Episode 09: It's Up to You ACT II

歌曲 Episode 09: It's Up to You ACT II
歌手 英语听力
专辑 走遍美国


[00:00.01] Episode 09: It's Up to You ACT II
[00:08.09] Sorry, Robbie. Sorry to be late this morning,
[00:10.80] but, well, we've still got some time for a cup of coffee.
[00:14.27] I can't wait to see my old pal Charley Rafer.
[00:16.65] Neither can I.
[00:30.93] So you thought about it, huh?
[00:32.66] Yes, I have, Dad.
[00:34.53] Well, I'm glad.
[00:35.36] I knew you'd realize
[00:36.77] that this interview could be an important experience for you.
[00:39.65] I came to that conclusion.
[00:42.48] That's very wise, Robbie.
[00:44.92] Very wise.
[00:47.49] Now let's head off for the city and the university club.
[00:51.03] Thanks, Dad.
[00:52.54] Thanks ... for what?
[00:54.67] Thanks for hearing me out. And ...
[00:57.23] And ...?
[00:58.72] And thanks for being such an understanding father.
[01:01.63] Well, thank you, Robbie. Thank you.
[01:18.88] Philip Stewart!
[01:20.42] It's great to see you!
[01:21.71] Charley Rafer--you look as young as ever.
[01:29.30] You must be Robbie.
[01:30.54] Hi.
[01:32.35] Yes, this is my youngest son Robbie.
[01:35.19] Robbie, I want you to meet
[01:36.63] one of the best tennis players on the Michigan team--
[01:40.44] Charley Rafer.
[01:41.33] Nice to meet you, Dean Rafer.
[01:42.82] Well, are you as good a tennis player as your dad?
[01:45.81] No, I'm not very good at it.
[01:48.48] Frankly, neither was I.
[01:50.70] Charley was the star of the team.
[01:53.31] Yeah. Thanks.
[01:54.89] Well, how're you been, Philip?
[01:56.64] Oh, working too hard.
[01:59.11] Doesn't show.
[02:00.39] How's Ellen?
[02:01.53] Fine, thank you.
[02:03.95] And how's Marge?
[02:05.92] She's still giving the toughest English history exams
[02:08.97] in the school and loving every minute of it.
[02:13.13] And speaking of minutes,
[02:14.55] I have interviews until noon,
[02:16.41] so why don't we get right to work?
[02:19.54] Can you have lunch with us later?
[02:21.80] I'd love to, Philip, but I'm afraid I can't.
[02:23.67] I'm only here two days,
[02:24.98] and I have interviews with twenty-six applicants.
[02:27.83] I understand.
[02:29.04] Well, thanks.
[02:30.30] I'll wait outside.
[02:33.72] Good luck, Son.
[02:35.74] Did you bring your transcript from high school?
[02:37.30] Yes, sir.
[02:37.99] Right here.
[02:38.91] Thank you.
[02:41.39] Please sit down.
[02:47.55] I see under "activities" that
[02:48.71] you've been writing for the school paper.
[02:50.50] Yes, sir.
[02:52.39] What kinds of articles have you written?
[02:54.10] All kinds--sports, editorials, theater reviews.
[02:58.85] You name it, I've written it.
[03:00.54] Hmmm.
[03:02.22] Well, have you ever thought of becoming a journalist?
[03:04.65] A professional writer?
[03:06.66] Not until recently.
[03:09.14] Michigan has a fine School of Journalism.
[03:11.86] Yes, I know that.
[03:15.20] You seem to have some reservations.
[03:17.65] I'm a little uncertain.
[03:21.77] It's been very nice talking to you.
[03:23.51] Nice talking to you, sir.
[03:26.29] One piece of advice.
[03:28.98] The most important thing is for you to decide your own future.
[03:33.43] Yes, sir.
[03:35.25] Good-bye, Dean Rafer.
[03:36.34] Good-bye, Robbie. Good luck.


