì wǒ yǒu gǎn jué
[06:46.47] I was doing great with Julie before I found out. shén me? wǒ hé zhū lì yuán běn guò de hěn hǎo
[06:49.30] I was doing great too. It' s not easy for me to see you with Julie. wǒ yuán běn guò de yě hěn hǎo nǐ yǐ wéi kàn nǐ men zài yì qǐ hěn hǎo shòu ma
[06:54.21] I don' t need this right now. zhòng diǎn shì wǒ bù xiǎng yào zhè yàng hǎo ma?
[06:57.25] It' s too late. lái bù jí le
[06:59.08] I' m with somebody else. This ship has sailed! wǒ yǒu bié rén le, wǒ hěn kuài lè zhè sōu chuán yǐ jīng kāi le
[07:02.22] All right, fine! Go ahead and do that. hǎo, nǐ zǒu a
[07:04.89] I don' t need your stupid ship! wǒ bù xū yào nǐ zhè sōu bèn chuán
[07:07.59] hǎo hěn hǎo
[07:55.94] This is the first time I' m doing something I care about. wǒ zhè bèi zi dì yī cì zuò wǒ ài zuò de shì
[07:59.64] I' m doing something that I' m actually good at. zuò wǒ zhēn zhèng zài háng de shì
[08:03.44] If you don' t get that yào shì nǐ bù dǒng
[08:05.11] I get that, but I' m tired of your answering machine. wǒ dǒng, wǒ hěn dǒng, wǒ wèi nǐ gāo xìng dàn wǒ bù xiǎng zài gēn dá lù jī jiāo wǎng le
[08:09.28] I don' t know what to do. wǒ yǐ jīng méi zhé le
[08:11.92] Neither do l! wǒ yě shì
[08:13.45] Is this about Mark? gēn mǎ kè yǒu guān ma?
[08:16.39] Oh, my God! wǒ de tiān na
[08:17.63] Okay, it' s not. hǎo, bú shì
[08:20.13] I can' t keep having this same fight over and over again. wǒ de tiān na wǒ bù néng wéi le tóng yàng de shì yī chǎo zài chǎo
[08:23.63] You' re making this too hard! nǐ kuài bǎ wǒ bī fēng le hǎo, wǒ kuài bǎ nǐ bī fēng le
[08:26.47] I am? What do you want me to do? nǐ yào wǒ zěn me zuò?
[08:28.84] I don' t know. Look, maybe we should just take a break. wǒ bù zhī dào yě xǔ wǒ men yīng gāi fēn kāi
[08:33.01] You' re right. Let' s cool off. nǐ shuō de duì, wǒ men xiān lěng jìng yī xià
[08:36.18] Let' s get some frozen yogurt or something. qù chī diǎn lěng dòng yōu gé shén me de
[08:41.58] A break from us. bù, wǒ shì shuō fēn shǒu
[08:47.99] Why are we rushing? The girlfriend I told you about. wǒ men zài gǎn shén me? wǒ zuó wǎn tí dào de nà gè nǚ péng yǒu
[08:52.03] She wants to get back together with me. tā xiǎng gēn wǒ fù hé
[08:55.26] I found it! zhǎo dào le
[08:56.50] That' s so great for you guys! zhēn shì tài hǎo le
[08:59.77] Good luck with your girlfriend. Thank you. zhù nǐ fù hé chéng gōng xiè xiè
[09:07.11] ruì qiū!
[09:11.85] You got my message? You are right on time. nǐ tīng dào liú yán le ma? nǐ lái de zhèng hǎo
[09:15.18] Can I be your girlfriend again? wǒ kě yǐ zài dāng nǐ de nǚ péng yǒu ma?
[09:17.72] You can very much. kě yǐ dé bù dé le
[09:23.12] I want you to leave. Get out! nǐ gěi wǒ zǒu, gǔn
[09:25.19] I want to talk about this. bù, wǒ xiǎng liú xià lái tán yī tán
[09:27.70] All right, how was she? hǎo, tā zěn me yàng?
[09:35.04] What? Was she good? shén me? tā lì hài ma?
[09:36.87] Don' t answer! bú yào huí dá
[09:40.21] You wanted to talk about it. How was she? nǐ shuō nǐ xiǎng tán, nà jiù tán a tā zěn me yàng?
[09:44.91] She was.... tā
[09:46.15] She was not good, not good. Nothing compared to you. hěn xùn, shén me yě bǐ bù shǎng nǐ bù hǎo
[09:50.65] She was different. tā bù yí yàng
[09:54.89] Good different? hǎo de bù yí yàng?
