Episode 23: The Community Center ACT III

歌曲 Episode 23: The Community Center ACT III
歌手 英语听力
专辑 走遍美国


[00:00.01] 23-3 ACT III
[00:15.07] Hi, everyone. Sorry I'm late.
[00:18.23] But Alexandra and I
[00:19.32] have been busy at work this morning
[00:20.81] on the community-center project.
[00:22.69] And we brought someone along who can help.
[00:25.15] You remember Charles Maxwell, Grandpa?
[00:27.38] He's the editor of the Riverdale paper.
[00:29.55] He wrote some nice articles on Mom
[00:31.22] when she was running for the school board.
[00:32.87] Yes, I remember. You were a great help.
[00:35.53] Hi, Mr. Stewart.
[00:36.48] Hope to be a bigger help on the new community-center project.
[00:39.36] From what Robbie and Alexandra have told me, ,
[00:41.48] you people are making one big story.
[00:44.20] Let me introduce you, Mr. Maxwell.
[00:46.26] This is Nat Baker,
[00:48.00] who's responsible for this meeting,
[00:51.12] and this is Joanne Thompson--and Abe Lucas,
[00:54.60] who used to run the drugstore in town.
[00:56.37] Robbie and Alexandra told me
[00:57.71] what you need to fix up the old library.
[01:00.37] I am planning to write an editorial that I think will help you.
[01:05.85] Let's go. What are your questions? ?
[01:08.28] OK. Now, I have ... first ... a couple of questions here.
[01:11.06] Have you talked to the community council?
[01:13.85] And have you had an engineer come in to do an inspection?
[01:19.74] OK, what do you need most of all?
[01:22.31] People power.
[01:23.98] Men and women, young and old, to give us their time.
[01:28.77] To do what?
[01:29.90] To help scrub the building interior clean.
[01:33.02] So that we can repaint it.
[01:35.58] And you also need bodies to do repainting?
[01:38.41] That's right.
[01:39.77] And we'll also need some ladders
[01:42.17] and some brushes and some paint.
[01:45.05] When do you need the volunteers,
[01:46.90] and where do they report?
[01:48.54] I've got the council to agree
[01:50.06] to open the building for us on the next four weekends.
[01:53.72] How about furnishings?
[01:54.75] Are there any special requirements that I should list in the paper?
[01:57.79] Yes.
[01:58.78] Here is a copy of all the things we need to start with.
[02:02.57] Let's see. Four desks.
[02:03.98] Eight straight-back chairs. Thirty folding chairs.
[02:07.29] Six table lamps. Three end tables. One piano.
[02:12.13] This is a good start.
[02:13.84] These items shouldn't be difficult to come by
[02:15.62] once I print the article in the paper.
[02:18.20] This community has always been very generous.
[02:21.17] I agree, Mr. Maxwell.
[02:22.92] What you're saying is, in order for this center to succeed, ,
[02:25.74] we need to put together volunteers
[02:27.78] from the various generations of future users.
[02:30.20] That's right.
[02:31.03] And without their energy and stamina,
[02:33.55] there's no way we can complete this project.
[02:37.18] I've got it. Now give me some information about
[02:39.78] how you see the building being used.
[02:41.39] Oh, here. On the ground floor we have the reception area ...
[02:47.15] It's here, Robbie.
[02:52.01] Charles Maxwell lived up to his word. Charles Maxwell
[02:57.05] "At the Stewart family home on Linden Street yesterday,
[02:59.93] a group of caring Riverdale citizens gathered
[03:03.42] to plan the refurbishing of the old library
[03:06.89] to transform it into a new community center.
[03:11.66] The original plan by the council
[03:14.40] was tabled because of lack of funds.
[03:18.41] The new plan needs you.
[03:21.94] You could call it a community unity plan.
[03:26.47] It needs your time, and it needs your energy.
[03:30.60] And it needs your contributions of furniture,
[03:34.25] paint, brushes, ladders, lamps, et cetera.
[03:40.99] A list of these items and a volunteer form
[03:44.74] can be picked up at the Riverdale Press offices.
[03:49.53] By working together,
[03:51.02] this community can do anything to benefit its citizens,
[03:55.84] and we know you will all work together
[04:00.13] towards refurbishing the old library
[04:02.38] and making it a new community center.
[04:06.43] Charles Maxwell, Editor.