[00:00.01] zhè qǔ jué yǔ nǐ
[00:08.09] bào qiàn, Robbie, bào qiàn zài zhè gè zǎo chén chí dào
[00:10.80] dàn shì, , wǒ men réng rán yǒu shí jiān lái hē yī bēi kā fēi
[00:14.27] wǒ děng bù jí kàn dào wǒ de lǎo péng you Charley Rafer.
[00:16.65] wǒ yě shì
[00:30.93] nǐ yǒu kǎo lǜ zhè jiàn shì ma, ?
[00:32.66] wǒ yǒu, lǎo diē
[00:34.53] , wǒ hěn gāo xìng
[00:35.36] wǒ zhī dào nǐ rèn shi dào
[00:36.77] zhè cì de miàn shì kě yǐ chéng wéi nǐ zhòng yào de jīng yàn
[00:39.65] wǒ tóng yì zhè gè jié lùn
[00:42.48] nà shi fēi cháng yǒu zhì huì de, Robbie.
[00:44.92] fēi cháng cōng míng
[00:47.49] xiàn zài ràng wǒ men chī fàn qù chéng shì hé dà xué jù lè bù
[00:51.03] gǎn xiè, lǎo diē
[00:52.54] xiè shà?
[00:54.67] gǎn xiè nǐ qīng tīng wǒ de xiǎng fǎ, bìng qiě
[00:57.23] bìng qiě?
[00:58.72] gǎn xiè nǐ shì zhè yàng yí gè shàn jiě rén yì de lǎo diē
[01:01.63] xiè xiè, Robbie, xiè xiè
[01:18.88] Philip Stewart!
[01:20.42] hěn gāo xìng jiàn dào nǐ
[01:21.71] Charley Rafer nǐ kàn qǐ lái hé cóng qián yí yàng
[01:29.30] nǐ kěn dìng shì Robbie.
[01:30.54] nǐ hǎo
[01:32.35] duì, zhè shì wǒ zuì xiǎo de ér zi Robbie
[01:35.19] Robbie, wǒ lái xiàng nǐ jiè shào
[01:36.63] Michigan zú qiú duì zuì bàng de wǎng qiú duì yuán
[01:40.44] Charley Rafer.
[01:41.33] hěn gāo xìng jiàn dào nǐ, Rafer yuàn cháng
[01:42.82] , nǐ dǎ wǎng qiú hé nǐ diē yí yàng hǎo ma?
[01:45.81] bù, wǒ bù shàn cháng wǎng qiú
[01:48.48] tǎn shuài de shuō, wǒ yě bù zěn me yàng
[01:50.70] Charley shì duì lǐ de míng xīng
[01:53.31] shì, xiè xiè
[01:54.89] , nǐ xiàn zài zěn me yàng?
[01:56.64] ō, gōng zuò de hěn xīn kǔ
[01:59.11] méi kàn chū lái
[02:00.39] Ellen hái hǎo ma?
[02:01.53] hěn hǎo, xiè xiè
[02:03.95] Marge hái hǎo ma?
[02:05.92] tā réng jiù chū zuì nán de yīng yǔ lì shǐ kǎo shì
[02:08.97] zài xué xiào bìng qiě rè ài měi yī fēn zhōng
[02:13.13] hái yǒu dié dié bù xiū
[02:14.55] wǒ zhí dào xià wǔ hái yǒu miàn shì
[02:16.41] wǒ men wèi shí me bù xiàn zài kāi shǐ ne
[02:19.54] dāi huì nǐ néng hé wǒ men yì qǐ chī wǔ fàn ma
[02:21.80] wǒ hěn xiǎng, Philip, kě xī wǒ kǒng pà wǒ bù xíng
[02:23.67] wǒ zài zhè lǐ zhǐ néng dāi liǎng tiān
[02:24.98] bìng qiě hái yào miàn shì 26 fèn shēn qǐng
[02:27.83] wǒ lǐ jiě
[02:29.04] , xiè xiè
[02:30.30] wǒ zài wài miàn děng
[02:33.72] zhù hǎo yùn, ér zi
[02:35.74] nǐ yǒu dài lái gāo zhōng de chéng jī dān ma
[02:37.30] shì de, xiān shēng
[02:37.99] zài zhè
[02:38.91] xiè xiè
[02:41.39] qǐng zuò
[02:47.55] wǒ kàn dào zài wén zhāng zhè lán xià
[02:48.71] nǐ shuō nǐ céng wéi xué xiào bào zhǐ xiě guò zuò pǐn
[02:50.50] duì, xiān shēng
[02:52.39] nǐ xiě shén me yàng de wén zhāng
[02:54.10] suǒ yǒu, yùn dòng, shè lùn, jù píng
[02:58.85] nǐ shuō shà, wǒ xiě shà
[03:02.22] nǐ yǒu xiǎng guò chéng wéi yī míng jì zhě ma?
[03:04.65] yí gè zhuān yè jì zhě?
[03:06.66] zuì jìn méi yǒu
[03:09.14] Michigan dà xué yǒu yí gè hái hǎo de jì zhě xué yuàn
[03:11.86] duì, wǒ zhī dào nà gè
[03:15.20] nǐ kàn qǐ lái yǒu yī xiē bǎo liú
[03:17.65] wǒ yǒu yī xiē bù què dìng
[03:21.77] hěn gāo xīng hé nǐ jiāo tán
[03:23.51] hěn gāo xīng hé nǐ jiāo tán, xiān shēng
[03:26.29] yí gè jiàn yì
[03:28.98] duì nǐ zuì zhòng yào de shì shì jué dìng zì jǐ de wèi lái
[03:33.43] hǎo, xiān shēng
[03:35.25] zài jiàn, Rafer zhǔ rèn
[03:36.34] zài jiàn, Robbie, zhù hǎo yùn