[09:57.89] Nobody likes change. méi yǒu rén xǐ huān gǎi biàn
[10:00.86] Just stop! bié zài shuō le
[10:03.60] The way you owned up to everything. nǐ zhè me tǎn rán rèn cuò
[10:05.93] It' s just showed me how much you' ve grown, you know? zhèng míng nǐ zhēn de chéng zhǎng bù shǎo
[10:10.71] I mean, my mom never thought this would work out. wǒ mā yī zhí jué de wǒ men wú fǎ fù hé
[10:15.31] She was all, " Once a cheater, always a cheater." tā shuō: chū guǐ yī cì jiù shì yī bèi zi
[10:22.95] I just wish we hadn' t lost those four months. zhēn xī wàng méi yǒu zhè 4 gè yuè de kòng bái
[10:26.65] But if time was what you needed just to gain a little perspective. dàn yào shì shí jiān néng ràng nǐ kàn qīng chǔ yì diǎn
[10:34.06] We were on a break! wǒ men dāng shí fēn shǒu le!
[10:42.67] ruì qiū gé lín xiǎo jiě shōu
[10:47.94] You seem to really like her. nǐ sì hū zhēn de hěn xǐ huān tā
[10:49.71] What do I do? We agreed it' d be a twoweek thing. wǒ néng zěn me bàn? wǒ men shuō hǎo zhǐ zài yì qǐ 2 xīng qī
[10:53.71] No commitment. bú yào yǒu chéng nuò
[10:56.15] That girl just spent the entire evening talking to your friends... nà gè nǚ hái zhěng wǎn dōu gēn nǐ de péng yǒu
[11:01.06] ... asking to hear stories about you... rǎng zhe yào tīng nǐ de shì
[11:03.72] ... Iooking through Monica' s photo albums. hái yǒu kàn mó nī kǎ de xiāng bù
[11:06.56] You don' t do that if you' re just in it for two weeks. zhǐ xiǎng zài yì qǐ 2 zhōu cái bú huì zhè me zuò
[11:10.33] You think? shì ma?
[11:12.10] You' ve got 14 hours until she has to be at the airport. tā hái yǒu 14 gè xiǎo shí cái yào qù jī chǎng
[11:16.50] And you' re sitting here in a hallway... nǐ què zuò zài zǒu láng shàng
[11:19.01] ... with a 28yearold cheerleader with a fat lip. péi yí gè zuǐ zhǒng qǐ lái de lǎo lā lā duì zhǎng
[11:25.85] You' re right. Yeah. nǐ shuō de duì
[11:41.16] This is so amazing! zhēn hǎo
[11:43.33] My brother' s getting married and in London! wǒ gē ge jū rán yào qù lún dūn jié hūn
[11:46.33] It' s so romantic. hǎo làng màn ō
[11:49.70] Hey, pretty smart! zhēn cōng míng
[11:51.91] Tissue paper. fù miàn zhǐ
[11:53.21] You' re at the wedding. You have to cry. cān jiā hūn lǐ dāng rán huì kū
[11:55.88] Handkerchief? No, I got my invitation. xū yào shǒu pà ma? bù liǎo, wǒ yǒu xǐ tiě
[12:00.75] Isn' t this adorable? zhēn kě ài
[12:02.45] Ross let Ben address mine. luó sī ràng bān xiě wǒ de xìn fēng
[12:08.26] Did you get your invitation to Ross' wedding? nǐ shōu dào luó sī de xǐ tiě le ma?
[12:11.73] No. méi yǒu
[12:14.03] Don' t worry, I get to bring a guest. We' ll show him. fàng xīn, wǒ kě yǐ dài yī wèi qīn yǒu kàn tā zěn me shuō
[12:17.90] I' m so jealous you' re all going. hǎo jí dù nǐ men dōu yào qù
[12:19.73] I never knew you can' t fly in your third trimester. huái yùn 9 gè yuè jū rán bù néng zuò fēi jī
[12:23.07] I didn' t, either. wǒ yě bù zhī dào
[12:24.44] I knew that. wǒ zhī dào
[12:26.87] So I didn' t know that. But you should see your faces. wǒ bù zhī dào, dàn nǐ men de biǎo qíng hǎo miào
[12:31.41] What' s up? nǐ men zài gàn ma?
[12:33.38] Just hanging out. yě méi gàn ma
[12:40.55] What' s this? Ross' wedding invitation? zhè shì shén me? luó sī de xǐ tiě?
