Episode 03: Grandpa's Trunk ACT II

歌曲 Episode 03: Grandpa's Trunk ACT II
歌手 英语听力
专辑 走遍美国


[00:00.01] Episode 03: Grandpa's Trunk ACT II
[00:13.65] Excuse me. Is this seat taken?
[00:15.93] No, it's not taken.
[00:17.42] Oh, thank you.
[00:18.57] Oh, let me help you with this.
[00:20.12] Oh, thank you.
[00:26.67] Do you want to sit by the window?
[00:27.85] No, no, no. I like the aisle seat better.
[00:30.78] Please, you sit by the window.
[00:39.41] My name is Stewart... Malcolm Stewart.
[00:41.45] Pleased to meet you.
[00:42.45] I'm Elsa Tobin. How do you do?
[00:50.66] Do you live in New York?
[00:52.70] No, no. I'm from Florida.
[00:55.16] I am, too. But didn't you just get on?
[01:00.28] No, no. I just changed my seat.
[01:02.79] A man next to me was smoking,
[01:04.76] and smoke really bothers me.
[01:10.48] Where are you from in Florida?
[01:12.49] Titusville. It's near Orlando.
[01:15.11] Small world. I'm from Titusville, too.
[01:17.41] Really? What part?
[01:21.34] My husband and I live near Spaceport.
[01:24.18] I know that area.
[01:26.74] My house is only a few miles from Spaceport.
[01:31.88] Do you still live there?
[01:32.96] Oh yes, yes. My husband's there now.
[01:35.46] He couldn't take time off to come to New York with me.
[01:41.70] Do you still live there?
[01:43.59] No. I sold the house and the furniture,
[01:49.74] put a few personal things in an old trunk,
[01:53.94] and shipped it to my children in New York.
[01:56.80] That's my destination.
[01:58.97] Are you married?
[02:00.74] My wife died four years ago.
[02:04.72] She was a wonderful woman. A real friend.
[02:08.82] I'm sorry. Really, I'm sorry.
[02:14.07] Lots of wonderful memories.
[02:17.11] We were married almost fifty years.
[02:19.18] Well, forty-seven, to be exact.
[02:22.04] John and I celebrate our fortieth anniversary next month.
[02:25.35] Oh, congratulations! That's nice.
[02:30.87] What does John do?
[02:32.63] He's an aerospace engineer
[02:34.74] and works for Orlando Aircraft Corporation.
[02:38.09] He started with them almost forty years ago.
[02:42.95] What do you do?
[02:45.02] I just retired. Had my own company.
[02:49.95] A construction company. Roads, bridges, big stuff.
[02:56.69] But I just sold it and retired.
[03:04.21] Excuse me, ma'am. Ticket, please.
[03:09.73] Would you kindly hold these keys, please?
[03:13.63] I have a ticket, I know.
[03:16.17] I was in the smoking section.
[03:18.06] It's OK, lady. Take your time.
[03:21.34] I'm sure it's in your purse, Mrs.Tobin.
[03:24.09] Oh, here it is.
[03:29.50] And here are your keys.
[03:31.65] Thank you.
[03:38.35] Do you have family in New York?
[03:40.46] No, no. But I do have very close friends in New York City.
[03:46.19] We like to go to the theater together.
[03:49.49] You said you have family in New York.
[03:51.11] Yes, indeed.
[03:53.20] A son and his wife and their three children-
[03:57.20] my grandchildren.
[03:58.53] You must be excited.
[03:59.67] I can't wait, to see them!
[04:04.08] Are you going to live with them?
[04:05.51] Yes.
[04:06.30] Permanently?
[04:08.35] Well... they want me to,
[04:12.38] but it's too early to know for sure.
[04:14.89] I'm pretty independent.
[04:17.59] I tried to teach my kids the importance of independence,
[04:22.48] but I'm not sure I want to be alone.
[04:27.92] Some people don't mind being alone. I do.
[04:33.02] I understand. But tell me.
[04:37.03] Why did you stop working?
[04:39.99] I retired because... I wanted to be with my family.
[04:48.66] I didn't want to be alone anymore!


