Polio Virus in the Pakistani city of Peshawar

Polio Virus in the Pakistani city of Peshawar 歌词

歌曲 Polio Virus in the Pakistani city of Peshawar
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专辑 VOA慢速英语:健康报道
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[00:00.00] From VOA Learning English,
[00:02.34] this is the Health Report.
[00:05.02] The World Health Organization has declared
[00:08.68] the Pakistani city of Peshawar the world's
[00:11.92] "largest reservoir" of endemic polio virus.
[00:16.86] And WHO officials fear Pakistanis
[00:20.70] could face travel restrictions
[00:23.56] unless steps are taken immediately
[00:25.58] to stop the disease from spreading.
[00:28.38] Researchers studied all the cases of
[00:31.35] poliomyelitis in Pakistan last year.
[00:34.51] The researchers found that almost every case
[00:38.05] could be linked genetically to the polio virus
[00:41.70] often reported in Peshawar.
[00:44.14] They added that all test samples
[00:47.28] collected from different parts of the city
[00:49.96] have shown the presence of the highly infections virus.
[00:54.46] Polio mainly affects children under 5 years of age.
[00:58.75] The virus is passed through food or water.
[01:02.55] The virus reproduces in the body
[01:05.79] and later invades the nerve system.
[01:08.75] The disease can sometimes lead to paralysis
[01:12.77] with loss of muscle control in part of the body.
[01:16.67] The WHO study found that 90 percent of Pakistan's Polio cases
[01:23.10] could be linked to the virus in Peshawar.
[01:26.43] In addition, 12 of the 13 polio cases in Afghanistan
[01:31.77] were also linked to the city.
[01:34.46] Elias Durry serves as the WHO's emergency coordinator
[01:40.55] for polio in Pakistan.
[01:42.87] He says local officials need to take urgent action
[01:47.32] to strengthen vaccination campaigns.
[01:49.93] He says the situation in Peshawar not only threatens
[01:54.61] the gains Pakistan has made against Polio,
[01:58.18] but could also harm international efforts to stop the disease.
[02:04.10] "Unless the polio eradication program in Pakistan
[02:06.49] is able to curtail the transmission in Peshawar,
[02:09.72] the expansion of the viruses to other places will not stop.
[02:13.45] So, it is critical that Peshawar,
[02:15.48] the way it is behaving now,
[02:17.71] really be able to find ways of interrupting these transmissions
[02:22.66] that have been consistent throughout the years," said Durry.
[02:26.09] He also noted an increase in deadly attacks
[02:30.41] on vaccination campaign workers
[02:32.87] in and around Peshawar and in other areas.
[02:36.96] Taliban militants often attack polio workers in Pakistan.
[02:42.86] The militants accuse them of being American spies
[02:46.91] or part of a plot to keep Muslims from having babies.
[02:52.17] Most of the attacks have taken place in Peshawar
[02:55.77] because the city is close to the country's tribal districts.
[02:59.83] Extremist groups have bases in those areas.
[03:04.20] Elias Durry did not reject the possibility of other countries
[03:09.33] ordering travel and visa restrictions on Pakistan
[03:13.56] if there is no quick improvement in the situation.
[03:17.03] In neighboring India, no polio cases have been reported
[03:22.42] for the past 3 years.
[03:25.36] Starting this month, all visitors to India from Pakistan
[03:30.00] are required to show a record of their polio vaccination.
[03:35.06] And that's the Health Report from VOA Learning English.
[00:00.00] 美国之声英语学习
[00:02.34] 健康报道
[00:05.02] 世界卫生组织宣布
[00:08.68] 巴基斯坦的城市白沙瓦是世界
[00:11.92] 最大的脊髓灰质炎病毒库
[00:16.86] 卫生组织官员担心巴基斯坦人
[00:20.70] 会遭到出行方面的限制
[00:23.56] 除非立刻采取行动
[00:25.58] 防止疾病传播
[00:28.38] 研究者研究了去年巴基斯坦
[00:31.35] 所有脊髓灰质炎病例
[00:34.51] 他们发现几乎每例
[00:38.05] 都可能与大部分在白沙瓦发现的
[00:41.70] 脊髓灰质炎病毒有基因联系
[00:44.14] 他们还说,所有从该城市各地区收集的
[00:47.28] 测试样本
[00:49.96] 均显示具有强传染性病毒的存在(infectious)
[00:54.46] 脊髓灰质炎主要发病人群是五岁以下的儿童
[00:58.75] 病毒通过食物或水传播
[01:02.55] 病毒在体内繁殖
[01:05.79] 随后侵袭神经系统
[01:08.75] 该病有时会导致
[01:12.77] 无法控制部分肌肉的瘫痪
[01:16.67] 卫生组织的研究发现90%的巴基斯坦骨髓灰质炎病例
[01:23.10] 与在白沙瓦的病毒相关
[01:26.43] 此外,阿富汗13例病例中
[01:31.77] 有12例亦与该城相关
[01:34.46] 伊利亚斯·迪里是世界卫生组织在巴基斯坦
[01:40.55] 骨髓灰质炎的紧急事件协调员
[01:42.87] 他说当地官员需要紧急采取措施
[01:47.32] 加强接种疫苗的宣传
[01:49.93] 在白沙瓦的病毒不仅威胁到
[01:54.61] 巴基斯坦抵御该病的成果
[01:58.18] 还可能伤害国际上预防此病的努力
[02:04.10] “除非巴基斯坦根除脊髓灰质炎的项目
[02:06.49] 能够减少病毒在白沙瓦的传播
[02:09.72] 病毒会继续扩张到其他地区
[02:13.45] 所以就白沙瓦
[02:15.48] 目前情况来说
[02:17.71] 重要的是当地能找到阻碍
[02:22.66] 近几年不断的病毒传播的方式,“迪里说。
[02:26.09] 他还提到在白沙瓦城内和周围以及其他地区
[02:30.41] 疫苗接种宣传活动工作者
[02:32.87] 受到致命攻击次数的上升
[02:36.96] 巴基斯坦的塔利班士兵经常攻击这些脊髓灰质炎工作者
[02:42.86] 士兵认为他们是美国人的间谍
[02:46.91] 或者是阻止穆斯林人生育的阴谋的一部分
[02:52.17] 大部分攻击发生在白沙瓦
[02:55.77] 因为该城市离巴基斯坦部落地区很近
[02:59.83] 极端组织在这些地区设有基地
[03:04.20] 伊利亚斯·迪里没有否认,如果情况没有快速改善
[03:09.33] 其他国家会要求对巴基斯坦
[03:13.56] 限制出境和签证发放的可能性
[03:17.03] 在邻国印度,过去三年
[03:22.42] 无一例脊髓灰质炎在案
[03:25.36] 从本月开始,所有从巴基斯坦到印度的访客
[03:30.00] 都将被要求出示脊髓灰质炎疫苗接种记录
[03:35.06] 美国之声健康报道
Polio Virus in the Pakistani city of Peshawar 歌词
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