[12:44.13] Maybe that' s the one we should have hidden. yě xǔ gāi cáng de shì nà yī zhāng
[12:47.86] No, you guys, come on. You don' t have to do that. bù, bù bì nà yàng
[12:51.23] I' m happy for him. wǒ hěn tì tā gāo xìng
[12:53.27] I am. I really zhēn de, wǒ hěn
[12:56.14] I' ll work on it. wǒ huì tiáo shì de
[12:58.77] I' m sorry. duì bù qǐ
[13:02.34] You' re going to come, though, aren' t you? bù guò nǐ huì qù ba?
[13:05.18] I don' t know. wǒ bù zhī dào
[13:07.18] This isn' t one of those " lf she doesn' t come, we don' t come"? gāi bú huì tā bù qù wǒ men jiù bù qù ba?
[13:10.85] I bought my ticket. You' re not even invited. wǒ yǐ jīng mǎi piào le tā gēn běn méi qǐng nǐ
[13:15.96] You know what would be real weird? If you weren' t there. nǐ bù qù huì hěn qí guài
[13:20.39] Just say you' ll think about it. I' ll think about it. nǐ jiù kǎo lǜ yī xià ba wǒ huì de
[13:27.50] Who' s this from? That' s Ross'. zhè shì shuí sòng de? luó sī sòng de
[13:35.78] Oh, my God! tiān na
[13:38.61] He remembered. tā jì de
[13:40.25] Remembered what? jì de shén me?
[13:41.68] It was months ago. We were walking by this antique store. hǎo jǐ gè yuè qián wǒ men jīng guò yī jiā gǔ dǒng diàn
[13:45.65] I saw this and told him it was like one my grandmother had... wǒ kàn dào zhè gè bié zhēn duì tā shuō
[13:49.42] ... when I was a little girl. xiǎo shí wǒ nǎi nǎi yǒu yí gè yī mú yī yàng de
[13:52.03] I can' t believe he remembered! tā jū rán jì de
[13:54.33] This must' ve cost a fortune. tā yí dìng huā le hěn duō qián
[13:56.10] I can' t believe he did this. tā jū rán zhè me dà fāng
[13:57.50] Remember when he fell in love with Carol... luó sī yé, tā dà xué ài shàng kǎ luó shí
[14:00.40] ... and got her that expensive crystal duck? jiù sòng le tā yì zhī chāo guì de shuǐ jīng yā
[14:04.74] What did you just say? nǐ gāng cái shuō shí mǒ?
[14:17.42] Oh, my God! wǒ de tiān na
[14:20.52] Flight number 457 from Beijing now arriving. lái zì běi jīng de 457 hào bān jī gāng gāng dǐ dá
[14:27.66] Oh, my God! tiān na
[14:28.86] We were in school together. We haven' t seen each other since. wǒ men shì lǎo tóng xué bì yè hòu jiù méi jiàn guò
[14:31.93] I land in China. Guess who' s in charge of the dig? dào le zhōng guó nǐ men cāi shì shuí zhǔ chí wā jué gōng zuò?
[14:35.97] Julie! zhū lì
[14:38.67] Isn' t that great? hěn bàng ba?
[14:40.67] Isn' t that just kickyouinthecrotch, spitonyourneck fantastic? zhēn shì lǎo èr bèi chuài dào yāo qù shǎn dào de shuǎng
[14:48.02] That is so sweet! nǐ zhēn hǎo
[14:54.72] No, you hang up. bù bù, nǐ xiān guà
[14:56.16] No, you bù, nǐ
[14:59.26] One, two, three. hǎo yī, èr, sān
[15:04.37] You didn' t hang up! nǐ yě méi guà
[15:05.83] She didn' t hang up either. tā yě méi guà
[15:11.91] Okay, no. No, you hang up. bù, nǐ guà nǐ guà
[15:14.68] You! nǐ guà
[15:21.45] Ross, hi. luó sī, hāi
[15:23.45] It' s Rachel. wǒ shì ruì qiū
[15:25.45] I' m just calling to say that everything' s fine. wǒ zhǐ shì dǎ lái gào sù nǐ yī qiè dōu hěn hǎo
[15:29.96] And I' m really happy for you... wǒ hěn tì nǐ...