[00:00.01] dì sān jí: yé ye de xíng lǐ xiāng dì 2 mù
[00:13.65] bào qiàn, qǐng wèn zhè gè wèi zhì yǒu rén ma?
[00:15.93] méi yǒu.
[00:17.42] ō, xiè xiè.
[00:18.57] ō, wǒ bāng nǐ dā bǎ shǒu ba.
[00:20.12] hǎo de, shí fēn gǎn xiè.
[00:26.67] nǐ xiǎng zuò zài chuāng biān ma?
[00:27.85] bù bù bù, wǒ gèng yuàn yì zuò zài guò dào zhè biān de zuò wèi.
[00:30.78] má fán le, nǐ zuò chuāng biān de zuò wèi ba.
[00:39.41] wǒ jiào Stewart... Malcolm Stewart
[00:41.45] hěn gāo xìng jiàn dào nǐ.
[00:42.45] wǒ jiào Elsa Tobin.
[00:50.66] nǐ zhù zài niǔ yuē ma?
[00:52.70] bù, wǒ zhù zài fú luó lǐ dá.
[00:55.16] wǒ yě shì! bù guò nǐ gāng cái zěn me méi yǒu shàng chē ne?
[01:00.28] ó bú shì de, wǒ jiù shì huàn le yī xià zuò wèi.
[01:02.79] yīn wèi zuò wǒ páng biān de nán shì zài chōu yān,
[01:04.76] yān wèi shí zài tài xūn le.
[01:10.48] nǐ shì zài fú luó lǐ dá de nǎ ne?
[01:12.49] Titusville, zài ào lán duō fù jìn.
[01:15.11] shì jiè zhēn xiǎo a! wǒ yě lái zì Titusville.
[01:17.41] zhēn de ma? něi gè dì fāng de?
[01:21.34] wǒ hé wǒ zhàng fū zhù zài tài kōng gǎng fù jìn.
[01:24.18] wǒ zhī dào nà ér.
[01:26.74] wǒ de jiā lí nà ér zhǐ yǒu jǐ yīng lǐ.
[01:31.88] nǐ xiàn zài hái zhù zài na r ma?
[01:32.96] shì de, wǒ zhàng fū zài na r ne.
[01:35.46] tā zhè cì méi yǒu shí jiān hé wǒ yì qǐ qù niǔ yuē.
[01:41.70] nǐ hái zhù zài nà ma?
[01:43.59] méi yǒu, wǒ mài diào le fáng zi hé jiā jù bān zǒu le,
[01:49.74] zhuāng le xiē gè rén wù pǐn fàng zài háng lǐ xiāng lǐ,
[01:53.94] rán hòu qù niǔ yuē zhǎo wǒ de hái zi.
[01:56.80] nà jiù shì wǒ qù niǔ yuē de mù dì.
[01:58.97] nǐ yǐ hūn ma?
[02:00.74] wǒ qī zǐ qù shì 4 nián le,
[02:04.72] tā shì yí gè měi hǎo de nǚ rén, shì wǒ de zhì yǒu.
[02:08.82] wǒ hěn bào qiàn, zhēn de hěn bào qiàn tí qǐ nǐ de shāng xīn shì.
[02:14.07] yǒu tài duō měi hǎo de jì yì le.
[02:17.11] wǒ men jié hūn jiāng jìn wǔ shí nián le.
[02:19.18] què qiè dì shuō shì, sì shí qī nián.
[02:22.04] wǒ hé zhàng fū John xià gè yuè jiāng yíng lái sì shí zhōu nián jié hūn jì niàn rì.
[02:25.35] wa, zhù hè nǐ, nà tài bàng le!
[02:30.87] John tā shì zuò shí mǒ de?
[02:32.63] yī míng háng tiān gōng chéng shī,
[02:34.74] tā wèi ào lán duō fēi jī gōng sī gōng zuò,
[02:38.09] yǐ jīng sì shí nián le.
[02:42.95] nǐ ne? shì zuò shí mǒ de?
[02:45.02] wǒ cóng wǒ de gōng sī tuì xiū bù jiǔ,
[02:49.95] yī jiā jiàn zhù gōng sī, zào lù jiàn qiáo zuò yī xiē dà gōng chéng,
[02:56.69] bù guò wǒ bǎ gōng sī mài le, rán hòu tuì xiū le.
[03:04.21] bù hǎo yì sī, zhè wèi nǚ shì, jiǎn piào.
[03:09.73] nǐ néng bāng wǒ ná xià yào shi ma?
[03:13.63] míng bái, wǒ yǒu piào de.
[03:16.17] yīn wèi wǒ zuò zài xī yān qū.
[03:18.06] méi guān xì, nǚ shì, màn màn lái.
[03:21.34] wǒ xiāng xìn chē piào huì zài nǐ de qián bāo lǐ, Mrs. Tobin.
[03:24.09] ō, zài zhè.
[03:29.50] nà me qǐng ná hǎo nǐ de yào shi.
[03:31.65] xiè xiè.
[03:38.35] nǐ yǒu jiā rén zhù zài niǔ yuē me?
[03:40.46] méi yǒu, dàn shì wǒ de hǎo péng you zhù zài niǔ yuē.
[03:46.19] wǒ men jì huà yì qǐ qù kàn diàn yǐng.
[03:49.49] nǐ shuō nǐ yǒu jiā rén zài niǔ yuē.
[03:51.11] shì de, méi cuò.
[03:53.20] wǒ de yí gè ér zi hé ér xí hái yǒu tā men 3 suì de hái zi.
[03:57.20] yě jiù shì wǒ de sūn zi.
[03:58.53] nǐ yí dìng hěn xīng fèn ba.
[03:59.67] wǒ jiǎn zhí pò bù jí dài xiǎng jiàn dào tā men!
[04:04.08] nǐ yǐ hòu huì hé tā men zhù zài yì qǐ ma?
[04:05.51] shì de.
[04:06.30] yī zhí zhù xià qù ma?
[04:08.35] , tā men shì zhè me xī wàng de,
[04:12.38] bù guò xiàn zài shuō hái wéi shí guò zǎo.
[04:14.89] wǒ shì xiāng dāng dú lì de rén,
[04:17.59] wǒ yě shì zhe jiào dǎo hái zi men dú lì shì duō me zhòng yào,
[04:22.48] dàn shì wǒ yě méi fǎ què dìng wǒ shì fǒu yuàn yì dú chǔ.
[04:27.92] yǒu xiē rén bù jiè yì dú jū, dàn shì wǒ huì jiè yì.
[04:33.02] wǒ míng bái nà zhǒng gǎn shòu. bù guò wǒ xiǎng zhī dào,
[04:37.03] nǐ wèi shí me bù jì xù gōng zuò le ne?
[04:39.99] yīn wèi wǒ xiǎng hé wǒ de jiā rén yì qǐ shēng huó.
[04:48.66] wǒ zài yě bù xiǎng gū dān yī rén le!