We Put Things in "Apple Pie Order"

歌曲 We Put Things in "Apple Pie Order"
歌手 英语听力
专辑 VOA慢速英语:词汇典故


[00:00.10] Now, the VOA Special English program
[00:16.39] Words and Their Stories.
[00:19.42] Today we tell about the expression
[00:22.66] "apple pie order."
[00:25.70] It means "in perfect order, very well organized."
[00:31.42] Nobody is sure where and when the expression
[00:37.34] "apple pie order" began.
[00:39.93] Some say that Scottish and English writers
[00:44.01] used the expression a long time ago.
[00:48.05] Others say it first was used
[00:51.14] in the northeastern American states known as New England.
[00:56.81] The housewives of New England cut their apples in even slices.
[01:03.44] Then they filled pie pans with them
[01:07.07] in an organized way, row upon row.
[01:10.90] As one writer said, the women of New England
[01:15.84] loved to have everything in its place.
[01:19.17] This perhaps explains why it generally
[01:23.20] is believed that the expression
[01:25.60] "apple pie order" began in New England.
[01:30.63] Another old expression describes the opposite condition
[01:35.61] -- wild disorder.
[01:38.05] That expression is apple of discord.
[01:42.58] It comes from ancient mythology.
[01:45.92] The myth says that all the gods and goddesses
[01:50.76] were sitting around the table
[01:52.65] to celebrate the marriage of Thetis and Peleus.
[01:56.39] One of the goddesses -- Discord -- was a troublemaker.
[02:01.12] She threw a golden apple on the table to be given
[02:05.55] as a prize to the most beautiful goddess.
[02:09.19] It was not an easy decision to make.
[02:12.97] How could they choose among Juno, Minerva and Venus.
[02:19.19] Paris was given the task of deciding.
[02:23.38] He decided to give the golden apple to Venus.
[02:29.15] Juno and Minerva were very angry and threatened him.
[02:34.14] This, the myth says, began the long Trojan war.
[02:40.11] At one time, the tomato was called a love apple.
[02:46.69] That was a mistake. This is how the mistake happened:
[02:52.46] In the sixteenth century, Spain imported the tomato
[02:57.90] from South America after Spanish explorers had landed there.
[03:02.78] Spain then exported the tomato to Morocco.
[03:07.25] Italian traders carried it on to Italy.
[03:12.59] The Italian name for the tomato
[03:15.92] was "pomo di Moro" -- apple of the Moors.
[03:20.40] When French growers imported it from Italy,
[03:25.89] they thought "di Moro" meant "d'amour"
[03:29.77] -- the French word for love.
[03:32.01] And so "pomo di Moro" became the apple of love.
[03:38.74] People believe many things about the apple.
[03:43.17] One belief is that it has great powers of
[03:47.90] keeping people healthy.
[03:50.04] A very common expression is
[03:52.88] "an apple a day keeps the doctor away."
[03:57.87] Another belief is based on fact.
[04:02.59] The expression is "one rotten apple spoils the barrel."
[04:09.22] When an apple begins to go bad,
[04:12.41] it ruins all the other apples around it in the container.
[04:17.48] The expression has come to mean
[04:20.37] that one bad person in a group
[04:23.16] can cause everyone to act bad.
[04:37.27] You have been listening to the VOA
[04:41.51] Special English program Words and Their Stories.
[04:46.24] I'm Warren Scheer.


