Episode 02: The Blind Date ACT III

歌曲 Episode 02: The Blind Date ACT III
歌手 英语听力
专辑 走遍美国


[00:00.01] Episode 02: The Blind Date ACT III
[00:19.72] What happened?
[00:21.91] The baby-sitter called.
[00:23.94] His daughter is sick.
[00:26.43] What's wrong?
[00:28.06] I think she has a stomachache.
[00:32.36] He's a good father.
[00:37.14] So... what do you think of him?
[00:41.19] He's very nice.
[00:43.22] But I think he was nervous tonight.
[00:45.86] It was his first date in two years.
[00:51.57] Will you see him again?
[00:53.51] I hope so.
[00:58.01] This food is delicious.
[01:01.96] He didn't get a thing to eat.
[01:04.31] You ordered enough for three or four people,
[01:06.87] but I'm not complaining.
[01:08.87] The food is delicious.
[01:12.58] Who is that?
[01:14.29] Do you think it's...
[01:15.80] No. You won't believe it, Marilyn!
[01:24.72] I believe it. Even without looking.
[01:29.97] Hi!
[01:31.14] How...?
[01:31.96] Your downstairs neighbor let me in.
[01:35.10] Did you go home?
[01:36.17] I did , but everything is OK,
[01:37.71] so I decided to come back.
[01:40.51] To apologize for leaving so early,
[01:43.00] I brought you a little gift.
[01:45.24] It's a bonsai tree
[01:45.96] for your new apartment.
[01:48.02] Hi, Marilyn. I hope it's not too late.
[01:50.24] Oh, not at all. We're still eating.
[01:52.73] Please, come in. Join us.
[01:55.89] It's our meal from the restaurant.
[01:59.46] And how is your daughter?
[02:01.54] Oh, she's fine.
[02:02.30] It was only a tummy ache.
[02:04.31] It's good that you went back.
[02:06.42] Yes, I think it's important for me to be there
[02:09.85] since her mother died.
[02:11.64] I agree. Aren't you hungry?
[02:16.33] As a matter of fact... I am hungry.
[02:19.90] There's lots of food left.
[02:22.85] Mmm, this is delicious!
[02:25.46] Enjoy!
[02:26.90] I'm going to excuse myself.
[02:29.03] I have a lot of work to do to get ready for tomorrow.
[02:33.07] Good night, Harry. It was nice meeting you.
[02:34.81] Bye, Marilyn.
[02:36.04] Good night, Susan.
[02:37.32] Good night, Marilyn.
[02:40.77] She's going to a fashion show here in the city tomorrow.
[02:43.86] She is sleeping here
[02:45.26] so she won't have to travel from Riverdale in the morning.
[02:48.27] You two must be close.
[02:50.96] we are.
[02:52.14] The whole Stewart family is close.
[02:55.47] I like that.
[03:06.64] And then, two years ago, my wife died.
[03:10.63] You miss her.
[03:13.06] I do...yes, but I have Michelle...
[03:15.81] and with time...
[03:20.29] Is there anyone else in your life?
[03:24.07] No, not yet. What about you?
[03:29.62] Oh, I date occasionally,
[03:31.67] but my work keeps me busy.
[03:34.13] Ooh, speaking of keeping busy-
[03:36.21] I have an early start tomorrow,
[03:37.63] and the baby-sitter has to get home.
[03:41.22] Where did the time go?
[03:43.05] It's midnight.
[03:48.96] Thank you, Susan.
[03:50.16] I had a nice evening.
[03:52.77] Me, too, Harry.
[04:02.23] Harry?
[04:03.92] Yes?
[04:05.51] I'd like to meet your daughter someday.
[04:09.32] Does that mean that I can see you again?
[04:12.07] Of course.
[04:13.14] Wonderful. I'll call you,
[04:14.93] and we'll go out to dinner.
[04:16.16] Please do.
[04:16.85] I promise I won't leave early.
[04:19.15] It was for a good reason.
[04:22.25] You know something?
[04:24.36] What?
[04:25.34] I think we're going to be good friends.
[04:28.88] Good night, Susan.
[04:30.07] Good night, Harry,
[04:31.60] Have a safe trip home.
[04:41.85] Are you all right?
[04:44.34] Sorry.
[04:46.38] I never liked that umbrella stand.
[04:51.17] Good night, Harry.


