HIV 歌词

歌曲 HIV
歌手 英语听力
专辑 VOA慢速英语:健康报道
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[00:00.00] From VOA Learning English,
[00:02.59] this is the Health Report.
[00:05.48] Hundreds of thousands of children
[00:08.40] become infected with the AIDS virus every year.
[00:13.02] There boys and girls are born to mothers who have HIV,
[00:18.01] the human immunodeficiency virus.
[00:21.44] Infection takes place during pregnancy
[00:24.79] or from breastfeeding.
[00:27.60] Recently, Scientists identified a protein
[00:32.31] in breast milk that suppresses the virus,
[00:35.97] the protein may even protect babies
[00:39.36] from become infected.
[00:41.72] Now, Experts say the discovery could lead to new ways
[00:46.67] to protect babies whose mothers are infected with HIV.
[00:51.77] To prevent Infection, doctors give Anti-retroviral drugs
[00:57.79] to both mothers and their babies,
[01:00.88] that has greatly reduced the number of infections.
[01:04.84] But experts say that even without anti-AIDS drugs,
[01:10.68] only a small percentage of babies
[01:13.68] become infected through breast milk.
[01:16.63] Sallie Permar is a professor of pediatrics and immunology
[01:22.19] at Duke University in North Carolina.
[01:25.96] She says, breastfeed babies appear to resist infection.
[01:31.71] "It is actually remarkable that despite
[01:34.85] the infant being exposed to the virus multiple times daily
[01:38.29] for up to two years of their life,
[01:41.57] actually only 10 percent of those babies
[01:43.82] will become infected," said Permar.
[01:45.31] The low rate of the infection
[01:47.47] was of great interest to researchers,
[01:50.13] including Sallie Permar.
[01:52.52] She led an effort to identify a substance in breast milk
[01:57.98] that may protect babies from infection.
[02:01.19] Her team directed its attention to a protein
[02:05.24] called Tenacin-C, also called TNC.
[02:10.71] It is known to be involved in the process of healing wounds.
[02:15.62] But what purpose it serves in breast milk is not known.
[02:21.27] The researchers exposed the TNC protein
[02:25.48] from breast milk of uninfected women to HIV,
[02:29.99] the protein linked up to the virus and made it harmless.
[02:34.94] Antiretroviral drugs remain effective
[02:39.04] in limiting the passing of HIV from mother to baby.
[02:44.25] But professor Permar and her team suggest
[02:49.15] the TNC could be used in places
[02:52.65] where costly drug treatments are often not available.
[02:57.66] "The issues are access to the drugs as well as monitoring.
[03:03.16] There are issues of toxicity and anti-retroviral drug resistance.
[03:07.73] And so we think alternative strategies
[03:11.49] may be needed to completely eliminate infant transmission," she Permar.
[03:14.44] She suggests that TNC could be given to babies
[03:20.35] before breastfeeding to provide additional protection against HIV.
[03:27.15] She adds that the protein is safe,
[03:30.59] because it is already in natural part of human milk.
[03:35.10] This may avoid the problem of HIV
[03:38.69] become resisted to Antiretroviral drugs.
[03:42.89] The team reported its findings in the journal
[03:46.65] Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
[03:50.61] And that is the Health Report from VOA Learning English.
[03:55.90] I'm June Simms.
[00:00.00] 美国之声英语学习
[00:02.59] 健康报道
[00:05.48] 每年有成千上万的儿童
[00:08.40] 感染艾滋病病毒
[00:13.02] 这些孩子的生母体内有(these)
[00:18.01] 人类免疫缺陷病毒
[00:21.44] 感染在妊娠或
[00:24.79] 哺乳期发生
[00:27.60] 最近,科学家们鉴别出一种母乳中
[00:32.31] 抑制病毒的蛋白质
[00:35.97] 这种蛋白质可能可以
[00:39.36] 避免婴儿的感染
[00:41.72] 专家表示,这一发现有助于提供
[00:46.67] 保护那些生母为HIV阳性的婴儿的新方式
[00:51.77] 为阻止感染,医生会同时给母亲和孩子
[00:57.79] 抗逆转录病毒药物
[01:00.88] 这一举措大大降低了感染数量
[01:04.84] 但专家说即使没有抗艾滋药物
[01:10.68] 只有一小部分婴儿
[01:13.68] 会通过母乳感染
[01:16.63] 萨莉·帕马是位于北卡罗来纳州杜克大学的
[01:22.19] 一名儿科和免疫学教授
[01:25.96] 她说母乳喂养的婴儿可能不会感染病毒
[01:31.71] “这样的结果很引人注目,尽管
[01:34.85] 婴儿在两岁之前每天都要
[01:38.29] 和病毒接触数次
[01:41.57] 实际上只有百分之十的婴儿
[01:43.82] 会感染上病毒,”帕马教授说。
[01:45.31] 低感染率
[01:47.47] 对包括萨莉在内研究者们来说
[01:50.13] 很有吸引力
[01:52.52] 她领导了鉴别母乳中
[01:57.98] 保护婴儿免受感染的蛋白质的工作
[02:01.19] 她的团队把注意力放在了一种
[02:05.24] 名叫TNC的蛋白质上
[02:10.71] 我们知道它在伤口愈合中发挥作用
[02:15.62] 但它在母乳中的功能还并未发现
[02:21.27] 研究者们将未感染HIV的女性母乳中提取的
[02:25.48] TNC蛋白质与HIV接触
[02:29.99] 结果这种蛋白质和病毒连在一起,让它变得无害
[02:34.94] 抗逆转录病毒药物在
[02:39.04] 限制HIV从母亲传染给儿童方面仍然有效
[02:44.25] 但帕马教授和她的团队认为
[02:49.15] TNC可以用于
[02:52.65] 无法进行昂贵药物治疗的地区
[02:57.66] “现在的问题包括能否获得药物和后续监测,
[03:03.16] 还有毒性和抗逆转录病毒药物的耐药性等问题
[03:07.73] 所以我们认为其他的有效方法
[03:11.49] 可以用于永久消除婴儿时期的传染。”
[03:14.44] 她认为,TNC可以在婴儿进行母乳喂养前使用
[03:20.35] 以提供额外的抵抗HIV感染的保护
[03:27.15] 她还说该蛋白质是安全的
[03:30.59] 因为它已经是人类母乳的自然成分
[03:35.10] 这可以避免HIV对抗逆转录病毒药物
[03:38.69] 形成耐药性的问题
[03:42.89] 帕马的团队把他们的发现发表在
[03:46.65] 美国国家科学院院刊上
[03:50.61] 美国之声英语学习之健康报道
[03:55.90] 我是郡·西姆斯
HIV 歌词
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