
歌曲 Baseball
歌手 英语听力
专辑 VOA慢速英语:词汇典故


[00:00.10] Now, the VOA Special English program
[00:17.48] Baseball is America's national sport.
[00:21.30] So it is not unusual that many popular expressions
[00:26.81] come from baseball.
[00:28.72] But first, let me explain a little about the game.
[00:32.98] Each baseball team has nine players.
[00:37.33] The pitcher of one team throws the ball
[00:41.24] to a batter from the other team.
[00:44.14] The batter attempts to hit the ball.
[00:47.14] If he misses, it is called a strike.
[00:51.20] If a batter gets three strikes,
[00:54.10] he loses his turn at bat and is called out.
[00:58.81] The batter also is out if he hits the ball in the air
[01:03.62] and an opposing player catches it.
[01:07.24] But if the batter hits the ball and it is not caught,
[01:12.26] the batter tries to run to one
[01:15.31] or more of the four bases on the field.
[01:19.52] The batter can run to all four bases
[01:23.13] if he hits the ball over the fence or out of the ballpark.
[01:28.59] Such a hit is called a home run.
[01:32.09] Now, here are some common expressions from baseball.
[01:38.05] Someone who is on the ball is intelligent
[01:42.41] and able to do a good job.
[01:45.38] But a person who threw a curve ball did something unexpected.
[01:51.74] Someone who steps up to the plate is ready to do his or her job.
[01:57.99] A pinch hitter takes the place of someone else at a job or activity.
[02:05.01] A person who strikes out or goes down swinging
[02:10.27] attempted something but failed.
[02:13.17] We also might tell the person that three strikes and you are out.
[02:18.98] But someone who hit a home run
[02:21.99] or hit it out of the park did something extremely well.
[02:27.65] Sometimes I have to give information quickly,
[02:32.50] without time to think it over.
[02:34.86] Then I would say something right off the bat.
[02:39.86] If someone is doing an extremely good job and is very successful,
[02:45.87] you might say he or she is batting one thousand.
[02:50.72] If I say I want to touch base with you,
[02:54.99] I will talk to you from time to time about something we plan to do.
[03:00.46] I might say I touched all the bases
[03:04.21] if I did what is necessary to complete a job or activity.
[03:09.82] And if I covered my bases I was well prepared.
[03:14.88] However, someone who is way off base did something wrong
[03:20.64] or maybe even dishonest or immoral.
[03:24.64] A person with strange ideas might be described as out in left field.
[03:31.45] Let us say I want to sell my car
[03:36.51] but I do not know exactly how much it is worth.
[03:41.30] If someone asks me the price,
[03:44.26] I might give a ballpark figure or a ballpark estimate.
[03:50.27] If someone offers me an amount that is close to my selling price,
[03:56.13] I might say the amount is in the ballpark.
[04:00.38] However, if I say we are not in the same ballpark,
[04:05.75] I mean we cannot agree because my ideas are too different from yours.
[04:12.56] Finally, when a situation changes completely,
[04:16.96] we say that is a whole new ballgame.
[04:37.24] This VOA Special English program, WORDS AND THEIR STORIES,
[04:42.90] was written by Shelley Gollust.
[04:45.76] I'm Faith Lapidus.


[00:00.10] xiàn zài shì měi guó zhī yīn
[00:14.73] màn sù yīng yǔ cí huì diǎn gù jié mù shàng miàn.
[00:17.48] bàng qiú shì měi guó zuì liú xíng de yùn dòng xiàng mù.
[00:21.30] suǒ yǐ yǒu hěn duō xià miàn de cháng yòng yǔ yě bù zú wéi qí.
[00:26.81] lái zì bàng qiú
[00:28.72] dàn shǒu xiān ràng wǒ shāo wēi jiě shì yī xià zhè xiàng yùn dòng.
[00:32.98] měi gè bàng qiú duì yǒu 9 míng duì yuán,
[00:37.33] yī duì de tóu shǒu jiāng qiú tóu xiàng lìng yī duì de jī qiú yuán.
[00:41.24] xiàng lìng yī duì de jī qiú yuán.
[00:44.14] jī qiú yuán cháng shì jī zhòng lái qiú.
[00:47.14] rú guǒ tā méi jī zhòng, zhè jiù bèi chēng wéi yí gè" hǎo qiú" hǎo qiú shì zhēn duì tóu shǒu lái shuō, duì jī qiú shǒu lái shuō, tā jiù shì yī jī bù zhōng.
[00:51.20] rú guǒ yī míng jī qiú yuán dé dào sān cì hǎo qiú,
[00:54.10] tā jiù shī qù jī qiú jī huì, zhè bèi chéng wéi" chū jú".