[00:00.01] dì èr jí: jiè shào huì miàn dì sān mù
[00:19.72] fā shēng le shén me shì?
[00:21.91] tā jiā lín shí bǎo mǔ dǎ lái diàn huà.
[00:23.94] tā nǚ ér shēng bìng le.
[00:26.43] shén me bìng?
[00:28.06] wǒ xiǎng tā shì dǔ zi tòng.
[00:32.36] tā shì gè hǎo fù qīn.
[00:37.14] nà me nǐ gǎn jué tā zěn me yàng?
[00:41.19] tā hěn bàng
[00:43.22] dàn wǒ rèn wéi tā jīn wǎn yǒu xiē jǐn zhāng
[00:45.86] zhè shì tā liǎng nián lái dì yī cì yuē huì.
[00:51.57] nǐ xiǎng zài jiàn tā ma?
[00:53.51] wǒ xī wàng rú cǐ.
[00:58.01] zhè fàn cài hěn hǎo chī.
[01:01.96] tā shén me dōu méi chī dào.
[01:04.31] nǐ men yào de fàn gòu sān sì gè rén chī,
[01:06.87] dàn wǒ méi yì jiàn.
[01:08.87] zhè cài zhēn hǎo chī.
[01:12.58] nà shi shuí?
[01:14.29] nǐ xiǎng huì bú huì shì
[01:15.80] bú huì ba. mǎ lì lín! nǐ bú huì xiāng xìn de.
[01:24.72] wǒ xiāng xìn. bù kàn yě xiāng xìn.
[01:29.97] hāi!
[01:31.14] nǐ zěn me?
[01:31.96] nǐ lóu xià lín jū fàng wǒ jìn lái de.
[01:35.10] nǐ huí jiā le ma?
[01:36.17] huí jiā le, dàn yī qiè dōu hěn hǎo,
[01:37.71] suǒ yǐ wǒ jué dìng huí lái.
[01:40.51] wèi zǎo zǒu xiàng nǐ zhì qiàn,
[01:43.00] wǒ gěi nǐ dài lái yī jiàn xiǎo xiǎo de lǐ wù.
[01:45.24] nà shi yī pén pén zāi.
[01:45.96] wèi nǐ de xīn gōng yù.
[01:48.02] hāi, mǎ lì lín. wǒ xī wàng wǒ lái de bú shì tài wǎn.
[01:50.24] ó, yì diǎn yě bù wán. wǒ men zhèng chī ne.
[01:52.73] qǐng jìn lái ba, hé wǒ men yì qǐ chī.
[01:55.89] zhè shì wǒ men zài cān guǎn diǎn de cài, dài huí lái le.
[01:59.46] nǐ de nǚ ér zěn me yàng le?
[02:01.54] ó, tā hěn hǎo.
[02:02.30] zhǐ shì yǒu diǎn dǔ zi téng.
[02:04.31] nǐ gǎn huí qù le, zhè hěn hǎo.
[02:06.42] shì de, wǒ rèn wéi wǒ yīng gāi zài tā shēn biān, zhè hěn zhòng yào
[02:09.85] yīn wèi tā mǔ qīn bù zài le.
[02:11.64] wǒ yě zhè yàng xiǎng. nǐ è le ma?
[02:16.33] shuō shí huà wǒ shì è le.
[02:19.90] hái shèng xià bù shǎo fàn cài ne
[02:22.85] , zhè hěn měi wèi.
[02:25.46] jìn qíng xiǎng yòng ba!
[02:26.90] bào qiàn, wǒ shī péi le.
[02:29.03] wǒ yào wèi míng tiān zuò zhǔn bèi, yǒu bù shǎo shì ne.
[02:33.07] wǎn ān, hā lǐ. néng rèn shi nǐ hěn gāo xìng.
[02:34.81] bài, mǎ lì lín.
[02:36.04] wǎn ān, sū shān.
[02:37.32] wǎn ān, mǎ lì lín.
[02:40.77] tā yào cān guān shì lǐ de yī chǎng shí zhuāng biǎo yǎn.
[02:43.86] tā shuì zhè lǐ,
[02:45.26] míng tiān zǎo chén jiù bù bì cóng lǐ fú dài ěr gǎn guò lái le.
[02:48.27] nǐ men yí dìng hěn yāo hǎo.
[02:50.96] shì de
[02:52.14] wǒ men sī tú ěr tè jiā hù xiāng dōu hěn qīn mì wú jiàn.
[02:55.47] wǒ xǐ huān zhè yàng de jiā tíng.
[03:06.64] rán hòu, liǎng nián hòu, wǒ qī zǐ qù shì le.
[03:10.63] nǐ hěn xiǎng niàn tā.
[03:13.06] hěn xiǎng niàn shì de, dàn wǒ hái yǒu mǐ xiē ěr
[03:15.81] suí zhe shí jiān liú shì
[03:20.29] nǐ shēng huó zhōng hái yǒu bié de rén ma?
[03:24.07] méi yǒu, zhì jīn hái méi yǒu. nǐ yǒu méi yǒu hǎo péng you?
[03:29.62] ó, wǒ ǒu ěr yě hé rén yuē huì,
[03:31.67] kě shì wǒ gōng zuò tài máng le.
[03:34.13] āi yā, shuō qǐ máng lái
[03:36.21] wǒ míng tiān de zǎo zǎo qǐ lái gōng zuò,
[03:37.63] zài shuō nà lín shí bǎo mǔ yě gāi huí jiā le.
[03:41.22] shí jiān guò dí zhēn kuài
[03:43.05] yǐ jīng wǔ yè le.
[03:48.96] xiè xiè nǐ, sū shān.
[03:50.16] wǒ jīn tiān wǎn shàng guò de hěn yú kuài.
[03:52.77] hā lǐ, wǒ yě shì.
[04:02.23] hā lǐ?
[04:03.92] shén me shì?
[04:05.51] wǒ hěn xiǎng nǎ tiān jiàn jiàn nǐ de nǚ ér.
[04:09.32] zhè shì bú shì shuō wǒ yǐ hòu kě yǐ zài jiàn dào nǐ?
[04:12.07] dāng rán le.
[04:13.14] tài hǎo le. wǒ huì gěi nǐ dǎ diàn huà,
[04:14.93] zán men yì qǐ chū qù chī fàn.
[04:16.16] qǐng wù bì zhè yàng zuò.
[04:16.85] wǒ bǎo zhèng wǒ bú huì zài tí zǎo zǒu le.
[04:19.15] zhè huí bù guài nǐ, yīng gāi de.
[04:22.25] nǐ zhī dào wǒ zěn me xiǎng de?
[04:24.36] zěn me xiǎng de?
[04:25.34] wǒ xiǎng wǒ men huì chéng wéi hǎo péng you de.
[04:28.88] wǎn ān, sū shān.
[04:30.07] wǎn ān, hā lǐ.
[04:31.60] zǒu hǎo.
[04:41.85] nǐ méi chū shén me shì ba?
[04:44.34] bào qiàn.
[04:46.38] wǒ yī zhí tǎo yàn nà yǔ sǎn jià.
[04:51.17] wǎn ān, hā lǐ.