Episode 20: Quality Time ACT I

歌曲 Episode 20: Quality Time ACT I
歌手 英语听力
专辑 走遍美国


[00:00.01] 20-1 Quality Time ACT I
[00:03.84] Where's Mom?
[00:05.25] She went to a school-board meeting.
[00:08.22] I don't know how she does it.
[00:09.41] She sure keeps busy.
[00:11.22] It's important to her.
[00:13.85] There are lots of places to go,
[00:15.56] lots of things to do.
[00:17.87] She can't sit around and do nothing.
[00:20.46] Philip works late.
[00:22.53] I guess you're right.
[00:24.69] I wish I had her energy.
[00:27.92] Anybody home?
[00:29.04] We're in here, Dad.
[00:32.11] Oh. Hi, gang.
[00:34.39] Hello, Philip.
[00:35.33] How was your day?
[00:37.26] My day was just fine.
[00:39.75] So was my night.
[00:41.15] It's almost ten o'clock.
[00:42.74] Mmm. I'm starving.
[00:45.10] Um ... where's Mom?
[00:47.08] She went to a school-board meeting.
[00:48.85] There's a note for you on the refrigerator.
[00:51.89] Oh?
[01:28.78] Did you have dinner, Robbie?
[01:29.81] Yeah.
[01:30.63] Mike and I had a hamburger at the diner.
[01:32.52] I came home a little while ago.
[01:35.09] You've been working late
[01:36.09] almost every night this week, Dad.
[01:37.71] Aren't you exhausted?
[01:40.30] I don't have time to be exhausted.
[01:42.77] You and Mom haven't had dinner together with us
[01:44.90] in almost a full week.
[01:46.66] Yeah,
[01:47.85] I feel bad
[01:48.50] about us not having dinner with the family,
[01:49.89] but our schedules are so different.
[01:52.75] Either I'm at the hospital doing paperwork,
[01:54.56] or Mom is at a committee meeting.
[01:57.09] I frankly don't know what to do about it.
[02:01.33] I'm worried about you and Mom.
[02:03.65] You really have been working too hard.
[02:06.36] Well,
[02:07.20] I think I've had enough of that sandwich.
[02:08.99] You didn't finish it.
[02:14.06] It's not good to eat before going to bed.
[02:17.97] A cookie can't hurt, though.
[02:19.43] Well,
[02:21.89] I'm heading off for bed
[02:22.84] and a good night's sleep.
[02:25.56] Well, good night.
[02:26.96] Good night, Son.
[02:30.24] Good night, Dad.
[02:30.76] I'm going to bed.
[02:32.10] Good night, Philip.
[02:34.41] Haven't you finished balancing that checkbook?
[02:36.43] I found another mistake.
[02:39.36] I'll be off to bed myself in a minute.
[02:41.59] OK. Good night.
[02:51.69] I'm really concerned about them,
[02:53.00] Grandpa.
[02:54.38] Concerned about whom?
[02:56.02] About Mom and Dad.
[02:58.02] They hardly ever see each other.
[03:00.39] Dad often works late,
[03:02.08] and Mom has all these committees she's on.
[03:04.69] What do you propose to do about it?
[03:07.21] You have that look in your eye.
[03:09.58] I don't know,
[03:10.95] but there must be a way
[03:12.34] of getting them to spend more time together.
[03:14.92] Quality time.