[00:58.81] rú guǒ jī qiú yuán jī chū téng kōng qiú xià miàn zhè yàng tā yě huì chū jú.
[01:03.62] bìng bèi duì fāng qiú yuán jiē zhù,
[01:07.24] dàn rú guǒ jī qiú yuán jī zhòng qiú, bìng qiě qiú méi bèi duì fāng qiú yuán jiē zhù,
[01:12.26] jī qiú yuán jiù huì shè fǎ xià miàn pǎo chū yí dào duō gè lěi.
[01:15.31] zài sì gè lěi zhōng
[01:19.52] jī qiú yuán néng gòu pǎo biàn sì lěi,
[01:23.13] zhǐ yào tā jiāng qiú jī dào lí bā yǐ shàng huò jī chū qiú chǎng,
[01:28.59] zhè yàng de yī cì jī qiú jiù bèi chēng wéi yī jì běn lěi dǎ.
[01:32.09] yǐ xià jiù shì lái zì bàng qiú de yī xiē cháng yòng yǔ
[01:38.05] Someone who is on the ball shì zhǐ tā cōng míng,
[01:42.41] néng zuò hǎo gōng zuò.
[01:45.38] dàn shì a person who threw a curve ball shì zhǐ tā zuò chū le ràng rén yì xiǎng bú dào de shì qíng.
[01:51.74] Someone who steps up to the plate zhǐ tā zhǔn bèi hǎo le zuò tā tā de gōng zuò.
[01:57.99] pinch hitter shì zhǐ mǒu xiàng gōng zuò huò huó dòng zhōng de tì dài zhě.
[02:05.01] A person who strikes out or goes down swinging shì zhǐ tā
[02:10.27] cháng shì zuò mǒu shì dàn wèi néng chéng gōng.
[02:13.17] wǒ men hái kě néng huì gào sù zhè gè rén sān zhèn chū jú.
[02:18.98] dàn someone who hit a home run
[02:21.99] or hit it out of the park yì wèi zhe tā zuò dé fēi cháng hǎo.
[02:27.65] yǒu shí hou wǒ bì xū hěn kuài tí gōng xìn xī,
[02:32.50] bù jīng sī kǎo.
[02:34.86] zhè yàng wǒ cái néng lì jí shuō chū right off the bat lì jí, lì kè
[02:39.86] rú guǒ mǒu rén gōng zuò fēi cháng chū sè,
[02:45.87] nǐ kě néng huì shuō he or she is batting one thousand.
[02:50.72] rú guǒ wǒ shuō I want to touch base with you,
[02:54.99] yì sī shì wǒ huì jiù wǒ men jì huà zuò de yī xiē shì qíng bù shí hé nǐ jiāo tán.
[03:00.46] wǒ kě néng huì shuō I touched all the bases
[03:04.21] rú guǒ wǒ wán chéng le mǒu xiàng gōng zuò huò huó dòng suǒ bì xū wán chéng de suǒ yǒu shì qíng.
[03:09.82] rú guǒ I covered my bases, yì sī shì zhǐ zuò hǎo le zhǔn bèi.
[03:14.88] rán ér, someone who is way off base shì zhǐ tā zuò cuò liǎo shì,
[03:20.64] shèn zhì zuò liǎo bù chéng shí huò bù zhèng pài de shì.
[03:24.64] yōng yǒu qí guài xiǎng fǎ de rén bèi chēng wéi out in left field.
[03:31.45] jiǎ shè wǒ xiǎng yào mài chē
[03:36.51] dàn bù zhī dào tā dí què qiè jià zhí.
[03:41.30] rú guǒ yǒu rén wèn wǒ zhè chē de shòu jià,
[03:44.26] wǒ jiù huì gěi chū yí gè dà gài de shù zì
[03:50.27] rú guǒ mǒu rén gěi chū de bào jià, gēn wǒ de shòu jià jiē jìn,
[03:56.13] wǒ huì shuō the amount is in the ballpark chà bù duō.
[04:00.38] rán ér, rú guǒ wǒ shuō we are not in the same ballpark,
[04:05.75] wǒ de yì sī shì shuō wǒ men wú fǎ dá chéng xié yì, yīn wèi wǒ men de xiǎng fǎ chà dé tài yuǎn.
[04:12.56] zuì hòu, dāng jú miàn wán quán gǎi biàn shí,
[04:16.96] wǒ men huì shuō that is a whole new ballgame xiàn zài de qíng kuàng yǔ yǐ qián wán quán bù yí yàng.