
歌曲 Gold
歌手 英语听力
专辑 VOA慢速英语:词汇典故


[00:11.160] Now, the VOA Special English
[00:14.800] program WORDS AND THEIR STORIES.
[00:17.880] Throughout history,
[00:20.070] gold has been a sign of purity,
[00:22.760] beauty and power.
[00:25.000] Calling something golden means
[00:28.130] it has great quality and value.
[00:30.920] For example, the golden rule
[00:34.060] is possibly the world's
[00:36.360] most widespread moral rule.
[00:39.490] It says people should treat others
[00:42.380] the way they themselves
[00:44.520] would like to be treated.
[00:46.460] Every major religion
[00:48.550] has its own version of this idea.
[00:51.430] The golden ratio is found in art,
[00:56.060] architecture and nature.
[00:59.000] It describes a rectangle
[01:01.490] with a length about one
[01:03.880] and one-half times its width.
[01:06.760] Objects using this ratio
[01:09.050] in their design seem
[01:11.000] to please the eye more than others.
[01:13.890] Philosophers have
[01:16.430] their own golden idea.
[01:18.270] The golden mean says
[01:20.660] moderation in all things
[01:23.790] is the best way to live one's life.
[01:27.030] It is an idea linked
[01:29.330] to the Ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle.
[01:32.860] Similar thoughts exist
[01:34.950] in Buddhism and Confucianism.
[01:37.790] Ancient Greek myths told of
[01:41.220] a time long ago when people lived
[01:44.070] in peace and happiness.
[01:45.760] Poets called it the Golden Age.
[01:49.190] A golden age now describes
[01:51.930] a historical period of great artistic,
[01:55.110] scientific or economic progress.
[01:58.150] It can even recall a time of success
[02:01.240] and popularity for an industry.
[02:04.010] For example, the nineteen thirties
[02:07.300] and forties were called
[02:09.100] the Golden Age of Radio.
[02:11.340] You may have heard the proverb
[02:14.270] silence is golden.
[02:15.970] This means silence is of great value.
[02:19.860] It is sometimes better
[02:22.200] to say nothing than to speak.
[02:25.630] You might say your child was good
[02:30.370] as gold when he behaved well at school.
[02:34.100] British writer Charles Dickens
[02:37.190] used this expression
[02:38.730] in eighteen forty-three.
[02:41.010] He was describing the child Tiny Tim
[02:44.400] in the book "A Christmas Carol."
[02:46.490] In nineteen thirty-seven,
[02:49.680] American playwright Clifford Odets
[02:52.220] wrote a play called "The Golden Boy."
[02:55.200] This expression describes
[02:57.340] a young man who has many
[03:00.020] good qualities and a bright future.
[03:02.870] You might tell someone you are golden
[03:07.340] when that person does something very well.
[03:10.440] Gold digger is another description.
[03:14.670] But this does not say
[03:17.110] something nice about a person.
[03:18.990] A gold digger is someone
[03:21.700] who seeks to marry a rich person
[03:24.630] because he or she is only interested
[03:28.910] in that person's money.
[03:31.000] Maybe you like old songs
[03:34.340] from the nineteen fifties or sixties
[03:37.320] that are still well known and popular today.
[03:41.240] These are called golden oldies.
[03:44.930] In the nineteen eighties and nineties,
[03:49.720] an American television comedy series
[03:52.220] told about four older women
[03:55.010] living in Miami, Florida.
[03:57.200] The Golden Girls often dealt
[04:00.290] with social issues in a funny way.
[04:05.370] Today, most older people look forward
[04:08.940] to reaching their golden years.
[04:11.190] This is when hard-working people
[04:14.680] can retire to a life of ease and fulfillment.
[04:21.160] (MUSIC)
[04:31.210] This program was written by Mario Ritter.
[04:35.530] I'm Faith Lapidus.