[00:00.10] zhè lǐ shì měi guó zhī yīn màn sù yīng yǔ
[00:16.39] cí huì diǎn gù jié mù.
[00:19.42] jīn tiān wǒ men jiǎng duǎn yǔ
[00:22.66] " apple pie order".
[00:25.70] yì sī shì jǐng rán yǒu xù, zǔ zhī hé lǐ.
[00:31.42] méi yǒu rén què qiè zhī dào
[00:37.34] " apple pie order" zhè gè duǎn yǔ qǐ yuán yú hé shí hé dì
[00:39.93] yǒu rén shuō sū gé lán hé yīng gé lán de zuò jiā
[00:44.01] hěn jiǔ yǐ qián jiù shǐ yòng zhè gè duǎn yǔ le.
[00:48.05] hái yǒu rén shuō zuì zǎo kāi shǐ shǐ yòng zhè gè duǎn yǔ de
[00:51.14] shì měi guó dōng běi bù de xīn yīng gé lán zhōu
[00:56.81] xīn yīng gé lán zhōu de jiā tíng zhǔ fù bǎ píng guǒ qiē chéng jūn yún de piàn,
[01:03.44] rán hòu bǎi mǎn píng dǐ guō,
[01:07.07] zhěng qí de, yī céng yī céng de.
[01:10.90] zhèng rú yī wèi zuò jiā suǒ shuō, xīn yīng gé lán zhōu de fù nǚ
[01:15.84] xǐ huān jiāng yī qiè shì qíng nòng dé jǐng rán yǒu xù.
[01:19.17] yě xǔ zhè kě yǐ jiě shì wèi shí me rén men
[01:23.20] rèn wéi zhè gè duǎn yǔ
[01:25.60] " apple pie order" qǐ yuán yú xīn yīng gé lán zhōu.
[01:30.63] lìng yī jù lǎo huà miáo shù le yī zhǒng xiāng fǎn de
[01:35.61] jí dù hùn luàn de zhuàng kuàng.
[01:38.05] zhè gè duǎn yǔ jiù shì apple of discord huò yuán, huò gēn,
[01:42.58] qǐ yuán yú yuǎn gǔ shén huà.
[01:45.92] shén huà zhōng jiǎng dào nán nǚ zhòng shén
[01:50.76] wéi zuò zài zhuō páng
[01:52.65] qìng hè tè tí sī Thetis, hǎi yáng nǚ shén hé pò liú sī Peleus, tè luò yī zhàn zhēng zhōng xī là lián jūn zhǔ jiàng ā kā liú sī zhī fù de hūn lǐ,
[01:56.39] qí zhōng yí gè nǚ shén zhēng chǎo nǚ shén Discord shì gè ài rě má fan de rén.
[02:01.12] tā jiāng yí gè jīn píng guǒ rēng dào zhuō zi shàng,
[02:05.55] zuò wéi duì zuì měi nǚ shén de jiǎng lì.
[02:09.19] yào zuò chū zhè gè jué dìng kě bù róng yì,
[02:12.97] tā men jiāng zài zhū nuò Juno, zhǔ shén zhū bì tè de qī zǐ, wàn shén zhī mǔ, xī là shén huà zhōng chēng wéi hè lā, zhū nuò shì luó mǎ shén huà zhōng duì yìng de míng zì, yǐ xià tóng, mǐ nuò wǎ Minerva, zhì huì nǚ shén, xī là shén huà zhōng chēng wéi yǎ diǎn nà hé wéi nà sī Venus, ài shén, xī
[02:19.19] zhè gè rèn wù jiāo gěi le pà lǐ sī Paris, tè luò yī wáng zǐ,
[02:23.38] tā jué dìng jiāng jīn píng guǒ shòu yǔ wéi nà sī,
[02:29.15] zhū nuò hé mǐ nuò wǎ dōu hěn shēng qì, bìng wēi xié tā.
[02:34.14] cǐ shì, yǐn fā le màn cháng de tè luò yī zhī zhàn.
[02:40.11] xī hóng shì céng jīng bèi chēng zuò ài qíng píng guǒ,
[02:46.69] nà shi gè měi lì de wù huì, shì qíng shì zhè yàng de.
[02:52.46] 16 shì jì, xī bān yá cóng nán měi yǐn jìn le xī hóng shì
[02:57.90] zài xī bān yá tàn xiǎn jiā dào dá nán měi hòu.
[03:02.78] xī bān yá rán hòu jiāng qí chū kǒu dào mó luò gē.
[03:07.25] yì dà lì shāng rén bǎ tā yùn dào yì dà lì.
[03:12.59] xī hóng shì de yì dà lì míng
[03:15.92] shì pomo di Moro mó ěr rén de píng guǒ.
[03:20.40] fǎ guó zhòng zhí zhě cóng yì dà lì yǐn jìn xī hóng shì shí,
[03:25.89] tā men rèn wéi yì dà lì yǔ zhōng de" di Moro" jiù shì" d' amour"
[03:29.77] fǎ yǔ zhōng de ài qíng
[03:32.01] yīn cǐ pomo di Moro jiù chéng le ài qíng píng guǒ.
[03:38.74] rén men rèn tóng hěn duō guān yú píng guǒ de shì qíng,
[03:43.17] yǒu yí gè xìn tiáo jiù shì píng guǒ yōng yǒu jù dà néng liàng
[03:47.90] bǎo chí shēn tǐ jiàn kāng.
[03:50.04] yí gè cháng yòng duǎn yǔ
[03:52.88] yī rì yī píng guǒ, yī shēng yuǎn lí wǒ.
[03:57.87] lìng wài yí gè xìn tiáo zé shì jī yú shì shí jī chǔ.
[04:02.59] yí gè làn píng guǒ, làn yī kuāng píng guǒ.
[04:09.22] dāng yí gè píng guǒ kāi shǐ fǔ làn,
[04:12.41] tā yě huì huǐ diào tóng yī róng qì zhōng zhōu wéi de qí tā píng guǒ.
[04:17.48] zhè gè duǎn yǔ de yǐn shēn biǎo dá yì sī shì
[04:20.37] tuán duì lǐ yí gè chà jìn de rén
[04:23.16] huì shǐ měi ge rén de biǎo xiàn dōu hěn chà.
[04:37.27] nǐ yǐ jīng tīng wán le měi guó zhī yīn
[04:41.51] màn sù yīng yǔ cí huì diǎn gù jié mù.
[04:46.24] wǒ shì Warren Scheer.