Episode 06: Thanksgiving ACT III

歌曲 Episode 06: Thanksgiving ACT III
歌手 英语听力
专辑 走遍美国


[00:00.01] Episode 06: Thanksgiving ACT III
[00:00.59] OK, everybody.
[00:02.87] I want to welcome Harry and his daughter Michelle
[00:06.32] to Thanksgiving with us.
[00:07.86] Thank you, Dr. Stewart.
[00:09.02] Call me Philip.
[00:09.82] OK.
[00:10.84] But first, I think we should take a moment
[00:13.20] and remember the meaning of Thanksgiving.
[00:15.77] Philip, I took Michelle to a school play
[00:18.44] about the first Thanksgiving.
[00:19.98] Well, why don't you tell us about that, Michelle?
[00:22.50] Thanksgiving was about the Pilgrims,
[00:24.57] the first settlers in America.
[00:26.24] They shared the first harvest with the Indians
[00:28.56] and gave thanks.
[00:30.48] All right.
[00:31.47] Then in that spirit let each of us give thanks.
[00:34.95] Each in his own way.
[00:36.86] Who wants to begin?
[00:38.25] I will.
[00:40.56] I give thanks for being here with my family and for being well,
[00:45.19] so I can enjoy you all.
[00:46.69] All rihgt!
[00:48.11] We love you, Grandpa.
[00:51.06] I'd like to give thanks for a healthy year, a good job,
[00:57.47] and for meeting Harry and Michelle.
[01:00.50] We'd like to give thanks for meeting Susan
[01:02.89] and the Stewart family.
[01:04.15] I love you, Daddy.
[01:06.49] Thanks, Harry.
[01:07.30] That was very kind of you.
[01:08.83] I'd like to give thanks for Grandpa coming to live with us.
[01:12.48] And I'd also like to thank my math teacher
[01:14.90] for giving me a passing grade.
[01:17.67] And call me, Alexandra.
[01:21.38] Oh, Robbie!
[01:22.24] She'll call.
[01:24.21] You go first, Marilyn.
[01:26.02] I'm thinking.
[01:26.83] You go first.
[01:28.79] Well, you all know I'm working on my photo album.
[01:34.86] It's not finished yet.
[01:36.42] And I'd like to thank Marilyn for being so patient.
[01:40.48] Thanks, Richard.
[01:42.13] I should thank you for encouraging me
[01:44.24] to keep working on my fashion designs.
[01:46.24] I'm lucky to have a husband with an artistic eye.
[01:51.20] Oh, we have a lot to be thankful for.
[01:56.09] For the food on this table.
[01:57.99] Just like the Pilgrims.
[01:59.74] I'll go along with that, Ellen.
[02:01.83] Well, help me serve, Robbie.
[02:07.52] It was a wonderful meal, Mrs. Stewart.
[02:09.19] Thank you.
[02:09.99] And now to see the end of the football game.
[02:11.91] Exactly.
[02:13.76] Where are you going, Philip?
[02:15.40] Remember, the Michigan football game?
[02:17.31] And Michigan needs a touchdown.
[02:20.15] Did you forget something?
[02:21.63] Dad, your famous apple pie.
[02:24.56] Just let me see the score, Ellen.
[02:26.90] Go ahead, Philip.
[02:27.99] We should all take a little break before dessert.
[02:40.93] Oh, who could that be?
[02:44.57] Oh, it must be Alexandra.
[02:46.92] I invited her to come by for dessert.
[02:49.05] You did?
[02:50.24] I like Ellen.
[02:51.52] You know everyone, Alexandra.
[02:53.03] No, she doesn't know Harry Bennett and his daughter Michelle.
[02:56.51] Nice to meet you.
[02:57.46] Hi.
[02:58.63] Hello, Alexandra.
[03:00.27] Hi, Marilyn.
[03:01.10] Hi, Susan.
[03:01.77] Happy Thanksgiving.
[03:03.05] And Alexandra brought us a pumpkin pie.
[03:05.67] Please sit down, Alexandra.
[03:08.27] Dad, Richard--Alexandra's here.
[03:12.66] Michigan needs a touchdown.
[03:13.88] Three minutes to play.
[03:15.07] Hi, Alexandra. Welcome.
[03:16.70] Hello, Alexandra.
[03:17.89] Yes, Michigan needs a touchdown.
[03:19.73] One tiny little touchdown, with just three minutes to play.
[03:22.92] You want Michigan to win.
[03:24.72] How'd you guess?
[03:25.78] And Alexandra brought us a pumpkin pie.
[03:40.86] What happened?
[03:42.53] We forgot to turn the oven on.
[03:45.45] We did?
[03:48.48] Philip, why don't you go
[03:50.35] watch the last three minutes of the game.
[03:52.46] I will serve coffee and pumpkin pie.
[03:55.58] OK. I'll be back in a few minutes.
[03:59.18] Robbie, would you bring the dessert plates.
[04:01.83] And, Marilyn, would you pour coffee, please.
[04:04.02] Sure, Ellen.
[04:08.34] How was your Thanksgiving dinner, Alexandra?
[04:10.81] Just wonderful, Mr. Stewart.
[04:12.77] The Molinas are a large family.
[04:14.62] I love being with them.
[04:16.49] I'm glad you came by, Alexandra.
[04:18.12] I am, too.
[04:23.40] Touchdown! Touchdown! Touchdown!
[04:28.19] Great Thanksgiving.
[04:29.99] Lots to be thankful for.
[04:32.41] Michigan scored a touchdown.
[04:34.83] Alexandra came by.
[04:37.07] And nobody misses Philip's famous apple pie.
[04:41.51] Oh, Grandpa!