[00:11.160] xiàn zài shì voa tè bié yīng yǔ
[00:14.800] jié mù" cí huì diǎn gù"
[00:17.880] zòng guān lì shǐ
[00:20.070] jīn zi yī zhí bèi shì wéi chún jìng
[00:22.760] měi lì, quán lì de biāo zhì
[00:25.000] yí gè bèi chēng wéi" jīn zi bān de" shì wù
[00:28.130] yǒu zhe jí hǎo de pǐn zhì hé jià zhí
[00:30.920] bǐ rú shuō, huáng jīn shǒu zé
[00:34.060] jiù kě néng shì shì jiè shang
[00:36.360] zuì guǎng fàn de dào dé shǒu zé
[00:39.490] tā biǎo shì rén men yīng gāi zuò dào
[00:42.380] jǐ suǒ bù yù
[00:44.520] wù shī yú rén
[00:46.460] rèn hé zhǔ yào zōng jiào
[00:48.550] dōu yǒu duì zhè yī shǒu zé de bù tóng jiě shì
[00:51.430] huáng jīn bǐ lì kě yǐ zài yì shù
[00:56.060] jiàn zhù, zì rán zhōng fā xiàn
[00:59.000] tā miáo shù yí gè
[01:01.490] zhǎng bǐ kuān dà yuē wèi
[01:03.880] 1. 5 de jǔ xíng
[01:06.760] zūn xún zhè gè bǐ lì de shè jì
[01:09.050] kàn qǐ lái
[01:11.000] bǐ qí tā de shì wù gèng shǐ rén yú yuè
[01:13.890] zhé xué jiā men yǒu zhe
[01:16.430] tā men duì" jīn zi bān de" dú tè de xiǎng fǎ
[01:18.270] " jīn zi bān de" yì wèi zhe
[01:20.660] zài rèn hé shì shàng zuò dào shì dù
[01:23.790] shì rén zuì hǎo de shēng huó fāng shì
[01:27.030] zhè gè guān diǎn lián jiē le
[01:29.330] gǔ xī là zhé xué jiā yà lǐ shì duō dé de guān diǎn
[01:32.860] xiāng tóng de xiǎng fǎ yě cún zài yú
[01:34.950] zài fó jiào hé rú jiā xué shuō zhōng
[01:37.790] gǔ xī là de shén huà jiǎng shù le
[01:41.220] hěn jiǔ zhī qián rén men
[01:44.070] shēng huó zài hé píng hé kuài lè zhōng
[01:45.760] shī rén bǎ nà shí chēng wéi huáng jīn shí dài
[01:49.190] xiàn zài de huáng jīn shí dài yě miáo shù
[01:51.930] yōng yǒu jí gāo de yì shù chéng jiù
[01:55.110] kē jì chéng jiù, jīng jì fēi sù jìn bù de lì shǐ shí qī
[01:58.150] tā shèn zhì kě yǐ shǐ rén huí xiǎng qǐ mǒu yī duàn shí jiān
[02:01.240] chéng gōng fán róng de mǒu gè chǎn yè
[02:04.010] bǐ rú shuō, 19 shì jì sān sì shí nián dài
[02:07.300] jiù bèi chēng wéi
[02:09.100] shōu yīn jī de huáng jīn shí dài
[02:11.340] nǐ kě néng tīng guò zhè gè yàn yǔ
[02:14.270] chén mò shì jīn
[02:15.970] zhè yì wèi zhe chén mò de jí gāo jià zhí
[02:19.860] yǒu shí shén me yě bù shuō
[02:22.200] bǐ shuō xiē shén me gèng hǎo
[02:25.630] nǐ yě kě yǐ dāng nǐ de hái zi zài xué xiào biǎo xiàn hǎo shí
[02:30.370] chēng zàn tā xiàng jīn zi yí yàng měi hǎo
[02:34.100] yīng guó zuò jiā chá ěr sī dí gēng sī
[02:37.190] jiù yùn yòng guò zhè gè biǎo dá fāng fǎ
[02:38.730] zài 1843 nián
[02:41.010] tā jí cǐ miáo shù yí gè jiào zuò xiǎo dì mǔ de hái zi
[02:44.400] zài tā de zhù zuò" shèng dàn sòng gē" zhōng
[02:46.490] zài 1937 nián
[02:49.680] měi guó jù zuò jiā kè lǐ fú dé ào dé cí
[02:52.220] xiě guò yí gè jiào zuò" jīn hái zi" de jù běn
[02:55.200] zhè gè biǎo dá miáo huì le
[02:57.340] yí gè nián qīng rén yōng yǒu
[03:00.020] měi hǎo de pǐn zhì hé měi hǎo de wèi lái
[03:02.870] nǐ kě yǐ duì yí ge rén shuō" nǐ xiàng jīn zi yì bān"
[03:07.340] dāng tā zuò le hǎo shì de shí hòu
[03:10.440] táo jīn zhě shì lìng wài yí gè guān yú jīn zi de biǎo dá
[03:14.670] dàn tā bú shì yòng lái shuō
[03:17.110] yí ge rén hǎo de fāng miàn
[03:18.990] táo jīn zhě shì shuō yí ge rén
[03:21.700] kě wàng jià gěi yí gè yǒu qián rén
[03:24.630] yīn wèi tā huò tā
[03:28.910] zhǐ duì nà gè rén de qián gǎn xīng qù
[03:31.000] yě xǔ nǐ xǐ huān tīng
[03:34.340] 19 shì jì wǔ liù shí nián dài de lǎo gē
[03:37.320] tā men zhì jīn réng rán wéi rén shú zhī
[03:41.240] zhè jiù jiào zuò huái jiù jīn qū
[03:44.930] zài 19 shì jì bā jiǔ shí nián dài
[03:49.720] yí gè měi guó diàn shì xǐ jù jié mù
[03:52.220] shuō le sì gè lǎo fù rén
[03:55.010] shēng huó zài mài ā mì, fó luó lǐ dá zhōu de gù shì
[03:57.200] huáng jīn nǚ láng men jīng cháng yǐ huá jī de fāng shì
[04:00.290] chǔ lǐ yī xiē shè huì wèn tí
[04:05.370] jīn tiān, xǔ duō lǎo nián rén qī pàn zhe
[04:08.940] tā men jí jiāng dào lái de huáng jīn suì yuè
[04:11.190] zhè shí nǔ lì gōng zuò de rén men
[04:14.680] kě yǐ ān yì yuán mǎn dì bù rù tuì xiū shēng huó le
[04:21.160] yīn yuè
[04:31.210] zhè gè jié mù yóu mǎ lǐ ào lì tè xiě zuò
[04:35.530] wǒ shì fēi sī lā pí dé sī