Episode 21: A Big Fish in a Little Pond ACT II

歌曲 Episode 21: A Big Fish in a Little Pond ACT II
歌手 英语听力
专辑 走遍美国


[00:00.01] 20-2 ACT II
[00:08.26] Hello. Hello there. Are you ready for lunch with your grandpa?
[00:16.58] Oh! Hi, Grandpa. Yes, of course, I am, but my mind isn't.
[00:21.48] What's the matter, Susan? ?
[00:22.80] A real dilemma.
[00:24.72] Does it have anything to do with you and Harry?
[00:27.56] Yes, but I don't know where to start.
[00:31.62] Maybe I can help. Tell me what it is, Susan.
[00:38.23] Thanks, Grandpa. Please sit down.
[00:41.98] Oh! Harry has been offered a job in Los Angeles.
[00:47.87] Well, this is something to think about.
[00:51.04] There are so many things to consider. There's Michelle.
[00:55.92] I wonder if a move would be a bad thing for her. And my job.
[01:00.11] I don't know if I can get a good job in Los Angeles.
[01:03.29] And what about our family?
[01:07.97] Can I tell you what I think?
[01:10.01] Tell me.
[01:11.98] I think that you're very successful
[01:15.49] and that you have a fantastic reputation in the toy industry.
[01:19.60] I think you could talk to Mr. Marchetta,
[01:23.48] and I think
[01:24.37] he could help you find a real good job in Los Angeles.
[01:28.73] He was very helpful to me, remember?
[01:31.66] I suppose I could call him.
[01:34.48] But I'm not so sure that I want to leave New York,
[01:37.34] you, and the rest of our family.
[01:39.31] Well, I'm not going to kid you, Susan.
[01:41.02] You know we'd all miss you.
[01:43.59] But this should be your decision.
[01:46.99] It's something that only you and Harry can work out.
[01:52.97] If moving to L.A. is in Harry's best interest,
[01:56.28] I have to do what I can do to support him.
[02:00.41] In every marriage,
[02:06.59] And what about Michelle?
[02:09.65] Well, what do you think?
[02:11.99] I think Michelle is better off staying where she is.
[02:15.71] What does she think?
[02:17.53] I don't know for sure.
[02:19.44] Well, you'll have to ask her.
[02:21.18] I think I'm going to have a talk with Mr. Marchetta
[02:23.98] and get his feelings about my leaving.
[02:26.26] And about helping me find a job in Los Angeles.
[02:29.82] Good idea.
[02:31.29] I'll call him right now. No point in delaying.
[02:34.10] Thanks, Grandpa.
[02:45.66] Harry, it's the perfect job for you. You'll love it.
[02:50.34] It's a big decision for me, Bill.
[02:52.19] And I have to discuss it with my wife.
[02:54.66] I don't know if it's right for her.
[02:56.12] She'll love it. It's a once-in-a-lifetime offer, Harry.
[02:59.84] OK. Tell it to me again.
[03:01.58] The company is Craft and Craft,
[03:03.99] the biggest accounting company in the country.
[03:06.56] I know the company well. It's big.
[03:08.30] The biggest.
[03:09.51] Yeah, yeah. The biggest. When do I have to let you know?
[03:14.94] Talk it over. Think it over. Let me know by the end of the week.
[03:18.79] When would we have to move?
[03:20.29] As soon as possible.
[03:23.11] I also have my daughter to consider.
[03:25.75] I don't want to interrupt her school year.
[03:28.71] Let me know by the end of the week.
[03:30.52] It's a great opportunity for you, Harry.
[03:32.14] Believe me.
[03:33.05] I know.
[03:34.06] Craft and Craft is the biggest in the country.
[03:36.84] Yeah, I know. The biggest.
[03:51.68] I think Michelle is asleep now. Let's talk.
[04:01.64] I met with Bill York today.
[04:03.15] And I talked with Mr. Marchetta. Did York make the offer?
[04:06.63] Yup. He asked me if I want the job.
[04:09.36] That's exciting, Harry. What was it?
[04:11.61] A vice-presidency
[04:12.92] with the biggest accounting company in the country--
[04:15.08] Craft and Craft.
[04:17.11] Aren't you excited about that?
[04:18.69] Sure I am. But there's so much more to consider.
[04:23.52] I talked to Mr. Marchetta.
[04:26.17] What did he say? Did you tell him about me?
[04:28.10] Of course, Harry. I want what's best for you,
[04:30.87] and I think I can get a good job
[04:33.53] through Mr. Marchetta
[04:34.65] in Los Angeles also.
[04:35.33] You're kidding.
[04:36.66] No, I'm not kidding.
[04:38.02] I talked with him, and he understands completely.
[04:40.76] He has a major toy buyer in Los Angeles,
[04:42.99] and he's pretty sure that I can get a good job there.
[04:45.89] Unbelievable! !
[04:47.01] But I think we should talk to Michelle about all of this.
[04:50.70] You're right. We'll talk to her about it.
[04:54.59] And how do you feel about taking the job in Los Angeles?
[04:58.39] How should I feel?
[04:59.55] It's the biggest company in the country.
[05:01.33] Well, then you feel good about taking it?
[05:03.90] Well ... I feel fine about it. Why shouldn't I?