Episode 12: You're Tops ACT II

歌曲 Episode 12: You're Tops ACT II
歌手 英语听力
专辑 走遍美国


[00:01.41] Hi. I'm Malcolm Stewart.
[00:04.23] John Marchetta.
[00:05.58] Sit down, sit down.
[00:09.20] Susan has told me a great deal about you.
[00:11.96] She says you're quite a man.
[00:13.79] She says
[00:14.31] a lot of wonderful things about you too, Mr. Stewart.
[00:17.97] That's always nice to hear, Mr. Marchetta.
[00:20.45] Call me John.
[00:21.49] May I call you Malcolm?
[00:24.05] Let's talk business.
[00:25.92] That's music to my ears.
[00:27.91] I understand
[00:28.62] you used to be in the construction business.
[00:30.86] Yup. Forty-three years.
[00:33.93] Here's a brief description
[00:35.68] of forty-three years of on-the-job training.
[00:42.11] That is some history!
[00:44.84] You're a valuable asset, Malcolm.
[00:46.83] Very valuable.
[00:48.66] Thank you.
[00:50.81] Yup. Forty-three years.
[00:54.61] Half that time in my own construction company.
[00:57.08] Big jobs--factories, shopping malls.
[01:00.88] That kind of thing.
[01:02.74] Then you retired.
[01:04.20] Yes.
[01:05.86] After my wife died,
[01:07.83] and I felt I should spend more time
[01:09.74] with my children and grandchildren.
[01:12.89] I lived in Florida,
[01:14.39] and they lived in New York.
[01:15.99] I understand.
[01:16.80] My dautghter Cami lives in New York.
[01:19.14] I like being near her.
[01:21.91] When I came here,
[01:22.94] I planned to take a few months off.
[01:25.99] Relax with the family and then look for some work.
[01:30.31] Put my experience on the line ...
[01:33.12] but, unfortunately,
[01:34.53] there isn't any work for a retired person my age.
[01:37.80] Sometimes there is,
[01:38.56] and sometimes there isn't.
[01:40.82] Well, I'm involved with an organization,
[01:42.90] and we're trying to resolve that problem.
[01:46.32] What's that?
[01:47.66] TOPS.
[01:49.08] T-O-P-S--means Talented Older People's Society.
[01:55.23] I'd like to be a member.
[01:57.12] How much are the dues?
[01:58.35] There are no dues.
[02:00.99] The organization serves major companies in this city.
[02:04.34] Why?
[02:05.87] Because our members are men and women like you.
[02:08.24] Experienced, talented, retired.
[02:12.39] But our members want to go out there
[02:14.33] and use their talents.
[02:15.73] They want to work.
[02:18.29] That is fantastic, John!
[02:20.37] I've got an idea for you, Malcolm.
[02:24.29] Just fill out this form for me.
[02:25.77] It'll only take a few minutes.
[02:27.38] Sit right here,
[02:28.36] and do it while I talk to my secretary.
[02:30.37] When I get back, we'll talk about my new factory.
[02:33.97] My company is a member of TOPS.
[02:35.61] So I try hard to find opportunities for people like you.
[02:39.39] Malcolm.
[02:40.73] And when I see an opportunity,
[02:42.10] I can act on it.
[02:44.13] Well, I can use your brainpower on the job right now.
[02:50.21] Have you got time this morning
[02:51.26] to go over to the construction site with me?
[02:53.82] I'd like to have you meet my foreman--
[02:55.76] get some background on the job.
[02:57.76] I've got plenty of time.
[03:00.01] I'll be right back.
[03:01.51] We'll go over to the job site together.
[03:21.19] Malcolm, you worked on the Spaceport project?
[03:25.49] My company was the contractor.
[03:28.64] I built the theater there
[03:30.88] with my own two hands, practically.
[03:32.71] I understand.
[03:33.61] Well,
[03:33.98] I'm glad to see you two guys getting along so well
[03:37.04] because, Danny,
[03:38.40] Malcolm is on the TOPS team.
[03:39.53] He's going to be working with you for a while.
[03:42.06] His experience will be valuable to both of us.
[03:45.03] Welcome aboard, Malcolm!
[03:46.78] I'm going back to my office.
[03:48.22] Give me a call later, Malcolm.
[03:49.64] I'll tell you the time and date of the next TOPS meeting.
[03:52.71] I'd like you to meet the group.
[03:53.92] I will, John.
[03:55.10] And again--thanks.
[03:56.87] No ... thank you.
[03:59.15] And thank Susan.
[04:03.30] He's quite a man.
[04:04.94] A real inspiration for me.
[04:08.29][04:07.02] OK, Danny.
[04:10.45] I know you didn't expect to have me around,
[04:10.97] but I think I can be of some help to you.
[04:13.58] Let me tell you something, Malcolm.
[04:15.00] With your background and experience,
[04:16.20] I can learn something
[04:17.45] ... and I do need some advice on a difficult problem.
[04:19.65] Let me show you this.
[04:24.65] I don't want to give you a final opinion
[04:28.36] without studying these building plans more carefully.
[04:32.01] But a simple solution might be
[04:35.65] to move the air-conditioning units
[04:37.50] instead of redesigning the entire system.
[04:40.50] It might be simpler and less expensive .
[04:44.78] You just earned your weight in gold, Malcolm.
[04:47.86] Welcome aboard!
[04:52.76] It all happened so quickly!
[04:54.79] I can't believe it!
[04:56.53] I'm glad Mr. Marchetta was so helpful.
[04:58.94] He was more than helpful.
[05:00.36] He actually took me to meet his foreman.
[05:03.70] I'm thrilled for you, Grandpa.
[05:06.32] I don't know how to thank you, Susan.
[05:09.42] You're a wonderful granddaughter.
[05:11.74] It's good to see you so happy.
[05:13.76] I'll be at the construction site tomorrow.
[05:16.32] What are you doing tomorrow night?
[05:17.85] I'm not doing anything.
[05:18.80] Why?
[05:20.24] How about a date with your grandfather?
[05:22.18] I owe you a good steak dinner.
[05:25.17] I'll accept.
[05:26.80] Tomorrow night.
[05:27.73] You and me. Dinner.
[05:29.50] What time?
[05:31.07] I'll pick you up here at seven .
[05:32.96] Is that OK?
[05:34.26] I can't wait!
[05:35.46] And you can tell me
[05:36.31] all about your first full day back on the job.
[05:39.32] It's a deal!