Episode 13: A Real Stewart ACT I

歌曲 Episode 13: A Real Stewart ACT I
歌手 英语听力
专辑 走遍美国


[00:01.82] A Real Stewart
[00:03.45] ACT I
[00:23.36] There's nothing more joyous than the arrival of a new baby.
[00:26.73] I am so excited. Mother!
[00:28.70] Just imagine--Marilyn and Richard must be thrilled!
[00:31.93] Oh, a new baby!
[00:34.09] Max ... Max ... Max.
[00:38.78] Oh, it's a sweet-sounding name for a sweet little boy.
[00:44.12] My first grandchild.
[00:47.23] And my first nephew.
[00:50.22] Isn't he just adorable?
[00:52.93] He looks a lot like you, Mom. He does.
[00:55.71] Do you think so?
[00:59.16] Well, I guess. He does look a lot like Richard,
[01:02.08] and I guess he looks a lot like me.
[01:05.94] Oh, he's got Richard's eyes, though.
[01:09.04] I really want Harry and Michelle to see Max.
[01:13.11] When are they coming?
[01:14.14] Tomorrow. Harry has an account to work on today.
[01:17.72] Yes, he does have Richard's eyes. Big blue eyes.
[01:22.11][01:20.17] The baby even looks at you like Richard does.
[01:24.34] Well, children usually resemble their parents.
[01:27.01] It's true.
[01:28.62] Michelle is a lot like Harry in so many ways.
[01:31.66] And she's shy with new people, just like he is.
[01:36.27] You really like Michelle, don't you?
[01:39.21] Yes. I'm very fond of her.
[01:41.96] And Harry, too?
[01:46.43] Well ...
[01:47.47] Uh, it's four-thirty. Oh my!
[01:50.38] Marilyn and Richard will be home from the hospital any minute,
[01:52.83] and we must prepare this room.
[01:55.48] Where will we put all the presents?
[01:58.30] Well, let's take everything to the living room.
[02:01.18] Marilyn and Richard and the baby need the space.
[02:04.54] It's crowded in here.
[02:08.12] The welcome sign is up:
[02:10.05] "Welcome home, Max."
[02:11.73] Isn't it exciting, Grandpa?
[02:14.28] Your first great-grandchild.
[02:17.26] Yes. Yes, sir.
[02:21.11] A great-grandchild. A great-grandson.
[02:25.47] Another generation to carry on the Stewart name.
[02:29.01] I love you, Grandpa.
[02:30.62] You make me feel so proud to be part of our family.
[02:35.13] One day, you'll have your own family,
[02:37.57] and I'll be proud to be part of it.
[02:41.02] Now you understand my feelings, Susan.
[02:44.01] I'm Grandpa's daughter-in-law, but I feel like a Stewart.
[02:48.28] He's always made me feel like his own daughter.
[02:51.30] Well,
[02:52.21] that's because you're so much like us--wonderful!
[02:58.95] Mom, got it.
[03:05.02] This will make a nice gift for Marilyn and Richard.
[03:07.76] They can keep a record of all of the important dates
[03:10.00] and information about Max's life here.
[03:12.83] Let's see.
[03:14.70] Name: Max Stewart.
[03:18.16] Does he have a middle name?
[03:20.10] No, just Max. I like that.
[03:24.20] No middle name. No middle initial.
[03:26.72] Like me. I'm Malcolm Stewart.
[03:30.50] Just Malcolm Stewart.
[03:33.20] And Max has your initials, Grandpa:
[03:35.17] Uh, it must mean something.
[03:42.70] Weight: eight pounds six ounces.
[03:46.16] Eight-six. Big boy!
[03:49.88] All the Stewart men were big.
[03:52.05] Well, Robbie was eight pounds two ounces,
[03:55.05] and Richard was eight pounds three.
[03:57.74] And me?
[03:59.91] Eight pounds six.
[04:02.58] You were big, just like Max.
[04:06.09] Eight pounds six, just like me.
[04:08.30] That's nice. Length. Length?
[04:11.75] Richard says Max is twenty-one inches long.
[04:15.60] Twenty-one inches.
[04:18.52] Is that tall or average or what?
[04:21.28] Tall. All the Stewart men are tall.
[04:26.01] Well, Grandpa, you're about five-nine or five-ten.
[04:31.84] I wouldn't call that tall.
[04:35.35] I take after my mother's family.
[04:37.45] They were ... they were ... they were average.
[04:43.14] Mother: Marilyn. Father: Richard.
[04:50.89] And lots of pages for Richard's photos of Max.
[04:56.24] Speaking of mother and of father
[04:59.44] --and speaking of Max--I hear the car.
[05:02.69] They're here!
[05:03.77] Oh! Oh, quickly! Go, go, go!
[05:08.94] Let's see. Oh, welcome home.
[05:12.30] Oh, let her in.
[05:13.12] Wait with your pictures for a second.
[05:14.50] Come on, darlings.
[05:17.10] Sweetheart .... Sit down right here.
[05:21.79] Oh, he's so cute! Oh, Marilyn!
[05:26.68] Max looks just like Grandpa.
[05:29.04] A real Stewart.
[05:30.94] I'm so happy to be home with my family--and with Max.