
歌曲 Cold
歌手 英语听力
专辑 VOA慢速英语:词汇典故


[00:00.10] Now, the VOA Special English program
[00:18.78] Cold weather has a great effect
[00:23.32] on how our minds and our bodies work.
[00:26.82] Maybe that is why there are
[00:30.20] so many expressions
[00:31.81] that use the word cold.
[00:34.53] For centuries,
[00:36.07] the body's blood has been linked
[00:38.96] closely with the emotions.
[00:42.05] People who show no human emotions
[00:45.68] or feelings, for example,
[00:47.80] are said to be cold-blooded.
[00:50.89] Cold-blooded people act
[00:54.22] in cruel ways.
[00:56.39] They may do brutal things to others,
[00:59.82] and not by accident.
[01:03.33] For example, a newspaper says
[01:07.84] the police are searching
[01:09.95] for a cold-blooded killer.
[01:13.05] The killer murdered someone,
[01:15.87] not in self-defense,
[01:18.23] or because he was reacting
[01:20.56] to anger or fear.
[01:22.57] He seemed to kill for no reason,
[01:25.95] and with no emotion,
[01:28.83] as if taking someone's life
[01:31.67] meant nothing.
[01:33.42] Cold can affect other parts of the body.
[01:38.31] The feet, for example.
[01:40.44] Heavy socks can warm your feet,
[01:45.02] if your feet are really cold.
[01:47.34] But there is an expression
[01:49.96] -- to get cold feet
[01:52.68] -- that has nothing to do
[01:54.65] with cold or your feet.
[01:57.64] The expression means being afraid
[02:02.11] to do something you had decided to do.
[02:06.04] For example, you agree
[02:09.08] to be president of an organization.
[02:11.66] But then you learn that
[02:14.69] all the other officers have resigned.
[02:17.17] All the work of the organization
[02:20.72] will be your responsibility.
[02:23.48] You are likely to get cold feet
[02:27.08] about being president
[02:29.29] when you understand the situation.
[02:31.80] Cold can also affect your shoulder.
[02:35.77] You give someone the cold shoulder
[02:39.56] when you refuse to speak to them.
[02:42.90] You treat them in a distant, cold way.
[02:46.99] The expression probably comes
[02:49.87] from the physical act of
[02:52.04] turning your back toward someone,
[02:54.92] instead of speaking
[02:56.86] to him face-to-face.
[02:59.10] You may give a cold shoulder
[03:02.02] to a friend who has not
[03:04.56] kept a promise he made to you.
[03:06.98] Or, to someone who has lied
[03:10.67] about you to others.
[03:12.48] A cold fish is not a fish.
[03:17.17] It is a person.
[03:18.90] But it is a person
[03:21.37] who is unfriendly,
[03:23.13] unemotional and shows
[03:25.34] no love or warmth.
[03:27.57] A cold fish does not offer
[03:30.91] much of himself to anyone.
[03:33.40] Someone who is a cold fish
[03:37.11] could be cold-hearted.
[03:39.65] Now a cold-hearted person
[03:42.34] is someone who has no sympathy.
[03:45.12] Several popular songs
[03:48.12] in recent years were
[03:50.66] about cold-hearted men
[03:53.00] or cold-hearted women,
[03:55.34] who without feeling,
[03:57.27] broke the hearts of their lovers.
[04:00.28] Out in the cold
[04:02.81] is an expression often heard.
[04:05.44] It means not getting something
[04:08.71] that everybody else got.
[04:10.51] A person might say that everybody
[04:14.10] but him got a pay raise,
[04:16.83] that he was left out in the cold.
[04:20.66] And it is not a pleasant place to be.
[04:23.82] (MUSIC)
[04:36.49] This VOA Special English program,
[04:43.17] was written by Marilyn Rice Christiano.
[04:46.52] Maurice Joyce was the narrator.
[04:49.41] I'm Shirley Griffith.


[00:00.10] màn sù yīng yǔ
[00:16.00] cí yǔ diǎn gù
[00:18.78] hán lěng de tiān qì huì yǐng xiǎng
[00:23.32] wǒ men de shēn tǐ hé qíng xù
[00:26.82] zhè yě xǔ shì shǐ yòng hán lěng zhè gè dān cí lái
[00:30.20] biǎo dá hěn duō qíng xù de yuán yīn
[00:34.53] jǐ gè shì jì yǐ lái
[00:36.07] xuè yè yú rén de qíng xù
[00:38.96] yǒu mì qiè de lián xì
[00:42.05] lì rú, qíng xù hé gǎn qíng bǐ jiào lěng mò de rén
[00:45.68] jīng cháng huì bèi shuō chéng lěng xuè.
[00:50.89] lěng xuè de rén xíng dòng
[00:54.22] tōng cháng bǐ jiào cán rěn
[00:56.39] tā men tōng cháng huì duì bié rén zuò bǐ jiào cán rěn de shì qíng
[00:59.82] ér qiě zhè bìng bú shì ǒu rán xiàn xiàng
[01:03.33] lì rú, bào zhǐ bào dào
[01:07.84] jǐng chá zhèng zài sōu xún
[01:09.95] yí gè lěng xuè de shā shǒu.