[15:32.26] ... and your cat. ... hé nǐ de māo gāo xìng
[15:36.90] Obviously, I am over you. suǒ yǐ xiǎn rán de, wǒ yǐ jīng fàng xià nǐ le
[15:40.13] I am over you. wǒ yǐ jīng fàng xià nǐ le
[15:43.47] And that, my friend, is what they call closure. ér nà yàng, jiù shì suǒ wèi de liǎo jié
[15:51.31] I got a message from you. ruì qiū, yǒu nǐ de liú yán
[15:53.28] Oh, my God! Hang up the phone! wán le, luó sī, guà diào
[15:56.05] Give me the phone! diàn huà gěi wǒ
[16:05.96] You' re over me? nǐ fàng xià wǒ le?
[16:08.10] Oh, God. tiān na
[16:12.43] You' re over me? nǐ fàng xià wǒ le?
[16:16.44] When were you... nǐ shén me shí hòu
[16:18.67] ... under me? jǔ qǐ wǒ de?
[16:23.48] Basically... jī běn shàng
[16:24.98] ... Iately, I' ve.... zuì jìn wǒ
[16:28.85] I' ve sort of had feelings for you. wǒ yǒu diǎn duì nǐ yǒu gǎn jué
[16:32.59] I need to lie down. hǎo, wǒ dé tǎng xià
[16:35.66] He broke up with Julie! tā gēn zhū lì fēn shǒu le
[16:38.66] Go hug her, for God' s sakes! guò qù bào tā a
[16:43.13] Really? Really. zhēn de? zhēn de
[16:46.43] It' s always been you, Rach. wǒ yī zhí dōu zhǐ yào nǐ
[16:48.97] Oh, God. tiān na
[16:58.75] Listen, I' m sorry I had to work tonight. bào qiàn jīn wǎn hái dé gōng zuò
[17:01.98] That' s okay. méi guān xì
[17:03.68] You' re worth the wait. nǐ zhí de wǒ děng
[17:06.65] And I don' t just mean tonight. wǒ bù zhǐ shì zhǐ jīn wǎn
[17:35.72] Oh, God! tiān na
[17:38.35] Honey. qīn ài de
[17:39.72] That' s okay. méi guān xì
[17:42.39] No, you just rolled over the juice box. bú shì, nǐ yā dào guǒ zhī le
[17:48.80] Did you say anything to Rachel about me and the girl from the copy place? ā gān, nǐ méi gào sù ruì qiū wǒ gēn yǐng yìn diàn nǚ shēng de shì ba?
[17:54.23] I' m sorry. duì bù qǐ
[17:55.80] Was I not supposed to? wǒ bù gāi shuō ma?
[18:04.65] You ended it! shì nǐ yào fēn shǒu de
[18:06.41] Because I was mad at you. Not because I stopped loving you. yīn wèi wǒ hěn qì nǐ bú shì yīn wèi wǒ bù ài nǐ le
[18:11.59] You still love me? nǐ hái ài wǒ? méi yǒu
[18:16.12] What does this mean? Do you want to get back together? shén me yì sī? nǐ xiǎng fù hé ma?
[18:21.53] Maybe. bú shì yě xǔ ba
[18:24.10] I don' t know. wǒ bù zhī dào
[18:26.77] I just, I feel.... wǒ zhǐ shì jué de
[18:37.91] I can' t believe I even thought of getting back together. We' re so over! wǒ jū rán huì xiǎng gēn nǐ fù hé wǒ men gēn běn jiù wán le
[18:44.45] Fine by me! wú suǒ wèi
[18:47.39] And hey! Just so you know, it' s not that common. shùn biàn gào sù nǐ zhè zhǒng shì bìng bù cháng jiàn
[18:51.16] It doesn' t happen to every guy, and it is a big deal. bìng fēi nán rén dōu huì zhè yàng zhè shì hěn yán zhòng de
[18:55.76] I knew it! wǒ jiù zhī dào
[19:08.21] Rachel' s coming up. Doesn' t she look pretty? ruì qiū lái le, tā shì bú shì hěn měi a?
[19:13.61] Oh, my God! tiān na
[19:15.18] This is us getting ready for the prom. zhè shì wǒ men zhǔn bèi yào qù cān jiā wǔ huì
[19:18.12] We don' t have to watch this. zhè zhǒng dài zi jiù bié kàn le
[19:20.29] Yeah, we do! dāng rán yào kàn
[19:21.56] Come on! bài tuō la
[19:23.19] Get a shot of Monica. How do you zoom out? pāi yī xià mó nī kǎ zěn me lā yuǎn?
