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专辑 VOA慢速英语:健康报道
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[00:00.10] From VOA Learning English,
[00:02.75] this is the Health Report.
[00:04.99] An international team of researchers
[00:07.93] has developed a drug that could help
[00:10.87] in the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder.
[00:14.50] PTSD is a mental condition that can develop
[00:18.89] when someone seize a disturbing event, or serious of events.
[00:24.71] People who suffer from it experience increased anxiety,
[00:29.55] depression and may have problems with their memory.
[00:33.78] Scientists say the drug could be given to someone
[00:37.67] immediately following a trauma to prevent the development of PTSD.
[00:43.79] Raul Andero Gali is a researcher
[00:47.27] at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia,
[00:50.47] who studies the biology of PTSD.
[00:53.65] He says it is the only mental disorder
[00:57.19] that has a known trigger or cause,
[00:59.92] such as a car accident, or being in armed conflict.
[01:05.45] And this means researchers have a better chance of
[01:09.04] finding a treatment for it.
[01:11.18] "So we can even define more clearly
[01:13.47]which is the stimulus or the stressor that trigger[s] the disease,
[01:18.75] whereas with other psychiatric diseases it is way more difficult.
[01:23.23] For example, with depression or schizophrenia
[01:25.18] it is more uncertain what is triggering that disease."
[01:30.23] Doctor Gali and other researchers at Emory,
[01:33.57] the University of Miami in Florida,
[01:36.25] Scripps Research Institute in Florida
[01:39.15] and the Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry in Munich, Germany
[01:44.28] worked to find gene associated with the development of PTSD.
[01:49.96] They found that in some people experiencing a high degree of stress,
[01:55.68] a gene called OPRL1 releases a protein receptor
[02:02.05] for a molecule called nociceptin in the brain.
[02:06.33] Doctor Gali says when that happens,
[02:10.89] people experience symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder.
[02:15.12] The researchers experiment it on mice
[02:18.40] to develop a drug that blocks the receptor,
[02:21.95] reducing symptoms of anxiety and fear.
[02:26.00] Doctor Gali says investigators tested their drug, called SR8993,
[02:33.26] in mice train to feel an electric shock
[02:37.15] whenever they heard a specific sound.
[02:40.19] The mice became very stressed when they heard the sound.
[02:44.82] Doctor Gali says immediately after the sound and shocks,
[02:50.19] some of the mice were given SR8993,
[02:54.78] others were given a drug with no active ingredient called a placebo.
[03:01.08] "The day after the animals were tested to see
[03:04.42] how afraid they were for the tone.
[03:06.76] And the animals that got the compound SR8993
[03:11.59] presented less fear to the tone.
[03:14.38] So their conservation of fear memories is decreased."
[03:20.16] Doctor Gali says much work needs to be done
[03:23.59] to determine if SR8993 is effective in humans.
[03:29.27] If it is, he believes it could be given to, for example,
[03:34.20] soldiers returning home from a war zone
[03:37.99] to keep them from developing PTSD.
[03:41.59] An article on this possible treatment
[03:45.16] for post-traumatic stress disorder is published
[03:48.60] in the journal Science Translational Medicine.
[03:52.08] And that's the Health Report,
[03:54.08] I'm Christopher Cruise.
[00:00.10] 来自VOA英语学习
[00:02.75] 这是健康报道
[00:04.99] 一组国际研究人员
[00:07.93] 研制出了一种帮助
[00:10.87] 治疗创伤后应激障碍的药物
[00:14.50] 创伤后应激障碍是当某人目睹
[00:18.89] 令人不安的事件或一系列事件(when someone sees a disturbing event, or series of events.)后可能发展的一种精神状况
[00:24.71] 有该状况的人会比常人更加焦虑
[00:29.55] 抑郁 可能还会有记忆障碍
[00:33.78] 专家表示 该药物可以在某人
[00:37.67] 经历创伤后立即使用 以预防创伤后应激障碍的发生
[00:43.79] Raul Andero Gali是位于佐治亚州亚特兰大的
[00:47.27] 埃默里大学的一名研究人员
[00:50.47] 他研究创伤后应激障碍的生物学原理
[00:53.65] 他表示创伤后应激障碍是唯一的
[00:57.19] 有可知病因的精神障碍
[00:59.92] 例如车祸 枪战等
[01:05.45] 这意味着研究人员更有可能
[01:09.04] 找到治疗方案
[01:11.18] “我们可以更清晰地定义
[01:13.47] 导致该病的刺激性或压力性病因
[01:18.75] 但这对于其他精神疾病来说非常困难
[01:23.23] 例如对于抑郁症或者精神分裂
[01:25.18] 病因具有更多不确定性
[01:30.23] Gali博士和其他来自埃默里大学
[01:33.57] 弗洛里达州迈阿密大学
[01:36.25] 弗洛里达州斯克利普斯研究所
[01:39.15] 以及德国慕尼黑的马克斯-普朗克精神病学研究所的研究人员
[01:44.28] 共同寻找导致创伤后应激障碍的基因
[01:49.96] 他们发现某些人经历很大压力刺激时
[01:55.68] 一个名为OPRL1的基因参与合成
[02:02.05] 脑内分子痛敏肽的蛋白受体
[02:06.33] Gali博士说 当此发生时
[02:10.89] 人就会呈现创伤后应激障碍的症状
[02:15.12] 研究人员在老鼠上实验
[02:18.40] 研制阻碍受体活动的药物
[02:21.95] 以减少焦虑和恐惧的症状
[02:26.00] Gali博士表示研究人员用鼠测试了SR8993药物
[02:33.26] 他们通过训练这些鼠(trained)使他们
[02:37.15] 在听到某个特定声音时会有受电击的感觉
[02:40.19] 老鼠在听到该声音时非常紧张
[02:44.82] Gali博士说在听到声音后
[02:50.19] 研究人员立刻给一部分老鼠SR8993
[02:54.78] 给其余无活性成分的安慰剂
[03:01.08] 一天后我们测试它们
[03:04.42] 对声音的应激程度如何
[03:06.76] 得到合成物SR8993的老鼠
[03:11.59] 呈现较少的恐惧
[03:14.38] 以此推断 它们对恐惧的记忆减少了
[03:20.16] Gali博士表示仍有很多工作要做
[03:23.59] 以确认SR8993是否对人类有效
[03:29.27] 如果是,他相信它可以用于
[03:34.20] 比如从战场回来的士兵
[03:37.99] 以防止他们患上创伤后应激障碍
[03:41.59] 一篇关于此针对创伤后应激障碍的药物的文章
[03:45.16] 发表于
[03:48.60] 科学转化医学期刊
[03:52.08] 以上就是健康报道的内容
[03:54.08] 我是Christopher Cruise
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