[01:13.05] zhè gè shā shǒu qù móu shā
[01:15.87] méi yǒu zì wèi néng lì
[01:18.23] huò zhě shì chū yú fèn nù hé hài pà
[01:20.56] zuò chū guò jī fǎn yìng de rén.
[01:22.57] tā shā rén sì hū shì méi yǒu rèn hé lǐ yóu
[01:25.95] tā méi yǒu rèn hé gǎn qíng
[01:28.83] sì hū bié rén de shēng mìng méi yǒu
[01:31.67] rèn hé jià zhí.
[01:33.42] lěng kě yǐ yǐng xiǎng dào shēn tǐ de mǒu yī bù fen.
[01:38.31] lì rú, jiǎo
[01:40.44] hòu de wà zi kě yǐ wēn nuǎn nǐ de jiǎo
[01:45.02] rú guǒ nǐ de jiǎo gǎn jué fēi cháng lěng.
[01:47.34] dàn shì zhè lǐ yǒu yí gè zhè yàng de biǎo dá
[01:49.96] jiǎo fēi cháng lěng
[01:52.68] duì yú hán lěng hé bīng lěng de shuāng jiǎo
[01:54.65] bù zhī dào néng zuò xiē shén me
[01:57.64] zhè zhǒng biǎo dá de yì sī shì
[02:02.11] nǐ duì yú nǐ jì huà yào zuò de shì qíng xīn cún kǒng jù
[02:06.04] lì rú, nǐ tóng yì le
[02:09.08] zuò yī xiàng zǔ zhī jù huì de zhǔ xí
[02:11.66] dàn shì nǐ hòu lái tīng shuō
[02:14.69] qí tā de zǔ zhī guān yuán dōu fàng qì cān jiā le
[02:17.17] zhè cì huó dòng de suǒ yǒu gōng zuò
[02:20.72] jiāng shì nǐ fù quán bù zé rèn
[02:23.48] dāng nǐ liǎo jiě zhè zhǒng qíng xíng shí
[02:27.08] duì yú chéng wéi zhǔ xí
[02:29.29] nǐ sì hū jiù dé dào le yí gè lěng jiǎo
[02:31.80] hán lěng hái huì yǐng xiǎng nǐ de jiān bǎng
[02:35.77] nǐ gěi mǒu rén yí gè lěng jiān bǎng
[02:39.56] zhè yì wèi zhe nǐ jù jué gēn tā jiǎng huà
[02:42.90] nǐ lěng luò le tā
[02:46.99] zhè zhǒng biǎo dá hǎo xiàng shì
[02:49.87] qǐ yuán yú yí gè shēn tǐ huó dòng
[02:52.04] jí zhuǎn shēn bèi duì zhe mǒu rén
[02:54.92] ér bú shì miàn duì miàn dí
[02:56.86] gēn tā jiǎng huà
[02:59.10] dāng nǐ de péng yǒu duì nǐ méi yǒu xìn shǒu chéng nuò
[03:02.02] huò zhě duì nǐ huò zhě qí tā rén
[03:04.56] shuō huǎng shí
[03:06.98] nǐ kě yǐ gěi tā yí gè
[03:10.67] lěng jiān bǎng
[03:12.48] yī tiáo bīng lěng de yú bìng bú shì yī zhǒng yú
[03:17.17] zhè shì yī zhǒng rén
[03:18.90] dàn shì zhè zhǒng rén
[03:21.37] bìng bù yǒu hǎo
[03:23.13] bǐ jiào lěng mò ér qiě biǎo xiàn de
[03:25.34] bù fù yǒu ài xīn hé bù rè xīn
[03:27.57] yī tiáo bīng lěng de yú bú huì jiāng zì jǐ
[03:30.91] tài duō zhǎn shì gěi bié rén
[03:33.40] miáo shù yí ge rén shì yī tiáo bīng lěng de yú
[03:37.11] yě jiù shì shuō zhè gè rén de xīn shì bīng lěng de
[03:39.65] rú jīn shuō yí ge rén de xīn shì bīng lěng de
[03:42.34] yě jiù shì shuō mǒu rén méi yǒu tóng qíng xīn
[03:45.12] zuì jìn jǐ nián
[03:48.12] yǒu jǐ shǒu liú xíng gē qǔ
[03:50.66] guān yú lěng mò de nán rén
[03:53.00] huò zhě lěng mò de nǚ rén
[03:55.34] tā men tài lěng mò
[03:57.27] shāng hài le tā men de ài rén de xīn
[04:00.28] lí kāi hán lěng
[04:02.81] zhè shì wǒ men jīng cháng tīng dào de yī zhǒng biǎo dá
[04:05.44] zhè yì wèi zhe qù zuò yī xiē
[04:08.71] bú shì měi ge rén dōu huì qù zuò de shì qíng
[04:10.51] yě xǔ yǒu rén huì shuō
[04:14.10] tā yǒu shōu rù, dàn bìng bú shì měi ge rén dōu néng zhuàn qián
[04:16.83] suǒ yǐ tā yǐ jīng táo lí le hán lěng de guài quān
[04:20.66] dàn shì zhè bìng méi yǒu shǐ tā gāo xìng.
[04:23.82] yīn yuè
[04:36.49] zhè shì VOA màn sù yīng yǔ
[04:40.39] cí yǔ diǎn gù