[19:26.63] There she is! yǒu le
[19:30.13] Shut up! The camera adds 10 pounds. bì zuǐ, shàng jìng tóu huì duō 10 bàng
[19:33.23] So how many cameras are actually on you? suǒ yǐ shì yǒu jǐ gè jìng tóu duì zhe nǐ?
[19:37.07] Dad, turn it off! bà, guān diào la
[19:39.14] It is off. wǒ guān le
[19:40.57] Right, Ross? duì ba, luó sī?
[19:46.75] Looking good, Mr. Kotter! fěn shuài ō, mài kè fēng tou
[19:51.22] I can' t go to my prom without a date. It' s too late. wǒ méi wǔ bàn bù néng qù wǔ huì shí jiān lái bù jí le
[19:55.49] If you' re not going, then I don' t want to go either. yào shì nǐ bù qù, wǒ yě bù xiǎng qù le
[19:58.99] I have a wonderful idea. wǒ yǒu gè hǎo zhǔ yì
[20:01.16] You should take Rachel to the prom. nǐ dài ruì qiū qù cān jiā wǔ huì
[20:03.63] We' ve seen enough. Let' s turn it off. kàn gòu le, guān diào ba
[20:05.63] I want to see! Fine, I' m not going to watch. wǒ xiǎng kàn ma! nà wǒ bù kàn, xíng ba?
[20:08.90] Come on, kid. Let' s go. zǒu ba
[20:11.14] Are you handsome! nǐ hǎo shuài
[20:13.14] Let' s show them! qù ràng tā men qiáo qiáo
[20:18.91] Okay, Dad. Rachel, ready or not. xíng le ruì qiū, bù guǎn nǐ hǎo le méi
[20:21.65] Here comes your knight in shining jiě jiù nǐ de bái mǎ wáng zāo le
[20:25.62] zài jiàn qí pǔ, kuài diǎn
[20:31.26] Oh, dear! tiān na
[20:33.16] How do I turn this off? yào zěn me guān diào?
[20:37.10] I can' t believe you did that. nǐ jū rán zhēn de zhè yàng zuò le
[20:39.90] Yeah, well.... wǒ jiù
[20:59.25] See? He' s her lobster! kàn ba, tā shì tā de lóng xiā
[21:10.93] No. bú huì ba
[21:13.47] You' re really not going? nǐ zhēn de bù qù?
[21:16.54] It' s just going to be too hard. duì, wǒ huì hěn nán miàn duì
[21:19.41] You know, I mean... bì jìng
[21:21.74] ... it' s Ross. tā shì luó sī
[21:24.24] How can I watch him get married? wǒ zěn me néng kàn zhe tā jié hūn?
[21:28.22] It' s just for the best. You know? It is. zhè yàng zuì hǎo, zhēn de
[21:31.69] Plus somebody' s got to stay here with Phoebe. ér qiě zǒng děi yǒu rén péi fēi bǐ
[21:34.59] She' s going to be pretty big by then. dào shí tā de dǔ zi huì hěn dà
[21:37.59] She' ll need someone to help her tie her shoes. tā huì xū yào bié rén bǎng xié dài
[21:41.40] Drive her to the hospital if she goes into labor. zài tā yào shēng de shí hòu sòng tā qù yī yuàn
[21:45.00] You don' t have a car. nǐ méi yǒu chē
[21:46.77] And your license expired. jià zhào yě guò qī le
[21:50.50] There' s so much to do, and I have so little time! kàn ba, shì qíng nà me duō shí jiān què nà me shǎo
[21:58.95] Check this out. nǐ men kàn
[22:00.55] There' s a place you can go to rent videos of all the museums. zhè lǐ yǒu wán zhěng de bó wù guǎn lù yǐng dài
[22:04.22] " It' s almost as good as being there." " jī hū rú tóng shēn lì qí jìng"
[22:07.39] It' s better! You can' t go to a museum in your underwear. gèng bàng, qù bó wù guǎn bù néng chuān nèi kù
[22:12.09] You could, but just the one time. kě yǐ, dàn zhī hòu nǐ huì bèi fēng shā
[22:16.50] We could get videos of the sights... wǒ men kě yǐ qù zū jǐng diǎn lù yǐng dài
[22:18.87] ... get a VCR in our hotel room and never have to go outside! bān tái lù fàng yǐng jī jiù bù bì chū fáng jiān le
[22:23.04] lf we do that, we' ve got to rent Die Hard. I bet the British version is good! nà yí dìng yào zū" zhōng jí jǐng tàn"
[22:27.57] yīng guó bǎn yí dìng hěn zàn