Episode 26: Opening Night ACT I

歌曲 Episode 26: Opening Night ACT I
歌手 英语听力
专辑 走遍美国


[00:00.01] 26-1 Opening Night ACT I
[00:00.35] A little further to the right, Tom.
[00:02.11] Is this OK?
[00:02.87] Good. What do you think, Richard?
[00:04.98] I like it there.
[00:06.48] It's the first thing people will see when they come in.
[00:08.89] It sets the tone for the whole show.
[00:11.53] The next thing they'll see is
[00:12.52] this enlargement with the words Family Album, U.S.A.
[00:17.00] I can't believe this is really happening!
[00:19.01] You've earned it.
[00:19.84] Years of work went into these pictures.
[00:21.81] I know, but it's still a dream come true.
[00:24.75] Well, remember,
[00:26.38] we're not sure
[00:26.84] what the critics are going to write about your show yet.
[00:29.77] And you never know
[00:30.66] what the man from the New York Times is going to say about it.
[00:33.18] Are you worried?
[00:34.50] I always worry.
[00:35.90] The reviews of this show
[00:37.13] are important for the sales of your book.
[00:39.58] When do we see the reviews?
[00:41.52] Soon.
[00:42.49] One of the critics is coming over this morning for a preview.
[00:45.30] I hope he's in a good mood.
[00:47.19] So do I.
[00:50.56] Marilyn and I hope to use money from the sales of this book
[00:52.57] to buy a new house.
[00:54.06] The book will be a success.
[00:55.64] And the show will help promote it.
[00:58.34] Speaking of promoting the book, ,
[01:01.18] do I really have to
[01:02.65] autograph copies for the guests at the opening?
[01:04.40] It's common practice.
[01:06.60] I feel uncomfortable about it.
[01:08.50] A lot of people come to openings
[01:10.31] just so they can get
[01:12.06] the autograph of somebody who may be famous someday.
[01:14.15] Couldn't we wait until I'm famous?
[01:16.14] That might be sooner than you think.
[01:18.28] This one over here, Mr. Carlson?
[01:21.02] A little further back, Tom.
[01:22.69] It's too close to the refreshments.
[01:24.19] No, I think this one belongs in the "people-at-work" section.
[01:28.98] You may be right.
[01:30.29] Try it there, Tom.
[01:31.30] Right.
[01:33.73] Nervous about the opening tonight?
[01:34.94] Nervous?
[01:35.36] Me?
[01:35.87] No. I'm scared to death.
[01:40.41] How about guests?
[01:41.61] How many people will you be bringing?
[01:43.11] Well, my family, I guess.
[01:46.35] My wife Marilyn, my father and mother,
[01:49.25] my brother Robbie,
[01:50.41] my sister and her husband and their daughter.
[01:53.09] And my grandfather.
[01:54.61] Is that too many?
[01:55.65] No such thing as "too many" at an opening.
[01:59.34] I hope they like it.
[02:01.59] Your family or the public?
[02:03.94] Everybody.
[02:05.13] But especially my family.
[02:06.86] They've stood by me through all this.
[02:08.98] I'm sure they'll like it.
[02:11.21] Harvey, how are you?
[02:12.98] Mitchell, so nice of you to come.
[02:15.44] Richard, this is Mitchell Johnson.
[02:17.39] Mitchell is
[02:17.81] one of the most important syndicated reviewers in the country.
[02:21.47] Well, you're the young man who did all this.
[02:24.24] I'm afraid so.
[02:25.61] Nice to meet you.
[02:26.54] Nice to meet you, Mr. Johnson.
[02:28.20] Mitchell has always encouraged new talent.
[02:30.83] Well ... you mind if I look around
[02:32.23] and see what it says to me?
[02:34.19] Be our guest.
[03:27.18] Mm-hmm, hmm, uh-huh.
[03:30.66] Mm-hmm, hmm, uh-huh.
[03:36.28] What does that mean when he goes,
[03:38.28] "Mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm"?
[03:41.29] It probably means he's clearing his throat.
[03:43.90] I don't know.
[03:45.02] I don't care what the critics say, Mr. Stewart.
[03:46.62] Your work is brilliant.
[03:48.52] Thank you, Tom.
[03:49.98] Tom is studying photography at NYU.
[03:52.13] He's working with me during the summer months as an intern.
[03:54.36] Oh, really?
[03:55.28] I'd like to see your work.
[03:56.42] It's not good enough to show.
[03:57.53] I'm still learning.
[03:58.38] Oh, I'd still like to see your work.
[03:59.74] You may be the next Ansel Adams and not even know it.
[04:01.15] If you really mean it,
[04:03.25] I'll bring some of my pictures into the gallery.
[04:04.70] I do mean it.
[04:08.04] Very interesting pictures, Mr. Stewart.
[04:09.84] You have a most unusual eye.
[04:12.13] Thank you.
[04:13.32] I hope that's a compliment.
[04:14.46] It is.
[04:15.76] Are you going to be reviewing the show, Mitchell?
[04:17.42] Oh, yes. It's definitely worth reviewing.
[04:20.41] Favorably?
[04:21.75] Oh, you know I never answer that question, Harvey.
[04:23.84] I'd like an advance copy of the book, though,
[04:25.75] so I can study it.
[04:27.50] I have an autographed one in my office.
[04:29.80] Tom, would you give Mr. Johnson Tom,
[04:34.40] the copy of Richard's book on my desk?
[04:34.98] Just follow me, Mr. Johnson.
[04:38.91] Sure.
[04:40.32] Do you think he liked my photographs?
[04:42.35] We'll know when tonight's papers come out.
[04:45.54] Keep your fingers crossed.